i dreamt that phos' new haircut was a buzzcut and all the gems lived in a cave, where some humans taught them frisbee and phos was naturally good at it and everyone was having fun :'u
this is so pure, youre in charge of canon now ;-;
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mineapple · 7 years
hi im your gem alarm clock to tell u a new episode has aired and i need someone else to suffer with me
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feriowind · 7 years
ivithedreamer replied to your post: i wish i could just murder the rumor that togashi...
like to be fair, I full heartedly hope he can play video games from his hospital bed lol, anything to distract him from the pain
lol yea true, i just want togashi to be okay..........
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alwaystheface · 7 years
ivithedreamer replied to your post: I’m 30 minutes into amer.ican gods and i have no...
did it end on the eating ppl with her vagina scene… cuz I read up to that point in the book and then threw it across the room.
That was actually earlier on. I was half watching that so idk how that went
But no, it ended on a literal lynching that was like 4 minutes long
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Thank you so much to all of those who have graciously offered to contribute to Up to the Test! Since 100% of our funds go directly to charity, we couldn’t be more grateful to those of you who applied, volunteered, and otherwise contacted us to be part of this project. You’ve overwhelmed us both with your talent and your generous hearts. Thank you!
Below is the current list of artists, cosplayers, and writers whose pieces will be featured in the zine. If you’d like to order the zine to see this incredible collection of fan works, please see our How to Donate and Pre-Order pages.
**list subject to change as we receive responses from/confirm additional participants
Special Guests from the ML team:
Thomas Astruc
Wilfried Pain
Jérôme Bietrix
Sylvie T. 
Julie Robert 
Isabelle Leduc
Andrea Roncancio
*We may make changes based on subsequent responses and/or participants’ schedule conflicts.
***If you have any other questions, please feel free to Ask.
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busket · 7 years
wait but how does wade suck blood if he cant handle skin to skin contact OR fluids?? does he just... stick a straw in someone's artery.
he buys blood bags off the dark web and in cases of emergency he carries around a kit with a syringe full of a drug that knocks ppl out, alcohol pads, latex gloves, a scalpel, and glass vials. this kit also has mouthwash in the dire emergency that he is forced to put his mouth on skin but he would rather starve honestly
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olivemeister · 8 years
ivithedreamer replied to your post “Wild Conspiracy Theory re: yoi episode 12, take it with a grain of...”
i think yuri looks a bit off model at the end because his hair is longer :u i dont really mind a second season though lol
it’s actually his eyes that felt off-model to me, and the thinness of his face. which could be an illusion from the hair, but the eyes not so much.
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gemanimate · 8 years
I only have kinda oldish animations to put in my reel, can I like... submit a reel now and then if I do some new animations before the deadline, I'll resubmit a better reel? Like I'd prefer to submit the fancier reel but I'm afraid that you'll have enough animators and will have closed submissions by the time I get it together ;v;
It’d be better to submit the reel now incase we have to close early. Spend time making the reel better and resubmit later. Please mention in your email that it is an older reel and you will likely be resubmitting. Make sure to read the submission guidelines to make sure you’ve covered everything. Thanks! 
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ive forgotten the specifics but once i had a dream where lapis!phos was like, a thrice divorced wine aunt(/uncle? auntle?) and i was like 'makes sense'
makes sense, yes
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mineapple · 7 years
hey new ep of land of the lustrous came out if you want more gem suffering o/
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8bitbear · 8 years
ivithedreamer replied to your post “omg i like berserk too. manga is waaaaay better and with more detail...”
ye the manga's art is suuuper detailed and intricate from what ive seen, and they often have trouble translating that to anime - the 2016 anime being especially bad bc they tried to half ass it with 3d....
@canalsobemoe was telling me about the 3d so i looked it up and I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY DID THIS
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olivemeister · 8 years
the nge announcement video is fake, i can go look for the yt link again if u want but its basically a very convincing amv :u like theres no new footage and the official site hasnt updated etc etc (also the listed bluray release date is earlier than the theatrical date? lol)
i had a feeling lmao... thank you!
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nagittos · 8 years
ivithedreamer replied to your post “Is Mystic Messenger good or will it consume your life?”
i just started yesterday and slept through three chatrooms because i sleep like a rock rip me. also an anime boy harrassed me about not having eaten breakfast yet when i was still in bed which is like...... dude....
lol I realized just how bad my lifestyle habits are when every time ask if I’ve eaten yet, I have to lie and say I have in order to get dem hearts...
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mineapple · 8 years
ivithedreamer replied to your post: hey can we have, like, a current version of...
yeah i tried to find i the other day and there was nothing there .__. pretty sure you just have to uncheck something while making an invoice? i made an invoice template w that and use it
yeah, thats pretty much all i can do, too- made an invoice template with shipping set to zero and ‘no shipping required’ written nearly everywhere lmao
hopefully thatll keep me safe from The Man
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chikkou · 8 years
lapis-the-waterwitch said: how did u get rid of them??? im currently in that situation ;n;
it takes a LOT tbh. u gota get the like, flea repellant shit for ur pets and make sure they wear it at all times. then u gotta wash ur pets, REALLY REALLY thoroughly, with lots of soap. like im not kidding if u miss even part of their body the fleas will find a way to thrive. use a flea comb too to root out any that u missed. 
also if u had any clothes not in a drawer or closed closet when the house became infested, u either gotta throw them in the washing machine right away, or throw them out. they are 100% CRAWLING with fleas regardless of how clean they look. i made the mistake of thinking a jacket that had been on my chair was clean once and almost broke down crying in class because of it. alternately, if u have more clothes that are clean than u do clothes that are flea-covered and u dont wanna bother, u can simply bag the flea clothes in trash bags instead of going to the trouble to wash them. only do this if u plan on throwing them out tho. if u plan on washing the dirty clothes, id use a laundry bag to store them instead of a basket, since a bag has way less openings that a flea could enter into.
and then, after u do that all that, u gotta bomb your house. i dont know what the products real name is, but theres a specific item that essentially fills ur house to the brim with this kind of gas thats poisonous to fleas. the downside is that its also poisonous to humans, so u cant be in the house when u set it off. i think it takes like a day or two to clear out completely, but in the meantime, keep combing ur pets fur for fleas and make sure u keep giving them baths just to be sure all the fleas on their bodies are dead. when u get home make sure ur pet is wearing a flea collar, as any fleas who try to jump on it will die, and then keep an eye out for any more stray fleas - sometimes the bomb doesnt kill them all, but gets most of them, so if u see any more use some handheld flea spray on them! the remaining stragglers usually die pretty quickly after the bomb is done. 
ivithedreamer said: damn :0 my pets have had fleas but like not to the extent that it really bothered me? I’d get a couple bites sometimes and that’s it
ugh i wish i had been this lucky lmao. they fucking tormented me, like... they were in my bed and my clothes and EVERYWHERE
speakerinnabeaker said: sAME and I was trying to get them out, treating my cat all the time and being like “Hey housemates can I vaccuum your rooms…” and they’re like “I did already” (did not) and I’m bodily screaming bc of LITERALLY 40 SOMETHING BITES ON MY LEGS ALONE, and waking up at night imagining bites *crIES* sailorbokuto said: MY SISTER’S DUMBASS POMERANIAN GOT FLEAS FROM THE NEIGHBOR AND GAVE THEM TO MY TWO INDOOR CATS THIS IS WHY I AM NOT A DOG PERSON I AM S U F F E R I N G bunster said: MY GOD THATS ME RIIIGHT NOW MY FUCCJUNKGI CAT HAS FLEAS AND IM GOING TO NUKE MY FOKING HOUSE I HATE F LE A S morishiges said: NNNGGGHH RELATABLE SADLY RELATABLE AND SAME ABOUT TH TRAUMATIZED THING OGM i thought my dog had fleas and i had a legit panic attack like No. NOT AGAIN. NOT EVER.
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landofshame · 8 years
#wish there was a mod that made it easier to position stuff in your house tho...  #i havent managed to find one :'(
What about Jaxonz Positioner
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