#ive got a few fursonas i rarely use
drpeppertummy · 9 months
Idk if you'd be interested but you should draw a character you like to use to represent yourself. I’m mostly just curious and stuff.
honestly ive tried a few times & i either wind up not liking the design or not feeling like they represent me enough😭😭😭 but i Do wanna have a character like that i need to like commit to something
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pokeau · 3 years
zin has unova trio brainworms: the fic
Original post date: September 30th, 2020
i have no better title for this. theres worms in my brain
they go 2 the nimbasa amusement park thanks for coming
Characters: Colress/Lune/N
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1,266
Vibe: pure unfiltered cheesy fluff
Original AN:
good god this is cheesy. ive had brainworms for these 3 for like the past week so this is entirely for myself. im not /particularly/ proud of this at all because of all the Cheese but i live for it anyways
havent revised or had other eyes look at it , the usual
probably takes place shortly after they moved to lostlorn
also colress's fursona is a lopunny no i will not explain this but thats why lune did the thing
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah- give me a second, Col!"
Lune shuffled around in the background after her response, looking for a face mask and N's baseball cap.
"You sure you need all that? I'm think just the hoodie will be fine..." N said as he exited the bathroom, brushing his hair out before setting the brush down and handing Lune his hat.
"You've seen how freaky fans can get. I don't care how shady I look, as long nobody can recognize me, I'm set."
"Right... just sucks that I can't kiss you through that mask." N chuckled, before promptly being batted softly on the back of the head by Lune.
"Shut up." Lune playfully replied.
There was a pause before Colress spoke up to the two of them.
"Alright, alright! We can go and head out now if you're ready."
N skipped up to Colress and grabbed his hand, while Lune followed behind as the trio made their way downstairs and outside, where Fenrir was already waiting.
"You know that I could always fly us over, right?" Colress asked, giving Fenrir a hearty pat on the head.
"I know, it's just good to let him get some real running in every once and a while!" Lune replied.
The three hopped up on Fenrir's back, with Lune in front. She leaned into his soft mane, and whispered for him to start running. While Fenrir couldn't see, his sense of smell and Lune's whispering of directions were more than enough for Fenrir to find his way out of Lostlorn and down to Nimbasa City. As typical for an arcanine, Fenrir could run very fast; so much so that the ride was mostly silent, because any words Colress or N spoke would be lost to the sounds of rushing wind.
It only took about 10 minutes or so to reach Nimbasa, and Fenrir slowed down to a stop in the parking lot of the Nimbasa amusement park. The trio hopped off, and took a few moments to readjust themselves.
"Good boy! You can head back home now." Lune said to Fenrir, who happily barked in response.
With that, Colress extended gloved hands to Lune and N. The two enthusiastically grabbed his hands, and the three were off to the amusement park.
Hand in hand, they wandered the park, and while Lune was still worried about being recognized even in her getup, they seemed to blend right into the crowd. They grabbed some snow cones, and went to play some carnival games.
Eyeing the prizes at one of the game booths, Lune perked up and pointed to one of the prizes that was highest up on the board.
"Col, look!" she said. "It's you!"
The prize in question was an oversized buneary plushie, at least around 2 feet tall.
"Lulu, that's a buneary, not a lo-" Colress started to say, but was interrupted.
"Shhhshshshsh! Close enough!" Lune said, waving her hand up and down in front of her face to shush Colress in a teasing manner.
The booth was a simple ring-toss game, with the highest-tier prize going to anyone who could land their all 5 rings on 5 pegs without missing, all in one go. Pensively looking at the overstuffed pokemon plushie, Colress sighed.
"I... kind of want it."
N quickly got in an energized stance and gripped Colress's hand tighter.
"I got this! If I just examine the distance between where we're standing and the pegs, I can probably calculate the estimated position and force I should throw at!" he said, speaking rather quickly as he explained his reasoning. He seemed practically raring to give it a shot.
"Well, I'm not sure how I could refuse that! I trust you'll do a good job!" Colress replied.
Lune paid the vendor, and N received 5 rings. He took time in examining the space, and swung his arm a couple of times before actually throwing. He managed to get 3 on the pegs, but missed the other two.
"Nice job! Would you want a prize, or are you the type to keep going to try for a bigger one?" the vendor asked.
Enthusiastically slamming more money flat on the wooden counter, N spoke with a glint in his eye.
"I'll keep going! I'm determined to win this!"
N tried and failed 5 more times, some attempts closer to success than others. He seemed really into it, and Colress and Lune weren't sure whether to keep egging him on, or to pull him away. On his sixth attempt, N looked rather tired, so Lune decided to intervene. Without his knowledge, Lune used illusion to manipulate the scene - and made it appear that N had gotten the rings on all 5 pegs. N almost couldn't believe it, but he gained a large grin when he saw what appeared to be the final ring fall on the final peg.
"Congratulations! Take your pick of any prize you want!" the vendor said, shuffling away all the money they had gotten from the trio.
N pridefully point at the buneary plush, which the vendor grabbed down using a long pole. N grabbed it, and handed it to Colress - who firmly squeezed it. It felt cheaply made, but the pride in 'winning' made it feel like it was worth the world.
"It's our son..." Colress said, jokingly - prompted a hushed 'oh my god' from Lune, and the three laughed it off.
Carrying the buneary plush under one arm and holding N's hand with the other, Colress suggested that he knew where to go next. Lune and N agreed to follow him, and the trio weaved in between the crowd together until they were at the base of the one and only, the Nimbasa ferris wheel.
Colress just smiled, and Lune and N were silent for a moment as memories and emotions resurfaced.
"It's been a long time since I've been here..." N said, his words partially hushed.
"Oh, I didn't know you've been here before, N!" Colress said with a smile, but as he read Lune and N's expressions, he was quickly able to figure out that something was amiss.
"It's..." Lune started saying, her words trailing off. "It's a bit complicated for us."
N spoke up.
"Well, let's go ahead and ride anyways. I've always loved ferris wheels, after all."
The three got in line and eventually boarded into a small cabin together. There, it all came out - though it was a bit complicated to explain it all.
"Ohhhhhhhh!!" Colress exclaimed upon hearing the other two's explanation of their history with the ferris wheel. He became a bit flustered as he explained his side of the story. "This is, well... where Lulu and I had our first date, so I guess I have a lot of important memories here too."
N nodded in understanding, and as the wheel slowly turned, backlit by the setting sun, the three exchanged words that went from what memories they had together to what memories they'd want to make in the future. They bunched up on one side of the cabin together, snuggling and stealing kisses as they watched the bustling city go by.
"I really wouldn't want to be with anyone other than you two." Colress said, still visibly flustered. Lune gave off a soft 'mhm' and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, as N lifted his hand and kissed it.
"I love you too." he whispered with a smile.
The moment felt like it could've lasted forever, but eventually, the ferris wheel brought the trio back to the ground, and they exited together, hand in hand.
"Let's go home"
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