#ive never watched a sports anime I just want high school mystery hijinks and also Strelitzia playing sport
fisherrprince · 4 years
tell me abt khux
anon I’m not gonna do that I’m gonna tell you about my sports festival au for khux sorry babe
Strelitzia, Ventus, Lauriam, Skuld, and Ephemer play soccer. Or nebulous Sport, I don’t know sports. Elrena is too pretty to play sports, and Blaine is too much of a computer nerd to play sports. There are 5 high schools, Ven goes to Bear Valley (bears), Litzy+Lauriam+Elrena go to Highland (serpents), Skuld and Eph go to Fortune Park (foxes), Blaine goes to Southridge (leopards), and all the dark road kids go to the private school Trinity High. Don’t @ me about continuity. The unicorns are the reigning champions and we’re trying to beat them up this year!!
The plot starts with everyone meeting each other — they all want to win, but they all want to take down the unicorns more! Lauriam drags Blaine into the conversation because they’re friends and he wants their input, and Elrena comes because she wants to size up the competition and brag about Litzy (huge crush on her). They’re not all friends yet, though. They become friends after The Incident. The tournament starts, just fine, and it looks like... maybe we can do this! But then, in a particularly close game, the Bears and the Serpents get into fights. It’s not going well. Ventus and Litzy get into a pretty Bad one, not by themselves, but they have to be dragged off each other. They head to the nurse. The next day... Strelitzia is gone. It turns out she’s in the hospital with a broken leg, and most people (especially the unicorn gossip ring) suspect Ventus. He went and finished the job! And worse, he doesn’t actually have an alibi. Ven gets suspended, and this ruins the bears’ reputation. Not to mention tanks the Serpents, because their star player is MIA. Lauriam and Rena are mad, but Blaine is suspicious. They don’t think that’s what happened.
No, when Ven and Litzy were sitting outside the principals office with ice packs they actually became friends, kinda. They exchanged numbers. Before the wonder twins can confront (read: threaten) Ventus about it, strelitzia wakes up, and reveals it wasnt him! She doesn’t know who It was, but it wasn’t him. In fact, someone even messed with the game footage and stole Ven and Litzy’s phones, because they were texting, apparently. That’s really suspicious. Blaine decides to get looking into it, and in the process, discovers that it happens /again/ with Ephemer — someone messes with the game on purpose, and makes him fail a number of real easy passes on the field, and it looks like Skuld is messing with him, but they’re best friends! That’s not like them at all... so what’s good?
They investigate as a group, exactly like the movie Swindle but not at all like the movie swindle. At first they suspect the Unicorns, because d u h, but some things don’t line up... and whats with the weird way the mascots are acting? And the proctors? I mean sure they’re always weird, but... something is up under there.
(The foretellers are the mascot costumes.)
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