#iwaizumi hajime fake texts
oniku-niku · 2 years
➢ Your Sibling Stole Your Phone
↳ Daichi Sawamura | Kyotani Kentaro | Bokuto Koutaro | Iwaizumi Hajime | Kuroo Tetsuro | Matsukawa Issei Warnings} One bare back photo
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[Blog Master List]
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6okuto · 3 months
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gn!reader | vry short but Happy Birthday Iwaizumi Hajime (30) Athletic Trainer 😭😭🩷🩷🩷
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“get ready to make a wish,” you quietly sing-song as you attempt to use the wand lighter in your hand.
hajime takes a deep breath, twisting the bracelet around his wrist as he walks around the counter to reach you. “don’t think i have one.”
“oh, come on, you have to want something. actually i know you want something- i saw you eyeing that hoodie a while ago.”
“can i wish for that now that you know?”
“i don’t know, though. just don’t tell me when you actually blow out the candles.”
the wicks’ flames flicker to life, small lights on a similarly small cake you bought at the grocery store on your way home. there'd be a bigger one later, you're sure—his friends and teammates wouldn't let his birthday pass without celebration. but everyone's schedules lined up best on the weekend, so today, june 10th, was yours alone to share.
you're making sure the candles aren’t slanted when an arm wraps around your waist. a chaste kiss is planted on your cheek, pulling your attention from the cake to the sickeningly handsome face and soft smile beside you.
you press a kiss of your own to hajime’s lips and smile back. “hello there.”
“hey.” he looks at the hastily written “hajime day! <3” on top of the cake. “hajime day?”
“mhm, it’s your day, so sit.”
snaking out of his hold, you pull the closest chair and gently push him into it. your boyfriend softly chuckles, but lets you maneuver him in front of the cake.
your own chair scrapes against the kitchen tile as you sit next to him. “’kay, ready?”
hajime raises a brow. “for what—”
you clap your hands. “happy birthday to you—”
“oh, babe—”
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear hajime,” you drag out the last vowel and lean in close, grabbing his hand in yours. “happy birthday to you.”
red tints the birthday boy’s ears and cheeks, and his lips wobble between a smile and fake grimace as you grin. “wish time!"
you squeeze his hand and tease, “i won't be offended if you wish for the hoodie and not eternal happiness with me, just so you know.”
he snorts. “thanks for your kindness.”
a comfortable quiet fills your home as hajime looks down at the cake—the slightly bigger eye of the smiley face, and wobbly ‘3’ of the text heart—then the rest of the kitchen where your matching mugs hang, and the calendar has today circled and starred in bright red.
and then he looks at you, still smiling as you wait for him to think of something he could possibly want more than coming home to you,
and there isn't anything, really.
(at least not until saturday when he's sure his team will tell him to wish for win after win this season.)
so he blows out the candles, and rubs the back of your hand still holding onto his, and even if he doesn't tell you what he wished for, he thinks you both know it anyway.
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“okay, i know you probably wished for eternal happiness with me or whatever, but just in case you wished for the hoodie—” you stand up and speed walk to the couch.
hajime blinks. “are you serious?”
he hears the sound of a gift bag before he sees it.
“it was supposed to be like, ‘ooh, look, the magic of a birthday wish!’”
“did you wish for the hoodie, and be honest because i can still do the joke—”
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gardenialver · 2 months
School Festival
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synopsis - them going to see you at the school fair
pairing - keiji akaashi, hajime iwaizumi, tooru oikawa
content - reader is fem, I'm sorry I'm working on a gn reader I promise, Oikawa's a little cocky, second hand embarrassment slightly, mentions of infections, I may or may not have stolen the plot of hsm 3 in one of them, the schools I mention in here are fake, fluffy fluffy
Keiji Akaashi
You had told him that since it would be you two's last high school festival he absolutely had to come see you, of course he already was but this made him anticipate it the slightest bit more.
Seemingly the drama clubs booth was the most spoken of, making the boy a little nervous. He'd go back and forth from his phone, waiting for you to message him and despite Keiji's often cool demeanor, the moment he received a text from you, he stood up with so much energy and speed the chair fell, the impact causing everyone else in the room to jump.
The setter ran out of his class to the school's gymnasium, only stopping at a gray plastic table, a cloth with the school's colours draped over it, 'Senior Year: American Style'
The first years sat behind the table smiled at the volleyball team captain, "Hello, Akaashi-san, 50 yen please?" Smiling, Keiji began to regain his breath as he took out the coin. They traded the coin for a ticket, "We gave you a discount, only Ikari-san is inside" they winked, referring to the drummer's boyfriend.
Looking at the array of chairs, the boy immediately took a seat close to the front, right in front of the orchestra and right in front of center stage. Looking to the side, the drummer's boyfriend smiled and greeted him, returning the gesture, Keiji listened to the announcement that followed, allowing the entire school to know to gather in the gymnasium for the drama club's festival wrap up performance.
Thankfully for Keiji, most people had already been anticipating the performance and the gymnasium was almost full within 7 minutes of the announcement. The number of people was often the queue for the orchestra to begin setting up and that they did.
Keiji had memorized the timing of performances after 3 years of attending them. After 4 minutes, the lighting settled, a single spotlight aiming at the pianist who introduced the musicians with a wave of each arm to each side.
As they sat down and began to play a few notes, the performance had finally started. With a soft and serene melody, the pianist and choreographer introduced the musical, that was until a second year dressed in a referee outfit blew a whistle.
A basketball hoop, soccer net, volleyball net, and scoreboard, were lowered, the audience immediately began clapping for the cheerleaders who came out. They cheered for the Fukurodani sports teams, the atmosphere becoming slightly tense, as if they were at a real game.
And as if the crowd wasn't already excited enough, members of both girls and boys teams of Fukurodani came out, the audience now standing and clapping, cheering for the members of the teams out, Keiji scoffed at the sight of Anahori and Wataru also there dancing, still clapping for them nonetheless.
The fun atmosphere was upheld for the next few performances, one of them being of the choreographer being twirled around by other second years and first years in pink wigs.
Keiji's eyes peeked down at the pamphlet, getting his phone out to film your performance, camera pointed at the stage, instead a boy spun out of the prop windows.
Another voice sang but from the other side of the gymnasium, and there you were, a little flower-patterned sundress on, elegantly bouncing and twirling your way towards the stage, winking as you caught eye contact with your boyfriend.
Stepping into the orchestra, you begun to play around with pianist and musicians, your boyfriend shaking his head with a smile at your childish behaviour.
Your way onto the stage was by climbing the tree prop, the boy's face leaning close to yours, that was until he walked in the other direction of the prop patio, the two of you playfully taking little steps and glances at each other, your glances making eye contact with Keiji every now and then.
Despite the fact that you and the boy were supposed to be romantic interests in the musical, Keiji could only focus on your voice, how perfectly melodious it was, and the way your sundress would float around your legs, just as it would when you would twirl to show your outfits to him.
The two of you danced around stage and while you sang lyrics about only wanting to be with the boy, your mind was on Keiji, and every other moment so were your eyes.
The rest of the senior cast also made their way behind the prop clear door, some of them sticking their faces out, and as you sung the lyrics "cause we'll always be together" while being spun by the boy, the rest of the cast joined you.
You held onto the guards of the patio, facing the audience while the boy had opened the doors for the rest of the cast to enter, with the lighting, Keiji smiled softly as your eyes glassed over.
The first one to greet you was your best friend and Keiji was of course impressed as you managed to hold your tone and pitch as you hugged her close, you spun around the patio, hugging the choreographer, bumping hips with the cheerleader you would eat lunch with.
Two athletes picked you up, spinning you around and coming close to kiss your cheeks, a grin encasing your face, Keiji's heart warm at your reactions, Anahori had wrapped his arms around you from behind, your hands going up to his arms and leaning side to side with him.
As he let go you came face to face with the boy and he gave you a bouquet. Your shoulder leaned into him and he pressed a kiss to your forehead, that was when Keiji finally realized that the boy was your childhood pen pal.
You continued to sing, this time harmonizing, your voice clear and loud, Keiji had wished someone recorded your microphone when you sang the next few lines because your voice simply sounded the epitome of beauty.
Keiji had got up and started clapping, one of his only moments of extraversion in contrast to his usual recluded personality, your eyes going to him with a smile, a smile that you would only use with him and he returned it, the rest of the crowd quickly followed his actions.
Pulling out a flower, you tossed it down to the pianist, blowing a kiss at them, the two of you slightly teary-eyed at each other. As the song came to an end, a wild round of applause greeted you. With a sigh and a smile you ushered people off the stage, one of the second years running in front of the closing curtains with a sign that read 'intermission'
Not having noticed this before, Keiji's body was stiff, having watched his girlfriend's performance closely, he allowed his body to relax and awaited the curtains to open again.
A bright light made him take out his phone, 'curtain opens in a minute ;P' and as promised the second year came out again, taking the sign, "Curtains open in 30 seconds" He projected before running back in.
This time a more upbeat melody took over, 4 senior boys sang about not wanting to swear suits, it then transitioned over to 4 girls, you being one of them. You spun around holding a dress to your body. As the song progressed Keiji couldn't help but be impressed at the choreographers attention to detail.
The consistent changes in levels between the two sides, Keiji had never been to prom and only had a loose understanding of it from American movies but it sounded as if you'd be pampered and pretty and he enjoyed both of those.
The stage turned around and Keiji smiled at the small sight of you running off to change your costume. When the stage turned back around, the boy's eyes widened at how quick this costume change was.
Thin wooden house props were shown with a boy in front of each one, the only other feature being a small square piece that was cut from the top of each house to look like a window.
Each window frame was aggressively opened with the doorbell sound effect and Keiji had to cough to cover up his snort, the action receiving many looks from around him.
Even though there was a small moment of humour, seeing you dressed up in a very glam style was incredibly fulfilling to him. He watched amazed as always at the full stage, other cast members dancing around synchronized, it was hard to believe you were all only high schoolers.
And when the number ended Keiji chuckled at the number of students scampering off stage, specifically third years. The curtain had reopened very slowly this time, a low, soft harmonizing from the juniors up front, clad in white graduation gowns.
Cheers erupted at the sight, "Ladies and gentlemen, our seniors," The head theatre club teacher introduced, 8 of you walking to the front, differentiated by black and gold gowns. You stood lined up to his seat.
The teacher began to reveal the recipents of the top music school's scholarships, joking around with other students that had passed until the attention had landed on you.
"Now I believe a graduate who has a decision to make, Ms. [Last Name]," With a sharp exhale you stepped up the stage, only a few centimeters away from the edge.
"I've chosen music and dance," Cheers erupted, Keiji smiling up at you, "But I've also chosen archery, the Central Tokyo University offers me both. But most importantly I've chosen the person who inspires my heart,"
Throwing a pink rose at your boyfriend from the stage you pointed a hand at him, "Only 12 kilometers away from you, Akaashi Keiji, captain of the Fukurodani boys volleyball team, Atama University, Literature, Psychology, and Art Management,"
Applause headed through out and your often level-headed lover was now sinking slightly into their chair, hiding their face while maintaining eye contact with you. The wildest grin on his face and when the show was finally over, he was the one to smother you before you could leap into him.
As the two of you embraced each other he kissed your temple, "Thank you, thank you so much [Name]," You giggle into him, the fabric of your graduation gown making you slide down. "Of course Keiji"
Hajime Iwaizumi
You and your boyfriend stared at each other in disbelief. "Babe what the eff is going on?" He looked at you with an equally confused expression, "I don't know either,"
Behind the two of you laid a background of pink, hearts blooming everywhere and a large arch, bold letters glaring at both you and anyone who cared to watch, 'Aoba Johsai's Couple Contest" It read and you felt your eye twitch.
Since the floral club was fairly small apparently they had banded with the volleyball club to volunteer the two of you for the contest. While Hajime glared at Oikawa, you sent one to your club exec she gave you a sorry look with prayer hands, taking out her phone and showing it to you with large font on her screen.
'I'M SO SORRY [NICKNAME]-CHAN THE PRIZE WAS A 5000 YEN GIFT CARD FOR THE CLUB AND A PAID CLUB DINNER' Your eyes remained on her, lifeless and burning holes into her. Turning her phone, her thumbs frantically wrote one more thing.
'THE WINNING COUPLE GETS A 70 000 YEN GIFT CARD TO EVERY DEPARTMENT STORE IN MIYAGI AND 10 FREE TICKETS TO ANY BOOTH HERE' reading that part you straightened up and sent a reluctant thumbs up, the members of your club sighing with a hand to their chests'.
The volleyball club however didn't seem to have as much luck with their vice-captain who was mouthing curses and shaking his fists at them. Gently placing a hand on his bicep "Hey babe, if we win we get to have a chicken and burger party, and a 70 000 yen gift card to every department store in Sendai, and also get to go to 10 booths for free, I could get that ducky plushie I saw."
His brows furrowed at first but then nodded, your eyes sparkling at the thought of going shopping and the duck you had gotten attached to. He nodded with pursed lips, "Ok, we'll do it, let's do our best ok?" You nodded with a smile.
He leaned in towards your head before being aware of his surroundings and taking a step back, the volleyball boys making teasing noises at him.
You could see his veins popping and stopped him with an arm, turning to the boys you looked at them with a smile. A smile that wasn't persay necessarily kinda, moreso 'do you want to know what happens if you continue to act like monkeys?'
Shuddering they took a step back, bowing at you. Before anything else could occur, the announcer took place, "Welcome everyone to the Aoba Johsai couple contest, the winning couple will win a meal for their club, 5000 yen, a 70 000 yen gift card to every department store in Sendai, and 10 tickets to all booths at our annual school festival!"
Cheers rang out and you and Hajime turned around to the other couples, staring at each other jaw-dropped at the sights around you. High school couples were cuddling each other, exchanging kisses and leaning on each other. To say the least both of you were shocked at their shameless PDA.
"O-oh sh-should we or?" You asked confused if you two should be following their lead, awkwardly the two of you tried to hug, your arm sort of flailing around each other and rotating a few times. Out of embarrassment you just shook hands with thumbs up as if you just contracted to be a brand ambassador.
Your clumsiness in public romance however was saved by the MC "Our first event will be the all time favourite bridal style endurance challenge, our contestants will carry their partners in a wedding style fashion for 5 minutes, if they drop their partner they will be eliminated"
The big timer on the screen began to countdown 10 seconds and you stretched your legs slightly getting ready for them to be slightly cramped. At the beep you were scooped up and just like before you had blank faces, your hands covering your face out of self-consciousness.
Hajime was narrating for you, "The basketball team and chess club lost, the poetry club as well, actually they lasted longer than I thought they would, their legs were shaking the entire time."
"The mechanics club, actually the camping club just lost, I thought they would've won since you know they're always carrying equipment, oh they just started fat shaming each other, the light rock band is doing pretty good, so is the soccer team, the fencing club, and the theater club is doing well. The home economics club is shaking but they're still in-"
Your boyfriend was cut off by the MC "Come on volleyball club, floral arrangements club, show some more love!" You felt your eye twitch and with a shaky smile you made a finger heart Hajime snorted at.
"Stop this is so embarrassing where is that gift card, I wanna go home." "I'm actually enjoying this dear," He teased and you groaned into your hands.
A beep signaled that the event was over. "Congratulations to the soccer club, volleyball and floral adjacent, theater club, debate team, home ec, and light rock band for remaining, now we'll have a representative from each couple come and pick a mystery bag.
Waiting for everyone to pick a bag you took the last one and scurried over to Hajime, opening it, the two of you stared at what was in it, both of your heads tilting.
The light rock club raised their hands and went in. "Tiaras, gloves, earrings, ooh scepter, rings, necklaces, which colour do you want?" Squinting at the contents of the bag, then to the screen, then to Oikawa he sighed, "Uh, the blue one? I don't think purple suits me." You nodded, separating the two colours so it'd be easier to put on.
"OUR FIRST COUPLE IS RETURNING, COUPLE WITH BAG NUMBER TWO PLEASE GO TO THE ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB." The debate team went to the back of stage and you and Hajime whispered to each other on what poses you would do, "Heart" "Heart, kiss?"
You pursed your lips, unsure if you'd be comfortable with that much PDA, "Ok kiss on cheek, confetti," His brows furrowed, unsure if it would be too messy. For some reason the debate team came out pretty quickly, satisfied looks on their faces. "Oh" You two shared, assuming the worst.
"OUR THIRD COUPLE" The soccer club and manager began to go in, smirking at you two as you stood cluelessly and just as they disappeared the boy who's name you couldn't remember for the life of you sliced his neck and stuck out his tongue at Hajime.
You made a question mark with your fingers and he shrugged although you could see a vein of his popping out. Gently reaching out to his hand you patted it, similar to how a grandma would after giving you candy.
The theater club went in and you two followed as they exited. "[Last name]-senpai," "Oh Chiyo-chan?" You questioned at your kouhai, "I'm helping with the art club, I designed the frames," Laughing endearingly at her enthusiasm, you ruffled her hair. "That's pretty cool Chiyo, do you think you could make confetti and throw it on us for the last photo," She threw a thumbs up at you and you pressed your thumb to hers.
"Iwaizumi-san, [Lastname]-san-" "Stop being so formal Takahiro" You warned, Hajime leaning against your hand as he tried to grab at his teammate.
He simply stuck his tongue out at your boyfriend before turning to you, "You two can choose from 4 frames and 6 frames, you can choose your frame design with [Name]'s kouhai, we'll give you 3 minutes to get ready since you guys have the most intricate costume, I'll buy you ramen after this Iwaizumi," He apologized and left to talk with the photographer.
Taking out the tiara from the bag you placed it on your crouched boyfriend's head, giggling at him, "You look very pretty my love" You teased and he rolled his eyes, clasping the plastic necklace on you. Having gotten used to you constantly adjusting your hair, he brushed it away with fingers and placed the purple tiara on your head, you clipped the earrings to him.
Almost done you passed him blue gloves and began to wear purple ones. Both of you holding onto plastic scepters with your respective colours in the middle of hearts.
You gave your boyfriend a little twirl, touching your scepter to his, "You look cute" He commented, tipping your tiara back in place. "Ok couple 5 how many frames would you like, 6 ok please stand on the X marked in front of the camera" You snickered at Hajime's face when Hanamaki had answered for the two of you without even looking.
"WAIT IWAIZUMI WHAT ARE YOU WEARING" He began chortling at the sight of the tough volleyball vice captain in a blue gemmed tiara and earrings. It came to an end though when you threw the bag at his face, "Shut it Takahiro," "Sorry ma'am, no wonder you two got together" He muttered at your violence.
The first two photos were the given heart hands hugging, his cheek pressed close to yours as you both spelled the camera. He then leaned in to kiss your cheek, his ears tinged red and you laughed at his reaction, your arms hanging off of his shoulders.
As a joke you pretended to propose with the little blue heart ring and he faked surprise. In the next photo the two of you were showing off your heart rings to the camera.
And as per to your request Chiyo threw confetti, well cut up pieces of tissue paper, at the two of you as Hajime spun you. Hanamaki whispered something to cameraman who was also pink in the face, having been talking to the club member next to him about how this was the type of stuff to only be shown in romance mangas or dramas.
"We're gonna go for 4 more extra photos in case you want to replace any." Hajime sent a thumbs up to Hanamaki as you were trying to clean up the confetti with a random broom.
Kicking the broom away, your boyfriend grabbed you by your legs and you held onto his chest to steady yourself, your other sceptered hand holding onto your tiara, a surprised expression on your face and a grin on his.
After calming down you asked Hanamaki for any plushy and the camera man offered a dog plush he won at a booth. Kicking your boyfriend away you placed the dog plush on the floor after doing a lot of wiping on it and pretended to use magic on it.
Returning it you dragged your boyfriend back into frame, pointing your wand at him this time and he kissed your forehead. Bending he motioned for you to get on, he piggy backed you, the soles of your shoes pointed at the camera and so was the wand, however, you kissed Hajime's cheek this time, one of his hands squishing your cheeks mockingly.
Jumping off you ran over to Chiyo while Hanamaki, the cameraman, and the cameraman's friend clapped for a blushing Iwaizumi. "Did they come out ok Chiyo?" You asked, your cheeks warm as the realization of what happened coming back to you.
"Sorry senpai, I kinda chose everything for you since I know you so well," Quirking an eyebrow at her you motioned for her to at least show you the frame designs. Scrolling on her tablet you complimented her skills.
"Oh this one's pretty Chichi," You pointed to a frame with pink, blue, and purple mixing while ribbons, hearts, and flowers were scattered around. "See I told you I know what you like senpai," Rolling your eyes you patted her back, "You did well, thanks for your hard work Chiyo," She wrapped her arms around your waist, "Anything to witness romance up close"
You rolled your eyes, taking off everything except for the tiara, Hajime was doing the same thing except he kept the ring, "We're married now I have to show people that," You furrowed your brows but went along with it, keeping yours.
Now that you were all finished, a few of the other couples kept their accessories on, a few with matching headbands and sunglasses. "NOW THAT OUR LAST COUPLE HAS RETURNED LET'S START WITH OUR VOTING, WHILE OUR COUPLES WERE BUSY DOING THE MISSION WE HANDED OUT CLICKERS. WHEN YOU WANT TO VOTE JUST CLICK THE BUTT. ON, YOU CAN ONLY VOTE TWICE,"
You sort of zoned everything out, simply staring at the screen rather than the audience. The first couple had matching bunny headbands, the second had matching berets and just as you assumed they were doing too much and Hajime's hand went to cover your eyes.
"Oh Lord," You heard him mutter at the screen change, apparently the Soccer team had Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde hats on and the audience loved it but they did kinda makeout at one point and so Hajime's hands remained over your eyes.
The other couples passed and you could finally see what was on the screen, it actually wasn't bad. Sure it was fun but you assumed they wouldn't turn out that great given you had been mostly goofing off together.
It was actually really cute and you marveled at how happy the two of you appeared. When it was official voting time after everyone was presented, you received printed copies of your photos. The 'extra' photos you had taken in case the others weren't the best were put into a larger 4 framed film. You smiled at them, "Hajime you look really handsome here" You pointed out where he was grinning at your surprised expression.
He smiled and nudged you, "Look it's a princess" He pointed to you changing him from a dog to a human. You pouted embarrassed before the photography club returned to take the photos to put in a bag for when you'd leave.
"Well then our audience has voted and the three couples that will stay are, in third place, the theater club with their matching sunglasses, in second place the volleyball club florist club adjacent who's chemistry we got to finally see, and in first place is our soccer club with their matching character hats. Other teams please exit through the back where the art and photography club will hand you participation bags.
You stood with your boyfriend, teetering back and forth trying to entertain yourself, the soccer club had looked at the two of you cockily but you just looked at them confused.
Your boyfriend held your forearm, "Babe try not to get greedy and eat all of it," You stuck your tongue out at him but agreed. As a student came to give you a pocky stick you thanked them and placed it in Hajime's mouth who's hands were placed behind his back.
With a hand covering your mouth you giggled at how he looked, pushing him down with your shoulder to match your height. "Ok everyone is ready BEGIN"
You held onto his shoulder, your ring clad hand holding his face, "STOP CHEWING" Hajime yelled at you and you rolled your eyes. "Do vou shink dish ish shamll enough" "Nor go a litle more" Your lips grazed and suddenly you frowned, "Eughh I von't vant to do PDA" You complained, before moving forward and biting.
You dropped the remaining biscuit in your hand, it could've honestly been mistaken for a crumb rather than the remanent of this challenge. The MC made their way to you, measuring it before giving up.
They went to the soccer couple before going back to you, "THE WINNER OF THE AOBA JOHSAI SCHOOL FESTIVAL CLUB COUPLE CONTEST IS THE VOLLEYBALL FLORIST ADJACENT CLUB" Cheers rang out from where the volleyball players were and you put the crumb back in your mouth.
"Really?" You simply shrugged before leaning into him, "Thanks Hajime but I'm never doing this again." A few students came up to the two of you, placing a sash over your shoulders and giving you clear files with the yen for the clubs, the gift cards, the meal party tickets, and tickets for the festivals booths.
You smiled at the gift card before smiling at your boyfriend, receiving a bag to place everything in, you looked at the participation and winner awards, two packs of pocky in each, a bottle of banana milk, your photos from earlier and a larger framed one as well as a few polaroids of that moment, and an Aoba Johsai test notebook.
"What is this?" You asked holding it up, but Hajime shrugged, grabbing your hand in his, "Come on I'll win the duck plush for you, it has a partner apparently" You giggled at his enthusiasm, walking away with him, the tiara and scepter were put in the bags for you to take home but the rings were still sitting on both of your ring fingers.
Tooru Oikawa
"Ok so just let it dry for 3 more minutes and it should be ok just don't touch it for 5 minutes from now ok? Our class pres has some candy when you exit so just tell her which one you want." You waved the girl at your station off, to be fair you were the only one really working at your class' attraction, of course everyone else was doing what they could but unfortunately you were the only one who could paint.
You began disinfecting the brushes you just used, even if everyone you met didn't have it, you were scared of being liable for passing on ringworm in any way. You dried the last set of brushes for your next client? As the curtain was pushed open you greeted the next student without looking, "Hello," This time a more masculine voice greeted you.
"Would you like anything to eat or drink," You smiled at him, "Dou you have any electrolytes?" He asked and you pulled a few from the cooler beside you, "We have grapes, citrus, white peach, guava, and strawberry lemonade." "Can I have a white peach?"
You put the rest back and popped open the bottle, placed a straw and placed it in front of him. Grabbing a book you opened it to let him know what options he had, "We have flowery and butterfly like designs here, character and animal designs, smaller ones, fantasy like ones, ones that resemble tattoos, more makeup like ones."
Flipping through them he quirked his lips while you took out a few palettes and add-ons. "Could you free-hand but with this style?" You looked and nodded, "Do you want to add anything else, we have metallic paints, pearls, gems, glitter, and shells."
"Just surprise me, all the girls have been raving about your work so," You nodded and began to activate the paint. Passing him a headband you pointed to his bangs and he slipped it on. "Is there any part of your face you're uncomfortable with being touched?" "I'm fine with anything but lips, I'd rather yours touch those."
You stared at him confused, eyes going back and forth between your paint and his face, "Um, huh?" Embarrassed he hid his face, "NOTHING I AM SO SORRY," Awkwardly you patted his shoulder, "Um I need you to look up to you know paint your face."
He looked up with a red face, not knowing what to do with the complexion change you held a hand-held fan up to him to try and cool him, offering the drink as well. "I'm so sorry please continue,"
You nodded and dipped a sponge in a blue, green, and turquoise, wiping the excess on the back of your hand, you diluted it and then began to pat on his face, holding the back of his jaw with two fingers. Going over his eyes, his nose bridge, over his eyebrows, and lower to his cheeks.
Dabbing it, you dipped a new sponge into orange, purple, pink, and yellow and dabbed it in smaller portions with more saturation. Satisfied you took out a brush and dipped it in white, holding onto his face as you carved out parts of his face with intricate lining, the corner of your lip bit in concentration.
Fluttering his eyes open while you worked on his forehead he stared at you. He wasn't completely sure who you were, you were often in the art room during break periods, he'd see you running in the halls with a half tied ribbon hanging off your neck, some sort of new colour in your hair.
The proximity caused his ears to blush, your lips were right above him, your delicate fingers gently brushing his cheeks as you'd move his face and his eyes shut close again, what he couldn't tell was that you were also slightly flustered.
You were so close to the boy you could smell his shampoo which was honestly slightly distracting because it was a bit strong but you could tell it was at least not a 5 in 1.
Tucking your hair behind your ear you exhaled through your nose as you finally got all the tiny detailed lines out of the way. "Would you like something to eat?" "Uh, yeah on the sweeter side." "Is hard candy ok?"
And he gave a thumbs up while is eyes remained closed. Tearing the wrapper you held the candy by his lips and pushed it, your fingers just lightly grazing his lips, nonchalantly throwing the wrapper away and returning to your work.
"Um, is it ok if you pass me the white peach, I'm sorry I'm thirsty," "No it's alright." And as your sorted through the gems and pearls you held the straw up to his lip and flustered Oikawa drank, opening one of his eyes to see what was happening.
You were holding the drink in one hand for him and again focused, it was kind of endearing for him, you were so committed to your craft and expressions of concentration made him want to smother you in affection which didn't make much sense for the boy, you two barely know each other so why did he feel like if he got up he'd trip over himself.
"Ok I'm almost done, thank you for being so patient, I just have to add last minute details. Rubbing some highlighter on your middle finger, you applied it on the parts you wanted to be focused, under the eyes and where the background colour was heaviest.
You then stuck the pearls and pale blue gems under his eyes. Taking off his headband, you fixed his hair and held up a mirror, staring at him, waiting for his reaction.
He stared at his reflection, the mix of colour in the background looked like light radiating off onto him and the intricate lines ontop replicated a soft image of wings but the bottom of each wing sort of faded and blurred and spiraled almost like mist, the shimmer brought attention back to his eyes and so did the small gems, almost as if he were the personification of a sea maiden or the beautiful goddesses told in the stories his older sister used to tell him.
"Woah, how much does this cost," "It's free since it's a school event" You winked with your tongue sticking out of your lips slightly at the corners and a thumbs up. Grabbing a tissue he wrote something down ferociously, "Please let me repay you then, you can choose where to go as well,"
"It's a date" You winked before folding it carefully but as you were about to give him instructions about what to do after so it wouldn't smudge he disappeared. As you felt the small bump in your pocket you slumped in your chair, steam radiating off of your flustered figure.
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calllamander · 2 years
Dating Iwaizumi Hajime 
iwaizumi hajime who has dimples that cut deep into his cheeks when he laughs which is actually pretty often even though he has a truly horrific snorting laugh which he hates and which bursts out of him all the time.
iwaizumi hajime who literally cannot not laugh even when he’s biting his cheek like crazy and has to fake coughing fits in every school assembly.
iwaizumi hajime who always fills up your water bottle and takes your pink litre coffee cup with matching straw to the gym because he thinks it’s cute and he lost his own bottle.
iwaizumi hajime who has glasses he’s supposed to wear and a retainer he’s supposed to wear and who in reality wears neither because
iwaizumi hajime is the most forgetful responsible - person you’ve ever met and is chronically late to everything unless it’s meeting you because he reasons that it’ll ‘be fine’ even when you’re waiting for the train half an hour after you were meant to be there
iwaizumi hajime who sneaks into school trip locations just to say hi to you from across the gallery and pass you take away coffee he bought from the cafe outside
iwaizumi hajime trying desperately hard not to comment on your halloween costume even though it makes him slightly feral because he ‘respects women dammit’ and drapes his own grandpa cardigan over you more and more aggressively the drunker he gets
iwaizumi hajime who is always the guy in the corner with a beer watching you dance and is always ready to ditch a party in favour of getting takeout and the night bus home
iwaizumi hajime who is such an unobtrusive kind of loving: the kind where he absorbs all your harsh edges and choreographs his way around you in the morning round your tiny sink and fusses over which brand of bread to buy at the super market
and iwaizumi hajime who will run around the park in the rain howling like a wild thing and barrelling into you, hair dripping into his eyes, this wild boy with his sharp white teeth and deep, deep brown eyes
iwaizumi hajime who will build you a relationship full of inside jokes and fond irritation and constant texting about picking up loo roll on his way home.
iwaizumi who looks fantastic in a suit
iwaizumi who is scared of needles
iwaizumi who will always be thinking of you
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
We All Have Problems
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PdwYErO
by eitastarglow
mad dog: i do not have a foot fetish
chichi: no one said anything yet
 gin gin: i think all was truths
peanuts: ^
heather d: hurry and do the fucjing reveal
raoul: fucjing?
Words: 1728, Chapters: 1/36, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Club, Nekoma Volleyball Club, Aobajousai Volleyball Club, Fukuroudani Volleyball Club, Inarizaki Volleyball Club, Johzenji Volleyball Club, Itachiyama Academy Volleyball Club, Datekougyou Volleyball Club | Date Tech Volleyball Club, Nohebi Volleyball Club, Kamomedai Volleyball Club
Relationships: Semi Eita/Terushima Yuuji, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Terushima Yuuji/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Fluff and Angst, Sexuality Crisis, Angst and Humor, Slut Shaming, Swearing, text fic, Sneaking Out, Denial of Feelings, Past Rape/Non-con, idol, Bad Parenting, Bad Decisions, bad habits, Semi Eita is So Done, Nonbinary Semi Eita, Trans Character, Oikawa Tooru is a Little Shit, Bisexual Terushima Yuuji, Yamaguchi Tadashi is a Good Friend, Flashbacks
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PdwYErO
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rae-is-typing · 2 years
In Which He Accidentally Confesses || Asahi, Iwaizumi
Notes: huge thanks to @millenialfanfictionaddiction​​ for proof reading!!
Description: he accidentally confesses his feelings
Warnings: swearing, iwa is insecure, asahi catastrophizes and then runs into a door
Image count: 10
Azumane Asahi
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Iwaizumi Hajime
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rintarous · 4 years
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history — four [ mommy and daddy ] ↳ history has a habit of repeating itself. maybe that’s why you found yourself in your ex boyfriend’s apartment at three in the morning. but hey, no hard feelings right?
[ prev / next ]
A/N | filler chapt cs im uncreativr and had writers block shsjsjjsjs
TAGLIST ↳ @nitricflame @iwaixiumi @kuroosukiii@littleblackpheonix @t-rexmoreliket-flex @the-broken-halo-writer@killlerqween @1800xibal @thechloethings @pretty-settersquad@fernthefangirl @yeehawnana @differentballooncollection@svtbitch @astrrnmy @ozone-nidore @kritiiiii @heavenini@keijilovebot @trashcanweeb @milkykageyama @noturjem @tamcitrus @xcherieamorx @clowninfortodoroki @90s-belladonna @preparingtofall @thechaosoflonging @chao01248 @yeet-yeet-yall
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ugh-tsumu · 2 years
The moment you realized na ibang level siya sa 'yo. (Filo!au)
The amount of times I was on a talking stage with people who are definitely higher than me economic class wise just *inhales* masakit :')))
-> characters. iwaizumi, matsukawa, atsumu, ushijima, oikawa
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Walang taglist. Nakalimutan ko na sino.
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suganovakawa · 3 years
જ — rumor has it!
# 27 ༉‧ the sun goes down
smau masterlist
✧ 。 synopsis : though hajime has reassured you time and time again that you two attending different schools would be plenty manageable in your guys’ relationship, your imagination is left to wander when he slowly begins to ghost you.
જ — a/n : the title has nothing to do with the chapter i just wanted it to be dramatic for the second to last chapter HAHAHWUSHBS
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“oh my god, i can’t do this.”
you stopped in your tracks as you approached the familiar sights of the cafe ahead of you. from where you stood, hajime was nowhere to be seen. you couldn’t tell if your nervousness meant that you wanted him to be there, or if you wanted to be the first one there to collect your nerves.
“yes, you can.” oikawa took you by the wrist and gently tugged you forward, forcing you to keep walking. “you’ve come this far. this is all going to end eventually—might as well make it today.”
“but i don’t even know what to say, tooru.” the closer you stepped, the more your stomach created riptides that sent your whole body in a swirl. you cursed yourself for getting so worked up over this. “what am i supposed to do?”
“iwa seems to know what he wants to say. let him take the reigns until you are able to take over.” he patted you by the shoulder. “relax, y/n. he’s not going to bite your head off, no matter what you have to say to him. if anything, he’s probably the one terrified that you’re going to drop kick him and throw him out in the road.” he then muttered, “i wish i was that intimidating to him too.”
“where will you be waiting?” around a few steps later, you stopped again, turning to face oikawa. “i don’t know how long i’m going to be in there. whether we’re leaving together or separately, i don’t want you just standing around aimlessly.”
“actually, that honestly sounds great.” he shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets and flashing you a sheepish smile. “it’s been a while since i’ve been able to just stand around. besides, i did say i would be a shoulder to cry on if you needed it. and, my fists are ready to fly on command.”
“not you too, tooru. mattsun hasn’t been able to come back to school yet.” you scolded him quietly and shook your head before turning to the door. you used to love going this place when you lived closer, but all you felt down to the marrow of your bones was an underlying, neverending fear. what was it you were afraid of?
too many things.
“you can go first, or i can.” to your surprise, he broke the ice fairly quickly, causing you to raise your eyebrows a smidge. “and please, take your time. anything you have to say to me, i deserve it.”
what the hell were you going to say?
you had mixed feelings about iwa’s peculiar confidence. like he had everything planned. in the bag. as relieved as you were that at least one of you knew what to do, what could he be thinking that’s got him so sure of himself? does he have a secret weapon that’ll make you give him another chance? the thought alone made the hairs on your back quiver in fear.
you had mixed feelings about iwa’s peculiar confidence. like he had everything planned. in the bag. as relieved as you were that at least one of you knew what to do, what could he be thinking that’s got him so sure of himself? does he have a secret weapon that’ll make you give him another chance? the thought alone made the hairs on your back quiver in fear.
“i’ll go first,” you blurted, the uneasiness in your voice as clear as a cloudless summer’s day.
he nodded in place of a reply, but you paused before continuing.
there were multiple ways this day could end.
and once and for all,
you were going to find out.
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✧ 。 taglist ( closed ) — @tris-does-stuff @solko @otaku-fangirlse @arolotte @froppysgirl @awkwardspontaneity @sayakaaaaaa @youngestdelacour @dicerawr @sun-daddy-yoriichi @emiyummy @unstableye @bokuakadaily @prcttylittlcthing @tycrackculture @paintedstarres @cleopatera @momo-has-a-gun @ynjimenez @yeehawslap @moonlightaangel @sunflowerirl @kodzukrn @h0ngh0ngh0ng @creativedogs @kissungjae @danger093 @winunk @ntngann @elianetsantana @kokogxddess @xxthunderthighs @ehicarmi @yespurplevoid @pluviophilefangirl @pleasemelafook-outta-ere @bbyhaji @hawksyoongi @starsabove-me @pnkmilk @qualitygiantshoepsychic @crazysocklovingfangirl @sophiejiro @dumbbitxh-things @its-the-aerieljeane @iovchlde @dabisdominion @minnieminnie00-got7 @tazzi-baby
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oniku-niku · 2 years
➢ Couple Watches
↳ Oikawa Tooru | Kageyama Tobio | Kuroo Tetsuro | Iwaizumi Hajime | Tsukishima Kei | Kenma Kozume Warnings} just straight up fluffy texts from ur boyfriends
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A/N: Brain no want to worky on school stuff so here u go <3
[Blog Master List]
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haitaini · 3 years
random texts. iwaizumi hajime
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genre: fluff and nsfw
warnings: dumbification, degredation, brat taming, implied exhibitionism?, spit, impact play etc etc im horny for this man
rest of the series
minors do not interact
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a/n: i may be a dom but i want this man to ruin me, i want him to fuck me up actually but anyways, happy birthday my love <3
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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Spin off to Let’s Do It Again, Shall We
Summary: one heartbreak is enough - but two? there is only so much one person can take. but iwaizumi is tired, and refuses to try again. the problem is, he’s not just given up on love, but life itself. in an attempt to help his friend move on, matsukawa gets event-planner y/n involved. the only issue is that y/n is a “good girl” and according to matsukawa... iwaizumi isn’t attracted to kind ones, he craves pain. 
Pairing: iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
warnings: swearing, suggestive, depression, mentions of death, manipulation, mentions of illness, emotional instability. 
story format: smau + written
status: ongoing 
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☆ Profiles 
☆ 1. fix him
☆ 2. invisible 
☆ 3. nice girls
☆ 4. coffee date 
☆ 5. it hurts, doesn’t it
☆ 6. Changed
☆ 7. Brother
☆ 8.  Kanye
☆ 9. Five minutes
☆ 10. Sweet tart
☆ 11. Shine
☆ 12. Project Number One
☆ 13. Spectrum of change
☆ 14. Identity crisis
☆ 15. Dancing
☆ 16. Dirty little secrets 
☆ 17. National Kiss Day 
☆ 18. The Beginning 
☆ 19. Partner
☆ 20. Miss Minutes
☆ 21. Cards
☆ 22. Cullen
☆ 23. new beginnings 
☆ 24. taken hostage
☆ 25. journey
☆ 26. bomb ass lovestory
☆ 27. lessons
☆ 28. rolled up sleeves 
☆ 29. the problem 
☆ 30. incoming gossip  
☆ 31. day to remember
☆ 32. future boyfriend
☆ 33. tacos
☆ 34. official
☆ 35. death and taxes
☆ 36. the big day
☆ 37. intermission
☆ 38. tbd. 
☆ 39. tbd. 
☆ 40. tbd. 
☆ 41. tbd.
☆ 42. tbd.
☆ 43. tbd.
☆ 44. tbd.
☆ 45. tbd.
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984 notes · View notes
kakaxhi · 3 years
Haikyuu!! Boys + Pick Up Lines Pt. 2
a/n: the previous one was so fun to make so I decided to do a second part! This one includes Keishin, Kiyoomi, Hajime, & Shoyo!
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imo-chan-imagines · 3 years
Responding to 'Come and fuck me, baby ❤ Oh, but I haven't shaved my 😺' | Haikyuu x Reader Fake Texts
☆ Aoba Johsai ☆
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Karasuno | Part 1 | Part 2 | Nekoma & Fukurodani | Aoba Johsai | Shiratorizawa | Inarizaki | Misc. Others | • FINISHED •
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, Yahaba Shigeru, Kunimi Akira
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), 18+, mature fluff, mature crack, implied smut, strong sexual references, talking about shaving private parts lmao, spoilers for some characters' careers in the manga, relationship, fake texts
A/N: Smooth moves, Tooru 😭😂😭 As always, if you're groovy-ly inclined, check out the previous parts, and like/reblog to support the series! Hope you enjoy ♡
Dedicated to @lovelytarou for all their likes, reblogs, and support last week 🥺💕 I see you 👀 and I appreciate you 🤲Reading all your tags made me really happy! Thank you so much 😭💖 And also to @paramountives for being hyped for the Aoba Johsai installment. I hope you like it 😖🙏
© imo-chan-imagines 2021
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novanekoma · 3 years
☁ push and pull
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☁ push and pull ☁ poly! oikawa toru x fem!reader x iwaizumi hajime smau
☁ summary: after getting her heart broken again, y/n l/n’s decided to swear off relationships. no more cracks in her heart, just meaningless hook ups and flings from here on out. well, that was supposed to be the plan anyway, before two of her best friends stepped in and offered a very tempting deal.
 what started off as an innocent friends with benefits agreement, instead turns to y/n quickly finding herself falling for both men.
on the other side, oikawa and iwaizumi have been in love with y/n for years and after watching her get her heart broken time and time again, they’ve had enough. it’s time for y/n to see just what she’s been missing and understand what it truly means to be loved.
☁ will include both social media posts and written content
☁ genre: 18+, friends to lovers, timeskip!au, fluff, romance, smut, angst, jealousy
☁ warnings: nsfw content, suggestive themes, cursing, some manga spoilers, 18+ for adult themes (smut)
☁ disclaimer: I DO NOT own haikyuu or any of the photos used, they are not mine and all credit goes to their respective owners.
☁ status: coming soon
☁ updates: coming soon
☁ taglist is OPEN: just send an ask or dm me if you would like to be on it and I’ll add you!
date started:
date completed:
made with social dummy + social maker
☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁
☁ 0.1. sugar, spice, and everything nice | 0.2. core four | 0.3. these bitches be idiots
☁ 01. coming soon ☁ 02. coming soon ☁ 03. coming soon ☁ 04. coming soon ☁ 05. coming soon ☁ 06. coming soon ☁ 07. coming soon ☁ 08. coming soon ☁ 09. coming soon ☁ 10. coming soon
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rae-is-typing · 2 years
In Which Hinata is a Blabbermouth
Notes: enjoy :) @millenialfanfictionaddiction hope you don't mind me tagging you 😅
Description: A request from Spooky Anon! Hinata tattles when after he sees you and Iwaizumi from Seijoh kissing
Warnings: Threats, swearing, Tanaka and Noya believe that Iwaizumi may have forced himself onto the reader for a minute, mentions of Oikawa
Image count: 9
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