#ive never knowingly been able to say one thing without saying twenty other things at the same time
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seud-luachmhor · 10 months ago
Will there be any updates on your amazing fanfictions soon? I love rereading them a lot and I’d love to read more đŸ„°
Hello! I’m trying not to freak out that you’ve not only read but reread my silly writing, that is the biggest compliment MY GOD. I have no idea what I’m doing but thank you for being so sweet. 😊
I hate to say it but I’m about to do the opposite. I had PTBO all mapped out as to how it would finish up, but the lovely @paniniseller has recently tilted my whole interpretation of what I thought that was - in the absolutely best way, I mean. They’ve fallen down a rabbit hole with me and created a whole other level of insight that is just a joy and of which I’m so appreciative of. ❀ đŸ«¶đŸ» But that means I’m going to need to take the fic down and rework it entirely before posting it again.
In the meantime tho, I do have another yacht fic, I think its set around 1994 on Blue Doublet, with a very impatient Anne and a very distracted Tim, I just don’t have a title for it. (Well, the file name is Harris Gin, and while that does crop up in the fic, I half suspected it was more to do with what I was drinking at the time I was writing. đŸ€­ If you’ve any ideas tho, send them me. I love titles and the potential they hold.)
Again, cheers for being so sweet, you've made my morning đŸ€—
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honeyhan-123 · 5 years ago
Say Thank You V
Series Summary: Nearly five years have passed since Steve Rogers saves your life without so much as a thank you. When he sees you again by chance, he makes sure that he’ll never let you go and maybe teach you some manners in the process.
Series Warning: This will be a dark!Steve fic with stalking, kidnapping and manipulating as well as non-con and dub-con situations. Please don’t read it if you don’t like that sort of thing.
Chapter Warnings: None really, just being held captive.
Word Count: 2.2k
AN: I would just like to dedicate this chapter to @tansypoisoning and @danceswithapathy for being there for me last week when I felt really guilty about not getting an update out on time. Also thank you to @cake-reads for suggesting this website for making a moodboard. This is my first attempt so I hope y’all like it. I love you guys x
I. New York ~ II. Madrid ~ III. The Apartment ~ IV. The Trip
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V. The Basement
You awoke slowly, the first sign of consciousness being the ability to feel, slowly descending down your body like honey dripping from a spoon. First it was being made aware of the pounding headache that hid behind your heavy eyelids, then the stiffness in your bad, the muscles taught as if they had been in the same place for quite some time. Last had been the feeling of blood rushing down to your toes as you tried to wiggle them, snuggly tucked under the covers. 
As you slowly gained consciousness, your eyelids fluttering open, panic started to surge through your body, memories of the previous night coming back. A hand clamped around your mouth, a prick in your neck, and then nothing. You had no indication of just how long you had been out so what felt like mere minutes ago could’ve been hours, days even, and with the way your back ached you thought it was probably the latter. 
You also had no indication of how you had gotten wherever you were now. Throwing the soft covers off of your body, you slipped your feet out onto the cold hardwood floor. With a terror unparalleled, you realised you were no longer wearing the shorts a t-shirt you last remembered donning for work but a simple pale blue slip nightgown that scarcely covered you to your mid thigh. Who had changed you?
There was barely any light in the room, save for the moonlight that filtered in through the windows lining the opposite wall, barely a foot wide, grazing against the ceiling. They let you know it was night time again, so it was looking like you had been out for about a day. Confusion hit as you looked around the room, you didn’t think sex trafficers normally kept their victims in such nice rooms. If you weren’t scared out of your mind you probably would say the room was more than nice, the plush king sized bed you were still sitting on was evidence enough. 
Fumbling with the switch by your bed, you flicked on the lamp to illuminate the room further. Along the wall opposite the bed, under the windows, there was a large bookshelf along with what looked like a few armchairs and such. In the far corner was a dining area, but it wasn’t the mahogany table that caught your eye. It was the steel door that was next to it, leading to what you were sure must be a way out. Creeping out of the bed, you tentatively made your way towards it, your eyes never leaving the handle. You knew it probably wouldn’t be this easy, but you had to hope, hope that there was a way out. 
Your intense focus on the door caused you to fail to notice the step that spanned the length of the room, elevating the bed area. As your foot was met with air, you tumbled down, trying to catch yourself with your hands on the hardwood floor. Your muscles were still partly asleep despite your mind running a hundred miles an hour and so you were still on the floor, trying to push yourself up off the ground when you heard a click sound through the room. 
 The steel door opened and a man stepped in, the bright light behind him casting his face in shadow. From where you were on the ground, you knew he must be an impressive figure, easily able to dominate over you, just from the way his frame filled the doorway. ‘Oh Sweetheart, here, let me help you up.’ He placed a tray on the dining room before crossing towards you, but as he neared, you hastily crawled back, trying to get away from this man. 
‘Stop that now.’ A strong hand wrapped around one of your ankles and you tried to kick at him with the other as he pulled your body towards him, a desperate scream for help escaping from your lungs. 
Instantly his body was on yours, one hand covering your mouth and the other pinning both your wrists above your head. With his face so close to yours, a sinking feeling arose in your gut as you recognised him, not only as the American stranger from the cantina, but as Captain America himself.  You felt stupid for not recognising him before yet he had always been wearing caps or sunglasses, plus with his fully grown beard and longer hair, he hardly looked like America’s Golden Boy anymore, especially when he was pinning you down on the floor. The position was oddly reminiscent of the only other time you had knowingly been in his presence, that day in New York, pinned underneath the car as he fought against the Chitauri. 
‘Sweetheart, I’m trying very hard to be calm right now but if you continue acting like this, you’re going to be in a lot of trouble. There’s no point screaming down here, the walls are all soundproofed, no one will hear you. All you’re accomplishing right now is angering me.’ Despite his warning, you continued to scream into his hand, thrashing your body around on the floor, trying to pry him off of you. Yet, no matter how hard you squirmed, he remained above you, barley even moving an inch. Your scream started dying off as your oxygen supply was cut by his hand and your movements slowed as you realised it was useless. He was far stronger than you. 
A smile came over his face as he clearly realised your fight had started dying as he shifted the hand that had been clamping your mouth shut to the base of your throat. At first it seemed like a much more relaxed position, afterall you could actually breathe properly now but the gentle squeeze of this fingers against your windpipe served as a reminder that he could still take away your air if he so wished. 
‘I’m going to ask you this one time Sweetheart, and you better not lie to me. If I get off of you do you promise to be a good girl?’ His voice was even as he leaned his face above yours, his face a near perfect mask of calm, yet looking into his dark blue eyes above you, you realised he was anything but. His orbs were a swirling sea of madness and you knew better than to anger this supersoldier further. 
You nodded your head as best you could in his steel-like grip and were rewarded with a tightening of his grip on your throat and he smiled. ‘You better not break your promise Sweetheart.’ was his final warning before he shifted his weight off of you and stood up before extending a hand down to you. Eyeing it warily, you slowly raised your hand to meet his and he wasted no time in pulling you up to his frame as though you weighed nothing. 
His arms wrapped around you, pulling your body to his chest as he stood, eyes staring into yours as though he were waiting for something. When you did nothing but stare at your feet for nearly a minute, he let out a frustrated groan, his eyebrows pulling together in a frown. 
You longed to be out of his arms, to be free from his presence but you remembered your promise and stood still in his arms. One of his hands shifted from your waist up to your chin, tilting your head up to his, forcing you to look at him as he spoke. ‘You know, generally when someone helps you, the polite thing is to say thank you. But it’s okay. We’ll work on your manners.’ You remained silent as he grabbed your hand in his, leading you towards the small dining table and held out a chair for you. 
As you sat, you saw the test he had been carrying earlier placed in front of you. On it were two pieces of toast with butter and a glass of milk. You didn’t fail to notice that he hadn’t given you any cutlery. ‘I know it’s not much but I figured trying anything heavier wouldn’t be a good idea with how long you’ve been asleep for.’ 
You paused at his words, your eyes flickering up to him as you thought. Just how long had you been asleep for? 
‘Where am I?’ Your voice was timid, broken by your screaming fit before. 
‘You’re new home of course. I couldn’t have you living in that tiny apartment anymore what with it not even having air conditioning. You should really close your blinds you know, someone could always be watching.’ 
A chill flowed down your spine as you registered his words. He had clearly been watching you, but for how long? Had it started all the way back in New York? Or when you first say him in the cantina a few weeks ago? All of these thoughts raced around in your head but none of them were spoken out loud, mainly because you were fairly certain whatever the answer was, you wouldn’t like it. 
‘Well? Aren’t you going to eat your food? It would be rude not to, especially since I made it for you.’ His voice was a warning, a reminder of your promise and despite having completely lost your appetite, you knew it would keep you happy. Plus if you really had been asleep for nearly twenty-four hours, your body definitely needed some food. 
He started speaking against as you but down on a piece, following his orders, like a good girl. ‘See that wasn’t so hard?’ He reached across the table to brush his fingers against your arm as his eyes locked with yours. ‘You could be quite happy here, I’ll give you everything you need. All you have to do is show some manners and we can be happy together.’ His voice was so full of conviction that it nearly made you choke. 
Happy together? Just what was this guy playing at? He had literally just kidnapped you and he wanted you to be happy together? He was truly mental if he thought you were going to be his little pet. 
You struggled to continue eating despite the hunger that had awoken in your stomach, forcing down the last piece of toast before draining your glass of milk. Steve smiled at you and picked up the tray again as he stood, his eyes expectant. You fiddled with your thumbs as you forced the words out. 
‘Thank you.’ 
A smile overtook his face as his hand that wasn’t gripping the tray stroked your cheek. ‘You’re welcome Sweetheart. There’s everything you’ll need down here in the closet or the bathroom, you might like to take a shower and get ready for bed.’ With one last glance at you, he headed back out of the steel door he came in through, the distinct click of a lock signifying you were alone again. 
He had been right of course. After spending a solid half an hour pulling and pushing the steel door with everything you had and it hadn’t moved an inch, you had sauntered into the bathroom, the idea of a shower sounding far nicer than you cared to admit. You hadn’t noticed the two doors on the wall adjacent to the bed before opening the first you saw a closet, just like he had mentioned, filled with dresses that all seemed to be in your size. How long had he been planning this? When had he bought these clothes? You didn’t think you wanted the answer to these questions and closing the closet door, you padded over to the only other door in the room, that you assumed was the bathroom. 
The bathroom was - as he had said it would be - fully stocked with anything you could need. Everything from the shampoo that you had used while in Madrid to makeup, perfect for your colouring. The fact that he had known what type of shampoo you had used in Madrid should have been far more surprising than you found it, but given his earlier comment about watching you through your windows, you figured he had also watched you in your apartment. 
The hot water had done little to help your taught muscles, tense from your meal with Steve, but it had been nice, giving you an odd sense of power as you purposely spent far too long in the warm stream, trying to rack up his water bill. Sure it was petty and wouldn’t help you in anyway, but it helped provide you with a sense of vindication. 
Not once while drying yourself off did you mind pause, constantly running in circles, asking the same questions over and over again. 
Why were you here? What did he want with you? How could you escape?
Wanting to avoid the closet that brought even more unwanted questions with it - like how did he know your clothing size? - you opted instead for the slip nightgown again, only venturing into the dreaded room to find a clean pair of panties. 
Despite having been asleep for god knows how long, you still felt tired although you doubted any sleep would come to you as you lay in bed, the only light once again pouring in from the outside. Staring at the steel door through the gloom, you promised yourself, you would find a way to escape, maybe not today or tomorrow, but once you had your strength back, you knew you would need it to face the famous Captain America.
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VI. The First Lesson
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