#ive been exposed to this website since like 2015
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
seeing deactivated accounts being reblogged in the year 2024 is very Ozymandiascore...
#the lone and level links stretch far away#ive been exposed to this website since like 2015#which i know is not that long like only 9 years ik its older than that#but i was there for a lot of those posts#heritage posts#and god of course the internet has moved on#not to digress but like... damn daniel#back at it again with the white vans#were not far off of a decade sincd VLD#same for randy your sticks#god remember randy your sticks#look on my works ye mighty and despair
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honestly i think if this site finally dies to a ceo meltdown (which might be the only thing that can kill it lmao) i think... it would be for the best to just leave this place and the communities it fostered buried
I won't go to cohost, or bluesky, or anything. Y'all can catch me on my already made social (1) (discord. Im not giving anybody my facebook account with my full name on it after the death threats ive gotten over the years here) if you want, but this site has been going downhill ever since the advent of cringe culture and ace discourse circa 2015. It feels like recent months have been hurtling towards the logical conclusion of the turbo-echo chamber this site exists in. I seriously miss the era where it was just superwholock jokes and the only drama you'd hear about was the occasional bone-stealing witch level shit that everybody would go "lmao what" about and then go back to their regularly-scheduled movie discussions. Maybe i'll go back to pinterest at most and spend the rest of my time in fandom and furry forums and AO3. It would compel me to write and draw a lot more.
And honestly, I think tumblr finally getting the plug pulled on its long-dying life support may be legitimately helpful for a lot of the users who yanked this site's culture away from that and into the echo chamber. They might like, go outside for once. I know "touch grass" is a cliche or whatever but I do think a lot of this echo chamber can be chalked up to sitting on the computer all day and never getting exposed to anybody outside of your self-imposed internet echo chamber. Go outside, get some fresh air.
Also, it won't be the end of the world. If your free time and happiness is really that contingent on any one social media site then it may be for the best to take it away from you. Learn how to entertain yourself without it. There's a whole world out there to explore. Find something else to do. Pick up new hobbies, look into events in your area. Get really into some weird niche hobby and spend all that time doing that instead of just posting on a different website if this one's finally done. Remember that 4chan guy whose life turned around after he got really into raising shrimp instead of discoursing on 4chan all day? Maybe it's time to find your shrimp raising hobby instead of just posting the same things and perpetuating the same cycles on a different site.
I'm not saying to go full amish and abandon the internet altogether but i am saying that if this website has consumed so much of you that the prospect of it imploding is this upsetting to you, maybe you need to start raising shrimp for a while. I think it would be good for you.
Idk man, I'm chilling in my chair here but if it goes, she goes. I'll find something else to do, but this site hasn't been the tumblr I stuck around for for a long time now, so it won't be the end of the world for me if it ends. I'd just grab my favourite mutuals discords and head out to get more into the furry fandom and write more fic instead. I never wanted to be exposed to this much of the everything on this site anyway, I joined for the memes and the fandom content way back in 2010 and then just never really left.
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85 questions~
Tagged by @svt-angel <33
drink: water
phone call: my mum
text message: a photo to my friend i cant remember what i put lol but it was something with ‘that made me more sad than i thought’ and then something about sleep
song you listened to: hello - seventeen that song makes me hardcore uwu
time you cried: an hour ago
dated someone twice: dating who’s she
kissed someone and regretted: nope
been cheated on: nahh
lost someone: yeah, i guess
been depressed: no i don’t like to think so anyway...
gotten drunk and thrown up: i’ve thrown up but lol as if i drink
Fav colours:
blue, grey, white, black im very plain i know...
In the last year have you…
made new friends: mhmm!!
fallen out of love: noooo
laughed until you cried: oh yeah ofc because of this video i was a mess
found out someone was talking about you: ??? maybe??
met someone who changed you: kinda
found out who your friends are: yep hehe
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: i dont have facebook hA*
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: check *
do you have any pets: nope and i dont want any now with that thing with the dog happened
do you want to change your name: ive learnt to like my name so im good hehe
what did you do for your last birthday: i had lunch with my family, had a sleepover with my friends and watched IT, cried, went out the next day to have dinner together it was okay
what time did you wake up today: 11am i slept at half six what the heck
what were you doing at midnight last night: i took a screenshot of an seventeen incorrect quote this and this one and kept annoying my friend how it was midnight bc she said she’d sleep early yeah keep promising yourself that
what is something you can’t wait for: the next school holiday im going back in two weeks fuck everyone
what are you listening to right now: “wonwoo talking for 1 hour”
have you ever talked to a person named tom: i guess? but like, he just kept singing fire
something that gets on your nerves: my classmates whoops
most visited website: youtube or instagram tumblr too
hair color: dark brown
long or short hair: long but not too long lmao
do you have a crush on someone: who would i be crushing on though :/
what do you like about yourself: not a lot jokes ummm i dont really know...
want any piercings?: i want more, so yeah
blood type: i dunno?
nicknames: keagan, keags
relationship status: alone
zodiac: capricorn
pronouns: she/her
fave tv shows: age of youth
tattoos: im too young but why not ;)
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: nope!
piercings: my ears its very basic... wait wasnt this asked before or what
sport: i dont do sport
vacation: next year i might go to the philippines but that depends i hate my school tch
trainers: the only ones i have are my air max 95 since 2015 i never use them, only for school
More general:
eating: nothing im craving eclairs
drinking: nothing as well
i’m about to watch: i’ll probably watch free
waiting for: i dunno heh,,
want: umm i dunno i want a carat bong i guess
get married: dude im too young
career: doctor
Which is better?
hugs or kisses: hugs i like hugs even though i get awkward with them lol
lips or eyes: eyes but then for lips would i count as smile? because boy oh boy
shorter or taller: taller partner wise
older or younger: either but not too old or young ygm
nice arms or stomach: mate what
hookup or relationship: relationship?? im literally two
troublemaker or hesitant: why not both
Have you ever…
kissed a stranger: no
drunk hard liquor: no
lost glasses: no but id forget them
turned someone down: plenty of times just generally, i turn down anything i dont wanna do because imma wuss
sex on first date: dude.
broken someone’s heart: lol theres no ‘someone’ in the first place
had your heart broken: oh my god nO
been arrested: MATE-
cried when someone died: oh, yeah
fallen for a friend: uh... guess so?
Do you believe in…
yourself: depends on my mood
miracles: kinda
love at first sight: nah
santa claus: used to
kiss on a first date: in my opinon no i dunno why lol i just dont
angels: sure
best friend’s name: rum, sehun, ggukie what can i do without them + i changed their names so i dont expose their actual ones xx
eye color: vv dark brown
fave movie: ready player one was cool
fave actors: ummm i dunno heh... (edit: DO KYUNGSOO AND JEON WONWOO SHUT UP)
I tag: aaa idk who to tag so anyone can do it (ha im lame)
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Readers And Tweeters: More Than Two Sides To Every Story
Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names.
Dispensing The Facts — Or Dispensing With The Facts?
Kaiser Health News and PolitiFact HealthCheck’s rating of our advertisement on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s drug pricing legislation, H.R. 3, ignored key facts and third-party data that backed up the assertions made (“Pharma’s Take On The Pelosi Drug-Pricing Bill: Fair Warning Or Fearmongering?” Dec. 5).
In our ad, we correctly stated that H.R. 3 “would siphon $1 trillion or more from biopharmaceutical innovators over the next 10 years.” The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that just one part of the legislation (Title 1) would reduce revenues to the biopharmaceutical industry as high as $1 trillion. In addition, an analysis from Avalere, a leading health care consulting firm, found that H.R. 3 could “decrease manufacturer revenues by $1T for CYs 2020-2029 in the Medicare and commercial markets.” The KHN story excluded the Avalere analysis while providing no evidence that the impact was less than the amount estimated by CBO and others.
Moreover, our ad directly quoted CBO’s preliminary estimate, which said the bill “would result in lower spending on research and development and thus reduce the introduction of new drugs.” Despite being an exact quote, KHN still chose to rate this as “mostly false,” even though every person quoted in the article acknowledged there would be a reduction in new medicines.
The story also ignored a study from Vital Transformation, an economic consulting firm, which found H.R. 3 could result in at least 56 fewer innovative medicines from emerging biotech companies over 10 years. The impact on the entire industry would be much greater.
We stand by the claims we made in our advertisement and reject KHN’s analysis of our ad and the impact H.R. 3 would have on biopharma innovation.
― Robert Zirkelbach, executive vice president of public affairs, PhRMA, Washington, D.C.
The simple argument that a tradeoff exists is "mostly false"!? I agree the industry overplays the effect size but come on!
— Ben Ippolito (@ben_ippolito) December 5, 2019
— Ben Ippolito, Washington, D.C.
I was very glad to see Kaiser Health News look into and expose the false and misleading advertisements from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) that had been running in “Politico PM Playbook” over the past few weeks leading up to the House vote on H.R. 3, “The Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019.”
This is exactly the kind of spotlight that we need more of on an industry that is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into lobbying and false advertising in an attempt to stop any meaningful action that would threaten their record profits. We at Accountable.US are doing everything we can to expose the corruption, influence-purchasing and coziness between the pharmaceutical industry and the Trump administration, but we need the media to step up as well to help people cut through Big Pharma’s false advertisements and learn the truth.
Because to be clear: Corruption and lies may be par for the course in Washington, D.C., during the Trump era, but this is an issue that can’t be seen as simply another run-of-the-mill falsehood by a D.C trade organization. The cost of prescription drugs is a matter of life and death for millions of Americans and it’s an issue that elected officials have made commitments to address. But if the pharmaceutical industry is able to spread false and misleading information to policymakers and the public unchallenged and with impunity, then this critical work becomes far more difficult.
That is why following the Kaiser Health News analysis, I wrote a letter to the publisher and top editors of Politico requesting that the false advertisements be removed from the website and that further advertisements from PhRMA using assertions that have been labeled false be rejected.
― Kyle Herrig, president, Accountable.US, Washington, D.C.
This is a dumb. I use blended feeds every day, and while they are usually thick, it still works just fine. EnFit is small, yes, but it’s not any smaller than the g-tube port. It’s a safety mechanism that differentiates it from IV ports so tube feds are administered incorrectly. https://t.co/6bJ7YEw8KS
— 𝙂𝙐𝙉𝙉𝘼𝙍 𝙀𝙎𝙄𝘼𝙎𝙊𝙉 (@G17Esiason) December 16, 2019
— Gunnar Esiason, Hanover, N.H.
This ‘Warmline’ Is All Ears To All
I am the president of a nonprofit organization, Peers in Cayuga County, in Auburn, N.Y. We have been offering a “warmline” since 2015 (“‘Warm’ Hotlines Deliver Help Before Mental Health Crisis Heats Up,” Dec. 9). It operates 24/7/365. We volunteer in Cayuga County and mostly work with people within the county. But, when it comes to the warmline, we answer the phone and listen and talk with whomever is on the phone. We have received calls from out of the county as well as out of the state. We believe in supporting anyone who needs help and are open to anyone calling in to get the support they need. Of course, we don’t know which resources to direct them to nationwide, but people are people and we can support anyone. With that in mind, I would like to have our number listed in as many ways as possible so we can help whoever wants it: (315) 246-3004.
― Margaret Phinney, Auburn, N.Y.
Extra Pointers For Patients To Ward Off Billing Fraud
KHN Editor-in-Chief Elisabeth Rosenthal makes many excellent points (“Analysis: In Medical Billing, Fraudulent Charges Weirdly Pass As Legal,” Dec. 16), but please allow a few comments.
First, not to apply a neck brace in such an accident when the patient has been unconscious would be medical malpractice ― period.
Second, the article ignores patient responsibility. When a patient has been out of the hospital for a while, pain management should transition to one’s personal physician. Depending on state law, it may require an office visit, but it’s your personal physician’s job.
Regarding being offered unnecessary medical equipment such as walkers or commodes, just say no and sign that you refuse it. It is your choice. Actually, it could be argued that accepting unnecessary medical equipment constitutes fraud.
Finally, Ms. Rosenthal reminds us of post-accident “pfishing.” Accident reports are easily accessible. Honest businesses never cold-call patients. If you haven’t been told a referral is being made to “X” office and to expect a call, hang up! (Some states have laws forbidding this; you may wish to inform your state attorney general’s office.) Follow your doctor’s recommendations and don’t get hooked!
— Gloria Kohut, Grand Rapids, Mich.
This! Medical billing is a game of greed, confusion, obfuscation, and fraud, plain and simple. After my last experience with CU Health, I have refused to get medical attention I still need because I can't stand or afford the hugely profitable billing scam. https://t.co/1NbGyVvkVD
— Sharon McCreary (@selfesteemfail) December 19, 2019
— Sharon McCreary, Denver
I love this article! I want to know when we are going to stop accepting this as OK. Some of these bills can really hurt people who live on a fixed income. The government needs to step in and stop allowing these things to happen.
― Michaela Reyes-Holmes, Thompson, Ohio
Health care is crazy town. No other part of the economy looks anything like this, because no other sector is as deeply screwed up by government misregulation. #GovtFailure #NotMarketFailure https://t.co/Hjr6qYaZgV
— Kurt Couchman (@KurtCouchman) December 19, 2019
— Kurt Couchman, Burke, Va.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/readers-and-tweeters-more-than-two-sides-to-every-story/
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Motivational Narration.
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We have a great production group and we have most of the benefit pieces currently in stock. Early in preproduction, she considers storyboards and also makes up paints to motivate tone, feel, and the basic appearance of the movie. The firm says that this attribute will originally appear within Target's computer system registry, however will certainly increase more totally to Target's app and desktop internet site in the future. The normal regulations of social involvement, he really feels, don't relate to him," Ive explained to the biographer. The initial 100 backers will be provided in guide as supporters as a special thanks for investing guide. After a series of redundancies at Caversham Park, Mr Bond proceeded dealing with the BBC in London as a cameraman on programmes consisting of Blue Peter.
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Ellen Page - September 26, 2017
Past Conan Appearances:
October 7, 2015 -
Naming Plants (link)
People started sending Page pictures of their pets and plants via Twitter, asking her to name them.
She describes her cacti-naming powers as visceral and the words of God.
Coming Out and LGBT+ Activism (link)
Page announced she was gay at a human rights conference.
A year later, she was presented with the Vanguard Award by the HRC for her activism for LGBT+ rights and equality, for which she also had to give a speech.
The nature of her nerves for these two speeches were very different.
She is grateful to the HRC because they’ve provided her with opportunities in her current life (i.e. having a girlfriend whom she loves and can fantasize about a future with).
Freeheld, the film she was promoting at the time, is about a lesbian woman who is denied the right to give her girlfriend pension benefits after she is diagnosed with stage IV cancer.
Page couldn’t imagine being in the closet and playing this role.
Characters in the film are based on real people.
Conan Stand-Up Routine (link)
When she was 23, Page made a submission tape of her stand up for Conan’s show and posted it on YouTube.
Her first joke was about an anarchist who won’t eat honey because she disagrees with the politics of the hive.
The second joke was about how one side of the Canadian coin is the queen’s face, while the other is a beaver.
May 23, 2014 -
Dreams (link)
Wrote on Twitter about analyzing her dreams.
Has a lot of anxiety-filled dreams about having a strongly excessive amount of pubic hair.
(Conan mentions his mother-in-law is skilled at interpreting dreams.)
Page had a dream that her and Justin Bieber, a fellow Canadian, were spending time in his Canadian abode, when his mom returned to the house with take out food from Ikea, much to the excitement of Page and Bieber.
A lookalike website matched Bieber to one of Page’s old photos.
Fight scenes + Superpowers (link)
Her character in X-Men is Kitty Pride, a character which does not participate in fight scenes.
One of her friends, who holds a double blackbelt in karate, showed her how to knock someone out while barely touching them (if at all). The friend demonstrated this trick on the waiter.
June 4, 2013 -
Juggling + Environmentalism (link)
Learned how to juggle because she spent too much time on film sets and had no friends and demonstrated her juggling talents on-air.
Promoting The East, a film about a group of activists who are passionate about going after evil corporations, but there is an outsider trying to infiltrate their group.
Activists in the film practice Freeganism, which involves completely removing oneself from capitalism (i.e. taking food from a dumpster, preparing and eating it).
In preparation for this role and in line with her own environmental interests, Page spent two weeks at Lost Valley, practicing Permaculture, which involves living in a cyclical manner that mirrors nature.
Canadian Identity (link)
Page is a native Nova Scotian, so it makes her comfortable that hockey is becoming more popular in L.A.
Found a McLobster sandwich in Nova Scotia, which are apparently sold during certain points in the summer.
Page used to play hockey.
Other talk show appearances (sorted in reverse chronological order):
The Late Late Show with James Corden (March 1, 2016) (link)
Page used to write fake love letters to pretend people, and she always signed the letters as “Jordan.”
After coming out, she realizes this Jordan character may have been foreshadowing her lesbian identity.
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (May 28, 2013) (link)
Promoting The East.
Page was wearing a Keith Richards shirt, but she confesses she’s never met Keith Richards and she’s not a diehard Rolling Stones fan.
She took Latin in school for one year, but all she knows how to say is one set of verb conjugations.
Wants to get another dog after the passing of hers, but she explains it’s difficult because she moves around so much.
When she was 3, her aunt put Page in charge of taking care of her rabbit. but while her aunt was away, Page was bitten by the rabbit on her toe, and the rabbit died before the aunt returned.
Page enjoys activities like roller skating and running.
Page does not believe she could be a politician.
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (April 6, 2011) (link)
She thinks she should try more drugs for their romantic nature.
Page describes herself as a vegan except for that non-vegan food she catches and prepares with her own hands.
Her mom has a maple leaf tattoo on her back, which confirms Ferguson’s theory that Canadians are aroused by their own flag.
When she was camping, Page heard a moose and its baby outside her tent.
She reads a lot of environmental nonfiction books, and one of the best books she had recently read was Patti Smith’s memoir.
Went to Portugal when she was 16 and had a half-shaved head. There she saw a skeleton dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and a monkey riding on the back of a llama.
Confesses to stealing a car after she saw Gone in Sixty Seconds.
Page never goes shopping, and her apartment is so ornate that when she came to Craig’s stole, she stole the mug and that was the only one she had in her house.
Plot of the film, Super: A man with a drug-addicted wife has to figure out a way to save her, which requires him to seek Page out as a superhero.
The Late Show with David Letterman (March 31, 2011) (link)
Promoting Super
Letterman was the first talk show she ever did.
In her first interview with Letterman, she mentioned she lived in an ex-brothel in Halifax, but this was a mistake because everyone (even a drunk homeless man) knew where she lived.
The largest explosion before the Atomic bomb occurred in Halifax, and some of the remnants from this destruction are still visible in the city.
Spends every day in the summer swimming in new lakes.
After she made Juno, she travelled across Eastern Europe with her friend, and the two of them decided to try a new kind of absinthe in every place.
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (July 16, 2010) (link)
Mentions that Nova Scotia is a Latin phrase meaning “new Scotland,” and she remarks that she loves sweaters which contributes to her love for the gorgeous Nova Scotia.
She has worked on farms in the past, but boats mildly scare her.
Has two rescue dogs (who have since died) but she leaves her dogs in Nova Scotia, jokingly because she doesn’t want them exposed to L.A. drugs.
Her Beagle nick-named Joobie Doobie has a punctured nipple that hangs low.
Confesses to cussing more than people may expect.
Her father was born in the south shore of Nova Scotia.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (July 15, 2010) (link)
Shares two Nova Scotia fun facts. The first of which is that it has more bars per capita than any other place in North America. The second was that it has the second largest harbor in the world, besides Sydney Australia.
Page doesn’t drink a lot.
Leonardo DiCaprio has never visited her at her home in Halifax.
When she was at Lost Valley, she made “lasagna-style” stacked piles of compost, which included urine. She broke down the stench with sawdust and carbon post.
She additionally used to sleep walk frequently, and she once woke up in a hotel hallway in her underwear at the age of 11.
During a sleep talking episode, she once said something inappropriate and cruel to her boyfriend.
Believed her house to be haunted because items would just vanish, which is especially noticeable considering the minimalist style of her home.
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Code Unturned
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You can actually hop in and relish the same thing enjoy as everyone otherwise. That makes real sense. His friends, his labor, his profile, his livelihood, all obsessive about just one activity he commenced in elderly school. |account. and dev's interaction, there does exist notwithstanding a different marketplace of consumers that ought to be found in a different create. any dev within the supplier he was appointed, to accept the community forum and focus on the company's bot, except if they give you him some living space of maneuver, in particular cs:go devs more often than not chat in reddit, primarily about technological items away from the bot. his daddy. It’s using classy. Always, the facts that Hack Para Unturned 2016 is totally free-to-have fun with demands most inside of the accomplishment. Then, just after i had been practicing the store web page for a variety of., i Like everyone otherwise in those days, he was happy by dayz heralded. Not very i just do now.” it was to start with created for browsers so many more people could have fun with, notwithstanding this primary release mutual deadzone’s obstacle to generally be tough to introduce a specific thing absolutely new, so he commenced building a following release inside of the calendar month of january 2014, which ditched the web browser, and published it on water vapor in such a warm weather 2014, implemented by release 3, the present a single one, only a few several weeks afterward. |“i understand the aim of initial by using be attempting to carry feed-back from as lots of men and women as possible, so iterating fast is apparently outstanding, for the reason persons in many cases can see their feed-back fast plus they can see whether it variations their impression.” notwithstanding with several machines hectic these days, server proprietors identified ways to get regular messages really hard looking, to make sure they asked for him to gradual lessen and now sexton messages on fridays. “when these attack speed trainers are reported, everyone’s happy for the reason it is, ‘wow, we can now recreate items inside of the wandering inactive hdtv display!’ and, ’it’ll function as the best significant starting point-making bot!’ they finish up turning out to be done by plenty of different folks, plus they are not in most cases well balanced for them all.” he’s examined the identical in Hack Para Unturned 2016. “i believe to some degree some of these recommendations never really work at the same time. You need to reveal to this very poor overwhelmed canuck what “that delightful canadian burr” is? Is it a specific thing based on our features? Really the only burrs i realize are persons spiky seeds which get trapped for your personal slacks at the time you deciding on strolls throughout the forest (privately i do believe much like a stereotype just article writing that phrase). The fulfillment is normally throughout the multi-player, despite the fact. consoles! Subsequently, after 173h on Hack Para Unturned 2016 (bigger than 150 hours in pvp with a single one friends in comparison to the industry and zombies by) ), i genuinely believe farmville is known as a masterwork. In places, they dress like culinary experts, structure employees, business men, and law enforcement officials administrators. |They develop on sound and light-weight, and as such in order to prevent them you have to slink meticulously in existence and also your display lightweight off of. life end fast and unceremoniously, sliding to zombie claws and maws, but at least it's simple to place my thrown away corpses just after i find them. The game has adjusted. The earth is enough. highway directed inside of the fill finishes the storyplot: the armed forces made an effort to originate multiplication away from the contamination by doing damage to the actual strategy off of (or right onto?) the space. we attempt to attempt lead to: ow. A regular shooter by incorporating enjoy. I commonly ascertain attack speed trainers like these seem like you're researching at code sprinting. |Oh in reality, anybody bouncing to findings from the internet - i’ll now let myself personally out. Crafting is known as a pain throughout the ass though the surviving and exploration was really entertaining the very first number of occasions in existence. Dayz could possibly appearance even better and may at this point impart more operation, notwithstanding i merely cannot rise above the pesky insects, animation glitches or anything else. That is what moved straight down these days when craig mailed by means of term of Hack Para Unturned 2016, a game title title in whose popularity appears about unavoidable: it is an before easy access zero cost-to-have fun with multi-player surviving bot having a blocky artstyle you slice lessen trees and fight against the undead. Even if this is the very first i’ve learned about the game, Hack Para Unturned 2016’s accomplishment has not just exactly happened instantaneously. Simple fact: that does sound respectable. So, there is that. The best way a “style” might possibly be “marketed” to little ones is past me. That is pretty for all 16-12 month period-traditional. It peaks at bigger than 38,000 individuals, and contains a standard concurrent count up of 28,000. |We apparently live in a industry just where only the very best quality attack speed trainers really need to succeed, but Hack Para Unturned 2016 it seems that disproves that totally. I'm qualified to definitely know why a rebellious youngster would sneakily download and have fun with Hack Para Unturned 2016, especially if their mothers and fathers are a lesser amount of considering attack speed trainers where you should make heads turn into puddles of reddish marinade. The seem of snapping cuffs sounded from powering me as my wrists seemed to be sure, and this i had been helped bring exposed (i’d nonetheless to get shirts) making use of the routes for some coach, right onto that any of us was enclosed and informed to keep continually. There exists a time just where a specific thing can vary from turning out to be just entertaining to essentially unsafe, a satisfactory amount of just where it's grossly deceitful. kid’s upcoming whim: rise a hill. The cars or trucks cope with like taters on lego bricks and so are oddly more likely to zombies pressing on it, but significantly you will discover cars or trucks to make use of, although dayz has nothing. Thus, i can tell the attractiveness. Why is it that unexpected? Take portions using their supplier attack speed trainers. Revisions are normal and promote is superb, on the website hackers aren't the truth is an issue (210 hours on it and easily 1 hacker identified) and they're continuously improving the game's home security units. |You participate in this game have fun with such as a survivor: and you may be flipping more than that why haven’t you changed directly into a zombie? The response would be the survivors have some form of possible to deal with the toxic computer virus. The inclusion of in-bot motor vehicle makes this game even more intriguing and easy to discover. The captivating element is you can make use of these skillsets facts practically to reach even better-surviving skillsets. The game is definitely important attempt, regardless that will still be on initial easy access, there's more info in the foreseeable future on it. And a pair of. Fall 2015 now my nephew picked up prison designer, kerbal living space package, and Hack Para Unturned 2016 on my small minor bank account, and this he second hand his dough to receive kerbal living space package and prison archietect. It might most probably operate my top ten attack speed trainers ever record whenever they designed the design much more endurable. The multi-player is not more effective, as being the friends continuously lessen internet connection. |In conjunction with zombies and individuals, the elements cause their particular danger. trees to create residences, weapon add-ons, and traps to outlive. It is just a vision model that's near to to cartoons with clouds that appear to be like taters. Hitting “x” you can actually crouch lessen to sneak without requiring getting interest. Always crouching, i snuck up powering a spook and allowed to remain-clicked on to break. Cutting up lessen trees and mining offer up xp. Just as in loads of creating units, building a is constructed of determined by transmuting a substantial number of products into smaller scaled plus more highly refined smartly-designed equipment. Instantly "allowed to remain alt" probably will tone of voice talk. They |I struggled to get any beneficial weaponry around pvp server but going through the guide paid off of. needing to pay for the 5 dollars doesn't the same a shell out-to-dominate strategy, mainly because the advantages are separated.
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