#ive already started wearing it places again when its warm out!
rollypoliesonarock · 2 years
My friend gave me a bunch of pop tabs, so I did a thing with them
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Alright, today yesterday I read chapters 17-21 and I sure have a lot of thoughts about Rhysand now. can you guess if theyre positive or negative? I'll give you a hint, its not the one that starts with a p
But before we get into that, can I just say, why the hell is everything happening so goddamn quickly YOURE ALL IMMORTAL. like, heres a rough timeline of acomaf so far: three months of Feyre being miserable in Spring post-UTM, then Rhysand takes her for one week, then Feyre's back in Spring for three weeks, then Rhysand takes her again for one week, then its less than three weeks of Feyre being back in Spring before Tamlin locks her in the manor and Rhysand and Mor take her back to the Night Court. Its been barely half a year! The reason Im bringing that up is first of all, it very much seems like Feyre is already beginning to warm up Rhysand at this point when that is absolutely not enough time for that after what he did to her. And second of all, theyre already demanding so much of her when everyone except for Rhys hasnt even spent 24 hours with her in total. And she just agrees to everything?? Right off the bat, basically the only way this makes any sense is if Rhysand is mind controlling her
Also, this is only semi-related, but i swear I remember Mor wearing a red dress to their first get-together at the HoW and Feyre not reacting to it at all ?? Also, Cassian siphons, they were specifically like a fire-y red what the hell. Now, was that just a mistake or did Rhysand use his mind powers to turn off the part of Feyre's brain that gets triggered at the sight of the color red so she wouldnt ruin his family reunion? You decide.
Alright, now lets talk about Feyre. Ive had some trouble properly analysing her the past few chapters because I was really focused on trying to figure out what exactly made her so unhappy at the spring court vs why she likes the night court so much when they seem very similar. It seemed like her motivation was flip-flopping all over the place, similar to chapters 1-3, but she already came across as far less traumatized somehow, so it felt weird that she would still have so much trouble really articulating what she wants, even to herself. But then I realized, its not that shes flip-flopping, her motivations are just contradictory; she wants to be an important political player who gets to Do Stuff but she doesnt want anyone to pay any attention to her, which is why having an empty title and no actual power staying in a city full of people who dont care if their high lord is just walkin around right beside them is so appealing
And its really frustrating because its another instance of her just getting what she wants right away instead of having to go through any character development. Shes bad at communicating and instead of even attempting to work on that, she just gets a mindreader for a soulmate, and she cant do smalltalk with nobles in order to earn their respect as Lady of Spring and instead of learning to adapt or putting her foot down and refusing to deal with the courtly bullshit at the cost of her political power, she just gets a leadership position that was quite literally made for her.
Somewhat related to Feyre being bad at politicking, they keep bringing up the fact that Tamlin just wanted her to throw parties and wear pretty dresses and maybe pop out some sons at the spring court and its just so annoying. Of course, much has already been said about how ironic it is when you consider how she ends up in ACOSF so Im not gonna go into detail on that but I did want to mention it. Also, parties and other social gatherings were a pretty important way for (noble) women who were kept out of politics to still participate in them in the past, and even if we take out the misogyny that just suddenly materialized in this book, Feyre cant read, doesnt know this land and barely knows what its like being the daughter of a rich guy, much less an actual noblewoman, of course she cant do much but sit around and reassure people that everything is gonna be alright by virtue of her presence
Speaking of the weird misogyny, its so baffling to me the reason shes being objectified and dehumanized (no pun intended) is that shes a woman whos seen as only good for child-rearing, when it really should be her being objectified and being dehumanized by being put on a pedestal for being the Saviour Of Prythian. It seems so obvious like, Ive been rotating some ideas for an ACOMAF-rewrite AU type thing in my head since before I even started reading this book, and one of the first things I decided was that everyone was gonna call feyre The Cursebreaker and nothing else and she would feel really weird and bad about it. I literally dont think anything wouldve changed if her being objectified was a more personal issue rather than something resulting from systemic misogyny, other than the fact that Rhysand couldnt be a feminist in-universe if that was the case
Now, before I move on to the next thing I wanted to talk about, I wanna quickly explain what I mean by "the misogyny just materialized in the second book" because some people might say "oh, but the first book had misogyny as well" and it definitely did but not to the same extent. ACOTAR was kinda weird because it seems to be a pretty egalitarian world, Feyre doesnt think its weird that a woman is a mercenary and while considering that the Spring Court might have a High Lady instead of a High Lord, she doesnt say anything about how it would unusual to have a woman be a leader, but it has this coating of "period-typical misogyny" over it, seemingly just because its what you expect from these kinds of pseudo-medieval european-inspired fantasy settings
So you still get all women being expected to wear dresses and Feyre being an exception for not wanting to wear one and when Feyre daydreams about getting rid of her sisters, she daydreams about marrying them off rather than daydream about them getting jobs or something. But even with that, while Feyre is considered a bit strange for not wanting to wear a dress at the Spring Court, she still ultimately gets to just wear pants without it being a big deal. And then we get to ACOMAF and suddenly theres FGM thats completely normalized, domestic abuse, women being expected to do child rearing and "continue the bloodline" by default even though children were supposed to be super rare and fae should absolutely not structure their lives around them and Feyre being absolutely baffled at the idea of a political leader having a second-in-command thats a woman. And again, it very much seems like the only reason for that is that it makes Rhysand look better if hes recuing women in general from systemic inequality, rather than just rescuing a single woman from her personal problems
And with that, lets finally talk about my most detested, Rhysand Nolastname. He fucking sucks man. In a past post I made a point about comparing specifically ACOTAR!Tamlin with specifically ACOMAF!Rhys because it thought it made sense to compare Tamlin when hes written as a love interest to Rhys being written as a love interest, but honestly, theres so little difference between Tamlin being written as an antagonist in ACOMAF and Rhys being written as a love interest that it feels kinda pointless now. Like, Feyre is upset that Tamlin wont tell her anything about the politics happening, but is inexplicably fine with Rhysand not telling her what he wants from the summer court, she hates meeting with Tamlins associates and having meaningless smalltalk with them but likes meeting Rhysand's, she doesnt like Tamlin flaunting his wealth but is fine with all of Rhysand's expensive bullshit, literally the only difference between them is that Feyre likes one and and hates the other, again, for no real reason because they are the same. Well, the same in their treatment of Feyre, Rhysand is arguably a worse person who has done and is still doing a lot more harm on a larger scale but Im posting this in the anti-rhys tag so you already knew that
Anyway, thats it for now, this got kinda long but I hope you enjoyed it
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ghost-in-the-hall · 2 years
I Believe (Terzo x GN! Reader FLUFF) - Part V: Confession
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Part IV - Part VI (TBA)
Attempted GN!Reader, no direct mention on genitals, if I made a mistake anywhere please let me know! Unprotected sex, body worship, slightly dom!Terzo, slight angst but not really, mostly fluff.
You perched yourself in the window seat of Terzo's office, sunlight warming your skin as it streamed through the window. You couldn't stop yourself from watching him as he situated the suit he was wearing in the mirror. He turned his head slightly, a small smile finding its way to his lips when he caught you watching him. "I can never figure out how to tie these things." He groaned as he undoes his tie for the third time to start over. You stood, taking the tie out of his hands once you reached him. You effortlessly began to manipulate the fabric, leaving him with a neat knot and a straight tie.
"You know, it's kind of my job to help you." Terzo chuckles, thanking you. It had been a couple months since you had first become Terzo's assistant, the two of you closer than you ever had thought possible in that span of time. You had tried your best to suppress your feelings for Terzo. But, that ended up being a very unsuccessful endeavor.
"Are you planning on participating in the fundraiser today cara mia?" His voice snapped you from your thoughts.
"I might be, maybe I'll turn up in your line, who knows." You joke, the two of you sharing a small laugh.
"What a shame that would be." He winks. He sighs, finger running down his calendar as he checks what he had in his schedule one last time. "Is there any way you could go to this business dinner for me?"
"I mean, I think I could pull off a pretty good impression of you. But, I also think Nihil will be upset if I show up in your place again." You smirk as he rolls his eyes.
"I guess I will be seeing you tomorrow morning, unless you follow through on ending up in my line." You exchanged your goodbye's, you wanted to finish up organizing some paperwork in his office before you headed down to the fundraiser. You also didn't want to be one of the first people in line out of fear that would earn you even more scrutiny from Secondo. You took your time finishing your work, humming along with the crackling music from the record player as you moved along. Satisfied with your work you made your way down to the great hall where the kissing booth would be set up. You practically skipped the whole way through the Abbey, pausing when you were met with the sight of one of the lines being all the way out the door already. You approached Ifrit who was one of the Ghouls that had been stationed on crowd control. He greeted you with a small nod.
"Is everything okay?" He notices your downcast expression as you eyed the line. You swallowed thickly, hoping your assumption was wrong. Some of the most beautiful Siblings in the Abbey were in that line, how were you supposed to compete with that?
"Someone's popular." You tried to joke with him, but it was already too late. A mixture of jealousy and dejection bubbling in your chest. You came all this way, you were going to support the Abbey in one way or another. "Do you know how long Primo's line is?"
"Um, not too long." He seems shocked by your question. "He's mostly just sitting and chatting with whoever comes up to his table-"
"Fantastic." You shove the folded bills into his hand and push through the door. You were hoping you would look up there and see that he was miserable. As awful as it sounds you wanted him to be bored, to look like he'd rather be anywhere else, but he didn't. He was fully invested in the Sibling he had in front of them. Face covered in lipstick marks, drunk off so much attention directed at him. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying your hardest to keep your emotions in check. You walked up to Primo, you caught Terzo look in your direction out of the corner of your eye.
"Il mio bambino, what a pleasant surprise." Primo beans at you, it was really hard to be upset with this cute old man sitting in front of you.
"Hi Papa." He took your hands, giving you a quick peck on the lips. You sat and chatted with him for a little while before some other Siblings found their way to his line. He thanked you for the company, giving you another kiss on the cheek before you went on your way. You stood to leave, meeting Terzo's gaze in the process. In an instant all of those feelings from earlier were back. You tried to force a smile in his direction, years already starting to well up in your eyes. You hurried from the room, not wanting anyone to see you breakdown. You ran to Primo's garden, it was the only place you could think of despite the frigid weather outside. You wrapped your arms around yourself, kicking a rock up the empty path ahead of you, hands occasionally raking across your cheeks to remove any tears that had landed on them. 
"(Y/N?)" You turned to find Omega standing a bit behind you on the path, you saw his body tense as he realized you were crying. "Please come inside, it's freezing out here." You nodded, solemnly walking over to join him. He wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you against him to shield you from the cold. The two of you walked in silence, neither of you really knowing what to say. He walked you back to Terzo's quarters. You were about to just head back to your dorm when his hand found its way to your shoulder. "He wants to talk to you." He says softly.
"What if I don't want to talk?" You ask, unable to meet his gaze. Both of you knew that wasn't true. Besides, keeping all of this in would just put a strain on your work. Without another word Omega opened the door, letting you inside.
"He tried to follow you, I want you to know that." Omega says over his shoulder before he leaves you to try and calm down before Terzo got there. You jumped as he burst through the door, shoulders relaxing as a relieved breath left his body. You turned your attention to the floor, embarrassed about the fact you were crying over him. The opposing side of the couch sunk under his weight, you fidgeted with your fingers as silence overwhelmed the room. Neither of you knew how to breach this conversation.
"I'm sorry-"
"Cara mia, you have nothing to apologize for." You couldn't even get your full statement out, Terzo wasn't going to let you feel bad for being emotional. "I just wish you would've talked to me, I don't want to see you upset."
"What was I supposed to say Terzo? That I've fallen hopelessly in love with you? That seeing you with all of those other Siblings made me sick to my stomach? The fact that everyday I start to love you even more knowing that you're never going to reciprocate those feelings?" Terzo held his tongue, looking for the right way to respond. "Terzo you're never going to want me, I'm never anyone's first choice."
"That's really what you think, huh?" You could see from the expression on his face that those words hurt him. The silence was crushing you to the point you couldn't take it anymore.
"I think I'm just going to go." You stood, hurrying for the door but Terzo wasn't far behind you. You managed to get the door open a crack before his arm whizzed past your face, slamming it closed once again with a resounding bang.
"Do you know how difficult it's been to keep my hands off you, cara mia?" You stood frozen in your spot. Terzo's low, gravelly voice in your ear paralyzed you. His free hand found it's way to your waist, his fingers gripping hard at your flesh as he turned you around to face him. "Dolcezza, there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't thought about bending you over my desk and showing you how I truly feel about you." His hand trailed up your body, before grabbing your jaw. "Hundreds of times I've fantasized about you. Those wide, innocent eyes expressing just how good your Papa makes you feel." He swiped his thumb across your bottom lip, your gaze refusing to leave his. You heard the sound of the door locking before Terzo fully enveloped you. His lips found yours in an instant, your body thudding against the smooth wooden surface. You melted into him, hands running up his torso, eager to feel every inch of him. Terzo was already shrugging out of his jacket, the clothing tossed somewhere in the room after he was finally free of it. One of his arms snaked around your waist, the other tangling in your hair as he poured every pent up emotion from the past couple months into kissing you. You tugged off his tie, hurriedly undoing the buttons on his shirt. You just wanted to feel him; his warm skin under your fingertips, his body molding to yours in a way you knew only he would accomplish. Your kiss broke for just a moment to allow you to catch your breath, Terzo's eyes searching your face for any sign of apprehension. "You are always my first choice, amore." He says softly, wanting you to know this wasn't just another sexual encounter to him. Your fingers slid into his hair, pulling him back in to kiss you once again. He let out a low groan, hands moving to cup your ass, pulling you flush against him. The two of you stumbled to his bedroom, a trail of discarded clothing marking your path. Your head was spinning from Terzo being all over you. His hands and lips explored every inch of your body, whispering sweet praises as he took in the sight of you.
"Terzo." You whined his name as he began to assault your neck. Kisses and bites that you were positive were going to leave deep purple marks. You felt him smirk against your skin, your ragged breathing and needy cries only intensifying his need to claim you as his own. He laid you back on the bed, the soft satin sheets cool against your skin. He began to leave kisses and small love bites over your entire body, sweet words tumbling effortlessly from his lips over everything you considered to be an imperfection. Soft kisses trailed across your stomach and over your thighs, kissing back up your body before landing on your lips once again. Every kiss from Terzo was intoxicating, you couldn't get enough of the feeling of his lips on yours.
"You are absolutely radiant, amore."  You let out a small gasp as you felt him tease at your entrance. He slowly slid himself inside you, your walls stretching perfectly around his length. Terzo let out a long groan as he entered you, pure euphoria etched on his features.
"You look so pretty like this cara mia." He smiles, caressing the side of your face. The two of you sat like that for a moment to allow you the chance to adjust to Terzo's size. You squirmed and whined beneath him, his hips gradually began their rhythmic pace. Every time you felt him snap back inside you had your vision blurring in pure ecstasy.  You struggled to hold back your moans, Terzo's intense gaze only making heat pool faster in your core. His thumb pressed against your lips, you hesitantly parted your lips. You sucked his thumb into your mouth, letting your tongue languidly trace over it. "So good for me cara mia." His arm wrapped around your waist, holding you in place as he sped up his pace. You cried out for him, nails clawing down his back as your orgasm crashed through you. Your body went limp underneath his as you came down from your high, he still continued at a much more relaxed pace. You shivered at the feeling of him stretching you open. You pulled his lips back down to yours, muffling your moans as he picked up his pace once more. Your body jolted, already being overstimulated. Your mind went blank, the feeling of him thrusting inside you too much for you to handle. The sensation of him finishing inside of you sent you over the edge once more, Terzo collapsing on top of you. Both of your heavy breathing was the only sound in the room. Your body's tangled together as your skin stuck to his. He gave you one more quick kiss on the lips before he rolled off you, hand immediately reaching out to hold yours as he lay by your side. You let your head lull to the side to listen to him, you couldn't stop yourself from letting out a small laugh. "What's so funny?" He asks with a smirk.
"You know you could've just told me you liked me." You squeeze his hand, a gesture he quickly returns.
"Where's the fun in that?" He retorts. You rolled over, cuddling into his side. You ran your hand over every curve and angle of his body, through the soft curls on his chest, and up to the side of his face. The remaining papal paint on his face melted beneath your fingers.
"We should get cleaned up." Terzo smiles at you before helping you out of bed. He drew the two of you a warm bath. You gently cleaned the paint off his face, he took extra care in washing your bruised skin.
"I'm sorry I got carried away." You rest a hand on top of his.
"It's okay, if I'm being honest I like how they look." You finished cleaning up, Terzo wrapping you in a plush towel as you exited the bath and returned to bed. He held you close to him, both of you enjoying the peaceful silence. You still had one thought on your mind, you decided there wouldn't be a better chance to ask him about it. "Omega said you tried to follow me."
"I did." He trailed off for a moment, fingers trailing up and down your spine. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, but they wouldn't let me leave. I didn't want to leave you feeling like that." His thumb strikes over your cheek, dual colored eyes looking lovingly over your features. "Stay here with me tonight." A smile spread across your lips as you leaned in to kiss him.
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shanesbluechicken · 2 years
Ooh, for sure for sure! Cant say im 100% emo myself but its not always dark and edgy or whatever stereotype emo has (though yeah ive seen a fair share of my own and thats completely valid)
I was thinking the reader be an anti social but friendly kind of emo. They wear dark clothing, but not all the time or all of it because they still do farming and wearing dark clothes make it hotter and make them sweatier. They dont wear eyeliner (it smudges when they sweat :/) but they do when its a non farming day. An emo in style but a lil softie in heart
I was imagining the headcanons start with shane assuming the reader to be cold and rude because of their appearance but started warming up to them after he realised how nice they were (and maybe add a few dating headcanons in the end if u could)
Thanks again!! Love ur writing sm ^^ -🦝
Shane with an emo s/o
Tysm for the info!🤗
It's based on this ask
TW: heavy language
Gender: neutral
Yes, first time seeing you he was quick to judge to say the least. You definitely stood out with your dark clothes and the even darker makeup and since he didn't know you personally, Shane kinda automatically put you in a box.
Much to his surprise the other town members didn't even seem to notice the fact that you're the extreme opposite of...well, Pelican Town.
It's not that he didn't like your style (he even thought that it suits you well), he simply wasn't familiar with the scene or the people in it. He remembered having some emo kids back in school, but he never interacted with them, only hearing gossip from other class mates who were just as clueless as he was.
In the first week he almost didn't even recognize you without your usual aesthetic, but he already guessed that it must be kinda in the way of work. Black clothes absorb the sun light after all. He had the feeling that something was off, but he couldn't quite place his finger on what.
One evening you entered the saloon wearing your whole attire. Clothes and makeup were spot on and when you took a seat near his corner, he caught himself admiring your eyeliner. Shane could not understand how in the name of Yoba you managed to make it look so...pretty. He banished the thought the second it appeared in his mind. Or tried it at least.
But now he knew what felt so off the last couple times he saw you in the town square, wearing a plain t-shirt and plain pants. This style, YOUR style, completes you somehow. Now you were in your element and fuck, he was staring again.
It didn't take long for him to realize that all the stories and gossip he heard all these years ago were nothing but bullshit. He wasn't better than all these judgmental shitheads tho, considering he put you in a box as well.
You were the nicest person he has ever met, giving out gifts without expecting anything in return and going out of your way to help others. He should have known better.
And now that you two are dating he makes sure to make up for all the times he treated you crappy in the beginning.
Shane loves watching you get ready, taking in every single minute he spends with you. He loves to sing along with you to your playlists when you do chores together. It's not much singing on his side, more mumbling to be honest.
You tried showing him how to put on eyeliner, but he can't even make a straight line :'D
You've tried rubbing your style off, because please his JojaMart jacket can't be considered a jacket anymore. This thing consists of more holes than material.
"Black would suit you so much, I bet."
It does.
Shane also often times uses clichés to make jokes, but nothing that would genuinely offend you. For example when you'd find a pretty, black stone in the mines and show it to him.
"Look! It's so black!"
"Like your soul?"
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rigginsstreet · 1 month
first line analysis
tagged by @blood-mocha-latte
rules: post the first lines of up to 10 of your last fics/chapters posted on ao3 or your wips and try to draw some conclusions.
now you wanna try your life with sin
The bells over the entrance of Pop’s alert FP to the fact that there’s a new customer, but he doesn’t look up from his warm mug of black coffee - on the house, because Pop never lets him pay for anything, not when he comes in this late, especially not when he’s sporting a freshly blooming black eye or split lip or sometimes both. It’s neither tonight. Tonight he’s just… lonely. Not by any means, a new feeling for him, but sometimes it hits harder than others, especially now that he’s out on his own. Still beats living with his old man. He’s not complaining, it’s just, sometimes he needs to be around people. Even if it’s just Pop Tate. And whoever else is looking for company this side of the tracks so late at night.
2. on the back of a hurricane
61 days. That’s how long it’s been since Fred’s parents dropped him off in this place. What was only supposed to be a few weeks has turned into a few months, because the doctors don’t think he’s getting any better, haven’t seen any progress.
3. i carried you to the car and drove you home but you weren't making any sense.
It’s another party of the week, another reason to get shitfaced. Except this time Billy didn’t get the chance, because by the time he worked his way to his third beer, Steve had apparently decided to drown himself in the punch bowl, and, well, intervening needed to occur.
4. i know i must behave to contain all my emotion
Never again would Heather Teresa Holloway move across the country for a boy.
5. dreamed of all the different ways i had to make him glow
“My mom used to build blanket forts all the time,” Billy admits one night, out of the blue while he’s snuggled up against Steve’s side, cheek resting against his naked chest.
6. i want to tell you this story without having to confess anything.
It’s the third night this month Billy has shown up on his doorstep looking worse for wear. He’s lost track of how many times it’s been since they started being cordial to each other, before that made its way into something more serious, more all-consuming.
7. play time
Billy had this rule for himself: for every guy he hooked up with, he had to make a public spectacle of hooking up with a random girl. It helped ease any nerves he had about being found out. Make sure people see him acting like a heterosexual and no one will catch on that he’d rather be sucking dick. Balance out the universe a little bit.
8. parentdale tumblr drabbles
alice smith is about the last person gladys expects to see waltzing into the wyrm in the middle of the afternoon. not since she decided to abandon her club for the likes of her preppy ken doll boyfriend and all the other plastic neanderthals of the north side.
9. no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
He wakes up on the forest floor, surrounded by trees and the chirping of early morning birds, naked as the day he was born. As he was last night, the last memory he has before everything just… went black.
10. come on baby let me see what you hiding underneath
The sun beats down hot over Hawkins. Another one of those brutal summer days that leaves you panting by the time it takes to walk down your driveway.
what ive learned from this (what i already knew tbh lmao) is that i like to just drop right into a story. no preamble lets just get right to the point lmao
tagging @harrygroves @thatgirlwithasquid @imsodishy
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envysnest · 1 year
Snakeskin (Sephiroth/Reader) (ch. 9/?)
AO3 / Pillowfort
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
Tags: First Time, Reader-Insert, Hurt/Comfort, Bittersweet Ending, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Frank Discussions of Past Rape/Abuse, Everyone is Queer, Canon-Compliant (if you squint), Pre-Crisis-Core Seph, Slow Burn, i continue to disappoint my friends and family, sephiroth is a virgin and in this essay i will, Reader is a Cis Woman, fluffy sex, Praise Kink, Gratuitous Biochemistry
You are a young biologist, fresh out of graduate school, working in Shinra's R&D Division under Professor Hojo. You had long since given up on finding a partner and starting a family, preferring instead the company of your cell samples and your scientific instruments.
As the conflict in Wutai worsens, you strike up an unexpected friendship with a First Class SOLDIER.
(Sephiroth/Reader Slow Burn)
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No TW's apply for this chapter, but it is explicit (again!).
An alarm went off in the dark. Outside, it was still night, and the snow was coming down fast and hard. Even Midgar had settled under the gloom. Terror gripped you; you didn’t know where you were. You lifted your head and peered into the darkness.
Then the other half of the bed shifted, the alarm was silenced, and you remembered. 
You instinctively nuzzled into the warm, empty spot on the bed. Someone’s hand covered your lower back and pressed you into the mattress: a firm, soothing touch. It sat there for a minute, the room quiet. You sighed.
The hand lifted, and you fell into a dreamless sleep.
You were alone when you woke up. The cream curtains from the night before were drawn back and neatly pinned to the wall. Morning sunlight filled the windows; the sun was just rising over the city, sending light dancing two feet of snow. You rolled over and glanced at the small alarm clock on Sephiroth’s side: 7:39 AM. 
“Seph?” you called. 
Silence greeted you.
You got out of bed and stretched. The carpet was soft under your toes. Your clothes from the night before, along with Sephiroth’s, were gone. You wandered over to the bedroom door and poked your head out.
Empty. You were alone.
The lights were still on. The kitchen was near-pristine, the dishwasher churning away. A small note had been left on the counter:
Be back soon. Had a training thing I couldn’t get out of. Anything in the fridge is yours. -Seph.
Signed, as if anyone else could’ve left you that note.
You clutched the note to your chest and scanned the kitchen. The dishwasher had a tiny analog timer on its edge: SANITIZE. 0:37. CYCLE 3. A Shinra-co. microwave sat between black wooden cabinets. The dryer tumbled quietly; you could see your blouse and tights spinning together with Sephiroth’s jeans.
The fridge was silver and double-doored. There was a black screen on the right-hand door; when you tapped it, it chimed and lit up, showing you the inside of the fridge. 
Sephiroth had covered the other door in photos, and you seized the opportunity to scan them: Genesis and Angeal, laughing with their arms around each other. A clump of 2nd-Classes clustered around a fire in a vast field. The dusty red cliffs near Cosmo Canyon. Genesis wearing awful sunglasses in a gift shop. A cluster of new recruits, grinning and posing for the camera. Between photos were endless postcards and souvenirs: dangling keychains, beaches and forests and old ruins, WISH YOU WERE HERE, a fossil magnet, a seashell, a train ticket (already punched). A couple of ceramic seagulls held a yellowed fan letter; in clumsy pen, it read:
To Mister Sehpir Sephiroth, My name is Cloud I am your biggest fan. I’m from Nibelheiiem have you ever been it is a beutiful place with lots of mountains and fields also. One day I want to be a strong soldier like you helping the people and maybe earning enough money to buy my mom a big house because she deserves it. Ive been doing a lot of jumping jacks and I can do at least 20 push ups so I’m almost ready to fight you in a match. Please come to Nibelhiem someday so we can be friends. Yours truly Cloud strife
You opened both refrigerator doors and squinted into the blinding white shelves. Sephiroth had meticulously organized his food into categories, packing the fridge end-to-end with fruit, pre-made meals, drinks, and leafy vegetables. A plastic carton of chocobo eggs dominated the middle shelf. They were clearly farm-fresh: they varied in color from beige to gray to pale green. Your leftovers from last night sat on a lower shelf, right above a produce basket filled to the brim with unidentifiable green smoothies.
The left-hand door of the fridge was packed with glass bottles of mako: sickly green, stacked one atop the other. You winced. These were scheduled doses, mixed with a noxious protein solution: designed to be taken once daily with food. The amount in Sephiroth’s fridge made you faintly nauseous. You had probably signed off on an experiment request without any thought as to what that much mako actually looked like.
Were you poisoning him?
You shuddered and closed the fridge.
The cabinets below the counter were that same black wood. Past the dishwasher was a gleaming silver sink, empty save for a single glass. The faucet was capped with a tiny water filter. You stood on your tiptoes and pried open the cabinets above: more plain glasses, some novelty cups, a pint glass that said IT’S 5 O’ CLOCK SOMEWHERE! in cheery, chipped lettering next to a cartoon lobster wearing sunglasses. 
Near the sink was the espresso machine, along with a stack of well-loved cookbooks and jars of coffee beans. A bottle opener sat discarded. Nearby, an empty mug boasted SHINRA RESEARCH DIVISION in faded red, a dried coffee ring visible inside of it.
You didn’t feel particularly hungry. The only thing you felt was cold. You were still naked. You walked around the bartop, into the living room. Sephiroth had moved your overnight bag when he left, placing it neatly atop the couch for you. Masamune was gone from her high shelf.
You tucked his note inside the bag's inner pocket, retrieved an old GU t-shirt and your sleep shorts. After some consideration, you pulled out a pair of socks, too. The bag seemed comically overpacked, even for a weekend; you had gone through the endless possibilities of things and fluids you could’ve spilled on yourself or stepped into. Ultimately, you ended up packing for several days in some endlessly-cycling, nonsense climate. Your pill organizer was buried at the bottom.
Now dressed, you carried the pill organizer to the kitchen. You had to stand on your tip-toes to get a water glass. The sink burbled happily as you poured yourself a glass. Midgar prided itself on having some of the cleanest water on the Western continent, provided you lived on the upper plate. You still remembered the water filters from your childhood in the slums: the sour, rotten-egg smell of the brackish water pouring from the tap. The water from Sephiroth’s sink tasted like nothing. 
A drawer near the fridge sat packed with protein and granola bars. You shoved one in your mouth to stave off the inevitable nausea from the pills.
That’s a lot of medication, your GP had once said, eyeing you warily. You may want to consider weaning off of it.
How old are you? asked your relatives. So many pills for a twenty-eight-year-old.
But you couldn’t go back in time. It was a small trade-off for being able to live with yourself. The granola bar felt like cardboard in your mouth. 
You set your pill organizer back on the counter, next to your glass of water, and wandered over to the bathroom. The mixture of items on the counter had vaguely shifted from the night before: the toothpaste now rolled up, the mouthwash turned to the right, a washcloth (still damp) hanging from a towel rack. There was a tub of white hair gel, uncapped, next to the left faucet knob; the indents of Sephiroth’s fingers were still visible in the product. You screwed the cap back on. A menagerie of cleaning materials sat next to a small, silver trash can under the sink.
Out of pure curiosity, you touched the mirror gently, trying its edges. It swung open, revealing a few more shelves: floss, extra toothbrushes, bars of soap, several spare bottles of shampoo and conditioner. It was good to know you’d be able to grab extras off of Sephiroth, should you forget something. 
But there, on the highest shelf, was also a small tube of mascara.
Something in you twinged. Sephiroth wore makeup? 
It doesn’t help that I don’t look right.
You weren’t sure how to feel. He didn’t need your pity, and from his defeated expression when he had said that, he didn’t want it, either. The pink tube still made you feel cold, a little vulnerable, on his behalf. There was so much separating him from the normal world; even the scale of the apartment was built to him, as if Shinra needed to think hard about where he fit in their war machine. 
You had visited the Sector 3 Zoo as a child. Your parents forced you into a frilly dress that itched and rode up in the summer heat. Your mother had sported a matching dress; she held your hand as the two of you gazed into the glass tanks. Painted jungle scenes loomed in the background of each tank, highlighting a few forlorn animals clustered together on a plastic tree. The decorations gave the impression of a healthy life: a hint of nature, like a well-placed accessory or seasoning on a dish. Perhaps they had painted the animals, too.
You closed the mirror.
With the door to the bathroom closed, you could see a few shelves set into the wall behind you. All boasted fresh white towels and washcloths. You grabbed one and headed back out to fetch your makeup remover.
You froze. You strained your ears, but you could only hear the whir of the dishwasher, the idle hum of the refrigerator. Did you break something?
You peered into the kitchen. The clunk had come from the cabinets. There was an odd curve in the corner: the cabinet door stretched from end-to-end in a smooth arc, like a bad optical illusion. You pulled it open.
Beyond was a large metal dumbwaiter. The metal platter held a small assortment of groceries in a paper bag: dinosaur kale and a chunk of celery peeked out from the top. 
That explains the clunk, you thought. Sephiroth must have had everything in this apartment delivered. There was something immeasurably sad about the dumbwaiter, the grocery delivery. Either Sephiroth was so abominably overworked that he couldn’t grocery shop, or— worse— he couldn’t step outside of his apartment at all for the crowds. 
Or both. 
You pulled the grocery bag out of the dumbwaiter. As if prompted, it plunged into the metal chute below. You tried to peer into the darkness, but you felt nausea overtake you. The dumbwaiter dropped down, down, down, until, after a leaden minute, it clunked somewhere far below. 
And then there was a groan, and it shot up again.
You backed away, clutching the grocery bag to your chest. The dumbwaiter groaned to a halt inside Sephiroth’s kitchen, holding two cartons of chicken eggs in a plastic bag. Someone (or something) was on the other end, stacking items onto the dumbwaiter.
You set the paper bag down on the counter and carefully removed the eggs from the dumbwaiter. This time, it stayed put inside the cabinet.
Sephiroth hadn’t indicated when he was coming back. The kindest thing you could do was put his groceries away for him before they became too warm. You sorted the chicken groceries on the counter, refrigerating only what needed refrigerating. Sephiroth’s fridge had an intimidating-looking organizational system; as you shelved the eggs near the Chocobo eggs, you prayed you wouldn’t get it wrong. Sephiroth had been so wonderfully patient and gentle with you thus far, but everyone had their limits, especially with you. You shoved the worry down as you weighed a cucumber in your hand, considering your options. The vegetables joined the refrigerator baskets; the fruit was placed near the bowl of clementines.
You yawned as you closed the fridge door. Remove the makeup, you thought, and then back to bed until Sephiroth returned.
Sleep had removed most of your eyeshadow and mascara. You set to work cleaning your face. On the first swipe, the towel came away with an angry smear of concealer. Your mind raced: Could you offer to buy another towel? Should you throw it in the laundry, run it yourself? Or no, perhaps he paid the water bill. Between putting the groceries away and this mistake, you had some explaining to do.
You took a deep breath and neatly folded the towel on the bathroom counter. Better to beg forgiveness, maybe. You took care to leave the makeup stain visible; he could decide what to do with you when he returned.
Back in the bedroom, you caught sight of the books shoved under the bed. You wiped your damp hands against your sleep shorts. What could Sephiroth possibly want to hide from you? He could’ve put them into his crowded bookshelves, and you wouldn’t have been the wiser. These were books he must have been looking at recently: perhaps before bed, or just before your visit.
You knelt down on the carpet and peeked under the bed. The pile was maybe ten, fifteen books deep: just enough to be sizable without crowding the (otherwise empty) space. You dragged a few books into the light.
FEMALE SEXUAL ANATOMY - 1995 Revised Edition
Satisfied: Female Arousal and Orgasm
Becoming Better Lovers: How to Worship the Female Form
“He wasn’t kidding,” you muttered to yourself as you sifted through the books. The Science of Touch, said the next book, Why We Need It and How to Give It. You felt that stab of pity again, the feeling that you were back at the zoo, watching the sad animals on their plastic tree with their painted background. You would’ve been happy to help him touch you, or maybe not, your brain added, because you had pushed him away so thoroughly that even you didn’t know you wanted him until he was there. Fresh guilt ran through you: maybe he hadn’t thought himself able to ask. He had seemed embarrassed to admit his lack of experience, and for a moment, you scolded yourself for having pressed it out of him. 
No, said a different voice in your head. He told you because he wanted to. This voice sounded suspiciously like Sephiroth.
There were quite a few gil-store romance novels here, many of them dog-eared and broken at their spines. You snorted at the buff men on the cover, the authors’s campy pen-named names: M.S. ROSE, EARL LUV, JENNY SWOON. It seemed almost unreal that the Sephiroth would be just as taken with these as a village housewife. No wonder he had taken so poorly to being called such in bed.
You hesitated over the last book:
Loving the Fearful Avoidant Partner
You had a terrible feeling this book was about you.
With trembling hands, you opened the covers. Every page was littered with highlights, sticky notes, and cramped annotations in Sephiroth’s looping handwriting. There were bountiful dog-ears across each chapter, noting where Sephiroth had stopped and started and stopped again.
You sat back on your heels and slowly carded through the book. Every page, every sentence, had been examined, pored over, dissected: how to deal with touch avoidance, how to recognize dissociation, how to reassure your partner that you would be there again and again. Pencil filled every empty space on the page, and when Sephiroth ran out of room, he continued on sticky notes.
Tears welled up in your eyes. He had tried. He had wanted you enough to make you feel safe, had wanted you enough to read this book front-to-back and take notes. He saw you as someone to love, to care for and guide; not something to use and then discard at the first sign of trouble.
This is so much, you thought, swallowing around the lump in your throat. So much for you, angry and broken and sad and detached-from-everything you: resigned to cruelty, married to the dark room, the couch at the party, the dorm room bed. This was a level of care that sent a pang through those vulnerable parts of you, like a gentle hand stroking your hair, excruciating in its thoughtfulness.
You sniffled and returned the book to the pile. You curled up on the carpet, hands curled like dead birds to your chest.
Once, you had had a traumatic attack in front of your parents, the stress of everything raining down all at once during a minor argument. You had curled up into a ball, hyperventilating and wailing. They had screamed at you to calm down, and, when that didn’t work, turned their backs to you in disgust, as if you were a disobedient child. Later, they asked if you were “done,” that same disgust glimmering deep in their eyes. You learned early that no one was coming when you felt that way; except now, someone was, and you didn’t know what to do with him. 
You crawled up to the bed, burrowed under the covers. His pillow still smelled like him, warm and floral and inviting, like the flowers in the Sector 5 Slums. You cried into it, pretended like he was holding you again.
Plink. The telltale chime of the Shinra messaging system.
You lifted your head. Sephiroth's tablet lit up from the bedside table: Instant Message from xxx-xxx-2546. 
Sephiroth’s tablet background was instantly recognizable: Zack at the holiday party, clutching a reluctant Angeal close and holding a phone out at arm’s length. Genesis had his chin on Angeal’s shoulder, staring up at the camera with a coy expression. For a moment, you felt a surge of envy: Genesis looked so pretty, and even Angeal’s disgruntled smile seemed handsome. Zack was all teeth, all bright eyes and a brighter smile. 
But in the corner of the photo, back against the wall, was Sephiroth’s long, silver hair. He was staring at someone. You squinted at the photo. The tablet went to sleep again, and you tapped the screen twice to wake it.
You. He was staring at you.
You had your hand to your mouth, looking down at your champagne, looking small and shy. But it was clearly you, that was your blouse and your slacks, and that was the wall you leant against.
And Sephiroth stood beside you with his own glass of champagne, had even leant down to listen to you talk. There was an inquisitive, gentle look on his face as he watched you. 
Somehow, you got the feeling that Sephiroth had chosen this photo on purpose. No one would notice you in the background; all anyone would see were Sephiroth’s colleagues. But every day, with every message he got, he let himself sneak a look at you. This was a small, secret thing, like a locket: like a photo that somehow held another, better one inside it.
The front door opened. You startled awake.
“Hello?” you called.
“Hello,” came the easy reply.
Sephiroth’s voice. You relaxed into the bed. The door thumped closed, and there was a sound like jingling keys, the turn of a lock. You snuggled back into the warmth of the covers as his footsteps moved through the living room. There was a gentle thump, presumably as he set Masamune back in her wooden stand, followed by the clang of a metal thermos on the marble countertop.
He gently pushed the bedroom door open.This seemed like the first doorway that you hadn’t seen him duck to get into. He was in his full battle regalia, down to the leather boots. His gloves were gone. “There you are.”
You made to sit up. Sephiroth held out a hand. 
“Don’t move.” His voice was soft, still rough around the edges with morning fog. “Are you hungry?”
You hesitated. “You don’t have to.”
“It’s okay,” he said gently. “I want you to be comfortable.”
“You really don’t have to.”
“I want to.” He disappeared around the corner before you could protest. You sunk back into the pillows, fighting off humiliation. He had just come back from work, and, judging by how dark it had been when the alarm went off, he had been at it a long time. The clock now read 10:42 AM.
You heard the click of a stove burner. Sephiroth called out from the kitchen. “Sleep well?”
“I did,” you called back, and it was true. You normally struggled with sleeping with others, even those few long-term partners: your brain sensing danger where there wasn’t any, feeling the terror of waking up in an unfamiliar bed, startling with every adjustment and snore from the other half of the mattress. You hadn’t even realized he was in the bed with you until he wasn’t. “Did you?”
“Very well.” There was a note of surprise in his voice. “I didn’t want to strangle the recruits for once.” The fridge sang as it opened: ding-dong. “You put my groceries away?”
You winced. “I didn’t know how you liked them,” you said, trying to keep the fear out of your voice. “I didn’t want them to go, like, go bad, so—“
“No,” he replied. “This is perfect.” He sounded awed, even humbled. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” You let out a relieved sigh. 
You listened to him putter around the kitchen. Outside, the train circled lazily around the plate, sending puffs of white steam into the sky. This high up, it looked like a toy, like the ones in the High Street holiday displays. You took a deep breath, just to reassure yourself this was all real.
You scanned the room again. One of the closet doors was ever-so-slightly ajar, revealing a dark, cavernous closet. In the sunlight, the patchy spackling above the doors was even more obvious. The small tube of mascara, the books shoved under the bed: secrets, secrets, secrets. You readied yourself to call Sephiroth, but he returned, holding a wooden tray laden with food.
You sat up in bed, let him set the tray astride your lap. The amount of food on your plate seemed excessive, and yet, you had the feeling he had tried to hold back: Three Chocobo eggs, sunny-side-up, wobbled next to a side of sausage. He had stacked toast and roasted potatoes on top of each other, swallowing the rest of the plate. A small bowl of strawberries was tucked in the corner.
You peered into the mug he set down on your nightstand. The coffee was even black. You hadn’t had to tell him how you liked it.
“This is—“
“Too much?” Sephiroth knelt next to the bed. “I wasn’t sure.”
You could hear the nervousness in his voice, and your heart swelled. “No,” you replied, picking up a piece of toast. He had already buttered it for you: real butter, not the chemical stuff in Midgardian supermarkets. “It’s perfect.”
He touched gentle fingers to the soft flesh of your arm. Goosebumps prickled there. “I’m glad.” 
You relaxed back into the pillows as Sephiroth stroked your bare arm. You had needed this: the care, the ample affection. It was like being a child again, like being held close to a parent’s bosom, knowing you were safe and loved there.
It was hard to accept that this didn’t have a catch. 
You stopped chewing your toast. 
“You’re thinking again.” Sephiroth’s voice was gentle, teasing. You hadn’t even noticed that his hand had stilled.
“This is nice,” you whispered to the plate. “How can I repay you?”
He brushed his knuckles against your cheek. You leaned into it, and he laughed and brushed your cheek again: just for you, just because you liked it.
He liked you. He liked that you liked him. There was no disgust or smugness at how needy you were for him: there was a wound in your belly, and he wanted to mend it. 
You closed your eyes as Sephiroth cupped your cheek. His palm was warm, rough, against your skin. 
He said, “You don’t owe me anything. I’m not interested in playing games.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
“Thank me?” he laughed. “It’s my pleasure.”
He stood and stretched. You tucked into the eggs as he strode to the closet and began removing his armor. You watched him idly while you ate. He rolled each shoulder as the pauldrons came off: left, then right. The gloves, as it turned out, had already been stuffed in a pocket; Sephiroth removed them and folded them neatly before placing them in a drawer. He tilted his head to the side and audibly cracked his neck with a small grunt of satisfaction. You jumped, but he didn’t seem to notice your surprise. 
Next came the belts across his chest. As he slid his coat off, you caught the gleam of the honeybee against an inner pocket. 
You spoke up. “You kept it.”
Sephiroth looked over his shoulder with a raised brow. You gestured with your fork at the coat.
He turned the coat over in his hands until the honeybee was visible. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Of course I kept it,” he said before looking back up at you. “Someone in my bed has a free punch if I ever lose it.”
You shook your head. “I would never.”
“Hush. I promised.” 
You ducked your head to hide your grin. The egg yolk on your plate was perfectly runny, and you dragged the toast through it. The slice was thick, sourdough bread that easily sopped up the yolk. The butter tasted fresh, fresher than whatever artificial spread you had at home. There was still food on the plate, and yet you were rapidly filling up.  
“Does the switch still work?” you asked. “I can fix it for you if it doesn’t.”
“It does,” he said. He had already hung up the coat, yet he removed it from the closet again, turned the lapel out just to show you. With a tug of his fingers, the honeybee’s wings lifted.
You bit into a strawberry; it exploded on your tongue, sweet and tender. You spoke around it. “You can add a little cleaning solution to the gears if it stops doing that.”
Sephiroth hummed and placed the coat back on its hanger. There were more scars on his pale back: bullet wounds, old cuts, more burns. He shook out his hair as he unbuckled his pants. You averted your eyes out of habit; with his back turned to you, he didn’t notice. You doubted he would even care.
Each strawberry you picked up was as succulent as the last. You snuck another glance at Sephiroth, but he had already dressed himself in dark sweatpants and a faded white shirt. He had his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes with a weary, scrunched-up expression. 
“Mm.” He blinked hard and looked over to you. Even from this distance, you could tell some of the mascara had smudged, giving the underside of his eyes a softer, raccoon-like halo.
You pointed at the spackling. “What happened there?”
Sephiroth followed your gaze. “Oh.” He blinked hard again, like he was noticing the patches for the first time. “I used to hang medals up there. Plaques, dedications, all kinds of honorary bullshit.” He shook his head and turned towards the bathroom. “I was sick of looking at them,” he added, voice flat, “so I took them all down.”
A chill ran through you. As he disappeared into the bathroom, you called after him. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he called. The sink turned on, briefly, before sputtering to a stop. “It’s a fair question.”
The strawberries now gone, you mixed the potatoes with the remaining egg. “Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have asked it,” you said.
A laugh. “I won’t answer you if I don’t want to.” He poked his head through the doorway, swiping the soiled towel you had left across his eyes. “I can be stubborn.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you looked down and shoveled potatoes into your mouth.
You pushed your plate away when he emerged from the bathroom, his eyes red as he dried his hands on the ruined towel. His eyelashes were gone, too; or no, you thought, they were only a stark white, and they were just as long as you remembered. He looked unreal, even a little terrifying, and you didn’t catch yourself staring until he looked up at you and gave you a shy smile.
You cleared your throat. “Pretty.”
His smile widened with something bitter. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”
“No, I…come here.” You reached out a hand. He walked over and, when he leant to take your tray, you cupped his cheeks. Yes, his lashes were white after all, and still thick enough to hide his eyes from you. His eyes traveled across the plate, across your chest, up to your mouth and, finally, your eyes, where he squinted in confusion.
You leaned forward as far as you could, and he closed his eyes and pushed his head forward, into the gap, where you could press a gentle kiss to his forehead.
“Pretty,” you said again, more forcefully.
His hands tightened around the tray. “Mm.”
He stayed where he was when you pulled away. When he opened his eyes, he stared at your shirt: the old, faded GU gym shirt your parents had bought you when you had been accepted. 
You fidgeted, and this seemed to snap him out of whatever train of thought he had been stuck in. He stood, tray in his hands, and turned to leave, though not before you caught his mouth twisted in deep concentration.
“Seph?” you called.
“One minute,” he called back. You couldn’t read his voice. Your heart began to race.
By the time he returned, you had already scripted an entire apology in your head. You pushed the covers away, but before you could get out of bed to soothe him, he climbed on top of you.
“Shh.” He kissed you, then, soft and wanting, like he was trying to solve something. You leaned up into him. He didn’t seem angry, from what you could tell.
You pulled away. “Mad at me?”
He tilted his head. This close, you could see the ring of mako around his pupils. The white lashes fluttered when he blinked. “Why would I be mad at you?”
“I don’t know, it—“ You twirled one of his bangs around your finger. When you released it, it still held pin-straight. You twirled it again. “I just, you didn’t seem to like when I called you ‘pretty.’”
Sephiroth lowered himself completely onto you. You leaned back, propped up against the pillows, and he pressed his ear to your belly. He gazed out of the windows, scanned the Midgar cityscape. It felt good, feeling his arms wrap around you, holding you close to him. You brushed your nose against the top of his head. He smelled like boy there: powdery, human, all warmth and skin. 
After a long silence, he said, “I’m not used to it.”
“No one’s ever called you that before?”
“Plenty of times,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut like this admission pained him. “But it’s…different, coming from you.” He opened his eyes again. His voice was a soft murmur against your skin, his breath tickling your stomach. “I know that you mean it.”
“Do you like it?”
“I do,” he said.
His head was so heavy against your chest; you felt your heart rate slow as he nuzzled into your breastbone. This neediness, coming from him, somehow made you feel safer. You kissed the part of his hair, just because you could, and he sighed deeply, melting more impossibly against you. That just made you hold him tighter.
His voice was deeper when he spoke up. “I have work.”
“Oh.” You released him, making to sit up, but he stayed where he was, pinning you to the bed. You weren’t strong enough to push him off.
His eyes were still closed. “Just reports and checking my inbox.” He let out a frustrated growl and rubbed his cheek against you. “I told everyone I was unavailable.”
You patted his head in what you hoped was a soothing gesture. “Hojo does that to me all the time,” you said. “You should set up one of those out-of-office messages.”
“I did,” said Sephiroth. “I had Rhapsados set it up. It didn’t work.”
Genesis, you thought. A small coil of jealousy formed in your gut. You scolded yourself for being irrational; the man was cuddling you, and yet you were stuck on how his best friend had cornered you in your lab. You wondered if Sephiroth knew, if saying so would ruin the moment.
“Well,” you said, “fuck them for, for bothering you.”
He snorted and opened his eyes. “I’d rather not,” he drawled at the opposite wall. “I want to ignore them.”
You giggled. He turned his head, lifted your shirt just high enough to kiss the tattooed roses on your belly. 
You could feel his smile against your skin when he spoke up: “I’ll just be a few hours, and then you can do what you want with me. How’s that?”
You spent the rest of the morning on the couch in the living room while Sephiroth went through paperwork in the bedroom. Sitting in front of the TV made its level of disuse even more apparent: a thin layer of dust sat on the remote. Shinra provided him with every streaming service and channel known to man (and a few, you thought, only accessible to the very, very rich).
You replayed that odd expression he had had when you called him pretty: the way his mouth twisted, the way he kept his head down when he pressed it to your chest. It stuck between your teeth as you flipped through the channels. 
Why would I be mad at you?
Did he mean it? The soft words, the breakfast in bed, the gentle touches— did those mean something? 
What if he was just pretending? What if you had finally sparked a nerve with your comment, and he was trying to be polite?
You stared blankly at some documentary about mass-produced crayons. You felt ill at ease, turning over each syllable in time with the factory machinery. I’m— not— in-- ter— es— ted— in— play—ing—games. Clink, turn. You—don’t—owe—me—any—thing. Clink, turn. This was usually the end of the-- well, not a relationship, you chided yourself, but the something. After the sex came the awkward goodbyes, the dropped texts, the averted gazes in the hallway. Clink, turn. I—want—you—to—be—com—for—ta—ble. His voice was so clear in your head. You huddled closer to yourself. You had already served your purpose; what did he need you for now? Why pretend?
“Are you cold?”
You started violently, knocking over a couch cushion. A firm hand gripped your shoulder. You sighed audibly and pressed your hand to your racing heart.  
“I’m sorry,” said Sephiroth, a laugh at the edge of his tone. “I should wear a bell, or so I’m told.”
You rubbed at your eyes. “No, it’s…fine. Can you— what did you say?”
The hand at your shoulder loosened, drifted over your shoulder to rub your upper back. “I asked if you were cold,” he replied. He sounded so even, so self-assured, that your earlier doubts seemed ridiculous. You hung your head, staring at your hands in your lap: curled, again, like dead birds. The man wasn’t kicking you out; he was making you comfortable, and damn convention, he was acting as if this was the thousandth weekend together, not the first. How many times would it take for you to realize that?
You’re thinking again, and now the Sephiroth in your brain had a mocking, snide tone.
Sephiroth stopped rubbing your back and said your name gently. You looked up The documentary had switched to a Potion commercial.
“I could use a blanket,” you mumbled, and a minute later, one laid on your shoulders. You turned to thank Sephiroth, but he was already retreating back to his room. This was a different blanket than the one from the first date: it was heavier and made of a black fleece, like a warm hug around your shoulders. Down feather filling, said the care label. Weighted.
You pressed your nose to the fleece and closed your eyes. This smelled like him, too. You picked up the fallen pillow and tucked it under your head. 
Eventually, the documentary flipped over to a Chocobo-wrangling reality show, then a Cosmo Canyon documentary. The sun rose higher in the sky. 
A white bowl was set on the coffee table in front of you, filled with your leftovers from last night. Sephiroth’s voice came from your left: “Move over.”
You pressed yourself against the L-joint of the couch as Sephiroth lowered himself down next to you with a groan, his tablet in hand. One of those unidentifiable green smoothies was in a pint glass on the table: Going Insane, Back In 5!! A faded cactaur danced across his shirt; it wore orange Mideelean festival garb. It was a strong contender for the ugliest thing you had ever seen.
“You’re so far away.” He beckoned you. “Don’t you want to come here?”
You slowly extended your legs again. Sephiroth caught them and placed your calves against his lap. When he slid closer to you, you were able to sit up with your back against the couch corner.
He leaned forward to take the bowl of leftovers, passed it to you. There was a spoon in the corner, floating near the beef. “Lunch.”
“Thank you,” you murmured. He handed you a pair of clean chopsticks before settling back with the smoothie. The leftovers were just as good as they had been the night before: the fridge had congealed the broth into something smoother, more comforting.
Sephiroth tilted his head back and chugged half of the smoothie. He set the glass down on the coffee table. “What’s this you’re watching?”
You looked back at the television: it was that Chocobo wrangler show again. A heavyset man with a drawling accent explained the color variations in a wild black Chocobo. Wiz, said the bright orange subtitle. “Just whatever.” You picked at the noodles. “I wasn’t really watching it.”
“Mm?” Sephiroth settled back against the couch with his tablet. His hand idly stroked one of your legs. You shivered. “Do you like chocobos?”
You had visited a Chocobo farm once in high school: part of a biology class trip. You sat out the dissection of a Chocobo heart; more accurately, you fainted and spent the rest of the day in the emergency room. You had always been too soft, too open, for such things. “I…I do, yeah.” Wiz had moved on to scouting for a black Chocobo nest. "They’re cute.”
“I had the pleasure of visiting a farm west of Midgar.”
“Did you ride one?”
“I did.” Sephiroth gave you a coy smile. “You’ll never guess the color.”
You clutched the bowl against your chest and smiled back. “White?”
He scoffed, patting your shin in frustration. “How did you know?”
“What did you think I’d guess?” You picked up the remote and browsed through the apps again. 
“Most guess black. Wait,” said Sephiroth, his hand tightening briefly on your leg as an old black-and-white film appeared on the “Recommended” list. “Do you like movies?”
“Sure I do.” The film he stopped on was at least seventy years old; you recognized the movie star as she gazed dreamily up at her man. It matched the books under Sephiroth’s bed. 
“I’ve been meaning to watch this.” He placed his hand higher now, on your thigh this time, and again you shivered, warmth already pooling in your belly. “Would you like that?”
“Of c—“ You coughed around the sudden lump in your throat. “Of course.”
The movie opened on the heroine waiting at a train station. It was some famous actress, the kind who ran philanthropy projects in her old age and had acting awards named after her. Despite leaving the television on at home, you didn’t ever switch it to the oldies channel. Sephiroth, meanwhile, had already abandoned all pretext of working and was watching the screen intently. You drew the fleece blanket up to your chin.
The heroine moved through the slums, back when the slums were nice: before the garbage and the industrial waste and the plate above. From what you could gather, the hero was a cop (or a detective, or a private eye, or a something-or-other), and the heroine was trying to pull him away from a high-profile case. You looked between the screen and Sephiroth, but he was transfixed. Occasionally, he woke his tablet and pecked out a few messages with his index finger, took a sip of smoothie. You finished your lunch and set the bowl down on the table.
Through the film, he absentmindedly stroked your leg. You wanted to speak up, tell him how much you loved that: how familiar it was, how friendly. It was impossible to focus on the movie when he was touching you like he had known you for ages. You closed your eyes—
“What is riding the subway like?”
You looked to Sephiroth, but he was staring at the movie, head tilted ever-so-slightly in fascination. The hero and the heroine were riding the old Midgar rail system. The city whipped behind them as they spoke in hushed tones.
“The…the subway?” You remembered the mascara in the bathroom, the dumbwaiter bringing his groceries, and your heart broke for him again. “You’ve never been?”
“No,” he said softly. “Trains, yes. Subway, no.” 
“It’s kind of awful,” you blurted. “You’re not missing anything.”
“Yeah?” He still had that lost, faraway look on his face. You could see his eyes— those strange eyes— following the sights racing past the windows, beyond where the protagonists spoke in low, husky voices. Part of you wanted to lie to him: to tell him that the subway was fascinating and beautiful and clean, always empty enough for you to get a seat, always on time. 
You pushed ahead with honesty. “I moved plate-side so I didn’t have to take it anymore. It’s…it’s a l-lot, like…like everyone’s pushing you and a-and you don’t have any personal space and it’s…it’s like, like gross. Dirty.”
A concerned expression overtook his face then, like he was on the edge of a question. Sephiroth looked to you, looked back to the screen, and in the next second, his worry dissolved into nothing: cool impassivity. “I see,” is what he said. 
“Now you look, like, like you’re thinking.” That damned stutter. It always ruined your delivery.
“No,” said Sephiroth to the screen. There was a far-off quality to his voice that made you feel guilty for pressing, and you propped yourself up on your elbow to watch him. “No, it’s nothing.”
The mirth drained from you. “I’m sorry,” you said. “I, like, I made it seem a-a-awful.”
He squeezed your calf, a fond smile on his lips. “Shhh. I’m glad you don’t have to take it anymore.”
“You sure?”
He inclined his head. “I am.”
The movie was slow, artsy in a way that felt foreign to you. You yawned. Your medication had worn off. Already, the sky outside had taken on a lazy, golden color. 
You blinked hard, just for a moment, and the scene in the movie changed entirely. You blinked again, and the protagonists kissed, and the room seemed dimmer: you were nodding off, you realized. 
Just for a few seconds, you thought. I’ll close my eyes for a few seconds.
The sun sank lower in the sky. Your eyelids felt heavy, and Sephiroth’s lap was warm under your calves, and he was stroking your leg so gently.
You woke to something sizzling. The apartment was almost completely dark, save for the kitchen, where Sephiroth was fussing. The sun had long since set; Midgar twinkled below.
When you sat up, the weighted blanket fell off to the side. He had covered you in it while you slept, even tucked it into the couch cushions for you. The TV was muted, now playing a different film; this one was in blotchy color, showing grizzled cowboys peering across the Eastern desert. Their black chocobos shook themselves and tittered silently.
The couch pillow had a small drool puddle off to one side. You rubbed your cheek clean and looked over your shoulder. Sephiroth had his back to you. His hair was up in a ponytail again, but he hadn’t bothered to put on his apron.
He tilted his head. “Awake?”
That SOLDIER hearing is something else. You swallowed the urge to apologize, landed instead on: “I know we were supposed to have the weekend. Guess I was more tired than I thought.”
He bent down to remove something from the oven and place it on the stove. “You needed to rest,” he said. “I’m flattered you felt comfortable.”
Sephiroth didn’t sound upset. You placed your feet on the floor and neatly folded the fleece blanket. Still, it seemed like a waste when he had taken time off just for you. 
You spoke up. “I’m not thinking, by the way.”
“I didn’t say you were.” He did turn to you this time, flashing a toothy smile. It pained you how handsome he was. You looked away and petted the blanket like it was a fussy animal.
Sephiroth continued to prepare your dinner. He had long since cleared the dishes from your lunch. Your clothes were neatly folded at the other end of the couch; he had even zipped your overnight bag up for you. 
You watched him scoop a lump of green vegetables next to a steak. He eyed the way they sat on the plate before leaning in and poking them, rearranging them to his satisfaction.
So careful for you.
He spoke up. “Wine?”
“Yes, please?”
He served you on the bartop again, and the two of you ate shoulder-to-shoulder. A Chocobo egg wobbled atop his steak; on the stove, you saw another steak cooling, waiting for his second course. He leaned in to examine your steak from time-to-time, asking quietly if you liked it, if it was cooked properly. The seasoning crunched in your mouth; it tasted, somehow, like summertime, despite the snow outside. The green lump turned out to be a mixture of broccoli and spinach; the acrid tang of lemon sang on your tongue with each bite. Over halfway through your first glass of wine, he retrieved the second steak and ate that, too. 
Dessert was another helping of the fresh strawberries from that morning; he even put a dollop of whipped cream on the corner of the plate. The cream tasted hand-made; when you asked, the corner of his mouth quirked.
“Good eye,” he said. “Do you like it?”
You eagerly reached for a second strawberry. “When did you make fucking whipped cream?”
“It’s really not difficult,” he said. Before you could lift the cream-covered strawberry to your mouth, he gently took your wrist. “Let me—“
You turned to him, about to ask, when he plucked the strawberry from your fingers. He held it to your lips and raised his eyebrows.
You leaned in and bit into the strawberry, focused on not dripping juice and cream down your chin. When you looked up again, he had a soft look on his face that bordered on pleased, and the butterflies in your stomach kicked up again. These were romantic cliches, the type of stuff you saw in bad movies or in gil-store romance novels. 
He was mimicking them. 
You wiped your chin with your hand. Sephiroth didn’t know any better, didn’t let endless Valentine’s Days alone defeat him. You had given up the fantasy of being hand-fed the second a man pinned you in bed. Now, you felt that part of you lift its head with hope.
He proffered the rest of the strawberry with a questioning noise. You smiled as you finished it from between his fingers. Eating from him felt different: like he was truly caring for you. It didn’t quite kill the old panic that arose when you were vulnerable in front of him, but seeing, feeling, him dab at your mouth with a napkin certainly dulled its edge. Maybe the wine was making you brave.
When Sephiroth brought another cream-covered strawberry to your lips, you took it down in one bite. He smiled, close-lipped, and made a satisfied hmm when you made eye contact.
You cupped your hand under your mouth and chewed. “’S good.”
“I’m glad.” He waited for you to swallow before offering the next. “Hydroponically-grown.”
You bit just the strawberry’s tip, but didn’t move from the fruit as you chewed. “Where at?”
He craned his neck over the counter. “I’d have to look at the packaging. But I asked for local.”
“It’s not important.” You chomped down the rest of the strawberry, and, when you got to the stem, kissed the tips of his fingers. His breath caught, and you grinned. 
He fed you the rest of the strawberries that way. When you had eaten the last one, he stood and took the plates, but not before you swiped a finger through the remaining cream and licked it clean. A flush crept up his neck; he cleared his throat and moved past you, into the kitchen.  
“Let me fill the dishwasher,” he said over his shoulder. “I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”
“Okay.” But you didn’t move from your seat, watching him at the sink. His face was in profile to you as he rinsed your plates.
A droplet of sweat crept down his aquiline nose; it lingered at the tip, quivering, and then it dropped into the sudsy mess. 
I’m going to kiss him, you thought. He pressed his face to his shoulder, blotting off the sweat on his brow. It left a dark spot on his white shirt. I want to kiss him. 
You slid off of your chair, leaving your wine glass on the counter. 
You tiptoed across the kitchen tile. Sephiroth paused, lifted his head just so, as if he knew what you were doing. Even better, he seemed like he was waiting for it.
You pressed your palm to the small of his back, and there was no mistaking the way he shivered in response. 
You slid your arms around his waist and pressed your body up to his. 
Every muscle under your fingers was drawn taut and firm. He let out a shaky exhale and braced his hands against the counter as you drifted your hands across his body, feeling the soft give of his lower belly, the hard curve of his spine under your lips, his soft hair brushing your cheek. You reached for his nipples and reveled in the way he sighed yes, soft and secret for you, as you pinched and rubbed at them through his shirt. There was a soft humming sound, deep and resonant and pleased, and it took you a moment to realize that it had come from you, that you had let out that sound of deep satisfaction. 
All too soon, his body shifted, and you barely had time to reorient yourself before his lips pressed to yours. The affectionate kiss stood stark against how greedily he pulled you up against his chest. Your toes just brushed the tile, and you braced your hands against his chest for balance. He was hard, the sweatpants doing nothing to hide how much he wanted you, and it felt good against your belly, the press of his hips heady and sweet and still so gentle, somehow. Still no tongue when he kissed you; you’d have to introduce that yourself. You had imagined that this is what being a teenager in love felt like: dizzy and innocent, full of possibility, the emotional baggage left at the curb. 
“Can I lift you?” he whispered. 
“You’re kind of already lifting me,” you whispered back.
He laughed, then sighed. “Here.”
You felt his broad arm hook under your thighs, and you yelped as he lifted you up onto the counter. He deposited you on the cold marble and stood between your legs. Your feet couldn't quite reach the ground.
“Not fair,” you squeaked. “Give me some warning next time!”
“I’m sorry,” he said, but there was a teasing smirk on his face. You cupped his cheeks and pulled him down to kiss you, and he met your mouth in earnest. With him standing between your legs, you could access all of him: his waist, the smooth planes of his chest, his cock, his ass. You wanted to worship him the way he deserved, kiss away that strange, hesitant look he had given you when you had called him pretty. His lips were sloppy, eager, against yours, and when you returned your fingers to his nipples, he finally, blessedly, licked your bottom lip, trying to get you to open for him. (You did.) This was going too quickly for you to retrieve your tights from the wash; that idea would have to wait, still. His excitement made your blood run hot. 
You tugged on his nipples, and he surged forward towards you, like you were leading him by his tits. He snaked a hand between your legs and pressed two fingers to the seam of your shorts.
“No,” you said, batting his hand away. “You already did a lot.”
“I haven’t done anything,” he said. He braced the offending hand against the marble counter beside your hip. “I’ve only taken care of you, the way you deserve.”
“That’s a lot,” you replied. You reached for his sweatpants, pushed the waistband down to his upper thighs.
He tensed when you wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled him forward. The blush had returned, painting his cheeks, staining the tips of his ears bright red. The words tumbled out of his mouth, all in a rush: “You don’t have to repay me—“
“No,” you said, “But I do wanna touch you. Take care of you.”
“Alrig— mm.” Sephiroth jerked his hips when you pressed your hand to his underwear. He was almost on top of you, as if he were standing on his tiptoes, trying to push his body into yours. You stroked the length of him through his underwear, marveled at how solid he was in your grip. This close, you could hear how his breath caught and sighed and lilted. You found where the head pressed against his right thigh, rubbed your thumb against it, and the way he groaned was almost violent, the cabinets next to your head rattling when he rested his forehead against them.
He laughed, and there was a low, ruined quality to it that went straight through you. “Good.”
“It— doesn’t hurt?” You continued to stroke him, cupping him through the fabric. “Right?”
“No.” This he punctuated with a messy kiss to the shell of your ear. “Sweet.”
“You,” he murmured. He shifted on his feet, and no, he wasn’t standing on his tiptoes, he was just very big and you, by comparison, very small. He held onto your waist with his right hand. “You’re sweet.”
You couldn’t help but smile, hiding your face against his collarbone. “You’re sweet.”
“We’ve been over this.” He removed his shirt, let it fall to the tile floor. You grabbed at his hips and squeezed, watched his belly ripple as he tensed. Already, his body was feeling like home, and you couldn’t tell him how grateful you were for it. “I’m not sweet, and I’m not cute, and I am not your little wife.”
It was hard to believe him when he fell so easily into your arms, his warm body like a shield from the rest of the kitchen. “Liar,” you said.
“You tease, but I’ll prove it.”
“You are sweet and cute and, absolutely,” you added, speeding your hand on his cock, watching as he licked his lips and thrust into your hand, “My little wife.”
He braced his hands against the counter. “At some point,” he growled, “when you least expect it, I’ll show you.”
“You— you had better.” You were rewarded with Sephiroth’s breath ghosting against your ear as he leaned in, panting hot and loud. “You can bite there, you know.”
“Can I, now?” It took him a few tries to latch onto your ear, but when he did, you jumped. He tugged eagerly at the lobe, the pain of his bite sinking straight into the center of you. As you braced your forehead against his shoulder, he chuckled. “Sensitive. I’ll remember that.”
“You had better,” you repeated, feeling dizzy and warm as you shifted to press your cunt against him.
“I remember everything you tell me,” he whispered as he started to rut against you. You arched your back, matching his thrusts, fascinated by his clothed cock silhouetted in his underwear. 
“Yeah?” you whispered. 
“Of course,” he whispered back. “Why wouldn’t I?”
His thrusts stuttered, and you took the opportunity to speak up: “Can I see how you, um, like….like to…?” Saying it aloud felt dirty, foreign: you wanted to watch how he touched himself, wanted to mimic that for him. You mimed jerking off, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Sephiroth seemed to catch your meaning. You saw his belly tense again, and when he spoke, there was a palpable hesitation: “You…can.”
He pulled away and tugged his underwear down just far enough to free his dick. You offered your hand, palm up, and he guided it to his cock. Silently, he encouraged your fingers into a loose fist, guided them up the shaft, then down again, letting you pull the foreskin down just long enough to let the damp, flushed head peek through. You repeated the motion, and he said, “Not so hard,” sounding choked, and you slowed down accordingly, loosened your fist until you heard him groan and felt him thrust into your palm. “Perfect.”
“This is right?” you whispered. You ghosted a thumb over his lower back, stroked him there in time with your fist. Goosebumps raised over his forearms as he returned his hands to the counter.
“You’re better than I am,” he choked out.
“No one’s better than you are.”
He laughed, and then he sighed. “I walked into that.”
You pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
His next breath came on a slow exhale: haah, somewhere just above your head. You tried gathering the precome from the head, using it to slick the way, and, when that didn’t work, paused long enough to lick your palm. He tasted like the ocean: clean and bright and salty. Sephiroth grunted at that, thrust eagerly when you returned your wet fist to his dick. Your pulse existed somewhere between your legs now: your heart had dropped down to the belly of this creature of pure need you had become. 
It seemed too early to use your mouth, though you desperately wanted to. It was easy to forget that this was still new for him. Perhaps other boys had touched him like this; you didn’t want to ask, didn’t want to ruin such a happy moment for the both of you. Better to spend that energy making it good for him, making him feel good: appreciated, admired, perhaps even loved.
He nosed your forehead. “Are you enjoying this?”
“Yeah. Are you?”
“Very much.” He punctuated “very” with a long slide of his hips. His cock twitched in your palm. “I wanted— “ He cleared his throat. “Wanted to make sure.”
You rested your chin against his shoulder and gripped his ass with your free hand, pushing him tighter against you. He let out a strangled gasp at how you dug your nails in. You flattened your palm and fingers against the underside of his cock, let him rut slowly, languidly, against it. When you brushed your lips against his neck, right where his fluttering pulse beat under his pale skin, he let out that strangled gasp again, sounding vulnerable and boyish, like you had found the very heart of him. You kissed him there, over and over, hot for how he moaned and bucked his hips for you, how he turned to putty in your willing hands. Your tongue, pressed flat against his collarbone and dragged, granted you one noise; your teeth against his shoulder, another. It was the same tender, drunken feeling you had watching— making— him come the night before, the rush of power from having a man twice your size so willingly open for you. You made a fist around his cock again, and he sounded wrecked when you began pumping him again in earnest, watched as his ass tensed and flexed with every thrust he matched you with. This felt softer, more delicate, somehow, than taking him inside you, and for a moment you remembered every lonely night you had had on your own bed, fumbling through your own body like it was an unfamiliar and disobedient machine. You were observing this in him, you realized: the discovery of the dark and secret thing, the clumsy fist and the friction against a barracks bed. Alone, while his friends were busy growing up and falling in love and being wanted.
The thought made your fist tighten ever-so-slightly, but it was enough for him, enough to make his thrusts erratic and unfocused.
“Like this?” you murmured.
“Like—“ Somewhere above you, Sephiroth turned his head, his deep voice breathy and confused. “What do you mean?”
“Do…” You cleared your throat, relaxed your fist. You felt mortified even asking. “Want to come like this, or…um.”
You felt his sigh float over your hair. “Oh. Hmm.” His thrusts slowed briefly, as if he was holding back. “This,” he said finally. His hands curled into fists against the marble. “Like this.” He swallowed. “Please?”
“Okay.” You pressed your nose to his shoulder. Your voice felt heavy and sweet with want, as if you were dripping molasses from your lips. “Yeah.” 
He arched his back and shivered: like a big cat stretching before a kill. You resumed kissing and nibbling at his shoulder, listening to him moan in your ear you as you worked him in your fist. There was something impatient driving his hips forward now, but you kept your pace deliberately slow, relishing how he grunted with frustration and pressed his nose to your cheek, breath coming in bursts over your fevered skin.
“Please,” he whispered. “Please, please.”
“Good boy, Seph,” you murmured, just to feel yourself say it, just to see what he’d do, if he liked it. A thrill ran up your spine at voicing it aloud. “So good.”
His entire body curled in on itself all at once, and you felt him groan your name with relief when he finished. Hot come dripped generously through your fingers, spilling into your lap. You watched his release with fascination: how much he had wanted you; how bravely he handed himself over to you. 
When his breathing steadied, you slowed your hand, swiping the pad of your thumb across the head just to hear him hiss. He straightened and moved your hand out of the way.
“I’ve…” He winced. “Made a mess on you.” There was genuine concern in his voice as he turned your hand over in both of his. “I’m very sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You felt a tiny, familiar pang of worry, seeing his release on your skin. There were negative memories there, too, an instinctive disgust towards the feeling of semen cooling on your skin, but you didn’t want him to feel guilty for feeling pleasure. If you shamed him, then you were no better than those who came before. 
He seemed to notice your staring and leaned across the counter to grab a paper towel. He wet it under the faucet. “Here.” Cradling your wrist in one hand, he wiped off your hand. “I feel terrible. I didn’t know there’d be so much.”
“Hey.” You put your hand atop his. “It’s okay. I liked it. I promise.” And that, too, was true: that familiar disgust cowered in the face of your pride, in the face of the warm affection you felt for him and your arousal still very much settled between your legs. You took the damp towel from him and resumed cleaning your right leg. “You’re starting to, like, sound like me. You know?”
“Don’t say that.” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smile as he reached for more paper towels.
“I just did.” You blotted at your shorts as he set to cleaning himself and tucking himself back into his underwear.
“Mm. You need those washed.” Sephiroth hooked an index finger under your waistband. “Would you like them off?”
“Mm-hmm,” you murmured. “Let me get off your counter.”
“No need,” he purred. The two of you wiggled you out of your shorts, and they joined his discarded shirt on the ground.
You hissed at the marble on your bare ass. “Seriously? I’m never eating your cooking again.”
Sephiroth tutted. “I do clean.”
When he dropped to his knees, you shrank back. “Wait. No.”
“No?” He sat back on his heels and looked up at you, his lips parted. “Are you—?“
“No, I just—“ You pressed your thighs together. Your voice came out as a half-hearted mumble: “I mean. You don’t…have to.”
He cupped your calves and leaned forward to kiss your thighs. “I want to.” He eyed you. “Unless you don’t?”
“I do,” you breathed. “But I just—“
“Then let me.” He inched forward. Letting him eat you out still felt indulgent: fistfuls of cake between your fingers, too full, too much. You looked away, feeling shy, as he leaned in to nose your cunt; it felt like you had become his meal. His voice was a low rumble: “Let me please you.”
“But your knees—“ you gasped as his tongue dipped into you, “—are gonna bruise.”
He barely moved his mouth from your cunt when he replied. “Badges of honor.”
Sephiroth teased you at first: soft flicks of his tongue against your clit, a gentle nuzzle between your folds, his hot breath against you like he was breathing you in. You didn’t have to tell him what you liked again: he seemed to move with muscle memory, clearly listening to your gasps and the cadence of your panting. You felt entirely too warm, too alive, like every cell in your body was attuned towards his next move.
Then, all at once, he latched onto your clit in earnest and sucked hard, those green eyes looking up to you to gauge your response. A bright shock of pleasure followed, and you hid your face behind a trembling hand. You felt, rather than heard, his laugh.
Your voice was high behind your hand as you turned away. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“Mm.” His hand was warm against your inner thigh, his thumb stroking along the delicate skin as he encouraged your legs further apart for his affections. When he looked up at you again, there was a smugness in his eyes, and that only made you feel wetter. His tongue moved in lazy circles against your clit, and you bucked your hips into his mouth. When you closed your eyes, you were stuck on his face mid-orgasm: the gentle downturn of his brow, eyelids heavy with pleasure, lips parted in a delicate o, like he was surprised at how good you felt to him.
Sephiroth sunk a finger into you, then, and he crooked it like he was beckoning to you. It was just shy of where you wanted him, but the effort, the fact that he remembered, was pleasure enough. “Yes,” you hissed, except it came out as a strangled, “Mm,” and then you were coming. The satisfied moan he released when you came on his face made you shiver. The moment stretched, full and open: the kind of orgasm you turned away. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“Want more?” he asked, still crooking the finger in the wrong place, looking so awestruck, so pleased with you, that you wanted to cry.
“Not now,” you whispered. “Is that okay?”
“Of course it is.” He pressed his cheek to your inner thigh and drew out his finger. You reached down and laced your fingers with his. 
The two of you stayed there in silence for a few moments: you sitting on the counter, him between your knees. He closed his eyes and drew lazy circles on your thigh with his free hand. It was still a strange feeling, being so satisfied with him: you brushed his hair out of his eyes so you could admire his peaceful expression. 
“I wanted to shower,” you said.
He opened his eyes to look up at you. His pupils shrank against the fluorescent light. “What’s stopping you?”
“You look so happy,” you whispered, stroking his hair. “I didn’t want to move you.”
He closed his eyes again. “I can move. Did you want company?”
“Yes.” The answer came as one blurted exclamation. You wanted him against you, wanted to feel his wet skin pressed to yours from behind. Maybe you could coax him into a hot bath afterwards.
As it turned out, you could.
Go to next chapter >>>
1 note · View note
pwblogarchive · 2 months
March 2005
March 2, 2005
alive and (un)well. just being melodramatic when it's completely unnecessary. got blue pill eyes behind black eyelids. my mind is running but more like in place, kind of how life is. you wouldn't understand what i mean. you and they have been here before but it isn't the same for me. and trying to explain anything is just leaving me with a dry mouth and sore shoulders and you shaking your head (not in disagreement but more like disbelief). "mellow out"- but thats been the problem all along, at least it's eben one of them. i feel like a nocturnal animal in the zoo at 12 noon. me turning away from you so you don't see my eyes when im walking out the door when im waving my hand back and forth and saying "i'm doing so-so" cause thats what i think someone "regular" would say. you saying " shake it off get back in the game kid. we're gonna be okay"- but trailing off in a whisper cause i know you dont even believe yourself. the volume goes with the truth. naivetey feels very strange on me but is as warm as the shyness that comes with it. you'd never guess that. new york transit love affair. the veins going underneath the streets that feel so foreign yet endearing. it's not charm, i just don't get it. trust me (but not really). couch living (dead) has me hanging onto phone lines. darling, i'm not making sense and my throat is sore- maybe at least you know i mean it. dreading when your voicemail as it clicks on. and on and on and on. its me logging off.
see you on tour soon. new clandestine merch over at your local hottopic.
- petey
March 11, 2005
and sometimes all the lit houses i walk by, im just dying to be inside
set this record straight- i've been getting lots of emails lately- the song "dance, dance" out there right now is NOT the version that will be on the record. it is a demo, so take it for what it is.
the song "hand of god" out there will not be on the record. it is NOT because island wouldnt let it be there. but because we thought it wasn't good enough- the line "im sick of always writing songs for you to slit your wrists to" can be taken for how it is- i dont want to just write songs to make one girl miserable anymore.
"sugar we're going down" can currently be heard on 89x and q101 so listen for it there.
keep your eyes on the clock, we're trying to be too predictable.
we have all new merch and we're ready to see you, playing some new songs, i'm so glad to be back and playing shows again, grab tickets before they sell out....
come by the book signings and say hi so i wont be lonely.
we've got some exciting stuff coming up this fall.
sorry for the boring entry. also being back on the road i need some good music to listen to- start a messageboard topic- bands pete needs to hear- and tell me some good unsgined bands i need to hear.
March 13, 2005
love is just going on because. we're trying to get real. my bunk feels like a coffin but my corpse deserves a parade around the country. wearing makeup cause she said i was pretty in it but i know im just d(sh)ying. here's to spring cleaning (up all the messes we made over winter). ive got new habits and loves including: words all over again, bloody lips, and fuck offs. "9 weeks can't change you". but you don't even get it. words just love me more. no worries though. you: "damn kid you just look so sad". me: "....". but im changing. get (re)born. i dont want this anymore.
drive me dead.
get busy living or get busy dying.
- petey
March 21, 2005
come on,save me
why we are where we are. sitting at a hotel in tempe arizona. i havent been able to get on the internet in forever and i lost my sidekick. it's okay to cry for me, there is already a WAAAAHmbulance on the way. my clothes are dirty, so is my body- i havent slept in days but i am the happiest i have been in awhile- being on tour feels so good. shows are at their best. you kids look so goddamned good. i was out of my head for awhile but im back.
i know there are gonna be some growing pains next year- i just wanted to personally thank you guys for sticking with us. it makes us feel so much less awkward. i have been in your position where a band i loved that noone knew about started to get some attention. but i just wanted to let you know that i personally and as a band we focused on writing a record for those who believed in fall out boy from the beginning and not to impress anyone else. we will never bend or do something that we wouldnt do anyway. thats a promise and if you have ever met us you know that it's (we're) true. also, the deal with the signings at the shows- it is something our label does in order to sell records- meeting 2000 kids a night would be impossible but we want to meet and see our friends as much as possible. we still hang around venues and are out behind every venue- come find us and say hi even if you dont pick up the cd. sorry, i will write a better entry later. oh yeah, to all the emailers- to save you the time, yes i am losing it.
all in all. this is the best time of our lives- all thanks only to you. words couldnt explain. thank you so much..
basement days
attic nights
its not so much that theres something wrong with me
as there is nothing right
got some books on the floor
they’re holding up my standards
swore myself off of you
but I don’t do too well with ultimatums
March 22, 2005
love doesnt mean a thing if its not leaving us light headed- all my headaches are in my chest for you now.
- petey
March 31, 2005
keep the gossip alive in '05
sometimes doors a closed to keep secrets out not to keep them in.
this tour is the best we have ever been on. its like a family. we were nervous about headlining- thanks for making us feel at home.
ive been thinking lots about people i shouldn't be...
lets move far away from their whispers and looks.
but mostly i heart nick scimeca.
just a boy
bad ideas.
0 notes
chanstopher · 2 years
resending this so i'm really sorry if i miss answering anything from your reply rip jdksdj but hi again dreamy, hope you got better 🥰 it's refreshing looking at someone take it seriously though, most people lightly answer it and, even though i like hearing all kinds of answers, it tell a lot about the person too i believe! i feel like i'd also pick someone who has good survival skills/is a fast learner over someone i'd have to worry about on top of being stranded on an island and thinking about food, shelter communication etc.! then maybe a spare change of clothes? they can be used as bandages, to keep warm if it's chilly/cold & you can alternate between that and what you're wearing instead of sticking to the same set of clothes you arrived in haha as for my final choice, hm... maybe transceivers? something that can help us get in contact with people who can help as i think you can always use wood/leaves/bones as tools/weapons! that is a lovely combination of colours too⏤i immediately imagine a room/interior when people tell me their favourite colour/s and yours is a lovely mainly black/dark grey + whites room with rose gold + slight mustard accents; very elegant & chic! i myself like neutral tones a lot :D but these days i'm into deep greys, muted blues/lilacs and gold! oh and i just saw the languages ask, i must've mixed things up, my bad! but i see, did you learn korean + italian or grasped it/grew up with it? i think english is the only langauage i can say i'm 100% fluent in kdjfdalk but other than that i can speak arabic, enough french and korean to be able to get by if i were to be randomly stranded in the countries, an embarrassingly small bit of chinese despite it being my mother tongue and a teenie tine amount of turkish and swedish. my maternal grandpa knows like 8 languages and he'd speak to us in all of them ever since we were younger so we started understanding a bit of each & my uncle's entire family speaks swedish so we like asking our cousins to speak it 😂 do you like travelling/is there a place you'd like to travel to? oh, and! what's your favourite dessert? - 🌨
oh im glad it came through this time!
most of my apartment is pretty much white and black so you're definitely on to something with your visualization lol i do have a few lighter pinks thrown in but sadly no yellows. most of my decor is like witchy like black cats and moons and things so I don't know how well a lot of color would really work lol
the italian i can speak i learned from my grandfather growing up and i think its starting to leak out of my brain the more i try to stuff korean into it lol korean i've tried to learn through books and videos and things to grasp it so kpop is a little easier to get but i think i have the ability of a like a preschooler lmao so not too helpful but i think i could get myself some basic needs if i was lost in korea fssgd
i havent traveled a lot because its so expensive to go places here, but ive been to disney world before, and nyc a bunch of times. I’d really love to go to australia or new zealand tho! australia has so many sharks and philips island which is supposed to be so cool! and ive been a big lotr nerd forever so new zealand is very big on my list lol
as for dessert im a big cheese cake person and i love tiramisu <3
i cant believe its already almost christmas i feel like we started this so recently!
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Drunk in Love
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Summary:  Getting drunk and confessing your love for your “boy” friend and fucking him was most definitely not what you expected to go down on the usual night.
Pairing: Issei Matusukawa x Reader
Tags: Timeskip!Tattoed Mattsun, softdom!issei Hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, smut, fluff, virgin!reader, Unptrotected sex, non-penetrative sex, fingering, oral, pussy/thigh job, clit slapping, sweet dirty talk, praise, drunk sex
Word count: 7.2k
A/N: I heard pussy job and I wrote a whole ass novel
18+ Minors DNI
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You run your finger over the condensation of your empty drink, drawing shapes (or what you thought to be shapes, you couldn’t tell at this point) waiting for your dear friend, Makki to bring you a refill of your cocktail.  
“Here ya go.” Makki said as he returned with your beloved Malibu Sunset. The smooth coconut rum bringing you back to your first and favorite drink that you ever got drunk on in high school. You smiling at the memory
“Thanks.” you say. Your reply being mumbled by the liquid already in your mouth.
This all started with Iwaizumi calling Mattsun up, you and Makki hearing “You wanna get wasted?” on the other side of the phone. And with pleasure, you two were already packing your stuff up, shoving yalls “pregame” bottles back in the bag. The three of you made your happy way there climbing through the fence of the abandoned skate park you were in. Needles to say it was abandoned for a reason, but what’s life without a little danger.
You three and the rest of the third years have been friends since high school, meeting in freshman year, and now including Oikawa’s girlfriend. You actually didn’t like Oikawa at first, his “pretty boy” demeanor making you internally cringe. But his personality grew quickly on you, being the perfect target to tease you and Iwa clowning him over everything.
Now back to you on your nth drink, complaining about your previous job that fired you because u got injured, even though you know you wouldn’t have lasted long there anyways because you weren’t that academically inclined. Bright? Whatever you wanted to call it.
And as-usual it wasn’t long before your crybaby ass immediately called Makki and Issei and “tried” your best to tell them what happed with your dramatic self-induced tears running down you race, while Makki urged to you to try to calm down and Issei straight up laughing at the state your were in, snot running out of your nose. You recoiling at the thought, hoping they forgot. (Spoiler, they didn’t)
But now you nanny for a rich couple and you get payed good to play with cute babies all day, sounds good to you! Luckily, you had the week off due to them going on a vacation, you think it was France, no, the south of France. Must be nice.
Cue to now, Mattsun chuckling and leaning on you and Iwaizumi; both of you, especially Iwa, being visibly done with his shit. Him reminding you about the times you bought him some random shit, which you went out of your way for since he always payed for you, like that chopper keychain because you said it reminder you of him.
He didn’t know what compelled you to say his 6’2, tattooed built self looked like a tiny reindeer but okay. It still meant a lot to him, hooking it onto his motorcycle keys. But you knew he appreciated it, despite his appearance he’s a softie.
“You wanna try this’” He says gaining his composure offering you one of the shots he got.
You took one of the mini glasses, not being the type to back down and promptly swung the drink to the back of your mouth, quickly coughing before it even reached your throat.
“This shit is fucking gross.” You coughed out bringing the glass down from your lips.
  “Imagine being sober. Can’t relate.” He said taking another shot.
  “I guess I should do that but ive passed the point of giving a fuck” You said sending yall into a giggling fit while somehow Makki was thrown in to support yall from falling over. You two carry on laughing ignoring everyone’s stares at you thinking about how much yall fit perfectly together.  
   Makki rearranges himself to sit back in his chair, far away, from the both of you, whispering “Damn. I’m really third wheeling.” under his breath. Getting a snicker out of Oikawa sitting next to him.
   “When your best friends are ignoring you. Sad times.” He continues bringing his bottle to his mouth getting no response.
  Issei chuckles and gets up shoving his hands in his pocket reaching for the cigarettes. Pulling them out while failing to find his lighter
  “Fuck.” He muttered
  “Any’all got a light?”
  No one responds so you sacrifice yourself “Yeah” you say reaching into your pocket grabbing out your prized possession of a hot pink, bedazzled lighter that you did yourself, reaching out to hand it to him.
  “Don’t lose it” you stated seriously trying not to break a smile.
  “K’ sweet cheeks.” He said smirking into the butt between his lips as he walked away. Your face now burning up, hoping that everyone would think it was because of the alcohol.
  You mind wanders, thinking about the “dates” you two go on, from watching shows you “forcing” him to watch some romantic anime, to going to the skatepark, to playing video games with the rest of the 3rd years (which you don’t really like but you’ll play for him) and him surprising you with takeout, you bringing out candles trying your best to make it cute with him telling u everything you everything about his day.
  And you always tried to remain calm, even though sometimes he deserved to get his ass beat, like that one time he broke one of your favorite pair of heels. It honestly hurt him even more, he wanted you to get mad at him but no, you just acted like nothing happened. Making the guilt rise in him. Let’s just say didn’t have to lift a finger for the next few weeks.
You basically babied him, taking care of all his “chores”, mainly making him food when you were at his place knowing he hated doing it. Makki teasing you for acting like his housewife, leading to you slapping the shit outta him while trying to cover your now red cheeks.
You’ve never been so grateful for your attire at the moment, blessing yourself for not wearing your usual outfits of short skirts and cute tops, defending yourself saying what housewife dresses in beat up vans and baggy clothes. You definitely not imaging yourself in that position for the rest of the day.
 You expressed that you just liked to take care of people, which was true. You always looked out for them, bringing an extra umbrella, to bringing cookies you made at 2 in the morning to school, always carrying band-aids (yes, the paw patrol ones you took from the kids you babysit).
You checked the time on your phone seeing it was late since the sun at last went down, your lock screen being your dogs to their complaint since they have a group photos of you all from high school as theirs. To which you replied “They’re my babies” getting a groan and huff out of them.
  Seeing the notifications of your group chat you grinned at the contact name you and Issei gave each other; yall jokingly call each other pet names, his contact being honeybun and yours being pumpkin, even including Makki in your contacts as pudding bc then it wasn’t weird, right? no.
  “What’re you smiling at y/n?” Oikawa cheekily asks teasing you. You turn to him giving him a dirty look, not having enough energy to deal him right now.
  “Don’t listen to his bullshit.” Oikawa’s girlfriend says. You’re thankful for her. She was always on your side, being the only other girl in your friend group. To be honest you just wanted her and you to hang out most of the time, but of course to your disapproval her boyfriend and his friends had to join in.
  “Fuck this. Fuck you. I’m sleeping.” You say getting up to her objection, the only thing on your mind wanting to retire for the night.
  “You sure you’ll be fine? Let us at least walk you home.” She said already grabbing her boyfriend’s arm.
  “Nah, im good. I live right down the road.” You try to say not slurring. The last thing you want is him teasing you even more, especially in this state, knowing you, you’d probably start crying at the slightest irritation when youre this drunk.
    You started to “walk” towards your house resting  your hand against the brick walls to not lose your balance, leading you to run into Issei. You stopped to watch him lean against the alley holding a cigarette between his index and middle finger.
  “I’m hiding like a bitch” He says noticing you, resting his weight against the wall.
 “Wanna be a bitch with me? He grinned  blowing out the smoke out with his words.
You didn’t reply, just walking over to him, just being around him made you feel warm.
"Fuck its windy.” He says trying to light a new cig.
“C’you make me a house?” He asks.
You go up and put your hands around his cigarette, this not being your first time. Your hands wrap a little tighter to prevent the wind from burning out his flame. He joins you with his free hand helping, finally getting his cig to light.
 “Thanks doll” He smirks.
“No problem princess.” You reply earning a laugh out of him.
He takes his first hit with his and your hands still wrapped around it. He gets an up-close look at your hands, noticing how tiny they were, seeing all the scars that he never noticed, making a mental note to ask you how you got them later.
His head gets close to yours for the first time in a while due to his height. You glance at his face, noticing his features seeing some stubble growing on his face.
“You ain’t shave?” You ask, never seeing it in the past, while he was moving back up, blowing the smoke away from you.
“What, you don’t like my majestic beard? “He jokes. Making you giggle almost losing your balance before catching yourself on the wall.
  “s’too much work.” He starts. “You wanna shave it for me?” he says slightly leaning towards you. Handing you back your lighter knowing you didn’t need him to carry it because your pants actually had pockets in them for once.
You let out a soft laugh not responding again. He catches on, you got quiet when you were tired and he made out that you were walking towards your house.
“You going home?” he asks already knowing the answer.
“Yeah.” You respond more than happy to have him walk you back, him already moving to walk next to you.
He walks you home, you two talking about random shit, both of you forgetting about your skateboards leaving Makki to deal with them. And even though you’re drunk as fuck you’re still in the right state of mind, carrying a normal conversation with him. But just because you’ve built a tolerance doesn’t mean you can do basic tasks, like walk correctly.
When he reaches your house, he types in the keycode, your first dogs birthday, being glad that you, him and Makki have each other’s memorized.
He leads you into you house setting you on the couch, petting your dogs that ran up to him.
“Mommy’s not feeling too good” He said giving them the affection they deserved.
“Yes I am.” You slurred getting them attention on you now.
He walked over to your counter putting on the playlist that you two made together on shuffle, High fashion being the first to play. You didn’t like when it was quiet because too many thoughts would run though your head. You were in no way sad, singing the lyrics while you were laughing barely being able to hold yourself up as proof.
Remembering you were tired, he takes you off the couch and borderline carries you to your room, , setting you on your plush blankets that you had so many of because it was warm and comfy.
 “Easy, there. Try to sit up.”He said, trying to ask you what draws your pj’s were in because he didn’t want to snoop around; neither of you being bothered that you were half naked, what’s the difference between panties and a bikini, he thought remembering the times you’ve been to the beach together.  
Well it was maybe the fact that you were clinging onto him because u stumbled into him and he was closest stable thing around and you wouldn’t let go because it was cold and you couldn’t stop shaking.
 He ignores his thoughts and grabs the shirt he got out figuring you don’t need to change your bra because you told him and Makki that it was normal to keep it on for a few days after they were in awe as you were explaining how expensive they were. You calling Oikawa’s girlfriend to prove your point as she immediately agreed with you…Sometimes you might have got a little too comfortable with them.
You hear the song in the background change to Love Songs, you humming along, “Hope you smile when you listen.”
You were still holding on to him, your boobs squeezing against him, him only being able to put a t-shirt on you, while you looked up at him with your red glossy eyes making him burn up.  
You fidget timidly with your face now in his chest while gripping his sweater. Trying to build up the little courage you had. He tilts your head up making you look at him, wondering what you were thinking about.
  You try to express yourself, but you can’t get the words out him having no idea what is going on in your head at the moment.
“It’s okay to be nervous sometimes. Tell me” He gently says reading your body language. He was intuitive, so there was no way you could hide your feelings from him.
But you knew you could trust him, him having full self-control, always staying collected and following through on what he said he’d do.  He went out of his way to avoid any friction coming between you two, him never raising his voice or starting an argument.
“We need to talk.” You started. “About something important.”
“Ok…What is it?” He questioned rubbing his hands on your back. You were so nervous, were you really about to say this? Confess your feelings that you’ve pushed to the back of your heart for so long?
“I… I l… I love your face. And the stuff in it. and around it.” You spoke, being surprised you did it stutter.
He stood there, hands stopped moving trying to process what you just said.
“Just you, in general…”  You finally confess trying to state three things at once barely getting your words out.
But he understood exactly what you meant, or maybe he was warping what you said to fit what he wanted.
  "I don’t even know when I started liking you, but this shit won't go away." You restated
  Nope. He clearly just heard you say that.
  He doesn’t understand what’s so different about today. Yall have been in this scenario multiple times taking care of each other, sometimes including another into the mix.  
You didn’t understand either. You just felt like the time was right, even though you know it wasn’t the best idea to confess while you were drunk off your ass.
But you couldn’t help it, your feelings overflowing, which you never until this day let get the best of you, being vulnerable and trusting is not your usual . Youve never even had a crush on anyone, him being to only in your whole life to make you blush.
  Who you been vibin' wit and why I can't make you mine?
  You should have seen the signs that you feel for him when he helped that lady that lives down the street from him set up her Christmas lights or when he first met your dog that wasn’t fond of men, but it instantly liked him. And you loved his selflessness it was something you admired and applauded.
  “y/n” He tries talking you down, making sure you weren’t just saying this because of alcohol, deep down knowing he felt the same, you always being in the back of his mind.
You were generous with your time too, always being there for him. You knew he was softer than he appeared, he was tender, sensitive and vulnerable. He tried his hardest to not get into situations where anyone would get hurt, like breakups, arguments, and so on.
Which is why he won’t make the first move. He pushes his feelings to the back of his head. He values your friendship more than anything, but he can see what develops. If love is meant to be, it will happen.
I told you I am down for the worse or the better. But I keep sticking to you cause them four stupid letters
    “You make me so happy. And I’ll always care about you. Okay? He says breaking the silence, trying to reassure you.  
  “You mean so much to me—something I can’t even put into words because nothing can compare- I’ve wanted you since that day you tripped and bust your ass in the school hallway I still want you even though you drive me insane.”
  “Iss-“ You tried to get out only to have him continue talking over you.
  "I love that you can’t leave the house without a jacket. I love the wrinkles that appear on your forehead after you call me crazy. I love that it takes you hours to get ready. I love that you always know how to make me feel better. I love that even when you don’t agree with my decisions you always trust me to make them.  I love that when I spend a day with you, I can still smell you on my clothes; and I love that you are the last person I think of  before I go to sleep at night."
  You stood there awestruck for what feels like eternity until you mustered the bravery to speak “I didn’t expect you to feel the same way-” You said, being dumbfounded because from what you’ve seen treats everyone “nice”, were you really getting special treatment?
  He tilts your chin up, locking his dark eyes with yours. “Baby I don’t know if your notice but you and Makki are my only people that aren’t my family that call me my first name.”
He has a point. You think pushing yourself more into him, trying to fuse your bodies together to hide, not relaxing what you were doing to him. He tries to nudge your legs to the side but you won’t let go still clinging onto him.
“fuck” He groans. You pulling back wondering why until you looked down and noticed. A smirk appeared on your face as you reattached your self to him like velcro. You were feeling bold, the liquid courage still in your system driving you to slide your fingers down his chest, looking him in the eyes before stopping at his waistband.  
He knows what you’re doing, him being in this position multiple times. Does he really want to ruin your friendship like this? He hasn’t even asked you to be his girlfriend. He tries to push you off him already knowing you were gonna complain. But what he didn’t expect was for you to whimper out his name in that pretty voice of yours.
 He tried to keep his calm, blood already rushing down. “You know what you’re doing”
“yeah” You start.
“y’don’t want me?” Giving him your pouty face that you know he’s weak for, hoping that’ll work, insecurity piling up. Was it because your boobs weren’t that big or that fact that you were dressed like man? Was he not attracted to you right now, only liking you when you were dolled up?
“Fuck” You think. You should have worn something cute instead of dressing like a whole ass man even with your makeup fully done. Its not like you were supposed to know you were gonna get fucked today.
His were burning holes into you now, thinking of how to say “No, I would be more that happy to fuck you!” to his best friend, soon regaining his consciousness finally speaking.
“Fuck no doll, ive wanted you for a minute. You know me better than I know myself. How did you not notice my feelings?”
 You got me singing love songs, love songs, love songs
“You’re really hard to read” You replied trying to maintain your seductive act, resting your hands back on his chest.
“So are you.” He said lowering his head, you still looking up at him, taking in your gleaming eyes.
Sex ain't the only thing that's on my mind But you get me so excited, whoa
Your heart was beating so wildly that you could only take little sips of breath. His hands running down your waist stopping at your hips.
“Can I kiss you?" He asks "...yeah” you attempted to say as confidently as you could, nodding your head along with it.
His face bent down, hot mouth breathing over you. His lips slowly moved, brushing over yours, the liquor on his lips that you hated; only choosing fruity drinks even though you got relentlessly teased you for it.  You pushed further into the kiss desperately wanting more. Your teeth clicking his from being impatient, wanting to suck him in. Your hands sliding under his shirt subconscious desires reaching out.
Irreplaceable Tattoos from your neck that drop down to your ankles
“You’re drunk…” he says snapping you out of your trance.
“So are you.”
He dove in for another kiss much more passionate than the previous one, arguably needy, pusing you on the bed to which you more than happily comply. He tugs back not letting his mind get the best of him, disconnecting your spit trial leaving you panting. “You sure this alright?” He says deep down hoping you still say yes.
  You pull him back for your answer, your grabby little hands working their way back up his shirt. He gets the hint and pauses your lips rendezvous, taking off the turtleneck that he looked oh so good in, before seeing his unclothed body.  You’re admiring his body in a new way, before just complimenting him whenever he got a new tattoo, now up under him tracing them like a lovestruck teenager.
“When did you get this one?” You quietly ask, his ears closer to you than they’ve ever been.
“I got it that day you faked sick”
“What! You said were gonna take me!” You sulked, turning your head away from his as much as you could, crossing your arms.
He let out a slight laugh before gently taking your face in his hands, guiding you back into the kiss.
This is not really what he imagined for your first time. He’s an old-fashioned romantic who likes to take one step at a time. But then again nothing was ever normal with you. That said, when he falls in love, he falls deep.
“You’ve done this before?” You uttered.
“Hmm?” He mumbles, unmoving his lips from you kissing you, moving towards your neck.
“You still with that other girl?”
“No. I broke it off her, everything that came out of her mouth was bullshit, and no she wasn’t my girlfriend.”
“You didn’t trust her? You added. Trying to distract him until you could think of a way you could say “hey in my 21 years of life I’ve never got passed kissing a guy.”
“Our relationship was purely built on lies, I’d second guess everything she said. He replied, wondering if you were interrogating him.
“Why’d you wanna know?” He asked bringing his face up from your skin.
“…No one’s ever touched me like this, fuck.” You bashfully admitted, thoughts racing through your head that he didn’t want you anymore because you weren’t experienced.
But he knew what was running through that pretty head of yours, his fingers reaching out to with your hair trying to comfort you.
“You’re a virgin?” He curiously asked dragging his hand to your cheek, you leaning into it.
“y-yeah” you muttered trying to move your eyes away from his looking down at his body.
“I thought you had a boyfriend before” he said, softly turning your jaw to make you look at him. Your eyes diverted from his arms back to his eyes.
“We weren’t actually dating” You quickly say trying to clear up the misunderstanding. “He was my friend and seatmate that pretended to be my fake boyfriend to get me out of some trouble” you spewed out “and I guess I forgot to tell everyone that it was fake.”
“Even if we were that doesn’t mean we fucked.” You sheepishly replied.
“So… what trouble did your fake boyfriend get you out of.” He questioned knowing how much trouble it must have been for you, miss independent, to go to such lengths.
“Umm, well…this guy wouldn’t stop flirting with me even after I told him I don’t like him, even following me to my other classes.”
He wasn’t surprised, you were definitely a sight for sore eyes, in fact the prettiest thing he’s laid his eyes on, your beaming eyes, your dimple when you smiled, your pretty face, your “ugly” laugh, he could go on for days.
“Why are we talking about this” You whined, reaching your hand back out to him.
He took a hint and continued kissing you, bringing you closer to him while you attempted to take you shirt off. His hands helping you seeing as that you were struggling, being lost in his touch, finishing by moving you up more on you bed, pushing your plushies out of the way, to your protested because “they had feelings too.”
He ignored you, bending down to pull your panties off stopping once he saw the slick coming through them.
“Fuck baby you’re wet” He breathed dragging his fingers across your clothed slit earing a whimper from you, leaving his fingers drenched.
 Shawty, you wanna feel good, I wanna feel good too Don't I make you feel good?
“M’always wet.” you responded.
From what? He questions taking off your soaked cotton panties, tossing them to the side.
“From me?” He smirks bringing his hand back towards your heat. You not even comprehending what he just said, just knowing that you’re ashamed of how worked up you were getting.
You were in awe. You’ve always known his hands were big, but in this situation your mind wondered. His fingers were so much bigger than yours knowing you can barely fit two inside your with out it hurting, and not in a good way.
“Do you know how pretty you are? It’s honestly distracting.”. He says kissing down your whole body, stopping at your breasts, licking lazily around and coming back to the nub. The attention on your nipples making you squirm and he finally lets go, you grateful that he stopped or you would have almost cum, how embarrassing.
“I thought you said were gonna get them pierced” He remembered, you going on a whole rant about how cute they were.
“You said u were gnna get em with me” You looked back on, reminding yourself making him promise to get them with you because you were too scared of the pain.
“That was the same day you played sick and I got that tattoo.” He stated lightening the mood, hoping you can calm yourself down before you actually embarrass yourself.
He picks back up and continues kissing all the way down your body, you playing with his hair while biting your lip to muffle your moans and whine until he reaches your entrance.
He parted your legs, your pussy laid out before him, believing you no have reason to be shy about it either. He paused, admiring your swollen cunt and puffy clit, you were beautiful.
The feeling that he didn't want anyone else ever in his position overtook him. He let out a little breath on your clit and you thrashed around. He wasn't going to play. “I’ll take care of you.”
His lips travel over your skin, light and heated before settling himself between your legs, grabbing you by your thighs and dragging you closer. “That tickles.” you giggle, nerves making you kick your legs, almost hitting him in the face before he grabs them. He puts them down locking your legs with his arms, lowering himself until he’s on the ground facing you.
“Does it make you nervous when I stare?” he teases while your covering your face trying to hide the blush he caused.  He puts his mouth on you, quickly gripping your thighs, his hands leaving imprints in your skin dragging you even more into him, deprived kisses taking over your body. 
“yer so pretty” You purred seeing the sight of his big build between your legs, your fingers grabbing onto his curly dark locks, tugging them.
  Issei moans, his voice radiating through your body, forcing out a cry, blessing him with your pretty voice. “I-Issei!” You cry, never feeling like this before, your vibrator and hands doing it no justice.
“Shh, just look at me, doll.”
You can barely make out what he says, so drunk on pleasure. You try your best, doing anything to see the pretty man beneath you. But you get interrupted by your pleasure, your back arching not being able to control your body, grinding down to meet his lips, heat rising in you.
He kisses through your wetness playing with your bud. You choking on your spit, back arching again your body tensing up. “Issei,” You beg, grabbing him knowing what you want but not being able to express it. Luckily he can read you like an open book, knowing what you want, driving you over the edge as he makes you see stars. “Good girl,” he sighs when he feels you let go of his wrist letting him bring you your first orgasm.
“Look at your thighs shaking so much.” He teasingly cooed, wrapping his hands around them, bringing you out of your daze.
Shawty, your body is so exciting
Arching your back into the blankets, letting out a whine “Want your fingers.”.
He lets out a condescending laugh. “You need to learn to be patient. You just came and you’re already so eager for more?”
But by the time he finished your body went limp, you were totally weak, body loose-limbed and pliant. Your mind clouded by lust and deep in your own world. You gasped out a little sob, unable to comprehend anything beyond the discomfort and the need to have it gone. You can’t think straight all you can do is take action, grabbing his arm him easing his fingers into to you.
It’s not too tight, is it?” you ask clenching around his fingers.
 “Just relax… let yourself feel it” He says barely being able to move in you. Fuck so were so tight.
“I love the way you look with my fingers inside you.” He added starting to thrust them inside you, making you let out a string of moans.
“Look how good you take it.”  
“Fuck, you’re so messy.” He groaned feeling the slick running down his hands, before taking them out.
“Issei-i,” You cried when he pulled away, pleasure leaving you, tears coming back.
  He shushes you easily, his fingers wiping your tears. You were so precious to him, your moans music to his ears.  He slows down repositioning his fingers, making you let out a whimper squeezing around them. Your brains so crowded you can’t focus, can’t gather the strength to speak when he thrust them faster inside you.
  Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you fell back, fingers curling inside you, chanting his name over and over, incoherent words coming out of your mouth begging for more. 
You pussy tightens as you cum, unable to breath, letting out gasps and whines. Him still fucking you, fingers not stopping, pushing them in and out relentlessly feeling both pain and pleasure. You lay there, wet in your own cum not giving yourself a break before you went and got what you really wanted, his cock.
His eyes followed the movement of your hands as they pushed down his boxers, revealing the length of his cock, that jutted proudly from his hips. He was so pretty, so virile and handsome. Wondering how lucky you were to be in such a position with him.
You pushed away those thoughts and focused on him, pulling him forward gently, but he followed his encouragement. One of his hands tilted his cock down toward your lips. “Open your mouth for me, baby.”
You parted them instantly, tongue sliding slightly outward, and then you whimpered as the warm weight of his cock slid into your mouth. You let your eyes flutter closed and swirled your tongue around the tip of his cock not knowing exactly what you were doing, but it was working, tasting the salty tang of the precum that wept from his leaking slit. You moved your tongue as the he put his hand into your hair, gripping the strands and pushing deeper into his mouth.
“You look so good on your knees like that. “He says meeting your eyes once again, almost cumming from the picture below him.
“Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere.” He says slowing you down by grabbing your hair, making a pace that you follow.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby, just like that.” Seeing that sinful look in your eyes with your redden swollen lips.
You moan feeling yourself drip down your thighs, getting even wetter giving him head. Trying to ease the discomfort by closing your legs, griding them together, trying to find some friction. Your ears hearing “That’s so fucking hot.” watching the scene unfold beneath him.
Your jaw hurts, trying got make him cum faster using your hands and lips together hollowing your cheeks. “Oh fuck, oh, Jesus, fuck yes, there, just like that, fucking Christ" he groans out, his voice sounded beautiful to your ears, knowing he was about to cum.
He finally lets go cumming in your mouth, you swallowing it all, trying not to wince at the taste. “Did I do good” You ask waiting for his reply. Your doll eyes, so red and worn out looking up at him for approval. Fuck he was whipped.
“Yeah…fuck baby”
I love when you get on top and you ride it
You get back under him, his cock resting on you, drenched and clenching around nothing, resting in your cum. You working yourself up against him.
“What makes you think I’m going to fuck you?” He says to your complaint.
“You’re not ready yet.” he mumbles against your whining. Spreading your legs, slapping your clit a few times before letting his cock rest on your folds. Finally getting “seated” he picks up your legs and puts them both on one of his shoulders your thighs warming his cock, your knees touching his cheek not moving, getting a kick out of how desperate your were for him.
“s-stop being mean” You cried reaching out for him to come closer, needing affection after all you’ve been though.
“Aww, poor baby, you want me to take care of it for you? He says leaning into you, reaching your kiss, tasting the remnants of the cum in your mouth.
He plundered your mouth and slowly teased his cock over your entrance, catching it against your clit and making you whimper into the kiss, clearly wanting to be fucked. Your kiss turned you sucking on Issei’s tongue and lips, biting the swollen pout until his lips were red and puffy. He pulled back and looked down at you, a beautiful mess under him.
His fat cock head pushed between your folds. The moan escaping both of your lips was primal. You were turned on beyond imagination and the way he was thrusting forward, spreading his leaking precum on your wet clit was almost too much. He quickly picked up his pace fucking your folds, his warm head brushing against your clit with every movement, but your greedy self wanted more.
The fact that he made you cum so easily made you proud. Just because you’ve never gone this far with someone else doesn’t mean you’ve never cum, you’ve had a lot of practice over the years, being insatiable, the sheets soaked underneath you from your previous orgasms being proof.
“Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.” He moans getting your attention him.
You tried, you really tried, but the way he was stroking you, imagining what it’d be like to actually sit on his cock, the lewd sounds echoing in the background leaving you unable to focus.
He taps on your cheek eventually getting you look at him, keeping your mind on him by placing his fingers in your mouth you letting him, hazily sucking on them, not being able to close your mouth.
“Oh, baby, you’re drooling everywhere.” He grumbles. Your spit dripping onto his fingers, the friction of your thighs making him feral, moving at an even faster pace. Your body bouncing with every thrust.
“You gonna cum after I cum on your little clit? Come one more time for me, I know you’ve got it in you.” You sob feeling the puddle beneath you, time slowing, fire pooling in your tummy.  Listening to his words you let yourself go. You come with a silent scream as the pleasure ripped through your body, your nails scratching his soft skin. Your vison fading to black feeling him lose his rhythm and moaning a mixture of curse words along with your name, feeling him cum on your tummy before resting his head in your neck while letting your legs go.
“So good for me, look at how much you came.” He says breaking the static. You whining into his shoulder, emotions high, never doing this before.
“I know, baby, I know. I’m right here, just breathe.” He says. You two laying in silence for an unclear amount of time, him rubbing your back while you rest in his chest almost dozing off.
“Are we still…friends?” You croak out trying to hold back your sobs already knowing the answer that you two were defiantly not friends now and never would be just friends again.
“Friends don’t do this type of shit” He maintained grabbing your shoulders to sit you and him up. You were worried, did he only do this with you because he was drunk? You were anxious that you scared him away because you just poured your heart out to him and pushed yourself on him. You left your head down, tears already coming out to your dismay. You moved your hand up to wipe them but he beat you to it.
“Look at me… I love you.” He says holding your cheeks in his palm. You in awe, hoping that you weren’t imagining it, that this was real life.
“R-really” You question making him worry too, preferring to forgive and forget rather than letting this a divide between the two of you in case you went back on your feelings. You were so overwhelmed, never feeling love until this moment, so happy that the person you longed for liked you back. Yours tears running once again.
 “Shh, shh, it’s alright...Don’t cry.”
You don’t even know why you were crying, the hangover already getting to you making you get a headache. You groaning in his arms complaining that your head and throat hurt.
“Ill be back” he says detaching himself from you, letting you know he was coming right back.
He walks to your fridge opening it to see every drink but water, having too dig through all of them, especially the absurd amount of apple juice guessing it was your “once a year craving for it”. He finally got you some cold water, putting It in a cup and waked back to your room.
  “Issei” you whined not picking your head up from the pillow.
  “Shh baby im right here.”
  He sat down beside you on your bed lifting your head up. “Here drink this” he reassured, to which you ignored not wanting anything to go in your mouth, just wanting the day, or night as it was now, to end.
  “It’s just water, honey, look.” You sat yourself up with his help seeing him in just his boxers, you remembering your still naked, not caring enough to cover yourself. He held to glass to your mouth, babying you, tilting it far back enough to where you could drink it. The water hit the back of your mouth feeling like a shot making you cough.
“I know, it hurts. I’m sorry but we have to” He stated. You continued to drink it, feeling the stinging in the back of your throat, him comforting you, calling you “good girl” which was unsurprisingly working.
  He put the cup on your dresser when you finished, climbing back into bed with you leaning your body into his. “Have you ever thought about...us? Y’know, as an...item?” he said causing you to look at him with wide eyes.
 “Call me selfish, but I don’t ever want anyone else to touch you.” He insisted making you cheeks flush. You try to think of a way to respond, not wanting to keep him waiting.
“You’re the best thing that has, and ever will, happen to me. Not only am I deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.” You stammer out, your shaky hands somehow made there way to his neck, letting them fall slowly before he grabs them dragging you in for a kiss before you got to even see his face.
“Everybody has always thought we’re a couple.” He continued taking his time kissing you all over your face. “Then I guess we should be.” You retort, kissing him back before you could see his reaction, not wanted to be embarrassed anymore today. But he caught you, holding you still “Really “y/n? Like deadass?” He asked.
  “Yes dummy, I want to be your girlfriend” You say causing him to grin swearing you’ve never seen him smile that big, before he gives you one last kiss.
  “I always kiss you on the cheek, why are you blushing now? He teases laying back down, you following along. You just snuggle into him mumbling something along the lines of “m’tired”, he understanding and speaking to you in a soft, gentle voice while helping you to bed, so he doesn’t make it harder for you to sleep by being loud. “I’m here love, I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers into your ear mkanig your heart swoon one last time before you pass out.
  “I l-love you issei.” You sleepily mumble.
“Tell me this when you’re sober.” He says stroking your head.
“Just relax, close your eyes...”He murmurs, your heart beating slower every second. Both of you together, lazy, slow presses. Limbs pressed together, chests heaving, fingers trailing down backs, tracing lazy patterns.
  “Oh!…” He remembers. “If you really wanna get them pierced, we could get matching ones.”
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© all content belongs to spikesbimbo. do not alter or repost .
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Can I request a fluffy HC? SKZ comforting you while you’re rlly drunk when you get home and taking care of you. (Like you stumble and have to throw up and stuff)
i just realised that i kept on calling my headcanons for reactions?? I MEAN i dont even know at this point lmao imma call it... headcanons/reactions
ALSO new territory for me,,, im usually not much for fluff unless its really captivating or like drabbles (ahhh bf!skz is my weakness) AND SO YEAH UNDERSTAND IF ITS A BIT... lackluster. 
jesus christ ive been listening to touch you for like an hour now ASHAHS save me,,, its too good
Warnings; skz x gn!reader; fluff (wow amazing?? cherry writes fluff?) established relationship, drinking, use of alcohol, vomiting, minor injuries, mentions of bruises. 
worry mode; on
lets say you were out drinking
dont even think that you could make it one step outside the pub/club
babyboy would already be waiting in his car outside
the entire car ride home he would tell you to stop drinking so much
“y/n,,, why do you always do this,,, you know how bad it is for your health and im scared that you’ll hurt yourself on the way home”
meanwhile you dont understand anything, rolling in the backseat of the car.
when the two of you arrive home he immediately places you in a warm bath, rubbing your back as you almost fall asleep with your back against his chest. 
worries a lot even though you’re fine
makes you breakfast in bed the day after :(((
complaining about everything ASHASH
he’s like mumbling underneath his breath, wondering why you’re so stupid and do this every time you go out drinking
much much MUCH rather prefers drinking with you alone 
not only because he can control how much you’re drinking
but also because he likes seeing you tipsy?!?”!?
my brain is working rn u guys
its because he likes seeing this kinda,,, hidden flirty side of you that comes out when someone is tipsy 
yk... the whole.. coming too close or laughing lazily at his jokes YK YK?
god im having such a difficult time to keep this fluffy AHSAHSH I THINK EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT I WANT TO SAY
he gets really soft with you because he knows that you probably wont remember anything SO HE CAN SHOW HIS SOFT SIDE
without you teasing him for it lol
he’d stroke your cheek with the back of his hand while your leaning against him on the couch, falling asleep in his arms. 
he wraps a blanket around you and mumbles softly
“i love you y/n”
he’d be just as drunk as you HASHHASHAH
the two of you would have to call chan because none of you can walk properly 
ok but if it was only you being the drunk one then he’d know what to do
him speaking from experience that is 👀 👀 👀 
removes your clothes (NOT LIKE THAT YOU FILTHY FUCK) and tucks you snuggly in bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead
might even remove your makeup if you’re wearing any
he notices a bunch of bruises on your legs, shaking his head at your clumsiness
makes a promise with himself to go with you next time
even though you would want to be with only your friends ahsahsh he doesnt give a shit about that
everything to keep you safe
doesnt want to see his precious baby hurt :((
sweetheart that holds your hair/clothes back when puking :((
he pats your back gently as his face has a disgusted facial expression, loving you too much to leave you alone in the bathroom but feeling squeamish
“siri, how do you care for a drunk person?”
reads somewhere that you need to replenish water levels after puking and so he just starts bringing a whole pack of waterbottles in the bedroom
“if you need water during the night, it’s over here” 
he’d try to leave the room, thinking that you’d maybe want some space when having the nausea from hell but you quietly whine which caught him off guard
“d-do you want me to stay?”
you nod and he smiles shyly, laying next to you and just looking at you sleeping??
he thinks you’re adorable :((
even if you’re a lot to handle when drunk
ngl this mf laughing his ass off when you’re just blabbering random incoherent sentences
“who was your boyfriend now again?” “m-my squirrlll...” you reply, rubbing your face on his shoulder. “your squirrel? am i a squirrel?” you nod which makes his heart beat faster. 
if you were to drink together bet your ass that he would be wrecked 
probably even more drunk than you so... good luck
everytime you wanted to go out drinking with your friends he would try to persuade you to stay with him instead
“look y/n, staying and cuddling with me brings you both a cute boyfriend, take out and movies”
you shrug “doesnt bring my friends” you say putting on your shoes
“HEY! im your friend,,, your boyfriend!” he says back hugging you, dragging you to the couch, just laying down on top of you
“Jisung!! I’m gonna be late, move!”
“nope... we are cuddling tonight, remember what happened last time you went out drinking?”
you were reminded of you lying passed out infront of the apartment which scared the everliving shit out of jisung, thinking you were dead.
“noo....” you lie, smiling mischievously.
poor boy would let you sleep ahahshs
he’d tip toe around your apartment, trying to be as quieeeet as possible....
only knock down a whole fucking shelf of pans and pots
but a complete sweetheart that makes you food, knowing you’d be too tired to do it with a hangover. 
do you know those jellies that can prevent hangovers??
yeah, you would find those in your bag
he wouldnt let you wear high heels because he’s scared of you falling over in them :(((
also if you go out he has to know at least one of your friends and have their phone number because NUH UH HE ISNT JUST LETTING YOU GO WITHOUT HIM KNOWING EVERYTHING
he cares,,, a lot and doesnt want to see you come home with scraped knees
because that happened,,,once?? or like maybe 10 times??
teasing youuuu
“weak, you barely finished a bottle”
take a bunch of pictures of you leaning against a telephone pole and then tease you for it the day after
he carries you on his back, lowkey scared you’d puke on him BUT CARING NONETHELESS
you pass out on the bed, still dressed in your fancy clothes and he simply looks at you, admiring your features
if there’s anything you want, he will get it
“w-water” you groan and soon enough he returns with a glass of water
slowly sitting you up and stroking your hair, getting it out of your face. 
“be more careful next time ok?” 
you nod, not really understanding what he’s saying before pulling him down in bed with you, falling asleep with him in your arms.
he dont know what the fuck he’s doing
panic,,, sheer panic
he himself doesnt drink too much
maybe enough to feel tipsy but not DRUNK DRUNK
so when you stumble in through the door, your shoes in your hand and hair looking like a mess he gets scared HASASHAS
you fall down, scraping your knee in the hallway and he runs towards you and lifts you up, placing you down on the bed
then he’s like “....now what”
in panic calls chan that tells him to make you drink water and place a bucket nearby
he does just as he’s told but kinda scared to leave you alone in a room for too long, pulling down everything in the house to find a bucket
he removes your jacket and wraps you up in a blanket, snuggling real close to you as he slowly strokes your forehead, feeling you sweat a bit
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moonbaby26 · 4 years
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Title: Escape
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Notes: Actual pairing interaction starts in the second section after the Reader character gets out of the elevator, feel free to skip down to that if you like. Reader thinks about Peter in the first section, but it is more setting up how they got so separated from the others, plus a Wolvie cameo. I wanted Peter x Reader to be able to have more interaction away from the group.
Summary: Continuation of previous chapter. Set during X-Men: Age of Apocalypse. You and the others have been taken to Stryker��s base and must survive to find your way out together.
Warnings: Wolverine cameo advisory with a 100% chance of stabby stab. Mild language.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @what-a-silver-lining , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
“The day of reckoning is here.”
Your eyes opened at once, that unmistakeable voice now reverberating through your mind as fluorescent lights passed one after another above you.
“Professor?” You breathed aloud, immediately trying to sit up on the moving gurney.
But the restraints were drawn too tightly as your head only rebounded backward just as quickly when your torso didn’t rise in tandem.
“Shit!” the guard to your left cursed, his hand drawing back from the gurney rail at your sudden movement.
You turned your head towards him, confused, even as the professor’s words continued in your mind.
Yet Xavier’s voice sounded strange, forced. And you didn’t understand the context. Was it a warning? A threat to someone?
It didn’t really seem to fit the current circumstances to say it was directed at you or your captors. But he only kept speaking.
“The dawn of a new era will emerge. For there is nothing you can do...to stop what is coming.”
The two guards were looking around too then, reacting in sync with the telepathic message leaving you no doubt that they could hear it as well.
But why would Xavier be in their heads too? Did he already know where you were?
One guard chided the other, as if the two of them didn’t both have the same frightened expression. “Damn stun pulse is wearing off it is all, just hurry up and finish this transport. Colonel Stryker wants it taken to the lower testing bay,”
“Don’t tell me you aren’t hearing that voice?” The other guard retorted, “What the hell is that?”
Did they just call you an ‘it’? What was this place? Not a hospital surely. But you could barely dwell on the implications of the guard’s words ‘lower testing bay’, and the impending threat that represented as your last memories finally began to bubble up.
The X-Mansion in rubble, the helicopters swooping in over the trees, the students and staff unconscious in the grass, that soldier cracking your ribs, and-
He was a stranger to you still, but he’d been right there against you. Surely you had drawn more attention to him just because your powers had let you resist a few moments longer than the others. Because you’d been so stubborn, not going down until you’d been forced to.
If these men had hurt any of your friends, you would be furious. But if Peter, who had also saved so many of your friends was now in more severe danger because of your actions, you wouldn’t forgive yourself.
“Where did you take the others!?” You arched against the restraints abruptly, your palms opening to face upward, trying to summon any bit of your energy at all. A wisp, an orb, anything that could have helped you right now. You had to find your friends.
But nothing came. Not even a glow or flicker of what you truly were as you now had both guards’ full attention.
“Freak! Just shut up!” One of them shoved the gurney in retaliation to your outburst, the caster wheels rattling across the concrete floor before the bed rail hit against one of the walls, jarring you painfully.
“Those with the greatest power. Protect those without. That's my message to the world.”
Xavier concluded his words then. And somehow, that sounded more like himself than any of the rest of it. The real meaning still eluded you, but hearing him in that tone at least meant he was okay. He was somewhere urging the rest of you on. At least this part you knew was true as you took a calming breath, realizing panic and anger would serve you nothing right now.
Something was blocking your powers. That much was obvious. It would be unrealistic to think that the effects of any stun weapon would be this long lasting though.
On the other hand, you knew chemicals existed that could also temporarily block mutations. Hank used one almost medicinally whenever he didn’t wish to be in his true “Beast” form. But it had to be injected direct into the veins to have any real effect.
You could feel that they hadn’t removed any of your clothing, nor had they rolled up the long sleeves you were wearing. You doubted they would risk a chemical like that wearing off at an inopportune time and likely would have started an IV if they possessed anything of that nature.
There were no tubes or lines attached to you that you could tell, only the restraints now holding you to this bed. Leather straps across your body, metal cuffs on your ankles and wrists-
But wait, you were able to move your head as you’d already discovered. You shifted it again, trying to get a better feel of what was around your neck. Metal as well, but loose as you could still lift your head up enough to see it just a bit. It and its dull, red status light.
Inhibitor collar, you realized with an all new dread sinking in. You had heard of these of course, but it was the kind of thing that students sheltered at Xavier’s school would never have to dream of really. Something you never thought you’d have to experience personally.
How naive.
But you still couldn’t give up. Your mind was racing as you tried to come up with any strategies now. Your options were so limited, but they couldn’t keep you tied down forever. Surely they’d have to move you to a more permanent containment at some point, untie you if even for a moment.
Yet, there were guns as well. You hadn’t missed that detail, but you considered it more fully now as you glanced to the long barrells swaying behind each guard’s back as they pushed you along.
They were slowing now though. You raised your head enough again to see elevator doors nearing. The lower testing bay, you remembered them saying.
But just as one guard had started to reach for the keypad beside the doors, an alarm blared, all three of you startling at the sound.
Orange lights lit up along the walls, spinning in time with the sirens.
“Weapon X is loose. I repeat, Weapon X is loose!” A man’s unnerved voice sounded over speakers you couldn’t see, echoing down the corridors.
You could only watch as both guards spun around on their heels at that, guns immediately drawn. The one thing you could be absolutely sure of then, was that you were now the very least of their concerns.
Before you could consider how to use this surprise in your favor though, screams and the echo of gunfire erupted seemingly on top of you all.
The guards were terrified. This could be your only chance.
“Take this collar off of me, please! I can help you!” You weren’t begging as much as you were truly trying to reason with them. “Look, this is serious right!?”
More men were screaming just around the corner. Only feet away now. Clearly their time to consider had run out.
You saw one of the guards glance down at you, weighing your offer if just for that moment. The other was still staring straight ahead, gun braced, body rigid.
“FIRE!” The one not looking at you screamed, and that was it. It was too late.
You flinched as the gunfire rang deafening in your ears, the muzzle flashes just above you while empty bullet shells rained onto the floor.
You didn’t know how many bullets their gun magazines could hold, but the barrage seemed to just go on and on until an inhuman snarl rose even above the pounding gunshots.
Like a blur he was upon them. One guard was immediately thrown against a nearby wall, as if he were made of paper. His gun didn’t even faze the attacker.
You were frozen as you had to watch him die in front of you. Metal blades impaled the guard, blood splatter running down the wall as his body fell. You wished the other guard would have just turned and ran, but that probably would have been fruitless now too if you were being honest.
The attacker had turned immediately back around, one slash knocking the gun away from the remaining guard, and the second taking out his throat.
You were too in shock to do anything but close your eyes in the moment you felt some of the blood hit you. It was warm was all you could really process, before you opened your eyes again to now see the killer standing over you.
His breath was fast, eyes black, no emotion evident but rage. He had no clothing on him above the waist, just muscular and bloodied with metal cords coming out of his body and attaching to some sort of helmet.
You heard the random sound of more bits of metal hitting the ground, and thought you saw a few bullets working out in reverse from his flesh.
He was one of you then, a mutant.
But you were afraid to speak. Anything could set him off again.
He was looking down at you, through you really. You thought you saw his eyes go to your throat. The collar? Or maybe you just imagined it. Everything was happening in just seconds.
His arm swung suddenly, those blades were part of him you realized, attached to his fists as they came for you. At least it would be a quick death.
You felt a burning, heard ripping and even the metal of the bed breaking as he struck more than once.
“He’s here!” Someone else screamed from back down the hallway and the gunfire started all over again.
You moved at the sound, why you didn’t know, it should have been all over regardless. But in your amazement, you realized you could move. His claws had broken through the restraints, broken the bolts that held you to the bed. You were bleeding, but only from cuts as he’d grazed you.
He’d freed you.
The gurney tumbled over with a clatter as you jumped from it. But bullets were hitting all around you as the guards continued to fire at him. You still had the inhibitor collar on, so you couldn’t defend from that. You weren’t bulletproof like him.
And he was already charging them again, but there were so many this time. A bullet grazed your arm, and you knew you had to get out of there now.
You turned, hitting the elevator keypad. You had no choice as you wouldn’t make it out of this hallway otherwise. You ducked inside as soon as the doors opened, trying to stay against the sides even as bullets were now hitting the back of the elevator. The only way was down, and you took it.
As the doors closed, and the elevator finally sank below the firing line, you allowed yourself some real breaths.
To think, just hours ago your main concern had only been whether or not you were ready for Hank’s organic chemistry final. You’d laugh if you weren’t still trembling a little, clothes torn and blood all over, most of it not even your own.
Now it was time to find the others and a way out.
“(Y/N)?” You heard in your mind, pausing in the abandoned hallway you were now wandering down. You’d left the elevator behind some time ago, but hadn’t yet found any other way back off this level.
“Jean?” You answered aloud, both surprised and relieved. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. We are now. I saw them take you too, but where are you?”
Talking to a telepath was always a bit strange. You could feel her own stress and anxiety as she began to fill your mind. She wanted to see what you were seeing.
You looked around you to oblige her, but from what you could tell every corridor only looked like more of the same in this labyrinth.
“I got into an elevator when all the shooting started, when that man-“
“Logan. We met him too. He’s escaped now, he-” She paused, your recent memories now visible to her. “He helped you.”
“He did.” You felt she both was and wasn’t surprised at this.
“Anyway,” She continued as if something was distracting her, like she was physically talking to someone else, while mentally talking to you. “The Professor needs us. We’re sending Peter to find you. He’ll bring you to us and then we’re leaving together.”
“Okay,” Was all you could answer, as you felt Jean leave your mind abruptly at that. You remembered Xavier’s odd speech earlier, something you really hadn’t had time to deconstruct any further with everything else that had happened immediately after. You supposed they would fill you in when you were all reunited.
But you did feel a significant weight leave your shoulders at the mention of Peter’s name, even though it sounded like this horrific day was still far from over. He was okay too then at least. You hadn’t screwed up enough to get him hurt in a way you couldn’t take back.
Yet how long would it take for him to find you? Should you just stay in place, or go back to the elevator now? You hadn’t found any stairwells or other-
You’d be lying to say you didn’t almost fall over in surprise as a tiny gust of air was the only other thing that announced him as Peter was suddenly standing beside you.
“You’re as bad as Kurt!” You gasped, before you could stop yourself. You clenched one fist at your side, at least having the self control not to punch him right in the arm as you might have done with some of the boys at school if they had given you that kind of scare.
“That’s the blue kid with the tail right? Not to be confused with the big blue hairy guy, he’s the one that told me your name by the way, or the blue famous chick from TV?” He shook his head, but his eyes were amused. “You guys have some kind of quota on the color blue or what?”
You stared at him. He did like to talk didn’t he?
When you didn’t respond right away, you saw his eyes wander down, then back up. “Red said you’d be a bit of a mess, but you sure you’re okay?”
Your shirt was torn from well, now you knew him as Logan...that man’s claws. Those cuts were still bleeding a bit, but the guard’s blood was on you as well. The metal shackles were also still on your wrists and ankles, though their chains had been broken, and the inhibitor collar was around your neck. Yes, you must look quite a sight.
“You mean Jean,” you corrected. She must have given him some warning at least before sending him. “Yeah, I’m fine. So you found another way out of here, we should-”
But he didn’t seem to be listening, either that or you weren’t very convincing on the being okay sentiment.
He looked quite serious all of the sudden. “I’m sorry I didn’t help you when Colonel douchebag was trying to work you over.”
You blinked. What was he talking about?
“Stryker I guess they said his name was, the guy that kicked you back at the house.” He just continued. “That piece of shit bailed already.”
“How did you know about that?” You asked honestly. Peter had been unconscious as far as you’d known.
“I mean I was in and out,” He answered, seemingly understanding your confusion now. “But uh...” He hesitated, kind of an awkward smirk building then. “I definitely remember you laying on me. The impact wasn’t that great, but afterward was pretty nice.”
Your felt a heat rising to your face immediately. The absurdity of being physically embarrassed at his implication and tone, as you stood here literally bleeding in the belly of some mutant torturing black ops lab was not lost on you.
“Look, I...” You didn’t even know what to say, but you knew if you didn’t start talking now you were never going to recover control here. “I’m really glad they didn’t hurt you, and I’m sorry too if I got you involved deeper in all of this. And I want to thank you for pulling everyone out of the mansion this morning. We owe you so much. I just-” Oh man, where were you even going with this? You looked to him still feeling like you were just digging yourself deeper, “You can stop me anytime now you know?”
He was now outright grinning. “You’re welcome, babe.”
Not helping. AT ALL.
You were staring at him again. “They’re going to be waiting on us, you know,” You felt you were going to be pleading with him in a moment.
“I know, places to be, worlds to save...” He just moved closer and you tensed a little bit. He noticed, but stood his ground. “I have to brace you or you’re just going to be hurt even more when I run you back to them.”
“So is that how you do it, then? You’re just that fast?” You asked honestly. His actual mutation wasn’t something there’d been any chance to discuss. You could infer only so many ways he would have been able to evacuate those in the mansion almost instantaneously. But you knew teleporters too, even people who could move through reality on other planes. There was always more than one way to do something.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” He chuckled, smirking enough for you to know he was still just picking with you as one of his hands went behind your head and the other to your ribs to brace you. He really did know where you’d been hit then.
His hands were warm, and you could smell that damn cologne again now as you tried to ready yourself for whatever was about to happen.
You didn’t know what you had expected. You knew how it felt to take off in a jet, or slam the gas pedal down in one of the Professor’s expensive cars, or ride on a really intense roller coaster. But this wasn’t that. There wasn’t even any time for your brain to register the acceleration. It felt like just a single heartbeat before you were standing back in front of those elevator doors with him.
It was the deceleration that hit you. By the time your body knew it was moving, it had already stopped again, your organs lurching and your equilibrium completely thrown off as vertigo took over. You leaned forward immediately, trying not to dry heave as puking seemed almost imminent.
He took one of your hands, his other hand moving down from your ribs to your waist as he helped support you still.
“It’ll pass. It happens to everyone the first time,” He spoke, probably the softest tone you’d heard from him to this point.
“You’re telling me there are people who have been-” You swallowed, fighting that nausea back down. “have been with you multiple times?” You meant to say multiple times like that. People who needed to be rescued this way multiple times. You stood up, still queasy as you tried to face him and correct this blunder immediately. Why did this guy have you so flustered!?
“I’m not normally like this,” you stammered, waiting for some great retort from him as you’d just left yourself wide open with that slip.
It was only then that you realized he still had one hand on your waist, and you were now facing him, just inches apart. And the silence was worse. It was much worse while he was just looking back at you.
“No,” He finally said, “I uh...I don’t have anyone that’s stayed around long enough for that.”
He wasn’t joking at all now and you knew it.
“I didn’t mean...” You started, but stopped again when you didn’t know how to finish.
But the vulnerability was gone just as soon as it’d come. His smirk returned as he let go of you, moving forward to hit the keypad for the elevator. “I did look for stairwells by the way, if you were wondering. It only took me as long as it did to find you down here because this damn elevator is slow as hell.”
You actually were a little relieved to finally be focusing back to the task at hand. But you still felt an unspoken conversation lingering that would need to be continued later. You wanted him to know who you really were.
And honestly...you now wanted to know who he really was.
The harsh buzz from the keypad brought you back to attention as Peter hit it again.
A tiny screen blinked “CODE ERROR” in red as he groaned. “It didn’t need a damn code to come down, that makes no sense!”
You responded in a few moments, realizing the likely truth fairly quickly. “But it would make sense if you were more concerned about things getting out of the lab than you were of things getting in.” The same would be true for the lack of entry and exit points. They surely weren’t concerned with fire safety or anything else but keeping their specimens captive when they built this place.
“Ugh, that’s dark,” He answered, glancing at you and then back to the keypad. “You’re almost making me not feel so bad for all the guys that looked like swiss cheese on the way down here. But lucky for you, you’ve got me, and these five hombres.” He waved his fingers at you before immediately beginning to punch in multiple codes in faster succession than of course would have been possible for anyone else.
“Peter, I don’t think-” You started, already having a good suspicion of how this might play out, before the keypad abruptly quit accepting inputs, the tiny screen then blinking LOCKOUT. The only thing that did surprise you was a new even thicker door suddenly closing over the original elevator doors.
And you couldn’t help it then. You laughed. A real laugh. It was just the dumbest icing on the cake. “Okay, Han Solo. I think that will do.” You didn’t care if he would understand the reference or not. You needed that laugh right now.
But he didn’t let you down. Not even for a moment. “Okay then Leia, then you show me how we’re getting past here to save the ugly little ewoks.”
You were still snickering a little, but you shook your head. “I can’t,” You motioned to the inhibitor collar still around your neck. “Not with this on. It’s blocking my powers.” You had hoped once you were all back topside that Hank would be able to disarm the thing. It was probably radio controlled or something like that. “We’ll have to wait on Jean and the others to realize we’re taking too long, they’ll come for us.”
“I don’t wait,” Peter retorted. “Besides, like I said, I showed you mine. Time to show me yours.” He tilted his head, eyeing you. “Really, I’ve been dying to know.”
“Sure you have,” You were skeptical, but it was actually hard to read him right now. Was he actually that curious about you? “And I’ve already tried to take it off, it doesn’t budge.”
“Again, babe. You didn’t have me before.” The smug tone was back, as he evidently had some plan you didn’t know if you were going to like or not.
“You realize, this thing is nearly against my jugular veins, right? What are you going to do?” You had every right to be hesitant you thought. Especially after the keypad failure.
“Just be still. I’m going to vibrate it apart.” He answered confidently.
Okay, now you really didn’t like this. “Again, head, throat, things I need to stay in one piece. What if it has some self destruct thing and explodes?”
“I can pull you away from that before it even burns you. How do you think your friends lived when your house blew up this morning?”
You could have mentioned Alex’s fate then, but that would have been needlessly cruel. Alex must have already been gone before Peter even entered the building. He did save everyone else you thought.
“Trust me,” Peter looked you in the eyes and you could feel yourself relenting.
You really did believe him it seemed. Hopefully that faith was not misplaced. “Please be careful,” You closed your eyes, going stock still.
“For you? Of course.”
You heard his jacket move, which told you he was raising his arms. Internally you tensed-
And then all you heard were pieces of metal and circuitry skittering across the floor in every direction. You were still standing exactly as you had been as you opened your eyes to a too pleased with himself Peter.
“Some shrapnel did try to go into your face, but I moved the pieces. No kaboom though.” His expression changed then to happily expectant, “So come on, I’ve helped three times now, the stage is now yours,” He made an exagerrated motion to the big metal door now blocking the elevator. “What’s your poison?”
Poison? An interesting way to put it, but you knew what he meant. All mutant abilities were both a gift and a curse. Yet even after all these years of meeting people of your own kind, it was still very personal to show someone your real self for the very first time.
Especially when you evidently cared what he thought of you as you realized your nerves were suddenly about much more than just being able to get open a door or not. How would he react?
You took a breath, still extremely aware of his eyes on you as you turned your palms upward. It was always easiest to start with your hands. But you’d need to bring the energy all the way through you to get the kind of power it was going to take to pull this door out.
There was a slight relief in you as your hands began to glow white after a moment. At least you knew you were no longer defenseless, that these people hadn’t taken your abilities permanently.
In your peripheral vision you could see Peter shift, but you didn’t look to him, trying to concentrate as the energy spread up your arms and you closed your eyes. It always felt so warm, like being in the sun on a clear day. It spread to your chest, legs, up your shoulders and over your face. Even through your hair as you willed the energy to lift you up, now completely enveloped until you were a silhouette of a person. Glowing in soft white light and levitating about a foot off the floor.
You opened your eyes again, feeling you had things in control enough now to speak to him. The tone of your voice changed slightly in this form though. There was a hum to it, the energy moving across your vocal chords like every other part of you.
“I’m going to try and pull the door out of the way and into the hall. Please be ready to move as I won’t have a lot of control over it once it gives. My effort is going to all be on breaking it.”
You looked to him after a moment though when he didn’t respond. You knew he was fast enough to keep himself safe obviously, but you had to be sure he was ready. Was he really just staring at you? “Peter?”
He blinked. “Yeah, uh. That’s...” He stepped back from the door, but never took his eyes off you, this weird expression on his face. “That’s cool.”
“Please mind the door,” You reiterated gently, not quite sure what to make of his reaction to your powers.
“Sure, sure thing.” He sounded more like himself then. “Do your deal.”
Your deal as he put it, involved willing this same energy now in a field around the door as you rose your hand up to control it. Once you were sure you had it solidly, you began pulling your hand back, trying to pull the door out of its railing.
It gradually started to creak, but like you’d thought, this was going to take some real doing. You pulled harder and harder, the metal just groaning louder. “Come on,” You spoke, not really sure if you were talking more to yourself or the door.
Your arm was starting to really ache with the effort. But just when you thought you might have to try something else after all, you finally felt the door give. And when it gave, it did so spectacularly. This massive chunk of metal collapsed, exploding out of its rail as it rocketed down the hallway. You just moved to the side to avoid it, the smaller pieces hitting you harmlessly in this form.
To your eyes it only looked like Peter disappeared and then reappeared as he also easily missed all the debris.
Once that obstacle was out of the way, you glided down, back to the normal elevator doors. They were slightly damaged from the removal of the larger door. But now it only took minimum effort to force them open.
You entered the elevator, the inner keypad was also blinking that same “LOCKOUT” error from earlier. So the elevator itself was going nowhere. But this was now no longer an issue for you.
“I can carry us up,” You looked to Peter, though unsure how comfortable he would be with this new idea.
He was standing at the entrance of the elevator already, watching you still. You could see the wheels in his head turning. And then he finally asked. “So, you’re glowing...and flying. Is this like radioactive glow, or I just need some sunscreen kind of glow?”
“It’s just light energy in the visible spectrum.” You answered reflexively. “But not even UV, the wavelength itself doesn’t cause any damage. It’s only when I make it solid or make it unstable that I can do anything harmful with it.”
You could see he may have skipped the lessons on long and short wave energy and radiation in science class as he just kept staring.
“You’re fine, it’s safe” You smiled. Certainly not the first time you had heard such questions. “The Professor and Hank had me tested from the very beginning, I never would have been allowed so close to other students without more precautions if I was that dangerous.”
“So you’re...close to some other students?” He asked almost tauntingly, one eyebrow raised, and it took you a moment before you realized he may be getting back at you for your comments from before.
It was probably just the fact that you were in your energy form now, but you felt confident enough to respond just as quickly, “It’s more like the Brady Bunch than what you’re thinking. Like having a whole house of little brothers and sisters.”
You had already opened up the ceiling of the elevator while the two of you talked, looking up now to the empty shaft and elevator cables. It’d be much easier to move the two of you rather than to try and lift the whole elevator. You reached a hand out to Peter. “I can lift us up the shaft to the floor that the others are on and open the doors, then you can take us to them. Deal?”
You had trusted him to bring you here, as well as to remove that collar from you. Would he now trust you to bring him up several floors without dropping him?
He was looking at your hand. “I probably could just run up the walls you know.”
You paused, realizing you hadn’t considered that. You didn’t really know what all he was capable of truly. But just as you started to lower your hand, he surprised you by grabbing and holding it.
“Yet how many guys can say they flew with you, huh?”
“Practically none,” You admitted. “I don’t make a habit of picking up my friends.”
“You aren’t quite building confidence here.”
“I’m sure that door weighed more than you.”
“And look how it ended up. Again, not comforting.”
This guy was truly something else. “Come here, we take much longer and they really are going to be sending a search party for us.”
You extended the energy from your hand across his body gently. He was obviously much lighter than the door, and the closer you kept him, the easier it would be to move the both of you.
You tried not to make eye contact with him again as you levitated the two of you through the top of the elevator and up through the shaft. Even though you knew you were fully capable of doing this, you still didn’t want to lose focus.
But his voice didn’t sound frightened at all as he spoke up to let you know how high to go. “They’re on the top floor, we’re stealing a jet to get out of here.”
“Wow, but okay. Got it,” You sped up a little at that, no longer worried about passing your landing point as you went straight to the top.
When you reached the highest doors, you were able to force them open with a turn of your free hand, bringing you and Peter safely through and back onto solid ground.
You powered down immediately as your feet met the floor, the light fading back into your body until you were just standing there in your torn, bloody clothes once more. “Okay, I’m ready to get nauseous again, let’s go.”
He actually squeezed your hand before he let go of it in order to brace your head and ribs again. “For the record that felt pretty good. You’re really warm. Zero g’s was cool too. Thanks.”
“Um...you’re welcome?” You answered, a little flustered all over again to your own dismay, and really not knowing what else to say before he whisked you away in an instant.
It really was going to be the longest day ever.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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warmau · 3 years
☆ lovestruck!au x librarian!au taeyong other lovestruck!aus: jeno | chenle | haechan | jisung
a tower of books is blocking taeyong's vision, just a voice comes echoing out from behind them
"do you have a classics section?"
"of course! which author?"
there's a pause and taeyong starts to get up so he can at least see who he is talking to
"who would you recommend?"
taeyong is already running through his alphabetized list that he's spent hours on making in his head
when you love books as much as he does, a question like that makes everything around him spark
but then he sees you
you seem to be frowning, looking down at the screen of your phone as the familiar notification sound of the college email comes vibrating through the room
a couple of people studying nearby turn to glare and you whisper a small apology as you put your phone on silent and meet taeyong's gaze
taeyong almost wishes you hadn't
the urge to bring up the long sleeves of his oversized cardigan to hide his face starts to take over his brain instead
they're so cute - i can't look at them!
you blink when taeyong doesn't say anything - he looks as if he has suddenly been struck by lightning
"sorry - is everything ok?"
your concern seems to do the trick, taeyong mentally mocks himself for being so awkward, and he says the one name that comes to mind easier than all the rest
"have you read, um, twain? m-mark twain?"
the look that you give him tells taeyong he's picked an author that could put you to sleep - not that he really would argue, it's just that suddenly all his knowledge has seeped away into the darkest corner of his brain
"no..i mean i have tried to, but he's kind of - boring?"
"jane austen?"
"aren't most of her books a thousand pages long?"
"is - are you looking for a book for a project?"
you poke your tongue into your cheek, the little action makes taeyong suddenly feel like jello
"kind of - one of my classes wants us to find a classic author that speaks to us personally. the only issue is none of them speak to me - most of them are dead anyway right?"
taeyong stares at you and then gives a little nervous chuckle
you stare back and sigh in defeat
"i know i must be annoying you right now."
"no- no! no, i just......i -"
i just can't stop looking at you and it's kind of insane
taeyong pushes the thought back and levels himself and his emotions
"i think you might want to find someone that isn't exactly a 'classic' author?"
this intrigues you, your shoulders perk and you lean over the librarians counter
the sudden action nearly topples the neat bunch of books that had originally blocked taeyong from seeing you and he circles his arms around it protectively as he tries not to fall into the stars that are looping through your gaze
"what do you mean?"
"w-well the assignment is a classic author who speaks to you right? there are lots of authors from that same time who aren't labeled classics but they - they might fit that category to you."
he is still holding his fingers on the spines of some of the books as you think about the sentiment
"like who?"
taeyong, looks at the pile in front of him, mostly to avoid direct eye contact with you, but then he notices something in the mix
through the mess of titles and textbooks and more he sees one of the colleges oldest and most checked out books
the great gatsby
briefly, he thinks about the way in which gatsby speaks about daisy
a flickering thought of the almost desperate love someone could feel for another
you tap your fingers and the little memory lights something else in taeyong's mind and he asks you in a small voice,
"have you ever read zelda fitzgerald's work?"
you haven't - actually you were unaware she was ever a writer - and when you ask taeyong if her work is available in the library he shakes his head
"she wrote a novel, save me the waltz, really not popular enough to ever become a classic but if you read it and like it i think -"
"well how can i read it if the college doesn't have a copy?"
taeyong thinks he feels the temperature of his skin rise a little because
"i-i own a copy."
this time you do knock over the tower of books, simply because you jut your upper half over the counter to ask him if he'd ever consider lending it to you and your elbow catches right on one of the books
they topple over and the loud crash echoes a wave of irritations throughout the library again as you scramble behind the desk to help taeyong get them back in order
behind the desk like this - you ask him in a whisper
"i know im a stranger, but you can trust me with the book - i promise!"
taeyong wants to say of course, but all he manages is a shy hiccup when your hands brush over the same cover
"here -" you stack the rest of the books up and then push your phone into this palm "give me your number and we can meet up"
the rest of it all happens in a blur
taeyong gives you his number - you delete the contact name and write yong with a little book emoji instead
you text him and insist he put your name down with your favorite little pink flower
after his shift, he heads to his dorm and finds the book - smiling to himself silently as his dormmate doyoung stares with a look of curiosity from behind his pre-law homework
and then - it hits ten p.m. - and the all-night cafe on campus is packed and warm and taeyong is standing in front of it with a small scarf around his neck and the book placed carefully in a manilla envelope
you come bounding down the street, ten minutes late, and skid to a stop in front of taeyong
you call him mr. librarian and taeyong doesn't know if the feeling in his stomach is love or his lunch
"thank you thank you thank you - ill be sure to let you know if i use it for my project!"
he assumes you just mean one text after you're done reading it - a yes this is perfect or a i think i need to find something else!
what taeyong does not expect is that the two weeks you work on your project, you text him daily
the book is only a mere 230 pages - but you keep telling him about passages and the old articles you're finding on zelda
somehow you took one little book and pulled so much from it
taeyong thinks its been a long time since he's seen someone fall so much in love with a writer that he misses the feeling he used to get too
one evening he gets your text just as he's finishing up shelving at the library, he stops to lean against the cart and read it
submitted my project, i have to see you and give you back the book!
he thinks for a second, chewing on his lower lip
you can keep it, you've come to love it.
the bubbles pop up fast and taeyong nearly loses the grip on his phone when you reply
that's so sweet, but i actually just really want to see you too.
and so you pop by the library when it's only him left, he's closing it with the key the school trusts on him with (and the janitor)
and he almost jumps out of his skin when he turns and you're there - beaming a huge smile at him
you're holding the book and he says, "no really you can keep it-"
"do you want to go to dinner with me?"
taeyong doesn't know if you've been privy to his feelings all along
did you, standing there behind that tower of books, already know he was going to start thinking about you every day after he saw you
did you already know he'd feel like a helpless schoolboy with a crush on the sun?
either way you don't admit it - you just keep that huge smile across the table with pieces of cake between you two and steaming cups of tea
you babble about your project, about how you had to defend not picking someone more obviously 'classical'
and taeyong does the one thing he learnt from romantic movies and novels, that when you shiver in the cold air of the cafe, he shrugs off that huge cardigan he's always wearing and offers it to you without much of a word
you pull your hands through it and go
"it feels like a hug!"
when you're both done with your food, you ask taeyong if he's going to walk back to the dorm - you have to take the shuttle across campus
"thank you for treating me, you didn't have to all over a book."
he shyly scratches the back of his neck and he still doesn't ask for you to give him his cardigan back
you look much cuter wearing it anyway, in his opinion
in the breeze of the night, you step closer to him and taeyong swallows because you're looking straight at his lips
"it wasn't just for the book. are you book lovers so dense?"
he starts as you lean in to kiss him, gently and sweetly, the lingering taste of cake and tea on your lips
taeyong almost falls over - his saving grace is your hand wrapping around his wrist
"ive seen you in the library before.....so when i got this project i thought it would be the perfect time to talk to you and ive always liked you, so i cant believe how nice you were to me-"
you start, confessing an onslaught of feelings taeyong was oblivious to
"-and if you don't feel the same i understand."
taeyong has never been straightforward in his life, but he answers your concern with another quick, soft kiss to your lips
he doesn't say everything he wants to either when he pulls back and you're giving him a slight look of shock
i like you too, ive liked you ever since i saw you - ever since you toppled that tower of books back on me - ever since you helped me put it back together behind the librarians' desk
he can't force the words out instead he goes,
"please keep the book.....and my cardigan is yours too."
378 notes · View notes
oioinanami · 3 years
glimpses. (bokuto koutarou x f. reader)
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word count: 2.9k
synopsis: small glimpses into your life with bokuto.
contains: fluff, everything from strangers to lovers to established relationship to married life to parents + pregnancy au
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Bokuto doesn’t notice you at first. You’re just one face among many in the crowd of people watching the volleyball game. But once the match is over and he sees you running towards the other team, apparently being friends with one of their setters, your hair flying behind you, eyes bright and smile even brighter, he can’t help the way his heart stumbles and his eyes widen. To him, you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, your face open and inviting, smile warm and lively. For him, it’s love at first sight - so not even Akaashi can hold him back when Bokuto asks the other team to join them for their celebratory dinner. It was just a friendly match after all, nothing more - no need for the others to be upset over having lost. To everyone’s surprise, the other team agrees, and Bokuto gets to spend the evening in your presence, somehow managing to sit beside you during dinner. You click immediately, his open and fun persona matching your own energy, even though you’re more reserved, a bit softer. That night, Bokuto makes you laugh uncontrollably for the first time, and he swears his heartbeat just flatlines. The sound is so precious he wants to bottle it up and keep it treasure for the rest of his life. By the end of the evening, he has your number saved in his phone, knowing that this night has been the beginning of something wonderful.
For your first date, you and Bokuto decide to go play laser tag. You’re on the same team, but being overexcited, Bokuto accidentally shoots you not even five minutes into the game. He apologizes over and over again, clearly mortified, but you just burst out laughing and stand on your tiptoes to brush a soft kiss against his cheek, making his heart burst and his face split into a huge smile. After that incident, he takes over the role as your personal bodyguard, dramatically sacrificing himself three times just so you don’t get shot. Thanks to his efforts, you get one of the highest rankings once the game ends, and Bokuto proudly kisses the crown of your head when he sees you placed second, yelling a “That’s my girl!” and making you blush madly.
You decide to buy some ice cream afterwards, Bokuto insisting you get all your favorite flavors because “you earned it” - his words, not yours. You shyly take his hand once you leave the store again, holding your ridiculously large ice cream cone in your other one. He gives you a soft smile, and immediately interlaces his fingers with yours before tugging you with him towards a park nearby. You lazily stroll around, quietly observing the ducks floating on the pond and dogs running around as well as the other people walking past you. Once you’ve both finished your ice cream, you decide to sit down on a bench and enjoy the last rays of sunshine, Bokuto excitedly telling you about his last volleyball match. “And you should have seen my last spike, Y/N, it was so good - Akaashi orchestrated it perfectly and-” You can’t help the soft smile spreading over your entire face, amazed at his seemingly never-ending enthusiasm and just overall cuteness. Bokuto stops mid-sentence, eyebrows lifting in slight surprise when he sees your expression.
“What-”, he asks, but then you have already leaned towards him, covering his mouth with yours. He immediately wraps both arms around you to pull you even closer to his warm body, his lips practically melting against yours. A few seconds later, his tongue pokes at your bottom lip to demand entrance, sliding into your mouth once you grant it. You only break apart when your heads begin to spin from the lack of oxygen, Bokuto pressing his forehead against yours, eyes still closed. “Please be my girlfriend, Y/N.”, he finally mumbles before opening his eyes again; they look like liquid gold in the light of the slowly setting sun, and your heart skips a beat. He’s truly just so beautiful, looking at him almost hurts. You smile and just nod once, making him exhale in obvious relief. Bokuto quickly captures your lips in yet another kiss, and you melt further into his embrace.
“Where do you want me to put this, babe?”, Bokuto huffs out, holding a giant cardboard box in his arms, the veins on his hands even more prominent than usual. You lift one eyebrow, about to reply, but Akaashi beats you to it: “Y/N literally wrote ‘kitchen’ on the box, Bokuto.” With that, he turns to you, “Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you deal with him - he can be such an airhead.” You grin and lean against the doorframe, continuing to watch Bokuto who’s just placing the last of your many, many boxes onto the kitchen counter before wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. “Yeah, but he makes up for it by being hot.”, you reply and shoot your boyfriend a playful wink. Bokuto just rolls his eyes at you and begins to pout while Akaashi makes a gagging sound. Kuroo, who’s lazing on your brand new couch, chuckles. “Leave the two lovebirds alone, Akaashi. I think it’s cute they’re still so in love.”, he says and yawns, eyes half-lidded and expression relaxed.
“Why are you even here? You didn’t even lift one finger.”, Akaashi complains and kicks Kuroo’s feet from the small coffee table. “Someone has to provide the good looks.”, the black haired man answers smoothly before giving Akaashi a feline smile. “I’m already taking care of that.”, you reply, and stick out your tongue at Kuroo when he bursts out laughing. “How about we order some food now?”, Bokuto asks before draping one arm over your shoulder, brushing his lips against your temple, “Anyone hungry?” “Ew, ’Kou, you’re sweaty.”, you immediately squeal and try to free yourself from your boyfriend’s embrace, but he just grins and hugs you even tighter. “Yes, but I’m your sweaty.”, he answers smugly, and you scrunch up your nose, letting him kiss the tip of it. “And we can always take a shower together later.”, he mumbles before giving you a quick kiss, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Other people can hear you, you know.”, Akaashi groans, and you blush, shooting Bokuto a playful dark glare. He just winks at you, and your stomach jolts, heart skipping a beat - even after years of dating, your boyfriend still has this effect on you. “I’m very hungry after slaving away all day.”, Kuroo answers, ignoring your snort, and stands up, “And I vote for pizza.” Akaashi grumbles something about ‘wanting sushi instead’ while Bokuto scrolls through the delivery app on his phone. You just smile and lean your head against his broad shoulders, still not quite believing that this is the apartment you and him get to call your home from now on. Your boyfriend gives you a small smile, and gently tucks some of your hair behind your ear before murmuring a soft “Welcome home, babe” under his breath, his golden eyes darting from yours to your hand resting on his broad chest just above his heart and back again.
He knows that someday soon, your finger will have a ring on it.
Bokuto can’t help but cry when he sees you walking down the aisle and towards him, dressed in all white, a happy and soft smile on your face, hands nervously clutching a small bouquet of different colored roses. Somehow, he manages to say his vows even though he’s pretty much sobbing by now, and you can’t help but giggle at your fiancé - no, husband now -, gently clutching his damp cheeks between your hands when you are finally allowed to kiss and seal the vow that will keep you bonded forever. “Be glad I’m the one wearing mascara or else you’d look like a panda right now.”, you mumble against his lips when you break apart again, your friends and families cheering loudly, and your husband breaks into a bright grin. “I’d be the cutest panda ever though.”, he replies smugly, and you laugh, before letting him literally sweep you off your feet and carry you towards the reception hall, the cheers around you still not dying down and making you both laugh in glee.
You’re ready to burst with happiness when Bokuto’s beautiful golden eyes lock with yours, his smile just genuinely proud and happy. “I love you so much, my lovely and wonderful wife. Thank you for making me the happiest man by marrying me today.”, he whispers against your lips before kissing you deeply. You smile into the kiss, and tangle your fingers in his dark hair, its tips that beautiful silvery color you adore so much. “I love you too, my handsome and amazing husband.”, you reply in a hushed voice once you break apart, and Bokuto smiles, eyes beginning to water again.
“LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!”, Kuroo yells loudly when he enters the hall behind you, and claps Bokuto on his back before sweeping you up into a warm embrace, “I’m so happy for you guys! Who would have thought that you’d be the first one to tie the knot, ‘Kou? Out of all of us, I was totally betting on Akaashi to marry first.” Akaashi just playfully punches Kuroo’s arm before hugging both you and Bokuto, congratulating you quietly. His eyes are slightly red, but you decide to let it slide for now and to just tease him about it later. Your husband just laughs and ruffles his best friend’s hair before happily accepting the good wishes and hugs from the rest of your friends and families.
During your first dance, everyone can clearly see just how happy you two are, your eyes never leaving the other’s face, smiles soft and content; you‘re both just radiating pure bliss.
“Wanna bet who’ll end up the drunkest tonight? I’m saying it’ll be Hinata.”, you murmur shortly before the song ends, and Bokuto huffs out a laugh, “Nah, it’ll be Kageyama, for sure.” You grin, eyes twinkling mischievously. “Loser has to write all the thank you cards?“ “Bet.”, your husband just answers, and nuzzles your nose, his heart almost bursting with happiness.
“Shhh, Daaaaddy, wake up!”
Bokuto groans and tiredly rubs his face, yelping when he sees the face of his four year old hover directly above him, wide eyes glinting in the dimly lit room. “What?”, he murmurs, mind still groggy, and his son bounces on his chest, making Bokuto groan again. “Little owl, you should be asleep! It’s still very early.”, he mumbles as quietly as possible, voice heavy with sleep. His eyes slide to your still sleeping figure beside him before hugging his son close, nuzzling his nose. “Just because you were named after the sunlight doesn’t mean you have to be awake as soon as it creeps over the horizon.” Haru gives him a mischievous yet sweet grin, looking very much like you in that second even though he has his father’s dark hair and golden eyes, before clutching Bokuto’s face between his chubby hands. “I’m hungry!”, he then whines, bottom lip wobbling dangerously, and Bokuto quickly sweeps the boy up into his arms, tiptoeing out of the dark bedroom.
“Then let’s go make some breakfast without waking mommy, okay?”, he murmurs in a hushed voice after having closed the bedroom door behind him, and Haru nuzzles closer to his father’s chest, seeking more warmth. “Okay.”, his son answers, voice sleepy all of the sudden. Bokuto just chuckles, quickly grabbing a blanket from Haru’s room and wrapping it around his son’s tiny body. After entering the kitchen, he gently places Haru on a chair before beginning to shuffle through the kitchen cabinets. “Waffles sound good?”, Bokuto asks after having found all the necessary ingredients, looking over his shoulder and at his son who just nods excitedly, suddenly much more awake after having heard the word ‘waffles’.
You find yourself alone in bed, fingers searching for your husband’s warm body that should rest beside you. Surprised to find his side of the bed empty, you open your eyes and blink a few times, the sleep tugging at your lashes making them unbelievably heavy. You sigh, and carefully roll over to get up, your steadily growing belly making it harder by the day. You shiver when your bare feet touch the cold floor, and quickly grab one of Bokuto’s hoodies, carelessly discarded on top of the rocking chair in the corner of the room. You inhale deeply while slipping it over your head, Bokuto’s scent still clinging to the fabric and filling your nose. He always smells like home, and you can’t help but smile before opening the door, being greeted by your husband’s low voice and your son’s much higher one. Your heart swells while you listen to their conversation for a few seconds; Haru is apparently in the middle of explaining why waffles are superior to pancakes, Bokuto just making soft “Oohs” and “Ahhs” in between while shuffling around the kitchen. You creep closer, and lean against the doorframe, taking in the scene in front of you. Haru is sitting at the table, a glass of juice in front of him while he bounces his favorite plushie, an owl and a gift from Akaashi, on his lap, still babbling about the superiority of waffles. Your husband is standing in front of the stove, his hair sticking up in different directions, only clad in soft pyjama pants, the muscles on his broad back rippling while he mixes the batter. You sigh softly, and gently cup the swell of your belly while smiling at your little family, soon to be four.
As soon as he hears you behind him, your son’s head snaps around and he squeals a happy “Mommy!” before jumping down from his chair and running to you for a hug. You laugh and bend down to ruffle his soft hair, silky like his father’s. “Good morning, my darling. Did you wake your daddy again?”, you ask, voice gentle but slightly reprimanding. Haru looks up, guilt written all over his face, his bottom lip protruding a bit. He truly just looks like an exact copy of his father, and you can’t help but smile even wider. “No, he was already awake.”, your son tries to lie, but the second you lift one eyebrow, he scrambles to add “After I bounced on his chest.” You grin. “That’s what I thought.” You crouch down low and give Haru a semi stern look. “You know that your daddy needs his sleep, right? He goes to bed much later than you, so he needs to sleep longer.” Haru nods, golden eyes filled with a silent apology, and you quickly clutch his small face between your hands to pepper kisses all over his cheeks, forehead and nose, making him giggle and squirm in your embrace. Once you’re done, you try to stand up again, groaning while doing so. Lately, your back has begun to hurt slightly, all thanks to your growing belly. Bokuto is quick to help you up, his large, warm hands cupping your elbows while he gives you a silent look of disapproval, worry dancing in his golden eyes. “You need to be more careful, babe.”, he murmurs, but you just give him a dismissive wave of your hand. “This is the second child I’m bearing, ace, so I think I know what I’m doing.”, you reply, and your husband can’t help but smile a bit bashfully at your nickname for him - he just loves when you call him your ace. “I guess that’s true. You’re truly my Wonder Woman.”, he says proudly before leaning down for his good morning kiss. You quickly melt your lips against his, and he sighs happily, wrapping both arms around you. “Eww.”, your son screams before making a gagging sound, and you pull back from your husband to press one hand over your mouth, trying to stifle your laughter.
“I feel like we shouldn’t allow Akaashi to babysit him anymore.”, you fake-whisper to your husband, “He’s becoming too much like him.” Bokuto just nods before giving his son a playful look of displeasure. “Noooo, I LOVE UNCLE SHI THE MOSTEST!”, Haru immediately whines, hitting his tiny fists against his father’s thick thigh, “Please, daddy! I want uncle Shi!” Bokuto just huffs out a laugh and lifts Haru up into his arms, tickling his sides. “Of course, you know we love Uncle Shi the mostest too. Don’t tell Uncle Kuroo though.”, he whispers and kisses Haru’s cheeks, loud mwah noise included. That seems to calm your son immediately, and he finally relaxes into his father’s embrace, his tiny head now resting on Bokuto’s broad shoulders. You lean against your husband as well, and nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck, sighing contently. “But I love Uncle Kuroo too. He says I’m going to be the best volleyball player one day, just like daddy is!”, Haru mumbles sleepily, and you smile softly, brushing his dark hair out of his sweet face. “Of course, you can be anything you want, my darling boy.”, you reply softly, and lift your head to smile at your husband. Bokuto returns it quietly before capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. “I love you both so much.”, he murmurs when you break apart again, and you nuzzle his nose. “Me too.”, you answer before looking back at your son who has fallen asleep again, “Let’s go back to bed. We can have waffles later.” Bokuto just nods, and clutches his tiny boy a bit tighter in his arms before intertwining his fingers with yours, pulling you back towards the bedroom for some family cuddles.
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© oioinanami 2021 | masterlist
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Author's Notes ♡: Hey Hey, it’s me, ya girl and I’m back with another collab! Ive always loved the roommates theme and have a few ideas for some other ones in my head making this. It’s kinda all over the place because it was a professing with their friendship! Yes I made a Zelda reference and I land about it no. I know Rapp is seen as violent and dense but but this is in a collage au so he’s just a bit...aloof I just love the idea of him actually being a big softie ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ. I hope you enjoy! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW!!! (◎_◎;)
Sweet caring sorta himbo(meh?) Rappa, female oral, Big Dick Rappa , sorta size kink if you really sqint,cheater ex mentioned like once , language
Word count : About 5k! Yikes ^^’
Paring(s) : Kendo Rappa x F! Reader
Enjoy ♡
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Having Kendo Rappa as a roommate is an interesting feat in itself. He is big, and loud , very very loud. He wasn't a bad roommate he just..was like a cute large and fluffy puppy that didn't know his size...or power. Their interactions started as the two met during a halloween party one of the frat houses down the street thew. [ ] went as Midna, her best friend Rumi was dressed as Impa while the last two of her friend group , Amaya and Asa, a pair of sisters, were dressed as fairies. “[ ]! Rumi! you two are so cute! Zelda costumes?” Asa asked as her sister ran up to admire their outfits. “Yeah! [ ] wanted to do some characters that matched us y'know?” She said as she nudged her quiet friend , the girl jumped and laughed , scratching her neck as she gave the excited sisters a small smile “If i was coming out tonight I was gonna wear what i wanted to really wear” [ ] said as the group of them laughed and mingled with their other friends and classmates. While heading to get juice , she heard loud screaming , as the sport boys were starting to show up. First was the football team, then the basketball. Baseball and wrestling came next, then the smaller clubs finished them out. Sighing [ ] was content away from everyone as she watched mayhem ensure, chugging of barrels , more music, girls swarming around the players they crushed on as they did minor things, like talk to their teammates or eating from one of the big food trays laying around. Feeling a tap on her shoulder broke her from her people watching, Rumi giving her a bright smile as she took a cup and joined her. “How's my favorite antisocial babe doing now that all of the party has arrived?” She asked as [ ] gave her a pained smile, going to get more if something to drink “Well I don't feel the need to smack anyone is that a good sign?” she chuckled as she got a hug from the more energetic girl “That's my girl! Don't worry, i wanna get out asap but we’re gonna need our favourite pair of sisters before that can happen and it seems like they're fawning over some of the baseball boys as we speak” Rumi said as they watched a familiar tutu of blue go by, followed by a pink one going a similar way. “I don't get it… but at least their taste in men isn't too bad” [ ] joked as Rumi agreed , laughing “Yeah miss tsundere, you can't stand saps, or most of the jocks either” giving the white haired girl a look she rolled her eyes and gave her own laugh back “Yeah I guess i'm either picky or just got high standards” “Ain't nothing wrong with that we all do!” She said as she elbowed the girl beside her.
As the two of them sat there and talked Rumi glanced past her and her eyes widened, causing [ ] to stop talking “What is it-” before she could question her, the white haired girl jumped up, waving at someone “Rap! Over here!” Constantly yelling to someone [ ] started to ask again when a booming voice came from above her “HEY RUMI” a very loud voice called as stomping could be heard before it stopped “I see you took our idea huh?” With that comment [ ] turned around only to be face to face with a dark cover chest, only to then look up to some of the most warm and amber colored eyes looking down at her “Hello there little lady, I like your costume! Erm..Midna aint it?” The giant ganon dressed man questioned as all she could do was shake her head in agreement, causing the giant male to laugh “Awe don't be shy of me kitten i ain't gonna bite!” He chuckled some more as her friend jumped in “I told you she was shy! Be nice Rappa!” Rumi yelled at the flaming red head as he gave her a toothy grin “Oh I was just teasin’ , I bet I ain't hurt her feelin’s did I sweetheart?” Rappa questioned as [ ] face felt hot, hiding her face in her hands as the teasing duo laughed causing the girl to huff “I'm tired of you two already” She said as a giant warm hand touched her shoulders “Awe dont be like that hun, in time ya’l love me” Rappa teased as he gave her a smile,making her stomach flutter “Yeah! This is who wanted you to meet anyway [ ]! This is Kendo Rappa, our top wrestling boy, Rappa this is my adorable best friend [ ]!” Rumi said as the two gave each other a shy smile , a sly one creeping up on Rumis as she thought to herself “Yeah, this'll definitely happen”
Since then the two had become more acquainted , having many classes together and sharing some similar friends [ ] was used to the bruting and sometimes dense man making a random ( and loud) appearance. As [ ] sat in her mostly empty room thanks to her last roommate moving out after constantly breaking sound rules and getting into it with the girl downstairs for being in her bed with her boyfriend (Yikes) she felt a sense of calm. Closing her chemistry book and letting out a relieved sigh [ ] thought about the fact she was going to get a new roommate, the thought was nerve wracking but also it was exciting as well. It was almost too quiet , having the last room by the stairs meant she didn't have to deal with many people besides her friend group. They weren't loud , unless one of her friends decided to get laid and made way too many sounds, or if their neighbors under them threw parties or also had...extra partners coming around. She definitely could feel she was sorta excited she was going to have a roommate again. The sisters had a room to the left of her while Rumi had the one to the right, sharing it with a girl they knew from math. The rooms were not gender defined, some girls having rooms with guys and vise versa so it made it easy to get a room.
These dorms were also quite spacious, the walls not paper thin and a large enough area space that could house two or maybe even three people. So when she heard a knock on her door she expected it to be her new roommate she was advised would come today. Happily opening the door she was shocked and almost terrified to see just a box, well actually a few boxed stacked hiding whoever it was behind them. But if the faed rustic orange hair and wide shoulders meant anything she knew her new roommate already “K-kendo?” [ ] said as the boxes walked by her , landing with a soft thud as bangs covered the male “[ ]? Is that you?” moving his hair out of the way their eyes had the same expression, shocked. “Uh h-hey there sweetheart why isn't this cute, we’re roomies hun?” he laughed as she couldn't help but give him a smile back. “I never expected to see you as my roommate” [ ] teased as Rappa gave her a hardy laugh “Well it looks like me and you are gonna be close friends here darlin’!” With a wide smile he picked her up and gave her a tight hug, taking her breath away ‘ Oh boy i wonder how this will turn out’ she thought as she was eye leve with her giant puppy like friend, his eyes filled of joy
Which leads into now, [ ] trying her hardest to read up on what her next project could be. As she sat there thinking she heard the tale tell sound of her roommate entering with some of his teammates, the boys loud and rambunctious as they entered. Feeling a heavy hand on her shoulder she looked up to the towering boy that was her roommate, his eyes just as bright as usual. “Hey darlin, we're just gonna talk up sum strats a for the upcoming match and play some games in the back , is that alright?” He asked with pleading eyes as one of his more cocky and jock like friends spoke up “Well youre the man here, dont let some women say if we cant or can be here” Rolling her eyes and proceeding to stand up and push past the wide eyed boy who knew what was going to happen. [ ] took in a breath before opening her eyes to look up to the boy “Well it is my room, i pay shit here and the man over there didnt get this place, so i do choose who can and cant come through my place” She said as she pointed a finger to the boys chest. Trying to push his luck he pushed back against her finger “ I bet you just haven’t gotten a good enough dicking for you to just stay out of the way” He laughed. Before [ ] could hit him hard enough her rust haired friend moved in , clearly towering the boy “Yer better watch yer mouth, she has her right around here, im invatin her space so watch it before there's no place for any of us to relax without rules” He said as the boy sucked up any laughing and nodded his head in understanding. Surprised by her usually aloof roommate [ ] stood back and went back to her work, the other boys scrambling behind kendo as the boy who tried to challenge her jumped to follow, never making a move to mock or do anything again.
The boys picked back up and were having fun in the back room of kendo’s , sighs and groans when they lost and victorious laughs and screams if someone won. Once they all left and everything settle to a quiet rumble as the last few funneled out [ ] could here herself think, reading up on chemistry as she felt a presence behind her. “ ‘M sorry, i didn't know my question wouldve cause a roar outta ya..” Kendo started as she smiled gently, turning to face the wounded boy “Its okay….guess it just lit something in me i always did y'know?” She said with a small laugh as she went to type again, but was stopped by the hulking boy. “I gotta make it up to ya alright? I know i aint say anythin that he did but…. It feels like my fault y'know?” He admitted as his large hand covered hers. “You wont live this down will you?” She questioned as his eyes flickered up to hers, sparking. “Nope, not at all. Lemme treat ya right okay?” For such innocent words [ ] couldnt help the shiver that ran down her back at his words. Maybe it was because he was so close, or that the smell of his cologne was too much, either way her head was spinning as she let him still hold her hand as he tugged her away from her computer , his smile widening as she reluctantly shut the bright screen “Great! Now let's get something to eat im starvin” He rasped out as [ ] gave him a giggle that made the boy stop in his tracks. He always thought she had a cute giggle but this one,for some reason , made his heart and chest feel warm and tight. Ignoring the feeling he took the girl with him, the two headed out to get something to eat as they headed down , the sound of her giggling still running though kendos mind.
Getting a random frantic text from Kendo wasn't unusual, in fact it was quite common for him to do such, which now didn't faze [ ] at all but this one was...particularly odd giving what he was asking ‘Hair? And messy? What in the world is he up to’ [. ] thought to herself as she headed to her shared room with the boy, nervous of what scene she could be entering.
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Sighing after his last text she hurried her way to their dorm room and in fact he did leave the door open, making her more nervous as she entered the living room. “Kendo?” [ ] called out as she heard a gruff sound come from her bathroom. Entering was a sight of its own; towels, a bowl of some..substance , bags and bottles of body wash and a one flustered and shirtless Kendo. “[ ]! ‘M so glad yer home here take this” The large man said as he handed her an old toothbrush that was frayed and covered with the same odd substance in the bowl. The lingering smell from the room eventually gave it away ; shampoos. “Uh why do i need this? And why is there shampoo on a toothbrush” She questioned as he groaned, taking the towel off his head as she blinked owlishly at his very faded red orange hair, the color now more of a neon pumpkin. Shaking off extra water caused even more of his hair to fall, landing between his shoulder blades as he gave [ ] a desperate look. “It wont come out, and the more i scub the more...orange i become. I look like a orange peel” He whined as [ ] figured out what he was trying to do
“ You wanna remove the color right? A bowl of shampoo and body wash isnt strong enough” Going into their kitchen she grabbed some baking soda and lemon juice , coming back to the hopeless boy “Let me mix something up ive used before okay? Then we can proceed with your hair” Two and a half hours later the boys hair was now a light peachy orange, just light enough to take up with bleach “Well, if were gonna go for blonde ill go get some bleach and some masks, deep conditioners too, your hair is definitely gonna need it and I don’t want it breaking off because you're impatient to take care of it” she sighed as he was amazed at his hair, running a large hand through the still damp mess atop his head “Wow yer good” He said as she smiled at him, taking her keys “And you have a lot of hair. I'll be back” She said as she hopped up “Wait! Lemme go with you?” He asked but also seemed to demand, pleading eyes looking down at hers as wet hair dropped onto his still bare chest.
Trying not to be hypnotized by where they landed and proceeded to slide down she looked up at her amber eyed friend, who was staring intently as he waited for her answer, soft “Please?” coming from his lips. Sighing dramatically on purpose [ ] laughed at him, giving him a grin “of course you can you big puppy” she said as he picked her up in a hug, a gesture that shows his excitement she's come to learn. Putting her down he went to go to the door before his friend called him out “uhm Kendo? You don’t have on a shirt” she said plainly as he looked at her, raising a brow as he gave his rebuttal “Its hot” He responded. Giving him a side eyed look she turned from him and towards their bedrooms, [ ] sliding into his. Soon she came out with a sleeveless one, throwing it at the hulk of a guy infront of her “You can't come in the store without one” She said as he gave a growl of his own, sliding the shirt over his head as they left their apartment “Well at least ya got me one without sleeves” He huffed as they started back to the door, heading out to finally go to the store to start another process on Kendos hair, the male just excited to finally get rid of his pumpkin hair.
As Kendo sat in the shared living room with [ ] , deep conditioning his hair at her yelling request (‘If you dont re nourish it before you want me to bleach it , I won't do it!’ ) he watched his roommate and now his best friend wanderer around and do housley things for their apartment, the girl content as she cleaned and sorted out things in the kitchen, her body turned away from him as he started to think over how beautiful he thought she was. He want the type to brag or gloat about having so many girls comment on his size , height wised and well sometimes other ways , trying to tempt him to them. All while his friends wanted him to explain how he got the attention from the other gender , Kendo hated to admit it but ,he only wanted his roommates' affection. He knew how put together she was, smart and kind. He saw what her previous boyfriend did, a cheater that didnt take care of the beautiful soul he lived with. He couldnt stand seeing her come home and cry herself to sleep broke his heart, and when he fought the cheater, in the act he didnt feel bad once. Of course it ended their relationship, and [ ] yelled at him for fighting , explaining how he couldve ended in jail for fighting her ex, but he argued it would be worth it.
Sitting and mulling over everything he realized Rumi was right, hed do anything for [ ] but not the same for the other females that passed through his life. She actually, was the first person he did that for and that thought made his head dizzy. Moving from his place on the couch he went to stand in the kitchen, waiting for [ ] to come back from her room. Hearing the iconic sound of her feet pittering across the wooden floor he gave her a lopsided smile as she jumped, smacking into the chest of Kendo. Before [ ] could fall from impacting with his chest he caught her, holding her arm to his chest. “K-kendo! You shouldve told me you were in here! Why are you in here anyway?”[ ] scolded as he laughed, moving out of the shorter girl's way as he started his staring again, this time [ ] noticed him “......What?” She asked as he looked down at her, an unreadable look on his face. “Kendo” she called as he hummed, moving closer “Yer gorgeous” Kendo blurted out as [ ] started to stutter, eyes going wide. Taking teo steps forward he essentially trapped his friend between the corner of their kitchen canopy. “Remember when I fought that bastard of an ex you had?” Kendo asked as he saw [ ]’s eyes go soft , shaking her head “What about him...i'm still mad you almost lost everything just to fight him yknow” she huffed as he poked her cheek “Id do it again if it meant you'd be happy again yaknow” Kendo said as he leaned down to push his head against hers, amber and [ ] eyes mingling. Lifting his large hands he traced each side of her cheek, analyzing over her face as he nuzzled against her nose “Stop playin hard to get would ya? Bad enough you got my heart all in your little hands” he whispered as [ ] just started at the giant , her arms gently coming over to cover his that were place on her cheeks “K-ken..i need to start you hair..” She hopelessly try to argue as he groaned, burying his face into her neck. Squealing at his damp hair touching her shoulder [ ] jumped ,pushing the large boy back “Your hair's wet!” She whined as he chuckleed, mo\ving back as it turned into a booming laugh “Oh my ‘m sorry babe , you look surprised” He said as she smacked hsi chest “Go to the sink, i need to rinse the conditioner” She yelled as he hwld his hands up in a mocked surrender, pulling his shirt up and off in one fluid movement. Caught up by him stripping his shirt off [ ] gave him a glance over, the heaviness of him admitting feelings for her in his own unique way still lingering in her mind as the toned and strong back of her friend made her head hazy. Turning around from the lack of notice of his smaller friend Kendo caught the eys of [ ] staring, her eyes quickly flickering to his curious ones as he grinned “See somethin you like darlin?” He teased as she grunted, reaching up to push his head in the sink “Shut up and let me do your hair”
And like clockwork, Kendo rappa was an icy blonde after two days, a break given to his long ,thick and wavy hair, the giant boy looking over his new look as he sighed happily, loving to have his hair finally look normal. “Well damn [ ]! Ya made it even better than what i was thinking. Look! My hair’s all wavy at the ends and it's soft! Whatever you made me do made it feel better!” He raved as the girl looked over her work. And in fact it was highly even, his hair consistent and lavishy soft. Giving him a shy look she giggle “That's what a deep conditioner will do to damage hair and the way i'm always untangling your hair for you, i knew it would need it before you wanted to go white” She said as he just kept running his hands in his hair, turning back to her “I could just kiss you right now!” He blurted out as they both froze at his words, eyes wide from both parties “I-I aint mean it [ ]” He croaked out as she giggled, stepping back from him “O-of course you didnt, why would you i mean aha..”She said as she moved away more , his own words started to hit him as he realized the reverse effect it was having “NO! No, I'd want to kiss you, I really really want to. I just...want it to be on your terms okay?” he said as he grabbed her arm, holding her in front of him as if she'd float away if he didnt.
“Kendo...I..” [ ] started as she came back to his hip, laying between his legs onto his thankfully covered chest “I just dont want to lose you if you decide you wouldnt want me around” She whispered as he pulled her even closer, kissing her forehead as he stared at her “Dont you ever say that again ya hear me? Youll be my princess and ill be your humble er..knight” He hesitated as he tried to think of a sweet way to explain his feelings. [ ] looked up to him as she felt here eyes feel heavy with tears. Before one even fell Kendo pushed his lips as soft as the strong boy could, wrapping a large and beefy arm around her waist as he slipped his tongue in her mouth, letting his hand slide down to pull her up to sit on the tops of his thighs while he leaned against his dresser. Softly [ ] pushed her hand on his chest and pulled away, now eye to eye with Kendo “Sorry , d-did i overstep my place” He asked as she let out a snot, before laughing. Confused, Kendo went to talk before she stopped him “No no, youre good, just that if we keep kissing on this dressed there's gonna be a hole in the wall” She said as she pointed to where the mirror kept tapping a spot, scrapes already aroring it “R-right!” He laughed too, picking her up to set her on his bed “Now then...lemme serve you princess” He said before kissing her again, not letting her rebuttal his own comment. As the two kissed he made sure to be as gentle as he could be , at times clumsily nipping her lip or his hand pulling hard at her clothes.
All in the name of wanting to show how much she meant to him. Soon he pulled away, a small string of saliva strung between them from the hearty kissing. “[ ]...i think i love you” He said as she gave him a soft look , trying to catch her breath from the dramatic kiss they came from “Good, because i love your loud ass too Kendo” She teased as he smirked,leaning down to bite her neck, causing her to moan loudly “We’ll see whos loud after im done wit ya” he gave his own tease back as he moved between her plump thighs, kissing the flesh there as he pulled her shorts to the side, exposing her flushed lower lips. Gasping she reached for his hand that held her legs apart causing the fresh blonde to look up at her, eyes wandering over her face for signs of him to stop “I-Im not used to being this bare sorry..” She whimpered out as it dawned on the other side of her words “Have you ever ate out baby?” he asked as she hid her face from him, shaking ehr head as he groaned, pulling her shorts down as he saw her lacy panties , a smirk placed on his lips as he peeled them off too, a string of arousal keeping them plastered to her lips “fuck, that bastared really didnt take care of you” he growled as she sat up to see his darkening eyes kiss up to her lips whispering out a “but i will” as he sucked one of her lips into his mouth, causing a lound moan from the woman he was inbetween. Slowly he licked up her lips, searching for that small pearl as she whined, a hand coming down to tug his hair. Grunting he soon found it, sucking onto her clit as she gasped, her thighs shutting over his head as he looked up to her, watching as her back arched off of the bed once her pressed his tongue hard against her clit. Softly he let a hand run under her thigh, a single thick finger tracing over her twitching hole as he pushed it in gently, making [ ] squeal. “K-Ken!” She called out as he looked up again, catching her eyes and flushed face on his actions. Making a show of what he was doing he let a second one join the first as he sucked hard on her bud at the same time making [ ]’s eyes roll back as her hand fell from his head, nervous od pulling too hard. Kendo however had other plans. Feeling her walls tighten around his fingers he made sure to find that spongy spot and hitting it, finally pulling his lips from her clit as he smiled “Uuh Uh doll, look at me” He growled as she hesitantly glances at him, regretting that she did. He looked way too good, hair a mess as he was panting, catching his breath from being down on her. With evry pump of his fingers his muscle in his arm twitched, making her own walls spasm as she watched it “Ya like it sweetheart?” He asked as she shook her head, watching him move back to her pussy “Good, cause i aint done” He said as he gave her clit kitten licks beofe slurping on it, throwing a wink at her as he picked up his pace, making [ ]’s voice rise as she felt herself getting close before quickly snapping at a particular hard thrust of his finger to her spot on her walls.
Letting out a light scream she came over his fingers and tongue, the male laughing gleefully as he sucked up her juices. LEtting her come down some he watched her face as bliss spread through her body and a sense of confidence whent though his. Slowly he picked up the pace of his fingers again, going from a shallow push to more stroking as he heard [ ] whine, grabbing at his hand “Uh uh sweetheart, you taste too good fro me to only let you cum on my tongue once” he said as he pushed her down by her stomach, letting her take his spare hand as he went back to suckling on her lower lips. He knew he had a lot in stored for her, and watching the newly admitted love of his life cum from his pleasing was enough for him to realized he needed to do more. Popping off her clit as puling his fingers gently out he looked at her ravished body, using his non wet hand to pull at his sweats. “Youre beautiful like this [ ]” kendo said as she took in heavy breaths, feeling her throat close as he stroked his massive size, rubbing the swollen head as he looked at her , giving her a soft smile “Ya dont have to take me just yet , hes just throbbin too much” He groaned as he twisted his hand hard over his leaking tip, feeling himself throb as he laid back on his bed. “Ride my face?” he asked with one of the most sinful looks [ ] had ever seen ; lustful eyes watching her as his large hand stroked his larger dick, the soft and fleshy muscle jumping at watching her crawl to him, throwing a leg over his neck
“I-i dont wanna suffocate you..” She said as he smirked before saying “Ya cant suffocate me i want it” Soon he grabbed her hip, pushing her onto his awaiting mouth as he picked up his pace, sliding his tongue into her twitching hole as she rocked her hips, keeping a steady pace as she held herself on his shoulder and headboard, ,depreate moand and cries tumbling out as he rocked her too, going from her clit to her dripping entrance, stoking his dick harder and harde as her moans spurred him on. Soon he felt the bud in his mouth twitch and throb harder, the sounds [ ] made increasing as his own hand sped up with his throbbing head, the telltales of them both getting close. A moan erruptred from the girl on his lips as she came again , her essence running down his face as he groaned, ropes of cum shooting onto his hand and stomach as he came himself, still stroking out what he could as the pressure he felt subside. Sliding off softly [ ] saw the mess behind her, taking it upon herself to lick up some of it as she was met with his same aber eyes, watching her move to his still hard member “Let me take care of you too?” she asked shyly. Fuck he was done for as he felt himslef hardend worse at her words, a large hand coming up to smack her ass as he psuhed her up and over his head, letting his tip and her swollen lips run over eachother. Slowly he pushed his tip past her budding lips, entranced by the way it swallowed her whole “Fuck...i love you [ ] and by the time im done with ya...youll know it” he whispered in her ear as she felet him push, more and moreof his large size spreading her lips father than shed ever had. Her eyes rolled up as she felt him bottom out, both moaning as he picked up his pace, making a soothing rhythm as little moans and whines came from [ ], deep grunts coming from Kendo as he kissed her shoulders and back, marking where he could as he felt himself get closer with how she was throbbing over his member.
Digging his fingers as deep as he could in her plush hips he let our a mantra of ‘Cummin’ i and ‘ I love yous’ in her ear as she pushed back against him, feeling herself teetering as he pushed as deep as he could go ,letting himself cum as she came too, the overwhelming feeling of him throbbing against her spongy walls and previous orgasms enough to push her over a third time. “[ ]” Kendo rasped as [ ] hummed , feeling her legs still shake with him in her “Im serious, i'm never leaving you...you're mine and i love you…” kendo said as he kissed the back of her neck, nibbling her ear as he stayed in her “Mhm….i love you too Rappa..”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
hii would j like to say that ive been reading your works since ive got into jjba (around last june) and i absolutely adore your works ♡ you are also incredibly friendly n interactive w all your readers and i rly love how approachable you are! anyway ive been having dio brainrot as of late (ehe) especially sdc dio~ i just want to cockwarm and be spoiled by him, because he absolutely seems like the type to treat his favorite pet with such love and care.. and thinking about my squishy body against his toned and muscular one really gets my gears grinding LMAOOO thank you so much for allowing people to brainrot in your ask box!! i hope you have a good day~
cooling solution - reader x dio (1.7k)
nsfw! afab reader, neutral pronouns. cock-warming, reader is dio’s pet. slight belly bulge. dub-con if you squint but reader is implied to be into it/a willing participant in their status as dio’s pet.
your lord presents a solution to the humid night-time air of egypt.
Lord Dio’s big hand rests gently on the top of your head, fingers petting your hair. You’re kneeling by him, your cheek pressed to his knee, relishing in where he’s all over cool skin in the sticky heat of Cairo. You are wearing very little, by his choice – but still, in a place like this, with someone (something?) like him beside you, even those are too close and uncomfortable.
You sigh, shifting, leaning more into the touch – and Dio chuckles, very low.
“Is something wrong, little morsel?”
Is something wrong? The answer is both yes and no; it’s wrong that you’re not on your Lord’s lap, that you’re not pleasing him, that it’s so hot and sticky and that you’re uncomfortable where you are. But on the other hand . . . nothing is wrong. Not when your Lord Dio is beside you, gifting you with his presence, touching you even in the smallest amount.
“N-no,” you say, after a moment, your voice very soft. “Only--”
“Hmm?” The hand on your head moves, stroking over the soft curve of your cheek to prick his nail into your chin and tip your face up. Your eyes meet his, golden and indulgent – he is always indulgent of you. You are his pampered little pet, and whilst some other occupants of the mansion may rush about and twist their faces into grimace and do all kinds of little chores and odd jobs, your only purpose is to please and amuse Lord Dio.
It is a purpose that you fulfil with great relish.
“You can tell me,” he says, voice soft velvet, comforting like an embrace. “I’ll do anything I can to make you more comfortable, pet.”
The caress of his voice on the soft, fond name makes you press your thighs together in need, reminding you of all of the other times he’s whispered sweet things to you when his fingers or cock have been buried to the hilt inside of you and he’s brought you past your peak over and over again, benevolent in giving you pleasure for he knows that at the end of the night it will be him who has the final gratification.
“It’s just . . . warm,” you say, your cheeks flushing even hotter.
Dio’s golden eyes stay locked on you, but you see the corners crinkle with mirth, the lightest tilt of his carefully painted lips. You are permitted to do that for him, sometimes – your face close to his, your teeth biting into your bottom lip in concentration as you coat every contour of his mouth.
“Oh,” he says. His fingertips move from your chin to brush over your neck, your collarbone – you lean into the touch instinctually again, both because of who it is before you and to chase the coldness of his undead, alabaster skin. “I can help with that, can’t I?”
“I-I would never dream of asking you, my Lord,” you whisper, your eyes widening in case he takes your carefully worded complaint against the air of Egypt as a complaint against him. He’s amused by your attempt; the hand jangling with thick golden bangles moves to grip your upper arm.
“You need not be afraid to make requests of me when I have so much I can give you,” he says, and the words send another bolt of heat through you as he uses his strength to tug you up. “I know that you’re aware my devotion to you comes at the price of your obedience – and I know, too, that you’re a well-trained little pet, hmm?”
“Y-yes, my Lord.”
Your feet are warm on the stone beneath them. The candlelight plays tricks on your body and coverings, showing the curves of your form beneath the sheer, expensive fabrics. Dio’s eyes drink in every inch of you with pleasure that he does not even attempt to hide.
That’s what you are there for, after all – not just a pretty, obedient little pet, but a treasure and an ornament he can enjoy looking at in whichever ways he pleases. If he asked you to rip out your own heart and hold it for him so he may see it, you would stand stock-still as a statue until your last breath forced you to the ground.
“Good,” he’s amused, still. “I see how you bend into my touch. Is my skin a comfort to you, little morsel?”
You nod, biting your lip again. You know what Dio is – you know his skin is marble-cool and chiselled because he is not alive. You ought to be afraid of him, perhaps – but you are hypnotised by his pretty words and the his power, the flex of his muscle when he holds you against him, the whispers of what kind of world he will make for himself and how he wants to have you by his side on your knees always.
“Cool?” He asks, humming, as they brush again over your heated cheeks. “Do you think, perhaps, you would be contented to nestle against me on my lap?”
You sigh at the thought of it – cheek against his chest, big arms and hands holding you in place, the coldness of his skin like a soothing balm.
“I would be honoured, my Lord.”
“Good pet,” He says, and he brushes his thumb over your lips. You open your mouth without thinking, and are rewarded with an emerald-tinted smirk. “Just one condition, yes? I know you’ll be anxious to please me.”
“Of course,” you say, wide-eyed.
Lazily, he reaches for his lower half, fingers expertly undoing the buttons and catches of his complicated outfit. Your mouth goes dry as he pulls out his cock without fanfare, and you see he is already hard. Your body gives another full-length throb that you feel pounding inside you like a heartbeat – you are intimately familiar with this part of Dio’s anatomy. You know what he likes, how he feels, the twitch of it inside you – all by heart.
“You say you’re hot, hmm? The air . . . oppressive. Skin sticky.” Those eyes rake all over you again, and you know he must see the beading of sweat on your forehead, the way your hands dig into palms – the glaze of your eyes as you watch him languidly wrap his big fingers around his cock, pumping the shaft. The slick noise makes your toes curl and your heart skip a beat. “I, however . . . I find myself rather cold, tonight.”
“I’m sorry, my Lord,” you say, through the dryness in your throat. You can barely think. Lord Dio has trained you to see his cock and want nothing more than to have it inside you by any means necessary. “M-may I be of any assistance?”
“Oh, good pet,” he breathes, rubbing his thumb over the tip, where his slit is beading shining pre-come. Your servile devotion, the deferential compliance . . . nothing quite hits him in the same way. “I rather think you might be. Come here.”
He crooks his finger to you, petting his knee with the hand not currently wrapped around his leaking cock. You are smaller than him – as anybody is – and it takes you a moment to manage to perch there. You can already feel the coolness of his thigh leaking through, comforting the warmth of your flesh.
“You won’t need these, hmm?” He hooks a finger into one piece of the fabric that’s covering your body, and lets it flutter to the floor, baring your form to his hungry eyes. You feel radiant under his gaze – at once unworthy, and worshipped. It’s a heady rush, knowing that he’s looking at you and wanting you. There is nothing that quite compares to knowing you are wanted by a God.
You eagerly bend into how he wants you, spreading your thighs wide, straddling him as best you can though the muscle that clings to every line of his body means your legs are stretched in a ‘v’ that is almost painful.
Dio chuckles at you, bringing a hand up to cup your sex. You start at the cool fingers on the very hottest part of you, where you are all slickness and fire. His thumb and forefinger open the plump lips of your labia so he can drink in the sight of you – the swollen nub of your clit, nestled like a pearl in an oyster. The pulsating ring of your entrance, so hungry for something inside of it – and so small that every time Dio looks at it, he wonders how you manage to take him so well.
“You want me too,” he says, and it is not a question but you nod your head frantically even so. The way that he is studying you like a beautiful piece of art is serving to do nothing but make you feel needier to press your body against him in its entirety. How could anyone not want him?
“You’re sweet,” he tells you – and then, he moves his hips just so and the tip of his cock catches against your entrance. Your fingers flex onto his shoulders immediately, by instinct – the ache and stretch of yourself around him momentarily all-consuming. He lets out a soft laugh. “You can hold on,” he murmurs, all soft, as he continues inexorably sheathing himself inside of you, inch by glorious inch. You’re slick from both sweat and desire (Dio could say your name across a crowded room and your body, you know, would react) – but that does not stop the fact that his cock could break you in half, if he wanted it to.
“M-my Lord,” you say, breathlessly, syllables forming and breaking in your throat. “S-so big--”
“Mm,” he says, another torturous inch sinking inside you. “And you, so small and soft . . .”
Your cheeks heat up under the way he says ‘soft’, the rub of his thumb over the plush of your thighs. You are all softness against him indeed – his own stiff body, all cold strength and sinew, in direct opposition to you. Dio never seems to be able to get enough of your body even so; claws and mouth and cock brushing against you, murmuring sweet things, holding and squeezing and enjoying the sight of fingers sinking into flesh.
He hilts his cock inside you, the hand on your thigh once more moving to gently push on your stomach, where his cock is distending the flesh slightly. There’s a smug undercurrent to the way he does it – reacting with unhidden amusement at the little jerk of pleasure you give, to feel him so fully buried inside you.
“You may rest against me,” he tells you – and you do not need to be told again. You shift awkwardly, the feel of his cock inside you not exactly alien, but uncomfortable when you wish to press your cheek against his chest and wrap your arms about his neck in order to feel his cool flesh give you some relief. Dio sighs as you do so, relaxing back into the chair. “There. Now . . . hmm. I have other things to attend to. Pretty thing, You’ll be good and stay here keeping my cock warm, won’t you?”
He does not need to wait for the whisper of assent that you breathe against the scar on his neck. He knows exactly what your answer will be.
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secretsniper2 · 3 years
Late for Class..
“Im going to be late! Again! Why cant I wake up on time, stupid alarm clock, Im breaking it when I get home I swear!”
Its my usual response really, but I already know full well why I stay up so late, last night I tried to cum for 4 hours before I finally gave up and went to sleep, I just cant seem to manage a single orgasm, all I do is edge and make the throbbing worse! What's wrong with me? I was in such a rush Im only wearing a Simple plaid skirt with pink panties and thin white top with a poorly chosen black bra that shows clearly through my even poorer choice of top, tight 3 inch boots on my legs, A single tear flies off my eye as I rush to the station, I don't want to miss my train today or I really will be late for class.
Dashing through the station, my long brown hair flowing behind me as I make my way to the platform, Its packed, Ill be lucky to get a seat, odds are ill be standing today but at least I made it in time, “Might make it to classes after all.” I think to myself with a smile. Train arrives and I brace for the rush, and as the doors open Im pushed by other commuters into the train and soon enough were all packed in like sardines, barely room to myself I notice that Im being pushed up into someone larger than most in this carriage. He is tall, 2 full heads taller than me, Brown hair and large beard, his green eyes looking down and not just into my own green eyes, but seemingly through them, staring at me harder than any other has before.
The people everywhere still fighting for more space pushes me further into this man as our eyes still locked onto each other as my chest presses into his and i can feel my nipples starting to get harder under my bra, Im still aroused from my poorly timed marathon last night and this man seems to have figured my arousal out, his arm moves around me and pulls me even closer as his other arm moves between us and touches my stomach with his big warm hands. 
Still locking eyes with me my mouth opens slightly as I feel his hand begin to slide down my leg and twist up my skirt, fingers crazing my slick thighs, and moments later caressing them, his fingers are being coated in my shame from last night. Sliding up my juice coated thighs his hand continues up till he cups my sex, Im soaked, dripping and desperately needy, moaning instantly into the gaze of this man the second he touched my pussy, my thin pink panties might as well not even be there since I soaked them through completely as his hands were trailing up my thighs before he even touched my wet sex.
A finger peels my useless panties off my pussy as I feel 2 fingers touch my clit and begin to rub, forcing louder moans as I break eye contact as his other hand, which had been holding me closer launches over my mouth and silences me before anyone could take notice to the moan, good think too as his massaging of my clit is making me moan harder and harder without stopping and it only took this man 12 seconds to bring me to a solid edge, it takes me much longer to get my edging started but this man.. 
Another edge hits as his fingers rub around my labia as he scratches at my clit constantly, dragging fresh moans from my face I feel him pushing a thick finger into my pussy slightly, seeming to test my pussy, its a tight fit, he knows Im a virgin now for sure, only a virgin is this tight to a single finger and I close my eyes as the idea of being raped on this crowded train as my first time slaps me with a edge on its own..
The movements of the train barely phase this man as his hand remains locked to my soaked pussy, his finger curled under pressing a knuckle into my nervous hole as his fingertip flicks at my clit, Im being overloaded, its far more intense than what iv ever done to myself and this man has only been in sexual contact with me for little over a minute and iv edged 4 times now.. 5 times now, his finger wont stop scratching at my clit, while his remaining fingers massage my labia from the base of my pussy to where my clit sits, Im being tortured and no one here is aware because a small girl is being gagged by a hand!
Constant stimulation has reduced my pussy to a source of ever flowing juices as my inner thighs are soaked down to my knees, if my boots weren't nice and tight id likely be standing on my toes in boots filled with proof of my arousal, thankfully they remain tight and my feet are dry inside though Im still being edged while standing on my toes almost making my legs give out beneath me. My juices flowing down my boots and pooling between my feet and the streams on my legs and the constant droplets from the mans hand keep expanding my puddle of need! I hate how turned on I am!
Pulling up to a station at last, I have 4 stops till I get to mine as I look back into this mans eyes, he still staring down, studying my expression and face as his other hand raises from my hand and a finger pushes past my lips and I instantly begin to swirl my tongue around it, I cant stop myself at this point as I suck hard on the finger rubbing my tongue as I moan in bliss as i hit edge after edge, as my head starts to shift back and forth, Im now giving this finger a blowjob and I cant stop myself, Im being swallowed in pleasure.
Another station and I slam into my 15th edge, my mind is in a haze as I drool as my head bobs back and forth on his finger with enthusiasm Im embarrassed Im showing someone who is essentially drugging me with my own arousal! My eyes unfocused as I feel his gaze still burning onto my face as my head drones on his finger, tongue working the underside of his finger as the suction Im giving is pulling my cheeks in on the draw back, my clit being rubbed to another mind breaking edge as we pull into another station and more people leave and enter the train. 2 stops to go, if I can even bring myself to go by then! And as i get to another edge the man leans in, removes his finger and locks his lips to mine, his tongue launching in and kissing me deeply, his saliva covered hand moving behind my head holding me in his kiss.
Making out with this man in brought to another edge quickly followed by another edge as the kiss goes in I melt into this man, legs going limp as I slam into another edge, my eyes fluttering as the man releases my mouth from his probing kiss as his finger drives back in and pulls against my jaw so Im forced to look back as he draws my focus as he pinches my clit before removing his pussy scented hand and licking his glossy fingers. Doors open and Im immediately pulled from the train, 1 stop early but the man doesn't care, his hand behind my head had lowered to my waist when the door had opened as he leads me out the train and through the station.
Walking out to the street the man directs me to the parking lot and a large van unlocks as we approach, I slow my pace but am met with a strong arm still wrapped around me as Im almost dragged to his van. Opening the side door I look around, 1 single seat with multiple bolts around the van, Pushing me into the seat Im quickly tied to the seat as i sit open mouthed in shock, the situation still not beating out my haze completely. Opening my mouth to voice something, anything, a cry for help, a plea for my safety, but as my mouth opens a finger dives in, its the same finger that was rubbing my throbbing clit earlier, I can taste my pussy on his fingers, smell the pure need I left on him.
“You don't say a fucking word, understood?” The man growls with a deep voice, echoing in my head I nod pathetically as his finger withdraws and a ring gag is pushed into my still open mouth, ensuring that my mouth stays open as drool quickly starts to pool in my mouth and flow through my ring and onto my thin white shirt.
Hopping in the drivers seat the man starts the van and we go for a drive, I cant see much outside the front windshield as the interior has been covered in padding to keep any silly screams for help between us 2 in the van. Tears start to form in my eyes as the man looks in the mirror and sees me dead centre of his view, he raises a remote and presses it and I jump in my bondage, my seat is vibrating! its formed in such a way my entire pussy is resting on a new vibrating pad, Im being forced to ride a vibrator while the man continues to drive, chuckling as I moan aloud, drool flowing onto my covered chest, the thin top soaking and sticking to me it almost fades when wet so it looks like Im not even wearing a shirt now!
10 minutes? 20? I don't know, the haze has returned as Im forced into more edges, and hearing a occasional chuckle I know when the man looks at me in his mirror as I lazily look around the van or up to meet his gaze when he drinks in my situation, was this all planned by him or was my abduction a spur of the moment thing? I don't know, and I cant ask with this ring in my mouth, only moan as I hit another edge and drool onto my generous breasts.
Pulling into a alleyway the man shuffles back and grabs my phone, Asking for the password i have little choice but to give him access and he starts going through my personal info, Smiling as he reads 1 of my bank statements.
“Looks like your going to be in debt a while Anna!” He says with a smile forcing a pathetic growl from my open mouth.
Reading my phones diary he goes into my private notes and laughs out loud and I hear him say the diary title “Orgasm Attempts” and my face burns red, Never having experienced a orgasm in my life for some unknown reason and now this man knows and I cant stop him!
“Lets run a test then! since were already in a nice place!” He says as Im untied from the still vibrating seat and the door is opened, thrown out of the van I notice Im not even in the city we took the train to, he's taken me somewhere I don't know! As the man follows he grabs my arm and lifts me up casually and spins me around and pushes my face against the alley wall, Hearing a zipper open i start resisting in earnest and Im rewarded for my resistance by hearing rapid clicking and something cold wrapping around my wrist, having my arm pulled behind my back then more cold clicking on my other wrist..
Iv been handcuffed! I cant push off the wall, I cant push him away! Im as helpless as a child and can do about as much as 1. Feeling my skirt get raised up and tucked into itself my ass is on display, pink thong parting my firm cheeks as he runs a thick finger down the band and pulls my thin layer of fabric and only cover aside and a monstrous pressure hits my asshole, his cock is lined up and my butt is about to take a beating. With ring gag still in my mouth i bite down as pain flows through me, my tight ass has only ever had small plugs and occasional finger enter but now Im taking a 4 finger thick rod in my ass my eyes are watering fast!
Blinking back tears as a moan scream combo rushes out as he thrusts hard and slams into me, his balls slapping my soaked pussy as Im impaled by a solid dry cock, and to my shame I hot another edge as he bottomed out, pulling back drew out another sound, I felt like i would throw up when he quickly thrust back in, raping my tight ass in a alleyway where anyone could see us, as his balls continue slapping my cunt as im fucked harshly to another edge. 
Im crying out, the first thrust was excruciating, the following 5 were horrendously painful but now Im feeling pleasure, Im being raped and Im starting to moan as he works me over with his cock, his thrusting speeding up and I know what's coming next, and Who is cumming next since its never been me in my life! Heat bursts into my tight, freshly deflowered ass, feeling hot like lava I cry out as I edge as Im filled, my pussy drooling with need and unfulfilled pleasure as my ass takes his cum all the way inside me, his balls tensing as he pumps more and more cum inside.
Spinning me around and pushing me into the van once again the man rummages around while I lay there, spasming with a full ass and desperate cunt, I feel something press into my ass again and it slides in easily, too easily to be his cock.. Its a plug! my ass has been filled with his cum and is now being plugged to keep me full! why would this man plug me? I turn to get my answer but hes already pushed me into the van and hops in after me, his hard cock swinging between his legs. It felt massive in my ass but its not as big as i thought, definitely larger than average by a full 2 sizes it isnt a monster to break me with, thankfully since if it was any bigger my ass would have torn for sure!
Mouth still open and drool flowing out and stuck to my face and hair he pulls me forward and my mouth lands right where he wants me to land, with my hands cuffed behind my back I cant stop or slow my fall as his entire length, which would go from my elbow to my wrist is now passing the ring and my throat parts as my momentum causes me to deepthroat him right at the start, my tongue thrashing around on the cock in my mouth, his tip in my throat I gag painfully but helplessly. I feel his hand run through my hair as I continue to swallow his cock in a long dive down, he grips my hair at the base and pulls me up and almost entirely off.
Im coughing painfully instantly as he then releases my head and I drop once again to the base of his cock and then once again having my head grabbed by his hand at the base of my hair he then begins to use my head as a fleshlight, a toy I cant avoid being used as at this point, my mouth being full of his cock and before too long Im pushed to the base, his length in my throat as i feel his balls tensing and Im rewarded for my unwilling blowjob with a stomach full of cum being pumped in my throat. Being bulled off his still rigid cock a dildo gag is pushed in my mouth and locked in, Im being forced to deepthroat another cock, at least this 1 cant cum...
Securing me to my seat Im once again sitting with my pussy firmly planted on the vibrating pad, and in seemingly no time at all Im forced to the edge once again, my haze ever present, iv been drowning in pleasure since I woke up, and this mans actions have shaken me, even when used by someone else I really cant cu, I tear up at that realization as we drive off yet again. My view limited again after another 20 or so minute drive with another 30 or so edges Im far beyond any daily edge count iv had before, pulling up to a random alley once again Im untied and the gags are removed from my mouth.
“See you on the train tomorrow.” The man says as Im pushed from the van and he drives away, Spit covered shirt with black bra still visible and my skirt still tucked in exposing pushed aside panties and bald bare pussy and thick plug in my ass I return everything to its usual place then look around to get my bearings. Im a block away from my Uni, a few hours late for sure and no longer caring for the class I clearly missed I might as well just go home, but ill need a new shirt before I go since this shirt is barely a shirt now.
Dashing into a clothes store and a few minutes later leaving in a cheap shirt with my soaked shirt in a bag I leave for the station I intended to reach far earlier today, Hopping on a train and start my hopefully peaceful trip back home I sit in a vacant seat and relax, my ass clenching on the plug he left in me and I know the second I remove it ill be spilling cum everywhere so Ill have to choose a more secluded place, Glancing up my eyes widen and I see him, Sitting on the other end of the carriage, green eyes trained on mine as he sits, and waits unmoving.
5 Stops then its mine and I watch him carefully, Is he planning on assaulting another girl like he did me? Why cant I bring myself to call him out? 4 stops remaining. I should hit him or kick him, he raped me and even plugged my throbbing ass! 3 stops remaining. I should tell someone, there are girls all over this train and they would help me right? 2 stops remaining. Whatever he does ill stop him, I cant let what happened to me happen so someone else.. even though they get his.. cock and get to cum.. why couldn't I cum? why cant I ever cum? 1 stop remaining. Sitting in my seat my hand idly slides under my skirt, my wet shirts bag hiding my action as I begin rubbing my still throbbing clit to another edge, “I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!” i think over and over in my head as my finger traces circles around my slick clit and another edge until.
Doors open and I jump up, the man following suit, I step off the train onto my station and the man does the same on the other end of the carriage.. What's his game? I cant go home if hes following me, I don't want this man knowing where I live! But what choice do I have here, If I don't go home and he follows me I could be in real trouble, in my own home town..
I take off running from the man who only walks after me, Its 5 blocks of zig zagging and a lot of looking back but I loose him quickly. “cant keep up if all you do is walk!” I think to myself as I unlock my front door, enter than lock everything I can lock to secure my home and I take a deep breath, Windows and doors all locked I take another breath, my ass throbbing after running while plugged like this I retreat to the shower and work the plug out. The second it comes out the cum follows, “he really filled me” I think as i turn the shower on, taking my clothes off to clean myself up.
Getting changed I don't feel very hungry.. considering the “Meal” I had earlier I just go to bed early, Resting my throbbing ass is all I need to focus on and that needs sleep.
Tossing and turning in a light sleep, the scenes from today keep replaying in my head, the arousal, the amount of edges I was forced to experience, the taste of his cum on my tongue, the pleasure.. it felt good, I cant lie about that much. Feeling the bed shift i simply readjust in my bed when a hand presses on my mouth. My eyes shoot open as Im staring back into those same green eyes..
With his other hand pulling my initially fresh and dry panties off my body, my imagination replaying the events from earlier soaking them thoroughly he grabs my leg and raises it high, his cock once again levelled with me he rubs it over my soaking pussy and thrusts a few times, coating his cock in my shame he aims once again for my tight recently emptied ass and pushes hard.
“Nice home you have here” He says in his deep voice as he pulls my raised leg back and so pulling me further onto his cock. “I think ill stay a while, show you a few fun things, teach you a few other things” He says with a smile as he thrusts hard and I feel his cock drive deep once again. “Tomorrow Im going to feed you a refreshing cum cocktail, you'll learn to love it, or not, its all you'll be drinking from now on anyway!” He laughs! My pleasure at its peak my mind cant believe whats going on, I black out in a mix of fear, pleasure and shock. I think Im going to miss my next few classes too..
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