#ive been using xkit this entire time for that
randamir · 1 year
when the hell did tumblr finally add timestamps as an option
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swampgallows · 2 years
Hello! Could I please ask you to not add / into tags, if I filter 'body horror' tag and you add the /, I'm still gonna see the post. Or if I could ask what's the trend with the slash anyway because I do see a lot of people doing in and I'm just curious like why so
hi!! first i want to apologize that it wasnt being filtered, im extremely sorry for that. i will tag body horror in complete now.
as for why i do it: this is a custom from before tumblr had its own filtering system and users relied on addons. i still use xkit rewritten for my blacklist since it's been imported from other addons over the years, and im primarily a desktop tumblr user.
the slash and other keysmashes ("body horror /", "body horror slkjfslkfjsd") are used with the intention that the post will be filtered, but not appear in a blog's own tags or the tumblr tags.
for example: i post stuff about teeth a lot. i have a "teeth" tag which is for cool teeth images, and a "dentistry" tag for dental info as ive been interested in a dental career. if i post about how my teeth are bugging me again, i might tag it "dentistry /" or "teeth /", as it will be filtered by a blacklist, but it won't show up in the tags on my own blog for "teeth" or "dentistry"; those will stay as just pics and info. for anyone following the tag "dentistry" on tumblr, they won't see a random post of me complaining when they're trying to find actual info. (also, in the past it was said people might purposefully trigger themselves by browsing a blog's tag, so adding extra characters or slashes would filter it on the dash but make it 'unsearchable'.)
however, tumblr's search and tagging system has changed over time, and browsing blogs is usually done within tumblr as part of the dashboard instead of opening in a new tab as an external site. so now when people search a blog it "searches" the entire post instead of just the tags like it used to, so this kind of tagging is specific to filtering the dash and tidying up the external site.
for tumblr's filters, i would recommend adding the phrase "body horror" into the blacklist POST filter, not just tags. that way it will search the entire post, including the tags, for the phrase. i dunno if their blacklist has a wildcard option like the addons do, but filters like "spider*" would catch spider, spiders, spider tw, spiders tw, spiderman, spiderweb, etc. more info on tumblr's filter system here.
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wildmountainkid · 7 years
@arihiime replied to your post: [ i had to go check that since... ]
thanks! and wait srsly? they did? staFF FUCK OFF
I think XKit has a mod to allow for replying to notifs on the dash though if you wanna check that out
[ ... i checked that out and i realised i have that extension(?) and its turned on, so maybe ive been using that the entire time and this update just broke it. or maybe im just dumb :’D but anyway, i hope to god that the staff reverses this... thing ]
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