#ive watched dw for a long time but ive only been caught up since jodie got announced
god-tier-bastard · 3 months
is anyone else a little annoyed at the official doctor who accounts? they keep pointing out every single tiny thread for the season arc like we're all five, like rtd's been slick or smth going "that woman is just another actor haha our giant disney budget simply wouldn't allow for more actors".
it's not fun to have every possible opportunity for theorizing thrown out the window bc they can't stop making videos jerking themselves off for having a fucking season arc. its so obnoxious, "did you notice????? hey guys did you notice that woman that ruby said she recognized everywhere is everywhere??? did you notice her yet??? here!!! look!!! aren't we so mysterious????"
and the CONSTANT TEASERS are getting on my nerves. i don't need 50 tiktoks telling me what to expect from the next episode bc my monkey brain attention span can't comprehend the one week wait. the teaser at the end of each episode is fine, i don't need jemma redgrave telling me to expect unit tower in the next episode, or for ncuti gatwa to tell me to expect "the truth revealed". its a finale. that you've shown to take place in unit tower. i have eyes.
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