#ive had too much hankcon brainrot
astuoro · 1 year
hank and connor fic on here while I get my ao3 account up ❤️ ‼️
Connor had been working at the Detroit Police Department with Lt. Anderson for around a week when the Android revolution had taken place, in which he had deviated from his intended cause given by Cyberlife. He had left Hank to go help Markus and the rest of Jericho with their cause and help other androids who were getting accustomed to their newfound rights. Connor had been too busy to even call Hank up, apparently. Hank didn't want to admit to anyone, not even Sumo when he would talk to the dog in his drunken state, but he missed the damn android.
It had been about a month since then, and Hank hadn't seen Connor since.
Hank sat in his living room, a cold beer in his hand, drinking away whatever thoughts of worry he had about the android. He had begun to feel for someone again since the accident, and now he felt as if he had lost Connor too. He knows he had been stupid to think these things, but god did he truly miss him.
He had hated androids before, and had no respect for the plastic machines, but Connor had changed his mind. Connor had been different.
Something had always seemed different about the android, his insistent disobedience for what Hank had said whenever they went to investigate the odd crime scene. Maybe Connor had always been a deviant. That would explain why he could always pass as so human.
Rain from the nearing storm hit the windows as Hank finished his beer and sighed in exhaustion, too tired and drunk to go over to his bedroom from his position on the old couch. He closed his eyes and tried to stop thinking completely, shooing away the thoughts occupying his brain. As if sensing his stress, Sumo came bounding over to the couch where he was laying, licking the hand of Hank’s which was hanging lazily off the couch.
“Good dog Sumo, thanks buddy…”
Hank finally managed to get some form of sleep due to Sumo’s aid. The dog had been the only thing keeping him damn sane apart from his terrible drinking habit.
Hank’s ringtone was the thing to wake him up. He slumped up to grab the phone from his kitchen counter where he left it, almost tripping and falling in the process. A call from an unknown number, 05:10am. He picked the device up and swiped up to take the call, to tell the caller to fuck off and let him sleep. He’d hated the stupid spam calls numbers had been giving him.
“I don't know who you are but you ca-”
Choked up sobs came from the other side of the phone. Confusion overcame Hank until the person spoke, through tears.
He would recognise that voice anywhere. It sobered his thoughts up just hearing his voice.
Connor’s voice.
“Connor. What's wrong? Why are you… crying?”
Hank didn't even know if androids could cry before now. “Where are you?”
A worried feeling overcame the man, Connor hadn’t talked to him in a month and now he had called him up sobbing over something Hank had no idea what was. None of that mattered to him, he just needed to make sure Connor was okay.
“Hank…” A sob followed his name. “Please come get me, please… I’m sorry…”
“Are you hurt? Connor, I’ll come and get you as soon as I can, where are you?” Worry filled his voice, he stumbled through his living room and grabbed his jacket and car keys, shoving his shoes on each foot quickly. A message came through to his phone, Connor had used his messaging input to send Hank his address. The place they had first met, 20 minutes away.
More cries came through the phone line.
“Please… Hurry…” and then the call had been disconnected.
Hank ran to his car as fast as he physically could, he knew he shouldn’t be drinking when intoxicated as he was, but this was an emergency. Even the question of his partner being in danger was something Hank couldn’t take. Hank was too attached to the man he’d thought was just a machine.
He drove as fast as he could to where Connor said he’d be, and parked up as soon as he’d seen the android, his LED glowing red, still sobbing. It was raining heavily, and he had been soaked through by the rain. Hank jumped out of his front seat, running to embrace the android.
“Oh god, it's okay. You’re okay. “ Hank held the boy into his chest as he cried, cradling the back of his head in his hands as he cried into his chest. He pulled off his jacket, knowing the android wouldn’t need it, but he just hoped to god it would bring him at least some comfort.
But as he pulled it onto Connor’s shoulders, he noticed the wound.
A cut down the androids chest, that was slowly bleeding out onto his shirt, staining it a glowing blue colour. Connor looked up into Hank’s eyes, knowing he’d seen it. A million thoughts were going through Hank’s brain, who the fuck had done this to him? Anger swelled in his chest, he couldn’t let whoever did this get away with hurting him.
“Con- Son, who did this to you?” He tried to keep his tone calm, his heart hurt from witnessing his boy being hurt.
Connor stayed silent, his arms still around Hank, hands holding onto the man.
“It’s going to be okay. Let’s get you home, son.”
Hank drove Connor back to his house, carrying the strangely lightweight android in. He set him down on the bed in his room and pulled his first aid kit out from which he had taken out of the car. He didn't know if helping bandaging Connor’s wound would help or not, but he was going to try at least for him.
He tried to make sure the android was comfortable, propping him up on soft pillows to make sure he didn't strain where his wound was. At this point, he had gotten Connor to at least message him the information of his attacker, some anti-android scumbag.
As Hank went to leave his room to go do whatever it was he could think of, Connor’s weak voice stopped him.
It was almost as quiet as a whisper.
“Please don’t leave me alone."
Hank couldn’t say no. The android needed him right now. He tossed his shoes somewhere and placed himself on the bed next to the man. Connor immediately wrapped his arms around him, holding him in a way that reminded him of the embrace Cole had given him when he left the house for his first day of school.
Hank held Connor close, both men made each other feel secure.
“Everything is going to be okay now, I’m here.”
Connor had never appreciated something more than Hank, and didn’t think he could even if given a chance. He buried his face in the man’s chest and let himself finally still. His LED returned to the calm blue it was usually.
They laid there for a while, Hank beginning to feel tired while Connor readied himself to enter stasis. Connor laid his head on the other man’s chest, Hank laying his right hand on his back. Connor held onto the moment as long as he could.
As Hank began to fall asleep, Connor gave him a tighter squeeze for reassurance.
“I’m here son.”
“Thank you.”
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astuoro · 1 year
more romantic version of the last fic I put out for the hankcon shippers ❤️
Hank sat in his living room, a cold beer in his hand, drinking away whatever thoughts of worry he had about the android. He had begun to feel for someone again since the accident, and now he felt as if he had lost Connor too. He knows he had been stupid to think these things, but he truly missed him.
He had hated androids before, and had no respect for the plastic machines, but Connor had changed his mind. Connor had been different.
Something had always seemed different about the android, his insistent disobedience to what Hank had said whenever they went to investigate the odd crime scene. Maybe Connor had always been a deviant. That would explain why he could always pass as so human.
Rain from the nearing storm hit the windows as Hank finished his beer and sighed in exhaustion, too tired and drunk to go over to his bedroom from his position on the old couch. He closed his eyes and tried to stop thinking completely, shooing away the thoughts occupying his brain. As if sensing his stress, Sumo came bounding over to the couch where he was laying, licking the hand of Hank’s which was hanging lazily off the couch.
“Good dog Sumo, thanks, buddy…”
Hank finally managed to get some form of sleep due to Sumo’s aid, listening to the TV blare in the back, playing some show about androids. The dog had been the only thing keeping him damn sane apart from his terrible drinking habit.
Hank’s ringtone was the thing to wake him up. He slumped up to grab the phone from his kitchen counter where he left it, almost tripping and falling in the process. A call from an unknown number, 05:10 am. He picked the device up and swiped up to take the call, to tell the caller to fuck off and let him sleep. He’d hated the stupid spam calls numbers had been giving him.
“I don't know who you are but you ca-”
Choked-up sobs came from the other side of the phone. Confusion overcame Hank until the person spoke, through tears.
He would recognize that voice anywhere. It sobered his thoughts up just hearing his voice. Connor’s voice.
“Connor. What's wrong? Why are you… crying?”
Hank didn't even know if androids could cry before now. “Where are you?”
A worried feeling overcame the man, Connor hadn’t talked to him in a month and now he had called him up sobbing over something Hank had no idea what was. None of that mattered to him, he just needed to ensure Connor was okay.
“Hank…” A sob followed his name. “Please come get me, please… I’m sorry…”
“Are you hurt? Connor, I’ll come and get you as soon as I can, where are you?” Worry filled his voice, he stumbled through his living room and grabbed his jacket and car keys, shoving his shoes on each foot quickly. A message came through to his phone, Connor had used his messaging input to send Hank his address. The place they had first met, 20 minutes away.
More cries came through the phone line.
“Please… Hurry…” and then the call had been disconnected.
Hank ran to his car as fast as he physically could, he knew he shouldn’t be drinking when intoxicated as he was, but this was an emergency. Even the question of his partner being in danger was something Hank couldn’t take. Hank was too attached to the man he’d thought was just a machine.
He drove as fast as he could to where Connor said he’d be, and parked up as soon as he’d seen the android, his LED glowing red, still sobbing. It was raining heavily, and he had been soaked through by the rain. Hank jumped out of his front seat, running to embrace the android.
“Oh god, it's okay. You’re okay. “ Hank held the boy into his chest as he cried, cradling the back of his head in his hands as he cried into his chest. He pulled off his jacket, knowing the android wouldn’t need it, but he just hoped to god it would bring him at least some comfort.
But as he pulled it onto Connor’s shoulders, he noticed the wound.
A cut down the android's chest, which was slowly bleeding out onto his shirt, staining it a glowing blue colour. Connor looked up into Hank’s eyes, knowing he’d seen it. A million thoughts were going through Hank’s brain, who the fuck had done this to him? Anger swelled in his chest, he couldn’t let whoever did this get away with hurting him.
“Con- Love, who did this to you?” He tried to keep his tone calm, his heart hurt from witnessing his boy being hurt.
Connor stayed silent, his arms still around Hank, hands holding onto the man.
“It’s going to be okay. Let’s get you home, hun.”
Hank drove Connor back to his house, carrying the strangely lightweight android in. He set him down on the bed in his room and pulled his first aid kit out which he had taken out of the car. He didn't know if helping bandage Connor’s wound would help or not, but he was going to try at least for him.
He helped Connor take his wet shirt off, pulling it over the androids head and exposing a slender torso. Hank had never seen something so beautiful in his life, small freckles and moles covered the man’s chest. The fuckers at Cyberlife had some serious attention to detail.
Hank fought the urge to pepper small kisses against his chest as he was bandaging him up, his face flushed. He shouldn’t be thinking this about a damn robot, but he knew that wasn’t all Connor was, so was it really that bad?
He tried to make sure the android was comfortable, propping him up on soft pillows to make sure he didn't strain where his wound was. At this point, he had gotten Connor to at least message him the information of his attacker, some anti-android scumbag. He had reported the asshole to the station and whoever was on shift.
As Hank went to leave his room to go do whatever it was he could think of, Connor’s weak voice stopped him.
It was almost as quiet as a whisper. “Please don’t leave me alone.”
Hank couldn’t say no. The android needed him right now. He tossed his shoes somewhere and placed himself on the bed next to the man. Connor immediately wrapped his arms around him, holding him in a way that he hadn’t felt in years.
Hank held Connor close, both men made each other feel complete. They fit in each others presence comfortably, something each of them had never really experienced.
“Everything is going to be okay now, I’m here.”
Connor had never appreciated something more than Hank, and didn’t think he could even if given a chance. He buried his face in the man’s chest and let himself finally be still. His LED returned to the calm blue it was usually. Hank’s presence was a sort of comfort for Connor.
They lay there for a while, Hank beginning to feel tired while Connor readied himself to enter stasis. Connor laid his head on the other man’s chest, Hank laying his right hand on his back. Connor held onto the moment as long as he could. The moment seemed the closest thing to perfect Connor could think of.
As Hank began to fall asleep, Connor gave him a tighter squeeze for reassurance, Hank understanding and kissing Connor’s forehead.
“I’m here sweetheart.”
“Thank you.”
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astuoro · 1 year
rlly thinking of writing a hankcon fic rn. help me.
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