#ive been listening to it on repeat since they became canon
stupidifytheworld · 1 year
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thats a lot of listens
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red-dyed-sarumane · 6 months
what if i went off about some of my favorite songs ever
kyuuyaku hankagai - hiiragi magnetite: everyone knows i love this. i just love everything about it. we really get both sides of the picture story wise with it- both the fact the world is literally, physically getting destroyed, and all of the mental torment the characters are dealing with. it still has that magu series weird wording but it gets everything across that it needs to. the instrumental is just as heavy as the scenario with added dramatics in parts that really make it for me. all the long notes to simulate screaming. the seamless addition of both the nami no ne no & rute furute woa motifs (& a possible 3rd? theres still parts in here i cant figure out yet) makes me so emotional. if u have no idea about the series its still a solid song. 10000/10 i cannot fully express my love for this song in words i just need it on repeat full volume for weeks on end.
ai wo - null: impossible for me to explain why i love this so much without oversharing. i keep telling myself not to rank this song so high but ive never felt so seen before. null's lyrics are both poetic & still hit every raw emotion where it hurts. the whole being left alone ur whole life & wishing it wasnt that way, that everything wasnt so empty, that someone could love u the way u need & never got. i want everyone to hear this song and i also want to gatekeep it. it became so important to me in such a short time & itll be hard to ever rival it
arikitari heroes - 150suzu: im not immune to nostalgia. shuuenpro is executed entirely different to aru sekai series & i have to judge from entirely different criteria & that said i really always loved how this one sort of summarized the series in a way that highlighted all the strife in it & made it subjective rather than an objective summary. the chorus is so high its like theyre crying out which fits entirely. i still have the video embedded in my mind & its been a hot minute since ive watched it. my teenage self thought it was so deep & even with a different perspective now i cant entirely discount those feelings. anyway i still really love it i could still listen to it for weeks on end if i wasnt busy keeping up with other things. i do not say it lightly when i say this is the song i have listened to the most in my entire life i used to spend Months straight listening to it. beloved.
tachiiri kinshi - mafumafu: i was sooooooo normal about this in high school (lying). its still high on my list of breakdown songs. like damn its been 8 years and it still holds up the same. between this & ai wo that just gives away 90% of my problems. imagine solving isolation by letting people in cant be me. anyway i was obsessed with drawing the girl from the video for a while idk how many doodles i still have left but she was Everywhere on my school work. normal person behavior.
jishou mushoku - nekobolo: song that has pulled the most weight in keeping me alive. where would i be without it. sometimes the mood is so bad this is still the only thing i can listen to some days.
rokuchounen to ichiya monogatari - kemu: the real reason i fell down the voca rabbit hole. still adore the song & find it hugely nostalgic, but there was a reason i connected with it when i was younger & being able to recognize how fucked up that was makes it also a painful reminder id rather bury. song fucks tho love how every rhythm game its in will destroy u trying to play it.
konmei no aji - savasti: regardless of the real meaning of the song this will always be a dissociation song to me not in the sense it makes me dissociate but rather in the spaceyness & disconnect it reminds me of the feeling but in a safer way to deal with it. personally i prefer rire's cover
taishou x - yurry canon: u will appreciate this song now right now its so under appreciated for a yurry canon song. god the fucking "i'm still living the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. as it is i will never be you. theres no reason in living, but just the same theres no point in dying is there?" [punching a wall] i like it a normal amount
kaiko no kanmuri - dopam!ne: god this song fucks so hard and yet its still edgy. i dont even really know how to explain what i feel with this one beyond i love it. its a kind of waiting for the right time to strike for revenge kinda song? idk its my absolute fave dopam!ne song i love a lot of his songs but this one just really does it for me
haru no sekibaku - inaba kumori: kutabireta atashi ga dame dattan da ne. yeah. the overall mood of this song hits just right all too often. sorry lag train this is the defining inabakumori song to me.
hyperlexia - yamaji: the space in this one also gives me a sense of vague dissociation. i just really love the whole reading between the lines not going to fall for lies anymore mood its got going on. a misguided sense of personal revolution that probably wont end in anything meaningful but i particularly like the song.
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problemcore · 2 years
for whichever of your ocs you'd like to talk about:
1. what'd be their level of goodness or evil? or like what's their moral alignment, dnd style?
2. if they had to pick a song to listen to on repeat for 24 hours, which would it be? would they rage quit the challenge?
hiiiii tysm for these! gonna talk about my ocs from kitchen magic, the game im planning on developing in the probably far future <3 my hands are freezing cold woe
sorry for nerd moment this will happen again. so yknow how the whole point in shadow the hedgehog (2005) is choosing between the paths of evil, good, and neutrality? luckily my three characters from kitchen magic (sasha, sunny, and dekota) pretty much represent this concept. sasha is very much true neutral. he doesnt have much care for the rules, and he only cares about making sure himself and his friends are safe and sound. sunny and dekota are like the angel and devil on his shoulders. sunny is a human who very very much follows the rules and does what she's told. is it because she truly believes in those rules, or because she's scared of failing the people around her? who knows! i havent developed her that much. but she's very lawful good. this is a good time to mention i have played dnd exactly once, so i dont know if im using the moral alignments perfectly . its fine. dekota is very much. chaotic. no clue if good neutral evil. but he sure as hell is chaotic! he's the magic law enforcer, adored by all his people, seen as very powerful. in reality he's only strong because he abuses magic, uses forbidden curses and spells, and even summons demons banned by the magistrate, all for his own benefit and no one else's. he'll even use his own people to get what he wants. he's the definition of a "the end justifies the means" person. WOW THAT TURNED OUT TO BE SUPER LONG hope any of this made sense.
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ive drawn sunny being a sonic the hedgehog fan too much for it to not be canon. good lord. anyway she would choose All Hail Shadow by crush40. fun fact since the very moment this ask was sent (over an hour ago) ive been listening on repeat to this song, to see if i myself could handle it. came to two conclusions. 1. this song slays absolute penis but i dont think i could last 24 hours. sunny definitely could. 2. the original version by magna-fi sucks. sorry.
unfortunately i dont have a good answer for any other characters. i could Maybe say. one of the songs from the album Avatar Country by the band Avatar for dekota. since its a very very him album. but thats about it. so instead ill leave you with this fun fact. when i was 12 i listened to fall out boy's immortals on repeat for 4 hours straight without noticing becuz it just became background noise at some point. sometimes i can still hear them.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 years
I couldnt find it when I checked so I don't know if it's been done before, but the papas/cardinal with an s/o with ADHD?
Wrote this in the direction of the reader is showing different symptoms or behaviors typical of an adult with ADHD- so I hope this is what you were looking for! Also, since no two people experience ADHD exactly the same I wrote for a mix of all types and different symptom focuses. Please enjoy! 
Aaaaaand HUGE shout out to @atricksterproblem, who inspired me a long time ago with her wonderful head canons of Papa III having ADHD himself! I’ve been incorporating that into my works and she was kind enough to give me permission to expand in my own writing! Thanks Trickster! <3 
And here is also a mild trigger warning, since I’m going to be talking about some distressing symptoms! 
Papa Nihil: Admittedly, doesn’t really know a lot about ADHD simply because he grew up in a time where there wasn’t a whole lot of knowledge about the subject. Back in his day, there weren’t a whole lot of labels or even help for people. Far different from the wonders of today’s psychological understanding!  All he knows is sometimes you show VERY similar behaviors and habits to his youngest son. Except, unlike with his son, the Grand Papa has been far more supportive and helpful with you. Nihil took a lot of notice during days you seemed far more restless and easily frustrated with tasks you tried to accomplished. He kept finding unfinished projects littered over your work area and you nearly in tears as you could just not will yourself to sit and focus, even though you desperately wanted to. 
Nihil sat with you and tried to help you work through it little by little until you broke down and admitted that your ADHD was acting up worse than normal. When he gave you a blank look, you almost thought he was judging you.... until he dead panned asked what that meant. It took a little time for him to fully understand what the disorder was as you felt more comfortable to explain. Nihil is honestly a bit ashamed he didn’t know sooner or offer you better support- he tends to be blind to other’s distress or needs. Nihil knows he wasn’t the most patient with his children in the past and now tries to do better by you. He takes the time to do more reading and ask what he can do to help keep you more on focus or even motivated. He’s no doctor but he’s not heartless and loves you. If offering help and support is what you need, he will give it to you!  
Papa I: Knew from the get go you probably had some form of ADHD or were nuerodivergent- which is not at all a bad thing. He, being nuerodivergent himself, knows that there is nothing shameful or ‘broken’ about you (an unfortunate feeling many siblings have felt about themselves and confided to him about.) So it doesn’t even occur to him to give your ADHD any mind unless your symptoms were bothering you. It wasn’t as often, but he always sat with you during small anxiety attacks or days you were feeling down. But the worse was the time where you were feeling extremely upset and couldn’t calm yourself down. When Papa sat with you asked what was wrong you nearly cried when you explained the situation.
 That someone said something hurtful the other day, that it REALLY hurt your feelings to the point where you couldn’t get it out of your head, and how you nearly had a panic attack over how you thought people were thinking poorly of you and judging you for being stuck on something for DAYS that wasn’t EVEN that important! That now you felt like you were a giant baby and no one was going to want to talk to you cause you cried about everything! Papa only tutted and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. There’s nothing wrong with being upset and you aren’t foolish for feeling so strongly about it. Your reaction doesn’t make you ‘overly sensitive’ and it’s ok to slowly get it out of your system. Papa knows that you emotions tend to be way stronger than his are, but he’s always there through the good and bad days! All he wants you to know is that he will never invalidate how you feel and he’d rather you feel strongly than try to bottle everything. 
 Papa II: Despite being a quiet and seemingly emotionless, Papa does pay attention to those around him. Especially you, his significant other. He was very keen and picked up almost immediately when he could tell you seemed to struggle to understand what he was saying. Normally, incompetence bothers him- he’s met many stupid people who couldn’t tell their ass from a hole in the ground. But he was also quick to know that you absolutely were not stupid- not in the slightest. Papa could tell the way your brows crinkled in frustration when you were trying to understand an order from your boss, only to ask them to repeat it several times. Or when you both had a conversation with someone and your eyes seemed to look far away until you were brought back to Earth. 
Papa is not heartless, and has never made an attempt to shame you or put you down for it. He’s a smart man and can tell right away the difference between simply not paying attention and struggling to keep attention. He’s Papa after all- what kind of leader would he be if he didn’t understand all the different types of people in his flock? His suspicions are only confirmed when you feel comfortable telling him that you had ADHD- when you broke down and felt self conscious. You begged him not to think you were incompetent and that you really WERE trying your best to listen. He merely put up a hand to stop you and answered with a gentle, “I know, no need to apologize.” Papa has only asked you be open on days you need support... and he’s none too happy if anyone ever gives you trouble for needing time to listen and ask questions. He never wants you to apologize. 
Papa III: Papa has always been known for many things, both good and bad. Ever since he was a child he’s been hard to make sit still for very long and always seemed to want to get his hands on any and everything. Even as a young priest his mind always seemed to be far away and never at the task at hand. To this day Papa is still the same and was very delighted to know you shared his energy! He always pegged you as someone who would rather be putting their efforts into something FUN or MEANINGFUL, and not the dull boringness of responsibility. That is, until you confided in him that you and your therapist were making plans to help with some cognitive behaviors. You were excited to tell him the ideas you both had since you recently found your lack of concentration worse than normal and were eager to set up a better routine! 
Whatever do you mean, darling? ‘Hyperactivity’? ‘Inattentive Type’? What does that even mean?? You were shocked that he didn’t know that you had ADHD. When you two sat down you were happy to just share some of your experiences with him, as he was incredibly curious. Recently, you felt that you were drifting off into space more than normal and felt like you weren’t processing what people were telling you as easily. Papa was confused and posed the question, isn’t that normal for everyone? When you explained that it wasn’t you both started to compare experiences. How you both couldn’t sit still, or focus when it wasn’t interesting... or focus too hard when you LOVED something. You didn’t think of it at the time, but your conversation is how you both realized maybe HE had the same thing! At the end of the day, it has made you both closer and given you a mutual support system.  
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: Copia is honestly not as phased when you opened up to him about your ADHD the first time. You were used to some people not really understanding what it was like to be an adult with some of these issues, and sometimes being incredibly rude about it. But Copia acted so casually, like you only just told him your shoe size or favorite color. It takes him a minute to understand why you were so confused and he apologizes profusely. He’s quick to explain that being a Cardinal, in his experience, is very hands on with Siblings of Sin. He’s worked with so many abbeys and so many children of sin, that he’s met people from all walks of life. So he’s had a lot of Siblings he’s helped with ADHD and other similar conditions! 
Copia has never one to really see a person’s diagnosis as something to be ‘shocked’ or ‘weary’ about. That doesn’t define you as a person, nor does it make you any less to anyone deemed ‘typical’ or ‘normal.’ The only time these are a problem are when symptoms are keeping you from living your best life. Copia admits that he already knew you had ADHD long before you became a couple- simply because he’s worked with many siblings who have sought comfort and advice from him and noticed a lot of your telling habits. Copia doesn’t like asking about it or making you admit it if you aren’t ready- so he never did. Copia wanted you to be comfortable enough to talk to him about it if and when you needed to. When you feel ready he just wants to let you know he’s always there for support to help on days it feels bad. He knows how it feels to be overwhelmed easily, and wants you to always come to him if you need to! 
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lovehugsandcandy · 5 years
 The Times I Tried to Love You (RoD)
A/N: RoDAW is amazing. This week is amazing. I can’t believe all of the fantastic content that was made and I love you all so much—you inspire me!
Pairing: Gen, Kaneko-focused
Length: 1840 words
Rating: PG-13 (Canon-compliant character death, swearing)
Summary: Kaneko knows that love is a verb, not a noun.
“Daaaad.” Colt was shivering, his tiny body shaking in the breeze. He had long lost his baby fat but had yet to grow into himself, still gangly-limbed, with knees that knocked together as he shifted his weight from side-to-side. His lips were starting to turn blue, but he would be fine; his body could handle one more jump.
“Come on Dad, it’s too dark.” He wasn’t yet old enough to be rid of childhood fears; though he never spoke about it, Teppei saw the way that his eyes peered out, into the trees, the water, still wary. These fears would only hold him back.
“Don’t make me repeat it.”
Colt’s eyes darkened and he opened his mouth, impertinent remark on the tip of his tongue before he thought better of it, begrudgingly turning to the cliff. He shot one last look back and for a moment, Teppei thought he could see his own darkness shining through the eyes of his son. Then, Colt was off, sprinting and then flying through the air.
One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Four-and a splash.
He didn’t even scream that time. Good. 
Teppei waited, lighting another cigar as he watched the moon crawl up the night sky.
Colt would need this. He would need to learn to conquer his fears, be silent in the face of danger, crush any and all weakness before it became a life-threatening flaw that could end him.
He would understand someday.
Finally, Colt emerged from the cliff, the sea dripping from his hair, palms rubbing harsh warmth into his arms. Teppei watched his son, his heir, as he stubbed out the last of his cigar, watched his small body trudge across the grass, exhausted and worn. Colt looked up at him when he got closer, the flame in his eyes growing brighter. Good.
Teppei shut the door to the office; it wasn’t enough to completely muffle the noise from the repair work going on outside, but it was something.
The crew knew that he liked to take lunch alone in his office. It had been something of a ritual the last few months, slowly becoming an established habit that no one dared break. He sat at his desk, sipping his green tea, and waited.
He didn’t need to wait long. 11:55 am. Five minutes early. The phone lit up milliseconds before it rang, sharp light and shrill noise loud in the office. Teppei waited. Another sip. Another ring. A third. A fourth.
He thought, while he waited. Wondered idly why the call came early today; was the traffic lighter than normal, making the 3.4 mile drive from the high school to his home faster? Was he still at school, calling before heading to yet another detention after yet another fist fight? Had he played hooky and was calling from the road, motorcycle heading west before his mother caught on?
He could still hear that day unfolding, 82 days ago, could hear echoes of the slam of the door, the screaming. He heard it when he slept, when he was awake. “I fucking hate you.”
Teppei blinked as the voicemail alert sounded and grabbed his phone with a tired sigh. Rubbing his eyes, he pressed the button. 
“You have one new message. You have 80 saved messages.”
Teppei shut his eyes.
“You fucking prick, pick up the phone.” It was quiet in the background. Colt must be at home. His mother would still be at work so he would have the run of the house. “I wanna come back to LA. I fucking hate it here and-”
Teppei had to take a deep breath as Colt’s voice caught. The messages when he was alone were always the worst, anger and hatred and hurt spilling violently over the phone line.
“I fucking hate it here and I’m coming back and I don’t give a shit about anything you have to say about it.”
A door slammed. He was probably in his room now; Teppei could picture him flopping on his bed, phone clutched in a death-grip as he cursed through the snarl on his face.
“Will you just pick up the phone?”
Teppei waited. The pause was longer this time, Colt fuming, thousands of miles away.
“I fucking hate you.”
Teppei raised an eyebrow. It had been a long time since someone tried to intimidate him. “Absolutely not.”
“I think we can come to an agreement.”
“We are not your puppets. I said no.”
He turned to go, to get out of this alley, away from this demon, but a bitter laugh stopped him. “I think you’ll be singing a different tune when you see this, old man.”
Teppei looked over his shoulder; the man had a piece of paper dangling from two fingers, waving it teasingly in an outstretched hand. It was a photograph, a small picture, and Teppei’s breath caught. Was that…?
He stepped closer, eyes narrowing, squinting to see. It was taken from across a busy street, lens pointing into a coffee shop, the photo’s subject oblivious to the intrusion on his privacy. He understood the implication immediately.
He almost reached for it, hungry to see how he had grown in two years. Even in the dark, he could tell Colt’s shoulders were broader, hunched over a textbook. Were those dark circles under his eyes or just shadows, tricks of the light?
Teppei swallowed, jaw tensing, as the man stuffed the photo back into his pocket. “You think we can’t get to him?” He leered, breath sour in Teppei’s face, bill of the Badgers hat casting his eyes in darkness. “You think moving him across the country was enough to keep us away, to keep him safe? Newsflash, friend: he’s not safe anywhere.”
Teppei stared, unflinching. He was a man of calculations, of odds. The calculations here were not in his favor. The Brotherhood knew how to manipulate the situation by targeting the one thing he would defy any odds to protect, to save.
“One job. Just one.”
The man smiled, clapping Teppei’s shoulder with a meaty hand. “That’s all we ask.”
The door opened suddenly but Teppei didn’t move, didn’t look up. He knew Colt was here, had heard the “where’s the old man?” amid the normal jawing and scuffle of the teenagers in the shop.
He didn’t look up when Colt shut the door behind him, eyes focused on the paper in front of him. He could hear the chair legs squeak as Colt sat and then had to stifle a snarl as Colt dropped his feet on the table, right on top the ledger he was looking at. 
Finally, Teppei raised his eyes, taking in his boy, now a man, broad-shouldered and long-limbed. “What are you doing in LA?” More importantly, when was he leaving?
“Hello to you too, Pop.” Colt reclined in the chair, balancing it on two legs, hands folded behind his head. “Great to see you, really. Glad to see your crew is still bumbling along.”
“What are you doing in LA?”
Colt dropped the chair, sliding his legs to the floor, elbows on his knees. “I’m back.”
“You are in college.”
“It’s Spring Break, I wanted a vacation.”
“Then go to Hawaii.”
“Fuck you.” Colt’s eyes were blazing, the set of his mouth stern. “I’m not leaving. So you can let me back in the crew or I can just camp out here, in the shop.”
“Absolutely not. This is not for you. You’re going back to your mother.”
“Fuck you, I’m not.” He raised his chin. “You can’t boss me around anymore, old man.”
Teppei sighed. Colt was right. He was no longer a minor; he couldn’t just shove him in a car and send him away.
Not to mention, there had already been one threat to his life. If he were in LA, he was in even more danger. 
Maybe it would be better to keep him close.
“Here’s the deal.” Teppei paused as Colt cocked his head, listening. “You can help out in the shop for your break. Answer the phone. Minor repairs. That is it.”
“That’s it. You will do nothing else.” Teppei stared at him, hard. He had faced tougher men than Colt Kaneko before; unlike those men, Colt stared right back, unflinching.
Apparently, Colt had a good amount of his father in him after all.
Teppei stood and Colt narrowed his eyes at him. “I’m not weak. I deserve a place here, in the crew.”
“I decide that.” With one last glare, Teppei opened the door to the office. “Ahem.” He stepped around Toby, ignoring the futile excuse for eavesdropping, to enter the shop floor, Colt’s petulantly stomping behind him.
“Have a safe ride back to college, buddy.”
Colt glared at Logan, shoulders raised, the two children squaring off. “Guess again. Not getting rid of me that easily.” 
Logan’s eyes were incredulous. “He’s sticking around?”
“Colt will help me out at the auto shop over his spring break.” Teppei narrowed his eyes at his son, ice in his voice, then surveyed the crew. “He won’t be involved in anything else. Are we understood?”
Teppei’s eyes cut to his son, his hands balled into fists, arms clenched at his sides. This was a mistake.
He knew, as soon as he saw the lights flickering at the end of the bridge, he knew how this would end. There was only one way it could end, really; since that fateful day 19 years ago, this ending was predetermined.
The LA River wasn’t wide, but it was wide enough, enough to gather the speed he needed. Kaneko pushed his foot down, pedal to the floor.
“Pop, what are you doing? They have the whole thing closed off!”
It wasn’t wide enough to say the things he needed to say, but it would have to do.
“I told you I couldn’t break free of The Brotherhood alone…but this? This I can do alone.” The Aylesbury picked up speed; he had always loved how this car could fly. Time for one last flight. “I was so obsessed with fighting for my own freedom that I jeopardized yours.”
He could hear the crew, vaguely, but was focused on one voice. “Pop, no! Come back!”
“Promise me one thing, son. You’ll get out of here. You’ll leave this life behind for good.” He tried to picture him, his son, when he was young, as he grew, the moments he remembered and the moments he missed. “You can be anything… Be more than this.”
He unscrewed the NOS, the last thing he could do for his crew. “Stay back. All of you.”
“Pop…please…you can’t leave me.” He could hear the tremor in his son’s voice. His heart ached at the pain but he would rather have his son hurt and free than bound in chains.
“Go, Colt. Go and don’t look back.”
There was always only one way this was ever going to end.
He closed his eyes.
Tags (I am the worst at tags. This is my RoD tag list. LMK if you want me to move you to another):  @deimosensblog @alegria1580  @choicesarehard @thefarrari @client-327 @moonlit-girl-wonder @going-down-downtown@soniadotalves@jolietmaraud @hazah@flowerpowell@poeticscolt@brightpinkpeppercorn @zaira-oh-zaira@desiree-0816 @leelee10898 @maxwellsquidsuit @liamzigmichael4ever @octobereighth​ @omgjasminesimone​
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aegor-bamfsteel · 7 years
What do you think of Eustace Osgrey?
You like potentially getting me in trouble with the Fandom, don’t you? I saw a certain post on your side-blog ranting about how terrible Eustace Osgrey is because he declared his support for Daemon Blackfyre in a drunken rant despite having some more materialistic motives. I tried to resist the call of the Wank, but alas, ‘twas too strong for me when I realized exactly what was being said and who was doing the saying. Ser Bamfsteel of House Moron, words Here We Wank.
The condemnation of Eustace Osgrey by one part of the fandom reminds me of the condemnation of Randyll Tarly by (what I’ve come to increasingly realize is the same) part of the fandom. What they don’t seem to get is that a character can be proud, uncaring of smallfolk, ambitious, hold conservative views on women and be suspicious of foreigners, but it still doesn’t excuse the Targaryens committing human rights violations against them. But Osgrey didn’t pull half of the shit Old Tarly did, and we’ve seen Bl00draven’s tyranny and Da3ron’s harsh terms have far-reaching consequences.
Seriously. I don’t think that any fan who likes Blackfyres believes that Eustace Osgrey was a perfect angel. I mean, he thought about burning a mill just to harm Lady Rohanne’s smallfolk in response to her men damming the Chequy Water. Didn’t actually do it, but it paints a picture of a proud man who would resort to hurting common people over a feud. I also don’t think he knew Daemon Blackfyre particularly well; his heart wrenching description of Daemon and his sons’ deaths made me tear up the first time I read it, but he doesn’t give us much about Daemon’s personality. He says that Daemon was brilliant with all kinds of weapons, surrounded himself with fellow warriors, wasn’t exceptionally religious, and was brave and honorable in battle, but did he ever have a conversation with his king? Get to know his policies and other opinions? We know that Alyn Cockshaw played with the Blackfyre children; did any of Eustace’s sons do the same? We don’t know, but I doubt it. We know from GRRM himself in an SSM and other canon pieces (The Mystery Knight, A Feast for Crows, The World of Ice and Fire) that a wide variety of men and women from all classes flocked to Daemon (even the Dornish Yronwoods were one of his most loyal allies) and his own wife was a foreign woman who provided a home for the exiles, so Osgrey's perception of Daemon doesn’t seem to be entirely accurate. It seems more based on Eustace’s own views of what makes a good king, and Daemon certainly fit the bill better than Da3ron.
Eustace Osgrey believed, as I’m sure Daemon Blackfyre did, that Da3ron was not the son of Aegon IV (he also seemed pretty ignorant about what kind of character Aegon IV was, but I digress). He was a minor lord/landed knight who disliked the new ethos of Da3ron’s court, but since that court was heavy on sycophants and nepotism (and, though the Great Fandom Minds™ would shout me down, intellectual as well as social elitism. Seriously, Da3ron in all likelihood thought those “dumb jocks” didn’t have an opinion worth listening to, which is why he refused to even attempt to understand their grievances. Great way to unite the realm), I can’t really fault him for that. The cause for which he and his young sons were fighting, from his point of view, was legally and morally just. That he also wanted control of Coldmoat after Maegor had unjustly taken it away from his family is certainly more mercenary, but seems rather ancillary in the face of the loss of his children.
And that’s what seems to be what Fandom is forgetting. Eustace Osgrey is a character for whom I pity, because despite his negative qualities, he shows the effects of the harsh treatment that the Blacks suffered at the hands of the Reds. The reason why he mourned the Blackfyre cause so much isn’t because he’s an ambitious jerk who wants another holdfast, but because all four of his young children died as a direct effect of his support of Daemon and he wants their deaths to mean something. Unlike Randyll Tarly, he seemed to be a loving father to all of his children. He told Dunk that he wished that his daughter Alysanne had married a man like him (and Dunk only a hedge knight! So I guess Osgrey doesn’t care about the circumstances in which a man was born, and esteems Dunk’s humility and honor); Da3ron had taken her hostage in King’s Landing, forced her to become a septa, she died at age 13 of the Great Sickness without any attempt to evacuate her or the other hostage children, and Bl00draven had burned her body leaving her father nothing to remember her by (Addam at least got a gravestone). If that had been your daughter and only child left to you after Redgrass Field, would you be angry at those responsible and never support them as long as you live? Da3ron and Bl00draven certainly didn’t help matters by forbidding people to sing about the Blackfyre heroes (a violation of freedom of speech) or criticize their regime, essentially ensuring that the old grievances were never healed. Remember how Aegon III said there were no more Blacks or Greens, but they were all one people? I guess Kind™ Da3ron II had less emotional maturity than a traumatized 13-year-old, because his punishments gave the Black supporters a very personal reason to fight against his family. Knowing the names of the capable knights who’d fought for Daemon, whispering their forbidden songs as the Reds sang “The Hammer and the Anvil” about how your family members died, became a rallying cry for a second rebellion. It’s heartbreaking how Osgrey says that the sunset over Redgrass was beautiful and he wished his sons were alive to see it, because he’d lost so much that day that nothing but a sunset was left for him to enjoy. I guess I understand why he would be so bitter toward his Red-supporting neighbor, who had (in his eyes) lost nothing and no one, after the ruin of his family.
Now, a more personal wank about this post on your blog that I’m sure triggered this ask: thank you for actually not linking me to the post, as I’ve blocked both of these users for mental health reasons (not to mention the latter of the two being a horrible person who supports a sexual abuse apologist and who apparently also stereotypes Judaism as a merciless religion). Of course, being the Great Fandom Minds™ that they are, they wondered just how anyone in the fandom could dare to agree with Eustace Osgrey and, by extension, disagree with them. These are the same people who defend Bl00draven for murdering Aenys Blackfyre by treachery; once again, to a certain part of the fandom, what the Blacks say is judged much more harshly than what the Reds have actually done, because the Reds were True Targs and thus so pure and speshul. Let me repeat that these users weren’t attacking a character, but attacking real people for having an opinion that they happened to disagree with. I wish fellow fandom blogs didn’t feel the need to give their words so much weight just because they’re more popular, since they seriously need to grow the fuck up.
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targsdaenerys · 7 years
the end of a journey
its always hard. the thought and feeling of reaching the end of a rope that you have been holding for so long, and now it being your job to hold onto that end in hopes of not ever letting go. let go of every. single. detail of that journey, that road you just finished. but man, guys. this was hell of a rope.
i started watching this show in sixth grade. since then, i have entered countless fandoms and opened up even more oppurtunities for myself at such a young age. Once Upon A Time truly gave that magic. but it was this one damn couple that pulled it off.
Emma and Killian’s relationship, as most can agree, was the most timeless story ive ever watched. nothing ive watched before or since has taken its place. Of course, they were all special in their own way, but after finishing any of them this was the story i rewatched. every time.
In a way, we raised it. our love brought their love up to what it became, the same way they are going to parent a child. something that was a sort of crack canon we may have thought a few years ago. something we may have put in memes of Emma looking longingly at him. also something that came within every beautiful fanfiction story that came out of their original because no matter whatever plotline, they would find each other again.
And in another, it raised me. being so young when starting it, i lived through puberty repeating scenes in my head, smiling like a dork with every touch i saw every sunday between the two of them. just the continuation of their relationship kept me going when it was when there was the first suicide within my friends, and the second, and the third. im the softest, strongest Disney geek ever because of the hopes of it getting better every time i saw a parallel between their scenes and the princess bride or tangled or Neverland or the swan princess. my heart jumped everytime i saw red leather or a pirate ship or a hook. 
We watched as they lived through hatred, betrayal, reluctancy, to the confessions of their love. and even during that we all stuck together despite the odds of their hardships and what panic it put us through at times.But like them, i believe this fandom will be able to find eachother in any realm or stroy or universe, because there cant be anything strong than what weve built eachother for close to a decade. 
its amazing. Even in my nine visits to Disney world in my small, still-teenager-life, i had not ever felt as much magic as what this show brought. Every weekend was cured with the episode, every bad day was filled with a sneak peak to the next one. I feel so, so incredibly lucky to have grown up in this environment. I would not be nearly as mature, nearly as ready for my opportunities if it wasnt for any of this. if i hadnt listened to my frind and clicked on episode one back in sixth grade. if i hadnt became totally obsessed and drawn into the world of the creativity that is all of our imagination... frankly, i may have been dead. 
Of course, this isnt a goodbye. We still have the rest of the season left, although it wont be with every person we may have hoped for, but its still there. Even if its different magic it still goes through the air. and even after that is not the end. nothing is unless we make it.
I would like to think its a farewell to the beginning. this would our jump start, maybe even some of our middle, but it says nothing on how much longer the middle lasts. There are multiple storybooks and id like to think ours is neverending. and if it doesnt, we move onto the next. from now on, we are the authors. so lets spread the magic.
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herrblumen · 7 years
All the Vitriol One Bassist Can Summon
I know what killed the perfect cadence. The worship album. Hear me out, now. I know we all are tired of hearing stodgy old people complain about the way worship used to be. I think the answer to their ire is in this concept from music theory that is often glossed over by (or possibly unknown to) most worship artists.
Western Music Theory, as a general concept and accepted institution is based around very complex and tested mathematical conepts. Among them is the use of dissonance (tension) to create a complete and compelling resolution. This is anchored in the leading-tone to tonic (7-1) melodic movement. Sometimes, it is 2-1 movement, but that’s a lesser dissonance and is often not used. The great thing about this 7-1 move is that it is driving. It is powerful. This concept is part of why Pachelbel’s Canon is so moving. He over-uses it to the point where it cascades from chord to chord. Each chord resolving partially into the next (listen to the cello’s bit in the opening structure moving in half and whole steps vs the bass line which jumps about in a set pattern).
The perfect cadence is tried and true. V-I is the stuff that Bach’s dreams, when in major keys, were made of. He blasted away with his iv-i stuff in minor keys to get our attention, sure, but his uber-mathematically tuned mind played chess with the perfect cadence. The baroque style of music was calculus set to the key of D. In nearly all instances, the rousing completion of any given phrase was this V-I structure. Hymnody, which is an off-shoot of the classical aestetic, bore this out. Granted, that organ usually brings in the “A-men” in a plagal cadence, but that’s an after effect. The heavy lifting of the Mighty Fortress is done. It is completed with the perfect cadence.
Now, the plagal cadence has a big draw for stadium sized worship since it is the form of chord structuring which lends itself to nearly infinite sustain. It gets by with a little help from the IVsus2 with the 2 in the bass, in fact. This subtlety is important. With having that structure of the IV chord being, effectively a 4-5-1 chordal structure (C-D-G for example), it allows the only resolution to be that C becoming a B. So, on any given worship team, the alto is the only one moving in the final resolution. It means you can bounce back and forth with the final chords nearly indefinitely.
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s exactly what happened, in fact. The worship craze is built around live music being the favored situation, not the CD or MP3. It began with the Passion movement in the US and the Hillsong team down-under. They were spurred on by some great preaching and raised to the limelight a few talented musicians who very, very quickly became formulaic. The result is that the very fabric of musical resolution moved away from a V-I chord structure for resolution to IV-I within a few short years. It became the “in” way of resolving. There are even some songs since 2010 which lack a V chord altogether. I-IV-(V-)-iv-IV-I or some variance there of is the order of the day. Nearly all songs are structured the same. The only real difference is in how many swells are in the build up to that final soaring chorus which dimenuendos to an a capella rendering of that tag line about 17 times on repeat. This is when I usually am glad that I’m in the back: to contemplate the lack of V-I or snicker because I snuck it in against CCM’s wishes.
This issue of resolution is compelling and deserves conversation. A IV-I resolution has been described in various ways as being incomplete or bottoming-out. I just don’t like it. To me, it lacks the impetus of that crutial half-step movement from 7-1. If CCM (which is nearly wholly dominated by either positive pop or worship music) moved back to this form of resolution, I think we would see less jarring reaction to the feel of the songs.
I have no solution to that generation not wanting a drummer in skinny jeans, though.
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