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#iverlove#ivan varela#ivan enrique varela#ivan enrique varela (iverlove)#transforming hearts#youtube
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Beautiful Souls,
It is not I who speaks to you; it is Jesus Christ in Me and about Me to reach you.
I am an Instrument of His Peace, Love, Truth, and Life.
Do not misinterpret the messages that I give you with all my heart; they are Celestial forces that guide me; and they do not do it so that you give me a LIKE, or so that you like or dislike the messages and put me in judgmental clothes.
I lived through many injustices throughout my life, and now I am simply used and guided by His power; I am restored and prepared in His image and likeness.
Neither do I pretend to be more than anyone else; neither do I want you to think that I know it all and I want you to follow me, it is your free will, your decision, your life.
Life belongs to the one who wants it.
���He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but he that walketh with a fool shall be broken”.
May God Bless you, Today, Tomorrow, and Forever.
IverLove, Ivan Enrique Varela.
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Bellas Almas,
No Soy Yo quien te Habla; es Jesus Cristo en Mi y Sobre mi para llegar a ti.
Yo soy Instrumento de su Paz, Amor, Verdad y Vida.
No mal interpretes los mensajes que les brindo con todo mi corazón; son fuerzas Celestiales los que me guían; y no lo hacen para que me des un LIKE, o para te guste o no te guste los mensajes y me pongas en telas de Juicio.
Yo viví muchas injusticias durante toda mi vida; y ahora simplemente soy usado y guiado por su poder; soy restaurado y siendo preparado a su imagen y semejanza.
Tampoco pretendo ser más que nadie; tampoco quiero que me pienses que Yo me las se todas y quiero que me sigas a mí, es tu libre albedrió, tu decisión, tu vida.
Vida es de quien la quiere.
" El que anda con sabios, Sabio sera, pero el que se junta con necio, quebrantado sera".
Que Dios les Bendiga, Hoy Mañana y Siempre.
IverLove, Ivan Enrique Varela.
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Bellas Almas
En este corto video; IVERLOVE durante sus conexiones con el ser Superior en los Reinos Celestiales quiere simplemente llevar el mensaje a la humanidad, si a esa Humanidad donde tu juegas un papel importante.
Estamos en un mundo donde a menudo queremos que los demás nos traten bien; tener validación de los demás para sentirnos importantes o valorados; sin darnos cuentas nos convertimos en personas que todo lo queremos y es todo [Un Yo quiero] y no me importa los demás.
Bueno nuestro Padre Celestial y seres celestiales por medio del Amor que IVERLOVE les brinda quiere guiarles a una forma de vida la cual requerimos despertar; y comenzar la transformar tu yo Interno.
Para ser mejores personas; debemos hacer el trabajo nosotros mismos; autoconvocarnos; darnos el valor que merecemos; pero no por fuentes externas; sino por el mismo autoconocimiento; porque eres suficientemente autónomo como para empoderarte de tu propias acciones y reacciones; sin depender a falsos elogios y cosas mundanas.
Si quieres que el mundo que te rodea sea diferente; y tal vez sea como lo deseas; les invito a Transformar Sus Corazones; y a eso es lo que quiero que ustedes me acompañen y cada uno de ustedes den ese bello fruto que sé que existe muy dentro de ustedes.
Este movimiento Humanitario TRANSFORMANDO CORAZONES EN EL GIMNASIO DE LAS ALMAS DE IVERLOVE; Nace por mis propias vivencias y como el Espíritu Santo ha transformado mi vida, mi ser, y me ha alejado del pecado, si porque, así como ustedes estuve en el pecado hasta tocar fondo y todo por querer ser la moneda que les gusté a todos para poder tener amistades las cuales no fueron amistades sino mi peor veneno.
Alejándome de mi autenticidad, alejándome de mi verdad, de mi hermoso ser solo para cuadrar en una sociedad llevada por el pecado; así mismo es; te llevan a vivir en el pecado para tener un empleo; para ser el simpático en la multitud; ¿pero que paso? Yo sin querer me perdí en ese sistema donde Yo no nací para ser uno mas del montón; ¡Y así como yo sé que todos ustedes aún no se han dado cuenta de esta verdad!
Simplemente Desperté con mi verdad gracias a Dios; y se que no estoy en este mundo para ser, hacer y decir lo que todo el mundo considera normal; esa no es mi esencia; cada uno nacimos con Dones; ¡habilidades y cuando tenemos nuestro propósito en la vida como meta! Es en ese momento que nos damos cuenta de que somo mas que todo eso; y por lo tanto si esa es mi realidad; sé que por alineación con el universo muchos de ustedes están estancados allí.
Explora tu poder; explora y vive la vida con propósito, creando y no destruyendo; pero deja que lo que construyas salga de tu corazón y no por la necesidad de encajar en una sociedad la cual necesita evolucionar.
Aprendí a vivir; y la vida me brinda una nueva oportunidad; pero si esto no fue así de la noche a la mañana; nace por el Amor de Dios y de quien soy en Dios.
Efesios 4:23-25 Nueva Traducción Viviente 23 En cambio, dejen que el Espíritu les renueve los pensamientos y las actitudes. 24 pónganse la nueva naturaleza, creada para ser a la semejanza de Dios, quien es verdaderamente justo y santo.
Les Envió Muchas Bendiciones,
Ivan Enrique Varela
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Good morning Beautiful, Souls
I want to share the Podcast of Chapter 10; of TRANSFORMING HEARTS IN THE GYM OF THE SOULS OF IVERLOVE.
I know that many of you prefer to listen instead of reading; it becomes easier especially when you have a lot of daily work.
I will try to share the other previous chapters.
In this chapter, I give you the 5 Laws of Karma; which is the essence; that you have them clear since the Narcissist is always looking for a Victim to destroy; I would not want you to fall the way I did.
Happily and thanks to God; the Narcissist's Story remains for me in the Past with a deep learning; The best part of that stage is yet to come; and that is my Sweet Revenge Thanks to the power of Our Heavenly Father.
Our God, the Lord Jesus.
Had it not been for his intervention the demonic Narcissist would have ended my Existence, although My God would never have allowed it.
Use my material as a reference that the goodwill begins very soon.
I love you with all my being,
Ivan Enrique Varela
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Amadas Almas
Quiero que sepan que ya les extraño, pasan los minutos los días y mi Amor por ustedes crece más y más.
[Transformando Corazones en el Gimnasio de las Almas de IverLove Capitulo 10.]
No sufras más bella Alma; confía en el proceso, no temas a lo desconocido; ¿es más te afirmo que, aunque sientas que estas presenten y tienes todo lo que has deseado? aún hay mucho más por descubrir.
Lo se Muchas de las cosas ocultas en la 3ra dimensión has sido creadas por el enemigo (El Diablo y sus Demonios) para frenar tu evolución y logres la Vida en abundancia prometida por nuestro Creador.
Confía primero que nada en Dios; Confía en el Universo y ten por seguro de que todo lo que te han quitado volverá a ti; todo el sufrimiento que te han causado no ha quedado en el olvido.
Por eso mi existo; y por eso Clamo con el Poder de los Reinos Celestiales y a su Divina Justicia para Manifestar a través de este Movimiento Humanitario; tu Libertad.
Volverás a ser feliz, volverás a brillar, volverás a vivir bajo la Protección de nuestro Padre Todopoderoso y él te recibirá; perdonará tus errores; y te restaurará.
Respira Alma mía y has tu labor...
En este Capítulo solo quiero reafirmarles 5 Leyes del Karma:
En la Vida todo siempre saldrá a la Luz, todo siempre se descubre. En la vida todo tiene un precio; quien te haya herido por mucho que lo haya disfrutado con lo que te hizo, tenlo por seguro de que regresara a él multiplicado.
No os venguéis vosotros mismos, amados míos, sino dejad lugar a la ira de Dios; porque escrito está: Mía es la venganza, yo pagaré, dice el Señor. Así que, si tu enemigo tuviere hambre, dale de comer; si tuviere sed, dale de beber; pues haciendo esto, ascuas de fuego amontonarás sobre su cabeza.
Deja que Dios actúe en vuestro Lugar.
Cuando hayas pasado por eventos donde te han crucificado; te han herido en todos los niveles intentando acabar con tu vida lo mejor que puedes hacer es [NO HACER NADA]; Nunca tomes venganza por tu propio Juicio; mal con mal no se logra la Venganza.
Deja que el Narcisista, o los Narcisistas Endemoniados Canten y Disfrute Su [CORTA VICTORIA]; al Perdonar (Aceptar de que no puedes Controlar a otros y sus acciones) puedes enfocarte en tu evolución mientras que ellos siguen su rumbo destructivo agregándole más leña a su fuego el cual es [ENTRADA AL INFIERNO] sin tique de regreso.
A menudo en esos momentos nuestras emociones están por todos lados; controla y domina a tus emociones; Ora por ellos, porque no saben lo que hacen. Muchos de los que te hieren ni siquiera saben porque lo hacen (El Diablo y Demonio los Usa porque han rechazado a Dios) así es son instrumentos claves para la destrucción del reino de Dios.
La crucifixión
…33Cuando llegaron al lugar llamado ``La Calavera, crucificaron allí a Jesús y a los malhechores, uno a la derecha y otro a la izquierda. 34Y Jesús decía: Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen. Y echaron suertes, repartiéndose entre sí sus vestidos. 35Y el pueblo estaba allí mirando; y aun los gobernantes se mofaban de Él, diciendo: A otros salvó; que se salve a sí mismo si este es el Cristo de Dios, su Escogido.…
Jamás permitas segundas oportunidades; ni en relaciones, ni en empleo donde injustamente te hayan despedido; ni a los llamados "Amigos" que solo están cuando tienes algo para darles y cuando ven que no pueden quitarte más nada te abandonan. No los necesitas.
Si les permites regresar; te traicionarán aun con más fuerza; Los seres Humanos y Almas entregadas a las fuerzas malignas nunca cambian; y si lo aceptas y vuelves a darles entrada a tu vida esto es lo que les quieres dar a entender: [LES DAS A ENTENDER QUE ESTUBO BIEN LO QUE TE HICIERON]
DALE UN "ACCESO NEGADO" Valórate y no retrocedas nunca.
Si efectivamente así actúa el narcisista; El ser llevado por los Demonios y lo hacen porque ellos disfrutan haciéndolo; solo fíjate que después de ti continúan su mismo patrón de comportamiento consecutivamente con la siguiente victima; y así siguen; dañando a todo aquel que caiga en sus garras.
Son los [PARASITOS DE LA SOCIEDAD] salen de una relación e inmediatamente entran a otra; algo así como las moscas, brincando de un lado otro sin valores Sociales tratando de llenar su alto vacío en el Alma; ¡pero como han vendido sus Almas a las Fuerzas del Mal! ese Vació no lo llena Nada ni Nadie.
Lucas 23:47,48
Cuando el centurión vio lo que había sucedido, glorificaba a Dios, diciendo: Ciertamente, este hombre era inocente.…
El Universo siempre te hará Justicia bella Alma, Así que Quédate conmigo; y Despierta...
Si el mundo no te Ama, Yo si te Amo.
Dios te Ama.
Ivan Enrique Varela
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Beloved Souls
I want you to know that I miss you already, the minutes and days go by and my Love for you grows more and more.
[Transforming Hearts in IverLove's Soul Gym Chapter 10.]
Do not suffer any more beautiful Soul; trust in the process, and do not fear the unknown; moreover, I affirm that even if you feel that you are present and have everything you have desired? There is still much more to discover.
I know that many of the hidden things in the 3rd dimension have been created by the enemy (The Devil and his Demons) to stop you from evolving and achieving the abundant Life promised by our Creator.
Trust first in God; Trust in the Universe and rest assured that everything that has been taken from you will come back to you; all the suffering that has been caused to you has not been forgotten.
That is why I exist, and that is why I cry out with the Power of the Celestial Realms and their Divine Justice to Manifest through this Humanitarian Movement, your Freedom.
You will be happy again, you will shine again, you will live again under the Protection of our Almighty Father and He will receive you; He will forgive your mistakes; and He will restore you.
Breathe my Soul and do your work...
In this Chapter, I just want to reaffirm 5 Laws of Karma:
In Life everything will always come to light, everything is always discovered. In life everything has a price; whoever has hurt you, no matter how much he enjoyed what he did to you, be sure that he will come back to you multiplied.
ROMANS 12:19
Avenge not yourselves, my beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God: for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. So, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head.
Let God work in your place.
When you have gone through events where you have been crucified; and you have been hurt on every level trying to end your life the best thing to do is [DO NOT DO ANYTHING]; Never take revenge for your judgment; evil with evil is not revenge.
Let the Narcissist or the Narcissist Demons sing and enjoy their [SHORT VICTORY]; by Forgiving (Accepting that you cannot Control others and their actions) you can focus on your evolution while they continue their destructive course adding fuel to their fire which is [ENTRANCE TO HELL] with no ticket back.
Often at such times, our emotions are all over the place; control and dominate our emotions; pray for them, for they know not what they do. Many of those who hurt you don't even know why they do it (The Devil and Demons use them because they have rejected God) so they are key instruments for the destruction of God's kingdom.
The Crucifixión
... 33 When they came to the place called ``The Skull,'' there they crucified Jesus and the malefactors, one on the right hand and one on the left. 34 And Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. And they cast lots, dividing their garments among themselves. 35 And the people stood there looking on; and the rulers also mocked him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if this is the Christ of God, his Chosen One...
Never allow second chances; neither in relationships nor in jobs where you have been unjustly fired; nor to the so-called "Friends” who are only there when you have something to give them and when they see that they cannot take anything more from you, they abandon you.
If you allow them to return; they will betray you even more strongly; Human beings and Souls delivered to evil forces never change; and if you accept it and give them entrance to your life this is what you want to give them to understand: [YOU GIVE THEM TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS GOOD WHAT THEY DID TO YOU].
GIVE THEM “ACCESS DENIED” Value yourself and never back down.
Yes, indeed this is how the Narcissist acts; being led by the Demons and do it because they enjoy doing it; just notice that after you they continue their same pattern of behavior consecutively with the next victim; and so, they continue; harming everyone who falls into their clutches.
They are the [PARASITES OF SOCIETY] they leave one relationship and immediately enter another; also, like flies, hopping from one side to the other with no social values trying to fill their high emptiness in the Soul; but as they have sold their Souls to the Forces of Evil! that Emptiness is not filled by anything or anyone.
Luke 23:47,48
When the centurion saw what had happened, he glorified God, saying: Surely this man was innocent...
The Universe will always do you Justice beautiful Soul, So stay with me; and Awake....
If the world does not Love you, I Love you.
God Loves you.
Ivan Enrique Varela
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Brave Souls
I invite you to live in the Light with Me and you will see your miracles flow effortlessly at the right time.
Another day of Blessing!
We are Alive, Glory to God.
Thanks to His love for us, here we are.
and even though you may ignore the signs, I want you to know that
Lord Jesus: you have plans of prosperity for all; Yes, for each of you.
of you.
Although the road has never been easy, no one said it would be
said it would be easy to walk with him would not take away the trials, the walk, and follow the
walking and following the true ways of Jesus our God does not mean that you will never have to go through
that you will never have to go through trials of resistance, what it does guarantee is that his yoke is light.
that his yoke is light, and victory is sure.
And you will be blessed; even though you may not receive
what you have always desired; rest assured Beloved Souls that your blessing will be even greater than you have asked for.
even greater than what you have asked for.
God's timing is perfect; no matter how much you may have failed him, he will not
You have failed him; he will not let you endure more than you can bear.
Many times, when we go through critical moments
and we feel that we can't take it anymore, and we don't understand why we go through illnesses or go through
illnesses, or we go through moments of financial crisis, or crises in our relationships with
relationships with partners or work relationships and even the acceptance of the body you were given...
body that was given to you... My dear souls, in those moments, is when your faith has to increase
is when your faith must increase even more, it is there where you must praise Him more, correct your ways, make an internal
You should praise Him more, correct your ways, and make an internal revision even if it is difficult and you don't understand it.
You must do the necessary work.
But what do I mean by doing your inner work?
You must fortify yourself with a supernatural fortitude
that you can acquire from our almighty Father through prayer.
And that is achieved through prayer, meditation, and reflection of your inner self.
you must do the therapy that I mentioned in one of the past chapters of
TRANSFORMING HEARTS at the Gym of the Souls that I have already shared with you.
You must simply: Give Importance to what matters most in your life
what matters most in your life and cut everything that is not part of your advancement, growth, and less of your
your progress, your growth, and less of your journey.
You came alone to this world, and you will leave alone:
With that, I emphasize that you should not allow Codependence of anything material or Codependence to other people.
or Codependence on other people to stop your journey.
Is it easy? Hehe, it is not easy,
But necessary.
It does not mean that from now on you live
life in Solitude because you are never alone; He is always there with you; the assigned celestial angels are there sending
the assigned celestial angels are there sending you signs even if you can't see them; and if you don't see the signs
and if you do not see the signs, it is because you are so intoxicated with the noise and vanities of the world that you simply do not see it.
vanities of the world that you simply fail to feel it; and as a consequence, you lose your blessings.
you lose your blessings.
Likewise, my soul, the world robs you of your blessings, your time, your journey.
your blessings, your time, your journey; focus on what gives you support to emerge and stop wasting your time.
focus on what gives you support to emerge and stop wasting your time; use it instead of giving it away to others.
Do it for you and don't expect others to do it for you.
nobody must fix your life for you; it is something that you must do by yourself with the help of God in your life.
yourself with the help of God in your heart.
Your words are a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
my path. Psalm 119:105
I send you His Blessing from the Heavenly Realms to open your pathways, and your consciousness and become a participant in the alignment with the Universe.
Note: [If you are still vibrating low, and in the darkness? I tell you what, I will bring you out of the darkness because my Light will dispel the darkness and bring you to fertile ground. I decree it in the name of Jesus Christ]. Even if you do not believe it, because for my God there is nothing Impossible, what for you is Impossible!
We will make it possible, and you will see the Light.
I love you infinitely,
Ivan Enrique Varela
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Beautiful Souls
I hope your day has been full of prosperity, abundance, happiness, and meaning.
Remember that when we talk about Prosperity, Abundance I am lot only referring to Money. To be Happy we must change our way of thinking and seeing things; I understand that Money is necessary. Money is an Energy, which we can Manifest as a product of your work, of your creation, of your dedication to the work which you are developing.
Your life is a gift; you only live this experience once. When you manage to make this transformation in your heart; in the Name of God, I guarantee that everything in your life will begin to change positively.
Both Money and Love are sources of Energy that you can attract depending on what you send to your inner Universe and the Universe in its greatest splendor where we are all connected.
Note: When you understand something, read it again; repeatedly and you will see that the third time you will understand clearly; that is the art of Exercising your Capacity to understand and assimilate the messages that little by little will be working in your subconscious taking you to where I want to take you. Step by Step.
Enjoy every moment in your journey; whatever it is, joys, sorrows, victories, defeats, in short, all those moments are the ones that create the necessary character in your Evolution.
Now I leave you, have a nice evening, I love you and I love you with all my Soul.
Proverbs 18 “A man who isolates himself seeks his desire; He rages against all [a]wise judgment.”
IverLove Ivan Enrique Varela
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Beautiful Souls
Hope you are fantastic; forget about your problems and worries, let go of everything and everyone, and free yourself from attachments.
Be the one who breaks Generational Behaviors acquired from Families over generations; I know you are Human perhaps when you were born you were raised under Corrupted Behaviors that come from Sims, and because that's what you absorbed while you were growing up; unconsciously you took ownership and as of consequence life has become a burden; hard to rinsed up and gain your Freedom.
Yes, Freedom from being controlled by others or depending on a paycheck to survive; freedom from depending on anyone or anything, believe it or not!
You are more than enough; and capable of being in "Self-Surviving Mode" by using your blessings and creating a meaningful life; breaking yourself from Codependency from anyone to make you feel that you are worthy; or loveable.
All you need is to Follow what it matters the most.
"Your Relationship with God"
One more time, you have "Free Will"; and I have already told you that we have our God and He is Alive and that if you seek Him!
You will find Him?
I had seen a lot during my journey, and I got it! When things don't go the way we want, what do we do? we set the faith on the side and pretty much the majority of you give up on God! because everyone wants to be blessed without changing your lifestyle and persist in giving the power to the Devil.
Life in abundance doesn't work that way!
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
[You can't have your cake and eat it (too) is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech. [1] The proverb means "You cannot simultaneously retain possession of a cake and eat it, too". Once the cake is eaten, it is gone.
It can be used to say that one cannot have two incompatible things, or that one should not try to have more than is reasonable. The proverb's meaning is similar to the phrase "you can't have it both ways" and "you can't have the best of both worlds."]
So, my loving Souls, over the years this message has been spread out in many versions; from many others who never give up on Our God, and now that I have him with me, I reaffirm that He Loves you and he is waiting for all of you as well.
If your life remains the same, then don't blame others because the message has been delivered to you not only at this moment when he is Transforming My Life but from many others that you have already been able to see.
What I am Offering to you is to Follow my Frequency and Be part of Transforming Hearts at The Gims of the Souls by IverLove. I don't want you to see me as someone who wants to impose a Lifestyle; use my Transformation as Encouragement for your own Life and How is possible to Become a Better Person in God's Hands.
I love you with all my Heart.
Ivan Enrique Varela
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Almas bellas
Espero que estés fantástica; olvídate de tus problemas y preocupaciones, déjate llevar por todo y por todos, y libérate de ataduras.
Sé tú quien rompa los Comportamientos Generacionales adquiridos de Familias a lo largo de generaciones; sé que eres Humano quizás cuando naciste fuiste criado bajo Comportamientos Corruptos que provienen de Sims, y debido a eso es lo que absorbiste mientras crecías; inconscientemente te apropiaste y como consecuencia la vida se ha convertido en una carga; difícil de enjuagarse y ganar tu Libertad.
Sí, Libertad de ser controlado por otros o de depender de un sueldo para sobrevivir; libertad de no depender de nada ni de nadie, lo creas o no.
Nada ni nadie, ¡creas o no!
Tu eres más que suficiente; y capaz de estar en «Modo Auto-Supervivencia» usando tus propias bendiciones y creando una vida con sentido; rompiendo contigo mismo de la Codependencia de cualquiera para te haga sentir que eres digno; o querible.
Todo lo que necesitas es Seguir lo que más importa más.
«Tu Relación con Dios»
Una vez más, tienes «Libre Albedrío»; y ya te he dicho que tenemos a nuestro Dios y que está Vivo y que si le buscas
Le encontrarás.
Yo había visto mucho durante mi viaje, y lo ¡lo conseguí! Cuando las cosas no salen como queremos, ¿qué hacemos? ponemos la fe a un lado y casi la mayoría renuncia a Dios! Porque todos quieren ser bendecidos sin cambiar su estilo de vida y persisten en
darle el poder al Diablo.
¡La vida en abundancia no funciona de esa manera!
No puedes tener tu pastel y comértelo también.
[No puedes tener tu pastel y comértelo (también)
es un popular proverbio idiomático inglés. [1] El proverbio significa «No puedes simultáneamente mantener la posesión de un pastel y comértelo también». Una vez comido, el pastel desaparece. Puede usarse para decir que uno dos cosas incompatibles, o que no se debe intentar tener más de lo razonable. El significado del proverbio es similar a las frases «tu no se puede tener las dos cosas» y “no se puede tener lo mejor de los dos mundos”].
Así que, mis queridas Almas, a lo largo de los años este mensaje se ha difundido en muchas versiones; de muchos otros que nunca se rinden en Nuestro Dios, y ahora que lo tengo conmigo, reafirmo que Él os Ama y os espera a todos vosotros también.
Si tu vida sigue igual, entonces no culpes a otros porque el mensaje te ha sido entregado no solo en este momento en que está Transformando Mi Vida sino de muchos otros que ya has
podido ver ya.
Lo que te estoy Ofreciendo es Seguir mi Frecuencia y Ser parte de Transformar Corazones en Los Gimnasio de las Almas de IverLove. No quiero que me veas como alguien que quiere imponer un Estilo de Vida; usa mi Transformación como Aliento para tu propia Vida y Como es posible Convertirte en una Mejor Persona en las Manos de Dios.
Mantente Bendecido.
Te amo con todo mi Corazón.
Ivan Enrique Varela
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