#ive still been rotating the original gang too and yet im already feeling like im somehow betraying them :(
space-ninja-fashion-show ยท 1 year
Darius has taken a lot of ppl under his wings since he awoke and considers his ragtag lil clan to all be his family, but he specifically has two who he considers to be His Kids
One is his tenno, Mae. She chose to withdraw from combat when she and Darius realised that that was an option at all, even if one they'd need to fight for to make work, and Darius did everything he could to support her in this while continuing the fight alone
During their combat days she was a very defensive fighter and not at all chatty during missions, but getting to just be a teenager and study the things she wants to (mainly architecture) has allowed her to blossom into someone a lot more easygoing and confident. She lovingly bullies her dad but no one else is allowed to look at him meanly. She likes to paint (the dojo has some of her work up on the walls! Darius is the proudest dad in the world and the entire dojo is now the fridge door for him to hang up his daughter's work) and naturally takes on a leader role amongst the clan's tenno when it comes to various Projects. This was initially granted bc "leader's daughter" but turns out she's genuinely good at it
Darius' other kid and Mae's older sibling is Tekla, an excalibur. The "an" is very on purpose here - excalibur was one of if not the Only frame that the Orokin had attempted to make multiple of before realising that 1) something will always end up different (often drastically so) bc the hosts aren't perfectly the same, and 2) warframes are extremely powerful so might as well get in some extreme variety too
Tekla's backstory is full of Ouch and i will not delve into it on This post, but basically: they never saw combat in the Old War, got severly traumatised while semi-conscious, and will never set foot on a battlefield ever again. Or be controlled via transference. They're no longer in contact with the tenno who had them post-long-sleep
They're meek and don't handle strangers well, but they're very content doing data and supply tracking for the clan. Spreadsheets galore. They were one of the first ppl Darius took under his wing. They'd never admit to seeing Darius as their dad but do claim him to be their hero. Darius on the other hand 100% sees them as his own kid and acts accordingly
Tekla and Mae have something of a "they asked for no pickles" dynamic, with Mae often serving as Tekla's security blanket/emotional support person. If there's strangers in the dojo, Mae will interact with them readily or at the v least Observe from the edge of conversation and report back to Tekla via transference conversation while they stay out of sight a few rooms away
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