#ive been jus having fun lately drawing like this
borkb11 · 1 year
you should draw some sollux!
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And a bonus doodle bc i wanted to draw him in some pants i saw someone wearing outside
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boypussydilf · 2 years
ok ur choice between homumiko or asoryuu (...or both??????) for the bingos GO
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I don’t actuslly think “divorced” describes anything they have going on accurately at ALL, there’s just a lot of asoryuu divorce jokes and i think divorce is funny so I nod along, but they’re not divorced. I never talk about them ever but no one misunderstand: they are fucking everything. They’re incredible. Bromance of all time but without the romance (but with the romance). They cant be divorced bc they weren’t together and like not in a “characters who have never been married but are still somehow divorced” way theyre just more like. They got to the Awkward In Between Spot where neither of u is sure if this is like, romantic or not, or what you’re gonna do about it, or anything, and then they’ve just been stuck there for a year and are going to continue to be stuck there for a long time I feel bad for them. They’re really gay though “I dont trust myself so here take this, the sword that is a metaphor for my soul” Stop being gay in public…
FUCK I MEANT TO CIRCLE GAY AF TO HAVE A SWORN RIVAL !!!!!!!!!!! They’re not Sworn Rivals by any means? They’re not even really Rivals on a temporary basis? But also they kind of are. You get it. Right? You get it. It’s their vibes. Nothing about this is a rivalry, it’s just a defense attorney/prosecutor ship and also they’re two guys who go in really hard on the competition with each other which isn’t really anything special in itself lots of people are competitive for fun w close friends but. Idk. They’re doing something and they’re so funny. Asougi saw ryuu and went “what a LOSER” and then the guy Was Better At Talking Then Him and asougi went “i adore this man. I would give up my lifelong dream for his sake.” Kazuma asougi is like that stereotypical late teens girl whos like i DONT CARE that i just met him a week ago were getting MARRIED . asougi went This guy is not cool at ALL and also ive known him for One Year and also ill do almost anything for him. No talking stage mutual obsession and we see god in each others eyes or nothing.
I like asoryuu they are funny. Asougi may bully ryuu on purpose, but ryuu will always get the upper hand completely unintentionally via something dumb. Ok homo miku time
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i debated on the “terrible in every way” thing but they do deserve to be called that what with all the. lying to people. guys do you. know ways to navigate difficult situations that arent just *hides information and then is evasive about it* *lies outright about something very major* Guys…………
homo of miko. Mikotoba tried to fix him Once and then went whatevers wrong with him is way funnier & sherlock actively made him worse. But its ok bc their worst crime is being annoying in public. also several dozen counts of breaking and entering.
related topic obsessed w the fact that , like. the only reasonable conclusion to draw abt The Finding-Jigoku Scene. THE Homumiko Scene. is that this is an accurate representation of What They & Their Investigations Were Like, Like, All The Time. mikotoba pulls the ONLY PULL IN VERY DRASTIC EMERGENCIES OR WE FUCKIGN EXPLODE YOU alarm & sherlockjust picks a lock so they can break in & then they fucking dance and insult each other i guess. Gregsons ghost is there screaming something about “lower me into my coffin so you can let me down one last time”. They are 1. silly 2. absolutely taking this seriously but fundamentally do not act like it 3. Breaking the law. Great Job!!!!!!!! I want to see 50 more hours of this. I want to see other characters’ impressions of Them As A Duo so bad. Like ok. again: mikotoba is so funny when u think abt it . absolute professional. regular seeming guy. even comes across as serious or stoic to some people. And then. *gestures to the above*. I just had the words gap moe pop into my head i am going to fucking throw up. Anyway. I just think it’s funnh to imagine some shit like. dr sithe- Oooh there are too many ways this sentence can end. *grabby hands* capcom give us the courtney sithe lore. Okay okay order of events. sithe is working at the same hospital where mikotoba is working & where sherlock moreso just kind of shows up to dick around with chemistry experiments. she knows mikotoba as a good respectable doctor who takes his work very seriously. she knows sherlock as an insane idiot who keeps burning himself. apparently they are living together. well rents high and mikotoba just moved here & hasnt been exposed to the insane idiot so much thats understandable. She sees them on a case. Mikotoba breaks into someones house through the window. And also they dance. She has to continue working with this man.
I don’t know if the timeline adds up in a way where sithe wouldve even been working @ that hospital when mikotoba First got there but you get the IDEA ANYWAY. on a note thats only related in my brain eberyone should read arthur conan doyles a study in scarlet but just the like, first 2 chapters, just to be amused by sherlock holmes. i got sidetracked there maybe lets go back to talking about homumiko.
Sorry to bring this up for th first time w them when it also very much applies to asoryuu but as we all know dgs2 was so fucked up for ending w “and then everyone is separated <3” Insanity. OKAY. okay. OKAY. OKAY. *once again wheels out the giant conspiracy board in my brain where all the homumiko information is stored* they both. like. mikotoba says he never expected to be able to go to britain again & sherlock is like Wow i never thought id be solving mysteries like this with you again!! Ever!!! In my life!!!! and i wont go on the other connected rant abt shit like mikotoba saying “our home” and themjust picking up like nothing has changed bc i think i already did that and also thats not the point i just . like . WHATS GOING ON WITH THEM !!!!!!!!! “WOW! AFTER 10 YEARS I GOT TO SEE YOU FOR LIKE. A WEEK. OK BYE FOREVER <3” HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! *SHAKES THEM*ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS? ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THIS? “MY CLOSEST FRIEND MY PARTNER MY OTHER HALF. I LOVE GETTING A LETTER A MONTH FOREVER” SCREAM !!!!!!!!!!! this is a fucked up decision. I’m normal.
*blinks like someone who just got woken up at 7pm* i dont know how fucking lomg ive been. writing this post. It seems to have gotten out of hand. i like homumiko. makes them sillyguys makes them halves of a whole makes them . uhhh. gay. *clinks glass* Heres to them impulse adopting many more children !!!!! HAS YUUJIN MIKOTOBA EVER MET GINA
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magnumx-opus · 4 years
AHHH THANK YOU! i feel bad filling your whole blog up with my own asks, if you’d like to restore neatness to your blog i can message off anon im jus real shy HAHA 🥺 and ahdhskgfjs your replies always make me smile sm goodness gracious me💕💕💕and oh my you’re so sweet and caring ahhh my heart literally went 🤯!!!!!! altho pls don’t worry i assure you I’m really okay now ahaha (especially after hearing from you hehe💖)
and catboy mozart for halloween???? absolutely iconic I’m in LOVE — AND I DIDNT KNOW YOU PLAYED PIANO !!!! HOW TALENTED CAN ONE PERSON BE ??? THATS AMAZING ILY EVEN MORE NOW 💖💕💖💕💖 i could literally have 1000 questions sdjsdjsdj but for now can I please ask what your favourite piece to play or just listen to is? 🥺
and it’s not out of nowhere at all !!!! i love talking abt music & I’m honoured that you would ramble to me pahahaha
Feel free to message whenever you like dearie I’d love to talk to you for longer ^^ and I’m so glad ur feeling better :D you’re too sweet 😭😭💕💕
YES AHAHAHA I thought it would be fun to dress in the whole 18th century attire for Halloween but it will be a struggle to find the clothing MSKSJKSJM aND NOOOO IM NOT THAT TALENTED KSJIMWHISHMIEHM I just really love music and let that passion push me 😤✊ favorite piece to play? Hmmm... I really like pieces that are loud and fast like the ending of fur Elise where you just BAM on the keys and the music is LOUDDDD but at the same time I really love melodic pieces that are rich with emotion and feeling. I actually won first place a citywide piano competition this December and I was so proud of myself !!!!! 😭😭🙏💕💕 baroque is really fun to play although very difficult to learn because I have a tendency to go fast and stray from the designated fingering which makes me trip up and AAAAGH it’s difficult but I still love to play it when it’s finished. Last year I did invention no. 8 and that was a lot of fun too. To listen to, however, I really like symphonies, each movement gives me that build up to the most satisfying release before the conclusion and 20-40 minutes of that is just hEAVEN for me. For Mozart I like 25, 38, and 41 a lot (although I haven’t heard all of his symphonies so I can’t really say). For Beethoven I like 2, 5, and 7, but like I said I don’t know all of them yet so that’s subject to change ;) I like lots of romantic era music as well as well as some other composers like Tchaikovsky (PAS DE DEUX IS BEAUTIFUL I ONCE WROTE A FANFIC AROUND THAT PIECE) and Chopin and Liszt but idk lately I’ve been super into Beethoven. I’m listening to this podcast biography lecture thing about Beethoven’s life and omg, absolutely adore it. It’s so informative and I love getting to see these composers as actual people with actual lives and I just ???? Maybe it’s weird but I love them so much they mean so much to meeee
This is getting so long I am so sorry omg but yeah about my favorite things to listen to I also love Beethoven’s 5th piano concerto!! My dad took me and my fam to watch it live once and I was absolutely entranced. I listen to it all the time now and it NEVER gets old. Sooooo good omg
You are such a sweetheart ily dear
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
hey!! sorry this is so late for some reason tumblr was glitched and i couldnt send asks to you. my day was alright, quarantines showed me i need to be more social than i thought fjfjsj. also, for that ask thing you reblogged. 30,31,9, and 23! and how was yr day? -🎶
Aaaaaa hello!!!! And its alright, i think i mightve accidentally turned off my inbox 😬😳
But i feel that jdhshs, yo its so many here now like over a thousand people???
My day was yesterday but yo this is cool hello!!! Ive been wondering if id get to know who u are!!! As for the questions:
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
ALL OF MY ART WITHOUT A DOUBT I CANT LEAVE IT. Like i have art from since i was like 10 and maybe before then and one time it was all gone from me like it was abt to be gone forever and i fr cried cause i didn't want to lose all the drawings i did as a kid. My mom got them back fortunately but yea i jus couldn't leave my drawings no way
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I dont talk abt this with anyone but when i was like 9 or a lil older for a while i was super paranoid, anxious, worried and scared abt everything, i would think bad things abt not jus me but the ppl around me and that scared me and tho im not like that anymore i get reminded of it sometimes and it puts me in a panic of how i was for a bit till i can calm myself down and i just yea i wish none of that happened cause it still messes with me oof not fun
9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark rooommmmmm
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Unique hmmm.....do minecraft spiders count???
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exaltcdone · 5 years
hey here’s a Neue and Improved Current Brighid Timeline now with ADDED VISUALS from each part of her life to mark it properly!!
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born BRIGHID AISLING O MAOLÁIN to the deities caitlín and donnchadh, on FEBRUARY 29, 1956 in CO. KILDARE, IRELAND. she is an only child. 
very shy child. brighid did not speak at all until she was six, and perplexed her parents with autism stuff like her sensory issues and getting along great with animals but not her peers. so her relationship with them is probably not very good.
( myths and legends narrator voice: ) as an aside, most photos of brighid as a child show her asleep, drawing or with animals. or. i don’t know, making shadow puppets or whatever other ~Fanciful~ stuff water sign kids do.
her anxiety has also been with her since she was very little-- the first panic attack she ever had was as a toddler, from being separated from her mother on a walk home at night from a family event.
brighid started helping out in the kitchen with family matriarchs when she was four, and quickly displayed a natural aptitude for cooking. 
by the time she was seven, she was allowed to cook small, easy dishes, such as champ and colcannon, under adult supervision.
 by the time brighid was ten, she could be trusted with larger ones with no supervision at all, like an entire batch of cookies or a pot of stew. 
at the age of five, brighid learnt to knit from family matriarchs as well. she hasn’t quit since.
she was also a very artistic child, picking up great skill in fibrecraft such as aforementioned knitting, crocheting and weaving, but drawing and lettering as well. with the help of instructional manuals and vhs tapes from the library, she taught herself piano at the age of eight, picked up irish harp at ten, and guitar at twelve.
brighid did very poorly in school. despite her talent in art, music and domestic sciences, her Visual Learning Autism Brain meant she struggled with Actually Comprehending The Material in an institutional setting due to its heavy emphasis on Word Learning and few opportunities for hands-on and audiovisual experience. 
like listed a few bullets up, she didn’t have many friends. she got teased a fair amount.
brighid gave up meat entirely when she was eight, which was. great fun for her parents and peers as you might imagine.
she first became part of the OG hippie counterculture in the mid-to-late 60s ( and probably one of the only people at her school that did it ) when she was twelve and fell in love with it.
so uh . as another aside most of the photos of brighid from that point going forward, outside of those in her school uniform, will be of her in her Full Hippie Garb: tie-dye tree-hugger slogan shirts, flower crown on top of her wild ass hair, the ubiquitous birkenstocks, the Whole Shebang.
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as a teenager, brighid primarily babysat and petsat to earn money. she was never Super Into extracurriculars, but she was a part of her area’s environmental activism club, and certainly crafted a ton ( given, ) sang and played instruments and even forayed into songwriting, with her first ( and oldest, ) being ‘where can i go.’ 
when she was sixteen, she began taking on au pair and paid artist modelling jobs to support herself. 
while both jobs were good work she enjoyed, being an au pair wasn’t good for her. being a hearth goddess made it very difficult for her to be hopping from house to house for years at a time while being so young, because the hearth is the centre of the home.
despite being set back a few times because of her impulse-spending, she saved enough, through au pair and modelling work, to get her own apartment just outside of dublin at eighteen.
brighid was accepted into and attended national college of art and design as a textile major and blossomed after a rocky first year, but dropped out a month before she was set to graduate because the pressure of completing assignments under time constraints became too much for her to bear. 
through several meltdowns, brighid fled first back to her apartment in finglas south to Sort Her Shite Out, then to cork for like a week to visit friends, and then, finally, to america for a fresh start to find work as an artist’s model and au pair ; with an eventual goal to establish herself as a fibres and visual artist.
brighid first moved to LAKE PLACID, UPSTATE NEW YORK for all of about five minutes, finding the locale overwhelming and work scarce. she then relocated to AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS and used her Deity Power to support the sustainable farming boom as it came up around her in the 80s.
she had a very rough start in america. on top of being forced into more au-pairing jobs than modelling ones out of necessity, she experienced a great deal of that Sweet Ass Xenophobia ( and probably fatphobia as well ) which worsened her pre-existing anxiety disorder and past trauma.
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brighid left massachusetts in her late twenties ( so about late 80s, early 90s period-wise ) and found a smaller job that was more stable and longer-term in PEACHAM, VERMONT. this would be her last Big( -ish ) move.
when that job relocated to bramble hill outside of stowe in about 2002, so did brighid. she stayed with them till she was laid off as they filed for bankruptcy and closed in 2010.
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in 2014, she joined the WINDY HILL FARM AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION team as their creative director and assistant animal manager in 2014 and she’s Stayed Put ever since. 
( she’ll have been with them for FIVE years in june!! )
and there you go!! you’re all caught up!! now brighid’s Jus Chillin! with her Cranky Wife and their cats! and 700 skeins of yarn!!
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emmybluefire · 7 years
Technology in WoW
Alright. So for some of you: the title might set off a few red flags. But please bare with me. I promise I’m not angry this time XD
For those of you who don’t know: A few months back I made a post on my main Tumblr @fuzzywuzzms regarding my opinions on the subject. In it though, I was too swept up with the irritation brought on by my pet peeves, that I did not leave the topic open for discussion. That was very immature of me and I apologize sincerely to everyone who had the displeasure of reading it. Today though: I wish to rectify that mistake. WoW technology, how does it work? Where is it seen? How advanced is it? Lets have a discussion shall we? >:D
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Technology in WoW is... weird. To say the least. Much of what we see in the game is sloppily done, and likely put in by Blizzard simply because: “It’s cool!” or “It’s fun!” , regardless of their lore. This has left many players confused on, well... what all is possible? What are it’s limits? Timewise, where does WoW stand as an advanced civilization? Are we stuck in the smoke and soot ridden times of the late Victorian era? Where industry, mass production, and machines were a very recent and brand new reality? Or are we more based in the late 1800′s to the early 1900′s? Where advances in medicine and science made HUGE strides towards a better life; and Electricity had only just been discovered.
Are we an early civilization? Where the sword, axe, and mace was prevalent on the battlefield; And wealthy families lorded over massive swaths of land. Or are we a hyper advanced SiFi civilization, where space, time, and interdimentional travel are commonplace?
Blizzard has Never been clear on where we stand as a society. When they introduce new bits of technology, they explain it away as being “Gnomish” or “Goblin” ... or something from a highly advanced culture thousands upon thousands of years ago, the Titans. Sloppy, undeniable, scapegoats. It’s rare that they ever explain anything like, why this technology was invented. How it works. What purpose does it serve... other than just- being cool?
If machine guns and flying machines exist: Then why does everyone still rely so heavily on avian creatures and mele weapons? What is even the point of the armor we wear? Because it’s definitely not going to protect you against ballistics. You know, other than just- being cool?
If electricity exists, then why isn’t it being utilized? Why is every household depicted in game still lit up by torches, candles, and fireplaces? Other than jus- fitting the fantasy vibe?
How is World of Warcraft even still a fantasy game? Well. The simple answer is, that’s just how it’s creators want it to be. They want it to be a fantasy game with steampunk and magitech elements just because, it’s cool. And in my opinion they succeed. It’s fiction. Suspend your disbelief.
But where has this left us? The Roleplayers? The Creators? Those who delve deeply into the game’s lore and fictional history, to create something based in this medium we all enjoy. Something that gives other WoW players FAR more content to enjoy. Content that -feels- like WoW. But most importantly. How far can we go before we start... killing the fantasy vibe with elements that are far too real? Things like refrigerators, hot showers, computers, televisions, phones?
Well, my friends. It seems like it’s time for a ramble.
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Most of WoW’s technology, at least to me, reminds me of the Industrial revolution. A point in time where machines were just starting to be developed. A time where Steam engines were prevalent, and the internal combustion engine was a very plausible and testable theory. Horses and other labor beasts were still used commonly at this time, but were beginning to fall in relevancy, as steam powered trains, boats, and outlandish carriages were taking over the scene. But, as of this time period... Electricity had not been discovered yet. And hence, people still widely used candles, lanterns, and other fire-containing objects to illuminate their homes.
Established: In WoW we see examples of this technology all over the place. Alliance gunships, Zeppelins, trams, the Northrend steamboats. All falling under one term: “Steampunk.” , a technological and musical theme centered all around steam powered engines and clockwork. For long distance transportation, these seem to be the go-to. But... this all comes with a conflicting caveat. 
Conflicting: If WoW is indeed supposed to be within a steampunk era, then why does the more advanced gas-powered technology exist? Why hasn’t it replaced everything? Remember, gas powered engines were still in development during the industrial revolution. Planes, helicopters, motorcycles... everything. And what do we as Roleplayers consider when looking at all of this?
This is the confusing part.
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Established: Wow’s medical practices are also widely unexplained. For the most part, what I see NPC’s doing as far as medicine goes is well... alchemy. Healing potions, herbal remidies, magic, and the like. Something VERY medieval, VERY supernatural, and VERY fictional. And yet, for our characters, it works! Its real! It’s efficient! And if this is the case: why then, are modern IV bags, needles, and pills a thing?
Conflicting: If this stuff works, and is common... why then did us Azerothians find the need to develop modern medical technology? Obviously what we’ve known all along works better. So what was the point of spending resources on something less... well, efficient? It doesn’t make much sense.
Where should we lean more towards as Roleplayers? Clearly the modern medical technology in WoW doesn’t have much lore behind it. Unlike the supernatural cures we have.
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Established:There’s no denying gnomes are clever little fuckers. They’ve invented MANY of the “modern” weapons and machinery we see in the game. High caliber machine guns. Mechanized exosuits. Tanks, explosives, and flying machines. They are also the very first race to have discovered electricity lore wise. AND! They are part of the alliance. Humanity has SO much power at their fingertips now! They can improve their lives, decimate horde armies, power their cities... and just overall improve their quality of liveing! The alliance has the power to take over the world! And yet... do they?
Conflicting: No. For whatever reason, the Alliance seems content to outfit themselves in inferior attire, and leave their cities wrought with filth. Which... well. Doesn’t make, ANY sense! Are they jus- too stupid reverse engineer gnomish tech and mass produce it for themselves? Clearly they have the resources to do so! So why the heck don’t they? Do the gnomes hoard it all for themselves? If so, why hasn’t that sparked a civil war?
Where do we, as roleplayers, draw the line when it comes to Gnomish tech? It seems as though Blizzard purposefully keeps it gnomish to avoid dismantling the overall fantasy feel of the world, and prevent deus’ex machina filled writing. Making themselves out to be “Good” writers when in reality there’s some HUGE continuity errors. If you wanted a western fantasy themed game... why did you include such advanced technology? What should we, as roleplayers, and aspiring writers, respect? Fairness? Or consistency?
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Blizzard’s biggest issue with it’s lore has ALWAYS been consistency. They’re more concerned with WoW as a game, then as a story. Which, at the end of the day... isn’t exactly a bad thing overall. Blizzard is a company who’s focus is on making fun -GAMES- not writing great stories. That’s their primary aim as a company. And while I -do- wish we could have both a great game AND a consistent story, I can’t exactly blame them for prioritizing one thing over the other. It just put’s roleplayers like us in very tight, and fickle positions when trying to determine what the best aim is for our character. At least if we want to try and abide by lore. Much is up to interpretation, and personal preference. What we want to be possible, and what we don’t want to be possible.
Every person is different, and interprets the game’s lore differently. So conflicts of rationals are bound to happen. At the end of the day... all I can say is respect each others opinions, and go with the flow. If someone doesn’t like the fact that you have a high caliber machine gun jus- on hand, then respect that. If someone would rather believe their fireplace keeps their hearth warm rather than some electric heating system, then respect that too. Agree to disagree, and walk away. Enough said.
After all, that’s what roleplay is all about... right?
Thank you everyone SO much for reading if you got this far :D , truly, gestures like this mean a lot to me. So please, have a good day or night, wherever you may be, and have fun :D
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sundrenched-smilez · 7 years
odd numbers for the lesbian asks! (if it's too many just do every 4th one maybe?)
1. Femme or butch? 
for type, im vry easily wooed by butches tbh
as for myself, im genderfluid + heavily lean towards butch-ish for one gender + have been gettin more comf w that term for myself. the 3 genders i switch between, ive described as sharp, dainty and tired, for reason of not really being comf w gender labels aside from nonbinary. sharp/tired r kinda butchish, moreso sharp. like leather jackets, ripped jeans, dress pants/shirts, defs flannels (which r a given for any mood im in tbh) while tired is like mb softer, more focused on flannels + loose tank tops/shirts, shorts + certain skirts, comfy clothes, and the like   
ive found that i’m leaning more towards butch lately too, like i’ve been a lot more comfortable with pants and a nice top than i have w dresses or most skirts + im wondering if i was just hanging on to femininity for sake of society, so those r things 2 think abt. i still feel comf in them sometimes, but it’s getting much less often. gender’s weird, i still cant cling to one bc of how pressuring that is so genderfluidity is still smth for me + it shifting to different percentages is okay (im thinking out loud @ this point, but its helping so i hope its interesting to read)
3. Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
both, but primarily flannels/plaid buttion-ups
5. Describe your aesthetic
aaahh theres a lot of diff aesthetics i could go into, but i have a tag if ur interested in a visual representation? basically, cosy homes, forests, wooden steps and bridges, cats, girls/nbs, water, plants, and old video game stuff, and clouds/skies. i’m sure there’s more in there, but for a good rule of thumb !! as for like dressing aesthetic, i like to look rly gay + attractive and a lil showy? like my shorts r Short and i love crop tops + a lot of my shirts show my bra thru them, + i like showing it when i can, like sports bra + a tank top is a fav look of mine bc i can make it look like my bra is a trim on the shirt + it’s cute. i’ve been wearing dresses less often, but occasionally, i like to rock one. id love a pair of combat boots but i have like size 11/12 feet + most stores dont carry that size + im hesitant to buy some online. 
7. Favorite pair of shoes?
its rly hard to find any, i have like walmart converse knockoffs atm + theyre a beige/grey color im not that huge on, it kinda reminds me of sandalwood but depressed
9. Any haircut goals for the future? 
there was the undercut!! and i have that down now c: next step is to dye it blue and mb some purple. i wanna bleach it if i’m gonna dye it, but im hesitant to do that bc of how damaging it is, but since my hair’s been cut a cpl time almost all the color is out now, so i think itll b ok if i take good care of it. 
11. Describe the worst date you’ve been on
i went to a cafe w someone (i think they were nb but i cant remember, it was like 2 yrs ago about ) and they were impossible to talk to bc they just kept saying “im awkward sorry” @ everything and like any conversations i tried to maintain were all one-shot responses, and like that was a lil frustrating. like i dont hold it against them or anything, more in a sense of i was rly tryin 2 carry it and just couldnt 
13. If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
whooh i wish i was taken, i need affection + to b cute w someone 
15. Describe your dream wedding
hmmmm i havent thought much about it !! i know when i was younger i wanted to wear a black wedding dress but now im thinkin mb a suit that switches to dress @ the bottom?? that could b cool. I’d be happy w anything tbh, if im getting married, i’d just b happy to be w my wife/spouse. mb somewhere in a forest or on a boat would b cool, defs lots of good food and colorful flowers. I’d like a lot of color, most weddings ive been to are just b/w and bland for my taste (they’ve also all been straight tho so theres that.) it’s kind of wild to think that i might b married someday, but it’d b rly nice. i just haven’t thought much abt the planning of one. it’d b rly gay tho, probs give out tiny gay flags at each seat, and the cake could b lesbian flag colors. im rly drawing a blank on this, but i know id want all my friends around the country + world to be there. 
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
i definitely want to live in a port town at some point !! idk where i’d like to settle down, ideally somewhere that doesnt get much hotter than 90 degrees + has lots of parks + is big enough for some events, like pride stuff, little festivals, a farmer’s market, and places to do things, such as a movie theater, bowling alley, mb an aquarium, if not one in a nearby town. hiking trails r also good. 
19. Favorite lesbian novel/story?
on a sunbeam!!! its a huge inspiration for me, and i love it so much. it always puts me in such a good mindset when i read it, and the artist is my age, so it makes me feel like I can also accomplish great things if i rly put my heart into it!! which is such a good feeling, and it has great representation + characters that i love, and its rly gay, and in space and theres ships shaped like fish + its gorgeous : D i could go on for hrs abt it + how important it is to me. theres an nb character too, and like the aspect of found families is one that rly hits home and it helped me get thru a rough time of my life + better accept myself as queer/gay. 
21. Favorite lesbian musician?
adult mom (tho i think they’re bi but still gay), or hayley kiyoko
23. Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
i think so, but i can’t place when, it’s been a bit. 
25. Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
talking abt being gay w other girls/nbs is lovely and cathartic, i never got to growing up bc i lived in a homophobic town + i was like dealing heavily with internalized homophobia and body/gender dysphoria so i was ace for a bit. talking more abt like sexual attraction + aesthetic attraction is new to me, and that’s been a process to get to, but it’s nice that I can now do so w/o being belittled or barraged by insult. i also just love the thought of being w someone, and daydreaming abt when that happens is really nice. also,, girls + nbs r a blessing and brighten my day and im so glad im attracted 2 them 
27. Turn ons?
absolutely communication, that’s a need. i had a bad experience w someone bc she wasn’t communicative at all, and failed to tell me that we weren’t dating despite us going on several dates + kissing??? like i wont go too into it, but hatchi matchi it was a mess. so yeah, communication, affection, and like reassurance that they actually want to be with me, and that my presence is wanted and enjoyed. I got a lot of “i dont care”s for answers last sort-of relationship, and that was rly discouraging. another turn on is for them to initiate talking and things, like holding hands or planning to hang out + such. consent is another big one. 
29. Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
i usually tend to ask them out, but im still dealing w internalized junk, so its difficult. i also havent any situations in which they liked me back, which is frustrating. like i got lead on earlier summer for abt a month until i asked what we were doing + didnt rly get an answer, and it was this whole mess. i generally try to make the first move tho, bc i know firsthand how difficult it is, but that being said, it’s still hard for me to know for sure if theyre interested + i dont wanna make things uncomf w them, so i’ll wait until i think there might b attraction. that being said, once that’s all out of the way, i like to consider myself a good flirt when im trying. 
31. Talk about your interests or hobbies!
i have lots of interests!! im obsessed w steven universe, its my fav show (and if u ever have time, we should totally watch it together sometime, i rly think you’d love it, it’s super gay + heartwarming.) i really love playing music and learning new songs, which im rly great at memorizing. talking to friends + gettin 2 know them better is always nice and fun. i like to draw new things + see the different ways ppl draw, so seeing art on here is always fun for me. i’m also rly into polygon videos (it’s a youtube channel, not like videos abt polygon haha) and this podcast called the adventure zone. season one just ended, so i might start listening to another one called friends at the table. i rly wanna start a podcast w someone, but can never find anyone to start it with. idk what I’d talk abt but if i could find a partner for it, i think it’d be a lot of fun. mb smth abt games or books/queer representation in media. doing a dnd podcast would also b rly fun, but a lot of work + editing so mb later down the road !! im blanking on other interests atm, but animations and cartoons r lovely and i aim to make something in that field one day, if not just a comic.
my hobbies r mostlyyyy drawing, dnd things now every thursday, hanging w my friends, playing video games, sometimes writing (i rly wanna start a comic, and im tryin to get my butt into gear on it), goin to parks, listening to music, and goin 2 events w roe + cesar, two of my friends. sometimes ill play music!! i need to get more than the keyboard i’m lending, but i love performing. ill also watch leg birds on youtube, theyre a lesbian couple that plays gams + theyre rly sweet. 
33. Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
its easy for me to love friends, doesnt usu take me more than a few months of knowing them if were talking a lot. as for falling in love, that takes me a lot longer. ive never rly been in love w someone. i thought i was once, but rly it was just my first gay experience w someone and i wanted it to be perfect so i projected a lot of things + made it better than it seemed to myself for the duration of it, which wasn’t healthy, so i wanna avoid doing that again, + take things slower next time. or at least for what they are. 
35. Ever fallen for a straight girl?
a few times, they were just crushes tho, so it wasnt too too bad
37. Favorite comfort food?
hot cocoa or tea. as for food food, i dont think i have one. mb french toast or cinnamon rolls. 
39. Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
i used to be a vegetarian!! for like a yr, but it was difficult for me to eat and feel full, and i was pretty underweight, so i stopped. 
41. Early-riser or night-owl?
both, i tend to stay up, but getting up early can be nice if i dont have to do anything. like just gently waking + making some tea and a nice breakfast + sittin around for a bit. 
43. What is your Myers-Briggs type?
45. At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
i think like 16-17? it took me a bit to get words for identity, like lesbian/nonbinary and the like, but i always knew, like id call myself an individual as opposed to gendered terms that i was referred to, and always felt rly yucky w deadname + the wrong pronouns
47. Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
ive got one crush atm !! and another person who seems nice, but i wanna hang out w before like thinking abt a crush (im poly, which perhaps goes w/o saying, but i always like to state it when talking abt these things, jic )
49. Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
i’d like a partner or two, to get some bongos- i got to play some a couple weeks ago, and it was the most fun i’ve had playing anything!! having smth with an instant response that i could make up rhythms with was really rewarding and so much fun. i know i want a cat at some point, to go on cute dates + cuddle and kiss a lot w someone, to visit my friends in other places, dye my hair, get a better job, to travel a bit, make a comic, go to college for animation and storyboarding, mb go to camp at some point, and I’d like to make some more friends here, i’m already making some, which i’m super happy about, but it’s always nice meeting new ppl 
thank u for asking!! this was relaxing + fun, and a lot of the topics were cathartic to talk about, and i needed it. so thanks for listening too kinda
also im queen of commas, i’ve discovered while typing this
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
From now on im gonna try and relax for a bit with drawing. Not as in taking a break, but as in not taking on the pressure of 4-8 hr pieces too much atm. Not that i hate it. It just makes me feel like im in a rut i cant escape. And its my own fault really.
I feel obligated to draw stuff for ppl alot tho i dont have to but i feel a dire need to do so. And drawing is always in the back of my head. Not for myself, or fun. But for other ppl. And i feel like that art i create for ppl is the only REAL art. Not a random doodle. A bored painting. I think of them as mini games that are non important as the main game. I feel like i have a deep selfplanted burden rutt i cant get rid of. And constant art block doesnt help lol. I almost rely on drawing smtn for someone because without it i feel like i shouldn't be drawing cause whatever else id draw is irrelevant.
But ive been trying to think differently. I have for a v long time now but no luck so here we go again lol. Idk if you guys have seen on my twitter (well ik a couple peeps have *cough* lora, sam *cough*) but ive been just sketching lately and ngl, it feels good. I can do it messy, scratchy, neat, however i want without worrying abt "finalizing it" (line work, shadding, highlighting, adding detailing, etc) and the thought relaxes me and helps me enjoy it. So if i post some sketches soon (im planning on it this week) thats why lol
I also got a new sketchbook recently! And i reallyyyyyyyy want to start in it BUT I'm like 75% thru the one i got on Christmas so im like U WILL FINISH A SKETCHBOOK AT LEAST ONCE IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO so yea im workin to do that (then when i do i wanna make a flipthru notebook tour on yt....again)
I dunno why i decided to put this rant here but i jus wanted to share this with u guys yknow?
Also if u dont get to everyones oc's im so sorry, I'll I'll try to as many as i can (and I'll try and NOT make it into a "have to" situation but a "want to" one.....if that makes sense?)
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