#ive been rping with a friend and we are having a BLAST
lordrandreaming · 2 years
CW: Semi-harsh language, Mpreg, don't like don't read!
"Gaspard- We seriously need to talk. Now."
"Mon amour? Did i do something wrong today?"
"Save it! Im not playing around Gaspard.."
Lucio lowly hisses, Gaspard is struck in the heart with an ice cold twinge. He swallows nervously.
"Okay-.. Im serious. What is in dire need of discussion?"
Lucio frowns a bit and his arms are tightly folded against his chest. He looks away from Gaspard.
"Im pregnant."
Gaspard goes pale immidietly.
"You.. Your-.. P-P-Pregnant??"
Lucio's expression becomes one of annoyance.
"Yeah.. Explains why im so damn sick all the sudden.. We need to talk about.. This."
Gaspard sputters a moment, he shakes his head and blinks.
"Pregnant.. Your.. Pregnant.."
Gaspard nervously combs through his ponytail.
"Yes! How many times do you have to repeat it?!"
Lucio snaps, causing Gaspard to flinch.
"I don't know if i can commit to this, Lucio.."
Oh... That's not good.
Lucio snarls.
"What? What do you mean 'cant commit'?"
Lucio's eyes narrow and his tone becomes venomous. Gaspard swallows nervously.
"Luci-.. I.. I don't want any more kids.. It's bad enough i have you-"
Lucio's heart cracks in two at this very moment, Gaspard can see it in his eyes, and then a hellfire raises.
"Bad ENOUGH? Im BAD ENOUGH? Oh OH! So.. This whole time- I've been a fucking inconvenience to you?!"
Gaspard sighs, trying to explain himself in a panicky fashion.
"Non-Non-Non! Mon amour, im a wandering Magician! I can't settle anywhere and just make a family.. My purpose is to find Paradise! I can't have a baby and seek Paradise at once! My kids flew the coop, and i seriously hunted Paradise for years, i can't stop now-"
"Paradise this! Paradise that! Go FUCK yourself you- You SWINE!"
Tears are already racing down Lucio's face. He pivots on a foot and storms out.
Melchoir and Mercedes perk up as their master storms out of the shared hut and into the woods. Crying, and holding himself tight. The two albino familiars follow after him.
"I can't fucking believe you! Fucking.. Fucking ASSHOLE!"
He shouts at the hut, flipping Gaspard off as he comes into the doorway.
"Luci- Wait!"
Lucio doesn't even turn to him and storms off into the woods. Gaspard gives chase, trees morph into dark shapes, and sunlight becomes more sparse the thicker the leaves layer.
Lucio stops at a fallen tree, and collapses on his knees.
"Unfair-! Unfair!.."
He sobs, punching and hitting the ground. He sends an acidic glare to the sky, patchy yet visible from beyond the leaves of green.
"Why?! Everything was fine! And now- Now it's all ruined!"
His cries echo in the lonely woods Melchoir and Mercedes whine at him, Gaspard soon appears. He knows he messed up when the two white dogs that love to cuddle on him whenever possible, start growling at him.
Paradise was his answer for everything. It's been his whole life since Demyan appeared to him.. Paradise is where no one will suffer, no one will cry, no one will hate. Just.. Flowers and field as far as the eye can see.
Rolling hills, with dandelions ripe to be rolled through. Endless sunny days without a dark cloud in sight- literal perfection.
Just once again he'd like to find it- Once wasn't enough.. He needs to take all his loved ones and they all can live happy and carefree.. Not have to worry about pain, or money troubles, nothing.
But, this desire is a wild goose chase. The entire year he spent there, he forgot about his family. About Cornelius and Demyan, and Sasha.. And Montag.
There is no sun without the moon. There will be shadows to hide in from the light. There is no Paradise.. When you already have it.
Maybe he's come to realise his efforts are fruitless, there's no sign of paradise anywhere anymore..
Because it's Lucio-.. It's this little life they built for themselves. Inbetween adventuring and taking on beast contracts, it was just Gaspard, Lucio, Sasha, Mercedes, and Melchoir..
Getting to see Lucio's sweet, sleeping face every morning, bathed in soft daylight through the curtains was a blessing in of itself. But, what's better than that? Why, his laughter. Unrestrained joy, not having to pretend to be anyone but himself. That light flickering in his eyes- utter happiness.
Gaspard's search for Paradise has gotten desperate, more trips that end up being shorter and shorter. Before, it was uncertain when they would return home, but recently, he's been returning sooner than the last.. Especially since Lucio's been sick.
Gaspard's been pulling his hair out over it.. Lucio was all for finding paradise, but as time went on, their actions caught up with them- now they must pay the price and bear the burden.. Of a baby yet to even form a body.
He's softly panting, and Lucio notices his presence. He shoots Gaspard a venomous glare. Melchoir and Mercedes join him.
"Oh great, YOU! Gonna tell me more about how you don't want anything to do with me and our baby?!"
Our baby.
Gaspard holds out a hand, waiting a moment before speaking.
"No-.. No! Not what i followed you for! Lucio- Lucio my love, my beloved! Please, allow me to speak.."
"I don't want to hear it!"
Melchoir and Mercedes snap at Gaspard.
"Im not... I didn't want a baby because i would drag them into my paradise scramble-.. I dragged you into it didn't i? This is no life suited for a child- a baby even less so!"
A sharp laugh comes from Lucio.
"HAH! Dragged me into it?! Please! Gaspard, do you know who your talking to?! Now your just being pretentious!"
"Alright, alright-.. Lucio- please.. Please.. I'm. Im done hunting for Paradise."
"Your just saying that! Lying to me!"
Lucio yells, tears run down his cheeks and smear his eyeliner. Gaspard hangs his head in shame.
"Non- Mon amour-.. I.. I see it now. I.. I'll admit it. I've lost all traces of Paradise. There are no more hints for me to follow, no magic string tugging me along. It's just.. Silence. There's no calling anymore, almost as if it was made up.."
Gaspard takes his hat off and looks to Lucio with a solemn expression. He takes a careful step foreward, Lucio doesn't budge. Melchoir and Mercedes stand, ears back, but no longer snarling.
"I think.. Because I've found it with you."
Lucio's angry expression drops, and he lets himself fall into a small sobbing fit, arms tight against his chest, he looks away, his lower lip quivering.
"You make it so difficult to hate you.."
"I know, and I'm.. I'm sorry. For not being there for you when you needed me, for.. Ignoring what i had. Lucio, you are what I've needed for oh so long. You are my Paradise, my love.. My everything."
He gets closer and closer, until he finally embraces Lucio, who folds and wraps his arms around Gaspard's waist, nuzzling into his chest stifling sobs.
"I think I can commit.. No, I will commit. To you and.. Our child. Shall you see it through. I can't change what you want, but i promise.. To be by your side no matter how rough the water's get."
Lucio snuffles and wipes his face on Gaspard's shirt, clutching the fabric.
"Of course.. Of course i want to see this though.. I.. I always-.. I always wanted to have a baby of my own-.. I never.. Never thought I'd get the chance-.."
Gaspard rubs his back, and both dogs are nosing him, poking him with their snouts. Basically letting him off with a warning, as Sasha appears from her afternoon nap, lazily clambering up to Gaspard and Lucio.
"And yet- Here we are.. Your pregnant, and honestly.. I'm overjoyed."
Pulling back a bit, Gaspard looks down at Lucio, a hand coming to his as of yet still flat stomach.
"Lucio, I didn't think I'd ever have a child related by blood to me.. Due to who and what i am. I was fine with having Cornelius and Demyan keeping me busy busy busy.. But, after my little birds left the nest, i got lost in the sorrow i felt.. I've felt so lacking since then.."
Lucio's hands gently hold over Gaspard's, as the magician leans down to rest his forehead on Lucio's head.
"But- this book is far from coming to a close.. You, my love, so extraordinary and handsome, are starting a whole new chapter with me.. I must be blessed by the gods, or dreaming.. To be with you, right here, right now.."
Lucio can only handle so much sappiness.. He's still crying a bit, but he snorts and kneads into Gaspard's hand.
"Tch.. Need me to pinch ya? Or better yet.. Punch you in your stupid gorgeous face.."
Gaspard laughs and smooches Lucio's head.
"Gonna punch me with your lips?"
"More like my metal fist to your face.."
Sasha yawns, basically rolling her eyes. Gaspard sighs and pats her.
"Alright alright.. Would you like to go home now?"
Lucio nods his head.
"Yes.. After making me run away from you, i very much would just like to go home and have something tasty.."
Gaspard hums, and immidietly sweeps Lucio off the ground. Lucio laughs as he's twirled around, his arms wrap around Gaspard's neck, under his undone Blond waves.
"Mmh.. Im so sorry your in love with the greatest fool to ever exist.."
"Ah ah ah~ You aren't just a fool, Your my fool.."
Lucio hums back, twirling a golden sunshine lock of Gaspard's hair. The two share a small laugh before pecking on the lips.
Gaspard carries Lucio home bridal style, Melchoir, Mercedes, and Sasha trailing behind them.
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blueshipstealstars · 6 years
Self Insert Positivity Day
CRASHES IN cause due to being on twitter so much for SS stuff I haven’t been too active on here BUT ANYWAY
I guess I can start with I’m Blue (or Dakota) and I’m way to too old to be suddenly into this stuff BUT HERE I AM and I enjoy my time here so yeaaaahhh-
What got you into self shipping/self insert content? Who or what inspired you?
hmmmm best way to explain is I’ve known what selfshipping was for QUITE sometime now? Like I have a an old time friend who always did it and I supported them in their fun but always sort of assumed it wasn’t for me?
I think a lot stemmed from my own personal distaste for myself and worry how people I know would respond to it? And I still feel that way but I still do it now cause...it’s fun? Like I love a lot of stuff I do with it so //shrugs
But yeah I got talked into it via a friend group and said friend back in literally only last Jan/Feb? So I haven’t doing this long unlike rping on DA or making ocs and junk
What do you like to do when it comes to self ship/self insert? Are you a content creator, or do you enjoy taking part in things?
I like the insert side to things more! I also enjoy shipping with characters I love since it allows me to express how much I love them in a very close way, which is nice. But yeah its super fun to apply my traits and interests into different verses and coming up with how my persona would grow up and interact with said world. I certainly side more on the “my insert is more of a glorified oc/persona” and I rarely use first person pronouns when talking about crushes or those inserts.
I’m really more of a content creator, I have trouble interacting too much otherwise?;; Like I’m better at expressing my thoughts through art and like making content! I do talk to others and remark on their work but really I suck at being super interacting outside of certain situations. (I always try to reply if someone contacts me though!)
How long have you been self shipping or creating self inserts for?
Hmm like I said I sort of only really started directly inserting for about a year. But I do know I’ve always sat around listening to music or watching videos and sort of projecting myself onto content I was currently enjoying. I feel that happens for a lot of people, especially early in their life so have what you will of that~
Have you made any friends within the community?
Yeah totally!! (Not gonna go at everyone cause i’m a mess)
@ask-am My bby girl who I will smack if she keeps saying she’s not good at anything??? Cause she’s amazing and super cool to talk to and we connect pretty well which is great for my stress levels. Seriously you rule~ (also you got me to give jojo a chance so thank you)
@musical-selfshipper My pride and joy of introducing Shooks into her life and by doing so ruining it. My go to fate person to ramble and wheeze at over how fate is a wild time but also a lot of hotties.
@mindless-self-pudding AND LOOK MY BBY BOY WHOM IS LIKE 80% SHIT POST AND YELLING- Seriously you are amazing and i love talking to you, your ships are A+ and thank you so so so much for getting my ass to read gk I AM FOREVER CHANGED
@sludgge A very cool bean with an art goal seriously I have thing I wanna draw soon and all i can think is to like channel your art vibe for desired results. I live for your ships with so many oddball peeps they’re always so cool (you and scream will always be my otp for you though)
@somefuckinnerdynerd A shocking friend who loves to throw the most random things at me and cracks me up always. You’re super supportive and I idolize that. Also you and Gohan are my favorite thing you guys are adorable ;w;
@selfloving-shipper I know we havent talked as much lately but seriously I’m stupidly happy I met you and talking about Lupin really made my day and seeing your reactions was great~ I came to you via one of your earlier ships and i know you dont talk about it as much due to stuff but I still adore it if i’m honest
@laviismyhusband one of the earlier people I interacted with and let me say you are great, ok? I know you go through some rough patches and it’s hard but you’re amazing and I love your content a lot. We have a lot of fandoms in common and I will always adore anyone who loves DGM like I do.
@alotta-lovin ONE OF THE SWEETEST PEOPLE IVE MET???? Like holy crap I never expected you to be as chill and kind as you are and that is amazing. Youre super talented and I love seeing your work and ships and having you explain too much to me cause I am very unaware of the stuff your into but I still like to listen~!
@tarushipping Holy shit can you say idolized intimidation?? You’re art is a goal and your personality is a gem. Seriously I am so glad we’ve bonded over GK cause you are a blast to talk to about plot things and I never get enough of it ;w;
And final love you and thanks to all these people and more cause I am so bad at recalling handles:
@heartstringsymphonies @11-717 @peachie-doodles @cottoncandyships @lilacindulgence @little-fairyfox-ships @lildreamysoul @sketchy-galaxy @mordredljselfship @tinseltina @promptoargentumsgirlfriend @iselfshipnerd @xeensbin @plimchi @chisakisses @salty-kira @astralplanesies
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madmonarch · 6 years
@selfsaving​: Izzy I could spend all day trying to write stuff about you and it would not be enough by any means. Honestly, I’ve stated it several times around by now, but I have high suspicion that you are the main reason I’ve been on this blog for this long and haven’t let Mad King die. You are an amazing person to talk to in and out of character, you deal with both me and Kingy’s crap, and are just in general amazing? And that’s not to mention your characters and writing too, which I ADORE and never can wait to see it when I see a notification- and check them instantly even perhaps at bad times such as work haha. But I just adore all you do and who you are and just everything you have done for me tbh? You are absolutely amazing and please never stop being you! I love you, you are amazing and I basically owe my blog life to you in all honesty.
@betterinventor: Maya we’ve followed each other from blog to blog and end up syncing up so much and I love that? From our first meeting back when we were both in the Osmosis Jones fandom to now has always been a treat, both via rping and just chatting! Every blog you make is amazing, and I would follow them all to the end of the Earth! You are so creative and skilled and just??????? I’m always so impressed with everything I see from you and my heart fills up whenever you send me stuff from messages to writing to art! You do so well with literally everything you do tbh and just god you are amazing! Please keep doing what you do and be the absolutely incredible person you are!
@lacksmotive: God Alex let me say I was so nervous to follow you at first; one because I looked at your writing and was absolutely amazed on the spot, but two because Billy was one of the first treads outside of the norm for the blog. I wasn’t generally expecting a mutual following, and certainly not the amazing friendship I got between us! I wasn’t expecting Mad King to find a son that he adores and me to find a friend that is just absolutely a blast to talk to? You are amazing no matter who you write or what you are doing at any point in time, just know that you are loved~
@britishgold: Pippa you were actually one of my very first interactions on here and honestly that’s amazing???????? And looking how much that has been done since then and getting to know you more I’m so very very happy that that is the case! Honestly I very much look up to you as a writer because your work is flawless and absolutely amazing, and you are in generally a really great person to chat to as well!!! Just know I’ve always have and always will be impressed with everything you write!
@elkfeast: Vsper just!!!!!!! God I’m so glad to know you! What from our first interactions back with Rick and Red and now with Alastor and Mad King it’s just so............mmmmmmmmmmm so good! You always keep things exciting and interesting, and always have the most amazing ideas! And even outside of rping I adore talking to you whenever the chance arises, even when things come up and makes it hard to chat! 
@miistwalkers: Crow I love seeing you on my dash and interacting with you whenever possible, and think you are an absolutely amazing writer! And I’ve loved every single chat we’ve had out of character, and you are incredibly sweet! I love every character you have, and love just how great of a person you are!
@fleetingphotos: Catherine we’ve known each other for forever now. My oldest tumblr relationship. And even when we aren’t interacting just know I still care for you deeply as I always have and will, and am always hoping the best for you. Every character you write is a gift for me to see, and every time we get a chance to interact I love it!
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