#ive never been first at anything school-related ive always been good but ive never been The Best In The Class
spatio-rift · 7 months
we should have our results and rank for the first semester sometime this week i really hope im first aaauugg i need to be first
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hiii, ive been having this idea of vessel era tyler x reader where they've been good friends for years, and she decides to post a cover of one of his older songs on youtube. tyler, who didnt know she could sing, becomes enthralledddddd. basically just fluff, realizing feelings, and all the good stuff!!! :D :D :D
Cover - Tyler Joseph x reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph × Reader
Warnings: none - fluffy
Word Count: 1953
A/N: Hello anon! This was a great request and I really hope you enjoy my interpretation. I've been in a Vessel era mood a lot recently so perfect timing :) feel free to keep requesting stuff if you enjoy this and if you have feedback let me know!
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With Vessel being a huge success, Tyler was finally able to buy the house he, Josh, and I had all been living in since I finished college and the boys started the band. But with signing to a major label came long studio sessions which meant being alone in the house. Tyler and I had been friends since high school and I’d gotten to see his love of music bloom. While he’d decided to pursue his dream instead of finishing college, both my parents thought it was the best option for me. I never told Tyler that I made music too, it was the one secret I kept from him. When Tyler and Josh were off at the studio I always used the equipment they had lying around the house–especially Tyler’s piano. Today, Tyler and Josh were going to be out of the house till 9pm, meaning I had enough time to go to work and play music before they came home. 
“What are you going to play now?” asked my friend April. She was the only one who knew about my music. Our mothers had been friends before we were born and as fate would tell, we carried on the legacy of friendship. 
“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “I’m too tired to write anything new.” April chuckled, laying down on the floor in the music room. She’d been begging me to cover one of the boys’ songs for months–even going so far as having a list of songs she wanted me to sing. 
“Taxi Cab or Air Catcher!!” She begged, a large smile on her face. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t sung some of their songs in the shower but I swore I’d never sing them in front of anyone. They were amazing, but nothing could live up to Tyler’s angelic voice. “Please?” 
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” I muttered, resting my hands on the keyboard in front of me. April let out a loud groan. “Come on Y/N… just sing a song.” If anyone could convince me to sing for them it was her. Back in elementary school she was the most convincing person in our grade–to the point where she got our class out of at least 5 tests. 
“Which one then?” I asked, grabbing my phone to look for the sheet music. 
“Air Catcher hun,” she smiled, turning her camera on. Normally April would film our practice sessions and post them onto the private youtube account we created for me but for the first time in a while, I felt nervous about being recorded. Air Catcher was one of my favorites despite it almost never being played live these days. I remember the first time Tyler played it for me–the first time I saw him as something more than a friend. 
“You ready?” 
“I guess so,” I shrugged, starting to play the chords on the keyboard and singing the lyrics. As each word poured out of my mouth, I tried to convey the emotion I’d heard Tyler show on the song himself. Each lyric portrayed that mixed feeling of wanting to love someone but being scared of really showing who you are and giving that person a part of you. My mind started to wonder, reflecting on Tyler’s past relationships, each one failing for different reasons. I wondered who the song was about, which moment in time he was in when writing such a masterpiece. Tyler always felt so deeply about his music, something I could relate to in many ways. Yet, he was the one who was brave enough to properly showcase it to the world–to not hide anything.  
“But now, I'm here to give you words as tools that can destroy my heart,” I finished, holding the last note before turning around to April. She had a wide smile plastered onto her face. 
“Damn that was perfect Y/N! I’ll post it now!” She opened Youtube and immediately posted the cover. I was glad the channel was private, no one except us and the few family members I let hear me sing would see the video. “You know, I really think you should tell the boys about your music,” she started the conversation we had every time we hung out. 
“April, I’ve told you a hundred times, my music is personal and I’m really not ready to tell them about it yet,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration. 
She sighed in defeat. “Yeah, I know. I just think you’re too talented to keep it a secret.”
I let out a chuckle, turning off the keyboard and getting up. “It’ll happen one day, just not now.” Looking out the window I could see it was getting darker, the sun starting to set, and the sky turning orange and pink. 
 “I should probably head home, it’s getting late,” April said, packing her things away into her bag. I nodded, walking her to the door. She stopped in the doorway, pulling me in close for a hug. 
“You should show him Y/N,” she muttered. I nodded. 
“One day.”
A couple hours after April had left the house, the boys burst in through the door. 
“We’re home!” Tyler shouted from the hallway, hanging up his coat. I had moved from the music room to my bedroom, laying on my bed and watching some tv. I’d already eaten dinner and by the smells of it they had stopped by Taco Bell on the way home. That was the only complaint I had about living with Tyler and Josh–the amount of times the house smelt like Taco Bell. I could hear the thud of Tyler’s feet as he ran up the stairs and into my room. 
“Hey,” he smiled, flopping onto the bed next to me. The bed shook with his weight, my computer bouncing slightly. He scooted in close so his body was pressed against mine. God I wished he would hold me. 
“Hey.” I paused my show, rolling over so I could face Tyler. “How was your day?” I asked, ready for our daily debrief. 
“Good, we recorded Josh’s drums for house of gold which means we’re nearly ready to release the record,” he beamed. He was so excited about being signed and releasing their first studio album. I couldn’t hold back the smile on my face. 
“That’s great! What’s Josh up to?” I asked, looking out the door. 
“Showering probably,” he responded. Before we could say anything else, his phone started buzzing. Furrowing his brows, he took it out and showed me the screen. “Nevermind, he’s texting me a link to something,” he chuckled, pressing the link. All of a sudden I could hear the chords of air catcher playing through the speakers. There was no way this was happening. There was no way Josh would’ve found the video. With my palms starting to sweat and my heart racing, I wanted to grab Tyler’s phone from his hand and throw it out the window. I peeked over his shoulder to see the video didn’t actually show me but the ceiling of the music room. I really really hoped Tyler wouldn’t recognise my– “That’s you,” he stated, turning to look at me. I wanted to cry, I wasn’t ready for this. I wasn’t ready for Tyler to hear my music–let alone one of his songs. “That’s you,” he repeated, as if he expected me to say something. All I could do was nod. “This is–it’s–wow.” He ran a hand over his head and let out a breath of air. I couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad reaction but either way I felt like I wanted to run away. “You’re… amazing.” Well that was not what I expected. 
“Huh?” “You heard me,” he said. “Your voice–how did I not know you were into music?” I could feel the warmth growing in my face. I’d never felt shy or even nervous in front of Tyler before. 
“I–I was scared,” I mumbled, barely able to get the words out. He sat up and moved so he was right in front of me. I looked at him, trying to predict what he was about to do. He cupped my face, his eyes searching mine. 
“Y/N, your voice is amazing. You’re amazing,” he expressed, “what on earth would you be scared of?” I wanted to kiss him. I couldn’t take my eyes off his lips. 
“Tyler,” I started, unsure whether I was about to confess my feelings or protest his praises. I hated people making a fuss over me, much less my friends who normally went out of their way to make a fuss over me. 
“I know,” he interrupted, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. He smiled subtly, as if he could read my mind. He couldn’t read my mind, right?
“I didn’t even say anything,” I said, unsure of how to continue. 
“You don’t have to. One, you’re amazing and I don’t care what you think about yourself because clearly Josh thinks you’re amazing too and we’re the only people whose opinion should matter. And two, I know. Me too Y/N. Me too.” He paused, trying to figure out if I understood what he was saying. The moment stretched between us, an unspoken understanding hanging in the air. Tyler’s eyes softened as his hand gently cradled my jaw, his thumb brushing the side of my face with a warmth that sent shivers down my spine. My heart pounded in my chest, every beat echoing in the space between us, and for the first time, it felt like everything was about to change. "I’m gonna kiss you now, okay?" Tyler’s voice was low, almost a whisper, as if he didn’t want to ruin the moment between us. His gaze searched mine, waiting for the slightest sign of hesitation. He was waiting too long. Before he could close the distance, I leaned forward, closing the gap and pressing my lips against his. It was a soft kiss, like we were both trying to figure out if this was real. Tyler’s hand slipped from my jaw to the back of my neck, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pulled me closer. The kiss deepened, slow and filled with years of unspoken words, emotions I’d buried away. I could feel his breath hitch as our lips moved in sync, a quiet sigh escaping him when I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. He pulled back for just a second, his forehead resting against mine as we both caught our breath. His eyes fluttered open, and I could see the same emotions swirling there that I felt inside of me—relief, desire, and something deeper. He smiled, that same grin that had always made my heart skip a beat, but now it was different. Now it was for me.
“That was long overdue,” he murmured. I nodded, breathless, my fingers tracing the edge of his jaw, still not quite believing this was happening.
“Yeah,” I whispered back, my lips brushing his again, barely able to stop myself from diving in for more. “A long time overdue.”
“So… I’m guessing you watched the video?” Josh chuckled from the doorway, his arms folded like a proud parent.  
“Josh, get out! Don’t think I’m happy with you sending that video to him,” I laughed, picking up a pillow and throwing it his way. I was definitely going to find out how he got access to the youtube–I had a gut feeling April had been scheming with him. 
“Sorry! Sorry! I’ve just been waiting for this to happen for like three years. I’ll leave you two alone.”
requests open!
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spicyraeman · 9 months
Well interacting with you makes my week too! **aggressive friendly fist bump**
I hope your holidays are going well 😁
Wolfheart is ending me. Can I pet that dawg? CAN I PET THAT DAWG? (https://vt.tiktok.com/ZGeN9U7kG/)
I love seeing the hairy SH art! PCOS / trans / wolf girlie, I stan all versions I see. We're not cowards here! The new band drawings are fire, still making my heartrate go jglcbxlw. And seeing the growth? Honestly it's magic to me, I think it's perfect then it becomes even more perfect and I'm just how?? How possible?
Veteran'zel, Baby'zel, Beam'zel, Horny'zel, Rat'zel, all I do is love'zel! The cheetah/dog doodle + wet rat'zel made me hiccup from laughter, we were blessed.
Buddy, Karlach's got her tail docked like the gith children, that's why! See, problem fixed **insert Flex Tape meme**
Also for Lae'zel's accent : yes, she would have such a harsh accent! As a foreign speaker, the pronunciation isn't always intuitive and is sometimes paradoxal. She probably never used some sounds, and it's hard to guess a lot of them. It's so inconsistent. I lack air in the middle of my sentences because of the tonal accentuations differences. Languages are crazy man. Lae'zel would have a stroke, struggling to say "library" with Gale correcting her.
I've been upgraded to bestie? Careful, I feel like the most specialest goblin in town now 😎
I also wanted to share with you my recent victory : I passed my exams with unexpectedly high grades! It's been 10 years since I succeeded in anything school related, I feel strangely proud and hopeful. I attribute this partly to the intense hyperfixation for BG3. I can come back to this fandom and get comfort when I feel burned out and in need of motivation. Thank you for being part of it and sharing your blorbos with us. Good soup for our cold starving souls. So yeah, you and your art matter even if you find it bleh sometimes and you doubt yourself.
I wanted to be brief but I'm incapable of shortening shit even if my life depended on it. Violently dumping my brain in your ask like I'm late on garbage collecting day. Sorry not sorry for the awkward emotional stuff. Take care of yourself, bestie ✌️
Sry for answering these “backwards”, I just needed to get the conlang stuff out first before all my good braincells shut down lol
hope the holidays are going well on your end as well :]
To pet a werewolf truly is the dream isn’t it, wereshart is prob my fav hc for her it just fits so well. I've been trying really hard lately to figure out how to draw her recently bc despite the art disparity her and lae’zel are neck in neck at being my fav characters. Seeing the growth in the bass drawing really gave me that boost of confidence that I'm at least slightly getting there lol
I truly do love Lae’zel in every form, but wet rat’zel rotates in my mind more than it should, sadly its not a hc I could ever commit to considering I can’t even remember Karlach’s canon tail lmaoo I really should just hc that karlach got her tail docked at this point, that or I need to make a checklist for her so I can go through and make sure ive got all her bits when I draw her
Also Ive already posted my big rambling mess about Gith accents but yeah harsh accent lae'zel best lae'zel, it just makes sense
But yoooo big gratz on the exams! Def something to be proud of!! I can agree this fandom really is a huge motivator, I haven’t had this much drive to do anything I've been doing recently in years. Glad I could help provide a lil comfort spot full of blorbo soup for the soul lol
Dw about shortening shit as you’ve prob seen i’m prone to rambling and also every emotion I experience is awkward so that's just par for the course here.
Hope life treats you well till the next ask, peace ✌️
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ryvbomin · 1 year
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{ rae, 21, cst, she/her } —— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's ryu bomin, who is a vocal coach. i’ve heard whispers that the twenty-eight year old is pretty strong -willed but lowkey judgmental. also, doesn’t he remind you of byun baekhyun?
hello hello !! a quick lil mun intro before getting into bomin's business. i'm rae, ur local veteran exo-l, she/her & in cst !! i am so unprepared for this rn ive been so busy but pls give this a ♡ if u would like to plot !!
tw: drug addiction, stalking
born to a 19 year old sex worker on october 28th of 1994, making him a scorpio sun, leo moon, with a capricorn rising.
after finding out she was pregnant, she decided to move in with her aunt and they would raise bomin together.
his mother didn't know the father, so she reached out to every rich client she had & got as much money as she could so she could try and give her child the life she'd never had.
from a young age, he showed an affinity for music.
when he entered school, he joined any musical extracurricular they had available. he was a natural at everything music related.
he eventually began busking at 13 to earn some extra money for his mom and aunt.
he was approached by a scout for a relatively unknown company, he at first thought it was a scam but after some encouragement from his aunt he decided to take the scout up on his offer.
he trained for five years at this company, even dropping out of school to focus on training while working.
in 2012 when he was 18 he debuted in a six member group named apollo (based on b.a.p, daehyun vc) where he was the main vocalist & face of the group.
known for his mischievous behavior amongst fans, he quickly became the most popular member.
his group quickly gained massive success and put their company on the map.
bomin had a massive issue with sasaengs during the height of his success, but his company refused to take action because "any press was good press"
the company became greedy and withheld pay from him and his members, paying them next to nothing for the work they had put in.
however, in 2014, the six members filed a lawsuit against their company saying their company had not paid them.
the group entered a hiatus until 2015 and eventually a settlement was reached, but bomin still decided to leave the group.
he floated around different entertainment companies for three years, attempting a solo debut that gained little to no attention.
bomin had become bitter and jaded about the industry. he was always angry and could never seem to calm down.
he eventually began to abuse cocaine, which didn't help his anger but certainly distracted him enough to prevent his anger from coming out.
he periodically released music on soundcloud, but never anything else.
he was living off the settlement from the lawsuit and the bit of money he had earned from his solo career until early 2023, when it began to run out due to his addiction and lavish lifestyle.
bomin decided to reenter the industry, but not as an idol, as a vocal coach. he figured he had enough experience to help guide the new generation of idols down the right path while providing them top tier vocal training.
he reached out to infinite during their tour and was hired during it, he stayed back for a good majority of it but was spotted with idols a lot during the final leg.
currently, bomin has been california sober for four months. (if u dont know california sober is only drinking and smoking weed)
bomin can best be described as a butt head. like im so serious rn
he's stubborn as shit and sarcastic, if u make a typo in a text he will not let it go unnoticed.
fights for what he believes in always, part of the reason the lawsuit took over a year to settle.
a bit of a hopeless romantic, but always unlucky in relationships.
tough love is his thing. bullying too but in a caring way.
has no problem being annoying. he knows how to push people's buttons and will do so when he's bored.
while he can be obnoxious as shit, he is also very loyal.
defend his friends tooth and nail if anyone fucks with them
big white dad at a bbq energy when hes with his friends
feminist icon, he tends to be more comfortable around women as well. no specific reason he just thinks theyre really pretty and nice and he likes women so much (he just like me fr)
bisexual but w a strong female lean
hes chaotic in the same way taemin from shinee is
in another life hes a lawyer he loves arguing so much
pls give me an ex!!!! romantic or even an ex best friend, i need his mean side to come out tbh
his adopted child, an idol that's about 4+ years younger than him who he is so stressed about always
his apprentice, someone who thinks he's so cool and he wants to teach them everything he knows
maybe someone who used to stan apollo (bonus points if he was their bias)
someone who helps him stay as sober as he can be
a ride or die, his best friend in the whole wide world
literally anything
literally everything
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moroser · 2 years
just journaling about my year and stuff. not doing that well but i’m also okay.  
i try every year to make this time of year more bearable but it just is not. i feel like i spend most of december distracting myself in any way possible so i don’t have to confront anything from this month or the year ending, reminding me of a lot of my failures and sorrows and far-from-reach desires. 
this year was not very good for me. i’ve been sick for four years now and still don’t know what’s wrong. my goals feel so unreachable but i made new ones this year. possible goals if i can manage to get through some obstacles, like feeling sick. 
loneliness has been a strong feeling this year. it’s hard for me to make friends in general and i actually have none offline. i feel sad sometimes about that, but mostly just unlucky that all my online friends live so far away. i have a hard time around people because i feel so different from most. i tried to make new friends online this year but it feels like what always happens, no one really sticks with me. i feel very forgettable that way.
i realized this year i’d really love a girlfriend again!! but its hard to sort out how to even go about that. i’m older now. i’ve spent so much time alone. and i’m grey ace and i think aromantic. but i know i’d do so well with a life partner. someone who understood me and me them. 
i feel so behind in life. i missed most of my 20s. almost all of them. i lost them to bad relationships, mental illness and addiction and chronic illness. ive always tried so hard. i’ve always been dealt unlucky hands and worked around it. but somewhere i lost any drive i had to help myself. i really truly wanted to die. i truly felt i deserved to die. i had planned to die, on this day. two different years. i don’t want to die anymore, but the feeling lingers. 
i managed, somehow, to quit my addictions in 2017 and i have been sober all this time. i smoke weed, but i don’t consider that a huge issue, though i wish i smoked less lol. but i detoxed alone for a week in a basement, sweating and with chills, throwing up. i did everything related to my addiction in secrecy. no one around me knew and it just made me feel even worse. because no one around me has ever really cared i was there and i’ve always felt unwanted. and i just felt really invisible. i detoxed twice because the first time, i relapsed. almost checked into a center but i said no i can do this and so i did. i stopped drinking alcohol and i stopped drinking energy drinks all around the same time i quit opioids. i’ve been really proud of myself for everything related to recovering from this period in my life. it’s the strongest thing i’ve ever done for myself and i did it alone.
i’ve always done everything for others and worked hard for praise from adults in my life. i rarely got it. there are so many things that impacted my life negatively out of my hands that i will never get validation for. i’ll never get apologies for. it’s hard to swallow that a lot of the time. but at the same time, it feels like something i’ve always known and carried forever. i’m just aware enough now to really understand. i’m aware enough to know that you have to be your own cheerleader a lot of the time and i am so bad at that. 
i found out this year, and this is actually hard for me to admit because of idk autistic reasons probably, that i want to have a baby. i want one child and it admittedly helps in driving me to fix things and get a career. i’m applying to school in january for spring classes to get everything going. it’s hard to do things for just myself. keeping this in mind, that i’m doing it for more than just me, helps. 
my grandpa passed away in july this year. it was unexpected but also expected. he’d been battling heart failure for several years and already had lived many years passed his original prognosis. he died in his sleep, in the house he built himself and lived in for 60 years. my gran is devastated of course but stronger than i thought of her. 
with his passing i moved into their house so i could take care of my gran. i already was taking care of them, but from my prior living space which was a dungeon. a prison. a horrible place. living with my gran has it’s stresses and difficulties but it will be better here, for me. and i hope for her. we have a really good relationship. besides my cousin she is my closest family relationship. 
overall this year was not wretched. but it was mentally difficult. physically exhausting. and demanded a lot of my strength to keep going. but i’m on new medication, i have an easier time remaining positive overall. but man i feel like the saddest person ever. lol. i just feel so sad and lonely and i question what it is i did in a passed life to deserve how hard it’s been since forever. i’m 30 and so lost. i hope 2023 is a little better. i guess that’s all i can ask. 
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albertserra · 9 months
hi! you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, no worries—but i'm curious what you generally like/dislike about living in DC? i just got a job offer there and it's a big move, so i want to ask around first. i like public transit, if that helps.
this is hard since i feel like something like a place to live is so subjective lmao but ill try
public transit is like. mostly good? i can get pretty much anywhere within the heart of the city that i need to go using the metro, just with some walking added on which i dont mind. I don't use the busses but theyre there and thats whats needed to get around outside the major parts of the city. its also clean. dont expect it to be as fast or convenient as nyc. its more sparse and trains dont run as often. its also much more expensive (trips can be up to $6 based on distance). i like it personally but theres definitely a *lot* of room for improvement. theres constant track work that can interfere with commutes and the replacement shuttles suck a lot of the time.
its a city so like there are gay people. i feel mostly comfortable walking around visibly gnc to a point but ive been heckled and shouted at and whispered about and stared at and laughed at. lowkey sexually harassed once. never anything more direct and nothing physical but thats my personal experience. its way less prevalent/common than in nyc in my experience. keep in mind i have my own reservations about presentation that im still trying to work through so im not always super feminine, dont wear dresses etc, even my heels are usually more tame like boots and stuff. so i dont go through what visibly trans women or more outwardly gnc people likely go through. ive done pda in the city and no one cared.
i like some of the theaters (afi even though its a trek, angelika, theres a landmark but it kinda sucks but the programming is ok sometimes). some of the museums sometimes do really interesting film programming
museums can be cool but this is also very subjective. they can also get old quick.
theaters are limited. will never compete with nyc or LA. no real film festival on the level of nyff. if you care about this you *will* miss interesting releases that dont go wide enough to hit dc. I was begging on my hands and knees for Memoria for months until it finally came here for a week. restorations are much less likely to screen here.
its the capital. you will brush shoulders with government employees and lots of military soldiers and employees and whatever. the pentagon literally has a metro stop. i still want to shoot someone when i see a bunch of uniformed navy/army/air force people on my train. people you encounter may actively or passively participate in the various crimes of the state and not blink an eye. obviously not everyone is like this, if the palestine protests are anything to go by there are a bunch of dissenters and leftists etc but like be aware that these people are here. in a similar vein, military contractors are also rampant here.
being the capital the tourists are also a different... flavor... than in other cities ive been in/to. ive seen high school tour groups buying and wearing a bunch of maga hats as edgy post-irony jokes. then theres ofc the very serious hardcore nationalists. shit like that. on a related note. oomf has an israeli journalist (for a right wing publication of course) that regularly comes into his place of work.
its expensive. but my main frame of reference city-wise is nyc and its not nearly on that level (yet).
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manie-sans-delire-x · 9 months
I've ADHD and other problems. Changed multiple jobs. I'm interested in research but don't want to do a Ph.D. Maximum I can do a master's but I honestly don't know if I can complete it. I am not interested in studying for so long but a bachelor's is a waste of time If you don't want to study more in the psych field. But you can go to other fields.
Since I've mental health problems, I don't think I can see others, or listen to their problems. Don't have patience but sure it can come with time. But really nope. I don't wanna treat patients.
I/O, perhaps but you need masters. I'm pretty much tired and from what I've read although there are jobs in I/O, people are still unemployed
Developmental, cognitive, and behavioral sounds interesting and you can go to research but a Ph.D. is needed.
Oh I see. Dont take this to be passive aggressive or implied as a negative thing, but is autism or schizophrenia one of them?
Ive job hopped a lot as well, and definitely relate to your situation, quite a lot actually, Ive been thinking about and considering similar things.
Well you dont have to do a masters program right away. You might not get accepted the first few times anyways- a lot of the successful applicants already have a masters and are going for a second. Its kinda unfair imo, but I suppose it means you just have to be that good to compete. I think that especially for mentally ill people in psych, you have to be in a good enough place in your life to be able to do the work long term, or complete a degree. Thats not always now.
I have a friend who made it, graduated with her masters, now opening her own clinic and giving therapy sessions independently. I have another friend who hasnt made it in yet, despite being very intelligent and good at school. Im sure she will though.
I wouldnt say a bachelors is a waste of time, not at all. Especially if you want to work directly with clients. Even if you dont, education is never a waste of time. I would say going to college was one of the best things in my life. Whether or not its financially worth it these days, is another matter and I think depends on the individuals circumstances, personality, and goals. Also, having a degree in anything improves your chances of getting most jobs, and psych is applicable to a wide range of jobs. Everything involves people.
You could always try it for a few months if you dont know what else to do. It may surprise you. But yeah, I mean, its psych. Its going to be very difficult to work in the field while avoiding people. Academics and research would be the most promising in terms of minimizing all that, but like you said, you need a doctorate.
Let me ask you this, why do you want to work in psych at all? It could still be part of your life, without being your profession.
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Hi, may I have a matchup for legend of korra, narnia, and percy jackson? I go by she/her and am bi with no preference so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all. 
I get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. I'm also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ and Sagittarius. 
I absolutely love writing, art, music, reading, and watching various shows/movies. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. There's a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends. 
And that's about all I can think of to say, hope it wasn't too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
Hello Anon! Thank you for requesting Narnia and Percy Jackson; I'm very excited to write for both of them for the first time! I hope you like your matchups!
In Legend of Korra, I match you with...
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Asami will make sure you feel comfortable in situations where you may normally feel anxious. She's learnt to outwardly be confident in almost any situation due to her business.
Loves listening to you ramble about your interests. People always talk about the things she seems interested in to improve their relationship with her and hopefully gain business partnership. She likes listening to someone talk about their own interests.
Asami is probably the closest Korra's Team Avatar has to mom friend and she's still pretty chaotic. I'm sure everyone's a little relieved that there's a level headed mom friend in the group now.
Loves going on walks with you. It gets her away from her work for a while and lets her clear her head.
In Narnia, I match you with...
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The conversations you two have would be amazing to listen to!
Lucy loves it when you two can sit in the gardens and talk for hours. It lets her get away from her royal duties and spend time relaxing.
Lucy's by far the most creative of the Pevensie siblings so she'd love doing art with you. Whether it's drawing, painting, or writing, she just loves creating things and doing it with company is even better.
Another one who loves going for walks. She gets to spend time with you and catch up with all of her Narnian friends as well.
Always makes sure you're comfortable. She knows how intimidating Narnia can be sometimes, especially when you're one of the people living in the castle at Cair Paravel.
In Percy Jackson, I match you with...
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The biggest fan of going for walks in nature with you! He can tell you all about the plants (and dryads) you come across.
Grover also loves listening to you ramble about anything and everything. He has a tendency to ramble as well so he'll appreciate it if you listen to him as well.
He'll find a quiet glade somewhere so you two can relax away from the chaos of Camp Half-Blood. Whether you two talk or just enjoy the peace and quiet, he's just happy to spend time with you.
Pretty socially anxious as well. You two can support each other.
Can't paint or draw for the life of him but enjoys watching you. He'd be honoured if you would do an artwork for him/of him. He thinks you're very clever for being so good at your chosen art medium.
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kerink · 2 years
like i dont talk about my medical hx here any more really but i want to more, esp if i think itll be helpful. but like, i got formally dxd and got accommodations for the first time in grad school and it was so strange. talking to someone and having them list all the ways you're struggling and different due to both negative symptoms and positive symptoms (i mean those colloquially not the way mental health means them)
like being told you're so depressed you should actually be hospitalized BUT also so resilient that you're doing okay? weird conversation to have. being told i'm so smart (over 130 IQ) but lack focus and motivation to do anything with it? made me cry for days. my neurologist literally described me as "a car with the greatest engine ever built on the worst tires ever made." it made me feel trapped in my body, makes me wonder every day what i COULD be doing if i wasn't so disabled. miserable honestly
BUT also. look at what ive done DESPITE being so disabled. this isn't always a comfort but it often is
it's strange being resilient and coping well, it's hard being gifted. connecting to others is so challenging for me, i always feel different and othered. ever since i was in grade school i've felt like an alien who's only here to observe not participate and that feelings never really gone away. my mom tells me i'm too smart, my brain tells me i'm too broken, my neurologist says it's something in between
anyway this isn't meant to get sympathy im fine, just that last post kind of got me musing and i've been talking to the taskforce all day about it so i had the words to articulate it
i like that the conversation about including giftedness in ND identities is happening, it needs to. we're told we're different from a young age and removed from our peers to do things differently. it changes you, changes the way you think and relate to others. but since society sees this as A Good Thing it's not treated like the significant event it is. i barely remember any autobiographical information but i remember sitting there at age 7 or 8 being tested. i remember being singled out, i remember being given different work, i remember the shame of being 11 and my depression was so bad i couldnt Do the gifted thing any more and had to drop out. everything comes easy to me when it comes to work and school so i never feel accomplished i always feel like i'm not doing enough or i'm doing it wrong, but that's just because it's easy. i do more than my peers i just don't feel it. and if i do things at "my level" the mental health issues paralyze me. it's a constantly losing battle
i'm putting off studying for licensure to type this, case and point
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1d1195 · 4 months
i am excited !! the bride is one of my oldest friends, we’ve known each other since we were babies and im super psyched for her, what im gonna wear well…😭 i got this superrrr gorgeous dress which was like moss green with pinkish flowers on the bodice and it had a corset and it was just so pretty, totally giving forest fairy princess, right ?? IT CAME BROKEN D: it was missing a strap ?? (it was NOT a strapless dress😭, it literally had one side with the strap intact and the other was just…gone) returned it ofc and i have a different dress coming in the mail so i’ll let you know how that looks when it gets here
no bc ten in ONE year is a LOT i don’t blame you at all i think id quit them altogether if it got that far LMFAO
summer school sounds like a blast tbh, it seems way more chill than ur average school day and i think summer at a beach is SO awesome, i hope u have a great time !!! honestly i have nothing planned except the wedding so far haha so honestly i don’t really know ?? i don’t work at the moment so until school starts im pretty free. this is actually my first time going back in a hot minute, my family traveled a lot when i was growing up (they’re both immigrants so we’d go back and visit family n stuff) and it kind of messed with my school and during one of our longer trips (a couple of years) when we came back to the states i just never went back and finished so now im trying to go back and get my GED (long overdue lmao) !! i always really loved school and ive been dreaming of going back since i stopped (can you say nerd🤣) but i am kind of scared to go back when ive been out of the game for so long😭 but hopefully it’ll be okay !
if all goes well after that, i have no clue what id like to major in. i feel like the kinds of things im interested in people wouldnt necessarily approve of yk ?? id love to major in something like psychology or english but those are the degrees i ALWAYS see people making fun of and calling pointless💔😭 who even knows if I’ll make it that far though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hope you’re doing amazing !!
I'm sure your new dress is just as pretty but the green and floral fairy look sounds so pretty! I'm sorry it didn't come in tact, that's the WORST.
I'm so sick of weddings tbh. And bridal showers. And baby showers. I'm probs just bitter because I won't be having any of it, but ya know. I've enjoyed every wedding and shower that I've been too. They're all cute and fun but I simply cannot afford this anymore. I'm saying no to my first wedding invite in years--it's too far away and as much as I would love to make a trip of it, I can't do it. It's too much for my stress addled mind.
Learning isn't linear and if it's time to get your GED now, then it truly doesn't matter. That's amazing you're going back and it's awesome that you're interested in it! You're going to do amazing (also if you have any math questions let me know, I love math lol) I'm sure you'll settle right back into things as soon as you get back in the classroom. You're going to do so well, it's amazing you're doing this for yourself. I think it's huge and important and I love that for you! You're talking to Miss Nerd herself over here. There's no such thing! I love school much I chose to teach so I didn't need to leave! There's nothing wrong with enjoying school anymore than not enjoying school. Some people love it, some people don't. I'm happy for you!!! 💕
You gotta do what you like. Psych and English are great choices. They're interesting to you and that's what matters most. You'll figure the rest out as you go along! I would love to go back to school and be a full time student and just collect degrees like Pokemon cards. I would love a psych degree. I think I would be a good therapist lol. Anything you decide to do is not pointless. People that say stuff like that are unhappy with their own lives because they chose to follow something they weren't passionate about. I can relate as you don't know how many people tell me I should have done more than be a teacher and "those who can't do, teach" which is like a knife to my heart every time I hear it. But even if I WERE to placate the idea and agree for two seconds that some degrees are "pointless" someone has to do the job required of those degrees. So how pointless is it really? English and Psych are so important for mental health fields, creative fields, just general societal norms. There's a reason every college student has to take English 101 and Psych classes for anything they pursue.
I hope that doesn't sound offensive. It's meant to sound more like "it's not pointless, in fact it's so pointed, you have to do it because that's what you want and that's more than enough."
HEY I GOT A NEW SONG FOR US. I was watching a show on Netflix and it hit me like a truck! PIRATE RADIO* Jean Dawson I don't know how to describe it, it's just like this romantic/whimsical song. I hope you'll know what I mean if you decide to listen to it!
Hope you're having a good start to your week! 💕💕
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6loodlvstt · 7 months
I usually play videogames with no audio cuz when I have it on I get easily bored. For example last month I started pokemon sword and tbh never played it with vol on and when I did that for the first time I was like “? Why the sounds are so annoying?”. Idk probably I’m weird but I get easily overwhelmed with sounds. It’s kinda funny because when I listen to music I listen to black metal/rock in general. But when I’m busy drawing things I like to listen to true crime podcasts. Yeah I’m one of those obsessed with serial killers cases.
And yeah, fear and hunger is just straight up hard. I was surprised the first time but I’m still trying to finish it (I want to die/hj). So far I’m loving sm hades! The character designs are so pretty? Ofc I like Dionysus the most, he was and still is my favorite icon. Just to ask, who’s your fav greek mythological figure? I’m curious. Personally I’m also extremely into the myth of Hyacinth the most. Probably I read too many graphic novels about him ahah. And! Are you perhaps also into egyptian mythology? Since I was a kid I was so obsessed with mummies and the first time I saw one I was so anxious lol.
When I was in school I also had problems at school, mostly because at the time I was the only emo kid and all my classmates were… normal? I liked to dress black, enjoyed spending time writing horror stories and I was a major creepypasta lover. But I genuinely sucked at oral tests. Probably you only had some random quizzes but where I live we also have oral ones. And I fucking hated to speak in front of people. So drawing during classes was a sort of stress relief to my anxiety! So I completely get you :(
This is funny but I always was extremely talented at singing, although at some point I started to find annoying to perform in front of people. And in general the idea of studying in theater looked “uncool” in my teen years. Now I completely changed opinion and I’m a musical fan lol. My family always tried to push me into trying this world in some ways through the years and only some months ago I finally decided to open up. It’s scary tho. You shouldn’t gave up your dreams. Realistically speaking you can start studying in the future if you really want to pursuit violin! ^^
What are you doing now? I hope everything’s going well! <3 -🩹
i always play with audio on since a lot of games i play have audio cues into it, but i understand sometimes the game sounds can be annoying
god me too, to all of the music and the true crime; i mainly liten to true crime at work tho or when im playing minecraft for some strange reason
it sounds like a pain but i so get that,,
my favorite always has been aphrodite and always will be <3
i used to be kinda an egyptian myth nerd but i would have to relearn a lot tbh
sometimes we had presentations tests so i think thats as close to relating with the oral tests but the rest i totally understand
my family is kinda controlling of what i do, if they dont like that i picked up a hobby or something they let me know, like cosplaying for example i find it really difficult because my dads a little creepy and my mom refuses to acknowledge or be arpund me if she notices that i am and its to the point that it becomes a really big problem in my house so now ive got like really expensive cosplays and o barely do it anymore to keep some peace in my house ueue when i move out ill probably pick up a lot of my old hobbies like cosplay, art, streaming, and music stuff maybe ill even pick back up baking who knows!
im still playing dead space tbh,, its so fun but i just asked my brother a steam question and he closed out of dead space so i just lost a good chunk of progress sigghhhh, i hope your days been going well too though :D tell me if you do anything fun <3
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youcouldtouchfire · 7 months
i have complicated feelings over this show. mostly i dont want to be in it. it makes me feel worthless and disconnected from my friends. i can't say i have come home from a rehearsal not crying in my car. i don't like being a part of it and however maybe irrational it is, i feel like no one wants me here either. i keep waiting to feel better about going but i don't. i don't know why it's like this. the way i feel is an insane overreaction to everything. i know it's illogical and so inconvenient to feel like this and still i do. i was hoping id miss the first read because i knew id hate seeing my friends so excited and id feel bad that i couldn't relate. i was out with friends when the cast list came out and Isabelle called her mom and i sat in a bathroom because i didn't want anyone to see me cry over something as unimportant as this. i know i can't quit because i couldn't explain it to my friends or family. my parents would be pissed if they thought i gave up because i wasn't good enough which i know is really just the core of the issue. it's hard to finally reach the point where you have to acknowledge all that you aren't, especially when that's all You've wanted for years. i have ambitions and talents for after high school but if im honest with myself i know that if i was a skilled singer id be going into theater, and that's what i really always wanted. i would do this professionally if i was good enough but im not and it sucks that im not good enough to even be a lead at my high school, let alone a real community theater around here. it's not anyone's fault but i feel like this is the final nail in the coffin for a dream i didn't realize i hadn't given up on until this. i don't have the time or the money to get really good at it in time before im done in highschool. it sucks that this is my favorite thing in the world and i work so hard and i feel like it amounts to nothing and no one cares. i sort of feel like im not good enough and that all of the hard work and time i put in doesn't matter because im bad at it all. i feel like it doesn't matter that i took on five leads in the play or scheduled extra rehearsal time for speech or did all state and all state camps or volunteer for everything i possibly can or do as many speech groups as possible, i feel like it'll never matter and ill never be able to be in even the same sentence as "lead role". it's hard to deal with a loss that big when i know it's not because im unreliable or not dedicated to this program. ive been told that i am important to this and im reliable and i "lead by example" so when im aware that i know that's not the issue, it's hard to not feel like it's a skill thing. i just wish someone would tell me to stop hoping though.
i know im not supposed to compare myself to Isabelle and aj but it's not fair that i get treated differently than them. i can remember multiple times when isabelle is given compliments while im standing right next to her and no one ever says anything to me. last year at variety show vasey told Isabelle her solo act was incredible but she didn't say anything to me, who had a solo act that same night. i was standing shoulder to shoulder with her.
i don't know why people treat us differently. i wish they didn't. i feel worthless in comparison to her because regardless of the intentions people pay her compliments they don't pay to me, and they like her more than they like me. i remember this stuff and i just wish i didn't.
i keep waiting for some reason to stay. i don't know why I won't quit when it makes me as upset as it does.
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You reblogged that reblog this to get random asks post, and the conversation about hair accessories we started is interesting to me, so here's a random ask:
See, around December 2021/January 2022 my life had a lot of upheaval. I had to move apartments under traumatic circumstances. I was about six months into a new job. . I'd either had some realizations or started asking questions about both my orientation of attraction and my gender identity. There was a lot going on
So, I decided to do some new year, new me stuff.
I got my ears pierced. I admire people who have tattoos and piercings and body mods of various sorts, but I've always been just a little too scared of the need le to have anything done personally. But I felt going forward that being able to wear pierced ear rings would be a thing I really want to do, so I made an appointment at a piercing studio and got my ears pierced.
I'd spent about a month growing out my facial hair just out of apathy and exhaustion. I didn't have the energy to shave most days, and didn't care so much about my appearance the rest of the time that I just kind of grew the start of a beard for a time. Then I decided to shave that all down to a baby-faced clean-shaven look as best as I could.
I'd also grown my hair out for six months to a year, and the apathy and exhaustion reason probably partly explains it again. I booked an appointment at a barber shop and had them buzz it all down like I was about to go to boot camp.
Right after I did all that, I liked the look. I think the phrase that came to mind was "I look like a butch lesbian, and I like it."
But time passed, and after further thought, I decided I wanted to grow my hair again because I wanted a more feminine look over-all and for me, that means long hair.
Then as I started to get some length to my hair again I started to collect scrunchies. I didn't like the results when I first tried to tie my hair back in a scrunchy pony tail, but I started wearing the scrunchies as bracelets. Then about a month ago I tried the pony tail thing again and liked it better, so now I try it a bit more often.
first off al, damn that was an exciting rollercoaster!
i had too move house/school alot as a kid too so i geuss i kinda relate (idk how old you are but im 16)
new year new me i feel that! ive had my ears pierced since i was six tho! and this year i got my second piercing in my ear! ive never really been scared of piercings so i cant relate on that part but its awesome you overcame your fear and just did it!!/gen
wow! the transition from beard too clean shaven is huge!! love that you did that for yourself/gen
looking like a butch lesbian is awesome honestly i love them!!
as for the long hair i feel the same way i wanted the fem look too so now im growing my hair again (for context i used too have hair down too my hips and now its like shoulder length-ish)
i love people who collect scrunchies!!! how many do you have??
good luck on your personal journey of growth<3
how long my hair is:
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hair style i wear alot:
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contactgreys · 2 years
App launcher for google drive for mac
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#App launcher for google drive for mac for mac#
correctly triggering action shortcuts related to the website you’re on (such as ‘Gmail send this’ or ‘Bookmark this’). At the start of this year, the previous consumer app (Backup and Sync) picked.
#App launcher for google drive for mac for mac#
making sure the shortcuts launched for Google websites are for the same account that you’re currently signed in on, and Google Drive for desktop has now been updated with full support for Mac laptops and desktops with Apple’s M1 chip. replacing the default app launcher on Google shortcuts with G App Launcher, automatically getting the icon for websites you add manually, G App Launcher only uses these permissions for: G App Launcher requires additional permissions which the browser will inform about this on installation or first use. Your shortcuts are accessible through keyboard navigation. This means only you have access to your shortcuts these are never sent to our system.įeel at home with the familiar design based on the original app launcher. Replace the default Google app launcher with this extension to bring your shortcuts with you on Google websites.Ĭarry your personalized launcher across devices with support for browser-based extension sync. Launch shortcuts with the same account as the page you’re currently on. Personalize the launcher with shortcuts of your choice, with many options for layout and appearance. You can also add apps from Google Workspace. Over 1,000 shortcuts are available, including really obscure websites and action-based shortcuts. Open the launcher extension from any page with just a click or through a keyboard shortcut.Īdd any Google website to the launcher or create your own shortcut to sites that you visit often. It opens shortcuts in a new tab so you can stay productive your own way. This is awful for viewing images because phone screens are not that big and now it only shows up on half the screen.G App Launcher helps optimize your workflow by letting you open your most commonly-used websites from the browser toolbar. App Launcher For Google Drive Full Screen Withīut now, not only is the text required but am unable go full screen with an image (and hide the text when tapping on it or rotating my phone). I purposely used this app when searching for images as chrome doesnt display image searches the same. Less than 5 mins later I get an article about him in my feed. The day before writing this, I was talking about Chris Stapleton with my mom since she likes his music. What is starting to really bothering me is the repetitive custom cards that show up in my feed. It helps with so many things I need to do whenever it comes to research for a school project or just looking up the news. I hope its just a bug and can be fixed because I dont want to have to manually switch over every single time I use it, where as before, you did it once and you were set and good to go up until this most recent update. I typically dont like having a search history on because its just too much to clear out once it accumulates and google has allowed me to do that seemlesly for the longest time, but now Ive come across the issue that I have to manually switch browse history off every single time I open the app, because the search Ive done from one prior time, is still on there. If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a review or rating. We are always working to make the app faster and more stable. Learn more about what the Google app can do for you: Your feedback helps us create products youll love. Gboard is a keyboard that lets you search and send information, GIFs, emoji, and moreright from your keyboard, in any app.
App Launcher For Google Drive Full Screen With.
Find quick answers, explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discover.Search and browse: Nearby shops and restaurants Live sports scores and schedules Movies times, casts, and reviews Videos and images News, stock information, and more Anything youd find on the web Get personalized updates in Discover: Stay in the know about topics that interest you Start your morning with weather and top news Get real-time updates on sports, movies, and events Know as soon as your favorite artists drop new albums Get stories about your interests and hobbies Follow interesting topics, right from Search results More ways to access Google: Google Lens Search what you see with your camera, copy and translate text, find similar apparel, identify plants and animals, scan QR codes and more.Search Google extension While browsing in Safari, you can share a web page with Google to see suggestions for related contentno need to type anything new in the search box.Tap on the Search Google icon from Safaris share menu to get started.
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ziptieparty · 2 years
i havent seen anyone alloromantic specifically talk about their experiences in aplatonicism, so i thought that more input from a different perspective could be useful?
i relatively recently (maybe 2-3 months ago) saw someone use the word "aplatonic" to describe themselves, and several things clicked into place with me, my general thought process being something like "of course theres a subset of aspec labels for platonic attraction, people feel romantic and sexual attraction separately so obviously theres a platonic side to." and i left it at that for awhile but something about it stuck with me.
i suppose ill start at the beginning,
when i was a kid i was mainly friends with boys, and for awhile i attributed this to being trans and just relating more to male peers. i do still believe this to be a factor but now thinking back on it i realized there was a pattern to my relationships.
at one point or another, i had had crushes on almost all of them.
i realized all at once that the only reason i had even spoken to a majority of my childhood friends was because i had been romantically attracted to them at the beginning of our friendships.
now, i can anticipate some kind of argument along the lines of "thats just how crushes and friendships grow with everyone" or some such nonsense
but i can say with my whole chest that thats not what was happening.
im not very good at explaining things in a way that makes sense to most, but i will attempt to be as clear as possible.
a lot of people wanted to be my friend.
i was funny and loud and friendly to my classmates. i liked to play tag at recess and brought pokemon cards and my tamagotchi to school before they were banned. i shared the parts of my lunches i didnt want, i stood up to bullies, and sat with people that were alone.
but that was about the extent of it
i was friendly
but i was never your friend
i generally considered myself a "loner" and no matter how friendly or talkative or persistent or technically compatible my classmates were-
it never took.
i just. wanted to do what i wanted to do.
i had kids i interacted with often and i named them friends when prompted to list any, but i never actually. spoke to them? it was more like i sat next to them and we did things alongside eachother (parallel play style) and i would say little things to them like hello or good morning or maybe that i liked their shoes but i never like. discussed what i liked with them or vice versa. i couldnt tell you a thing about them beyond their names.
this pattern continued until i started to develop crushes, suddenly i was initiating contact with kids without outside factors. i sat with them and gave them the sweet parts of my food and for the first time
i asked them questions
i wanted to know if they liked the cartoons i did and who their favorite characters were, i was curious about what they liked and what they thought. their input mattered to me.
a majority of my relationships from then on followed similar patterns, i thought they were cute or funny and so i talked to them and could tolerate the connection that followed.
i didnt keep my feelings for a lot of them of course, i had no way of knowing who these people were before getting to know them but the point still stands; i had to have a crush on them first.
this wasnt always the case with my friends, sometimes when i would interact with someone the stars would align and id stay in contact somehow and id end up with a friend that didnt start with romantic feelings.
my life gets messy from my teens on and i will spare you my life story, but i ended up in a position that i only had one person i could pass off as a friend. the relationship was just like the ones from my early childhood, i just kind of existed alongside her and i couldnt really tell you anything about her.
ive never formed bonds with anyone without outside influence and the ones i did were rare or romantic at first. isolation doesnt really bother me, i dont like or need to talk to people often, my own family barely knows me and has to force my interaction
sometimes i kind of joke with my husband that id never had a real friend before because i could never tell him anything about the friends i still had when i had met him, and now i think i have the words to describe why?
im not entirely sure what i should label myself, demiplatonic fits but i feel is a disservice to the people that i was or am friends with that were faster and didnt start romantically. perhaps grayplatonic or something but im just going with aplspec for the moment.
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myork · 2 years
manny's one year + milestone celebration ♡
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i’ve never really been big on celebrating anything, even on my prev blog (jimeanour) i never really celebrated any milestones, even the big ones. so i feel like this has been due for a while <3 and i also realised that i completed one year on here from when i started posting my poetry to writing ff and leaving that altogether and settling for creating visual content. whatever it was that made me stay, im glad, because tumblr has become such a huge part of my everyday life. and despite how constantly engaging on a platform online makes me feel drained, stressed and anxious every once in a while, i’m still glad i have this outlet. and you♡ now here’s how i’ve decided to celebrate-
Here are my rules/ categories ♡
‧₊˚ ☆ enter request here 💌 ☆‧₊˚
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now for the mutual(s) appreciation ♡ if you’re tagged, there’s a message for you! happy scrolling 🤡🤡these are things ive been wanting to say for a long time okay
@jimilter miss ashible i need to tell u how grateful i am for your support because you truly make me feel so comfortable and safe and appreciated. you’re such a gem and anyone who doesn’t believe it is LYIN!!!!!! truly one of the best people here ☹️💞ily so much thank you for being so annoying ☹️💗
@gukqi nhi i love you. thats it. thats the post. jokes aside im so grateful to have u as my internet husband you’re so talented and sweet and amazing and ilysm you’re so supportive and sometimes i just wanna run over to u to germany🥺💘 you’re truly one of my lifelines here and you make me want to open tumblr even when im discouraged to ☹️💗
@jeongcake tell i love you so much, you’re one of the best things thats ever happened to me and im so grateful to have u. we really do understand each other on a deeper scale and for that im grateful because i never have to hide from you ☹️💞from our jokes to our rare serious talks, im so happy to have u ily 🥺💞
@seokljin emma angel agenda. thats it. you’re literally like the most supportive person ive ever known how do u do it? how can all of that pixie fairy dust fit inside one angel of a human being? i feel like every time i post something esp jin related im like has emma seen this? and then i turn into a shy blushy school girl uwu. anyways if u haven’t translated it all yet- ily ☹️💗 and im so grateful for you.
@jeonqquk ivy my bby™️ you’re seriously such a whore gem ☹️💗ilysm and im so happy i have you. you’re part of my support system here and im so happy i can count on you. you’re really such a fun person. pls believe your gifs are amazing or ill punch u🥰 (dont u dare say kinky)
@joyfulhopelox maria my fav internet mother idk when you’ll see this but know that i love you and im always here for you 💗 thank you for always being there for me, youre truly such an angel. you’re so so amazing and rmr when i used to joke about you being not real? yeah, good times. sending lots of love to you and nugget and always hoping you’re okay💗💘
@usertae the bestest stella to ever exist 💀💀im kidding, i mean the sweetest, warmest, most welcoming person ever. ily celia you’re so nice and helpful and you were one of my first ever giffing mutuals even when i used to post complete trash💀idk what you saw then but just know that im grateful to have you as my mutual for so long and that you really raised in my standards in mutuals 💀🥺💗💘
@parkdatjimin MINDY BESTEST PERSON!! there, i said it 😤 ilysm and your tags JUST *squeals* *clenches fist* make my day ☹️you’re so supportive and im truly lucky to know you 💞💘💕💗
@still-with-koo lilo you call me a sweetheart when you're the biggest one there is ily☹️💖 you're so so sweet and warm and nice and just such a comfort person, im so glad we're mutuals ☹️💖💕
@itsallaboutzayn ESME SWEETEST PERSON AGENDA 😤im not even kidding, you’re so nice and supportive and i love all your asks, you always have so much love to give to people and i can only hope it’s returned tenfold because you deserve it 💕💘💕
@pjmsdior isa wifey i love you so much, you truly are one of the purest souls here and seeing u in my notifs or in my inbox makes so happy ☹️💗 ilyilyilyily
@dokyeomblr elv best elv favourite elv agenda!!!! you’re the nicest sweetest warmest person to exist and seeing u in my inbox or on my dash makes me light up like a christmas tree ☹️💗ily elvie
@jung-koook im so happy im finally getting the chance to say this, but i admire you so much sky. your dedication is commendable and everything you make is always in top tier quality and on top of all that you are so helpful and kind and i rmr getting a heart attack when you followed me 💀im so so grateful for all your help please know that💗💗
@taeyungie i know we just started talking but em, you’ve made me feel so warm and safe and i just, i feel like i could be myself with you. you’re so understanding and you love animals ☹️ the older grandma sister i didn’t know i needed, tho bullying you about it is more fun 🤡💗
@kimtaegis why so nice!!!!!!! hm?????? WHY 👏 SO 👏NICE????? jokes aside, i lurched off my bed when i saw the notification of a certain userkimtaegis-main following me one fine afternoon, and in true disney movie fashion, my life has never been the same. im just kidding ( or am i?🤨) but anyways annie you are so sO SO talented and everything you make is so pretty from coloring to quality everything. i admire you so so much and im so grateful to have you as a mutual 🥺💞💘
@marvelousbangtan sookies mom i hope i spelt that right😭 crystal ilysm your tags on my posts always make me so happy and your gifs are stunning and on top of all that youre so so so nice :(((((((((((💘💞💘im so happy we're mutuals :(
@gimbapchefs idk when you’ll see this 😭😭 nat *calls for a manhunt* but im so glad im mutuals with you ☹️you’re such a fun person, unproblematic person and i love interacting with you so much. im still so so grateful for the ptd in seoul stream, you gave me such an amazing opportunity and i’ll probably always be grateful for it and never ever forget it 💗i hope you’re doing well, hope to see you on my dash soon with your amazing gifs. imy ☹️💗
@jiminswn you’re really gonna make me repeat my giffing classes agenda huh 😔 jokes aside, miss alice im a fangirl. there i said it ☹️ you have the prettiest 16k ultra hd gifs and your colouring is gorgeous 😭😭ive been following u for so long, even before i started giffing and sometimes even now i wonder how u do it 🥺💗 any time i see u in my notifs, i get butterflies okay? ☹️💞
@min-boongie apart from being so pretty inside out *sobs* you're so nice reka and so so helpful. i meant what i said all those days ago, i look up to your content so much, your colouring is always so beautiful☹️💗💞💞💘
@heybaetae i was so scared to do this but miss kelli apart from your content that is prettiest in all the land with all the pretty colours and the highest quality sharpening, i feel like i actually screamed like a fangirl when you followed me back, more so when you rbed a set of mine with “#TALENT” yeah, im gonna get that laminated 😔
@rkivedfiles miss erl i love your gifs so much and your coloring is just so pretty and distinct i feel like i can recognise it from a mile away💗im so happy im mutuals with you :( you’re so nice and i still go back to look at that jimin set you made me ☹️💗
@hannahbee12719 miss hannah i think you’re literally nicest person ever😭 your tags make me feel so warm and appreciated and im so so grateful that im mutuals with you. i love and respect you so much 🥺☹️💗💘💕🥺
@hobeah flo ik you must be a little confused because we’ve interacted but also not too much but you HAVE to know how much i love your gifs. truly top tier content with the prettiest colouring and the quality just blows my mind even on the app 🥺💗
@userjiminie i had to tag you okay? i love love love your gifs so much miss rafa and you’re also so talented like esp your pinned post 😭 how do u do it☹️💗seeing your tags on my posts just makes my day okay? and you saying u like my content made me sob for 17 miniutes 😔🤧💕
@minieggukie apart from being the jikook™️ blog on here, miss kris i tagged u because i wanted you to know that you just have a very pretty coloring style okay? 🥺💕it just so soft and pretty and you even manage to gif lq videos so well 🤧 we don’t interact but pls know that i love your gifs so so much and i actually squealed when u followed me back *sniffs*
@sugajimin i tagged you because i wanted you to know that you have amazing gifs and your a-z with jimin is my fav thing on this hellsite 😭 and even your gfx are amazing!! you’re really so so talented, the quality of your gifs just makes me gasp sometimes, thank you for following me back 😭💞
@rosebowl miss sharika you just seem like a very cool person okay? your gifs are really really pretty and i just love looking at your 100days of seokjin series ☹️i hope you’ve been well 🤧💕
@kth1 miss maggie i know we don’t interact much but i needed u to know that i really really love your gifs <3 your coloring is vv pretty and your gifs are always in such high quality ☹️🥺💗
@sopev we’ve never interacted that much but miss daphne i tagged you to let you know that 1) idk how many times i’ve opened your blog to stare at your header 2) your gifs are stunning. stunning. period. they’re so colourful and so hq ☹️💕💘
@taechnological miss sae you’re just very cool okay? there i said it 😔 but apart from being so funny and cool i think you’re just a really great person to interact with and i absolutely love all your threads, your dedication is so so appreciated ☹️💗💕
@textsfrombangtan how does it feel to be the funniest, most iconic person on this hellsite? 😔 you have to know that i love your tags so much 🤧 and i sometimes stalk all your posts because your memes just make me really happy okay? ☹️ily hope you’re taking care of your (iconic) self 💗 or else 😤💪
@jinv my tag for you is coloring genius valeinstein💀 and rightfully so because miss val your coloring is truly something else, i got a bit dizzy when u started following me because ive been admiring you and your (amazing) content from afar for so long ☹️🥺💞💕
@cherryvmin kheer my darling, the absolute queen of moodboards i miss interacting with you but you have to know that i love your content so much and you’re really just so so nice and warm it melts my heart ☹️💗💘💕
@jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger nani my bb how are you 🥺💗i hope you’re doing okay. i tagged u to know that i love you and im so happy to be mutuals with you for so long 💗💘 anytime we interact, it fills me with so much warmth because you’re truly such a sweetheart ☹️💗
@jimijimimie pristine my darling imy okay? ily☹️💘 you’re so so talented and your tags on my posts just muah 💋 i hope you’ve been well, just know that im always here for you 💗💗
@tekootine val my baby i hope you’re okay ily so so much 💗☹️ you’re a total sweetheart whos so talented and im so happy whenever we interact because seeing you in my inbox brings the biggest smile on my face 💘💞 you’re just very precious okay? 🥺😭💕
@softbobamilktae zee i hope you know how much i appreciate you. we’ve been mutuals for quite a while now and i hope you know im so grateful for your support esp during that time in my dms 💗 you’re also so relatable in your tps omg 😳💞
@introlxv onyx bb we haven’t talked properly in so long but i just want to tell u that i love and appreciate you so much 💗☹️youre so fucking talented and amazing and im so happy i know you 💗💕💞pls never forget that 🥺💗
@moonsclover ahana my adopted bb ilysm and you're truly such a sweetheart i love love love your moodboards so much and anytime i see you in my inbox, it just brightens up my day by x323239💘💗💕
@fluffyydumplings fluffy i know we’ve completely stopped interacting but pls know that im so happy we’re still mutuals and that you’re so so talented and your voice oml is beautiful(i just remembered your narration(?) for that one fic). i hope you’ve been well 💗
@vopegist kyo dough i love u. thanks for coming to my ted talk. im just kidding, ik we haven’t talked in a while but just know that ily and am always here for you titty 💀☹️💗🥺
@rkivian miss kiri you’re such a fun person and im so glad we’ve been mutuals for so long ☹️ you really stole my heart when u dmed me all those months ago hskdjsks besides everything, i really love it when you tag me in games okay? makes me feel connected to you even tho its been so long since we interacted ☹️💗
@parkjiminxfloor jans idk when you’ll see this bb but know that ily and im forever grateful for your support🥺💞thank you for all your sweet asks and tags, they always make my day 💗💗you’re amazing 💫
@alpacaseok star we just became mutuals but know that i really appreciate you and you’re just really a very sweet, supportive person 🥺💞
@thornedswan ik we’ve barely interacted but pls know im always so so grateful for you reblogging my gifs 💗
@cosyserendipity sonjaaa you’re so so sweet and i think i already told you this but im always so so grateful for your reblogs 🥺💗 and that the fact that you tag me in games, i love those!💘💗💞
@crispy-chan jas my absolute darling favourite baby ever 🥺💗i love you so so much and i miss you and our conversations a lot ☹️💗 youre such an amazing person and on top of all that you’re literally so talented and sweet. i hope you’re taking care of your precious self (hows apple 💀💗) miss you and love you tons pls know that i tagged u last so that u could find yourself amongst all these bts blogs 😭
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