wile-e-kylie-blog · 10 years
FMK: Rhys, Noah, Sam
I'd rather not play this game.
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drivingyouinzane · 10 years
You're gonna go steal a car, what two people do you take with you and why?
Rhys and Noah could distract the passerbys while I unlock the car, then we head up to some night club out of town and have a wild night.
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its-britney-bitchez · 10 years
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throwback to when this dork tried to take a selfie and messed up. 
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
What do you think about Noah?
Noah's a good guy. He's a little intimidating, you know, he has the looks, the personality, the girls.. But he has really amazing taste in friends, and I have a lot of respect for him.
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its-britney-bitchez · 10 years
[TEXT] Hey there, princess. It's been a while since we've talked. How have things been with you? Everything get cleared up with Gus?
[TEXT] hey! and great! didn't you hear? charlie's gone! so i don't have to deal with that anymore! 
[TEXT] things are good! valentines day was def a success if you know what i mean ;)
[TEXT] how are things with you? did you go to john mulbert's v-day party? heard that was wild
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
itskingnoah replied to your post:What would you do if Brit did leave you for Noah?
Yikes. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It probably won’t happen.
'Probably,' way to reassure me, Noah. 
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Sam or Noah?
I don’t know what you’re asking so all I’m gonna say is that I’m friends with both. I hope that would answer your question.
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FMK: Sam, Zane, Noah
F: Noah (I wouldn’t feel right killing him… even if he acts like he deserves it sometimes)M: SamK: Zane (sorry there! I don't wanna kill you either.)
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its-britney-bitchez · 10 years
What happened between you and Noah?
i just answered in my last ask about what happened last night? but if you were talking about in general, we’re friends that have kinda gone through a lot. like, we were friends and then we dated for a while. no biggie. we both agreed a break up was for the best, and we’ve just managed to stay really good friends ever since. i’d consider him my best guy friend. 
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its-britney-bitchez · 10 years
How was your evening with Noah?
it went well. definitely needed that time with him. i feel kinda bad because i spent most of the time talking or stuffing my face with food and alcohol. noah had to deal with me basically going on and on about...stuff. he's a super good listener and a really great friend. 
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The almighty itskingnoah is sharing himself? Glad to know your ego is as great as ever.
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