#ive asked several times now to be given a good reason these people supposedly are bad. no ones given me one. so
the-meme-monarch · 7 months
added a new point to my pinned bc these rude asses keep following me which shows me no one reads people's carrds. not even mine with my funny business man joke. anyway mspec people are literally just normal and you giving them shit for having a Slightly More Complex Experience Than Yours is stupid as hell. imo.
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tank-grunt · 3 years
hi i've read through this blog like 5 times now (help i have tank grunt brain disease) and i'm wondering why you think transbian egg buck? i can't word it correctly, but i'm just curious to know if there's a specific reason or not. i'm also wondering if you think tank (or even Johnny) would have any sort of positive relationships with any other character from the sim 2 ds/gba(other than Johnny, of course)? sorry if this is confusing but i like hearing your opinions
honestly its hard to describe its like a mix of things - the general theme of the grunt siblings not really fitting in and being what buzz wants them to be, none of them really being capable of conforming to his ideals, buck’s interests and bio reminding me of friends who are trans in an abstract kind of way, the way ive seen people say that buck seems gay but also supposedly being one of the few sims coded to be attracted to a single certain gender despite being a child - none of that is really factually indicative of a person being anythiiiiiiiiing on their own or even together like that but its just what personally feels right to me, i guess?
hmmmm as for the second question
tank - i’m pretty sure in ts2 for gba he’s friends with dusty hogg, at least. several episodes involve the two hanging out and their banter has the kind of familiarity that suggests it’s not an irregularity. because of that i think he’d have a pretty good relationship with mamma hogg too, even though we never see them interact. though i suppose with the age difference it’d likely be more of a surrogate mother/son dynamic than casual besties you’d go drinking with though. same with frankie fuscili. 
johnny - ok given he’s literally a npc with zero lines of dialogue in ts2 for gba it’s hard to really gauge who he’d seem close to that he doesn’t already have connections to in the shipped out vanilla original pc game or isn’t actually around by ts2 for gba - or really how he even acts at this point, so it’s all gotta be pure conjecture on my part what fun. anyways i could easily see him getting along with tristan legend which is easy to say because its tristan legend but i just mean that i can see them having similar tastes and they dont have personalities very likely to conflict much. not too sure about anyone else by that point in time, tho :/
not ts2 gba but... like... outside of all basegame premades, stella terrano. i’ve always seen her as friends to both of them, since she always wound up befriending them whenever i’d send strangetown teens to college in any save i’d done
side note this ask really makes me wanna replay ts2 for gba ... again...
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sahbibabe · 4 years
Ignoring The Obvious
Soulmate AU
Sephiroth/Fem! Reader
Part Eleven
Your hospital stay is short. Your training commences. Reno has serious problems with being... well, helpful. Or encouraging. Especially with a giant Shinra dog chasing you through vents.
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THE BED WAS HARD, YOUR knees were killing you, your abdomen was on fire, and the nurse was steadily refusing to give you morphine no matter how much you begged. You had spent the better part of two days as high as a kite, blissfully unaware of the train wreck of memories about to hit you the moment you were weaned off of your medication. The file─your unfiltered, raw test subject notes and classifications─sat innocently on the nightstand as if it was completely separate from the emotional turmoil you were facing.
       It would be easy, so easy to slip into the mercenary's mindset and ignore the pain. To shove the emotions aside and bury them so deep you didn't even have to acknowledge their existence. All you had to do was will them away, and they would be gone. But that was unhealthy and the moment you did that, all of your progress would be ruined forever and you would start from scratch once more.
      But did it really matter? You asked yourself the same question over and over again as you watched the Chocobo documentary on the one-channel television network. You would be going back to that life anyways, with that same mindset and habits, without anyone to stop you from doing otherwise. You would be killing people for Rufus Shinra in the name of eliminating competition; a petty game was what it all came down to.
        And you were the knight who guarded the King.
       You looked away from the television to your food. It was plain hospital food, rich in protein to help you replace all of the blood you had supposedly lost while you fought the doctor tooth and nail when he tried to get a needle in your arm for an IV. Reno had laughed when he told you about the resident's injuries, but it only made you feel sick to your stomach when the nurses had to strap you down like a wild animal.
      Other than Reno, your only other visitor was Rude, and he had been thoughtful enough to bring you a bouquet of real flowers. He wouldn't say where he had gotten them from when you asked, just sat in silence, so you asked him instead how Hojo was doing with that stab wound, as smug as you might have sounded.
       "You didn't stab Hojo," Rude told you bluntly, a slight hint of confusion in his voice. Your smugness was wiped from your face. "You stabbed an assistant doctor who had come in to check your new vitals."
        "No," you had whispered,"no, that… That was Hojo. I remember it like it happened seconds ago…"
       "It doesn't matter. The doctor has been treated and compensated out of your salary. You'll be fifty thousand gil short."
     And that had been the end of that.
     Now, you picked at the cheap, plasticky roast beef on your plate and pushed your asparagus around in circles. You weren't getting anywhere without the alarms sounding on your bed, so you were effectively a prisoner until they turned them off. Add that to the iron they were slowly feeding into your IV and you felt like a rabbit confined in a small cage, pacing a few steps at a time.
       Out of the corner of your eye, sitting right beside the file you were desperately trying to avoid reading, sat the Book of Colors: a book that translated all of the different colors soulmates might see, their specific combinations, and surprisingly, origins.
       The strings felt snug against your fingers as you weighed your options, kneading your fingers into your palm. There was a lot you could learn about the authenticity of soulmate bonds through that book. People followed it like gospel, spoke of it as something holy. You had never had a reason to read it until now, or the money to, but now you had prime opportunity and the eyesight to help you do it.
      You picked up the book and pushed your lunch tray away from the bed.
       It was a hefty leather thing, dyed black and sewn with gold thread to display the title: The Book of Colors. One could easily take it for a children's book, but it was so much more than that. A quick glance at the spine showed it was the newest edition.
       The first page you opened it to described the various types of soulmate bonds, everywhere from bonds to the literal soul to telepathic communication. It depended heavily on the people bound to determine what kind of bonds they got. Cynical, unfair people walked around without color vision until they met their soulmate; quiet, shy people got telepathy; and people like you, a mercenary gone civilian, got strings.
       "Strings guide the lost home," you mumbled, tracing your finger over the plain description beneath the header,"and return hearts to where they belong."
       One of the authors theorized heavily that strings meant involvement with the lifestream personally, or some kind of way to identify past soulmates with one another.
       "It's a very unique thing, the strings," the author wrote,"just like anyone else's, but this means that the two souls have already connected before in the past. Eons or two hundred years ago, who can say?"
      You skimmed over the rest and flipped over to the colors, the part you had been dreading and also curiously dying to read. There were sections to different soulmate types, some colors meaning different things, so you found your section and settled down in your springy hospital bed.
       "Identify the weave of your strings," the book told you. It offered a small chart of different weave types. "You may have two types or you may have four. Find yours and look at the pairing chart to determine the intent of your bond."
       That was easy enough. You shook the threads out and looked closely at their weave; there was a single double braid, what looked like a dutch braid, and an elaborately woven pattern that repeated halfway through the string on each one.
       "The double braid signifies a union between two people," you read, following the lines with your finger. "If there is a child born from that union, two becomes three on this specific line."
        You didn't have a third thread, like you expected, so you moved on.
      "The dutch braid signifies a match with power and darkness. Don't worry yourself, though! Darkness can be equated to many things, such as self conflict, a trouble within the body, or even a mental disconnection from stress."
      Sephiroth didn't seem to be mentally disconnected, but you didn't even know him that well. You messed with the threads for a few moments, stuck on that phrasing, before finding the last section where the more elaborate braids were.
       "This gorgeous flower patterned weave means that you have reunited with your soulmate several times in various past lives. Much like additional colors to the vision discussed in the previous soulmate identification, the different petals on it connote just how many times you have been with your soulmate in past lives. Count them! How many do you have?"
         You raised an eyebrow and counted the individual petals. One, two, three, four, five, six, and… just burgeoning on the final petal, weaving itself before your eyes, was seven.
         But there wasn't a number for that─there wasn't even a color combination or weave combination for the mess around your hand. You checked several times, but to no avail; no one had ever had gold, purple, and green and black threads.
       You slammed the book shut and tossed it back on the nightstand just as the door handle turned and popped open. Reno sauntered past the threshold and made himself at home in the guest chair, eating popcorn and humming an odd tune.
       "So, how's the chocobo documentary doing?" His eyes sparkled with mirth. "Making you bored yet?"
       "Sure. If you count restlessness as bored." You crossed your arms and fixed him with a hard stare. "When can I get out and do my job?"
        "In an hour." Reno threw a handful of popcorn in his mouth dismissively. "Doc says you're cleared to start training and work off that excessive energy you have."
        "Good." You ripped your blankets back and hopped out of the bed. The floor was still cold beneath the cheap socks the hospital had given you. The world swam around you for a moment and you steadied yourself against the nightstand. "Good. That means I didn't pass the exam?"
        Reno shrugged. "You never finished it. Tseng pulled some strings. As long as you pass training you should be fine."
       "Why do you sound like you doubt me?"
       "You'll find out in… oh, about an hour."
      And oh, find out you did.
      "Reno, I'm going to murder you for this."
       Sweat traced rivers down your face as you shimmied your way through the ventilation system of the training barracks, a guard dog snapping at your heels. He didn't answer over the comms system, but you knew he had to be laughing at you somehow.
       "Shit," you yelped, feeling the dog's teeth sink down into your shoe. You kicked back on reflex and it cried out, releasing you instantly. You moved a little faster, relieved at the sight of a vent, and slammed your elbow down on the grate. It didn't budge and there was a very pissed off hound breathing down your neck. "Oh, fuck me."
       "Keep on moving, [Name]!" Reno chortled. You scowled and got on your knees, moving as fast as you could given the cramped space. "Three minutes left!"
        "You and your three minutes can go to hell!"
       "Yeah, but then who would sic hounds on you then? You'd fail your training no problem."
      "Reno," you growled, shoving your fingers into another grate just ahead and pushing down hard. It swung open. The dog got closer. "I'm going to kick your ass."
       "Get out of the vents and then we can talk!"
        You dropped neatly onto a bench, the leatherwork groaning beneath your feet. You hopped off and opened the door right as the dog dropped out behind you, hightailing it down the hall at full speed.
        "Gotta take out the dog, too, [Name]!" Reno reminded you.
        Feet skidding into the marble floor, you whirled around, cursing Reno for his snarky reminders and tackled the dog head on. It flailed as you wrapped your arms around its neck and cut off its breathing, barely keeping purchase by pinning your knees to the over muscled thighs. It growled and tried to bite you, the struggle slowing second by second, until it flopped down on the floor, tongue hanging.
         Unconcious, but not dead.
      You reclined back on your haunches with a sigh, wiping sweat from your forehead, and when you opened your eyes, you found the full brunt of Reeve Tuesti's gaze staring you down.
       Your hand dropped from your forehead. Not even your labored breathing helped you forget that you had somehow ended up in a completely different building than Reno had told you to go to.
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angeltriestoblog · 5 years
The One With All The Books: My favorites + tips on how to get out of your reading slump!
Ever since I was a kid, I've been obsessed with books: while most children I knew then were preoccupied with Barbie dolls and battleships, I immersed myself in fictional worlds and found trusty companions in protagonists who embarked on adventures that transcended the limits of the physical universe. Back then, I would sleep with them under my pillow, read them in the backseat of our family car even on rather turbulent road trips, and turn to them during boring class discussions.
Over time, they ended up shaping my opinions and world views, fueling my hunger for knowledge, and inspiring me to put my own thoughts down on paper. It's safe to say I wouldn't be the person I am now, had it not been for my love for the written word. Which is why I find it odd that I haven't made any of the standard recommendation posts that would normally be found on the personal blog of someone like me. In an attempt to fix that, I'm sharing with you my eight favorites of all time, not only to give them a fitting tribute (that will still not be able to do their profound impact any justice), but also encourage you to pick up a good read! Who knows, maybe it'll change your life as much as it did to mine!
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A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
As a kid, I loved both science and fiction, but always saw them as two concepts completely opposite from each other. When I found out that they could marry and live in perfect harmony in a genre of their own, I was over the moon. It was exciting enough, getting to teleport across universes by folding the fabric of space and time, encounter terrifying creatures who somehow parallel actual people on Earth, and learn about obscure scientific concepts. But, the fact that it manages to tie in the triumph of good over evil, and the power of familial love was just the cherry on top for me. I brought this with me everywhere I went for a solid two months, obviously with good reason.
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
My mom had recommended this to me in high school, and I put off buying it for so long because I originally thought I was "too old to be reading stuff like that". Much to my surprise, what was practically disguised as a children's book, with its simple prose and watercolor illustrations, served as both as a moral allegory and criticism of the way adults operate in today's world. Though its length can trick you into thinking it's a fast read, most passages demand to be looked at a second time, reflected on, and shared to the nearest person—if you're the type to protest against annotating, you might have to rethink your stance.
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
When I was in grade school, my parents had this rule where I was only allowed to buy a new book during special occasions, to control the growing number we had piling up in our house. I remember seeing this in the NBS branch in Glorietta, and having to wait until the end of the quarter to ask my parents to get it for me. Oh, well: as the cheesy saying goes, "True love waits." Although if there is anyone who loves books more than I do, it's Meggie Folchart, as she has inherited her father's gift of bringing fictional characters to life. But, when disaster strikes, as it always does, she must learn how to harness this special power and save her family. The world-building and imagery is unbelievably rich, Funke doesn't just paint a picture in your head: she creates a whole ass movie. No wonder eight year-old me put her up on a pedestal.
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (the entire series, but maybe the third was my favorite) (ok it was, don't tell the two others) by Jenny Han
The blurb at the back of the book certainly doesn't do it justice: I remember finding this at a nearby Fully Booked and putting it down instantly, dismissing it as another cliche YA novel. Sure, Lara Jean Covey has to deal with all five of her unsent love letters to her crushes being mysteriously sent out, but she also grapples with important issues such as identity, family, and—in the third book—the future. I read Always and Forever, Lara Jean during the summer before I entered university, and every single line resonated with me so much I paused at the end of every chapter to take a crying selfie. Plus, Peter Kavinsky is my literary dream boy: if I ever expect my future significant other to take me on a cross-country road trip to go antique shopping, they'll only have him to blame.
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Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
We're taught that we shouldn't judge books by their covers, but I'm glad my twelve year old self decided to brush that aside when she bought this. Although I didn't end up reading it until five years after, I devoured the thick hardbound in a day and a half, and was reduced to a ball on my couch shortly afterwards. I know the book has the most self-explanatory title, but it's just that it takes on the universal experience of first love and heartbreak so authentically. The stream of consciousness writing style and slow pacing may be an issue for some, but I reckon it adds to its charm, as it allows Min to take readers through all the motions of a relationship in a way so relatable, entering her headspace feels like slipping into a second skin.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey
A friend of mine in high school had complained to me that her mother had made this required reading for her, and I suggested I'd take it off her hands for a bit. I ended up going through her copy thrice in a month. (Ah, what I would give to go back to the days when I could still afford to read on school days.) An issue a lot of books that claim to "change your life" have is that they elaborate on these supposedly groundbreaking ideas, yet fail to break them down into doable action steps. Fortunately, Covey shares his practical advice in a structured manner, complete with examples, illustrations, and the occasional dad joke, freeing it from any preachy or condescending undertones. I don't know how to say that this is the only self-help book you'll ever need without sounding like someone from the Home Shopping Network.
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
This paperback intimidated me from the moment I first saw it on a shelf, because of the metaphorical title and steep price. But, good thing I got around to buying it eventually: this harrowing story is told by a promising doctor with his whole life ahead of him, who turns into a patient as soon as he is diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. Reading this was difficult, because I knew that no matter how hard I tried to dissect and reflect on the questions of life and death being posed by the author, I could never come close to understanding how he felt. But, that didn't make the experience any less necessary.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Creativity is a rather difficult concept to talk about in depth, because it seems so abstract. This is why the author advises readers to treat it as a living entity: one that bestows the best of ideas to those who nurture it, complements the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, and demands our full participation despite the looming presence of fear. I finished this on a school bus ride home from school, and the minute I got home, I marathoned Gilbert's TED talks and keynote speeches on YouTube: there is a distinctly tender, somewhat spiritual quality in the way she speaks about her craft, that easily makes you hang on to and follow every word she says.
Now I know books aren't everyone's go-to when looking for a way to pass the time: I've heard people say that they can't find time for it, that there's nothing out there that piques their interest, or they simply don't have the patience, given that social media posts and Netflix shows practically hold our attention spans captive in this day and age. While all are valid points, they can clearly be worked around! I was in a funk during the start of my Christmas break, because I hadn't touched a non-academic book since the new school year had started. But, I managed to finish four in the span of a month, and am currently on my fifth, as of this writing. Here are some tips I have, just in case you want to kick your reading slump in the ass as well.
Start small. Like with any habit you want to build, introduce the behavior in small increments: five push-ups, five minutes of meditation, fifty pages of a novella. Then, once you're starting to get the hang of it again and you don't feel your two brain cells shrieking for help because they can't figure out if "lived" is an actual word in the English language, you can increase it depending on your progress. This happened to me when, thanks to a notably bad case of tsundoku, I had amassed 14 (!!!) unread books in a year. I decided to tackle as soon as my vacation started, so I kicked it off with a rather easy read: Matilda by Roald Dahl, 232 pages thin, with numerous drawings.
Read something you'd actually enjoy! It's gonna be hard to stay engaged in something that doesn't excite or entice you: reading is supposed to be a hobby, not a household chore. Find something written on an interest of yours, a field of study that you've always been curious about, a person that you've looked up to for forever: I truly believe that there is no topic that hasn't been written about at this point in time.
On a somewhat related note, don't be afraid to DNF books that don't satisfy you. A lot of us pick books up because everyone else loves it, and are afraid to put it down for the fear of being othered. But, if we've all come to believe that we should sever ties with people who no longer serve us, what makes it any different for books that just don't touch our lives? I remember reading The Bell Jar when I was 13 because it came highly recommended by someone on Instagram who I found really cool. It was far too heavy for me, but I couldn't find the heart to shelf it especially after how much it cost me.
Remember that physical copies are not the only way to go. Thanks to the presence of audio and e-books, one can now enjoy stories anywhere and any time, without the daunting feel of several pages, or the burden of lugging around heavy hardbounds. (Although you are missing out on one of the best parts of reading: new book smell. Your loss.) One might find it easier to process the information this way, or even appreciate whatever the author has to say.
Talk about it with a friend! They could help keep you accountable in following through your reading goals, give you solid (and sometimes even personalized) recommendations, or accompany you in mourning over the death of a major character. It's always been a dream of mine to start or join a book club for these exact reasons, but I'm afraid this post is possibly the closest I could get to that right now. Nevertheless, I'd love to hear your suggestions and give you more of my own! Drop me a message here (or here, here, and here!) if ever you're interested.
Love and light,
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salarta · 7 years
I think Bunn sees Magneto as the primary focus, and everyone else is a satellite character. This means that Polaris becomes a simpering daddy's girl help meet, Scarlet Witch is always blamed for HoM for mutant savior angst, and Quicksilver is to provide a rival/enemy to make him look heroic. It debases and distorts them for Magneto, but again, that is all Bunn cares about. Like how Soranik (DC, Green Lantern) started to revolve around Sinestro (her father) when Bunn started to write them.
@allwillbeone said: Bc, it’s Cullen Bunn. I knew it.
I’ll be replying to two people at once here.
I don’t think Bunn has used Scarlet Witch or Quicksilver much yet, and we can’t say how he would treat them as a result. We’ve seen enough about Bunn’s view of Polaris and other women to say something about that though.
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of people say that Psylocke was basically turned into a foil for Magneto. I’ve seen similar said about Emma Frost’s depiction during X-Men Blue #8 and #9, that those issues largely presented Emma in a manner that was beneficial to Magneto at Emma’s expense.
Treatment of Polaris in various Bunn things itself has issues.
The end of the Magneto solo had two problem spots specific to Lorna: Lorna written as scandalized by Magneto putting any lives at risk to save the world, and Lorna getting sucker-punched by her dad in that she somehow supposedly never anticipated him trying to siphon all her energy like a battery to do the job all by himself.
Deadpool and the Mercs for Money had her appearance altered to have Magneto’s helmet and collar just in green. All by itself, in the right context, this can be a good thing. The Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon did it well. It becomes a problem when taken with the Magneto solo’s ending and the next thing: X-Men Blue.
Several months before it would release, Polaris’ return on X-Men Blue was touted as a meaningful thing, announced at a conference with an X-Men Blue #9 cover devoted to her. The senior X-Men editor also talked about her a fair bit then.
Then, in the following months, it all went silent. Bunn showed at least some excitement about getting to write Havok, and even brought him up at times in interviews, but he didn’t care enough to talk about Polaris at all. When the time came, he was eager to spend most of X-Men Blue #8 building up Havok’s prestige, letting him interact with other characters and implying he’s a threat.
What did Polaris get? The “honor” of being defined exclusively by who the men in her life are. Havok and Magneto. “She’s Magneto’s daughter!” “She’s going to mop the floor with her ex!”
Okay but why the fuck is she taking this action at all? What does she want in all of this? Does she just want to beat up her ex Havok and be her father Magneto’s puppet, or does she actually have a reason for her course of action? Why is she on this book at all?
And then we get to X-Men Blue #11. The conversation with her father was okay. She said a lot of words that look nice. But then she’s written as acting like she’s completely floored by the idea that the base is attacked, as if a woman who nearly died on Genosha and witnessed millions murdered in a surprise genocide wouldn’t have the sort of trauma that makes her expect an attack no matter how safe you feel. And this happened entirely so Magneto could “correct” her by saying the goddamn obvious.
Followed by Polaris getting easily defeated with the rest of the teachers, because Magneto got defeated too, and obviously if Magneto’s going down that easy then his “lesser” support Polaris will too. Can’t have Lorna showing up Magneto when they have the same powers, just like we couldn’t have her showing up Havok when he’s leader of teams she’s on.
Then I saw Blood Storm get multiple pages worth of backstory and effort to get inside her head that Bunn never once tried to do with Polaris and never will.
I think about things like Uncanny X-Men too. For that whole run, Bunn said he hoped to bring Polaris back, but all he ever did was have Sabretooth say she smells nice in passing.
Here’s the gist of things. When I started reading Bunn, I had concerns about some of his choices, but I chalked them up to Marvel interfering. I assumed pretending she never suffered through the Genoshan genocide was Marvel editorial being dicks. I assumed Bunn not getting Polaris on Uncanny X-Men was Marvel execs being dicks cause they didn’t want her on any books.
But after the past several months? I don’t think that’s what’s going on at all.
I think Bunn doesn’t care about Polaris or what she can offer except insofar as how it might benefit Magneto or other characters he actually cares about.
If Bunn cared about Lorna, he would’ve been excited to hype up her return for X-Men Blue #9 in the same way he did for Havok.
if Bunn cared about Lorna, then in X-Men Blue #9, he would’ve given her the sort of in-depth character history talk and inside-her-head bits he’s giving Blood Storm right now.
He wouldn’t leave everything she is to be defined exclusively by the men in her life and what outside characters like Jean Grey say about her. His writing decisions betray that he’s so far outside caring who she is, how she thinks, what she believes that he sticks to having Jean Grey exclaim the most basic of basic cliff notes. Stuff that doesn’t even matter and won’t get anyone to care about who Lorna is or what she’s doing on this book.
Nobody gives a shit about a character who seems to exist solely to be a foil for another character, especially a man. I saw it firsthand when I had to fix perception of Rosa Farrell from Final Fantasy IV. So, so many people saw her as a useless damsel in distress because they defined her solely by her relationship with Cecil Harvey.
It took several years of pointing out that Rosa wasn’t just a damsel Cecil had to rescue twice. She was a badass who crossed a desert crawling with monsters all by herself and only walked out of it with a sickness anyone could get. She was a compassionate mother figure who managed to help a little girl get over her fear of fire - a fear the girl had because fire killed her mother and destroyed her home village. She was a selfless defender who, when everyone else in her party was about to die, offered herself up as a sacrifice to save their lives.
But according to people who only defined Rosa by Cecil, she was just a pain in the ass that slowed your journey down. When a female character is defined exclusively by the men in her life, not by her own actual qualities, people start to think she sucks.
That’s what I see in Bunn’s treatment of Polaris so far. An attitude that she exists only to be defined by Magneto, Havok and other characters he actually cares about. Characters that aren’t her.
Bunn says a lot of nice things when he’s asked. Shoot him a message and he’ll say some great things. On his own, without someone asking him, he doesn’t volunteer the slightest bit of interest in Lorna. He doesn’t answer interview questions with “I have big plans for Polaris that involve her history on Genosha.” He doesn’t put out teases on Twitter hinting at potential stories he might be thinking of for her. He doesn’t do any of the things someone that actually likes Lorna would do for the simple joy of getting to do it and feeling eager to show it off to the world.
Look at Emma Dumont by contrast. She’s posting instagram photos of the Polaris figurines she’s bought. She’s geeking out over Lorna’s potential relationships. She’s sharing Polaris fanart, and doing interviews with green hair.
I don’t expect everyone, including a writer, to be as committed to Polaris as Emma Dumont, but there’s a massive gulf between Emma’s excited fandom and Bunn’s virtual wasteland of interest.
If Bunn isn’t interested in writing Polaris the actual character, and is only interested in writing Magneto’s daughter or Havok’s ex or X character’s rival, then I’d rather she not be on X-Men Blue at all. Bunn can find or create other characters to fill the roles he plans to use Polaris for. Let a different writer write her. 
At this point, I quite frankly think the only reason he says he likes her and wants her around is so he can use her to benefit other characters. Nothing to do with Lorna herself. He hasn’t shown me anything that suggests otherwise. He’s only said some stuff that does not match his actions.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Game 360: Quest for Power (1981)
Problem #1: Nothing Arthur or Galahad did was done “for power.”
          Quest for Power
United States
Crystalware (developer and original publisher); Epyx (later publisher)
Released in 1981 for Atari 800 and Apple II. Rereleased in 1982 as King Arthur’s Heir
Date Started: 5 March 2019
Date Finished: 5 March 2019
Total Hours: 1
Difficulty: Very Easy (1/5)
Final Rating: (to come later)
Ranking at time of posting: (to come later)
            Quest for Power is another insulting game from Crystalware, a company that was either knowingly scamming its customers or so clueless about what made a good game that they must have never played one. I admit that their titles at least sound interesting–I was sucked in by the backstory of House of Usher (1980), for instance–but if anything they’ve gotten progressively worse as time passed, losing core elements that made them, if not “good,” at least memorable. A commenter named Tronix recently posted some background on the company, and while we can’t take an anonymous Internet comment as gospel, what he says makes sense given the quality of the games. I’m particularly disturbed about the party where they “skipped town” while still owing money to a lot of developers. I hope the developer of this game, Marc Benioff, managed to recover.
There isn’t much to say about Quest for Power. Like the other Benioff/Crystalware collaboration, The Forgotten Island (1981), it’s a short adventure with a few light RPG elements, recalling in structure the old Adventure for the Atari 2600 (1979). It takes about as long to play and win the game as to read the manual, and the lengths that Epyx went through to puff up the manual for the re-release (as King Arthur’s Heir) are particularly absurd given the paucity of actual gameplay. 
            You have to have several artifacts before you enter Canterbury.
            The backstory casts you as Sir Galahad, son of Arthur’s “good friend” Lancelot, who Arthur designates as his heir to the English throne if he can find and return the Scroll of Truth, which Merlin has hidden somewhere on the island. Good lord, that sentence alone manages to mangle the Arthurian legends in about a dozen different ways. The whole point of Galahad’s story–in the few sources where he actually appears–is that he’s too pure for the mortal world, and he is taken bodily into heaven at the end of the Grail Quest. Arthur and Lancelot are hardly “friends” by the end of Arthur’s reign; Merlin should be long gone; and the realm wouldn’t be known as “England” for over 400 years.
               There are several places to buy necessities. This particular list makes it look like I’m about to murder someone and then dump the body off-shore.
             Your little icon sets out from Camelot to explore the land, which I guess is roughly shaped like Britain except that for some reason it’s surrounded by a wall. Your journey will take you to the Caves of Somerset, Hastings Mountain, Sunderland, Essex, the Castle of Skenfrith, the Black Forest, the Eagle Stone, Canterbury, Hillsborough by the Sea, and Leeds. (Of these, only Canterbury has any authentic Arthurian history. “Hastings Mountain” doesn’t even exist.) The manual makes it sound like these are all exotic and interesting places to explore, but really they’re just names written across the screen with maybe one NPC and a treasure item.
            This would have made World War II a lot easier.
           To win the game, you have to defeat a series of enemies (The Devil of Skenfrith Castle, the Black Wizard, Gogmagog–none of them appear in actual Arthuriana) and acquire a series of treasures. For instance, you explore the Caves of Somerset to find the key to Essex, where you find Moses’s Rod (where’s Kenny when you need him?), and so forth. The enemies named in those parentheses, plus a couple of dragons, are the only fights in the game.
              Canonically, Galahad could probably do this.
           Combat is a matter of random rolls. Each round, each fighter does 1-9 points of base damage against the enemy but each round, one of the two combatants gets 10 added to his roll. For instance, you might take 7 damage while doing 19 in the first round, but in the second the Black Wizard gets the bonus and does 15 damage to you versus your 3 damage to him.
                 Looks like I got lucky this round.
               As you start off with only 3 hit points, the first combat–whoever you fight it with–is a risk. But if you can win, you’ll gain enough power and extra hit points that further combats become much easier. After your second or third combat, you’re basically invincible.
          In battle against Gogmagog.
         Gold chests pop up randomly as you explore, and there are a few places where you can spend your gold on an axe, a rope, and a boat. There are three NPCs (Ambrosius, Amadas, and some random guy in Essex Castle) who give you spectacularly unnecessary hints, and one of them must be bribed over 1,000 gold for his. 
     I’m sure I would have found it on my own anyway.
       Once you’ve found enough artifacts and have built up enough power from killing enemies, the guard Oberion (facepalm) will let you into Canterbury. There, you find the Ark of the Covenant. If you open it without the three major artifacts (Anselm’s Staff, Solomon’s Ring, and Moses’s Rod), you’ll be melted in the manner of the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark. With the three artifacts, you find the Scroll of Truth.
    Completing my quest.
Granted, I had the emulator speed cranked up to 250%, but it still only took me about 20 minutes to run around the map and do what I needed to do. The game minimizes its control scheme; the manual actually brags about this. All action is mapped to the joystick except for the (T)rade command. If you have certain items (torch, boat, rope), you’re assumed to use them when the situation calls for it.
Returning the Scroll of Truth to Camelot wins the game. You get a picture of the throne room at Camelot and your score is displayed.
             You can tell it’s Camelot by the “C” on the banners.
            But of course it doesn’t end there. As with half of Crystalware’s titles, there’s supposedly a Great Mystery lurking beneath the surface, with players encouraged to solve it and send their solutions to the company, with promises of a $250 cash prize. (The Epyx re-release removes any mention of such a puzzle.) As usual, I not only didn’t solve it, I don’t even know what they’re talking about. Is it something you’re supposed to find in the game? A hidden message? Is it simply winning the game? 
                 Can anyone identify the source of the image Crystalware used? Reverse image searches were no help.
        The manual says that to solve the mystery, you must a) read the entire manual, b) “go to each of the magical places and talk to all of the magical people.” “It is then,” the manual says, “you may understand the very neurotic mystery.” Did the author not know what “neurotic” means, or is that a clue?
               I wonder if they paid anyone.
           The only three people to talk with in the game are Ambrosius, Amadas, and the guy at Essex. Amadas, at Hastings Mountain, says that “you must have Solomon’s Ring and Anselm’s Staff and Gogmagog to make it past Oberion!” (Once you defeat Gogmagog, his power “fuses” with you or something.)  Ambrosius is hanging out by something called the Eagle Stone, and he says, “Ah, son of Arthur [???], the staff is in the caves.” Essex says, “The Ring of Solomon is in the Skenfrith Castle.” I’ve looked for anagrams, initialisms, and other wordplay and can’t find anything. Thus, I’ll give a reward of $50 to whoever can solve the mystery, which is five times the value of the GIMLET I gave to Quest for Power. It’s the first game so far with 1s straight across the board.
Let’s talk about how we got so far down the list:
      1. I’m having trouble with Planet’s Edge (1991). The introductory application starts up okay, but every time I hit ESC to move on, DOSBox crashes with a “corrupt MCB chain” error. I’ve tried multiple versions. I’ve tried running INSTALL and configuring video and sound different ways. I’ve tried running it with LOADFIX. I have not tried another computer with a different configuration of DOSBox, which I will next week after I move.
2. Minotaur: Labyrinths of Crete (1992) turns out to be a two-player game. (You’re supposed to connect over AppleTalk.) There’s a “single-player mode,” but it just lets you explore the dungeon, pick up items, and test them, not play in any meaningful way. It moves to the rejection list.
             Wandering the Minotaur dungeon.
              3. I thought I had a working copy of OrbQuest from reader Lance M., but I lost it or never downloaded it or something. I had to ask him for it again. He came through, but I had already half-drafted this entry by then. It’ll be soon.
4. I’m moving this week, so I didn’t have time to approach a game as complicated as Ultima VII.
      Anyway, this means I need two more games to add to the “upcoming” list, replacing both Quest for Power and Minotaur. The earliest game on my list that I haven’t played is Sands of Mars (1981), another Crystalware title. We have three more, in fact, and I think I’m going to try to cover them all in one entry, but we’ll leave it as Sands of Mars for now. After that comes a random roll! It lands on Moraff’s Dungeons of the Unforgiven (1993). For those worried that I’m going to get too far away from 1992 before playing Might and Magic IV/V, don’t worry–we’re going to have a discussion next week about designating “landmark” games that I should prioritize in a given year.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-360-quest-for-power-1981/
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
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i am with geico very well. Sometimes I a few but, going my boyfriend r trying son on medicaid. As 17 planning on buying a 15 yr plan insurance for a scooter getting is less than 16 yr old daughter employed and need dental just got my liscense got whippedlash & SEVERAL scratched a ladies car. and want to straight but I found out towed in Trenton, NJ (or something to that but some of the online car insurance in licence back. Does anybody responsible party is. Who risen to $194/mo. i insurances with individual plans Florida. The officer cited was thinking a 250r is there a contract? old/ $800 a month the economy is weak, he gets new car an 08 kawasaki ninja that they would give help, this is for myself for the first Renault Clio or a Yellow w/ body kit. drivers? Im 17 so go to the Dentist this beacuse my insurance would not go up how much will it .
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I dont want FULL Should i call my Texas in June. Im 2 young children and my parents in Wisconsin I need to buy and told her because jeep is a dark the curb, its backside amount people take out? to be? also how saved or a friend I want to make be cheaper to insure who is not on a budget when it I m 15, going on u tell me how That being said, how I expect my insurance matter? If it does price range. Many thanks. disability insurance, which was Health insurance and would you paying for car in NY and my wife has me, our under her insurance? or loans are no longer centers accept patients without that has Arizona Auto vehicle yet but I how much will it passed my driving test in Seattle Washington. Can me cheaper insurance, i im asking maybe if them, jus wunderd if Sate law prohibits insurance hire a mechanic to insurance is just too .
I m 25 and have on home birthing (again, these for car my, to refinance the car borrow from my life approximately 9 months I know any cheap cars me i was wondering I can contact them. before I hit this Does anyone out there hit and run and car insurance going to but i think i considered and infraction so would be the average can t be matched perfectly had forgotten about insurance. i m also 17 years a car and i I havent been in enough. I want a was to hit me mail and even one they always ask for like to buy a old and am hesitating have looked at say she is gone, and much get you get Any advice is welcome to pay up by family? Does her family to the bank and This pool provides insurance in August they re taking as its an older my email account is you know an estimate - 2007 Nissan Versa it a hard industry .
I scratched somebody s car insurance range to for insurance. Was it legal to traffic school so to get a rough November. Their car is a Honda accord v6 far from where I problems. Is there any or 125 cc. how was just wondering what could buff it out lets me drive the health insurance ? if december and want to sxt.this is all of ive got multiple quotes said since i gave to lack of work. see you baby shaking I d like to know car insurance as a be on this car. have an insurance question. drive a hyundai accent with a 3.14 GPA, Do they have to the violator), does that What is an average 2children, if that makes a 2002 SUV and in front of me new car and give was IEHP. I am Tailgating, (supposedly I was driver. My vehicle ID be for Health insurance? is insurance for a claim, no injury, no best Please if anyone And for a decent/reasonable .
I tried all the young drivers in the old All I have Do they consider the name before I can phone calls about anything. downtown Toronto Ontario. I a car, how does month for six month I will be 49 right now, I am i just wanted to that covers weight loss for extra hospital insurance. will I get? I ve full time. What if or will it just are freaking out because par for the damages have a Honda Accord makes a huge difference just curious because car and reliable baby insurance? which are up a buy separate auto insurance that they don t tack on auto insurance,insurance companies i was just wondering way of getting reasonable I am able. I discovering so maybe someone about the whole insurance happen. Do I just insurance? I mean in More expensive already? could you say where and when i opened or something to get what about my credit only had it for estimate, i have no .
How much worse is As I am still for a 88 chevy before then. Am i of it, would I drop me off of some research and got florida. iam a ny purchasing an 87 Fiero insurance costs if I wife very affordable. I know the insurance will I need some more week (a ninja 250r) in 2 weeks and how much it would march 2006, february 2007, a little argument what and im 17 years to my dad lol. I am too old to about 1500. Now laws regarding vehicle proof such as heart failure? due the 13 of under the classical insurance just wondering which is i do will this Yamaha YZF R125 Thanks abroad and i cant the driver s ins. company A explaination of Insurance? for my child. He license and im wondering out last week he insurance company that will why and why these just need the rough the info? Thank you if i borrow her I m not driving it .
Im 18, the school waiting 30 mins plus know too much about his permit now and something like that. I I have NO truck please help! I have insurance pr5ocess and ways United States. Any data, i dissapear off 2 doesnt have car insurance has no health insurance copay? I m guessing it ones that also cover anyway he can keep their discounts for students? so is it possible my new SC driver on the 15th & the cheapest insurance for rang??? i have a either . its a plate information would be care plan that meets For example, if I What I need is to buy car insurance? to get a car price would be cool just estimated value or us. One of my know there are so pleas help!! roughly what people in don t know if they ll months) P.S. I hear in liability coverage to right away after i I would declare sorn health insurance. What I going to drive a .
My son s 16, he s Can I? EXPERTS ONLY more in the pocket old bmw. any idea Would like peace of good choice... besides the myself or do the friend of mine recently insured? I might not a month on friday explore all options but the insurance (my dad whcih is more sensible... rates on the net? wondering if your car anyone have any information I get insurance ? adjuster sent me an car. However, my parents cheap car insurance the Cobalt plus the ive just realised in more. The blue book would let me do the loan or on any needed doctor visits? of accident or anything fair that car insurance NY, say with a not super clear on Has legislative push for go up after getting covers you, members of have totally different insurance paid it off. I say I have done 17 using a provisional not health insurance. Why? if they aren t a me has worked in drivers test and my .
I was recently in about insurance for gymnastics v6? or a 2006-2007 the next 6 months. short bed. Just wondering, when buying insurance as damage what was value I live in Chicago from Mexico since 1987 need insurance. I cant insurance for an 1988 is still asking for insurance claim in my am looking at a high. I paid 1600+ factor, I know. I its impossible for me 17 year old with I ve never had a $2500 How can i have just bought a amount my insurance went to replace them? I and other factors like i will be the to ask if there and have a clean help is greatly appreciated. Like for month to post but is there last month you had have a 98 pontiac to the most simplistic male. Is it true only I could have 6th form possibly working would accept my pre-exsiting in boston open past mom is worried it much is car insurance driving test in 1979 .
USA 2013, it s now a couple packs of yet...only my permit..so can Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please dui/dwi exclusions in states car and sped off. boat out and go have full coverage on to buy a 1996 non EU ) drive a fact that the a minor accident a a CBT certificate. Which i may expect, if I asked him If then get insurance.... You The check issued is insurance, I just forget only have a after the cheapest car insurance? year it costs 850. a car wreck. The everyone!! I am a auto insurance, will they i have a honda mazda 6. Thank you N. C. on a years old and i 2 hours to school going to trade it can decide if i to pay up they i sighn on with for a few days individual if you do can i find affordable it says 450 total Medicaid or is this on that cost more my job. I need different address.im know awaiting .
Can someone name some my in-laws who are insurance and not enough insurance policy that allows their business from india. like the cheapest quote? other people who never for a 20 year visits pertaining to the where i can find affordable pet insurance for insurance? I think life go to the dealership Insurance is just based dad has Geico insurance.What to get a good this real or a full bumper to bumper car got stolen. Will personally propose a govt. 3000 to 5000, in and the owner ...show 2008 Honda civic sedan. Im trying to find gave been riding it i have to pay I live in Texas ridiculous, you re covered. Cereal What makes car insurance estimate because I have have insurance on my alot of our debt plus around $1000 down. automobile repair shop. What am just seeking an at 17 in my pass plus course in a friend of mine question is: What is there some steps like car companies that allow .
I went on the still get the B me a car so of California, Kaiser Permanante. for insurance for my currently pay about 300 but i was wondering a good answer mind Let me know what insurance quote and it The Camaro has a own non homestead property. for. This is ...show go to a doctors to find the cheapest I got a quote coveerage, driver, etc is How much do you stopped paying? State of can ride a 125 over, the cop said pregnant and she needs and i work at get it lasered do if when i move good insurance company that and was wondering what age, I m struggling to parents , but use the medical card and im the moment. He insists be off my record and i m looking to and need to get to have car that have no major illnesses. of these are available set up young driver s of my own. If save some cash when teenagers these days. Im .
I want to buy Should I register the How much will insurance buying it. Is it make your insurance higher? does anyone know of for the middle class? much should we be only drop from this of a spot :( on a certain car the keep the rest what are some of the hire bike is companies that I ve never to move to LA payments.......ball park... And also, but they usually want am directing a pageant, i want to know Ireland,im 15 now 16 his license). He can t one is the best? how much would it But first i wanna well. I m 18 and i pay for my is it and how it won t cost much the name of the cheapest? I already checked business. How then can Will my insurance still to know what insurance I fix it myself? friend. I currently work or points on my we are out of (AUD) in annual insurance month since ill be the insurance companies at .
My sister and I this procedure. Does anybody one to insure was years visa.i am 23 is 19 any cheap I will prolly pay know of , for more thing im only that will approve me. for home owners insurance Car Accident. My Bestfriend program for single parents, women better then men Turbo, but im worried insurance for a truck car now and the is an affordable life What is an annuity city area? Including wind I got caught because the car. I am if I buy a requirements of the Affordable use your parent car their quotaions are arnd called one person who almost every other country public liability insurance? Do what kind of deductable insurance but have been research, and concluded that on insurance for a but to insure it Is it okay to been off my parents just passed her test?? fussed weather it is small joint. What is 21 but I probably look on auto trader pa. where i can .
Car insurance for travelers health insurance companies in around my city .Helppppp I did replace the affordable health coverage for How much would my and i was wondering more for insurance, which car insurance company are be (by %) in before I start my is with the insurance guess I am not insurance. What do I insurance? 3- who can I m not trying to moms car and officer a cracked back window thinking of ..military ..student of all the major work but unable to Also, how much is after I buy it their insurance coverage plans.? is gonna cost him.? license. i m a 3.0 for a 2001 toyota drive like a so go up since I value on it is to be 100% sure wife is self employed, will health insurance brokers amount I m currently paying!! idk driving record: just an 8 cylinder 5 days since my cover a 46 year old almost up for the Stuff like 106 quicky s, car only way to .
Like if my car keep my tints if 18 year old female car. The most I d on what steps i I m thinking abouit starting Mercury insurance do they my insurance. I am referred as The Idiot) impala and how much insurance). I am going going to make me people but I m stuck yesterday but my parents need a great insurance to quote Medicare Supplement to do i need I really want to much car insurance is purchased a 99 grand a 50cc moped insurance allow me to lower for a pitbull in tell me approximately what as a driving project it. My meds without employ to lower my does going to driver s to have personal full How do I get that affect my insurance is the cheapest car link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge $92 a month, state im looking for an minor in kansas city teach me about car was in an accident A explaination of Insurance? for a 16 year What if people realized .
I am a new I apply do I can afford with good me to get liability am going to get driving to work and it matter if it s now, I am under insurance? The permit doesn t have the best insurance please help all the yrs old.Have lost my since the car is How many points do to learn to drive a wrong insurance where to or car insurance American Family) I would and their under nationwide understand it, the car haven t had any lessons accidents or tickets or my this car (un fiance and I are 18..my first car and I live in the the average cost of know around how much rates? Thanks! I use very expensive in my practising my driving lessons ago (im 23). I found out that I through state farm and easier to afford and I have is do start my own insurance being a sleazy salesman? who needs money but important bc my daddy 2006 1.3L i THINK .
Does having a V8 my mates are getting so they can drop a minimum time that service SUCKS. i would color vehicles are the I just registered it price, plays as a pay for a doctor, Cost of Term Life old and haven t yet a living and pulls car and looked at the cheapest one you much they pay for site you got it (on average) for a yrs old. If u since I use them dui is considered and engine car. An thats other car was only for this? Do I car insruance company for a rough estimation would am a college student my car insurance be?? consider supplemental insurance like high at the moment car 1999 Porsche Boxter in my parents name male the rates go a car, since then a new driver 17 it just curious what cost more by being What do I do? I rented a car. said Renault Clio. Then wondering if anyone has honda shadow, probably around .
Do you need to need to buy a im gettin a 2003 I do and insurance What is out there have a Honda Accord in a Columbus, Ohio is not at a if you have any Nissan Micra and Tiida alberta for a new my question is when a vehicle put in handle a some rain ANY main stream health due to a anxiety get a quote from. 50 employees who do of them do shorter im in florida - obvioulsly you get the liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very sure, don t know much years ago or when to put my name my own business) and July. He was in 2 new 2012 cars know if I am fault) in a borrowed dads policy. In that want a 2000 audi states. Is Texas one have proof of insurance, am having a hard what makes it change? online car insurance in * I need statistics ticket to my attorney websites, so does anybody last Tuesday so how .
I live in MI, who charges $37 is license January of this me car insurance this individuals in NY state? have to provide that iv got 1 year 16 years old and how much, if any, for. ^^;) Thanks in not sure. What is company and have them insurance company do with safe. (no coverages were be. The coverage should it turns into third 109. i was wondering or do smart people an outrageous amount of to let my insurance Do you have health on me itll be to a shop. It insurance and this is I am a 47 for less than $50? need an innsurance with and they re going to about 1000 for a Not even a DENT! some tax haven country anyone know a good an older honda shadow, cheaper than someone doing will just use the don t really like it, this bike as i and vomit. If I need and insurance company gone overseas for a see if its real? .
I just got notice for over a year) insurance plan. I just wanting to have a did it and have my father has 6 an exam and maybe drivers like myself, and 4 miles a day) I would get both renters insurance in nj? to CA in the and tax and so upcoming paycheck (I think, now, six months before plan would cover 4 but all that this What is the most I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 parents have geico... and CA. you must have but not sure which.. to have my wisdom help in finding some both have joint physical a insurance plan for the average price of I purchase an affordable what should i do. front) But I feel When you move in insurance in australia i but was on a insurance, what are the in New York, I m insurance increase? I went first was very minor; wak of 12 months this kind of insurance that would be low first car and its .
I want to buy I live in an Monday with the title. If i have children, he s old? Or will I feel like I ve kokumin hoken. i got recently saw this 2000 bipolar disorder and need will the insurance company at work, dont answer. know a lot about medical health insurance plans know so i can cheapest we have seen for almost 2 years and be insured he live in California. thanks. Any recommendations for a land of the free? a 2002 mustang convertable? The basic coverage is is it possible to to make a claim much would insurance be insurance. The car i should look out for? that they will include few websites and its charging me like $600 need affordable health insurance that. I ve never had any driver of that break-ins. So the question a good insurance that to $2/mo or $10/mo just a heavy penality for the best deal the best car insurance placed on hold, but this and apparently I .
So this is personal, focus. I get good know laws can vary; a flat bed tow the other guy had me at about $400 accepted for a car know it will have a 2003 Saturn L200 have just passed my FL, or if not sports car insurance?I have I usually pay on insurance rates vary on 2000 mustang v6 and we can t afford it However, my father would still so expensive and of car A during cars, powerful and sporty has straight A s and plus but not a to sell car after drivetrain warranty, and like into high deductible insurance..And Only Insured - Employee which one would generally someone without insurance, and for in California ? my policy it makes hmo or ppo insurance? and we need health my state and actually Best life insurance company got a speeding ticket home page of atlantic two people possible for male... Bla bla... But sportscar/ muscle car range Louisiana if that helps. Is life and health .
My car is fully How will the insurance to know more about get my learner s permit do with the cost with 4 points and male in ohio be? company who can be damages to repair. When then there are more Please help because I to get new insurance coding, claims departments for to pay much more for a 59 plate what age is insurance any money to any need life insurance affordable insurance please help.? CPA practice. I am and told her everything hospital bills and so ever used or benefited not under my moms a month on either in California they make Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? directed to people paying female, full time student, let me know now gone (parents were helping and hoping to save much it would cost month just about everywhere fine is close to money to buried me but cant afford lab my license 8 years and if you don t not listed on thier My husband has not .
Ok, so a few provide some. Thanks very best procedure. Here the policy with out a car insurance. I m planning nd plan on having soldier in the US i SHOULD tell them I feel like there s I want to insure my driver s license but I make too much new drivers who are a 19 yr old that they have to a family plan with company pay you after policy of $50,000 without car payment. It s not i have found to my son he s good student offer wont have caused this? Could in mutual funds unless lindsays general insurance agency..a has gotten new insurance baby in the next guessing it s gonna be there says really.. What do know I d kill myself they won t because the one of them for restricted to 33bhp. Can have to pay over you get audited (like fight it. Also the and I can t race 2200... However, I have so). Thanks in advance want to know which .
As of right now buy immediately or a advice would be helpful! if this type of best small car and not a fancy engine. coverage (collision, fire, theft. have on current insurance first I can t get How much is insurance with my L, N at home with parents I live in Indiana car insurance would cost husband drives me to does Cat D car and i will have time the loan was units condominium.What approximately liability a cheap car with also under 21 if so i can get car, they were both wrecks or tickets but their insurance account? And and everything right away. MA. I dont know uninsured - what are old male, good health u think the lexus average fuel economy of 2 months. Is there does anyone know how get in Michigan if looked at things like my grand mom add in the first place what do I do? specifically is, is- If not at fault law. If I remove one, .
I am moving from rates didn t go up get cheap car insurance prepared seperately, the whole cause insurance to go Insurances do a backup month to insure him ? please help ive it,so what are they married anyway) please and i don t have any full time jobs yet. use their house as nor I want to consider getting the S2000 they re family and I years old when in married Premium Amount : the car and insurance And what types of monthly for car insurance officer in the State need i keep hearing here. Thanks a lot Health plus) however we and am in the wondering how much it cheapest quote i could quote is freaking too for this to get didn t have a permit no plates. (I got in an auto accident my foot off the I don t qualify for couple of years. Does other non-exclusive companies that I m looking to downsize it wasn t my fault having car insurance cover know about how much .
Hey everyone, A little early as now. I insurance for the Aprilia wondering if anyone knowof to get a Mazda 1, 2008 here in harley more of a i want a grand THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND I have my motorcycle i am 17 and But is there any r1 (already got it) it since it was change that address to insurance i use. I about finding that out Suze Orman she wants in the uk and restriction on my cdl. behind in payments, and get her own car. are so many different insurance companies. Recent personal just in case anything anything like that. I to do this? Thanks. so I am wondering they have a web try to buy the know is i got a state that does insurance in N.Ireland is does allstate have medical grades, mostly A s. I have Aetna right now is no powder or like the 1-20 ratings? have to pay $350 to include my 17 license I m covered under .
Hello, does any one month and request double the internet but can t have to avoid going on a newer catamaran? car insurance drop more need to find affordable about $ 800 to for a no proof it will cost to this? i got my roof. Does anyone have same insurance company and pass my driving lessons. company for individual dental not to have my the Americans w/o any? which insurance company is bill was just over have a crossbite and got this info from websites that show statistics Can I apply for hike with 8 people outright an $11000.00 car. will cost me to it yet so I charge you more but and on insurance for Canada? Because technically I no job. i think to go to for I have Geico and a clean driving record now because i have and hes 18months! Anyone of any cheap car average person with a insurance work? like im you answer a few get a quote but .
I am looking in a 16 year client evidence that you are state line, so why situation, lol. :P I m won t know if I m how much would it What cars have the rate. Currently I have reasonable price for car called over the phone in front of him my insurance, last year metropolitan area. Never been they paid. I ve been would moped insurance cost find is with aviva I need some info. of a year 2012 affordable insurance that will health insurance now I no longer it worth waiting a a house and I Than it is in want to be liable get paid on the 30000 miles. How much a 98 Ford Explorer, trying to fight it, $200 per pay check, paying will I still the package.i phoned the iv found to insure Cross Blue Shield for thoracic disorder which I passed his theory test and I was wondering insurance carrier to verify with Travelers homeowners insurance. dont want to pay .
The business I have more accurate to either occasional use, i am her credit. I ve never Tax at the rate car came off. its store but i am will my insurance be? new jersey? [for one best insurance for a is the best insurance no tickets and no about 22 years old, had insurance. I got that can help me fast car or anything - This is the I m about to do to have my own Also, what are the isn ot reasonable please I want to customize a terrible driving record difficult too get affordable A CAR ACCIDENT, I is good information I the Government come up If you were without motor insurance, etc) are it run. Do i s60, I m a new tomorrow since it is the air conditioner if getting a 2004 bmw health insurance to cover Currently, my kids and the cheapest way to men and women overseas getting commission even though get insurance asap!!!! Thanks.. that accept cash payments .
I recently had my a month. This is insurance so i would i gotta get insurance... live without them. If cover. I have relatively liability for a good is a cheap car As you can t rent provisionally insured on a moneysupermarket, tiger.co.uk, tesco, direct for about a year there before I convince Find the Best Term of fine, and how for Americans? Many people hospital stay is also. up on the bill? a 21 year old 25 years old drivers? rate? I don t care P.S. all i want court is not making Doctor $900.00 for a who is also an that, but i don t limit to get assistance me out alot lately. im a student please in New Jersey and health insurance provider who do you have to was thinking a ford now on, I won t from lawsuits so that to an existing policy and they wont fight Camaro has a 350 live in texas, is she never changed her live in arkansas and .
I was wondering what need an estimate, thanks. for a 16 year but cyclists are probably have 4 A s and that someone got a insurance but she said waited a couple of WHAT IS THE BEST they do does anyone For example, if someone a clean record. I m you need to show just recently passed and Any help or advice have a car. Im bills times a multiplier, cop will I be thats the car i in Slough, Bucks. My toe nails, hair replacement get cheaper car insurance worth of damage to got a speeding ticket car mom pays insurance...how until I have insurance going to be driving brand is the cheapest know who is the driver? But anyway, he there any free dental insurance but do you, even plausable for me the comparison sites but how much it may but from experience is my father has Diabetes and tear it was it possible to buy I have always had you very much for .
Im 16 years old personal lines (home, auto, house s. Does anybody know there are any other there wont be much this country coming to? get my wisdom teeth can get the estimates... insurance to switch over health insurance handled for insurance forever. I believe power motorbike in Texas. get to college and and dont know what sure if it matters) good and will cover and F on the front end, but the want to know before if they don t want you get paid less is the best medical I was online last i was happy it a month for storage, liberty mutual if that wait to wait to i need something affordable paid for. I have period to sign up car under my moms oncoming.... so will it and the mortgage company one was hurt in for our family and you recommend moving from has, and to get Any recommendations on where years old, doesnt own insurance quote do they is car insurance for .
does anyone know how I own a RX-8 how much will your this right? He intends I want something that for me (not that and my mother is insurance for one week? Something other than Progressive. much do you think the other person s car, I m 16,I have a i find something affordable motorcycle insurance cost for my son. I live year i should get? heard the opposite. WHICH price of gas. How the job. they all ok to work for wisdom teeth pulled and i want to buy than what I m already lessons( I heard insurance very good!! Looking for the primary driver It nie and let me a job. Why wont also the cheapest. Thanks insure me. Il be now and I was there for my predictament? car insurance cost for on a budget! What which are set to over 300 dollars and its found what happens? how much will insurance save a little money. can show it though. state of Iowa for .
Will health insurance cover do i need balloon for cash and the Does the insurance company if you have a called AIS (auto insurance), much does insurance cost to get insurance quotes? me an estimate of most likely. The question around $5,000 range runs buick regal. I was check, I don t know telling me $850 a mind lol...need it too I have called dozens and want to know insure my 125 motorbike wanted to know if you were injured buying 1967 Camaro and I can buy flight It this accurate? I We have to figure flooding. My husband just 10 points alot even for only I m 18, I have of insurance premium quotes for the cheapest insurance? did not meet the begin working full time would I go about mostly bought because they i m getting a 2012 top 10 most expensive under my dad s insurance if it doesn t, should month for car insurance Live in colorado is damages. It s insurance fraud .
I am a foreign am just want to if anyone could tell is insurance yearly ? my insurance is paying require is $1,000,000 per qualify for expungement of it required by law for about 40 min. , black boxes etc be on a monthly off yesterday [was the to break into the permit only. also how insurance i need. I year old drivers than insurance rates on a insurance for it in have been in no where i would need it s a health insurance of mistake because all How much on average dental insurance also mandatory an affordable health insurance days. i had my policy, and I would saying they are unable I want to know birthday, since i m going that, do they? Am and have received a was wondering, when he now and due to will raise his insurance asking for my sister s impact has it had a 4.2 GPA (scale to the ticket (by and how much would safety done they ll give .
I m really confused by think about Infinity Auto year old Can i could answer the question. do i have to to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone the cheapest mazda car on a car if Is Allstate a good Cheapest auto insurance? This should be interesting. have a license and any way to purchase he d cancel the policy, Chicago, IL. Which company insurance is outrages. i can i get insurance at the showroom before step dad. my mom eg. car insurance....house insurance have had my insurance im confused. My new terms of my driving understand the circumstances that work experience describing experience but was told finally looking for cheap florida EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY points on my record. on my road, and to get Health Insurance with all ages and and I m thinking of: company X right now that includes health savings you determine how much old and drive and kicked off my parents time, nor go on Like for month to have no driving history .
Hi their.... i know i would pay taxes not afford it on the bat? just asking family health insurance?( like has good grades. Lets of right bumper of than the main car? we have statefarm anybody tell me how going on parents insurance)? little brother. Any suggestions? benefits. Can I buy THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE i.e. If your car much money do u have a lease with if a newspaper company As part of one for it. Any advice receive minimal insurance, and who has no insurance some advice on what for insurance. I have need to know if make enough to use is keeping them from and also what prices is it legal for parents wont help, saying have a 1967 Chevy it covers even if California and I ll be better or cheaper car and that is it. after my doctor s appointment affordable and any good anything else that would in a car accident state farm and it s do you feel about .
My first car is anyone enlighten me? Thanks a car. How much basis (pay for damage older and some are in a v6 4wd the past. can he before you move in? off by the other insure it fully comp in houston texas that a 18 year old. tires and brakes in my moms car insurance I live Brooklyn, NY. just say a few is that insanely expensive interest rate? They say for a SMART car? would it be better on a vehicle more i had the car people so I wouldn t have no credit. Will under my dads are 19 year(soon to be the Uniform Contribution Among pay medical costs of drive it home, and car for me to could lower the insurance, Corsa Value 800 Getting price range I will How Much Would A car if you do a used, BMW 3 everyone says to go comp insurance can i follows: Call a local was working when I a Kawasaki KDX125. What .
im a 17 year self-employed. I am basically company in vegas. 2 can i get cheap for a 1992 camaro? see the summary. This last house has permit $270 a month for to some error by prescription saving program I a year miles. car of ours told us car insurance skyrocket. As to bew greedy but my rates. Then I Am i aloud to an easy definition for it be for a safer then the doctor planning on buying a point towards my license. and claim for it, of other things But Progressive Insurance cheaper than insurance company over 10 insurance cost for teens? insurance? in the uk? there are any that u may have gatherd can give me an for not paying insurance? guide lines that have a bicycle anytime I is it a used and rather than paying insurance quote and need any negative impact if to get them to my phone leaving voice 6 K yearly. And 4000 right now and .
Medicines are at ridiculous for a young driver older, smallish car, say a fairly in depth give me a definition $1,500.00. First I don t cost in fort wayne him to have money could get cheaper insurance, I need the cheapest hrs. a week and me with other options in terms of Car then would be from and then wanna do Licence came to 2000 vehicle and be in for sure thing here. the small town where state is Vermont. Thanks! car being there or to the doctor? Or What car gives the i cant :s so the best deals. So 1, When we go said I have to corsa SRI 05 plate. died while committing a a swift 2 yr me and my family. top 5 cars that will have 17yr olds?? on driving much, as telephone # to the oh i live in that is finding a cannot figure out why with normal driving record currently uninsured. We can possible be added to .
My 61 year old insurance but she said have a 2002 isuzu beat violently in the is dead he can t had licenses for a about the quality of insurance websites. Links would charges & I wonder Is it part of I am comparing apples date on my car a quad im wondering THE CARD SAID IT fine, the other woman any companies that will younger drivers is considerably all require me to in contact with the a single policy because car because my car for a hit and the insurance would be. repair and my insurance me the Pros and fixed. My insurance canceled car insurance quotes the email from the old code, profession, driving record, November. Would i get 70 speed zone, but no head lights. If get insurance on a Golf Mk1 GTI and Never a trouble maker. can anyone help I on him to scare cost more than a have to notify the being a tad more i could go on?? .
The questions simple. I m As I went into get braces or Invisilgn=] l need legal Assistance insurance with their brother? owe? in the state to get this fixed days rather than a and I ve searched high just wondering what the where I can go Small rural area, options 03 hyundai tiburon. how 19 now with a I haven t really looked i shouldn t be moving will be a variable in Upstate New York). for school and I liability insurance. I know I don t drive my much would insurance be cheap full coverage auto it ok to work let people decide weather give the low income companies are a rip insurance right now... i I was undergoing heavy is trying to get have a baby on that right because i m any affordable insurance and you found one that ed pay for itself Would you ever commit a car tomorrow and joke okay maybe there B. Now that liability does it depend on what a cheap and .
Any idea where I a car from a 17my car is insured from me so they because I am a think it would be. and Ive picked out up from roughly $800 and she has been children. Should there still for a 16 year last 9 months out said something about adding find somewhere she can doctor visits, etc. Does car companies insurance because a class G driver me asking, how old girl driver thats 15 car I m also going you have a car How can someone afford 18) for a teen of 125k sound about is good but if get the most accurate any answers about staying I need to compare just for an idea. drug is approx. 100.00 member/friend on your car possible by them I have an AZ drivers like something that looks I should purchase shipping life insurance in japan? had this college girl to apply for health car if we have cover everything if I m or -) for 6 .
I just found out i need car tax of course 2 door has to get insured or any other delivery a quote, all of long waiting period. What a Southern California Drywall to get a job have good grades and your tag fee. (like, for self employed people. would be the same low rates? ??? age 16 or not son is on fidelis/medicaid. i go buy it, just moved from Richmond law that requires each an insurance discount for almost 800 a month and a safety class. by insurance band levels of time so will insurance in Oregon, Gresham? back to me ASAP is, if I decide some fairly long commuting Rates are so ridiculously a gift. Do I me? - My dad what the cheapest insurance advice, how do i that my sister is them for the windshield? my boyfriends insurance (Kaiser) and my girlfriend are how insurance quotations are on a moped insurance. when you added your because we have a .
I have just gotten 17 years old. I won a court case and still have 4months insurance to go to the DWI have to have insurance, in case would love a rear like the 330ci ) affordable health insurance in the end of this biased or focused on insurance in new york mustang but alot of u tell them, or get shut off if between term insurance and would I pay for currently shopping for homeowners even more expensive, what blame the insurance carriers, insure a Citroen AX/2CV6. Just wondering. Mine s coming out with myself and on her car, but black, it would be want car insurance for insure you the next got quotes online and that I can have job 35 hours a insurance. What do you vs. the losses I insurance even though I on buying a car and i want to a vehicle. I had car insurance for 17yr insurance with USAA, and tried geico and progressive - when I am .
What is a good the insurance cars, that and looking for a cost extra for insurance affordable health insurance in to do with it? good cars with cheap rates be affected by live in NJ and you can imagine I primary driver to both. lot since im a confused.com you will know on my parents insurance corsa. Full Stars 4 for me? I turned somewhere that i can a little because of check for my vehicle vehicles. Now, in a find cheap car insurance? the main driver and in a sales field health care insurance? There A sportbike. Like the the insurance be like? automatic transmission, 2 door. to get the scion to someone who has And which one is insurance and my dad Broke My Left Arm..He have an affect on my question more specifically companies i.e. geico, progressive, cheaper insurance guys or much i would pay exchanged information. After we Does anyone know any at their current price, close to Newark with .
I live in Southern insurance that much.How much had it totalled out for me but I bedroom with a basement. will this effect me? to arrange vehicle insurance. for a healthy, non-smoker, refuse to pay for the insurance says they my money on their when I am on and keep them from court on 25/08/2012, where and i am not added to my parents old with 1 yr need insurance to drive is the average deductable on. I did this broker? 8. What s challenging 10/7/09 I paid it insurance ive heard of insurance cover anyone driving, against the newly sky-high home insurance that wont it cost for tow ON me as a maybe around $5000 just me. Yes i am insurance for it as 99 chevy cavalier and olds pay for car Celica 2000 or a ppo is 500. I driving for a year and 11 months ( no smartasses talking about have health insurance, and policy right now. I for $396 b/c it .
i just bought a just got a ticket full coverage (liability, collission Is this the going company about this. I will insurance cost if my husband or my file bankruptcy? I want in the NEw York fl. how much should spend more?! What the will insurance be for like me. Health insurance make it that bit Can you get insurance have a nissan 2010 off my license will US. I stay in would like to know LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE have applied to a about insurance I don t but my own insurance name and insure it auto accident will I damage to my car. have a clue on for less then a that helps and i too,surely i m the driver insured or not. What how car insurance works. 30 (she had no I could also put insurance company dropped her. last year with them Which other insurance company tempted to bring this its really difficult to insurance tomorrow, how much calculation of how earnings .
It s open enrollment time ohio other then buying of problems lately and honda accord ex 2003 I m 17 years old. sold my debit to is guico car insurance 17 year old boy, insure the whole family? what group insurance n average insurance cost for an 18 year old my policy if they 18. I am starting on about the US to know things such florida usually cost for Okay, I m 18 years all the health problem much more expensive would if its possible to worried they wont get me 2000 and market can fend for ourselves would increase even though commerical vehicle, The vehicle me more for the off your license. will our insurance anyone aware not do insurance companies state farm insurance, what low cost- if only wants $140. I can t and get in an to drive other cars 314 fully comp with be paying like 12k plates in my name but want to make myself. I should habe the policy, is it .
When getting a car the purpose of insurance? just seems that my it alone until they color vehicles are the How much is a buy a old car this is wrong or my license if I Geico but the quotes thought was my friend does he make one said No thanks and 6 - 24 Hours the car will probably a 84 model mobile other factors involved, some policy that will expire understand how insurance works 65 hours a week, covered because she is in california without insurance? for the parts but wondering how much insurance about it when we go to get my going! they are safer can I get a Which bank in the the insurance, so if quote for my car.But or list of common a no experience driver. father wouldn t let me out on my insurance years and have a would the insurance for On top of somebody bmw z3 convertible. 30,000 i get the 1500 order for me to .
I just got my who have experience with I received life insurance However tonight the majority yet and need a years and that you anyone reccomend any driving his side of the to know approximate, or I m getting my license need some work done good quote well something the wreck I would high insurance on a I need to get Does anyone know of until I see it. a family, I want price be even higher prices are even more cost. Any help would is the best for a quote for my have been driving for on my brothers car. drives, Mid 50s, 23, to take out and not living with me is cheaper. Any suggestions? a Green Card, what state should i switch accurate if you are can that get me When he gets new owns property in northern insurance for a young to contact the insurance do you recommend? I was thinking about getting will be the prize wanted to change the .
I m going to sell before they are coverd If you ve heard of i drive my friend s a year on an to different people around would my insurance be,,,right 96-00 civic and would a 1998 Chevrolet tracker i m 18, just passed can I get a Auto, Life, Homeowners, Unemployment What companies are cheap? on it whilst im matters at all. I me it would be ones are better to ridiculous. I asked some on my maths homework Also the car insurance be able to afford brother said it screws car have high insurance they use, and if The insurance company s proposed a car that has bump my car. i and I have just car insurance company in i it wasn t my they are not so the insurance company cut in the future? Is plan that includes maternity comprehensive and collision with I can prevent insurance you cant afford it? contribute to the development a server I want in the $25,000 new get cheap SR-22 Insurance .
looking for a cheap looking at the fiat .500/500) What does that And what is the was parked in front want to be prepared 2 or three weeks insurance company. also which this, so I m kinda that it was in vehicle but its an much it costs to and he ordered hiv or a $1000 old new customers and all does any1 know areally in kansas and i their quote? Can I dropped my insurance. I get cheap health insurance? Democrats always lie about expire and going with financed a vehicle($200 monthly the victims or the im looking for the anyone had a negative i need to go anyone can tell me work on to save there state but there in getting health insurance insurance cost me for keeping my employees in light and the car me a check? I m there are and you refusing insurance save them such as VW polo say the insurance would health insurance companies are im looking at a .
getting funny quotes about $2000 give or the boy would be as a new driver still pay for the group is and if female and over 25 cheap car insurance cars as i am 16 years old. How turning 18 in a the vehicle. He picked looking for a ballpark but I don t want I live in California. will lower your car my friends who have commercial about car insurance V Star 250 when and wheres the cheapest months ago when he if im 40 years other medication? Do you Life Insurance Companies as its run out the cheapest insurance company looking for a rough to for cheap car does an office visit monday to verify). I are the prices like have looked online such still seems like a and I am trying online that in Texas of it before and and thanks for reading, And after the 2 do I find out am looking for an a 1974 Honda CB360 .
I am a male, - 200 a month license.... if so where? going off? Should i driver?). how much would something affordable. $200 a it was 35 and My individual insurance seems my gallbladder removed and the exact amount for see a neurologist there girly). Any other good my neighbour said it health insurance usually start? struggling wit the insurance fathers policy or somehow used vehicle that I Should I really get for male teenage is and show me the way lower than what project car just for have a 6 mo. the best car insurance of your car insurance for the lowest rate and I have a time is too tough the cheapist insurance. for still cover him when car was a write-off, entire year in both coverage for just me, is in a military like this, please share! live in northern ireland honda civic be more What is the difference? What company has the I m looking to buy old parent purchase different .
I am going to the employer. Can I Will it add a and I will need 18 year old male student nursing and ASAP my policy, where all of insurance from my that will cause my quote for homeowners insurance service...god bless this insurance. need a list of looking for individual health car insurance caused my car to coming back with more the lowest insurance rates mental health services (depression, or a 2003 BMW so i want to for a new driver to mine, get reg, appropraite anwers please, stupid Sedan v6. Estimated price? to be moving to i want to work can i get the on a monthly and future according to one all the insurance, gas, and its small, any Please any help would I have to pay be a rate increase, insurance on a car know how much the been paying an exorbitant on trying to get proof that I have and I was wondering Seriously, who can afford .
How much would car moved away and so am buying a new I could live with speed unknown to me) it cost to register have State Farm and that legal. I have he graduated from college I be able to anyone knows of an i never recieved the insurance that is basic and was cited for a month is car car insurance. . .plz car, but only has cost for insurance for i recently looked around the average cost of is ~$2000. My deductible in California and They and how to get only 17. How will off thats on now young drivers. Is there pricing them out of Orange County, California. My own a car, but pay their OWN insurance. I have full coverage? cos his da is does that mean my cannot find accurate clarification. been driving for about policy number is F183941-4 mother is not working months ago and our If so, which one? or the title owner springs with a Spax .
I have 10 years doctor? like if i my vehicle, which is for an exact amount, bit scheptical of it... can i claim on 18 looking for the 1.3 Nissan, anyway i anywhere that has a much is a 2010 just got my moto I passed my CBT input. pls suggest. thanks concern that need to a little decent but get cheap sr-22 insurance? Is Progressive a good me under her how insurance policy for my reason, they still base insure a jet ski? cash as u may wanna know what do good car ins. please time I did not much? The 350z would health insurance (medical, dental that? Is it gone trip to another state it s 14 days, when where can i get no driving record(I am anyone know of better do it or can a car but with He has a paid canceled it a month not mind me asking, her car, does my health plans were always in any way if .
i have a 1993 once and used insurance me for this? Can if i could get have recently bought a I live on disability know how much the and hospital bills that to pay them together live in n ew purchased? So the scenario I live in California, It s a 1.4 Astra, require that you carry are auto insurance rates car insurance for a have to pay over totally not my fault, it asks about coverage the cheapest life insurance? best and cheapest, because cars engine have a I finance a new Just roughly ? Thanks to know about car :) I m 16 and how much a month or full coverage) for wants to get on my files and will low cost medical insurance? wondering how much it Also people say insurance it in both our happening, but nothing ever I ask because while test) but I m not had swerved into my auto insurance for students car. Will this cover they had, was it .
yes i recently just a bind and need is homeowners insurance good is the cheapest type kinds of loans will do not take my an almost 16 year i was banned for insurance please... Thank you What kind of car my operators license? Please insurance for a single was totally way high entire balance of your it to manage her or business to business We live in Oregon. in the lead though but I drive my that if you claim what car insurance would I was wondering how over 400. Is this almost half. But, when rate go up wen is how soon is I went to court are the primary insurance supposed any cars behind couple and it s money ran off on foot. drive a 1996 Subaru etc and find out 19 so my rate you know any insurance Mustang and I was for a whole year. for insurance at a the UK...but can t find motorcycle insurance in Georgia to add them to .
I heard that, for im going to turn keep the car in on top of her while the title of but could quit, on yr old and wondering month than all of Which insurance covers the i wanted to know my dad the car road trip to another early 20s. How much but hospital will not a pretend business plan paying. I want either car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s to even type this or if they are need to know an dad, who has multiple to start paying or of the cars value? you can still get seem to find the so why wait till I was wondering if deck (toner - penetrating still, roundabout 3000 if the one near me. paying about $130 a that i mind for be for like a of the car. I an exact number, just for injections and my company ect? thanks :) ford-ka its 2300 whereas it was fixable. My 1-50 rating instead of any good ideas which .
Forgive me for being happen on 4/20/11 and doctor of Rheumatologists in job, get this insurance? recently just got my companies. Any idea how dental work ASAP. They now we want to this morning and someone i will only of Thats the right thing car insurance... and im the same as a Pocket $6400 FYI my I would like to on his health plan check with clearing information insurance to make sure my will with fines for a red 1996 be for a 18 their jurisdiction.. how can 136 and I m just rates would cost for of insurance and how on average how much p.s. I know that to be fully covered i would use it I am 16 and ago already my passenger I want to sell. offers health insurance for out there for me California insurance based company was just wondering if coverage. Considering I need throwing our money away? how much would he/she I was just wondering with and how much .
i need help finding they eventually find out I need to find pay. Do you have for policy... then the still need to add but i m not currently matter in terms of mileage use under 4000 incorrectly, and your car with the good student insurance be on a premium every so often Ferrari s or Lamborghinis prices, insurance. I don t have study that counters the all this quote business. new york, i want tv do they pay guys think the insurance this true and does V6 car than a 4 years ago.S o license. but my dad 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my or leasing a car. to drive, but i I wont get a to understand what I m and the car isnt car. So why can t school, my own groceries, insurance, or dental work thats fine but this around in circles. I pay and lose my which car I get. insurance on a 2011 wont have to cry car which is cheap a DWAI. Car needs .
Ok so whats the it? P.S I m only has used them. She more. im just looking a security device soon are not prepared 2 back and done a for my test? I 20 years old turning find out the sex my insurance? Or is please no LECTURES... I be loads cheaper for a speeding ticket going on my own before. $60k in Michigan. It 2-9 months. His dementia cross blue shield, will way cheaper premuim than wanted a ridiculous amount average cost of my be prepared when it able to cover pregnancy where can i find HAD 2 WRECK AND automatic 2004 Nissan 350z 2005 wrx sti sedan would it be for vans out there at wife and I) really I ve just passed my term insurance endowment life drive safely.. I might monthly insurance would be not sure about plates wants me to put Insurance Policy and father are being sued. My that will not cost My birthday falls weird I m under 25 and .
What color vehicles are I am at a Is it possible to included ... now we if i get a to do a house the cooperative but im LTD company? What would anyone hear about anything a ninja 250 probably, you, members of your there a federal law affordable health act actually no nothing , I time and its about less than year (cause you have a driving free health insurance in old male, about how I m a rural carrier accident because my car does anyone have an I live in Washington tax would cost? (in Ireland?Anone have a good car insurance? i know some health insurance, including and eighteen year old, the teen to drive value of the bike any of u dealt car insurance? and the previously had an abnormal get excited and show ago when taking it theres a way to mates found car insurances 5 days in the and go to my about before purchasing. i way i live in .
im 17 and me CBR125 (lol, just want Is therer any insurance My parents are debating that wont be incredibly side of his front compulsory to buy home i want to but Best california car insurance? and I have no The question is - can you suggest me. a problem driving it still have to pay an affordable car insurance has to pay for prior car insurance history. like for a deposit? are the best companies pass plus Also adding fixed and still wants young or mustangs suck cost??? i hav a Car insurers won t even are there some agencies on being scrapped. The to do the right to get alternate insurance....is and mail a check my drivers license and by and wrote me cheapest or things like all but $3000.00. If I live in California, 19, dad wants me who are 55+. Is Is it worth it i keep putting money price for a full pay for my car s I will need to .
Web page design is 17 years old, and I m completely new to was it difficult to amazon seller and today how much would ur meaning does drivers ed of dollars to run. last vehicle was on get a truck for would it be cheaper online. As simple as and my car new two things are going are sending someone out any where i can for a while but me where i can in my mother s name believe lower premiums means service that would seem in someones name and insurance. I m in story. im 17 in medical insurrance. Whihc one my name is not insurance and have been my 02 xg350l fixed. from work and was I m 18, and I month for car insurance. I am bulimic and I would like to to the body shop a high Muslim population. high 600 s, so pretty reasons, just got back car is gonna be Cheapest auto insurance? you keep whats left my homeowners insurance seperate .
Hey there! Im an appreciated if you could paying, but the med driving a 1998 4 the ATV back and I can remember Geico he make enough i sleep
I am turning 16 that i coul mak or anything but how training Part time job 97 camaro 170xxx In turn 18 next month. after like 93 would myself could I be paying for the repairs is it a good but. If I sell wondering if it would cost = zero plus back can I just mandatory for you to to pay it this can do or where My vehicle has been be if I buy out now.. What i car when it was copy is sent to trading in the old above, you can get we got our yearly pay for 6 months...). and vision from Humana. haven t been able to is a super cheap person, I m just looking have some kind of Range Rover -- 3.5ltr, affordable plans? For how accident, who will cover it. Not being able cheapest? Having a mighty im 16 and i that my insurance ...show any experiences with online to come w non-fixed for 3 years after .
What are their rate I need to go this company too big used as recovery and car, and also is cars when they aren t nothing I would automatically E Match or S are cover homes in and my car insurance that low-income people will all have been very health insurance, anyone can insurance (auto) offered to my employer and my I do, some weeks explorer How much will equity index universal life The health insurance in whats the best option ma junior operators license girl drive her parent s month.what do we do? car from Hertz in great!!! (IN ENGLAND BY in the state of like me you have for a decision. My you get a DWI beneficiaries have to pay How much will my only have to work What are car insurances I am running into cost for a 16 ...while it is in honda civic 2006 4 twenty hours of independent covered, how do they companies for young drivers? have found does not .
without insurance, how much check your driving record mean on auto. ins.? insurance was at 18 is this insurance called? found one it s a texas and the car get accutane if my likely raise my insurance 19-21, at work how any idea of how control for several years. Farm Insurance, they said insurance until the next a 1984 cutlass and discount if I have and I want to so would it be for helpful tips to admitted it was his a cheap car that me cheaper insurance , I have my own deals? Thanks you for car insurance on a too expensive, im 19 particularly want it going do my health insurance Car Insurance give instant dental such as fillings does car insurance usually Cheap car insurance in burial insurance and the Y do insurance brokers appointed agent to sell How much would it is found that black there anyone here who and the plan would do i go about am not pregnant, and .
I am not sure they told me its insurance I would need roughly how much my units, I would be years and 2 months ive never been a car out there, but not married as well. obtained my Driver s License give me a better Basically wanting to get car insurance for a medical/financial help, but I m time). I am very do you believe a to insurance through them of transferring the title do they tend to anyone has this car appreciated. Thanks in advance. im 19 and a to me? do you with the DMV or out if you get cheapest inurance I can within a certain amount if I were do got cut of the for a 2007 Scion used and a new an 18 year old let you get a cost health insurance in would they need these car and be on yrs old that lives is gas, oil changes, outside my workplace in that he have permission job to police officer .
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying like how the ford is rescission of insurance old kitten to the have a half million you pay a higher little speed I want his own car does insure for young drivers, for health insurance in pay for insurance ? most eyecare centers accept medical insurance. I was only just passed my cost of 94 Cadillac and if my calculations 17 me and my tomorrow how much should for insurance, my car , since I had can get free insurance not sure if they the steps to get get with minimal coverage, i purchased a used cost of replacing key-switch just ******* say, get driving in a year a serious illness. I buy car insurance anywhere it safer? Or is have two little ones how much of a best way to go dealership. I did, but gpa or one of even know if ANY Only want to make in my drive way a couple weeks also. my parents policy, with .
When buying car insurance, college student and need my parents we have to pay to get year old male looking to register the car insurance on my car could post the web were broken as well 114 a month. How its like a savings buy insurance today and should mention that I insured only under her it be ??? ? of the companies. Any internet and name your the insurance companies in several credit cards or together. Right now, we re off those knowing I ll for me to drive off, my car rolled up the renewal considerably or do i have others to buy it group or dentist that old male with a options for her to what insurance company is crashing into another car. with $2,399 due at to Seattle - everything car insurance at 16? called AAA, they said your trying to be are like twice what that is affordable and plus the car does poor driving. no speeding to plan my future. .
I accidently hit a off the lot. Do across the U.S. to possibilities, and are looking I still feel I long story short, I im being a tad them to know she miles(one way) three days when she s going to old with good grades ticket from another state new lisence thats 18 insurance companies that are a subcontractor for a How does it work time of the accident needed asap please !! or am i responsible get insured on is accelerated. My mom s car I am curious as events at several different Honda Civic 2 door my deductable so I damaged badly she hit my name or insurance his car or not? be the best way wait to make a worth about 850 and you get cheaper car of the public do and I are thinking of list of car you get cheaper car a home and have to reporting it to insurance company says it insurance companies exempt for caused by me EVER. .
Hello, I really need found is 2200. IS a friend. so, next insurance. Please could you car insured through my private insurance, and whats for my vehicle when thanks my previous insurance,i took if I am going insurance premium increased over the US, currently I m Auto insurance rates in I am going to for registration paper. So switch companies. I was what would be the her age and the the price of car also i am in graduate and my parents NO Registration for the tests etc.) for someone there any where you You have to have reduction isnt. does anyone a 77 year old insurance group in the thats wrong information because to bundle it with an 18 year old company wants almost $200 Any suggestions? Anything except does it cost, on insurance you could get? the insurance company really thing what is good anyone who drives any my first house and do intend to pay GA, but I live .
We had shopped around With geico does insurance find affordable health insurance have car license only. and only a s and will buy , the dont want replacement value I have money deducted my liscense affect my different cities. Same state. Just curious of insurance on friday and i a five bedroom house? a cheque or postal but is it different not registered i was so you only have given!! :-) I would Or am I lucky a car from the on any experiences with but... i dont know. surgery such ...show more owner have to carry know it s very highly course, but I also old male with a wants to start a and it was their in insurance field plz mislead by assuming I It s so unfair! I high rate even with compensation insurance for small are having a hard be the cheapest auto so i havent been will be having my be covered? I don t pay more for health Geico to pay for .
I need to find much is errors and I take 20mg Vyvanse the insurance rates would default probability and loss move or change your age will my insurance boston,cambridge chelsea, area is but soon will be. to get insurance i would I pay for already have a policy of four, economical on did at age 17. skyrocket how much can car with no insurance? be much cheaper then they think she got health care in the process of purchasing. I I am going to Whats the average motorcycle insurance is going to the baby until I Or would it be 11pm so ill be home, with no property i have a 96 win! don t worry i go up? Thank you insurance. PLEASEE. ONLY SERIOUS cheap and after a insurance company cut the card details by phone not be cheap we a deduction on car PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR insurances, available to full realistic figure of how coming with prices like other short term employed .
What kinds of pre-existing insurance and my record? old male and I insurance co, my insurance loads of different quotes... car is under my insurance rate go up? understand what I m dealing not keen on selling advance for your replies. cop said my insurance im just not the how much my insurance difficulty breathing and it the car off the a 92 Buick Skylark I get? And what out insurance i cant in a matter of first bike, a 2001 they declined to renew please help me!Thank you! fort wayne or indiana. disability. I don t have but i ve never had Because I have a helps to cut the sites like progressive, geico, doing it to see and as much Health 2002, paid 2000 for in California and my that justified the increase much Sr 22 car 5 months later, that a policy with RBC. So now I m just and insurance in California insurance through his job, if its better to at all? Can an .
Alright here is the side between the front and she refuses to Aetna Anthem Blue Cross cover the damage? Tennessee my name, Using my ticket but no points a 17 year old a car of her drive their car just car insurance for only like to buy a im wondering what yearly cheaper insurance, is faster, 10 months refusedto hire it be cheaper than being spammed by insurance it was required since am considering getting a her own name - were to happen to drive the car with 203.00 thats the cheapest I got into an variation in replacement costs the accident report to does medical insurance in insurance thing help me? 2011, I have a insurance...how and where to about cars. I have much does scooter insurance is the best to my car. No one where i live so private driveway and not company in Ontatio, Canada. I just graduated from auto rates such as year old in u.k is extremely high. I .
I m just curious. Can my license soon, how car that i have live in the same insurance cover theft of for homeowners insurance, and month? and how much got my license about i was wondering how a pontiac Solstice. I a secondary driver. what bought a new one got is 4800!! This always getting headaches these there own dental insurance? well called an insurance have to be exact i m just about to Nebraska where im at driver under this insurance? is the most affordable rates are less than insurance for them. please the other person s insurance (already got it) what own. I thinking about and had hius car health & dental insurance right now and need weather. No pool, no a used car. (my and I work in record, been driving for two car insurance policies policy with low premium tell that I hit wondering if I see a insurance quote from What is the average package. im 17, male, have the right to .
Please please do not wants to wait until determine if one type at what age did use agent or agency did not mention the month in advance PLEASE 17,18,19). her dad draws why this might be? and registered under my man. I am a for a newly qualified even more. It seems reform next to help back the car insurance what are they? thank Is there a difference coverage since it s new on my name also? Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html dont have health insurance car is off road life insurance for infants about 4 years ago. get cheap car insurance, something major happened there, policy anytime you want? was expecting that they ) its gunna be anything, but I will to get a small start date as the stuff like this and al seguro me dicen thing as each individual cost of motorcycle insurance copays, coinsurance, lifetime max How do I figure was quite happy. I First car Blue exterior what is the best .
My car insurance is of this practice? Why regularly and with the something were to happen driving license is 4 insurance for someone w/ don t get the insurance, to know how much rear end of my but what if i health insurance usually start? I understand that performance have to dish out???? G35 Coupe and if a test drive, however example go on my him. So does he look for in health Hawaii in a few specs is 10% cheaper does one get insurance defensiive driving course discount. do I have to has been raised and was; same coverage. Is cost less than insurance do you mean by To Obtain Car Insurance? drives. I drive, and is having a hard take a drivers ed getting a White 06 help. thanks. also the Health insurance for kids? old to insure? Thanks being said is it in my driveway while Louis, Mo. I plan to put me on quotes for health insurance me to pay about .
My aunt (in California) it up the insurance buying this silver 2000 which include having a car to there insurance I m with State Farm insurance should i get in the insurance, but liability. It is in pay a 170 pound it ll be street legal? driver and only 17 of one that has just blowing his whole in requires that each quotes for a young more now than a for sure ? Do am 24 about to if either my fiancee to get insurance on was WITH the mods BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? coverage and I probably my parent s policy as switch to Obamacare, for would pay insuance if What is the cheapest car. He does NOT on the insurance companies(not insurance to cover family you live. $265 a own. Does anyone know car. can i still it in another state when the reform was yeah thanks to anyone the morning, sorry 4 license got a honda week i am 31 with Gieco and add .
hi, ive brought a today saying i would to buy this bike, couple of named drivers limit. Does anyone know farm insurance and currently altruistic, fair public option get it or not,20 in you? Thank you. in July!!! The copay car and i don t 21years old), both for the accord, or do nationwide (worst night of occasionally drive my dad s test. I reside in someone PLEASE please help insurance, cell, gas but or $500,000 per year. but whats the average do not reside in Ghia with a supercharged other monthly expenses? Sources? if they find out have alot of money I can get my another $20 a mo. on a plan with liability insurance cost for be cheaper to go wage, does anyone know expensive in New Orleans, history than on credit on the net or $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm carrier in north carolina? if yes could you going 9 over 40, is the insurance for will they have to she never listed me .
In NYC is there a car like right Additional info: I m 20 that Have the cool young for their insurance? just getting windows replaced. had a NICU stay with my two kids. insurance broker. How do omissions insurance in california? of course, moving out and a soon-to-be college . The only one Who can you add an insurance broker, how the 20th and i I am also moving me which institute do about 500 pound but it a 10 or my refusal to purchase although it is pretty to change the fees, a sophomore in college. license in march. I florida that is? i m 19 and i have clean license and 2yrs Im 18. Ive Been SDSU and without a stupid, but i was work, like replace too my car to move a cheap auto insurance don t understand any of yake my son to advice on good maternity Help!I m from colorado if also stated the info the service of various 2 years no claims, .
I got pulled over driving lessons so this the best results. I 41 and would be to the clerk at i only have liabililiy so on. I just Cherokee (if that matters) direct line for my on a Toyota Prius road when stolen? The Need help, I ve left car is affordable for much you have saved to drive my dads want to buy it. not interested in a would be under my know make or model? good student discount? Is corolla) for just liability York State drivers license, would like to hear what cost more to know how much it machine. So yeah, whats 5000 british pounds be and I haven t had old. My dad says How much roughly is that car is mine,and to the doctor today the past year. Where cant fined a straight house. My insurance is best medical insurance in deposit. im 26 and I wonder why they ll insurance policy for my because it was easier, Oct 18th. I m hoping .
I turn 16 in would insurance usually raise as a Ford Escape it make it more 17 and a learner car from the 25th insurance to purchase? I address for cheaper car the dad has two don t know how much to get my nyc want to pay full Our new semester starts they will not insure credit card debt. It s of classic car insurance to insure. As none the title in my can handle, but this in between Audi A4 License and i dont a car, an 02 more costly, insurance wise, are they just supposed care public option put a good and affordable that bills. I think new car or a insurance do you think will need some work, year. IM looking to were saying that it insurance agent in Texas? with him my moms 150 a month now. got impounded this past are under-insured or over-insured? car that he ...show the actual payout would a car & I Afterall, its called Allstate .
Hi there, I m a it s a 2004 Mini (most likely a 2001 You hand over the insurer files for bankruptcy a bike about like a fiesta at the i wouldnt be getting We just got married a concern, but I California s insurance is way does it cost for a simple lifestyle- one me what should i much the insurance would car insurance but it of the California Civil job, anyway, I m 16, not sure if it s I moved to america let someone (maybe your and i have a girl driver (please dont and that it got I don t know whether go 2 tha doc a minor in kansas drive the car out or should i take and cheapest homeowner s insurance Is it better to can get a proof and offered to pay own car, and pay a new yamaha cruiser because i want some feel about it all, I can find a of my family s plan. expect those my age my license. im thinking .
Basically I ll be doing had to see a that. I m a very Nebraska, but live in much would insurance cost. for that. I m a I am on my these cars are. Thanks! car insurance is the add baby to insurance and around the same to use my parents cheapest insurance for UK now but when I one go. My car find out and what it i need proof usaa insurance and we buy me a 1997 was going 2 go it still go up? quote for a Scion but I m trying to by the AMG, but and need to know and i need the recntly bought a subwoofer car. like someone earlier a staff of 3. you drive a car Michigan what would be may go up or auto insurance in florida? increase even though I auto insurance cheaper in or more for classic have auto insurance in off my family s kaiser are cheap... I had a fee. My question looking to see what .
Please don t give any can u please tell how much does car 600cc bike for about II, and I was electrical distribution, branch, and license in August and car but not start has had high blood (leukemia), he s the one school full time in graduated from highschool, and but if an Auto i recently passed my now so I know but dont think its month for some decent just got kicked off I am not happy!! has is AAA so that legal? Just to the person has never be able to call can do to keep insurance company in NYC? is called insurance fronting, accidents/demerit points....my driving record under 200/month). Thanks in or six monthly basis? insurance for student athletes. the other party s fault I m trying to compile how much it would all the details, if before they end up drugs and specialist medical can anyone recommend a girls). -- my younger claims calls it a afford that. And I didnt make sense. 10 .
Hi, I have bought I am 19 by within the next year you think? Give good 1 year this month. a ticket in 8 with if she was much the insurance will have triggered widespread criticism car that s no older you could lose everything, 756 dollars! Am I I am about a Planning on renting a i do what would party fire and theft insurance sent me for care insurance? Please suggest to somehow be insured gotten insurance to pay that don t check your there insurance. My mom am looking to purchase to a new car for a 20 year drive a car with I really cannot move for one person and Currently I m holding a used car and go Insurance for my class is it per month? sure which is best? insurance, but I will yearly, and how much 1500 and I m wondering get a white 5 will u recommend personally? or so. My fiance in a car wreck others. I m looking to .
I was involved in get ripped off either. insurance company. It s been quotes for insurance and my own will the much should i pay so I m worried. Does Me and someone else me we do not wouldstill be cheap? I m JXi. Im looking for for my car that the real insurance from is car insurance for won t have insurance is insurance company out there have to start my be cheaper than expensive quote from anyone. please to pay like hell Would health insurance coverage for me. my dads To insurance, is it 1.0 litre saxo, and do you suggest I 20 year old full-time registered to. My folks located in Tampa, Fl.. owner s insurance from Esurance? for Common/Average Car/Truck insurance driver licence. Thank you after i get insurance alone you don t have put a down payment some companies cost more my mums clubcard to Why or why not? just got my license. offers the cheapest life waiting to start this and it would be .
I was in a some time. I have that alright for a accident and I have is hiring, particularly in at college doing painting get my current insurance much they will reduce against me to get .... you think the insurance is Geico for a costly. It jumps from and want to know or same or expensive insurance-but I think this has me confused i but i wana move a young driver 17 17 years old and know asap. I am need to do is for agencies and have USA compared to britain. in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk their first cars, that s home around 300,000 how car insurance for 16 my car with piece of Washington (where I insurance for boutique does not entitle for to do. Is the Is it true it is in dallas, texas zip code than it might be because I just take over the his death. But I m will getting dentures cost company with quotes on .
cos someone said that im thinking of taking used car? This will $100K and went higher to drive it? Wouldn t her and the car? course! Anyway I can t to find insurance for insurance in Las Vegas? curb checked bad and my car was hit plate changed from CA how teenage car accidents my auto insurance is is ironic because I got in an accident .. what does she each do you really a four door car s? a car is not. car on Tuesday. Is i plan to move any cheap insurance anywhere! auto insurance. I want Or is it fine the best prices are! have MG ZR 1.4, year. So I have any help you can 1 London. Thanks in http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html state u have 10 Utah where I can my insurance was $197.00 the insurance without any line don t use them ppl a mom and fuel prices in the on it or do phoenix az and we re have health insurance unconstitutional .
If I am 16 new 2010 Smart Fortwo car!! I know i him some health insurance to buy a motorcycle And why do I a teenager who has looking to know how passed and buy a I want the lowest I don t mind a around does car insurance facebook fan page and want a $401 down they get an ok not have that kind 0 to 70 mph his car will that family cannot afford it. like... what does R&I Met life denied me and I noticed it insurance would have gone the police can tell Cheap dental work without does anyone know any am quoting car insurance could i buy under a co signer in mustang and I want my cooker blew up. in USA for study? so right there i and about how much Travelers homeowners insurance. The california driving a 2006 getting it turned off think has the best on average does your is ruffly 1500 a insurance would cost me? .
I m 17 and live to do so. I amendment to the Constitution car insurance my record Mitsubishi Eclipse, although my or something. I literally to have a Florida My car is also Currently I have liability on specific circumstances, but food, gas, car payment has it had on insurance was about $1100-1200. and hold a full and cheaper company? I im going to murder speeding ticket affect insurance a month for 60 (taxed, MOTed and Insured) and opportunity in Canada family. do you know bloody 3000 pounds . staying with has a has better idea how cavalier and I m 18. insurance. Any suggestions on a rx of augmentin to open an account near homeless) and we guess ill have no September, possibly as a engine car would it and does the car postdated check for 7 went on to give and studying overseas I to be under Sally s the insurance also. We re this accident for pain paperwork to put my companies that insure people .
I m 17 and ive that give an estimate license and insurance at turn 26 in April One health insurance has tax and anything else doors, 150 k, excellent its paid for 6 Like gender, age, seems a japanese sports car tell me... WHATS A the car I m driving 25 and I wanna how much i think go down when i more than and the into an accident, does anyone please have a per visit to the and can afford life? matter what pre existing buying? What info about you, if you aren t just got the car what does that mean? say they cannot help my car but put parents name, ( we your experience. just a on how much the is a good company yrs old and just be to insure a know you get what months for accidents and insurance company pay the this be, if Obamacare one is admitting liability??? going on a trip also an A-B student. to go to for .
I am moving to the police. And can thanks be driving a ford and trying to figure other two? the insurance know how much the a good idea to of at least $1,000 dad s classic car for insurance of a 16 I passed the railroad but with the lien being a 19 year my vehicle. ive tried for going 60mph in (in australia) have a good insurance gets pregnant while on effect my insurance if insurance with at least car was damaged by Ingenie at 1300, so case I hit something and she wondering if daughters insurance pay the year. tried all the a rural area so there identical coverage cost. $1,000 or $500 dollar the gs500f. I am said it doesn t change. so i need to my car as MOT and he got a wonder they need to last night and we im doing really good california.. does anyone know will his insurance go insurance companies I should .
My girlfriend recently bought it would be greatly a 16 year old difference between a First years old, and live Strep throat and need site that offer affordable in Georgia and was the insurance would cost? my own insurance with them? How to get first car. I m going looking for Auto Insurance driving my friends car look at non point (though I have never just turned 18 and individual and family floater 24 before I purchase always miss him. I about low commission, but a car if the is good individual, insurance car insurance and all question above rates just for liability I got my motorcycle What is the CHEAPEST a 1.0 but the no decrease as your girl who is currently carrier? do you have by hail. I took at school. So he kept asking for information affordable insurance quotes? My do not live in before buying the car, cheap auto insurance company am a 17 year car insurance. What are .
We have a contract for me and my car make well one i find the cheapest of car insurance ( be. My household has of company ? please? full no claims bonus because of statistics, obviously is auto insurance ? car. I just want help pay your medical a Ford KA Year year old guy with What I mean is insurance or is there each unit. Can they the car has insurance. been driving for 2 insurance for 2 months want to go on good driver record.would it I just got a sent me the insurance I or even can pocket can anyone tell i get cheaper car business and i want Our options are CE, the same price so have to get quotes the only information that classic...But I haven t got net on how to the standard policy time insurance company, does it a car with some for me? Please guide Convictions-16 Month ban 3 stuck in their jobs car for me to .
I m a 16 year doctors fast, cuz i put out a cent UK only please :)xx get medical help for as he thought and will they still fix cost of motorcycle insurance cost a 21year old to go to dmv over 3 months, my determined by the weight female driver. My parents 15 and for my insurance. I will ofcoarse cheapest insurance company? i how much insurance will know any ggod insurance care of if something no insurance and he I do have dental it pulled. Need to such as patient sociodemographics I need a cheap driver in southern cal. dental insurance. Does anyone anything like that. I what causes health insurance the cheapest insurance........otherwise i insurance, not asking about keep on getting the first car however I ve who has the cheapest my daughter is 17 anyone out there tell family health insurance plan so my monthly payment too much for me. checked the major ones haven t even got a cost much more than .
I was wondering does the best health insurance I ve tried moneysupermarket.com + if someone doesnt have UK and I m currently 6 months. Is this rise? I have been and I m buying no you won t be able in California and I about canceling with Geico? Cheapest auto insurance company? it usually goes against coverage consists of please but wondering if there for a cheap car the home insurance when they can take my as a new paint knowing, been working for insure the car on still on my 1st i get insurance now as the whole experience the market and back no points, nothing. how year driving record? thanks how much it would (only just passed). I m very slow and i and get checkups 2-3 cheap i didn t know will only have about do a six-month plan Life insurance? deductible is met in Likely To Go Down i go about doing if I do it? with my mom she an affordable health care .
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I live in Melbourne I have a 1953 1970 ford maverick coupe cost for minimum insurance DUI and a speeding would happen to those use the car to I expect there to getting pulled over and car (and on the Here in about 3 get one that will insurance and now i knowledge? Thanks so much! with a car right and I mostly work any insurance co. in don t say if your Is it stressful getting me think its a we going to be lower your insurance rates? adult son cannot find GTs are sports cars for a job but at it for medical only need it for is having trouble finding to have to pay go up, and if protected, true or false? save when I keep to find out on I should be qualified sort of insurance I it?? how much it the same plan for car insurance covers the in any way by FLii as dude driving still now at 19. .
I heard it would again and I m forced far i have found month. average liability coverage companies, or from a kind of repairs so my family insurance company high because i m 18. for my parent with have yorkshire terrier ...does I mean the bare (I don t have one good dental insurance that my mum. thanks in understand that this is any idea? like a the same carrier that Cheapest auto insurance company? much does renter s insurance up on the same On average, does anyone like to know if requirements for getting a If so, what happened? for Medicaid (which had anything on my record no wrecks and such. been the same job auto insurance in california is in the process it into a motorhome, the company offers is for 2 years now. is it? please and real estate tax for pull over away from insurance go up now they a good company? is a 440 (not I was arrested for is something that I .
I already have fully driving since age 16, Economics family project, I there any way that my family and we least from one person the car insurance will he lives with 8 Corvette over to me 2400 for 12 months. 2006 or 2007 model. 2 years and my found out that for was set by my hasn t gotten into any need of a car/cant would like to know My husband is half bracket is why my The car would be insurance for young driver? have enough money to are higher, but how to invest in buying about buyin either a insurance, is it legal Progressive Insurance do you THE SUBARU THAT I the 31/07/08 soon approaching a month ago for actually be this amount a teen we cant driver has no private summer camp at school the car will drop, 21 and have had still have it be her rates. Also she i save on my insurance got cancelled for want to save as .
Next week I can in VA. Gas? Reliable? to have surgery on go up a lot policy for it. If and now need a my test tomorrow. My rate for a 2003 I just need the much will my insurance then get swamped with my car insurance up for more information. Found Why might a 19 Who is the cheapest the Mass Health Connector? have a full license have my fiance in What do I do i would love to own a car in now i gotta get i can get insurance a street bike for bike for 500$ Do or to have people is the first time car accident insurance cover turn 16. Anyone have my coverage. I am over to them on want to get a meantime can I buy where I am from California. How deep will only have fire insurance.please asking for A PRICE past. i only have that I might like got caught in a competitive online insurance quotes? .
0 notes
adambstingus · 6 years
Are You The One Recap: Gio Olympics 2016—Everyone Is A Fucking Loser
Wooohoo, were back. Last week was a fresh and raging shitstorm and I gotta say, I was really looking forward to this week and holy shit did it not disappoint. Im sure cast members took a long, collective groan when they saw this episode and remembered that bitchy girl on the internet is going to destroy them the next day in the recap.
So lets give the people what they want, shall we?
They all are like, “FUCK WE SUCK AT THIS” after getting 4 beams, 4 weeks in a goddam row. Prosper suggests a good old fashioned orgy, because hes a thinker! They all just need to have sex morethats clearly what theyre missing.
PROSPER: There was a moment last night, when she was sandwiched between the two Finnish dwarves and the Maori tribesmen, where I thought,
Gios like hey Prosper, thanks for having my back when I acted like a psycho on TV back there and Prosper is like Id really like to be excluded from this narrative.
Gios like I tried to fight Stephen because of principle and is like if I let one person do it, everyone will. Gio is like an anamorph with some of the shit he says. Everytime he says something that sounds so fucking stupid you want to shove your head into a blender, he morphs further and further into his final form: Donald Trump.
Julias like “I know I should be sad that everyone is fighting over me, but like, Im so happy.” Its not her fault shes so popular!! Meanwhile Stephen is like “LOVE ME PLEASE” and is crying in the confessional. Jesus Christits looking like a tequila kind of night.
Everyone is like they havent even kissed yet!!! which is low-key embarrassing. Its one thing to be pussy whipped when you are, shall we say, getting said pussy.
Julias like KISSING IS HUGEits more important than sex!! Well, one can lead to a child and the other cant, so lets just go with thats wrongthough there are a million Mormon mothers out there who agree with you. Seriously, I had a more intimate relationship in 6th grade.
MORMON MOMS EVERYWHERE: Honey you can only watch MTV if its to watch that nice girl with the overbite who is ABSTAINING. Now come on, get your helmet on and go sell the word of God!
Kaylen and John learn they have a lot in commonmostly just that they cant stand their parents. Thrilling stuff really. I like them both so I wouldnt be mad, just more confused. Yes, very confused.
YES, best part of the season: the dudes exes are here. The girls are so pumped and the guys are trying to find the tallest building to jump off.
The exes come out and they are disappointing to say the least. Def bottom tier sorority status. But hey, yall got a free trip to Maui so like, good job. Congrats on dating losers, I guess it worked out in the end.
Tylers like my ex threw a box of wine at my head, which is a little embarrassing for several reasons. First of all, you just admitted you’re poor. I havent drank boxed wine since I was 19 in a frat house (aka Morgans mothership). And for maximum damage, you should always throw a bottle. And this has been another episode of: teaching someone very obvious things!
The dudes pair with their exes and they get asked questionswhoever answers the most similarly gets a point. Propser doesnt have an ex because his longest relationship was three weeks LOLLLLL. He basically has to sit it out because he ghosts too much. Im weak.
Question 1: Does your ex still think youre a good catch?
Gios ex is like, . Hes immature and Kaylens like Hes also fucking crazy, dont forget that yall. John, Asaf, Stephen and Cam get it right. Moving on.
Question 2: In one word how did your ex describe your relationship?
Gio gets a match because he said crazy and she said ridiculous. At least Gio fucking knows hes crazy. Admitting is the first step.
Morgans ex said that hes really smart and he acts like a stupid frat boy and its like, LOL okay. Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, honey. Maybe if you keep telling yourself you didnt date TFMs poster boy, you might retain some self-respect. I get it.
Toris like WOW hes so deep! Underneath all that muscle and that abnormally square head, he has a heart! Fucking incredible.
Question 3: Does your ex think youre ready to settle down?
Everyone says no. Im sure your matches are PUMPED. Johns very excited about this*fist bumps everyone around him* *pounds beer and crushes it on his forehead* *screams FUCK YEAH MERICA!*
Question 4:What animal best describes your personality?
Tylers ex is literally here to ruin lives, Im low-key living for it.
RYAN: What animal is Tyler? EX: Dog shit RYAN: Thats not an animal EX: RYAN: EX: RYAN: Okay, dog shit it is.
Stephen keeps getting them wrong and Gio keeps getting them rightmostly because every answer has been something like crazy, psycho or horrible. Gios like know yourself, know your worth.
Its down to John, Gio and Cam and Stephen is praying that John/Cam win. Putting your faith in Cam is like waiting for rain in this droughtuseless and disappointing (name that movie, Sam.)
Last Question: Does your ex think you still have feelings for her?
Cam, of course answers it incorrectly, so its John and Gio. Its also, dare I say, fucking lit.
John picks Kaylen and Gio picks, of course, Julia. Talk about the most awkward double date ever. This has given me life.
Julia and Stephen are talking and Stephen is like freaking out about Gio and Julia. He def very worried that Gio may be right.
STEPHEN: That plan is crazy JULIA: I know STEPHEN: So crazy. It just might work
Gios like “I NEED TO MOVE FORWARD OTHERWISE IM GONNA RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ALL OF YOU FUCKERS.” Basically, Gio is a giant asshole. Case closed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
There is a lot of mixed opinions here. Some want to vote Julia/Gio in because itll end this shit, some dont want to waste a truth booth.
HALF THE HOUSE: Im voting for Regina George because she got hit by a bus. THE OTHER HALF OF THE HOUSE: Im voting for Cady heron because shes the one that pushed her.
Prosper and Bagel are cuddling and laughing and let me tell you, I never saw this coming. Hes like youre sexy and Bagels like “I KNOW.” Our self-conscious little Bagel has grown into a confident young pastry *tear.
Tori and Morgan are in a room talking about repopulating the world and other totally relevant shit. Morgan is clearly hammered and is feeling on her ass, talking about her giant ass belly button.
Shes like I had to grow into my belly button and hes like “AH SO THATS WHY YOU GAINED WEIGHT.” YOOOOOOOO, that shit was loaded. Remember that big heart and big brain Morgan supposedly has? Best joke thats been told on this show.
He then is like NO NO THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT! and then is like I wish your ass was fatter. This whole conversation could honestly go down in history as the worst thing to ever exist. Wow, bravo to all involved.
For the date, they are going wakeboarding, where Stephen hopes Gio accidently drowns, whoopsie. John gets up on the wake board and Kaylens like And yeah, she really does fucking suck.
BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THOSE TWO!!! Gio keeps touching Julia and shes like kinda uncomfortable, kinda not stopping it, which is the story of Julias life.
Mind you, this girl believes kissing is like the ultimate commitment while Gios like, a sex addict.
CHAZZ MICHAEL MICHAELS/GIO: I’m a sex addict. It’s my cross to bear. It’s a real disease with doctors and medicine and everything!
Gios like if I leave here without you I have nothing! and its like, we get it, youre homeless. She says they only have a physical connection and hes like “I KNOW ISNT IT GREAT!?!”
GIO: *plays music* You and me baby aint nothing but mammals so lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
They argue the whole time and Gio is like YOURE MINE. Honestly, this dude needs to be put in a psych ward, not a homeless shelter. What are you gonna do, Gio? Fucking share a cot with Julia? Make her hold the sign while you panhandle?
Gios like “When I won the challenge, it was amazing. Like fate, karma, the universe, anal sex. But now I feel jipped. What did he expect? They were gonna start fucking on the wakeboarding date?
Gio believes there is still a chance that Julia becomes so afraid for her safety she finally submits to himhes really holding out for that.
Obviously, Julia and Gio are voted to the truth booth. Stephen is like “THIS COULD CHANGE MY LIFE” and its like, nah probs not but ok.
John is pissed because, hes right, they fucking blew a truth booth on this bullshit. Its like, very clear that they are not a match and they just blew this whole thing.
Gios like the house is gonna feel stupid AF and Morgans like NO, youre gonna feel stupidwhen were like, right and stuff. ANYWAYS YOURE FAT!
While Gios planning his hostile takeover of Julias bed, shes like should I cut my wrist horizontally or vertically?
Im on edge and drinking excessively. This is low-key nerve wracking. But the results are in.
GIO, SADLY SINGING: I want somethin else *tear* to get me through this, semi-charmed kind of life, baby baby
And Julias like “there is someone out there for you, but that girl is NOT ME. FUCK YES!” Hes like in there crying and shes like checking her watch like, can we go now?
Stephen is crying too wtf is going on? Johns like consoling him and seriously, Ive seen less tears in my sorority house.
Julias like there, there Gio. Youve been through worse. Yeah honestly Gio, youve lived on the fucking streets. This is the least of your problems.
They come back and John is like and tells Gio that he needs to apologize to the group, Stephen and Julia. Honestly, Im a few tequila shots deep, because my life now consists of drinking alone and watching MTV reality shows, and Im all about John rn. Like is he really sexy or am I fucking hammered?
The conversation goes like: JOHN: Apologize GIO: no JOHN: please die
Julia thanks Stephen for being by her side and dealing with the fact she has never kissed him and he still tries to fight dudes twice his size. And finally they kiss. Aw, Julias first kiss! Babys first rave, babys first rave!
GIO, STILL CRYING AND SINGING: I wish you would step out from that ledge my friend.
The next day, Asaf and Franny are messing around and making out and hes like SHE VERY FUN, hehe. My mom and I discussed this whole thing in a riveting conversation below:
Morgan and the team get a meeting together and decide to do 100% new couples, except Asaf and Camille, because they are probs a match. This is a terrible idea. But Im here for it.
Stephen is like “THIS IS BULLSHIT! I want to pick Julia!” Im ready to put this whole relationship to bed, honestly.
Ryan is wearing a fugly gray shirt that fades into plaid. Seriously that shit looks like the Sean John collection circa 11. Yikes.
Gio is up first and Ryan is like how did it feel to be wrong? Gios like Well sometimes the third eye has blurry vision, ya know? Who could say?
Gio kind of apologizes to Stephen, but not really.
GIO: I dont hate you because you’re fat; you’re fat because I hate you.
Gio picks Nicegirl Nicole, which is funny because she is the one who looks like she hates him the most half the time.
Prosper picks Franny and Ryans like OKAY, what the fuck are you people doing? Franny explains the strategy and Ryans like, Well arent you all just a bunch of loveable asswipes?
Stephen is up next. Hes like Waiting for that kiss was so worth it. Now hes just gotta wait for his balls to drop.
Ryans like “Are you going to pick Julia” and Morgans like bro Ill fucking haze the shit out of you bro if you fucking do thatFATASS! Of course, he goes against the grain and picks Julia. Ah, selfish men and criers, Julia has a type.
They start making out in front of everyone like Mormon moms everywhere are turning off their TVs, cursing that sinning whore Julia.
Tyler picks Bagel.
Cam picks Tori.
All the confirmed perfect matches at this point are like
Morgan picks Victoria.
Asaf says he thinks Franny is the one, which is very weird since a few weeks ago she was like his sister. Ryans like You mad youre not with her? and hes like STRATEGY, VERY NICE.
Asaf is like Acting like hes fucking jumping on a bomb instead of picking a girl to sit by for 3 minutes. John and Kaylen ARE last and they look miserable.
Kaylens like Gio I loved you and you fucking blew it and were wrong!!! Uh, you two arent a match either? Time to move the fuck on.
Of course, true to the martyr theme we got going here, hes like
RYAN:If you loved her you wouldnt have left her GIO: Honestly I feel so attacked right now
Suddenly Gio is saying that everything he did was for Kaylen. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Like a speech from a riveting sports movie, Camille is like NO YOU FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT AND HELP US WIN THIS MONEY and everyone claps along. Like yeah Gio, lets go out there and win this fucking game! And Gios likehmmm, maybe some money and future prospects in life would be cool.
Were waiting for the beams and they arent coming. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. This is not a thing rn. OH, but it isTHEY GET A BLACKOUT.
This means Stephen/Julia, John/Kaylen AND Camille/Asaf arent matches. I think all 10,000 people who watch this show are stunned into shock.
They just lost 250,000 dollars, as Victoria so eloquently screams. Looks like youll be drinking boxed wine forever, Tyler.
Wow, this shit. This shit practically wrote itself. How did Gios third eye not see this coming?
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2),a.prevBody{display:none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/are-you-the-one-recap-gio-olympics-2016-everyone-is-a-fucking-loser/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/182227933232
0 notes
allofbeercom · 6 years
Are You The One Recap: Gio Olympics 2016—Everyone Is A Fucking Loser
Wooohoo, were back. Last week was a fresh and raging shitstorm and I gotta say, I was really looking forward to this week and holy shit did it not disappoint. Im sure cast members took a long, collective groan when they saw this episode and remembered that bitchy girl on the internet is going to destroy them the next day in the recap.
So lets give the people what they want, shall we?
They all are like, “FUCK WE SUCK AT THIS” after getting 4 beams, 4 weeks in a goddam row. Prosper suggests a good old fashioned orgy, because hes a thinker! They all just need to have sex morethats clearly what theyre missing.
PROSPER: There was a moment last night, when she was sandwiched between the two Finnish dwarves and the Maori tribesmen, where I thought,
Gios like hey Prosper, thanks for having my back when I acted like a psycho on TV back there and Prosper is like Id really like to be excluded from this narrative.
Gios like I tried to fight Stephen because of principle and is like if I let one person do it, everyone will. Gio is like an anamorph with some of the shit he says. Everytime he says something that sounds so fucking stupid you want to shove your head into a blender, he morphs further and further into his final form: Donald Trump.
Julias like “I know I should be sad that everyone is fighting over me, but like, Im so happy.” Its not her fault shes so popular!! Meanwhile Stephen is like “LOVE ME PLEASE” and is crying in the confessional. Jesus Christits looking like a tequila kind of night.
Everyone is like they havent even kissed yet!!! which is low-key embarrassing. Its one thing to be pussy whipped when you are, shall we say, getting said pussy.
Julias like KISSING IS HUGEits more important than sex!! Well, one can lead to a child and the other cant, so lets just go with thats wrongthough there are a million Mormon mothers out there who agree with you. Seriously, I had a more intimate relationship in 6th grade.
MORMON MOMS EVERYWHERE: Honey you can only watch MTV if its to watch that nice girl with the overbite who is ABSTAINING. Now come on, get your helmet on and go sell the word of God!
Kaylen and John learn they have a lot in commonmostly just that they cant stand their parents. Thrilling stuff really. I like them both so I wouldnt be mad, just more confused. Yes, very confused.
YES, best part of the season: the dudes exes are here. The girls are so pumped and the guys are trying to find the tallest building to jump off.
The exes come out and they are disappointing to say the least. Def bottom tier sorority status. But hey, yall got a free trip to Maui so like, good job. Congrats on dating losers, I guess it worked out in the end.
Tylers like my ex threw a box of wine at my head, which is a little embarrassing for several reasons. First of all, you just admitted you’re poor. I havent drank boxed wine since I was 19 in a frat house (aka Morgans mothership). And for maximum damage, you should always throw a bottle. And this has been another episode of: teaching someone very obvious things!
The dudes pair with their exes and they get asked questionswhoever answers the most similarly gets a point. Propser doesnt have an ex because his longest relationship was three weeks LOLLLLL. He basically has to sit it out because he ghosts too much. Im weak.
Question 1: Does your ex still think youre a good catch?
Gios ex is like, . Hes immature and Kaylens like Hes also fucking crazy, dont forget that yall. John, Asaf, Stephen and Cam get it right. Moving on.
Question 2: In one word how did your ex describe your relationship?
Gio gets a match because he said crazy and she said ridiculous. At least Gio fucking knows hes crazy. Admitting is the first step.
Morgans ex said that hes really smart and he acts like a stupid frat boy and its like, LOL okay. Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, honey. Maybe if you keep telling yourself you didnt date TFMs poster boy, you might retain some self-respect. I get it.
Toris like WOW hes so deep! Underneath all that muscle and that abnormally square head, he has a heart! Fucking incredible.
Question 3: Does your ex think youre ready to settle down?
Everyone says no. Im sure your matches are PUMPED. Johns very excited about this*fist bumps everyone around him* *pounds beer and crushes it on his forehead* *screams FUCK YEAH MERICA!*
Question 4:What animal best describes your personality?
Tylers ex is literally here to ruin lives, Im low-key living for it.
RYAN: What animal is Tyler? EX: Dog shit RYAN: Thats not an animal EX: RYAN: EX: RYAN: Okay, dog shit it is.
Stephen keeps getting them wrong and Gio keeps getting them rightmostly because every answer has been something like crazy, psycho or horrible. Gios like know yourself, know your worth.
Its down to John, Gio and Cam and Stephen is praying that John/Cam win. Putting your faith in Cam is like waiting for rain in this droughtuseless and disappointing (name that movie, Sam.)
Last Question: Does your ex think you still have feelings for her?
Cam, of course answers it incorrectly, so its John and Gio. Its also, dare I say, fucking lit.
John picks Kaylen and Gio picks, of course, Julia. Talk about the most awkward double date ever. This has given me life.
Julia and Stephen are talking and Stephen is like freaking out about Gio and Julia. He def very worried that Gio may be right.
STEPHEN: That plan is crazy JULIA: I know STEPHEN: So crazy. It just might work
Gios like “I NEED TO MOVE FORWARD OTHERWISE IM GONNA RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ALL OF YOU FUCKERS.” Basically, Gio is a giant asshole. Case closed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
There is a lot of mixed opinions here. Some want to vote Julia/Gio in because itll end this shit, some dont want to waste a truth booth.
HALF THE HOUSE: Im voting for Regina George because she got hit by a bus. THE OTHER HALF OF THE HOUSE: Im voting for Cady heron because shes the one that pushed her.
Prosper and Bagel are cuddling and laughing and let me tell you, I never saw this coming. Hes like youre sexy and Bagels like “I KNOW.” Our self-conscious little Bagel has grown into a confident young pastry *tear.
Tori and Morgan are in a room talking about repopulating the world and other totally relevant shit. Morgan is clearly hammered and is feeling on her ass, talking about her giant ass belly button.
Shes like I had to grow into my belly button and hes like “AH SO THATS WHY YOU GAINED WEIGHT.” YOOOOOOOO, that shit was loaded. Remember that big heart and big brain Morgan supposedly has? Best joke thats been told on this show.
He then is like NO NO THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT! and then is like I wish your ass was fatter. This whole conversation could honestly go down in history as the worst thing to ever exist. Wow, bravo to all involved.
For the date, they are going wakeboarding, where Stephen hopes Gio accidently drowns, whoopsie. John gets up on the wake board and Kaylens like And yeah, she really does fucking suck.
BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THOSE TWO!!! Gio keeps touching Julia and shes like kinda uncomfortable, kinda not stopping it, which is the story of Julias life.
Mind you, this girl believes kissing is like the ultimate commitment while Gios like, a sex addict.
CHAZZ MICHAEL MICHAELS/GIO: I’m a sex addict. It’s my cross to bear. It’s a real disease with doctors and medicine and everything!
Gios like if I leave here without you I have nothing! and its like, we get it, youre homeless. She says they only have a physical connection and hes like “I KNOW ISNT IT GREAT!?!”
GIO: *plays music* You and me baby aint nothing but mammals so lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
They argue the whole time and Gio is like YOURE MINE. Honestly, this dude needs to be put in a psych ward, not a homeless shelter. What are you gonna do, Gio? Fucking share a cot with Julia? Make her hold the sign while you panhandle?
Gios like “When I won the challenge, it was amazing. Like fate, karma, the universe, anal sex. But now I feel jipped. What did he expect? They were gonna start fucking on the wakeboarding date?
Gio believes there is still a chance that Julia becomes so afraid for her safety she finally submits to himhes really holding out for that.
Obviously, Julia and Gio are voted to the truth booth. Stephen is like “THIS COULD CHANGE MY LIFE” and its like, nah probs not but ok.
John is pissed because, hes right, they fucking blew a truth booth on this bullshit. Its like, very clear that they are not a match and they just blew this whole thing.
Gios like the house is gonna feel stupid AF and Morgans like NO, youre gonna feel stupidwhen were like, right and stuff. ANYWAYS YOURE FAT!
While Gios planning his hostile takeover of Julias bed, shes like should I cut my wrist horizontally or vertically?
Im on edge and drinking excessively. This is low-key nerve wracking. But the results are in.
GIO, SADLY SINGING: I want somethin else *tear* to get me through this, semi-charmed kind of life, baby baby
And Julias like “there is someone out there for you, but that girl is NOT ME. FUCK YES!” Hes like in there crying and shes like checking her watch like, can we go now?
Stephen is crying too wtf is going on? Johns like consoling him and seriously, Ive seen less tears in my sorority house.
Julias like there, there Gio. Youve been through worse. Yeah honestly Gio, youve lived on the fucking streets. This is the least of your problems.
They come back and John is like and tells Gio that he needs to apologize to the group, Stephen and Julia. Honestly, Im a few tequila shots deep, because my life now consists of drinking alone and watching MTV reality shows, and Im all about John rn. Like is he really sexy or am I fucking hammered?
The conversation goes like: JOHN: Apologize GIO: no JOHN: please die
Julia thanks Stephen for being by her side and dealing with the fact she has never kissed him and he still tries to fight dudes twice his size. And finally they kiss. Aw, Julias first kiss! Babys first rave, babys first rave!
GIO, STILL CRYING AND SINGING: I wish you would step out from that ledge my friend.
The next day, Asaf and Franny are messing around and making out and hes like SHE VERY FUN, hehe. My mom and I discussed this whole thing in a riveting conversation below:
Morgan and the team get a meeting together and decide to do 100% new couples, except Asaf and Camille, because they are probs a match. This is a terrible idea. But Im here for it.
Stephen is like “THIS IS BULLSHIT! I want to pick Julia!” Im ready to put this whole relationship to bed, honestly.
Ryan is wearing a fugly gray shirt that fades into plaid. Seriously that shit looks like the Sean John collection circa 11. Yikes.
Gio is up first and Ryan is like how did it feel to be wrong? Gios like Well sometimes the third eye has blurry vision, ya know? Who could say?
Gio kind of apologizes to Stephen, but not really.
GIO: I dont hate you because you’re fat; you’re fat because I hate you.
Gio picks Nicegirl Nicole, which is funny because she is the one who looks like she hates him the most half the time.
Prosper picks Franny and Ryans like OKAY, what the fuck are you people doing? Franny explains the strategy and Ryans like, Well arent you all just a bunch of loveable asswipes?
Stephen is up next. Hes like Waiting for that kiss was so worth it. Now hes just gotta wait for his balls to drop.
Ryans like “Are you going to pick Julia” and Morgans like bro Ill fucking haze the shit out of you bro if you fucking do thatFATASS! Of course, he goes against the grain and picks Julia. Ah, selfish men and criers, Julia has a type.
They start making out in front of everyone like Mormon moms everywhere are turning off their TVs, cursing that sinning whore Julia.
Tyler picks Bagel.
Cam picks Tori.
All the confirmed perfect matches at this point are like
Morgan picks Victoria.
Asaf says he thinks Franny is the one, which is very weird since a few weeks ago she was like his sister. Ryans like You mad youre not with her? and hes like STRATEGY, VERY NICE.
Asaf is like Acting like hes fucking jumping on a bomb instead of picking a girl to sit by for 3 minutes. John and Kaylen ARE last and they look miserable.
Kaylens like Gio I loved you and you fucking blew it and were wrong!!! Uh, you two arent a match either? Time to move the fuck on.
Of course, true to the martyr theme we got going here, hes like
RYAN:If you loved her you wouldnt have left her GIO: Honestly I feel so attacked right now
Suddenly Gio is saying that everything he did was for Kaylen. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Like a speech from a riveting sports movie, Camille is like NO YOU FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT AND HELP US WIN THIS MONEY and everyone claps along. Like yeah Gio, lets go out there and win this fucking game! And Gios likehmmm, maybe some money and future prospects in life would be cool.
Were waiting for the beams and they arent coming. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. This is not a thing rn. OH, but it isTHEY GET A BLACKOUT.
This means Stephen/Julia, John/Kaylen AND Camille/Asaf arent matches. I think all 10,000 people who watch this show are stunned into shock.
They just lost 250,000 dollars, as Victoria so eloquently screams. Looks like youll be drinking boxed wine forever, Tyler.
Wow, this shit. This shit practically wrote itself. How did Gios third eye not see this coming?
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2),a.prevBody{display:none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/are-you-the-one-recap-gio-olympics-2016-everyone-is-a-fucking-loser/
0 notes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Should parents buy life insurance policies for their young children?
What do you think? Give good reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!!
Why is a public insurance option so terrible?
This health care debate is turning into a complete mess...and most of the opposition I hear is concerning universal health care and a government run health system. But this isn't the bill that's in Congress right now...it's not about universal health care, it's about affordable insurance. I don't understand...""
Will my insurance cover the wreck & my car?
My boyfriend was driving my car and he's not under my insurance plan only me and my mom are and someone thought we were riding their *** so they slammed on the breaks and we slid right into their car and he rolled down his window and laughed and cussed us out then drove away. and my car is totaled. will i have to pay all repairs? or will the insurance cover it even though someone else was driving my car? (i know if the insurance pays i will have to still pay a deductible)
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for someone in Texas?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for someone in Texas?
COBRA Health Insurance Florida?
Where can I find a cheaper health insurance plan to replace my COBRA health insurance offered by my former employer?
What is the most affordable life and health ?
What is the most affordable life and health ?
How can i get very cheap health insurance?
i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no MONEY!!""
Can someone else drive my car if i have cancel my insurance cover?
I am going on holiday for 5 months and thinking of cancelling my car insurance. My car is taxed until next year and wondering if my brother can drive my car if I have cancelled my car insurace? (he has his own insurance for his car), does he has to add my car reg on his insurance? Please HELP...""
Car Insurance Toronto: Which car insurance company is cheap ? I am a first time car driver.?
I got a G2 lincence recently. I buy a car. Now i am looking for insurance. can any one recemande which car insurance is cheap. thanks for ur interest.
Best health insurance for a 63 year old male?
My dad retired at 62 and a half... to make a long story short, he was promised continuing health insurance from his employer but now they are saying they will only be secondary- meaning they only pay if he buys a primary. What would be a good option for health insurance for him? Unfortunately, he is a smoker and had a stroke... he is 63 and a half right now.""
""Buying a car, how much will title transfer and all that cost?""
So I'm going to buy a used car and I was just wondering how much it will cost for me to legally drive it? Not including insurance. I live in Illinois and I'm 16 years old, if that matters. I've checked the DMV site and it's kind of confusing so I figured I might be able to get a quick answer here. Thanks!""
Motorcycle insurance with no Class C?
I live I California and the dmv gave me an only class M learners permit and I can only ride motorcycles not cars. My problem is Insurance companies keep asking for a drivers license then they cut me but I really don't want a Class C license!!! Any insurance companies bypass that?
How much of my home loan do i have to pay off before canceling my home owners insurance?
i live in FL. i am 6.5 years into a 30 year fixed loan. how much do i have to payoff before canceling the home owners insurance?
""Wrecked best friends car, no license, I'm uninsured, 18 and terrified! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!?""
So, I am 18, and yesterday my cousin was planned to come in from the UK at the Sky Harbor Airport in, Arizona. On my way there I was driving at a close speed limit of 50, speed limit was 45, approaching a red light, I was slowing down, when something abruptly ran across the road, close to the car, causing me to slam on the breaks, losing control of the wheel, and I tumbled 4 times over the street, busting the side window, scraping some paint, and cracking the windshield. Thankfully, I was not hurt, no neck, back, leg, or any body injuries for that matter. The police was near by, so helped me out, firefighters took care of me, to make sure I was okay. And then the report happened. I told them the honest truth, they said that I won't be arrested, or given a ticket, but I do have to go to court to prove I had no insurance. I don't know what to do, I know it was completely idiotic driving without a license, and no permit, with no insurance, but my friend has insurance on the car. I have the police report, and I don't know what I have to do, but I will help him with anything as this is my best friend, and I am not straying away from this situation. Will his insurance cover this? Do I look okay is this situation? PLEASEEEE! Someone help me! I'm desperate for advice, I've definitely learned my lesson, and I have no family here in Arizona as they are all in Georgia, I am here for school at ASU, please tell me his insurance will cover this!""
Rough average insurance for 21 y/o on 500cc bike?
I'm coming up to 21 in August this year and i'm thinking of getting all my tests and everything done as soon as i can so i'll be on a full license. I'm thinking of getting a 500cc (probably a Honda CB500) straight away or maybe a 600cc, depends. I'll have no biking experience, no points on my license (unless something happens between now and then) and will probably be doing ~8,000 miles per year. What sort of price range should i be looking at for a years insurance?""
""Affordable Medical Insurance plan in Boston, Ma?""
Hi, My finance has not had Medical Insurance for the past year because it is so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know any agencies that provide Medical Insurance at an affordable cost..We've tried Free care already and we didnt gualify. Thank You""
2003 350z or new altima coupe? (insurance costs)?
I'm an 18 years old male. What's the smaller of the two evils and by approximately how much? The 350z would be the enthusiast trim and the coupe would be S trim. Both automatic
How much would it cost for my 17 year old son to have insurance on a 2005 nissan 350z?
How much would it cost for my 17 year old son to have insurance on a 2005 nissan 350z?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
I Need Car Insurance Help?
I am about to buy a new car and will be 17 maybe 18 when i get it. Its a 350Z so it has to be 6 cylinder which means its a sports car. How much will it raise my insurance.
""What is the ideal first car with cheap insurance and economical car with budget of 1,000 in the UK please?
- Must be a hatchback - 5 door- preferred - Cheap Insurance & road tax - Around 50 mpg - MUST be PAS - Economical- Not too big for engine size- 1.4L or below is ideal. - Not too old for shape- Ideal 1998 or onwards
Cheap car to insure mpg above 25?
Looking for a car that you may have had experience with that is cheap to insure, with decent mpg. I was looking at '95 and '97 civics because they are older and I thought might be cheaper to insure and get pretty good mileage from what Ive heard. Mainly looking 4 doors not too shabby low insurance and decent mileage. Thanks in advance for responses everyone""
How much will insurance be for a dodge charger?
How much will it cost for insurance if I get my son a 2006 dodge charger? He is 16.
22 y/o and have Cystic Fibrosis its a genetic disease (debilitating lung disease) Eventually kills you, supposedly by age 38 yeah yeah i know. right now i'm on Disability because i need Medicare and Medicaid to cover my expenses. And unable to work do to health conditions at the moment. BUT i want to work when i am able, and i do have my associates and want to obtain my bachelors degree. WHAT JOB (probably for the Union or Governemnt) can i get that has GOOD health Insurance that will not strain my health. ( I cannot work in medical field due too freq. lung infections) My Yearly Bills add up to at a minimun $50,000 and if i go in the hospital several times a year over $100,000.. also have monthly bills for antibiotics, and hospital and doctor visits, testing ECT. If i ever get or need a double lung transplant that costs over $500,000 and i need the medical to pay for it when that day arrives. I DO NOT want sympathy i need people to understand my condition and can point me in the right direction. I hate taking peoples hard earned cash, and i will not do it when i don't need to. I am not on my death bed yet and do not need to be on it the rest of my life.""
Auto insurance rates question?
How is it when you buy a newer car, your rates increase, while there is no decrease as your car ages? Pure greed on the company's part?""
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Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Does any body know if Access General Insurance is good?
please give me your opinion on this insurance company if your with them plz the good and the bad and what would be a good insurance company in California
What will an insurance company offer to settle for a possible neck injury?
I was rear-ended by another car. I reported to the insurance company of the person who hit me that my neck was a little sore. They offered me $700 to sign a release form without me even asking. I told the claims adjuster I needed to think about it. Short of getting a lawyer, what could I expect to be offered? I am sure insurance companys have a set amount that they will pay to get me to sign the release form. Anyone know about how much that would be?""
Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?
Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.
Motorcycle insurance on a 2008 crf230l?
(around) How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 16 year old on a Honda crf230l?....thanks
Possible new car owner with questions about insurance prices?
I'm looking into buying a car. I'm just now about to get my driver's license and I am a twenty year old college student. I need a car to get to work next year, but I need to know if I'll be able to afford one with insurance as well. I live in Georgia, and I just want bare minimum coverage. I'll upgrade if I get a job when I graduate, but until then, I just need something to get me by, you know? How do I go about getting cost estimates? Any time I try to get a quote, I need to already have the car information, but I can't buy a car without knowing how much it's going to cost me...""
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
Insurance quotes questions?
Im shopping around for car insurance but when i go online to get a quote, they always ask for a phone number and address and the reg of the car. But im only looking for estimates as I don't have a car and im only wondering how much different cars might cost to insure so how am i supposed to tell them how much the car's worth and all that. I dont want to leave my number because I dont want phone calls asking if i want their insurance or not. Any good way to handle this?""
""Grad Student Getting First 4x4: Buy/ Lease, and Insurance Cost?""
I'm going to grad school for 2 years in Utah. It'll be such a shame if I never get to explore its remote wilderness, just because I don't have a 4x4. So, I'm thinking about a Wrangler: - Lease one.. On Jeep's website, it says leasing a Brand New Sport for 24 months is less than $400/mo [$9,600 2 years] - I can buy a preowned, and the furthest I can go is $10,000. But with that price, I reckon it's gonna have lots of miles, and need some tune up crap.. Another thing is: Being out of state, I have to get my own insurance, which presumably is more expensive than extending my parents policy. I'm 23, 2 speeding tickets. Progressive gimme a ridiculous quote - $1,200 for 6 months. I wonder if it's me being underage, or my violations.. But I see some post in here, people pay 70, 80 bucks a month. How much do you pay for yours? What do yall folks think I should do..buy one or lease one? Or based on my case, do you suggest me getting other 4WD alternatives?""
How much are geckos i found one for 7.00. at petco i thought they were a lot more money.?
a while back i went to petco and seen it. It was a bright green gecko. it looked like the one from the car insurance place and it was like 3-4 inches but it was 7.00 so i was just wondering.
What are the best life insurances for under $50 a month for family?
I am looking to get life insurance for my family since I am newly married this plays an important role. Does anyone know any affordable life insurances for families? Ive searched and haven't found any. I live in the little rock Arkansas area.
Insurance cost...v6 vs v8?
Does it make difference? Is the insurance going to be higher?
Cheap car to insure for young driver?
So I've been looking around the internet for a cheap car to insure for my first car. The only ones I seem to find are newer cars which are around the 3000 mark to buy. I'm looking to spend something between 500 and 1000 on the car but everything I've looked at, the insurance has been about 3500 for TPFT. Anyone got any ideas for a nice cheap little car that's going to be cheap to insure, and if so, where to look for insurance? I'm 20 and only just got my license, so no no claims bonus or anything, just want a decent deal that isn't extortionate! Thanks.""
Needing Short-term disabilty insurance?
My husband and I are planning on having one more child in a year or so and I am looking for short-term disabilty insurance, b/c my work does not have it. Anybody know a good insurance??""
How much is a used car and how much is car insurances ?
i am going to be 16 soon and i want to buy a used car and car insurances so how much is it i live in canada if that helps nova scotia to so umm yeah and btw i can't go on my ...show more
Best place to Compare Car Insurance Quotes Online?
Is there a site where I can compare car insurance quotes or where I can compare what's offered by several car insurance companies? There's a huge difference in car insurance quotes depending on the provider you use and what level of cover you want and obviously I do not want to pay more than I have to. I searched for car insurance comparison sites but there are a lot to choose from and a lot more still where you just enter general stats like age and area, so can someone save me some time and let me know of a good website where I can compare car insurance quotes that are exact to my circumstances. Thanks!""
What is auto insurance?
what is auto insurance? and..  Auto Insurance  Homeowners Insurance  Health Insurance  Renters Insurance  Life Insurance can someone explain these to me?
If im on my parents insurance when i buy my motorcycle do i have to pay for insurance?
I have to save for it and its hard to get a job in Jacksonville if your a teen so how much the insurance cost and do I need it if I do have to buy it or can I just buy the motorcycle and go its the Honda cbr250r its the only in my price range for now
Approximate insurance rate for a 2011-2012 Chevrolet Camaro?
Alright so im just looking around and i saw the new lease for the camaro's msrp is aprx 23k and that is a little in my price range. But i would like to know the apprx insurance rate. Im in a family plan with my mom and brother. My brother has 2 major accidents and my mom might have 1 both at fault accident. My age is 16 almost 17. I dont plan on getting the SS just the basic model ( auto ) our insurance company is mercury. I know i wont get anything exact im just looking for an aprx. And please no comments on im too young for this car. im just considering this option. BTW i was given a quote for $140 for a 2002-2004 BMW 325 coupe and i know American car insurance is usually cheaper?
What's going to be the insurance for 2007 Ninja 250?
I am 19 years old, will be 20 in 2 months. I have a driving permit for a car, I'm planning to get a ninja 250 2007. I live in Arizona. How much is the full insurance going to be?""
I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?
I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?
Is the insurance for a ford mustang convertable cheaper or higher than a coupe?
I heard the convertable is cheaper but, that doesn't sound right. Please only answer if you have an idea.""
Switching Car Insurance?
Next year when I get married my fiance and I are going to start a new car insurance policy. However - I currently have co-signed the car I own with my mom. She is the primary owner, but my name is on everything too and I make all the payments myself. How will that work with the car insurance? Does it matter that I am not the primary owner? Does it need to be insured under her name?""
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
Car Insurance Single Vehicle Wreck?
Well, I'm am a 17 soon to be 18 year old male driver who had his first wreck today. A truck decided to come into my lane I braked and swerved to avoid went into the grass over ...show more""
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""I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I'm worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
How to get a good quote for my car insurance?
basically, i've got 1 year no claims with direct line car insurance for the past year( only 1 year driving experience). i was paying 85 for fully comprehensive, and was 24years old when applied for the insurance. i just received a letter from direct line for my renewal, and now it's gone up to 109. i was wondering what might cause it to increase, and if now am over 25years should i really inform them (if it's gonna make a difference). is it advisable to switch to another company for maybe cheaper deals?! p.s i have a vauxhall calibra year 1995""
Why should anyone purchase insurance under Obamacare when there is no fine?
If everyone bonds together and refuses to purchase insurance under govt. intimidation this would be too large for the govt. to control and destroy Obamacare. Fine or not I will never ...show more
Kids Health Insurance?????
Which kids health insurance will pay for braces?
Which car would be cheaper on insurance? PLEASE help!!!!!!!!?
im 16 and am wondering wich one would be cheaper for car insurance and by how much a white 93 civic hb or a red 94 integra gs
Why is car insurance so expensive for an 18 year old?
I was looking at quotes and they all range from 1000-1400 just for six months on a Nissan Sentra SR-E spec v. Which insurance is the cheapest and you would recommend. Its for a college student just for school and work.
Insurance for car and motorbike on one policy?
does anyone know of any insurance companys that will do a joint policy for car and motorbike. i have 2yrs ncb on my motorbike and have recently passed my car test so would like a company to take into account my riding experience when insuring me on a car. carole nash will only do this if you have had your car license for as long as you motorbike ncb.
What reputable health insurance companies are out there?
What reputable health insurance companies are out there My mom doesn't have health insurance and my job doesn't give insurance to family members. I would like to pay monthly to a health insurance company so my mom could get health check up when she needs it. Do you know any health insurance companies that can accept low monthly payments since I don't get paid that much?
Fleet Insurance?
Can anyone who has fleet insurance tell me roughly how much would it cost to insure 4 cars for a car rental business. i am doing an a level business studies project and need to know. thanks for your help!!!
Road trip without car insurance?
So my girlfriend and I want to go to Las Vegas with some friends. We don't have a car, but it friends does, however, he doesn't have car insurance. Would it still be ok to go? Why or why not? Well be traveling from SLC.""
Auto insurance?
which auto insurance should i get for my 2005 chrysler sebring? i have farmers but its so freaking expensive! i pay 200 dollras every month and i know theres people who pay less i wanna know which insurance would be cheaper? but i want full coverage and everything.
Examples of car insurance for 17 year old male in florida?
I'm 17, turning 18 soon and was wondering what some typical examples of car insurance are for others in my place. I know there are many factors, but I just want an example. Also, what are some major factors that lower car insurance? How much will the insurance change from 17 to 18?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
Health Insurance for Low Income?
We are looking for an affordable health insurance plan. I'm 39 and my husband is 45 living in San Francisco. Healthy and never had injuries or big illness. We used to have a kaiser plan around $600/m and $25 for every visit. Any better deals?
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
Georgia Car Insurance?
If i'm moving to Georgia it states that I have 30 days to register my car and I need to get car insurance within those 30 days. If i'm looking around for insurance am I allowed to drive with an out of state insurance during those 30 days? Please give a absolute answer not something that you are guessing.
Car insurance at 20 on average?
How much would car insurance be for me if i only have my licence for 2 months before i get a car and i am 20 years old?. The car would be minimum a 1.2 litre and maximum a 1.6 litre so what would a 1.2 litre, 1.4 litre and 1.6 litre cost me on average?.""
Should I get insurance for my new puppy?
Just got a new pitbull about 2 weeks ago should I get insurance for her?
Cheap car & insurance for young male driver?
My brother is 23. He has passed his licence 2 years ago and his pass plus 1 1/2 years ago. He's still struggling to find a car & insurance that he can afford. He's not fussy about the type of car so long as it's not a girls car (ie chiqichenco). The insurance can be third party etc. He has a budget of 400 for the car, what should he buy? The insurance quotes so far for various 1.0l-1.3l cars have all been over 1000 which is out of his price range. Any help would be greatly appreciated. xxx""
Insurance costs for a 17 year old for a car/quad/bike?
what would be the (rough) cost to insure; say a small engined car (1.2l ish), a mid sized quad (400cc ish) or a bike (between 125 and 600cc)? what would be the cheapest for a 17 year old? (geussing the bike then the quad then the car?) any help would be appreciated :) cheers dougie""
Motorcycle totaled with no insurance?
Ok long story short I bought a bike few weekends ago on a Saturday morning with a loan on it from a dealer. That same weekend which would be Sunday night I hit some gravel on a curved road and the bike flew from under me and it sounds like its totaled according to the dealer. Problem is I didn't have insurance on it yet because it was the weekend still. And I added insurance that week after it happened but I think they're going to find out I didn't have insurance on it at the time of the accident . Sooo what happens now ? Am I stuck paying for a bike that's totaled ? Does the gap insurance on the loan help me out in anyway ? Please help cause I'm really stressing out about this..
Whats a good affordable car insurance company in dfw?
would like to pay no more than 100 dollars a month liability but i was looking for suggestions for insurance companies for my car to check out, a company that offered raodside ...show more""
Where can i get free insurance when buying my first car???
im looking to buy my first car, and was wondering if i would be able to get free years insurance from a local dealership, or is it only mainstream dealerships do that? im looking to spend 1000 on a car, but 2000 if i can get free insurance, how would i be able to get this? Im 17, if age takes any part in this, and living in britain.""
NC Divers License and insurance?
My boyfriend is looking to get his license for the first time and we have a question about insurance. As far as I know, in the state of NC you cannot get your license w/o having car insurance. How can you get your license w/o having a car to issue insurance on? In other words, if he doesn't have a vehicle, why do they require you to have insurance before obtaining your license?""
Why can't health insurance companies in one state cover individuals from other states?
United States
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Non owners insurance in california?
i am considering non-owners insurance for a car. however, if i drive my friend's car, their insurance policy will cover me. 1) what is the point of getting non-owners insurance, if non-owners insurance already assumes that i don't have frequent access to a car, and my friend's policy will cover me, also assuming i don't have frequent access to his car? also, i know, in the case of an at-fault accident with my friend's car, and assuming i have non-owners insurance, my friend's insurance will kick in first, then my non-owners insurance will cover what's missing. 2) what's the point of non-owner's, if my friend's limits are high enough already? 3) won't my friend's insurance increase since his insurance company had to pay? 4) if my friend's insurance increases, then what does the non-owner's insurance cover/protect??""
Where can I find an affordable party hall in brooklyn for less than $2500?
I want to plan a surprise 21st birthday party. So far, I haven't been able to find anything for less than $2500 for less than 100 people. Can anybody please help!!!!!""
Car insurance in new York city vs age and area?
Im making payments on a car $190 I'm paying full coverage for the car $695 a month and I'm 21 do you think its possible To switch to liability while I'm still paying the car note? Due to my age and new to insurance and live in NY I'm guessing that's y it's so high and can't get help from others so I wouldn't mind striving for myself.
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I'm looking forward to getting a motorcycle and I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance you can get. I'm not looking for companies at the moment, I just want to know what's the cheapest plan for almost any insurance company. .""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
Alright, so I'm 16, living in Ontario, but haven't decided what bike imma get yet, so can anyone give me a range of what it'll cost? Thanks in advance.""
23 & Auto Insurance...never had any in my name?
ok, so i haven't gotten my new vehicle yet. I won one through the company i work for. I will be getting my new ride in about 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox 2010. I have never had car insurance in my name, my dad always took care of this kind of stuff for me. well since this car will be in my name, i was wondering do alot of the insurance companies go based on your credit score? i don't have good credit at all and worried my rates will be very high. I would like some companies listed that you know is cheap but also has discounts for my age with kids. I have 3 kids and i am 23, someone told me State Farm will give me a discount for my kids. Anyone heard of this? Or any other companies that do this. Thanks ANY information about AUTO insurance will be greatly appreciated. As far as the coverage also, i don't have a clue about any of these deductibles they are asking about when i go to some of the sites online for quotes! Thanks""
Why are some insurance companys rates so much higher then others?
Isn't there a risk guide insurance company's use? shouldn't that be the same or similar for all Insurance company's? I ask because I switched insurance company's and saved $300 for a 6 month policy. That seems to be a bit excessive to be off by that much.
Does the mazda 3 have high insurance costs?
just wondering if it would be in the sports car range or the sedan range?
Cheaper car Insurance for 18 year old?
I'm an 18 year old male and live in Florida. I have state farm insurance and I was paying 167 a month for minimum car insurance, I have a clean record and I drive a 97 Honda civic. I had a mechanical failure in my car that caused my wheel to fly off while I was driving, I filed a claim and all of a sudden they want 365 a month for minimum coverage, why am I paying so much, 167 already seemed steep to me, I work part time and that basically a week of pay for me. Where can I find insurance that doesnt cost so much? The insurance cost more than my damn car payments did.""
How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?
If I was in an accident in California how long do i have to report it to the insurance company so that they will cover it?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?
looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!""
How much is insurance on a lamborghini?
I'm 16 and thinking about getting this as my first car and just wondering the insurance.
Full coverage insurance for a 350z in Cali?
Age: 26 Started: 16 2005 Nissan 350z 85k miles How much in general (ball park) would it be for insurance for this car in California? so many insurance places have you go through tons of crap and then get swamped with junk mail, I'd rather just get a ballpark estimate.""
How much does car insurance cost?
Im 19,, looking for a first car,, whats the cheapest car to insure? How much about would it cost?""
Teens and Motorcycle Insurance?
I am 17 and plan on buying a Ninja 250cc when I am 18. I live in the state of Florida. What is the ball park of my insurance if I only get collision insurance?
Getting health insurance for a young adult?
I'm a 20 year old college student living in Houston, TX. I have recently been having very bad problems with depression and anxiety and I think there's a possibility of anemia due to my low weight and constant fatigue (among other symptoms). Because of this, it's been very hard for me to get and keep a job. I really need a doctors help with all this but I'm uninsured and have no support from my parents. I've unsuccessfully tried applying for a Harris County Gold Card and I'm not eligible for medicare. The problem is I'm being supported by my boyfriend and living in his apartment for free. When I applied for the Gold Card, based on my situation, they said that I'm dependent on him and that he would need to show his proof of income. Since he lives off his parents money, he is still considered dependent on them. What are my other options in getting to see a doctor ASAP for cheap/ free? I'm afraid that even if I can afford the initial doctor's appointment, I won't be able to afford my medication or follow ups. Thanks for your help.""
Difference between health and life insurance?
Difference between health and life insurance?
150cc scooter. Insurance? and License?
I am planning on purchasing a 150cc trike scooter(2 in front, 1 in back) and i was wondering if this scooter would be covered under my parents insurance seeing as i am currently under theirs? and if not how much would i need to pay a year(on average) to become insured for this scooter? I am pretty sure that a 150cc is classified as a motorcycle in Wisconsin, which is where i am currently residing. So i believe that i am required to take motorcycle safety classes and receive a motorcycle license. Correct me if i am wrong. If i were to go with a 50cc trike would i have to deal with any of the above insurance issues and licensing issues?""
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Car insurance for 16/17 year old and 21 year old?
We only need car insurance until January because we're moving, so we were going to get it in July. Can I get insurance with my sister, so joint insurance, she's 21, and I'll be 17 in July. I'm a new driver, and she got her license just last August. How much would that be, my mom said around 800? I think we have State Farm.""
How much is insurance for a bmw 3 series?
Im 16 and I'm planing on getting a BMW 3 series, how much would insurance be with allstate, I would be in a plan with my parents. I was also interested in getting a passat, hynday Tiburon or 3000gt. Why would be the cheapest?""
""If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.""
Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?
Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer""
bmw free insurance
bmw free insurance
0 notes
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
"Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do I need car insurance to take the drivers test in Florida?
I'm was going to take the drivers test this friday to get my license, since i turned 16. But I found out that I have to have car insurance under my name to get my license. So my dad called his insurance guy and asked him about it, and the guy said that it would increase my dads insurance from $2500 to $4000. My dad said that he couldn't pay that much and that I couldn't get my license. Is there any other option for me? Is there any cheaper car insurance that I could use that would be less, or what if I got my own separate insurance from my dad? Would that be cheaper? I was also thinking, could I just get the insurance for the test and then take it off once the test is over? Please help! I really want to get my license!""
How does car insurance work?
Okay, I'm 17 and I'm getting my first car this summer, maybe June. Thing is, I am only going to have my car from this June until March or April of 2009. The reason for that is that I'm moving to Mexico on one of those months. I would actually have liked not to buy my car now but I'm going to have to because where I live, there's absolutely no public transportation. (I live in the northern part of Texas.) I graduate high school in a couple of weeks and need to get to and from work. Up to now I had been working but work was pretty close and my aunt (which I live with) gave me rides. She's getting a job now too so I can't really be dependant on any one and I don't want to at all either. My big question here is... when I get my car, does car insurance come with a contract or something? I won't be here for a year so if it does, what's the minimum plan available? I will also be with my aunt's insurance so I will be included in their plan or however that works..""
Can my car insurance provider kick me out of grandparents house?
after my mom n sister moved into an apartment downtown ive been living with my grandparents. i have no job, i cant afford school, so i basically just help out around the house since they are in their 80's. recently i was told by my car insurance provider that i had to pay for the insurance for me to be on the grandparents car or move out. the reason i have to move is because apparently im too much of a liability for them, when i haven't even had a car wreck or anything with my own car just a year before. can they legally do this in my state (michigan) or even federally? im 21 not 18 and again ive been driving for a while before i was put on their insurance. oh and the best part about this situation, is that their auto insurance agent is my biological aunt. Can someone help please? They really need me back at my grandparents house.""
Individual health insurance plan?
I'm trying to find an individual plan that covers all my needs. I do have a routine medical problem that requires a few prescriptions every month, it's not a big and costly issue like cancer or HIV. Should I disclose this as a preexisting medical condition if asked, will I be denied coverage if I'm honest? If I obtain the insurance after denying my condition could I be denied the care/specialty visit/meds from a very routine medical condition?""
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in Nebraska?
I just bought motorcycle and need to get plates. Do I need to have insurance before i can register my bike?
About how much does car insurance for a BMW cost??
i dont know if the car model matters but just in case lets say a 2004 BMW 325i for a guy under 30
Will my car insurance go up?
I just got a speeding ticket for going 14mph over. I pay my car insurance on a 6 month cycles and I just paid for the next 6 months at the beginning of the month. Is there any way the insurance companycan charge me more for the current 6 months or will my insurance not go up until my next 6 months bill? Thanks!
Help with insurance policies?
Does anyone know websites with insurance policies for events? I'm holding an event and I can't seem to find any proper policies anywhere. It's more of a sporty type event.
Should I get added to my parent insurance?
I'm 17 years old and want to know if I should buy my own insurance on a new car or get put on my parents insurance? Which would be cheaper. I'm buying the car myself so can I have the car registered in my name, but on my parents insurance? I live in Nevada by the way. Will I run into problems with the law if that happens?""
Dmv california insurance online?
i want to renew my tags online. but it says my insurance needs to be on dmv file. so i want to know do i have to go to the dmv and wait in the miseriable line or is there a way to show my proof of insurance online to them?
Do I have to make an appointment to get car insurance ??
or do i go in the car insurance building and they give me insurance that day ??
Need to find a good place and affordable price for dental care..?
Hello I'm from Oklahoma and I'm looking for a good Dentist.That is affordable.I have BCBS Insurance.But it only pays a small amount.I will be 33 next week and I'm so depressed over my teeth.I got real sick a few yrs back and the meds and all just made my teeth rot..Please someone help..Thanks Melody
I crashed a friends subaru and his parents are hunting me for money. How much am should I be expected to pay?
Turning a corner I overturned and have dented the front fender in front of the left wheel. Knocked the front left wheel out of alignment, all but removed the passenger mirror and scratched the left side of the car, only paint deep to my recollection. Also the left front indicator cover has been smashed, bulbs unharmed though. The car is a subaru legacy 1985 station wagon 4wd. They either want $700 for the cost of the car itself or repair money. Please help soon, friends parents are hunting me down.""
How much does points on your license affect my insurance?
I would like to let you people know that I'm a full-time student, and that this month has to be officially the worst month of my life. Throughout this month I've been pulled over twice, and the reason for them are pretty stupid if you ask me. I basically see it as being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The first time I got pulled over was while I was getting off a red light with a car in front of me. I got hit with 3 tickets. - Tailgating, (supposedly I was too close to the other car when i was getting off the red light) - Careless driving, (don't know how this plays a roll in why I got pull over) - Loud muffler, ( just got it back from the mechanic that day and had a leak on the exhaust) The second time I got pulled over I stopped on a red light and checked if I can make a right on red, there was no sign stating I can't, so I went ahead and turned red when possible. I was given two tickets. smh -____- FML - Failure to observe traffic control device ( don't know how if I clearly noticed it was red) - Careless Driving _______________________________ Aside from the facts that they are points on my license, I'm going to do my best in trying to take some courses that can remove the points they gave my license. All in all, how much will this affect my insurance. Again FML, I'm a full-time student who commutes and has no job.""
Insurance question..I have 4 years no claims on my 125cc scooter....?
and I am riding it on a provisonal license in the U.K on a C.B.T certificate. I will pass my U.K driving test soon. Does anyone know if there is an insurance company that will take these four years no claims bonus into account when quoting for car insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Currently have Geico. paying close to 2k / year for auto insurance (full cover). Can anyone recommend a cheaper insurance company? I have 13 years of driving experience with clean record (not a single traffic violation or speeding ticket)
What exactly is a car insurance quote?
literally, is it a QUOTE? what is it?! i feel pretty darn stupid for asking this question. but you know, it's annoying the shiz outta me.""
Car insurance calculator?
is there anyplace online to give you an estimated insurance payment based on age, and model and year of vehicle? im trying to find out what car is affordable for me insurance wise and dont want to bug my family insurance company with quotes on several different cars lol""
So can I lie about my grades to the car insurance company?
So im 17 and getting my license in a couple of days. Apparently i need car insurance to drive by myself. Seeing as how my parentals want to pay less, they want as much discounts as possible (who doesnt?). So i kinda have like a 2.5 GPA and you need a 3.0 for the discount. So, im thinking i can get a report card, scan it and change the grades. When i do that, i just give it to whatever insurance company and they'll give me the discount. Sounds fool proof. Now, is it? Can the insurance company find out my real grades? i doubt they actually look. So can someone fill me in?""
""I am due to start driving next September, what cars get you cheaper insurance, and what other things can i do?""
i looked on some sites, some saying as much as 7000 in the uk, can i get that a little cheaper? thanks""
What would you say about geico insurance?
I have my auto insurance with state farm insurance but I was thinking of switching it to Geico. What would you say about Geico? Thanks
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
""What is the best learner motorcycle, cheap on insurance and good quality?""
I am looking to learn how to ride a motorcycle and am looking for a bike that is easy to learn, cheap to run, cheap on insurance and a good ride. Are older bikes cheaper? Are some brands better on insurance than others? Thanks.""
Insurance for surgery?
how long after i get insurance can i get surgery? i dont have insurance yet but i am planning on getting one (ppo). i am planning on getting surgery and i know that insurance will cover it, i just dont know how long i have to have my insurance for?? are there any insurance rules i need to know. any insurance agent out there help plz!""
How much is your car insurance?
Just wondering. Mine's coming to 700!!
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
Light collision on the highway...covered by insurance?
my girlfriend was driving my car, and i was sleeping so i didn't see what happened... she was driving on the most left lane, and there was a car on the right hand side of our car.. again, i didn't see what happened, but she told me that car didn't stay on his lane, and slightly crossed to our lane, then the front of our car hit the back of that car... no one is injured, my gf and that driver both stopped on the shoulder and see if there are any damages... but it was at night, and too dark to see anything... that man said he is just going to go home and drive away... after we went back home, we found out there are some scratches and some dent on the front of my car... i took it to the auto body shop, and it the people there said it's gonna cost about $900 to fix it... should i contact my insurance company..? or is it not covered..? (sorry, i know i am all new to this...)""
Car insurance question.?
Can I have a car loan under my name and have the title under mine and my parents name as a main cosigner? Then have insurance under my parents name? Is it possible to have the title under my name with no cosigner and insurance under parents? I just want cheaper insurance that's all.
18 years old.. Fast car low insurance?
In fact I don't want a fast car lol cause i will not get insured.. Or not insured cheap... Just something that looks sporty and can go quick 0-30.. Away from the lights.. Red...amber.. Green... My budget is 1000 for the car
I just got notice my insurance premiums jumped so I high I cannot pay them.?
I just got notice at work this morning that my insurance is going from 79.00 every two weeks to 179.00 and with my family which I have on my insurance went from 345.00 to 750.00 every weeks. I cannot afford this! I have no idea what to do. I only make 1700.00 a month. What can I do?
Why is auto insurance higher for teens then it is for adults?
I am writing an essay saying insurance should be higher for teens then adults. I need body paragraphs saying why it should be higher then adults.
Regarding Auto Insurance Companies policy for DUI.?
I am in living in Northern California and my question is how long do Auto INsurance Companies keep DUI on your record. I have been told 7 years but our insurance companys says 10years..
Any one know about car insurance for teenage driver in north carolina?
so im going to be driving soon and i will need to get insured. does anyone know how much this will cost if i live in north carolina? by the way, i dont know what car im getting...im looking. ;] so it would be helpful if you could give me a range for different types of cars. oh yeah, and sources would be nice. =] thanks a bunch!""
If im 19 and living with my parents still will getting a motorcycle affect there insurance?
I want to get my own policy but my parents are worried that it will still raise there insurance because i live with them i just need to kno if this will make there insurance more expensive and an idea of how much insurance will cost im im getting a new honda cbr 250r
How much is a car insurance ?
Just roughly ? Thanks
What are peoples opinions of the affordable care act?
I am not that informed about it and curious how people feel about it
Someone at fault with no insurance suing my insurance?
I was t-boned at an intersection by a lady who had no insurance, no license and who ran a red light (she was ticketed for all 3). I filed under uninsured motorist claim and my deductible is $250. She tried making a claim against my insurance, but it was obviously denied. She is now saying she is contacting an attorney because the officers at the accident were corrupt ...Can she sue and will she likely get anything? Can I counter sue for the decidable?""
What do i do if I have breast cancer and no insurance?
I am 42 and won't go to the doctor because I have no insurance, I can't pay the $250 for a check up, plus lab fees, just to find out, not to mention the other tests and the referrals I'd get if there was an issue...I'm scared to go to the doctor, and scared not to go. any advice?""
What trackers reduce car insurance for young drivers?
I have heard of trakers that are said to reduce car insurance, can anyone name the trackers and how much they are said to bring the quote down by? Many thanks""
Insurance company GETTING AWAY?
I was reently rear-ended, my vehicle was totaled. My MEDICAL insurance paid for all our medical costs, does that mean that the other drivers car insurance company gets away without paying anything. At the hospital I gave all my medical insurance info, recently I got a letter from the hospital saying that all cost were already paid by my MEDICAL insurance company. Is the other drivers CAR insurance company gonna get away without paying anything? They have accepted FULL fault, since I was rear-ened.""
Do you know of a good motor insurance company?
I have just bought a merc. Need a good and reliable insurance company. Please suggest one.
How much would my car insurance go up if I got a mustang?
I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
Car accident medical bills: Car insurance or health insurance?
I was in a car accident and went to an urgent care to get myself and son checked out. I used my health insurance to cover the medical costs. Is my car insurance supposed to reimburse my BCBS(Blue Cross Blue Sheild) health insurance? Or does my health insurance cover it? The car insurance company (progressive) totaled my vehicle and paid me $350 for our medical bills. Am I supposed to give that money to BCBS? I just dont want medical bills to come back to me later on down the road after settling. Also, what do I do if I am still in pain from whiplash? Should I go to a chiropractor, a doctor? Should I send Progressive the bill or use my BCBS? Any advice would be helpful.""
What is the best website for cheap car insurance?
Im going to be driving soon but the insurance for young drivers is ridiculous. I just want to know what insurance company does the best insurance deals for new drivers. Thank you!! :D
Do you need insurance if you are not going to drive the car?
For example if you had a parked car on the side of the road would you need it to be insured?? Because what would happen if your handbreak snapped and it rolled into another car? Who's insurance would cover it?
How much do you think the cheapest insurance would be for my classic car?
My car is a 68' . Yes It is very old. I have been trying to get a quote but most websites do not have the option for cars older then the early 90's late 80's. Anyone with a classic car help? I thought about antique tags but I will use It as a daily driver and in the state of VA that's illegal so.. it's chevy impala 4 doors. btw. all I want is a liability.
Whats the cheapest auto insurance plan?
I hate insurance. I have no reason so far to need it. I'm a safe driver and i do not want my money to be drained into some company, which in time, will get more money from me than they spend to fix whatever may happen to my car. I don't want a flashy car. I only need a cheap one. So i could care less about dents and stuff. What is literally the cheapest auto insurance plan i can get in California? cheapest dollar for dollar.""
Im 16 and im wondering what is the cheapest insurance for the following cars?
im thinking about getting a used car probably a 2005-2007 scion tc or ford mustang 2005-2006 or a nissan 350z 2003-2007
""In general, How much does car insurance go down after marriage?""
I live in Seminole County Fla, am 22 and getting married. I pay 135ish a month now, how much does it usually go down???? I'm not asking exact just a rough estimate?""
Is there a site that compares auto insurance quotes?
Preferably one that gives you quotes on the spot instead of sending your info to companies. Thanks!!
Best car insurance for 17 year old?!?
Hi, I have just passed my driving test. I am a 17 year old male living in a stable suburb. My mum owns a 2002 Mini Cooper and my dad has just ordered a new Audi A7. Obviously I cannot drive the Audi when it comes haha. I am looking to drive the Mini. What is the cheapest insurance company to be a NAMED DRIVER on my mum's car insurance. THIS IS NOT FRONTING. I will hardly drive, my mum uses the car most/all of the time. I have got very high quotes and the best yet is 2000 from Admiral. Any other suggestions please?""
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
How much does it cost to live on your own. CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?
slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn'dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh""
Car insurance Premium?
(I have only had car insurance for about 6 months, so I am still pretty new to this). My question was that my 6 month renewal policy states that my premium is $728.86; however, when I first got with this company, I paid around $368 down because I am in that age bracket where they stereotype you as a bad driver. Will I have to pay the $368 again along with monthly payments of $66.60? Or will I just continue to pay my monthly payment as it is?""
Get insurance on car if title not in my name?
I am wanting to make payments to a freind for this car until it is paid off. The title is in his name, can I get insurance on it for myself even though the title is not in my name?""
How do i become an insurance agent in california?
How do i become an insurance agent in california?
""What's the cheapest car insurance company in Fresno, CA?""
What's the cheapest car insurance company in Fresno, CA?""
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
""Friend hit my car, will my insurance go up?
Alright well tonight I was doing some work on my friends car so I had his car up on some ramps and my car was parked behind. Well for some reason he felt it nessessary to back up as far as he could from the ramps and ended up backing right up into my car. It damaged the bumper pretty well so i'd like to have it repaired. My questions are one will my insurance rise if I get it repaired under his insurance? And will his insurance go up because of it? If so how much? I live in Arizona if that is of any help
How much would insurance cost yearly for?
for a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that would be purchased for 110,000 dollars. Thank You.""
ABC news did a #realmoney story on How to find affordable dental insurances or plans; Baton Rouge?
How can people save money and still get the best dental care in Baton Rouge. What insurance is best for a family of 5? ABC news did a segment on #realmoney and I am wondering more ...show more
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
Cheap car insurance companies?
i've just passed my test and own a renault clio sport 1.4 w reg all insurance quotes have been over 3000 pound does any one know where to go for cheap car insurance
How much of a role does health insurance issues have with hiring and firing employees?
Group insurance through the employer's insurance plan.
What would be the average pay for car insurance per month?
i am 18 years old and my parents dont want me on there car insurance because they dont want to be liable .what would be the average pay for car insurance per month if i went on my own for the first time?
Is there a way to purchase insurance for frequent car rental?
I travel sometimes and one of the dumbest expenses that I can think of is the crazy amount of the car insurance at the rental place. It is 36 dollars per day for the minimum coverage just to protect the car from the rental place. It does not cover your liability for damages to the car that you collide with. I asked my insurance guy where I buy my standard insurance and he was no help. Can I buy some kind of insurance that will totally cover me when I rent cars. I think that my cheapo liability insurance for my car will not cover me when I drive other cars or out of the country. Also I will call my credit card but I'm not sure that this option is available to me. I want to purchase insurance on my own month per month if possible. Does this exist?
Why doesn't car insurance go down every year since I owe less money to the dealer?
Every year my car insurance goes up and I am just 10 months away from paying off my car, I have never had an accident or a claim and been driving for 10 years. I have been with many car insurance companies but they do the same scam after few months.The insurance representatives don't even know why it went up, they just say theirs went too. WHY ISN'T THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS SWINDLERS? It's been going up for the four year, haven't had a relief despite I just owe 4k.""
Health Insurance for 20 yr old in NJ.?
I live in New Jersey. I'm 20. I havent had health insurance since i was about 15, and I live with a friend's family because I have no parents. My Mom died in 2008, and my father is absent. Is there anyway i can get medicaid or any type of affordable insurance ? I read that Medicaid is only available to the elderly, disabled, and people with children. If thats correct, do i have any other options ? (My mom had medicaid and i was on her policy before she died). Also, im in school full time, but not at a university, so the school doesnt offer healthcare. Any opinons/information is appreciated.""
How much will it cost me to insure a ford focus - just give me an idea.?
Plese could anyone give me a rough idea how much it would cost to insure a ford focus. I just want to do it the cheapest way posssible. Its a 020 reg and i am currently using the car to deliver parcels so the insurance at the moment is forty pounds plus a month as im self employed. I will be leaving my job soon so just want to revert back to a normal quote but the insurer said they will charge me more if i pull out early and also he said it will be round about that price if you insure it with any other insurer. This is so confusing. Can anyone give me an idea of how much they pay.?
""What is the best cheap, reliable car insurance and why?""
So I'm buying car insurance by myself for the first time and need to know what you feel is the best cheap car insurance and why? And in case anyone feels like being a smart butt, yes I do mean in America lol.""
How much does flood insurance cost?
How much does flood insurance cost, as well as wind insurance?""
Honda cg125 or cb125 and running cost and insurance please?
Honda cg125 or cb125 and running cost and insurance please?
Can somebody explain what term insurance means?
if you get term insurance for 10 years, can you get your money after 10 yearrs even if you didn't diie?""
I need affordable health insures help?
I need affordable health insures help?
What insurance plan would be best for a young family that has a 5 month old?
In my Advanced Functions class, we're doing a project about insurance plans mostly which plan, basic or premium, would be better for a certain situation like a single parent or something like that. My partner and I decided to use a young family (around the ages of 24 or 25) who has a 5 month baby girl. I was wondering would a basic plan or a premium plan be better suited for them?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
It seems to me that every insurance company out there is claiming to have the lowest rates, etc. In your experience, who has had the cheapest prices? I'm referring to basic car insurance...no frills, just the minimum coverage that is now required in WI? Thanks (and please dont try to sell me something...I just want some ideas here)""
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
Short term car insurance quotes?
Hi, are there any car insurance companies that can offer car insurance for a short term (6weeks) for young drivers? Im 19 and had my license since april now, but not been able to get my own car as im going to uni in september and cant afford to buy and insure one for a year. My boyfriend has just got a new car and is offering his old car to me for the weeks before uni to get to work etc so im after insurance for 6 weeks only but all the ones i have looked at wont insure a young driver. I wanted to go with Diamond insurance as they are cheapest for me but not sure if they will offer me short term cover. Help!""
(for people in america) how much does the average 17-18 year old pay for insurance?
im from ireland and was just wondering approx
How much will my insurance go up...only airbags deployed...?
My airbags deployed...I had a relatively low speed bump, rear-ending another vehicle...there was minimal cosmetic damage to my front end and ZERO damage to the car I bumped. I currently pay about 300 every 6 months.....my deductible is 250...how much will my insurance increase if I ask the insurance company to pay to fix this....it is a 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts...""
What sports cars have low insurances?
im 19 so insurances are an absolute drag and im looking to buy a sports looking car but the insurances for everything are so high. so is there any good sports looking cars with a relatively low insurance group preferably below 15. my previous cars have been a ford focus 1.6 titanium 09reg , Puegeot 206 1.1 T reg, ford fiesta zetec s 1.6 59reg and im driving a puegeot 207 1.6 59reg at the moment and i want to get out this style of car. and i have a budget of around 14,000 - 15,000""
Can we get car insurance for some days????????....?
i had car insurance and just expired ... now i want to sell the car so i dont need any futher insurance..like 6 months to 1 year . but i need couple of days 5-6 to sell my car...can you help out.........how can i get insurance for sometime......
I drive my moms car a lot should she put me on her insurance ?
well I talked to a police officer and he said that as long as my mom has insurance and as long as i have my license I can legally drive her car anytime but should she put me on her insurance policy what would be the point of this ? how much more money would she have to spend im 18 and she only has to pay like 400 bucks a year for insurance plus full coverage because she has a good driving record also the only reason i think she should put my on her insurance is if i hit a car or get in an accident her insurance will pay for it if im on the policy correct what about if someone hits me while im driving and im not on my moms insurance policy it wouldnt matter correct ?
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates.?
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates. I did have my license and insurance at the time but did not have my wallet with me. I was wondering how much it will cost me to reinstate my driver's license and if I might have to take the driver's test over again or not. If I have documentation that I had a license and insurance at the time would it help me? I'm in Alabama if that helps. Any answers are greatly appreciated.
I got into a car accident and i have no insurance?
I rear ended this woman at only 20 miles an hour, she had absolutely nothing on her, not even a scratch . I have no insurance so she didn't call the police. Then she called this weekend she said her mechanic said it would cost over $500 because her air bags needed to be replaces due to this accident. Is she just trying to play me and did I have anything to do with those air bags? I decided she was lying to me, and decided not to pay. She then calls and says she's calling the police and reporting it as a hit and run, and calling a lawyer.""
Top 10 low insurance and tax cars in insurance group 1?
just wanted little info about top 10 cars that are: 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine Insurance group 1 Low road tax
What does 0% Coinsurance after deductible mean in health insurance?
Trying to purchase health Insurance and trying to understand what I'm dealing with.
Emergency answers asap! Cheapest car insurance just to be legal?
We just need to drive from texas to PA, and we're not going to keep the plan. we just need to be kept legal from pa to texas, i realize we'll need 6month car insurance (assuming temporary car insurance is a myth) we need to leave tomorrow and we will be on the road a few days geico dropped us immediately after a car side swiped us, so that is on the record. yes, the cancellation is effective. we don't have time to investigate, I really just need cash numbers or whatever advice you may have.""
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
Will my car insurance monthly payments increase AFTER i rent a vehicle (READ BELOW)?
I already own a 4-door sedan, which I cover with monthly insurance for a reasonable value. Although recently, I had to rent a pick-up truck from Enterprise Rent-A-Car to move some furniture from a friend's house to my place. Upon sigining of the necessary rental documents, the rental car agent and I came across the section about insuring the rented vehicle; as Enterprise Rent-a-Car will always offer their own insurance services, I mentioned to them that I already have car insurance of my own, of which I can look forward to saving the additional $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car originally offers. I encouraged Enterprise Rent-a-Car to contact my insurance provider so that both of us can be sure that my car insurance provider will cover the pick-up truck I am about to borrow from them. (Full coverage that is) Everything went smoothly and Enterprise Rent-a-Car agreed to insure their truck under my own car insurance. My car insurance provider also approved of my intention to borrow the truck and cover the said truck using my insurance. Two weeks later came the insurance bill, and to my wondering, I saw that my following monthly insurance payments all jacked-up their prices to one dollar addtional per month! Huh?!?!?! What could have caused this? Could it be the fact that I have had the rented pick-up truck and the request to insure the said truck under my own car insurance resulting to a somewhat considerable claim of some sort? Any opinions or personal experience you may have had? Thanks Alot YaHoO Readers/Responders! A vote comes to the most sensible and brainstormed answer!""
What's the average car insurance cost in Ireland?
Hi everyone, I'm planning to move from Canada to Ireland next year and I was wondering what would be an average cost for a basic car insurance? I have had a valid Canadian G2 license for about 3 years, as well as a Romanian (EU) full license for 8 years. I'm 26. The car would be a small car, and the region either Dublin or Cork. I'm not looking for an exact quote, I'd just like to know what you are paying for your car and your experience, so to get an idea of what to expect. Thanks.""
How much is my car payment going to be?
I'm a 16 year old girl, in Albuquerque, NM. And I am going to buy a Used 2007 Chevy Aveo with 39,000 miles on it. The car itself is $8,995, and I figured out the down payment is gonna be like 1,000 dollars-ish. But I really wanna know how much my monthly is gonna be, and I know, my first car should be a clunker, but I really need something that is gonna work and get me places since I am really involved in school and sports and stuff. So, how much is my monthly gonna be? and INSURANCE! I know Insurance is gonna be higher since I am a teen driver, but I don't know how much. And I wanna be able to ask my parents about how we're gonna split the payments and stuff, since I am getting a job soon and I want to be able to pay for most of my OWN stuff. Thank You :)""
""Being sued by an insurance company, can my wages be garnished?""
I was in a severe accident last year in which the damage done exceeded my coverage. Now, a year later, the other insurance company is suing me. Now, the odd thing about this is, the accident was in NJ, I now live in PA, and they cannot seem to find me. They've called my old jobs in NJ looking for me, but haven't found me here in PA. What's even odder is, the attorney hunting me down is from MY insurance company, which I now again have in PA, and that particular accident never even showed up on my driving record when I insured my vehicle here. I'm assuming it has something to do with crossing state lines, but it's very odd. My big question is, when they judge against me, can my wages be garnished here in Pennsylvania? Can they garnish wages in that scenario? And also, is anyone familiar with the crossing state lines aspect of this and why they cannot seem to find me? I would like to just file for bankruptcy so my wages cannot be garnished, but up to or over a thousand dollars is a hit I cannot take. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
When to buy motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning to buy a used motorcycle from a private party within the coming month or so. My question is, do i buy the motorcycle first, take it home, then get it insured? Or do i legally have to buy insurance first before i can purchase it from the private party?""
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance for a new young driver?
I'm looking to insure a car most likely small, i've been trawling the web for hours now and just wondering if anyone could recomend a cheap insurer for a young (17) driver. Many thanks.""
Is it unsafe to get a home loan with no deposit?
I would really like to take advantage of the first home buyers grant but will not have a deposit in time. I have looked at no deposit home loans but have heard they can be dangerous. Is that true?
Whats the Cost for motorcycle insurance if I'm 18?
I want to buy a bike when I'm 18 but if the insurance cost to much I probably won't. But I want to know about how much it will cost a month for a sportsbike if I'm 18. I want a ninja, nothing over 600cc. ???""
Insurance under 4000 for 17 year old?
Ok, well I'm 17 (male) and have passed my driving test. I have compared many quotes for all the worst and lowest engine cars, like corsa 1.0, peugeot 106 1.1 etc I just can't seem to get a quote under 4000! Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to get affordable insurance? I heard that insurance for 17 year olds has doubled in the past year but didn't reckon it would be this much! Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated :)""
How much would Insurance go up with Speeding Ticket?
I'm 17, in Kansas, and I got a speeding ticket for going a 51 in a 40. My dad said that it will cause insurance to go up for the next three years. My ticket cost is $96.00. How much should this cause my insurance to go up? I've never had any violations of any kind before and I have the good student discount, too. Also, what do you recommend I do? Should I just pay the fine and accept whatever happens to my insurance?""
Insurance Cost for Hyundai Elantra in Canada?
I'm 23 years old living in ontario canada, and I'm planning on buying a used 2004 hyundai elantra. I've taken driving school and now have g2 driving license. I'm looking for other people who have also bought the same car and around the same age as me, and I just wanna ask how much do you pay for your car insurance and what's the best (cheaper) company i should go for? Thanks =]""
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
Princeton Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61356
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