#ive been working on an actual real life wedding i'm in (i was more excited for the tarlos wedding than the real one sooo idk what that says
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years ago
The way I felt sick to my stomach for half of the episode last night thinking that this was setting up a big Carlos storyline next season where he goes on a cop/Ranger hunt for the killer. Ugh. I was slightly placated by the end and his (for now) acceptance when Owen mentions he may never know who pulled the trigger. Obviously it’s gonna come back up, but I’m somewhat hopeful it’s at least on the back burner for a bit. That’s probably wishful thinking on my part and after the season we’ve had I have no idea why I’d be that way at all.
I feel you. I was uncomfortable from the moment there was a knock on the Reyes’ front door until we got to the wedding scenes. I had resigned myself to the ~Gabriel dying of it all~ before the episode aired but as soon as I realized how they were killing him off, I was basically just checked out...
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I know a lot of people liked the episode or could at least enjoy Rafa’s acting, even if they were sad about Gabriel dying, but I truly just wasn’t enjoying myself from a viewing perspective during any of the Gabriel/Carlos stuff going on. But that is fully a personal thing in regards to what I’m going to enjoy watching and I still liked other aspects to the finale for sure (I answered a whole ask about it here in fact - I'm not all negative over here y'all).
As far as this coming back up next season, it’s basically a guarantee, yeah. No matter how nice that scene with Owen was, there’s no way the writers are going to leave Gabriel’s murder unsolved forever. My prediction is the season might not start with that for Carlos, maybe it will focus on his decision re: detective, patrol, or ranger and then move into the Gabriel stuff mid season.
I genuinely am hoping that next season the writers can pull back on the dark storylines just a liiiiittle? My thoughts on this season as a whole are scattered, both positive and negative in parts, but I do think just overall there was a LOT of dark shit happening back to back. I enjoyed some of it but maybe a little more balance of lightheartedness in there would help. and then maybe some storylines that are serious but not... serial killers/family members murdered/black market organ harvesting level of serious?
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thesonicpunk · 3 months ago
I just wanted to tell you that I Have Never Loved a Darker Blue is an incredible piece of fanfiction. I adore how you characterize the Konoha 11 and Team 7.
I also LOVE how you integrate modern things so naturally by sticking with the 80s sort of vibe of the modern bits. You breathed more dynamicism and life into the culture of Konoha. I LOVE how you do this so naturally by exploring the theme of lost youth with Sasuke, it makes so much sense that youth would be a novel worthy exploration for his character.
Another massive shoutout I want to give you is for your romance pacing and writing, it feels so authentic, both to the characters themselves and to the experience of slowly unfurling love and the uncertainty in dynamics like that between Naruto and Sasuke.
This brings me to my final fuck yes for now, I love how you write queer love and I hope this piece continues to be explored, how it mingles with their characters identity, and roles within society. I’d love for you to broach this idea in Naruto and Sasuke’s relationship when he becomes Hokage (also would love love love an engagement/wedding plot from you since you’re so gifted with writing their bond, but that’s me being greedy for your incredible talent in this realm)
I love your pacing, everything you’re doing is dope and I admire you for your work. I’m so excited to see such an incredible writer active in the SNS world. I am so inspired by their bond and you give it so much it deserved. I have actually laughed out loud and felt tears in my eyes from being truly caught off guard and authentically connected to the moments you write. So much gratitude and goodness to YOU!
omg sorry it took me so long to get to this ive been crazy busy... i love characterisation compliments..... keep 'em coming ehe to be fair, the 80s thing is kind of kishimoto's doing!! he really went for it, especially at the begining of the manga, then i think it would create some plot wholes and he abandoned the technology vibes a bit more. but i LOVE including that aspect in :) lost youth.... so sad.... yet so real..... yay! im so so glad you like the romance pacing. i think i took my time exactly because it feels truer to their characters and i'm always happy to know that comes across and resonates with the readers. QUEER LOVE. *big sigh* I hope to tackle this side of things more too when Naruto (potentially 👀) becomes hokage, or how his sexuality/relationship w sasuke will become a challenge in this regard. My idea rn is to do a second part of the fic (making it into a series) which will focus more on Naruto's struggle of becoming (or not, im not sure myself) hokage, and their lives as older adults (so yes! marriage and.... kids 👀). I have LOTS of plans actually, and so many little scenes roughly drafted in my notes, but honestly i'll have to see if/when i can dig up time for them! But it makes me happy that you'd read that if i wrote it, so thank you <3 AAAAAA ITS CRAZY THAT IVE MADE YOU LAUGH AND TEAR UP. that's such a powerful thing T_T thank you so much for taking the time to write me such a lovely message - all the gratitude right back at you and I wish you all that's good in the world. See u around the comments of the fic!!!
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indigo474 · 2 years ago
almost 1/2 way through 2023- i have no idea what is going on with time-please slow down. so much so much. i had a lazy weekend. rain rain and more rain. it was nice- i watched tv and laid around and ate. would have been a nice weekend to spend with a partner- doing the same. i napped- the dreams- oh the dreams- able to get into that deep rem state.
i am not getting the support i need in work. my direct report is not available. it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
i got the letter today saying child support will stop once Mads graduates. i bet that makes x happy. suck a dirt ball. i know i shouldn't look but i couldn't help myself and i checked out his girlfriends facebook page. she looks bad-like he is draining the life out of her. i can see it. its funny i can see it- i wish her the best, i really do. him- i hope he lives a miserable life. i hope eventually all his lies catch up to him- i hope someday he will be held accountable for the lives he destroyed.
I was talking to a guy n tinder and i mentioned something about a wedding- he went off about how much he has to pay for so many years. he made things weird. un-match-
i did manage to work out this weekend. i missed the chance to run in the rain. i actually tweaked my knee doing lunges so i decided to not run. I ran today and it felt great. the river was angry. the beach was a mess- May is tick season- i wonder if i should maybe stick to the treadmill for a while. i am scared to death of being taken out by a tick. nasty nasty creatures.
ive been having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. i'm minding my own and the words night shift come into my mind. a guy messages me today and tells me he is working night shift. just a coincidence- i am still excited about life. worried at times- tired-free-i bet that fat guy told all his buddies how he fucked me real good. i am sure he did- bragged about himself. how fucking laughable. you do know your dick wasn't inside me right?
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