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candiceaking · 5 years ago
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Another batch of these #fudgy #mint #chocolate #cookies are off to #bake . This girl is in her happy place.😁 . #bakingagain #morecookies #yumyum #mintchocolate #thisgirl #happyplace #imapenguin #baking #itsmyigloo #lol #fightclub 👊.👊.👊 #fightclubreferences #tylerdurden #sorry #itwasthe #happyplacereference #mymindwanders #lol #thankyoucolorado #coloradosprings #gardenofthegods #stetsonhills #baker #homebakery #smallbusiness #lovecrumbcottage (at Colorado Springs, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hNwv5JOjH/?igshid=1kac0q8h1b9vg
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awkward-toshinori · 6 years ago
Ah the cute is powerful #toebeans #notmyartwish,itwasthou #givecredittotherealartist
— (this is the only time I’ll be posting submitted art, I mean you should better off mention me and I’l   rb it but this is the first and only time. Though if someone knows the artist, please let me know
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
9-10years ago iwas pretty desperate after then the tenth year of badmolests and ha rms eu court dismissed nohumanrigthsviolatiosnobvious andit seemed a very bad path a head but truth is itwasthe worst mistake ofmylife and lowest point why wallow in i t ishouldve isntead charged these intelcriminalmonsters tenyears sooner than then
9-10years ago iwas pretty desperate after then the tenth year of badmolests and ha rms eu court dismissed nohumanrigthsviolatiosnobvious andit seemed a very bad path a head but truth is itwasthe worst mistake ofmylife and lowest point why wallow in i t ishouldve isntead charged these intelcriminalmonsters tenyears sooner than then
9-10years ago iwas pretty desperate after then the tenth year of badmolests and harms eu court dismissed nohumanrigthsviolatiosnobvious andit seemed a very bad path ahead but truth is itwasthe worst mistake ofmylife and lowest point why wallow in it ishouldve isntead charged these intelcriminalmonsters tenyears sooner than then so iknow how desperate humans can get but its the worstmistake…
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loveisglowings · 7 years ago
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catboysalmon · 5 years ago
I'm in a singing mood!!
Just let us adooooore youuu~~
So hold on tight and pull me close, YOURE MY HE-RO~!
So slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep, feel the morning through the blinds!!
I say hey, I'll be gone today, but I've been back from around the way, seems like everywhere I go, the more I see, the less I know
And if you werent so stupid, I could have loved you!!
Wine and women and, wonderful vices, welcome to the cult of, DIONYSUS,
Why do ya build me up, buttercup, baby, just to let me down, and mess me around and then worst of all, you never call baby when you say you will, but I love you still!!!
Daaance wwith me, baby!
Can I say something crazy- I love you! Gimme both your hands, gimme both your hands~!
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
iiiiiiiiiii e a r n e d my f o r t u ne a g a i n s t these c o c k rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r ro a c h e s this here os bheca use they f r au d and quell an d fraud somemore because they can usd their corrupt security system to fr aud and quell forever becausethey got away usually and withsomuchworse usual ly itis a devious criminal intelshithole swamp that w ill a l w a y s try a n y t h i n g and beat whats right with sowhat  another letter another email sowhat replacethephone ignoreit braincookit sowha t as the recent 20years and feel superior toyou the underhuman ///// foolmess 645am  7am is /// if hostiles areonthecase use the chance l etsgetus someansweers thereis absolutelyno reason why these criminaal cockroa chgerman sshould getaway forfreewhenweknow whotheyare thereis absoltuelynor easonthey shouidlgetaway for freee becausetheyre the local criminal swamp gover nment committing these crimes usually causingthemesss usually playontime adding harm playing plausibel deniability letsgetus answers and jailem /// this system is criminal they causethismess and gme willalways game for fraud it a s dayfool they are guilty liable daytimecharged causing accomplcie ofthe e quallyguilt liable daytiemcharged german government idont c a r e w h at t he y bastard trick or howthey think im fraudable forever who went tojailforthism ess  the harms a n d the criminal s olutions ////// dentist oncase 6am+-30? //// couldwe reward people earlier taht triedtodotherightthing  icannot know butyoucan somebrave souls so tried toavert the worst the system usually dooms the scums and brave is f orgotten andor them equalised to scums then later in moronish aeh-ppppppppppend ulum shitballs or aeh-lllllllllllakmustest shitballs because the goal is q uell  control control not justice or whos right and wrong and scums the go al is thatthey killeachother equalised then quellboth sowhat andifnot wa ititout to burn out like a dumpsterfire then hitwhoevers left whyever whatever this shows some helplessness of then_system probably but theywere just as b ad and mengele s as mostofthescums then-system  //// find and track xrayb eamtricks too itwas so miraclesafe allday reward those that made safety alld ay theymaynotbe onsite anymore now?! // footaimed 420 is /// jailassmoels ter enforceprevention minors srescue /// lawyers allthismess is becau se germans avert immunisation to quelltheir crimes to quell controlivnentions serotolerance with cockroaches they host thatthcase dies nothing else theg erman govt +controlaccomplice did they shuffled proxies and stigmas and deco yed  and played plausible deniability  and quelled selfhelp headimpact is brief lowerdecks of fools they use thatit iiiiis system caused botch that charging the authorities in the authorities is not hightreason a nd publishng a diary or whatthey did allalong neither it is exemplary compa redtoalltheir scums but itis a situation t h e m cause make and effort shuffling harm shuffling scums plausible deniabiltiy covered decoyed victimblamed brief thefools //// pathogen relelvant access 348 then  xray beamtrick murdertrick demystify soch ambercontrol cautionwith support  forinstance if thegermans use minors expo sed tothe stuff etc demystify cautionwithsupport enforce abit prevention /// whoever isnew shuffles murdertricmk pathogen and xraybeam maybe radar h eartaimed hips aimed /// irepaired and resold some blackberry smartphones f romstudy time on computing since im 15 its notmuchyoucando often  butitis multilayered complex problems absolutelynothing comes fromnothing  each twe ak each switch mustbe set and made and knowingly so inthefirstplace howdidt hegermans chicken around it and smartphonehobbies find xray murderer 220 +-5 //// pathogen relelvant access? ichecked the activity window of th e unused inert prepaid sim maybe it german i n s p i r e d them of an intelm urder again or sth they used that sim usually to smear transponder or hooker smear transponder because i got it and used it in  s t u d y time in mothersplace on visits once a month two days andor holidays fromsemesters itwasthe surfcard so it was guaranteed attacked by the suckers there use the  chance th at what they smear efforted then without anyone corre ctingthem huntingthem is what they  i n t e n d e d for years usethechance serobullshtiabotusmear findou t whattheydid witthe sim makesure its billionaire safe card astheother car ds allcards notjust sims and so thatevenwhenthey stealit replacephones its safe fromtheir tricks ///// this dump micromanaged eddge of existence may s tillbe neat to some tat is ok but important is that  the basis oftheir bulls hit is not a disciplined academic m a y b e smartie sensitive abit too iso lated but somekind of teen fool retard lunatic criminally insane berzerk hobo theymust rescue from his own doodoo or sth noticing aeh  s c e n t s   whenyou open the door in acase they filmed every single handwash inthe recen t 20years because it i s a new warcoma seconds in tune youdontneed some southafrican student mate girl wondering why my student chamber is so neat and bright and imlike ?!?!?!? that was morelike 2008 2009though itis abo ut the basic underlying thing itis not what doesnt killyou make you stronger or   aeh superhumans fooools thinkit thatway whenever it kicks biology me ntality biology the underlying base is what doesntkillyou makes you a cripple scars you for life often youshouldnt let that happen //// heart oned ge from suffocate trick by idiot or fool or minor that tests sth this is a m u r d e r t r i c ks  d a m a g e d heart do you morons understa nd  what that means whenyou moron suffocate poison trickery sth again 00 30 0035 and luckily cockroach drug poison and burden it slap the stuff outof the hand of moron or minor 0030 0035 rescue minor from cockroachdrugs e n f o r c e prevention ///// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundesrat @deutschland y ourenotyou themer onsite: das ist nicht das was ihr glaubt was das ist die u r s a c h e  fuer yourenot you sind  s c h w e r e    a  e n g s t e die werden immer schlimmer so ha ben  hundert  faelle j e m a l s  die das hatten aengste und schmerz mit so tun als sei man arnold schwartz enrampbo gehandhabt das selbser glaubend sicher d a s ist yourenot you der gestern so heute so scheiss ist e b e n f a l l s nich t yourenotyou sondern emotionale wracks die ihre emotionen nicht kontroll ieren ie manisch hoch euphorie zu zerrrrrrruettendstem tief depri innerha lb  kuerzester zeit emotionale wracks meist unter e x t r e m situationen ihr mischt esotherik und beide schwerste geisteskrankheiten in s e h r spaeten stufen der krankheite n und traumtaenzert das an einen stabilen zurecht wuetenden victimised veropferten zivilisten die unterentwickelten ist e b e n f a l l s nicht was ihr meint das es ist di e brutzeln  den zivilisten die vorderen hirnregionen die analyse und die ent wicklung damit sie k i n d l i c h kontrollierbare t o e l p e l unterschicht sind selbst wenn assis stress machen im amt brutzelt man die erstmal klamsig in der ruebe so la euft das bei solchen  weit verbreiteten hirnschaeden und k o n t r o l l tricks das n a e c h s t  b e s t e  stigma fuer tagzeit zu v erwenden ist geheimdienst methoden die typen mit zeitverlust sind vermutlich auf geheimdienst koma beutzte da muss ebenfalls  eine toelpel ta gzeit erklaerung fuerdie her und wegsperren als voellig uebergeschnappte aber das alles schwimmt auf einer riesigen  grube aus geheimdienst sche isse und die aerzte werden als privilegierte abhaengige dafuer benutzt s eit jahren ist das jetzt etwas klarer einemischung aus humbug hinterh alt und schwerverbechen mit geheimdienstlichen kontrollmethoden dass das schoen weiter geheimbleibt rettet eure yourenotyou geheimdienstverkorksten das wie humbug aber getrickst wurde  ist ebenfalls entlarvend (beispiel: we nn alle glauben jesus jemus sah so aus, muss das falsche leichentuch genauso aus sehen, wie allemeinen dass er aussah. sonst taugt die faelschung nix. stellt sich heraus jesus jemus war n kleiner dicker brauner zwerg mit arabisch afrikanis chen locken - entlarvt es das gefaelschte objekt, das nur dann verkaeuflich i st, wenn es dem entspricht, was alle glauben wie der aussah) I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOL E #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// det ox heroine andor eastern sexdrug rescueminors so fromthe stuff 0025 //// yourenotyou themer onsite: das ist nicht das was ihr glaubt was das ist die u r s a c h e  fuer yourenot you sind  s c h w e r e   a  e n g s t e die werden immer schlimmer so haben  hundert  faelle j e m a l s  die das hatten aengste und schmerz mit so tun als sei man arnold schwa rtzenrampbo gehandhabt das selbser glaubend sicher d a s ist yourenot you der gestern so heute so sc heiss ist e b e n f a l l s ni cht yourenotyou sondern emotionale wracks die ihre emotionen nicht kontr ollieren ie manisch hoch euphorie zu zerrrrrrruettendstem tief depri innerh alb  kuerzester zeit emotionale wracks meist unter e x t r e m situationen ihr mischt esotherik und beide schwerste geisteskrankheiten in s e h r spaeten stufen der krankh eiten und traumtaenzert das an einen stabilen zurecht wuetenden victim ised veropferten zivilisten die unterentwickelten ist e b e n f a l l s nicht was ihr meint das es ist die brutzeln  den zivilisten die vorderen hirnregionen die analyse und die entwicklung damit sie k i n d l i c h kontrollierba re t o e l p e l unterschicht sind selbst wenn assis stress machen im amt brutzelt man die erstmal klamsig in der ruebe so laeuft das bei solchen  weit verbreiteten hirnschaeden und k o n t r o l l tricks das n a e c h s t  b e s t e  stigma fuer tagzeit zu verwenden ist geheimdienst m ethoden die typen mit zeitverlust sind vermutlich auf geheimdienst koma be utzte da muss ebenfalls  eine toelpel tagzeit erklaerung fuerdie her und wegsperren als voellig uebergeschnappte aber das al les schwimmt auf einer riesigen  grube aus geheimdie nst scheisse und die aerzte werden als privilegierte abhaengige dafuer ben utzt seit jahren ist das jetzt etwas klarer einemischung aus humbug h interhalt und schwerverbechen mit geheimdienstlichen kontrollmethoden dass das schoen weiter geheimbleibt rettet euere yourenotyou geheimdienst verkorkst en ///// lawyers sero toleran ce with hooker smear they trythat with the only academic of family the sm artest of them the least social of them and on acase that is clearly intel botch intelbotch whilethey reinstalled barricades to commit more crimes sero tolerance with counter factuality layer2 cockroach germans effo rt alibis they need alibis because theyare daytime charged rapers that use int el methods to rape civillians they tried forinstance implied intel dependen cy relationships while they didnt even know the case they pretended yourenot yo u and anything howit got solved is no why was something sothey dont have t o gotojail this is factuality vs reinterpreted counterfactuality squeeze access fools moelst cockroaches 2135 2138 ididnt even join any bu nch even why should i they want tosteal my money and inventions since 2001 nap alm yoyos greatestmoments dvd is how them tried to monetise who is it who sthat intelguy this is howthem tried it hwothem tried to monetise it ido nt  c a r e what they told their minors during rape s why imon site and no oooo !!! he does what i want!!!! -kids insisting situations the facts arethe f acts //// whyis it so irrelevant howmany wesaved they shuffle scums or c lowns and allgood doesntmatter itgets better rescue all on the brink youn ever know whatthey can and will later and even if not it is the rightest thin g todo e v e r honor those that do rescue all onthe brink and those that never want orget anythingback from it evenmore so //// yeey level12 fr eudsudoku solved //// @all @world @bbc_whys hooooooooow????many? didwe save? w h e e e e e e e e e e e ee e y !!!!!!!! I am Christia n KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss ///// all wallowing in howit was are welcome allthat try to add harm today with wal lowing in personal matters or reinterpret  are not welcome youcanseee howba dit was allalong but to some its   aeh super-king or sth from 19years ago aslong as it harms today thereis no hiding this past is shining against thei r crimes this is where good was and brightwas in messes  t h e m made / //// the germans shuffle murder tricks foryears lookat medifile they shuffle l ockaway as nut it quellit tricks lookat the mess 2015on  they dont w a n t that i have a job or sth they dodge fringe quell kill and sexual assault wi th minors with stigmas and alibis quell selfhelp make it seem as typical f or zersetzung blackballing how mysteriously unable to exist youare as allofthem were theydidthis with and shuffle more harms anything that nut corners  that they are guilty liable causing charged thatitis not safe allalong anythingthat nutcorners or fringes aspervert or fool a ctually helps //// poison detox demystify mix an d accesser around morbido sickos and or recent hour / /// mmit e t w a s mehr gluec k schiesst ihr auf  amis und russ en d a n n kriegt ihr erstmal den arsch voll mehr als verdient so gruendlichst //// theme  : ominoes wergab den bef ehl: : nein. wer muss euch i r g e n d w a s lassen? ihr spielt kommandokette fantasien fuer jemanden den ihr willkuerlich missb raucht schaedigt vernichten wolltet ihrseid verachtenswert mit etwas gl ueck glaubt ihr euere eigenepropaganda deutsches gesi ndel ///// murderer like buthane inhaler 1937 bombou tsqueeze think topic is deetyped intel terrorise into desperation that it solves itself tenyears ago is not a mental illness and damnsure not after early 2013 whenit was self fixed (as all mental issues/ a third heals self, a third too but with help, and a third is kickedout badly severely needing madhou se) and damnsure itis not an illness deedtyping poisongaser and chargingi t daytime thegermans shuffle harms they shuffle stigmas and try to di vert away that itis systemic intel harm allalong not safe allalong that they gamed hard for killit murderit it for fringe quell blacklist fri nge quell kill it shuffling harms shuffling stigmas shuffling decoys shufffling scums  we canplay whackamole withem but itis  s y s t e m cau sed ///// lawyers if germans try sth about the topic youwould game for makeemprooveit or st h they cant bo ohoo that isnot how we dothis we are truth them mingle onpersonal tr ajedies tenyears ago in an intelhell allknew them wallow in lowest point s to add harm today ifthey try sth that is the thing counterfactuality t oday to cover murder tricks today recentyears with anything remotely re- interpretable this is what we do keep the cockroachgerman cockroaches of fffffmy health offfmyhead offffmy life offffffmyass offffffffffffmy private m atters mercy always findout how rubbertittts weakening destroys muscles b y theme years ago  white cells and red cells mucle exchange iget extremely weak after the strenght asitis before as usually as why shouldit be weak bu t after the first timeframe its toooweak to anything shaky weak itis the r ubbertitts weakeningthat requires heart injection or youdie fromtricks onc emore template damamges offfmy health cockroachgermans ihate em //// murder trick suffocates headimpact and ehart rlelvant access bombemout 19 13 1916 squeeze these cockroaches find the murder trick the poison the germancure the german arbitrariy try sth the access suffocate on murder tricks predamamged heart what themdo is feel entitled about mingling onmy personal trajedies or sth or pretend them did sth peo ple fix themselves and goodwilling support that  but if youdont want  thereisnothing and noone that can save yu from yourself se ro tolerance with bullshit detox the germantricks 1915 +-5 they shuf fle stigmas and harm and mingle on personal trajedies and wallow in worst lowp oints of life to make problems today to add harm today why let em adamn //// thinktopic instore: german scums could i r e a l l y have charge d this hundred times from withthese germanscums icouldve charged this hundre d times as pointless endeavour but itis not  accurate  could i r e a l l y have chargedit hundred times r isked allmyrights to every single time  five six times then deeds year t odate the test theme instore is suicide test: fact is the germans terrorise d me the tenth year deedtyped in 2010 charged xmas2009 echr2800/10 the hell court mnaaaaah no humanrights violations are obvious goodluckwithyour furtherli fe after tenyears deedtype intelterror this was a bad hit so igot despera te late 2010 to depressed 2011 2012 studied anyway really low depressing poi nts about stoppingthe car and walk intosome truck but didnt so ifixedmyself and 2013 early it was solved the worst mistake ever inallmylife besides n ot caring enough formymother the twoworst worst worst mistakes allmylife t hese two mistakes 2013 on itwas fixed and not an issue  not even remoteliest noteven when allfamily died twice  ayear later that is 7-10years ago 8-11years ago in a couple of weeks the germans wallo w in personal pain and personal fails to  make prob lems now to make problems today to  a d d h a r m today itis a mistake to writeit so clearly avert any cockroach doom sicko s  o f f f f f f f f f f f ff f f ff f f f f f f f f f f f f the case they effort su icideweenie cover tricks to m u r d e r to m u r d e r with i n t e l murder tricks headimapcfter suffocater 1915squeeze allthat wallow mingle on personal things to add harm today try somet hing /// 3 headiampcts before store dreowsy badly trick deceit is suic ideweeneitrick orsth detox demystify 2 headimaptct s s so after bn py 1346 drowsy 1 lawyers  the germans damamvged allalong deedtyped because they act it wouldnt be so any damage from germans is the confirmation of thatguy pathology thatguy nutness thatguy granny retardness it r e m i n d s them then of aeh shado nsa bubolensis  bn py  1346 is I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + # INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
iiiiiiiiiii e a r n e d my f o r t u ne a g a i n s t these c o c k rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r ro a c h e s this here os bheca use they f r au d and quell an d fraud somemore because they can usd their corrupt security system to fr aud and quell forever becausethey got away usually and withsomuchworse usual ly itis a devious criminal intelshithole swamp that w ill a l w a y s try a n y t h i n g and beat whats right with sowhat  another letter another email sowhat replacethephone ignoreit braincookit sowha t as the recent 20years and feel superior toyou the underhuman ///// foolmess 645am  7am is /// if hostiles areonthecase use the chance l etsgetus someansweers thereis absolutelyno reason why these criminaal cockroa chgerman sshould getaway forfreewhenweknow whotheyare thereis absoltuelynor easonthey shouidlgetaway for freee becausetheyre the local criminal swamp gover nment committing these crimes usually causingthemesss usually playontime adding harm playing plausibel deniability letsgetus answers and jailem /// this system is criminal they causethismess and gme willalways game for fraud it a s dayfool they are guilty liable daytimecharged causing accomplcie ofthe e quallyguilt liable daytiemcharged german government idont c a r e w h at t he y bastard trick or howthey think im fraudable forever who went tojailforthism ess  the harms a n d the criminal s olutions ////// dentist oncase 6am+-30? //// couldwe reward people earlier taht triedtodotherightthing  icannot know butyoucan somebrave souls so tried toavert the worst the system usually dooms the scums and brave is f orgotten andor them equalised to scums then later in moronish aeh-ppppppppppend ulum shitballs or aeh-lllllllllllakmustest shitballs because the goal is q uell  control control not justice or whos right and wrong and scums the go al is thatthey killeachother equalised then quellboth sowhat andifnot wa ititout to burn out like a dumpsterfire then hitwhoevers left whyever whatever this shows some helplessness of then_system probably but theywere just as b ad and mengele s as mostofthescums then-system  //// find and track xrayb eamtricks too itwas so miraclesafe allday reward those that made safety alld ay theymaynotbe onsite anymore now?! // footaimed 420 is /// jailassmoels ter enforceprevention minors srescue /// lawyers allthismess is becau se germans avert immunisation to quelltheir crimes to quell controlivnentions serotolerance with cockroaches they host thatthcase dies nothing else theg erman govt +controlaccomplice did they shuffled proxies and stigmas and deco yed  and played plausible deniability  and quelled selfhelp headimpact is brief lowerdecks of fools they use thatit iiiiis system caused botch that charging the authorities in the authorities is not hightreason a nd publishng a diary or whatthey did allalong neither it is exemplary compa redtoalltheir scums but itis a situation t h e m cause make and effort shuffling harm shuffling scums plausible deniabiltiy covered decoyed victimblamed brief thefools //// pathogen relelvant access 348 then  xray beamtrick murdertrick demystify soch ambercontrol cautionwith support  forinstance if thegermans use minors expo sed tothe stuff etc demystify cautionwithsupport enforce abit prevention /// whoever isnew shuffles murdertricmk pathogen and xraybeam maybe radar h eartaimed hips aimed /// irepaired and resold some blackberry smartphones f romstudy time on computing since im 15 its notmuchyoucando often  butitis multilayered complex problems absolutelynothing comes fromnothing  each twe ak each switch mustbe set and made and knowingly so inthefirstplace howdidt hegermans chicken around it and smartphonehobbies find xray murderer 220 +-5 //// pathogen relelvant access? ichecked the activity window of th e unused inert prepaid sim maybe it german i n s p i r e d them of an intelm urder again or sth they used that sim usually to smear transponder or hooker smear transponder because i got it and used it in  s t u d y time in mothersplace on visits once a month two days andor holidays fromsemesters itwasthe surfcard so it was guaranteed attacked by the suckers there use the  chance th at what they smear efforted then without anyone corre ctingthem huntingthem is what they  i n t e n d e d for years usethechance serobullshtiabotusmear findou t whattheydid witthe sim makesure its billionaire safe card astheother car ds allcards notjust sims and so thatevenwhenthey stealit replacephones its safe fromtheir tricks ///// this dump micromanaged eddge of existence may s tillbe neat to some tat is ok but important is that  the basis oftheir bulls hit is not a disciplined academic m a y b e smartie sensitive abit too iso lated but somekind of teen fool retard lunatic criminally insane berzerk hobo theymust rescue from his own doodoo or sth noticing aeh  s c e n t s   whenyou open the door in acase they filmed every single handwash inthe recen t 20years because it i s a new warcoma seconds in tune youdontneed some southafrican student mate girl wondering why my student chamber is so neat and bright and imlike ?!?!?!? that was morelike 2008 2009though itis abo ut the basic underlying thing itis not what doesnt killyou make you stronger or   aeh superhumans fooools thinkit thatway whenever it kicks biology me ntality biology the underlying base is what doesntkillyou makes you a cripple scars you for life often youshouldnt let that happen //// heart oned ge from suffocate trick by idiot or fool or minor that tests sth this is a m u r d e r t r i c ks  d a m a g e d heart do you morons understa nd  what that means whenyou moron suffocate poison trickery sth again 00 30 0035 and luckily cockroach drug poison and burden it slap the stuff outof the hand of moron or minor 0030 0035 rescue minor from cockroachdrugs e n f o r c e prevention ///// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundesrat @deutschland y ourenotyou themer onsite: das ist nicht das was ihr glaubt was das ist die u r s a c h e  fuer yourenot you sind  s c h w e r e    a  e n g s t e die werden immer schlimmer so ha ben  hundert  faelle j e m a l s  die das hatten aengste und schmerz mit so tun als sei man arnold schwartz enrampbo gehandhabt das selbser glaubend sicher d a s ist yourenot you der gestern so heute so scheiss ist e b e n f a l l s nich t yourenotyou sondern emotionale wracks die ihre emotionen nicht kontroll ieren ie manisch hoch euphorie zu zerrrrrrruettendstem tief depri innerha lb  kuerzester zeit emotionale wracks meist unter e x t r e m situationen ihr mischt esotherik und beide schwerste geisteskrankheiten in s e h r spaeten stufen der krankheite n und traumtaenzert das an einen stabilen zurecht wuetenden victimised veropferten zivilisten die unterentwickelten ist e b e n f a l l s nicht was ihr meint das es ist di e brutzeln  den zivilisten die vorderen hirnregionen die analyse und die ent wicklung damit sie k i n d l i c h kontrollierbare t o e l p e l unterschicht sind selbst wenn assis stress machen im amt brutzelt man die erstmal klamsig in der ruebe so la euft das bei solchen  weit verbreiteten hirnschaeden und k o n t r o l l tricks das n a e c h s t  b e s t e  stigma fuer tagzeit zu v erwenden ist geheimdienst methoden die typen mit zeitverlust sind vermutlich auf geheimdienst koma beutzte da muss ebenfalls  eine toelpel ta gzeit erklaerung fuerdie her und wegsperren als voellig uebergeschnappte aber das alles schwimmt auf einer riesigen  grube aus geheimdienst sche isse und die aerzte werden als privilegierte abhaengige dafuer benutzt s eit jahren ist das jetzt etwas klarer einemischung aus humbug hinterh alt und schwerverbechen mit geheimdienstlichen kontrollmethoden dass das schoen weiter geheimbleibt rettet eure yourenotyou geheimdienstverkorksten das wie humbug aber getrickst wurde  ist ebenfalls entlarvend (beispiel: we nn alle glauben jesus jemus sah so aus, muss das falsche leichentuch genauso aus sehen, wie allemeinen dass er aussah. sonst taugt die faelschung nix. stellt sich heraus jesus jemus war n kleiner dicker brauner zwerg mit arabisch afrikanis chen locken – entlarvt es das gefaelschte objekt, das nur dann verkaeuflich i st, wenn es dem entspricht, was alle glauben wie der aussah) I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOL E #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// det ox heroine andor eastern sexdrug rescueminors so fromthe stuff 0025 //// yourenotyou themer onsite: das ist nicht das was ihr glaubt was das ist die u r s a c h e  fuer yourenot you sind  s c h w e r e   a  e n g s t e die werden immer schlimmer so haben  hundert  faelle j e m a l s  die das hatten aengste und schmerz mit so tun als sei man arnold schwa rtzenrampbo gehandhabt das selbser glaubend sicher d a s ist yourenot you der gestern so heute so sc heiss ist e b e n f a l l s ni cht yourenotyou sondern emotionale wracks die ihre emotionen nicht kontr ollieren ie manisch hoch euphorie zu zerrrrrrruettendstem tief depri innerh alb  kuerzester zeit emotionale wracks meist unter e x t r e m situationen ihr mischt esotherik und beide schwerste geisteskrankheiten in s e h r spaeten stufen der krankh eiten und traumtaenzert das an einen stabilen zurecht wuetenden victim ised veropferten zivilisten die unterentwickelten ist e b e n f a l l s nicht was ihr meint das es ist die brutzeln  den zivilisten die vorderen hirnregionen die analyse und die entwicklung damit sie k i n d l i c h kontrollierba re t o e l p e l unterschicht sind selbst wenn assis stress machen im amt brutzelt man die erstmal klamsig in der ruebe so laeuft das bei solchen  weit verbreiteten hirnschaeden und k o n t r o l l tricks das n a e c h s t  b e s t e  stigma fuer tagzeit zu verwenden ist geheimdienst m ethoden die typen mit zeitverlust sind vermutlich auf geheimdienst koma be utzte da muss ebenfalls  eine toelpel tagzeit erklaerung fuerdie her und wegsperren als voellig uebergeschnappte aber das al les schwimmt auf einer riesigen  grube aus geheimdie nst scheisse und die aerzte werden als privilegierte abhaengige dafuer ben utzt seit jahren ist das jetzt etwas klarer einemischung aus humbug h interhalt und schwerverbechen mit geheimdienstlichen kontrollmethoden dass das schoen weiter geheimbleibt rettet euere yourenotyou geheimdienst verkorkst en ///// lawyers sero toleran ce with hooker smear they trythat with the only academic of family the sm artest of them the least social of them and on acase that is clearly intel botch intelbotch whilethey reinstalled barricades to commit more crimes sero tolerance with counter factuality layer2 cockroach germans effo rt alibis they need alibis because theyare daytime charged rapers that use int el methods to rape civillians they tried forinstance implied intel dependen cy relationships while they didnt even know the case they pretended yourenot yo u and anything howit got solved is no why was something sothey dont have t o gotojail this is factuality vs reinterpreted counterfactuality squeeze access fools moelst cockroaches 2135 2138 ididnt even join any bu nch even why should i they want tosteal my money and inventions since 2001 nap alm yoyos greatestmoments dvd is how them tried to monetise who is it who sthat intelguy this is howthem tried it hwothem tried to monetise it ido nt  c a r e what they told their minors during rape s why imon site and no oooo !!! he does what i want!!!! -kids insisting situations the facts arethe f acts //// whyis it so irrelevant howmany wesaved they shuffle scums or c lowns and allgood doesntmatter itgets better rescue all on the brink youn ever know whatthey can and will later and even if not it is the rightest thin g todo e v e r honor those that do rescue all onthe brink and those that never want orget anythingback from it evenmore so //// yeey level12 fr eudsudoku solved //// @all @world @bbc_whys hooooooooow????many? didwe save? w h e e e e e e e e e e e ee e y !!!!!!!! I am Christia n KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss ///// all wallowing in howit was are welcome allthat try to add harm today with wal lowing in personal matters or reinterpret  are not welcome youcanseee howba dit was allalong but to some its   aeh super-king or sth from 19years ago aslong as it harms today thereis no hiding this past is shining against thei r crimes this is where good was and brightwas in messes  t h e m made / //// the germans shuffle murder tricks foryears lookat medifile they shuffle l ockaway as nut it quellit tricks lookat the mess 2015on  they dont w a n t that i have a job or sth they dodge fringe quell kill and sexual assault wi th minors with stigmas and alibis quell selfhelp make it seem as typical f or zersetzung blackballing how mysteriously unable to exist youare as allofthem were theydidthis with and shuffle more harms anything that nut corners  that they are guilty liable causing charged thatitis not safe allalong anythingthat nutcorners or fringes aspervert or fool a ctually helps //// poison detox demystify mix an d accesser around morbido sickos and or recent hour / /// mmit e t w a s mehr gluec k schiesst ihr auf  amis und russ en d a n n kriegt ihr erstmal den arsch voll mehr als verdient so gruendlichst //// theme  : ominoes wergab den bef ehl: : nein. wer muss euch i r g e n d w a s lassen? ihr spielt kommandokette fantasien fuer jemanden den ihr willkuerlich missb raucht schaedigt vernichten wolltet ihrseid verachtenswert mit etwas gl ueck glaubt ihr euere eigenepropaganda deutsches gesi ndel ///// murderer like buthane inhaler 1937 bombou tsqueeze think topic is deetyped intel terrorise into desperation that it solves itself tenyears ago is not a mental illness and damnsure not after early 2013 whenit was self fixed (as all mental issues/ a third heals self, a third too but with help, and a third is kickedout badly severely needing madhou se) and damnsure itis not an illness deedtyping poisongaser and chargingi t daytime thegermans shuffle harms they shuffle stigmas and try to di vert away that itis systemic intel harm allalong not safe allalong that they gamed hard for killit murderit it for fringe quell blacklist fri nge quell kill it shuffling harms shuffling stigmas shuffling decoys shufffling scums  we canplay whackamole withem but itis  s y s t e m cau sed ///// lawyers if germans try sth about the topic youwould game for makeemprooveit or st h they cant bo ohoo that isnot how we dothis we are truth them mingle onpersonal tr ajedies tenyears ago in an intelhell allknew them wallow in lowest point s to add harm today ifthey try sth that is the thing counterfactuality t oday to cover murder tricks today recentyears with anything remotely re- interpretable this is what we do keep the cockroachgerman cockroaches of fffffmy health offfmyhead offffmy life offffffmyass offffffffffffmy private m atters mercy always findout how rubbertittts weakening destroys muscles b y theme years ago  white cells and red cells mucle exchange iget extremely weak after the strenght asitis before as usually as why shouldit be weak bu t after the first timeframe its toooweak to anything shaky weak itis the r ubbertitts weakeningthat requires heart injection or youdie fromtricks onc emore template damamges offfmy health cockroachgermans ihate em //// murder trick suffocates headimpact and ehart rlelvant access bombemout 19 13 1916 squeeze these cockroaches find the murder trick the poison the germancure the german arbitrariy try sth the access suffocate on murder tricks predamamged heart what themdo is feel entitled about mingling onmy personal trajedies or sth or pretend them did sth peo ple fix themselves and goodwilling support that  but if youdont want  thereisnothing and noone that can save yu from yourself se ro tolerance with bullshit detox the germantricks 1915 +-5 they shuf fle stigmas and harm and mingle on personal trajedies and wallow in worst lowp oints of life to make problems today to add harm today why let em adamn //// thinktopic instore: german scums could i r e a l l y have charge d this hundred times from withthese germanscums icouldve charged this hundre d times as pointless endeavour but itis not  accurate  could i r e a l l y have chargedit hundred times r isked allmyrights to every single time  five six times then deeds year t odate the test theme instore is suicide test: fact is the germans terrorise d me the tenth year deedtyped in 2010 charged xmas2009 echr2800/10 the hell court mnaaaaah no humanrights violations are obvious goodluckwithyour furtherli fe after tenyears deedtype intelterror this was a bad hit so igot despera te late 2010 to depressed 2011 2012 studied anyway really low depressing poi nts about stoppingthe car and walk intosome truck but didnt so ifixedmyself and 2013 early it was solved the worst mistake ever inallmylife besides n ot caring enough formymother the twoworst worst worst mistakes allmylife t hese two mistakes 2013 on itwas fixed and not an issue  not even remoteliest noteven when allfamily died twice  ayear later that is 7-10years ago 8-11years ago in a couple of weeks the germans wallo w in personal pain and personal fails to  make prob lems now to make problems today to  a d d h a r m today itis a mistake to writeit so clearly avert any cockroach doom sicko s  o f f f f f f f f f f f ff f f ff f f f f f f f f f f f f the case they effort su icideweenie cover tricks to m u r d e r to m u r d e r with i n t e l murder tricks headimapcfter suffocater 1915squeeze allthat wallow mingle on personal things to add harm today try somet hing /// 3 headiampcts before store dreowsy badly trick deceit is suic ideweeneitrick orsth detox demystify 2 headimaptct s s so after bn py 1346 drowsy 1 lawyers  the germans damamvged allalong deedtyped because they act it wouldnt be so any damage from germans is the confirmation of thatguy pathology thatguy nutness thatguy granny retardness it r e m i n d s them then of aeh shado nsa bubolensis  bn py  1346 is I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + # INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
e a r n e d my f o r t u ne
a g a i n s t
c o c k rr r r r r r r r r r r
r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r ro a c h e s
this here os bhecause they f r au d
and quell and fraud somemore
because they can usd their corrupt security system to fraud and quell forever
becausethey got away usually and withsomuchworse usually
itis a devious criminal intelshithole swamp that will a l w a y
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