#ive been really appreciating the FF holidays this year
wpip-raham · 9 months
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are you going to just stand there?
Five times Vice Principal Potter showed up in Miss Evans’ doorway & one time she showed up in his.
Happy birthday @hypergalacticcannibalism can’t believe i finished this IN TIME for your actual birthday BUT HERE I AM with this fic.
Read it on AO3 and FF 
Miss Evans is basically every student’s favorite teacher at school. It’s a well known fact by all of the incoming kindergarteners that Miss Evans will be the bestest teacher ever and always has a bowl of candy in her drawer in case you’re missing home.
“Miss Evans?”
“Yes, Charlie?” She’s surprised by his tears because it’s already October and she has yet to see the younger Weasley show any sign of anxiety but he’s standing in front of her with tears in his eyes suddenly. “What’s wrong?”
As his lower lip quivered, she placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him a little closer. “I-” He choked on his sob and she smoothed down a strand of his hair before smiling down at him. “It’s okay, take your time. Do you want to sit inside during recess?” The little boy nodded and settled down in the beanie bag next to her desk.
“Everything alright, Miss Evans?” The voice surprised her as she looked up to see the new vice principal standing in her doorway. His lanky build filled the opening and as his hand flew to his hair, she noticed the way that his unruly curls fell against the tan skin on his forehead just so. He had taken a more hands-on approach to being an administrator, popping in at random times just to ensure things were running smoothly. It was already better than Principal Umbridge, who was really a useless piece of crap burning on a hot day, or so said Lily when she and Miss McKinnon had a few drinks and would get a little rowdy on Friday nights at the bar.
“Yes, just having a little bit of a hard day, I think. Charlie here is going to spend some time with me just reading while everyone goes out to play.” She smiled sincerely at James while letting Charlie grab a picture book from the small shelving unit on the side of her desk and offered him a snack from the small basket in the bottom drawer of her desk. Lily hadn’t noticed that James was stepping into the classroom and crouched down beside Charlie. “Hey, bud. I think we met before. Two weeks ago during recess, right?” Charlie’s nod confirmed that James was correct in recognizing him. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” At the shrug of Charlie’s shoulders, James shot a small smile and shrug Lily’s way.
“That’s okay if you’re not ready to talk about it. I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch in my office with me and your brother. I can see if Bill would be cool with having a special lunch earlier than normal, just the three of us. What do you say? Maybe then we can talk about what’s wrong?” James’ grin grew as Charlie nodded and was able to calm his tears. “As long as that’s alright with Miss Evans, that is.” He shot her a wink and Lily let out a soft sigh.
“I suppose it sort of has to be, at this point.” Normally she would have been annoyed that someone was taking over her comforting moment to connect with her students, and was changing up the rules of her classroom, but it was obvious how much James cared about Charlie despite the minimal interactions they may have had, and it made her much more accepting of the situation. Lily shot James a genuine smile as he lifted his gaze to meet hers.
She could let it go this one time.
“Hey, Miss Evans, can I see you for a minute?”
James’ voice was a surprise to Lily’s as he appeared in her doorway.
“Hey, call me Lily when there’s no children around, please.” She smiled as she beckoned him in and he was able to shut the door.
“Well, then I insist you call me James.” His smile only brightened as he took a seat on top of one of the kindergartener’s desks, knowing there was no way he was fitting in one of the tiny chairs. “I just wanted to come and see how things were going.”
Lily was surprised by this. Principal Umbridge never made it a habit to check in on her teachers, especially when she was the Vice Principal. She had considered herself the dean of discipline and was constantly pulling children out of class for “poor behaviors,” and this often resulted in traumatized children feeling targeted for struggling in class when really they just needed extra support. She had attempted to pull one of Lily’s students once, and when she refused the removal of the student, it had started a power struggle between the two women. Principal Umbridge had made it a point to be Lily’s enemy ever since.
“Principal Umbridge wanted me to come in here and talk to you about… um…” James trailed off and Lily’s eyebrows furrowed together as his cheeks grew increasingly pinker. “Spit it out, James.” She huffed, already annoyed that James was now going to be scolding her too.
“Well, she says that some of the things you wear could be considered.. um... inappropriate for a kindergarten teacher. That maybe your outfits should be a little less adult friendly and a little more k-kid friendly.” He stuttered over his words, refusing to actually look at her when presenting her with this suggestion .
“Oh, is that so?” She asked, raising her left eyebrow as she went to stand in front of James. Lily waited until his chin lifted so he was looking at her, and she noted the slight fear in his eyes. “Does my wardrobe bother you at all, Mr. Potter?” Lily’s formal use of his name caused him to gulp and he shook his head.
“N-no. I- I think you look just fine. More than fine. Beautiful, actually. Well, not beautiful. I mean, yes, beautiful. But in a totally professional way. An appropriate way. I think nothing is wrong with how you dress. Principal Umbridge just asked me t0-” James trailed off when he realized that Lily was giggling.
“It’s okay, James. I know Umbridge has it out for me. She does this at least twice a year. McGonagall used to just bring me a packet of biscuits and chat while we had my semesterly talking to . It’s too bad she got promoted to superintendent. We could use her level-headedness around here.” Lily let out a sigh as she sank back into the chair behind her metal desk, putting her feet up on the wooden top of it so that her skirt hung a little lower on her thighs.
James just grinned and stood up, shaking his head as he walked out.
Lily had stepped away from the gymnasium/cafeteria where most of the teachers were. It had grown incredibly stifling and she just needed some space. Lily had somehow ended up back in her classroom and she was enjoying the cool air that was coming in through the window she had cracked open upon entering. Settling in on the reading rug, Lily’s legs kicked out in front of her so that the red skirt she wore splayed across the grey carpet. Holding a glass of spiked eggnog, the redhead let her eyes fall shut for just a moment while nibbling on a sugar cookie shaped like a Christmas tree.
“Everything alright in here?” The deep voice scared her so much that the eggnog sloshed onto her hand a bit and Lily’s cheeks went pink at being caught hiding out from everyone. “Mind if I join you?”
James didn’t wait for a response as he sauntered over towards the rug, sliding down beside her so that his legs also lay out in front of him. His were much longer than hers, and she appreciated his height for the first time since they had truly met while purchasing a snack in the teacher’s lounge the day before school started for the students.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He asked, grinning down at her.
“Just thinking about how even that Santa hat can’t hide those curls of yours.” Lily smirked as she made him blush and duck his head.
“Liiiiiiily.” He whined, nudging her with his elbow before he laughed softly. “I can’t control it!” James was growing defensive and she couldn’t control the giggles that fell from her lips. She knew she had too much eggnog before coming down here, and being alone with her boss while slightly tipsy was a dangerous matter. Especially a boss who was looking incredibly cute with his button down sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the hat tilted on the top of his head.
Lily must have been staring for too long because James cleared his throat and she smoothed down her skirt quickly, avoiding his gaze.
“It’s getting cold in here. We should probably head back to the party. Free eggnog can’t last for much longer.” She stood without a warning, watching as James did so as well. He locked up the window for her and then led her through the doorway, his hand burning on the middle of her lower back throughout the walk.
Lily was looking at her classroom, all decorated with hearts in various shades of red and pink. She had on her pink cardigan with a cream colored skirt that twirled whenever she spun and for some reason she was really looking forward to Valentine’s Day this year. All of the kids had been “gossiping” with her about what kind of cards they were going to get for their friends, and she knew of at least two students who had crushes on other students. Lily had just finished putting out the Valentine’s she gave her own students each year with a small lollipop attached at the corner of the heart-shaped card when she heard a slight cough coming from the doorway. She smiled pleasantly at the sight of James, wearing gray slacks with a white shirt and a bright pink tie covered in hearts.
“Looking quite festive in here, Miss Evans! In fact, I think Cupid may find himself a new home in your classroom, it looks so ready for Valentine’s Day.” James’ teasing caused her to flush, though she smoothed her skirt down and offered up a shrug in response while turning to scan her classroom.
“I like the students to feel excited for the holidays. You haven’t even seen my Valentine’s Day lesson planning.” She had constructed a spelling word list along with math worksheets and art projects, all designed to be Valentine’s themed. “I think I am the leader of this school when it comes to the holiday spirit.” Lily grinned as she settled down at her desk, leaning back in her chair Godfather-style as she glanced up at James. His cheeks brightened and he stepped into the classroom, peeking at one of the cards on a student’s desk before smiling at her again.
“Sorry for the teasing. I appreciate the festivity. I noticed that nobody around here really has that passion anymore, so I’m glad to see at least one teacher does. I’m sure the kids are going to love it.” He sounded sincere as he settled into the beanbag chair beside her desk, his lanky limbs not quite fitting on the cushion properly. Her gaze focused back on him as he adjusted himself and then jumped up again, causing Lily to let out a small yelp in surprise.
“Sorry, sorry. Just forgot. I need to give you something.” As he reached into his pocket, she was afraid she was about to get her pink slip (and on Valentine’s Day no less) meaning she’d have to bid for her job, again and she knew she’d get it but just the stress of having to go through the bid process every year was frightening and she was incredibly grateful that Umbridge didn’t have hiring and firing power.
“Here. Happy Valentine’s Day, Evans.” In James’ palm lay a small Disney princess card in her hand. She took it and noticed that it had Ariel on it, and she couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face as she realized he probably was trying to be cute, identifying that they both had red hair. She licked her lips and opened it up, reading the scratchy scrawl on the inside in tiny lettering.
“Be my Valentine, Evans?  Love, James.” Above his handwriting were the words So glad you’re a part of my world printed in big teal lettering. She grinned up at him and nodded. “I happily accept your proposal, Valentine.” Lily winked and James’ cheeks burned a red almost as bright as the mermaid’s hair.
“Great, so that means you’re required to stop by my office for lunch. I’ll order us something great from that Greek place you always mention.” He told her as he started to back towards her door.
“Perfect! It’s a date.” Lily confirmed, to which James nodded in response and out of the corner of her eye, Lily noticed him stumble over a small chair by the door before he left Lily alone with her thoughts.
Lily had just hugged the last of her kindergarteners goodbye, saying a special farewell to Charlie, who had made immense progress when it came to his math over the year. This was always a hard time for teachers. It was a time to rejoice and prepare for a few months off with no children to really stress over, but it was also a sad time. She was struggling to hold back tears as she took a turn and just stared at the empty classroom. She was being forced to remove all of her decorations for the summer so that they could repaint and retile the floors. All of her student’s things were gone, and any reminders of this school year would be shoved into a storage box. She had never felt so nostalgic before, and she knew that this year’s students held a special place in her heart.
“Alright, Evans?” James’ voice sounded concerned as he suddenly appeared in the doorway to the classroom. She nodded and let out a little sigh before stepping towards him. “How do you always seem to know just when I need some form of human contact?” Lily tried to joke, but she found it to be uncanny. It was as if James just knew when she needed the help.
His hands rested lightly on her shoulders as she let her eyes close, trying to stop any more tears from forming. “It’s okay.” He murmured, letting a hand slip down her arm so that he could lace their fingers together, giving her fingers a slight squeeze. “You’ll get new rascals next year, and you’ll get to mold them into awesome human beings because it’s what you’re great at.” James’ voice sounded so genuine it just made her want to cry more. He was being so kind and thoughtful, and his words meant the world to her.
When Lily peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, James’ gaze seemed a bit softer than usual. Without thinking, his hand slid up to cup the back of her neck, and she could feel his warm breath across her cheeks. “Lily, I-” His words were cut off as she leaned up the rest of the way, capturing his mouth in a soft kiss. Lily wasn’t entirely sure where the desire to do so had come from, but she realized that she had been thinking about doing so for quite some time, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.
After pulling back, the weight of what Lily had done was weighing her down, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She had just kissed her boss. She was so going to be fired. She’d have to work at the school across town, doubling her commute. They definitely didn’t have as nice of classrooms, and she heard all of the administrative time were monsters, but she could make do. Lily could feel her heart pounding in her chest and James must have finally noticed the fearful look on her features because he chuckled softly before lifting up her chin using his thumb and forefinger.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to go for dinner sometime, but I think that I got my answer.” James’ face donned a cocky smirk, but his voice sounded a bit nervous, despite the fact that Lily had just kissed him .
“I think dinner could be arranged.”
Lily appeared in the doorway and grinned as she watched her husband work. His head was bent over his desk, completely oblivious to his visitors. She knew that the school year wouldn’t be starting for another month, and James technically didn’t start getting paid again until next week, but his passion for his students was what drew her in, and it was something she still found endearing, even after all their time together.
“Ahem, Mister Potter? I have a dilemma I need solving.” She smiled as he looked up, hand midway through his hair, a crooked grin on his face.
“Yes, Miss Evans? Come in and take a seat, I’m happy to help you.” She sauntered over to the cushioned chair opposite the oak desk and slowly lowered herself into the seat.
“The thing is I’m not entirely sure what the problem is. I just know that it was very cold and lonely at home, and I decided that Harry and I simply had to come for a visit. Maybe you know how to fix the problem?” As Lily spoke, James’ grin turned into a smirk and he made his way around the desk, leaning against it while crossing his legs. “I think I may have the solution.”
Moments later, James was taking the baby bundle from her arms, pressing a gentle kiss to Harry’s smooth forehead before letting his eyes meet hers. “Much better.” She reassured him, standing again so that she could drop a kiss to Harry’s cheek and hold onto the hand that had peeked out from the folds of the baby blanket wrapped around his small body. “I’m so proud of you.” She whispered, smiling as his free arm wrapped around her waist so that he could tuck two of his favorite people as close to him as possible. James dropped a kiss to her temple and let out a soft hum of contentment.
“You know you’re not supposed to be out of bed for another week.” He scolded her, though it was hard to look stern when he was holding his newborn son in the middle of his office, feeling more pride than he ever would have imagined.
“Harry and I wanted to be the first ones to say congratulations to the new principal. We hear he’s pretty spectacular.” Lily’s grin grew as she watched her husband’s cheeks turn pink. Even with the cocky attitude he could have at times, it was always fun to watch him grow flustered because of her. She knew that his cockiness was only an act, and that when it came down to it, he was still just that silly boy she met in the teacher’s lounge trying to get a soda unstuck from the vending machine on his first day. James just winked at her and pressed a kiss to her lips before speaking.
“What can I say? I work with some really great teachers.”
Miss Evans is basically every student’s favorite teacher at school. It’s a well known fact by all of the incoming kindergarteners that Miss Evans will be the bestest teacher ever and always has a bowl of candy in her drawer in case you’re missing home.
“Miss Evans?”
“Yes, Charlie?” She’s surprised by his tears because it’s already October and she has yet to see the younger Weasley show any sign of anxiety but he’s standing in front of her with tears in his eyes suddenly. “What’s wrong?”
As his lower lip quivered, she placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him a little closer. “I-” He choked on his sob and she smoothed down a strand of his hair before smiling down at him. “It’s okay, take your time. Do you want to sit inside during recess?” The little boy nodded and settled down in the beanie bag next to her desk.
“Everything alright, Miss Evans?” The voice surprised her as she looked up to see the new vice principal standing in her doorway. His lanky build filled the opening and as his hand flew to his hair, she noticed the way that his unruly curls fell against the tan skin on his forehead just so. He had taken a more hands-on approach to being an administrator, popping in at random times just to ensure things were running smoothly. It was already better than Principal Umbridge, who was really a useless piece of crap burning on a hot day, or so said Lily when she and Miss McKinnon had a few drinks and would get a little rowdy on Friday nights at the bar.
“Yes, just having a little bit of a hard day, I think. Charlie here is going to spend some time with me just reading while everyone goes out to play.” She smiled sincerely at James while letting Charlie grab a picture book from the small shelving unit on the side of her desk and offered him a snack from the small basket in the bottom drawer of her desk. Lily hadn’t noticed that James was stepping into the classroom and crouched down beside Charlie. “Hey, bud. I think we met before. Two weeks ago during recess, right?” Charlie’s nod confirmed that James was correct in recognizing him. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” At the shrug of Charlie’s shoulders, James shot a small smile and shrug Lily’s way.
“That’s okay if you’re not ready to talk about it. I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch in my office with me and your brother. I can see if Bill would be cool with having a special lunch earlier than normal, just the three of us. What do you say? Maybe then we can talk about what’s wrong?” James’ grin grew as Charlie nodded and was able to calm his tears. “As long as that’s alright with Miss Evans, that is.” He shot her a wink and Lily let out a soft sigh.
“I suppose it sort of has to be, at this point.” Normally she would have been annoyed that someone was taking over her comforting moment to connect with her students, and was changing up the rules of her classroom, but it was obvious how much James cared about Charlie despite the minimal interactions they may have had, and it made her much more accepting of the situation. Lily shot James a genuine smile as he lifted his gaze to meet hers.
She could let it go this one time.
“Hey, Miss Evans, can I see you for a minute?”
James’ voice was a surprise to Lily’s as he appeared in her doorway.
“Hey, call me Lily when there’s no children around, please.” She smiled as she beckoned him in and he was able to shut the door.
“Well, then I insist you call me James.” His smile only brightened as he took a seat on top of one of the kindergartener’s desks, knowing there was no way he was fitting in one of the tiny chairs. “I just wanted to come and see how things were going.”
Lily was surprised by this. Principal Umbridge never made it a habit to check in on her teachers, especially when she was the Vice Principal. She had considered herself the dean of discipline and was constantly pulling children out of class for “poor behaviors,” and this often resulted in traumatized children feeling targeted for struggling in class when really they just needed extra support. She had attempted to pull one of Lily’s students once, and when she refused the removal of the student, it had started a power struggle between the two women. Principal Umbridge had made it a point to be Lily’s enemy ever since.
“Principal Umbridge wanted me to come in here and talk to you about… um…” James trailed off and Lily’s eyebrows furrowed together as his cheeks grew increasingly pinker. “Spit it out, James.” She huffed, already annoyed that James was now going to be scolding her too.
“Well, she says that some of the things you wear could be considered.. um... inappropriate for a kindergarten teacher. That maybe your outfits should be a little less adult friendly and a little more k-kid friendly.” He stuttered over his words, refusing to actually look at her when presenting her with this suggestion.
“Oh, is that so?” She asked, raising her left eyebrow as she went to stand in front of James. Lily waited until his chin lifted so he was looking at her, and she noted the slight fear in his eyes. “Does my wardrobe bother you at all, Mr. Potter?” Lily’s formal use of his name caused him to gulp and he shook his head.
“N-no. I- I think you look just fine. More than fine. Beautiful, actually. Well, not beautiful. I mean, yes, beautiful. But in a totally professional way. An appropriate way. I think nothing is wrong with how you dress. Principal Umbridge just asked me t0-” James trailed off when he realized that Lily was giggling.
“It’s okay, James. I know Umbridge has it out for me. She does this at least twice a year. McGonagall used to just bring me a packet of biscuits and chat while we had my semesterly talking to. It’s too bad she got promoted to superintendent. We could use her level-headedness around here.” Lily let out a sigh as she sank back into the chair behind her metal desk, putting her feet up on the wooden top of it so that her skirt hung a little lower on her thighs.
James just grinned and stood up, shaking his head as he walked out.
Lily had stepped away from the gymnasium/cafeteria where most of the teachers were. It had grown incredibly stifling and she just needed some space. Lily had somehow ended up back in her classroom and she was enjoying the cool air that was coming in through the window she had cracked open upon entering. Settling in on the reading rug, Lily’s legs kicked out in front of her so that the red skirt she wore splayed across the grey carpet. Holding a glass of spiked eggnog, the redhead let her eyes fall shut for just a moment while nibbling on a sugar cookie shaped like a Christmas tree.
“Everything alright in here?” The deep voice scared her so much that the eggnog sloshed onto her hand a bit and Lily’s cheeks went pink at being caught hiding out from everyone. “Mind if I join you?”
James didn’t wait for a response as he sauntered over towards the rug, sliding down beside her so that his legs also lay out in front of him. His were much longer than hers, and she appreciated his height for the first time since they had truly met while purchasing a snack in the teacher’s lounge the day before school started for the students.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He asked, grinning down at her.
“Just thinking about how even that Santa hat can’t hide those curls of yours.” Lily smirked as she made him blush and duck his head.
“Liiiiiiily.” He whined, nudging her with his elbow before he laughed softly. “I can’t control it!” James was growing defensive and she couldn’t control the giggles that fell from her lips. She knew she had too much eggnog before coming down here, and being alone with her boss while slightly tipsy was a dangerous matter. Especially a boss who was looking incredibly cute with his button down sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the hat tilted on the top of his head.
Lily must have been staring for too long because James cleared his throat and she smoothed down her skirt quickly, avoiding his gaze.
“It’s getting cold in here. We should probably head back to the party. Free eggnog can’t last for much longer.” She stood without a warning, watching as James did so as well. He locked up the window for her and then led her through the doorway, his hand burning on the middle of her lower back throughout the walk.
Lily was looking at her classroom, all decorated with hearts in various shades of red and pink. She had on her pink cardigan with a cream colored skirt that twirled whenever she spun and for some reason she was really looking forward to Valentine’s Day this year. All of the kids had been “gossiping” with her about what kind of cards they were going to get for their friends, and she knew of at least two students who had crushes on other students. Lily had just finished putting out the Valentine’s she gave her own students each year with a small lollipop attached at the corner of the heart-shaped card when she heard a slight cough coming from the doorway. She smiled pleasantly at the sight of James, wearing gray slacks with a white shirt and a bright pink tie covered in hearts.
“Looking quite festive in here, Miss Evans! In fact, I think Cupid may find himself a new home in your classroom, it looks so ready for Valentine’s Day.” James’ teasing caused her to flush, though she smoothed her skirt down and offered up a shrug in response while turning to scan her classroom.
“I like the students to feel excited for the holidays. You haven’t even seen my Valentine’s Day lesson planning.” She had constructed a spelling word list along with math worksheets and art projects, all designed to be Valentine’s themed. “I think I am the leader of this school when it comes to the holiday spirit.” Lily grinned as she settled down at her desk, leaning back in her chair Godfather-style as she glanced up at James. His cheeks brightened and he stepped into the classroom, peeking at one of the cards on a student’s desk before smiling at her again.
“Sorry for the teasing. I appreciate the festivity. I noticed that nobody around here really has that passion anymore, so I’m glad to see at least one teacher does. I’m sure the kids are going to love it.” He sounded sincere as he settled into the beanbag chair beside her desk, his lanky limbs not quite fitting on the cushion properly. Her gaze focused back on him as he adjusted himself and then jumped up again, causing Lily to let out a small yelp in surprise.
“Sorry, sorry. Just forgot. I need to give you something.” As he reached into his pocket, she was afraid she was about to get her pink slip (and on Valentine’s Day no less) meaning she’d have to bid for her job, again and she knew she’d get it but just the stress of having to go through the bid process every year was frightening and she was incredibly grateful that Umbridge didn’t have hiring and firing power.
“Here. Happy Valentine’s Day, Evans.” In James’ palm lay a small Disney princess card in her hand. She took it and noticed that it had Ariel on it, and she couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face as she realized he probably was trying to be cute, identifying that they both had red hair. She licked her lips and opened it up, reading the scratchy scrawl on the inside in tiny lettering.
“Be my Valentine, Evans?  Love, James.” Above his handwriting were the words So glad you’re a part of my world printed in big teal lettering. She grinned up at him and nodded. “I happily accept your proposal, Valentine.” Lily winked and James’ cheeks burned a red almost as bright as the mermaid’s hair.
“Great, so that means you’re required to stop by my office for lunch. I’ll order us something great from that Greek place you always mention.” He told her as he started to back towards her door.
“Perfect! It’s a date.” Lily confirmed, to which James nodded in response and out of the corner of her eye, Lily noticed him stumble over a small chair by the door before he left Lily alone with her thoughts.
Lily had just hugged the last of her kindergarteners goodbye, saying a special farewell to Charlie, who had made immense progress when it came to his math over the year. This was always a hard time for teachers. It was a time to rejoice and prepare for a few months off with no children to really stress over, but it was also a sad time. She was struggling to hold back tears as she took a turn and just stared at the empty classroom. She was being forced to remove all of her decorations for the summer so that they could repaint and retile the floors. All of her student’s things were gone, and any reminders of this school year would be shoved into a storage box. She had never felt so nostalgic before, and she knew that this year’s students held a special place in her heart.
“Alright, Evans?” James’ voice sounded concerned as he suddenly appeared in the doorway to the classroom. She nodded and let out a little sigh before stepping towards him. “How do you always seem to know just when I need some form of human contact?” Lily tried to joke, but she found it to be uncanny. It was as if James just knew when she needed the help.
His hands rested lightly on her shoulders as she let her eyes close, trying to stop anymore tears from forming. “It’s okay.” He murmured, letting a hand slip down her arm so that he could lace their fingers together, giving her fingers a slight squeeze. “You’ll get new rascals next year, and you’ll get to mold them into awesome human beings because it’s what you’re great at.” James’ voice sounded so genuine it just made her want to cry more. He was being so kind and thoughtful, and his words meant the world to her.
When Lily peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, James’ gaze seemed a bit softer than usual. Without thinking, his hand slid up to cup the back of her neck, and she could feel his warm breath across her cheeks. “Lily, I-” His words were cut off as she leaned up the rest of the way, capturing his mouth in a soft kiss. Lily wasn’t entirely sure where the desire to do so had come from, but she realized that she had been thinking about doing so for quite some time, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.
After pulling back, the weight of what Lily had done was weighing her down, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She had just kissed her boss. She was so going to be fired. She’d have to work at the school across town, doubling her commute. They definitely didn’t have as nice of classrooms, and she heard all of the administrative time were monsters, but she could make do. Lily could feel her heart pounding in her chest and James must have finally noticed the fearful look on her features because he chuckled softly before lifting up her chin using his thumb and forefinger.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to go for dinner sometime, but I think that I got my answer.” James’ face donned a cocky smirk, but his voice sounded a bit nervous, despite the fact that Lily had just kissed him.
“I think dinner could be arranged.”
Lily appeared in the doorway and grinned as she watched her husband work. His head was bent over his desk, completely oblivious to his visitors. She knew that the school year wouldn’t be starting for another month, and James technically didn’t start getting paid again until next week, but his passion for his students was what drew her in, and it was something she still found endearing, even after all their time together.
“Ahem, Mister Potter? I have a dilemma I need solving.” She smiled as he looked up, hand midway through his hair, a crooked grin on his face.
“Yes, Miss Evans? Come in and take a seat, I’m happy to help you.” She sauntered over to the cushioned chair opposite the oak desk and slowly lowered herself into the seat.
“The thing is I’m not entirely sure what the problem is. I just know that it was very cold and lonely at home, and I decided that Harry and I simply had to come for a visit. Maybe you know how to fix the problem?” As Lily spoke, James’ grin turned into a smirk and he made his way around the desk, leaning against it while crossing his legs. “I think I may have the solution.”
Moments later, James was taking the baby bundle from her arms, pressing a gentle kiss to Harry’s smooth forehead before letting his eyes meet hers. “Much better.” She reassured him, standing again so that she could drop a kiss to Harry’s cheek and hold onto the hand that had peeked out from the folds of the baby blanket wrapped around his small body. “I’m so proud of you.” She whispered, smiling as his free arm wrapped around her waist so that he could tuck two of his favorite people as close to him as possible. James dropped a kiss to her temple and let out a soft hum of contentment.
“You know you’re not supposed to be out of bed for another week.” He scolded her, though it was hard to look stern when he was holding his newborn son in the middle of his office, feeling more pride than he ever would have imagined.
“Harry and I wanted to be the first ones to say congratulations to the new principal. We hear he’s pretty spectacular.” Lily’s grin grew as she watched her husband’s cheeks turn pink. Even with the cocky attitude he could have at times, it was always fun to watch him grow flustered because of her. She knew that his cockiness was only an act, and that when it came down to it, he was still just that silly boy she met in the teacher’s lounge trying to get a soda unstuck from the vending machine on his first day. James just winked at her and pressed a kiss to her lips before speaking.
“What can I say? I work with some really great teachers.”
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xottzot · 7 years
2018-03(FEB)-Tuesday-6th--to Fliss--Ive been wrongly blamed for Felicity Ann Carthew's mental breakdown caused by others.
2018-03(FEB)-Tuesday-6th--to Fliss--Ive been wrongly blamed for Felicity Ann Carthew's mental breakdown caused by others.
I want to make this absolutely clear to the entire damned world, I got viciously blamed for Fliss's mental breakdown caused by others and BP, and then later her other workplace fuckwit employees and employers shit, and thereafter by any number of shitheads who have utterly refused to believe anything I said.
Many years ago,when dear Fliss had her FIRST breakdown, she fled over east to the other side of Australia to N.S.W. and therafter to Queendland to be with dear Cath, and STILL Fliss did not tell anyone anything, least of all ANY truth.
I was in contact with Cath from Queensland right from the onset of Fliss's plunge into mental madness & delusions. Cath a close personal friend of Fliss's, and who I counted as a friend of mine as well. - Cath was deeply SHOCKED to learn what I told her (she told me that herself) because she had NEVER known ANYTHING what I told her about dear Fliss andher great medical & mental maladies. Fliss had kept it all secret from her, despite dear Fliss considering dear Cath as her 'closest friend'.
One time, during the early of the over 10 years dear Fliss was with me here in Western Australia and living happily, I accompanied her to a mandatory meeting she had to attend with some sort of personal assistance woman allocated to dear Fliss by a government department. - The meeting took place in Midland. Just around the corner from the chemist and Midland IGA food store there. -- The physical location of that government place we went to is STILL there, but that VERY place is now a furniture store. Beforehand it was an Australian Social Security office. (criminal aboriginals very often hang all around thereabouts and there's a tattoo shop near there too).
Where we went was inside, turn right, up a short few little steps, and into TINY compartments which were 'offices' literally single desk cubicles manned by 1 person in each like battery hens in cages.
It was SO SMALL that the woman who was interviewing Fliss and handling her case for employment & social security and mental & physical evaluation & everything, sat in her own swivel chair, Fliss sat in another swivel chair just behind and to one side of her, and because it was all so small in space, I stood up and held onto the back of Fliss's chair for support in the extremely cramped confines.
I went for Fliss's support many times, and she was VERY appreciative of it all because the department was trying to railroad her into utter hell. They couldn't quite slot her into what they had been instructed by higher-up department offocials for her to do.
On one such occasion, when Fliss had become utterly flustered, confused, and had almost revereted back to her terrible habit of her speech stammering because of all the stress, I truthfully spoke up for Fliss in no uncertain terms and for a great deal of time and without fear. Fliss had been terrified during the interview beforehand but was trying to hide it. I stood up for Fliss and was acting as an 'advocate'....not just because I greatly love dear Fliss, but also because I always hate anyone being badly treated and railroaded much less than the dear gentle woman I love.
When I was done, and Fliss had again regained her composure and sensibilities, she no longer stammered and was back to her public self of over-self-assuredness (something else I was always working on with her in private NOT to do because it made her seem too brash and prone to wild decisions and which did not endear her to many people).
When dear Fliss was done, the Social Security officer (a woman) proudly stated, "Together, you two are strong. (and deeply support each other)." - (meaning that not only did we complimented each other in life and strengthed each others lives) but we made dear Fliss and myself far better than otherwise if were not a loving couple together.
I can't reacall now what the important matter was that that day for dear Fliss, but I recall that it resulted in a favourable outcome for dear Fliss and went a long way to bolstering up Fliss's mentals state so she could obtain a new job and a better life for herself and us both. (she had previoulsy been threatened by the department so very badly you cannot believe!)
After that, dear Fliss prospered in her life, our lives, her mental state and her physical state, and that lead to a lot of other good things occuring that lasted years.
Since dear Fliss has been ripepd away for me in late 2015 because she had yet ANOTHER terrible mental breakdown, of which I was terrible and falsley blamed for making happen FFS, dear Fliss has been wantonly allowed by others to fester in her own mental malaise as well as her physical malaise in Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia. - And dear Fliss has become so VERY much worse. - Dear Cath in Queensland surely experienced and saw that for herself when Fliss stayed with her for a short while last last year.
And what REALLY is hell is that I'm sure there is now fuckwits over wherever Fliss is, they see the current state of Fliss, and shittyly blame ME for how bad she is! -- When in fact when dear Fliss was with me, it was ME who who love her so much and made sure to always be keeping a loving eye on everything she did especially with regards to her taking of twice daily medications that moderated her mental states and VERY important critical states because otherwise she runs the the risk of death of ending in a vegetative state on a daily basis.
Whenever I have mentiend that to anyone, they say I lie. They say I lie about EVERYTHING the fuckers. Almost EVERYONE does NOT know that dear Fliss is deeply ashamed and deeply terrified ALL THE TIME and will say anything to please people and to make them believe that she always in in TOTAL unwavering control, of herself, of her medical & mental conditions, of her finances, of everything. When in fact it's all an act. As she admitted to me in private so MANY times, "I only tell people what they want to hear.", and, "They're not interested in hearing what's wrong with me.", and, "So what? They can't do anythig to help so why bother?"......that last quote from dear Fliss was when we had vocal arguments about her not telling people the truth, soemthing that I was ALWAYS on about her to do.
So when dear Cath may have had dear Fliss stay with her for a personal break/holiday at the end of 2017, Cath would have seen how bad Fliss has reverted to and become, all whilst heaped under a huge mantle of false bravado, false asuredness, brashness, loudness in everything, over-the-top behaviours and reactions, telling of outright lies as if they're truths, extreme bouts of deep depressions and sullenness masking her inner terrors, her pleadings to be happy, her sudden wishes to do mindless things to distract herself from any and everything, especially if anyone is asking her personal questions about herself. - That is a comon tactic used by dear Fliss and yet another one she admitted to doing and which I was alwasy trying for her to stop doing because it was so detrimental.
And if dear Cath....or anyone...sees Fliss and perhaps sees how bad Fliss is, they will falsley assume it's MY fault dear Fliss is in such a terrible mental andor physical state when that is not and has NEVER been the case at all that it is my fault and in fact is the complete reverse.
Dear Fliss WILL ABSOLUTELY LIE as as self defense mechanism or to get things she wants or to sway peoples ideas or interpretations or perceptions especially of herself.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you just as you promised me in late 2015 after you had a VERY terrible mental episode here and fled. You shortly aferwards reconciled with me and we arranged to begin a new life away from this hellhole area and state of Western Australia that it has become, and which contributed to your medical and bad mental states.
That Social Security woman said, "Together, you two are strong. (and deeply support each other).", and being without you dear Fliss is worse than hell. - I have been saying this for YEARS all through this blog.
And I've also said that when in my last moments when I'm dying, I would be thinking of YOU dear Fliss. - Well that is still the case, and is the case each and every moment of every day and night.
My last thoughts alive will be not of fixing your cars bad electricals & lights of your old car in Quensland that had us driving from the bus depot to your flat in total darkness in fright, no, not of that dear Fliss, but that also is a cherished memory of a life event....no, my last thoughts will be of being in that Social Security tiny cubicle in Midland with you Fliss and of selflessly defending YOU when you needed it because you were so scared and unable to defend yourself no matter how much your untruths and double-talk and misdirections that you constantly used had totally failed you, even your honest truth had failed you by then. -- But I did NOT fail you dear Fliss. I have NEVER failed you. - But your terrible afflictions both physical & mental have created within you a narrative of utter lies and deceit unto yourself and myself and yourself.
All througout my blog you will read how I have been suffering without being with you dear Fliss.
But because you have been utterly silent, and not once communicated with me, and have abandoned me to the wolves, and have told everyone else we knew to keep me utterly ostracised, I have been utterly destroyed.
After I am dead, YOU dear Fliss will get worse. And no longer will you sit back and look on the internet at anything I write and laugh and point out to your 'friends' how your lies killed me, and killed dear Sam & dear Max, for afterwards you WILL get worse and worse and NOBODY will believe you anymore and finally you WILL BE TOTALLY ALONE. - Alone with your worst fears and terrors, and your fake friends, and your utterly fake internet friends, and you will scuttle off to see dear Cath in Queensland and your will both try to convince yourselves of your lies that they're true...when you KNOW they are not and have never been.
I was always honest. I was alwasy true & I never ever abandoned you despite so many telling me that I should abandon you because you were so worthless a person.
THAT terrible event of you having another breakdown & leaving and everything that later happened in late 2015, it's as if it was last night to me always. And is with me every moment of every day & night.
I trust absolutely nobody. They're all fucking liars and out for what they can get and worse.
I used to be trusting and kind and a generous person and helped anyone without any expectations of reward and nor did I accept any. -- THOSE were the single most worst mistakes in my life. - Put that on my grave marker if ever there is such a thing for me. - Fuck the world.
But it'll be too late. I'll be dead. - And no fucker will care in any case.
Will dear Cath bother to read or heed this? - She is plunging downwards too. She too has her self-defence pretend things.
Will YOU dear Fliss bother to read or heed this? - YOU are plunging downwards far faster than Cath ever has done. Cath was the person you looked up to and always wanted to be and always emulated in one form or another. But whenever you failed to make that happen, whether in your brave writing attempts of any fiction, your attempts at home cooking, your own eating habits, your attempts to have a family, your attempts to be prosperous and noteworthy that your mother always desperately wanted of you,.....all those you failed at, or never succeded, or you abandoned, or you just let fizzle away, or you cast away and then laid blame somewhere else.....
All those things and more I was helping you with, and how you coped with them, getting them and not getting them and to understand them all, and much more than ANYONE will ever know.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. You promised us both.
P.s. - My internet speed is back to utter shit, so very fucking slow shit speed. - Old dialup modems of 20 years ago were FAR FASTER than the internet for me now is.
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