toughbeats · 4 years
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⌜ india eisley. cis female. she/her. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear HEY SOUL SISTER by TRAIN playing? that must mean … oh no! LUCY PEVENSIE the TWENTY TWO year old JOURNALIST has been ripped from the THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA universe. they’ve been known to remind people of a desire to run away from the rules to follow her own path, emotional ramblings supplied by an overactive imagination, and a serious love of loyalty and trust. it seems they have been in ivory cove for A YEAR, and can only seem to remember these words: CAIR PARAVEL, ASLAN & SNOW. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
hullo, it is i, emma! i’ve been playing lucy for years! she’s very important to me.
lucy was born to a family of three boys. she grew up knowing how to rough house and play dirty, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t take advantage of being the youngest and the only girl. when she didn’t want to play anymore or when her brothers frustrated her, she’d cry and feign hurt and get everything she ever wanted. she’d run to her mother and come back with a cup of hot chocolate and more marshmallows than the boys would ever get. 
she much preferred to be in a world of her own, writing her stories, coming up with fun stories to forget about everything else in the world. it was very easy to get wrapped up in all of her brothers sports and commitments. no matter where she went, she had her notebook and lucky pen with her. after all, you never knew when inspiration would strike. lucy was that girl with her head stuck in the clouds.
for years, she struggled to find friends, especially ones that could tolerate that ridiculous need for some kind of adventure or the need to constantly talk about the worlds she’d created. throughout middle school, she worried that no one would ever like her. but when she hit high school, she joined theatre and it was like the skies opened up. 
she’d never felt so at home with anyone before. they enjoyed her ridiculous stories, in fact, they encouraged them. she started writing short plays for them to perform. everything was perfect. she directed and stage managed all of the shows and almost couldn’t get enough of it.
when she left for college, she went into theatre, until she found a love for journalism. sure, lucy liked making up stories, but in reality, she liked the research that gave her ideas for all of her stories. the fact that she could research something and find an incredible story idea was just a perk. the world was at her feet and she wanted to travel and see all of it. perhaps, someday, she would, as long as they actually gave her the assignment.
in her apartment, she has a photo and writing room. it’s where she goes when she needs to think and hopes that one day, it’ll help her write a novel. after all, she has these dreams of a magical land and wonders if she could write a book about all of these fantastic dreams.
side notes: this is probably the only intro that won’t be painful. lucy is my happy go lucky child!
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trxst-issves · 4 years
⌜ elizabeth lail. cis female. she / her. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear ELECTRIC LOVE by BØRNS playing? that must mean … oh no! HANNAH ABBOTT, the TWENTY THREE year old PEDIATRIC NURSE has been ripped from the HARRY POTTER universe. they’ve been known to remind people of flower crowns, the color yellow, and cotton candy. it seems they have been in ivory cove for FIVE YEARS, and can only seem to remember these words: MAGIC, BADGER, & ASPHODEL. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
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Hannah Mae Abbott was born on March 11 to a Muggle mum and a wizard dad.
Up until the age of eleven, Hannah attended muggle primary school.
At 11, she was shipped off to start her wizarding education at Hogwarts, where she was sorted into Hufflepuff House.
She was always a very soft sort of person, caring deeply about others.
(tw: death mention) Her mother was murdered by Death Eaters when she was 15/16, and it hardened her up a little bit, but she still maintained her softness for the most part.
This actually led her on the path to wanting to become a healer! Because she believed she could have prevented her mother’s death, or at the very least delayed it. (end tw)
She threw herself into her studies to learn everything she could about medicinal potions and healing spells.
Bitch had a Niffler!! She remembers having a cat. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Hannah was set to continue course to become a licensed healer.
Shortly after graduation, Hannah received an acceptance letter at her home in muggle London, welcoming her to a university in the United States to pursue a nursing degree. She’d applied to quite a few programs, so she assumed she’d applied to this one as well, and just kind of rolled with it.
Hannah remembers boarding school, then college, not Hogwarts. She’d already completed enough credits/courses to only need two years at university in Ivory Cove!
While at school, she took up a job at a day-care, and she loved working with children so much that it inspired her to become a pediatric nurse!
False memories include: her mother’s cause of death, her education, her childhood pet, her courses, etc.
Instead of herbology,she remembers botany. 
She loves her patients with her whole heart, honestly.
has a toy bin for them to select from at the end of their visit, primarily filled with small beanie babies purchased online.
developed mild anxiety during her teen years (which, like, fair)
this bean is bisexual!
she’s afraid of clowns (her boggart)
her favorite scents are pine, vanilla, and fresh linens (her amortentia)
one of her favorite muggle events is the seasonal renaissance festival! she has made her own flower crowns to wear and she typically drags friends along if they’ll let her.
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goldmemento · 4 years
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⌜ froy gutierrez. male. he/him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP by RICK ASTLEY playing? that must mean … oh no! WADE WILSON, the TWENTY-FOUR year old MARINE-IN-TRAINING has been ripped from the MARVEL universe. they’ve been known to remind people of a week old taco, blood stained spandex, & hello kitty band-aids. it seems they have been in ivory cove for TWO MONTHS, and can only seem to remember these words: CANCER, SPIDER-MAN, & BEA ARTHUR. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories? 
Full Name: Wade Winston Wilson.
Age: 24
Birthday: December 11th or June 21st (he can’t normally remember)
Species: Human (mutate)
Nationality: Canadian
Sex: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/him
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: ex-soldier, mercenary, Part-time cook, going to school to join the Marines
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5′11″
Weight: 159 lbs.
Body Build: lean, muscular 
Notable Physical Traits: Burn marks on his back, scar from a stab would on his shoulder and misc, none really noticeable aside from a slit across his eyebrow.
(TW; abuse, cancer, & alcoholism mentioned) Wade grew up in Canada during difficult circumstance, his mother having left the picture when he was quite young, a departure that hadn’t been a willing one after losing her battle against cancer. Growing up in a state of poverty isn’t his only struggle, his father known to be physically and verbally abusive to him, often getting drunk while neglecting to take care of Wade. This leads to him dropping out of high school and joining the military as a means to leave home. (End TW). He took an exchange program offered in Ivory Cove, and has since transferred from the military to marine training, anything to travel and visit a country he always wanted to see. He’s not sure why he was dead set on the United States, but an unforeseen force seemed to drive him here. Maybe it just spawned from his love of comics--all of those seem to be set in the States.
Everything up to his successful move is accurate to Wade Wilson. What he doesn’t remember is he’d been kicked out of the military after failing to comply in a mission that involved killing innocent lives, instead having turned on the general in charge. This is where he decided that if he’s going to kill people, he’s going to do it on his own terms, hence the mercenary life path he’d chosen. (TW cancer mention) It’s during this period of his life that he was diagnosed with cancer (TW end). In a last ditch effort to save himself, he joins a secret military program with the promise of curing him and endowing him with superpowers. What they failed to mention were the torturous methods and side effects. All this, including the physical disfigurement that came with it, seems to be nonexistent at his new life in Ivory Cove.. or at least, that’s how it seems, and for now.
↳ Bold what applies to your muse!
╳ Flaws
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny
controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies
impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry
greedy | lazy | judgemental | forgetful | impulsive
spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
♔ Strengths
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave
patient  | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky
intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous
merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming
cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
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unforgettablemagik · 4 years
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⌜ hayden christensen. cismale. he/him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear IMMORTALS by FALL OUT BOY playing? that must mean … oh no! ANAKIN SKYWALKER, the THIRTY-SIX year old MECHANIC has been ripped from the STAR WARS universe. they’ve been known to remind people of PLANES, DARKNESS, and SPACE. it seems they have been in ivory cove for TWO YEARS, and can only seem to remember these words: FORCE, PODRACING, and PADME. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
Growing up for Anakin was about as simple as it gets for a little boy. He had almost nothing yet dreamed of having everything. He never knew his father, and his mom never talked about him. Therefore, he grew up taking care of his mom in whatever way he could and never thought much more about it. He began tinkering with things from a young age in order to fix everything around the house. As soon as he was old enough, he began charging whenever he fixed something for friends or neighbors in order to help his mother pay for some of the bills and such.
When he finally finished his education, he set up his own little shop in their backyard in order to take on as many projects as he could find. He began to build his own tech that would allow him to work more effeciently. He collected several machines to help with his construction by building them from scratch. However, one of these projects went wrong when he was in his early twenties. A blade slipped out of his hand, and he managed to chop off his hand and lower arm (elbow down). It caused him to be unable to work for over a month, and he grew extremely behind on his repairs. When he was able to get back to work, everything took much longer, but he still pressed on. This went on for about a year or so.
His mom never really dated much while Anakin was growing up, but after his accident, she happened to run into a man who seemed far too good to be true. Anakin didn't fully trust him at first, but as he'd never really had a father figure before, he didn't know what else to expect. This man was one of great influence and very deep pockets. Once he got to know Anakin a bit better, he offered to buy him a mechanical arm to replace the one he'd lost, with the latest and greatest technology of course. After Anakin got his arm back (with fully functioning features), he began to slowly change his mind about the man. Their relationship grew stronger, and to this day, Anakin will tell you that they're very close.
With the help of his step-father, Anakin eventually opened a proper version of a repair shop. He's not making a lot of money, but he enjoys what he does. It's nice to own his own little place, and when he's not busy with paying customers, he still likes to design his own new inventions. He even has a working mech droid that'll talk to his customers while they wait for their repairs to be completed.
Because of his upbringing, Anakin is very skeptical of the world with the exception of one thing: love. He is the definition of a hopeless romantic, but he doesn't let many people see that side of him. With that being said, he is rather distant from most people. The few he has close, he can count on one hand. Those people might as well be additional family to him, and he will be loyal to them until the end. However, while he loves with his whole heart, Anakin also has a tendency to think and react with his emotions. Therefore, his anger, hurt, and frustration often come out in words or actions without any thought of the outcome.
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broken--records · 4 years
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⌜ nakamoto yuta. cis male. he / him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear can i be him? by james arthur playing? that must mean … oh no! shoto todoroki, the eighteen year old firefighting academy has been ripped from the my hero academia universe. they’ve been known to remind people of a burning desire to save everyone, soba that’s been forgotten on the counter and gotten cold, sitting with both legs crossed on a window seat reading a novel. it seems they have been in ivory cove his whole life, and can only seem to remember these words: hero, midoriya, & endeavor. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
full name: shoto enji todoroki nickname: shoto, sho, todoroki, icy hot, & todo age: eighteen birthday: january 11 nationality: japanese gender: cis male preferred pronouns: he / him / his romantic orientation: homoromantic sexual orientation: homosexual occupation: firefighting academy student fandom: my hero academia
birth order: youngest parents: enji & rei todoroki siblings: toya, natsuo, & fuyumi todoroki significant others: izuku midoriya [ doesn’t remember ] children: none closest friends: izuku midoriya, momo yaoyorozu, & katsuki bakugo pets: two cats named kayda [ “little dragon” in japanese ] & yasha [ “night devil” in japanese ]
physical traits
faceclaim: nakamoto yuta eye color: one grey & one blue hair color: half white & half red height: 5′ 9″ notable features: burn scar on the left side of his face
phobias: atychiphobia [ fear of failure ] mental diseases: post traumatic stress disorder, depression, & eating disorder physical diseases: none
positive traits: curious, gentle, & brave negative traits: shy, impatient, & self-conscious zodiac sign: capricorn hogwarts houses: ravenclaw moral alignment: chaotic good enneagram: type 6, the loyalist temperaments: melancholic
skills: drawing hobbies: reading element: fire favorite animal: cats favorite color: blue
here you can find his muse page, his full biography [ still being updated ], and his pinterest board !
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frcstedhearts · 4 years
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⌜ ester exposito. female. she / her. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear FROZEN by SABRINA CLAUDIO playing? that must mean … oh no! ELSA ARENDELLE, the TWENTY THREE year old PHOTOGRAPHER has been ripped from the DISNEY [ FROZEN ] universe. they’ve been known to remind people of the sweet scent of mint, frost forming in strange patterns, & long, blonde hair tied in a delicate braid it seems they have been in ivory cove for FOUR WEEKS, and can only seem to remember these words: ANNA, SPIRITS, & FOREST. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
TW: Death
Elsa Arendelle was the heiress to her parents' business company, Arendelle Industries in France but always was the oddball since she was more concerned with photography than learning how to take over the business.
Her parents tried their hardest to train her, but nothing seemed to be working so they took a trip to England for advice on what to do with her.
They had taken a ship there but it sunk due to a storm and both of her parents died.
Once Elsa heard news about her parents dying and why they gotten on that ship, she tossed herself into the work she hadn't been very interested in the first place.
Once she turned eighteen and headed off to college, Elsa majored in business and had photography as her minor.
After the girl graduated college, she took over the company and tossed aside her uncle who had been running it while she was away.
During the three and a half years she was the CEO of Arendelle Industries, Elsa felt unhappy and unsatisfied since she wasn't chasing after her photographer dream, so she decided to start over in Ivory Cove and gave Arendelle Industries to the only people she trusted: Her sister Anna and her fiance Kristoff.
Elsa simply didn't trust her weasel uncle who seemed to opportunistic and ambitious to handle it without running the company her parents loved so much into the ground.
Finally, she got on a flight to Ivory Cove after saying goodbye to her loved ones and got herself a job as an independent photographer.
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melted--words · 4 years
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⌜ kathryn newton. cis female. she/her. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear WARRIOR by BETH CROWLEY playing? that must mean … oh no! ANNABETH CHASE, the NINETEEN year old ARCHITECTURE STUDENT has been ripped from the PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS universe. they’ve been known to remind people of TYPING UNTIL SUNRISE, READING UNDER SHEETS, and SKETCHING IN A THICK SKETCHBOOK. it seems they have been in ivory cove for TWO YEARS, and can only seem to remember these words: OWL, CAMP & PERCY. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
~~~Annabeth was abandoned by her birth mother to her father, Frederick Chase. Frederick raised Annabeth as a single father before he met Margaret Adams. He married Margaret and had Annabeth’s half brothers, Matthew and Bobby.
~~~At an early age, Annabeth was diagnosed with both dyslexia and ADHD leading her father to want to homeschool her, but Annabeth stressed the idea that she could handle it and actually ended up excelling in school.
~~~Growing up, Frederick pressured her daughter into self-defence classes, which Annabeth took to nicely. She enjoyed the classes and excelled in every aspect. She took this skill and took up karate classes and boxing.
~~~Annabeth was born and raised in Virginia and recently moved to Ivory Cove to pursue architecture as a major in college. She currently lives alone in her own apartment.
~~~Annabeth has suffered from severe arachnophobia her entire life which encouraged her to get a cat who she named “Andreas” meaning “warrior”.
~~~Along with school, Annabeth works part time at the library to help her dad pay her rent. She is frequently visited by her cousin Magnus and her half brothers. 
~~~Annabeth is often at any nearby coffee shop, sketching ideas or working on school assignments
Full name: Annabeth Chase
Nicknames: Anna, Wisegirl
Title: the ally
Age: 19
Birthday: July 12
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Architecture Student
Status: Active
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Face Claim: Kathryn Newton
Relationships- Birth Order: First child Parents: Frederick Chase
Family: Matthew and Bobby Chase (half-brothers), Magnus Chase (cousin)
Significant Other: no one yet ;)
Closest Friends: Clarisse La Rue, Grover Underwood, Nico De Angelo, Leo Valdes
Rivals: Luke Castellan 
Enemies: none yet
Physical Traits-
Eye Color: light blue (gray in lowlight)
Hair Color: honey blonde
Height: 5’5”
Body Build: strong, muscular, lean
Notable Physical Traits: none
Phobias and Diseases-
Phobia: arachnophobia (spiders)
Mental Diseases/Disorders: dyslexia, ADHD
Usual Mood/Expression: driven
Moral Alignment: lawful neutral 
Enneagram: INTJ
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Top Five Tropes: Action Girl, Badass Bookworm, Drop the Hammer, Hair of Gold, The Smart Girl
Five Prominent Traits: intelligent, loyal, natural strategist, kind hearted, level headed
Skills: flexible, self-defence training, karate, boxing
Hobbies: reading, sketching Element: wind
Animal: Owl
Plant: bonsai
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toughbeats · 4 years
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⌜ tom felton. cis male. he/him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear GIVES YOU HELL by ALL AMERICAN REJECTS playing? that must mean … oh no! DRACO MALFOY, the TWENTY SEVEN year old BRAIN SURGEON has been ripped from the HARRY POTTER universe. they’ve been known to remind people of a life of freedom not restricted by his parents rules, dark days where the thought of talking to people is foolish, warm cuddling by the fire to destress every awful moment. it seems they have been in ivory cove for THREE YEARS, and can only seem to remember these words: AVADA, DEMENTOR & MANOR. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
hello, here we are back at it again!
draco was born to a family that strived on assuring they were the best, assuring that no matter what happened, they would be the perfect family, the one that could do better than everyone else. from a very young age, little draco was told that he had to be the smartest, the most powerful and the best at everything. he grew up with an attitude, one that made him a bully in school. but did his parents care? no, because he had power and he was the most popular boy in school.
girls followed him everywhere, boys wanted to be his friend and draco, he sucked in all of it, adoring the attention, because that’s what he was taught. but he knew something was wrong. there were people in the school that didn’t want anything to do with him and he couldn’t understand why. why wouldn’t they want to be his friend? he was the coolest guy in the school!
sure, he did well in school, he got good enough grades, but they weren’t exceptional. they were enough that his parents didn’t bat an eye, but the older he got, the more he wished he had done well. he wanted to get away from his parents. they were starting to force him into a life that he wasn’t sure he wanted. his father ran a massive company, one that involved manipulating a lot of people, the kind that could very well ruin other people’s lives.
ever since he was a kid, he’d been told that he’d be part of this company, whether he liked it or not and he was to go to business and marketing school to complete a degree that could help with that. but from the second he got to school, none of it felt right. he started taking science and math courses, and thanks to a girl named hermione, he found himself drawn to the medical field. she encouraged him and he hated that a girl could have that much power over him.
but he couldn’t stop the feeling that maybe this was the right decision. draco continued taking classes on the pre-med track. he lied to his parents for years, leading them to believe that he was heading on the track they wanted him to. draco did very well, getting grades that he’d been dreaming of for years. because this, this felt right. he never thought he’d want to be a doctor, in any sense, but part of him knew that if he ever had to explain it to his father, it would be based around power. he had the power of life in his hands. when in the operating room, he was the one that could save the person. all of it was up to him.
when he applied to medical school, he went to tell his parents and everything blew up. his father shouted at him, and told him he was a complete and utter failure. and how could he disobey his father like that? for the next few months, the two of them didn’t talk. draco didn’t want to talk to his father anyway.
the only way that he came around was thanks to his mother. she was the more rational of the two, the one that actually had some sense in her. after draco explained everything, she knew that was what he was supposed to do. it didn’t matter what her husband wanted, her son was happy. 
now, draco’s made his way to a hospital that treats him well. he’s doing his residency, in surgery, leading towards brain surgeon and everything is exactly what he wanted. he hasn’t spoken to his father in five years. whenever there’s family dinners or events, he goes, but he simply doesn’t speak to his father or if he does, it’s a simple hello. his mother tries to make the conversation civil, but it’s not really working. 
his father is proud of him, he really is, but he can’t shake the feeling that his son lied to him and doesn’t know if he’ll ever really forgive him.
side notes: this wasn’t as sad as i thought it would be, woo hoo!
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toughbeats · 4 years
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⌜ chris evans. cis male. he/him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear SKY FULL OF SONG by FLORENCE + THE MACHINE playing? that must mean … oh no! STEVE ROGERS, the THIRTY SIX year old FIREFIGHTER has been ripped from the MARVEL universe. they’ve been known to remind people of walks underneath the stars talking about life, days volunteering at daycares and animal shelters, and the whole truth and nothing but the truth. it seems they have been in ivory cove for TWO YEARS, and can only seem to remember these words: AVENGERS, SNAP & SHIELD. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
here we are again!
steve rogers was that scrawny ass little dweeb of a kid that everyone laughed at. he was considered the nerd, the dork and just the one that no one wanted to be friends with. it upset him, quite a bit. he hated being the one left out of everything. the poor kid had one friend, the girl living next door. but she was just as weird as he was and perhaps that was why it was alright. but he hated the way this made him feel, hated knowing people looked down on him so much.
as he reached high school, he grew even more, now looking even more scrawny and it was the worst feeling in the entire world. the jokes, the laughing and all of the teasing just made it worse. steve hated how he looked, hated all of it. the summer before his senior year of high school, he gave up on feeling useless. he started exercising, eating right and taking every second of his day seriously. by the time the school year started and he walked into the school, all the girls thought he was a new transfer students and wanted to be his best friend. all the guys wanted him to be on their respective sports teams. but steve remained the little dorky nerd that he was. 
when he headed into school that day, he went straight for his best friend, putting his arm over her shoulder, practically ignoring everyone else. he wasn’t going to be treated like that. they didn’t love him when he was a nobody, so why should he let them love him now? for the rest of high school, everyone wanted him to be part of their group, but he refused he liked himself the way he was and didn’t want to change. 
after he graduated high school, he went to study to be a paramedic, wanting to be prepared for the rest of his life. steve wanted to be a firefighter. he wanted to save lives and with the body that he’d now gotten, it was perfect. he was great at his job and quite honestly, loved every second of it. for once in his life, people believed in him and he loved it. they actually looked up to him, for who he was as a person, and not just because of what he looked like. 
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unforgettablemagik · 4 years
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⌜ jared padalecki. cismale. he/him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA by CHARLIE DANIELS playing? that must mean … oh no! SAM WINCHESTER, the THIRTY-EIGHT year old LAWYER has been ripped from the SUPERNATURAL universe. they’ve been known to remind people of LIBRARIES, RELIGION, and FAMILY. it seems they have been in ivory cove for THREE YEARS, and can only seem to remember these words: DEMONS, RUBY, DEAN. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
Sam grew up with the perfect life. He was his mom’s perfect little boy. His brother was always incredibly protective of him, and his dad made sure he had everything he ever wanted. Despite having everything handed to him, Sam made a promise to himself at an early age to pay his parents back someday. He studied hard and was often classified as a nerd in school, but that’s what eventually got him into law school. Once he went to college, his grades somehow turned into an attractive thing, and it was then that he realized why his older brother Dean had been the way he was when he was younger. It was a nice problem to have, most of the time.
During his senior year of school, he met the girl of his dreams. She was literally everything that he had been longing for, and on the same night that he got accepted into his number one law school choice, he also asked her to marry him. Sam Winchester literally had the perfect life.
As he established himself as a criminal lawyer, Sam found himself drawn more and more to the cases no one else really wanted to look at. He found himself searching for the files that everyone else had conveniently looked over. Those almost always ended up being the cases where the defendant was acting out of character, and Sam always wanted to see if he could find out if they had a temporary moment of insanity or if it was something more.
Sam has been happily married to his wife Jess for fifteen years. They have two beautiful daughters Angelica (age 11) and Madeline (age 8). Those three girls are Sam’s entire life, and he would do absolutely anything for them.
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broken--records · 4 years
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⌜ tom holland. cis male. he / him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear perfect by simple plan playing? that must mean … oh no! peter parker, the twenty year old chemical engineering student has been ripped from the marvel universe. they’ve been known to remind people of neon lights reflecting in the rain soaked street, the way the light flares in his favorite camera lense, & taking walks in the middle of the night. it seems they have been in ivory cove for two years, and can only seem to remember these words: spider, stark, & photograph. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
full name: peter benjamin parker nickname: pete, penis parker, & kid age: twenty birthday: august 27 nationality: american gender: cis male preferred pronouns: he / him / his romantic orientation: biromantic sexual orientation: bisexual occupation: chemical engineering student fandom: marvel 
birth order: only child parents: richard parker & mary stone | uncle ben & aunt may [ adoptive ] siblings: none significant others: mary jane watson [ ex ] | wade wilson [ future ] children: none closest friends: mary jane watson & ned leeds pets: golden retriever named ollie
physical traits
faceclaim: tom holland eye color: brown hair color: brown height: 5′ 8″ notable features: none
phobias: nosocomephobia [ fear of hospitals ] mental diseases: dyslexia physical diseases: none
positive traits: intelligent, responsible, & loyal negative traits: oblivious, naive, & sensitive zodiac sign: virgo hogwarts houses: gryffindor moral alignment: chaotic good enneagram: type 2, the helper temperaments: melancholic
skills: science hobbies: photography element: air favorite animal: dogs favorite color: red
here you can find his muse page, his full biography [ still being updated ], and his pinterest board !
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broken--records · 4 years
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⌜ zendaya. cis female. she / her. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear you should see me in a crown by billie eilish playing? that must mean … oh no! nova rein, the twenty four year old bartender has been ripped from the star wars universe. they’ve been known to remind people of matte black stiletto nails, deep red roses covered with thorns, & ripped jeans paired with fishnets and high heeled boots. it seems they have been in ivory cove for six months, and can only seem to remember these words: yoda, beskar, & space. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
full name: nova persephone rein nickname: nov, nova & rein age: twenty four birthday: april 4 nationality: unknown gender: cis female preferred pronouns: she / her / hers romantic orientation: biromantic sexual orientation: bisexual occupation: bartender fandom: the mandalorian [ original character ]
birth order: unknown parents: unknown & din djarin / “the mandalorian” [ adoptive ] siblings: unknown significant others: lots of past flings / hookups children: none closest friends: none pets: none
physical traits
faceclaim: zendaya eye color: brown hair color: brown height: 5′ 10″ notable features: scar in her right eyebrow
phobias: claustraphobia [ fear of confined spaces ] mental diseases: post traumatic stress disorder physical diseases: none
positive traits: quick witted, charismatic, & perceptive negative traits: secretive, opinionated, & dramatic zodiac sign: aries hogwarts houses: slytherin moral alignment: chaotic neutral enneagram: type 4, the individualist temperaments: choleric
skills: kick boxing & martial arts hobbies: dancing element: fire favorite animal: snakes favorite color: red
here you can find her muse page, her full biography [ still being updated ], and her pinterest board !
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broken--records · 4 years
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⌜  eddie redmayne. cis male. he / him. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear maybe by lewis capaldi playing? that must mean … oh no! newt scamander, the twenty eight year old veterinarian has been ripped from the fantastic beasts and where to find them universe. they’ve been known to remind people of dirt under half bitten fingernails, clothes covered in various animal furs, & piles of half filled leather notebooks on a desk. it seems they have been in ivory cove for five years, and can only seem to remember these words: niffler, tina, & case. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
full name: newton artemis fido scamander  nickname: newt  age: twenty eight  birthday: february 24 nationality: british gender: cis male preferred pronouns: he / him / his romantic orientation: heteromantic sexual orientation: heterosexual occupation: veterinarian  fandom: harry potter / fantastic beats and where to find them
birth order: youngest  parents: lysander scamander & elizabeth bates siblings: theseus scamander significant others: tina goldstein children: none closest friends: jacob kawolski, queenie goldstein, leeta lestrange, & albus dumbledore pets: too many to name [ i’ll probably list them eventually ]
physical traits
faceclaim: eddie redmayne eye color: green hair color: light brown height: 6′ 0″ notable features: freckles
phobias: anthropophobia [ fear of people or anxiety ] mental diseases: generalized anxiety disorder physical diseases: none
positive traits: caring, clever, & empathetic negative traits: aloof, & insecure, & anxious zodiac sign: pisces  hogwarts house: hufflepuff moral alignment: chaotic good enneagram: type 9, the peacemaker temperaments: melancholic
skills: empathy hobbies: reading element: earth favorite animal: nifflers dogs favorite color: blue
here you can find his muse page, his full biography [ still being updated ], & his pinterest board !
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broken--records · 4 years
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⌜ maya hawke. cis female. she / her ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear chariot by gavin degraw playing? that must mean … oh no! andy knoxx, the twenty one year old nursing student has been ripped from the percy jackson and the olympians universe. they’ve been known to remind people of sunkissed skin covered with freckles, the scratching of a vinyl record that has already finished playing, & a dusty acoustic guitar sitting in the corner of the room. it seems they have been in ivory cove her whole life, and can only seem to remember these words: sun, vinyl, & guitar. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
full name: andrea olivia knoxx nickname: andy age: twenty one birthday: july 30 nationality: american  gender: cis female preferred pronouns: she / her / hers romantic orientation: biromantic sexual orientation: bisexual occupation: nursing student fandom: percy jackson and the olympians [ original character ]
birth order: only child parents: samantha knoxx & apollo siblings: none significant others: none, yet children: none closest friends: madison pets: goldfish named sunny
physical traits
faceclaim: maya hawke eye color: blue hair color: dirty blonde / light brown height: 5′ 9″ notable features: freckles
phobias: thalassaphobia [ fear of deep bodies water ] mental diseases: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder physical diseases: none
positive traits: bubbly, genuine, & talented negative traits: sarcastic, obsessive, & immature zodiac sign: leo hogwarts houses: hufflepuff moral alignment: chaotic good enneagram: type 7, the enthusiast temperaments: phlegmatic
skills: music & archery hobbies: songwriting element: air favorite animal: hedgehogs favorite color: yellow
here you can find her muse page, her full biography [ still being updated ], and her pinterest board !
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trxst-issves · 4 years
⌜ barbara palvin. cis female. she / her. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear BAD GUY by BILLIE EILISH playing? that must mean … oh no! ATIN’LA KENOBI, the TWENTY THREE year old KICKBOXING INSTRUCTOR has been ripped from the STAR WARS universe. they’ve been known to remind people of bruised knuckles, smudged lipstick, and a half-drunken glass of whiskey. it seems they have been in ivory cove for ONE YEAR, and can only seem to remember these words: FORCE, JEDI, & SKYWALKER. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
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Atin’la is the child of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, born January 13th.
her name means “tough” in Mando’a (the Mandalorian language)
Growing up on Coruscant, and being as Force-sensitive as she was, Atin’la was invited to train to become a Jedi. Obi-Wan and Satine were hesitant to let her go, but they knew that as a Youngling, she’d be safe from harm.
When she became Padawan to her Jedi Master is when she began questioning whether this was her calling, what she truly stood for, what she wanted to do. When she spoke to her parents about the matter, they urged her to ask for an audience with the Jedi Council.
After leaving the Jedi Order, Atin’la needed to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. It was quite the shift, from Jedi to civilian, a more dramatic one than she’d expected. She still enjoyed fighting, but that wasn’t exactly a feasible job. She spent four years doing various jobs, alternating between secretarial work and bounty hunting for Hondo Ohnaka. 
Atin’la is currently working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Science!!
When she’s not in class, she works as a kickboxing instructor!
She got into kickboxing upon her…arrival in Ivory Cove, and found it similar to the fighting styles she’d been trained in her whole life. The energy here was different, but…in a good way. 
Her false memories led her to believe she’d taken time off between high school and college to travel before settling into Ivory Cove. She has no photographs of the places she supposedly travelled in the missing years, but her she has vivid memories of the places she thinks she’s been. 
She’s an astronomy nerd of sorts, with no idea that her real life was out in the stars, in a galaxy far. far away.
you best believe this bitch is tough!!
she will fight you
does not tolerate bullying, but also has no time for your stupidity
if she intervenes once, she expects you’ll know better than to find yourself in the same situation
occasionally teaches self-defense in addition to kickboxing
“men ain’t shit” / “fuck the patriarchy”
badass feminist.
firm believer in not letting people close because it makes you vulnerable (bb, who hurt you?)
wears mostly black colors
if she was a Brooklyn-99 character, she’d prob. be most like Rosa, but pan instead of bi.
basically, she’s a softie really really really really really deep down.
you’re lucky if she ever shows you that side of herself.
she used to get in trouble a lot for fighting in primary school & high school.
doesn’t care for authority figures v. much (except her parents)
moral alignment: chaotic neutral (currently)
hogwarts house: slytherin (she does have some gryffindor traits tho)
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trxst-issves · 4 years
⌜ maisie williams. cis female. she / her. ⌟ ━━ does anyone else hear RATHER BE by CLEAN BANDIT playing? that must mean … oh no! KATYA BARNES, the TWENTY year old HISTORY STUDENT has been ripped from the MARVEL universe. they’ve been known to remind people of silver glitter, strings of fairy lights, and polaroids of nature. it seems they have been in ivory cove for TWO YEARS, and can only seem to remember these words: PLUMS, WHITE WOLF, & RED STAR. will these be the keys to unlock their true memories?
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elena yekaterina “katya” barnes was born april 14th ( stats page coming soon ! )
bucky’s only kid
her mom walked out on them when she was three
she asked a lot about when mommy would come home, and bucky would say “soon” but that quickly changed to “i don’t know”
so bucky basically ended up raising katya as a single father
anyways, so oBVIOUSLY this kiddo loved her dad’s metal arm as a baby
like, he let her stick magnets on it and they’d play games
their grocery list went on his arm when they’d go to the store
ate lots of plums as a kid and purple quickly became her favorite color as a result
one time she joked that she didn’t like plums all that much and bucky was shook
generally a p good student in elementary/middle school?
her favorite animal has always been a wolf. she asked bucky if they could get a wolf as a pet when she was like 8, but domestic wolves were a lil hard to find, so they got a husky instead and it was the next best thing
the dog’s name is Barky Barnes bc Katya thought it was funny
just a soft bean livin her best life!
the metal arm was kinda like a toy for her until she got older and realized magnets went on fridges and cars, not her father.
argued with teachers in high school over dress code, sometimes got detention.
never got suspended tho!
joined theatre her sophomore year which surprised fckin EVERYBODY.
the plan for when she got to college? before she found herself in ivory cove? weekly facetime sessions with her dad, lasting hours on end, with her asking to facetime the dog as well. of course, these didn’t get to happen.
she does not remember the avengers compound or any of the other avengers. she is not aware of the existence of the nation of wakanda, or generally anything relating to her father’s past outside of new york. captain america and the winter soldier don’t exist in her memories. she just knows her dad’s best friend steve is a muscle-y guy.
to katya’s knowledge, she was born and raised in brooklyn, new york and she came to ivory cove for college. in actuality, she was training to become part of the next generation of avengers, and only attended summer orientation at her university of choice. 
she studies History at college bc she’s That Bitch and it’s always been of interest to her, both in and out of ivory cove
she believes she learned her fighting skills through MMA classes.
looks soft, but tries to act tough
could probably kill you in your sleep tbh
doesn’t actually fight unless she has to
when she fights, she kicks a s s.
has used the line “i have had a very long day, i am very small and i have no money so you can imagine the kind of stress i am under” to try to get out of doing dishes and other chores (spoiler: it has never worked)
the type to wear flannels and/or sweaters all year round for the aesthetic
a volunteer at the local garden
probably a hufflepuff/ravenclaw mix
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