#its why i dont really look at calls tbh bc im like first of all my mems are between me and the anon setting in the fictionkinfessions askbox
themyscirah · 11 months
Does anyone know if there was simonjess crumbs in the justice league book at the time or is it like just in their solo (meaning I need to reread that book again which I was already planning on doing but like still)
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nagaruru · 1 year
while im kinposting on main for once today i will say like i get why some ppl want to find canonmates or whatever but like I literally don't give a fuck!!!!!!! i just think other people are cool and i want to meet other people with similar experiences but so many people are so focused on finding canonmates that they likeee totally cut off people that aren't from theirs and it's like man we're all just people let's all be friends let's have a party
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rzyraffek · 1 year
I have a little smut request, if you don't like or don't want to write I understand that's alright.
When slashers are take a shower then S/O suddenly get in
Bo please must have him, I love this man too much, and Vincent, Lester, Brahms, Thomas, or other slashers you want to write. (or you think I pick too much you can pick some, but please Bo must thank you so much❤️)
I just think this will be fun
Oh, btw, I very love your work so perfect so wonderful so amazing❤️❤️❤️
Yall really love Sinclair's😭😭 ALSO THANK YOU V MUCH IM GLAD YALL ENJOY MY BLOG!!!! Before you read that I need to remind yall that I DONT USUALLY WRITE NSFW STUFF SO DONT EXPECT ANYTHING GREAT HERE!! Request open
Nsfw, but nothing too detailed, they/them pronouns for s/o
Shower zegz with slashers
Bo Sinclair
Our guy will make sure that they will remember that shower for long time
Yknow when you just vibe in shower and you accidently touch cold wall with your back and get all cold and upset? Yeah if s/o has the same problem.. too bad he doenst care they are getting pinned to that wall in seconds anyways
He loves seeing their face, how they react to his actions and words, how their body moves because of him
Will comment A LOT, expect a lot of praising, some cruse words and alot of growls tbh
He marks them 100% one way or another. Bite marks, Hickeys ( alot of them), ect
Afterwards he gonna bring them a towel and make sure they can go to bedroom and rest there for a while. This guy isn't the best at aftercare but he isn't heartless!
No bcs he will blush sososo hard😨😳
Like they have to make first move cuz this guy will just stand there awkwardly looking like he has stick up his ass
He gonna be so gentle with them💖 carefully grabbing their hips/hair and enjoying the view moment
Tbh he loves grabbing their hair and vice versa, if s/o is touchy he gonna be sosos blushy
Also afterward he gonna wash their hair probably🥰 making sure they at least get out of this shower clean lol
Brahms Heelshire
Nah bcs this guy will be the one to actually pull them into shower, like s/o was just vibing doing their skincare routine and this guy just grabbed them and yeeted them into shower
He gonna act like he just wants to spent time together🙄🙄 yeah totally
Pls make sure that s/o calls him good boi or he gonna bite them
Also ngl he probably looks sexy asf with wet hair
Incredibly affectionate, yall will be extremely close to each other for the whole thing. And expect him to wisper and growl into s/o year
Thomas Hewitt
This babi will be soso confused??? Like???? Oh you wanna shower together?? Yeah sure ig I don't mind???
Again s/o has to do first move cuz he won't even think about asking them about that type of stuff! Hes a gentleman he would neverr.. unless they ask him ofc
S/o gonna forgor how to walk for few hours at least
He just gonna pick them up and pin them to wall like s/o weights nothing (tbh it doesnt really matter how much they weight this guy picked up adult men and whooped other one at the same time without any struggle, really dont worry)
He cant really tell them how he feels so he just gonna gently pat them or nuzzle them.
He will feel bad afterwards when their legs shake or when they can't really walk 😓
Micheal Myers
Tbh the only reason he showed was bcs they promised him that he will get reward later. Fr this guy stinks
Sex with him is incredibly akward. He doenst make any noise nor shows any kind of affection? Maybe he gonna carry them to bed afterwards or bring them towel?? Like this guy never heard about aftercare, or care overall tbh
He will never show it but he loves when s/o gives him affection or tells him nice words, how good he is and how great his doing his job rn
Not my proudest one! I really suck at nsfw stuff sorry😓😓 also I had nightmare and there was Bo for some reason ?? But he had heavy cowboy-texas accent ??? Idk why. Anyways its 2am yall have great rest of day
This post was made by asexual gang, like and subscribe to join asexual gang
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piastri-lover · 11 months
who would have guessed; alex albon
summary: in which you and alex are dropping hints about your relationship, and yet no one seems to be getting the hint
pairing: alex albon x celeb!reader
author's note: i fucking love alex albon and this prompt!! icl i dont know he's so underrated but i enjoyed making this sm xx
yourusername 📍tulum, mexico
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liked by pierregasly, zendaya and 17293057 yourusername summer time x view comments
user1 i love y/n so fucking much
user2 wife
user3 are u kidding i was lit in mexico two days ago and NOW the queen is here -user4 lit flew out this morning i could have met my wife
zendaya having fun? ;)) -yourusername don't know what u mean by that --zendaya ill keep my mouth shut
user5 after 3 months of oppenheimer filming y/n prob needs a break -user6 she slayed as jean though --user5 100%
user7 mexico is my country and i'm so glad u love it liked by yourusername -user7 omg y/n liked my comment im done
user8 whos she with -user9 idk but someone def took that 3rd photo
user10 why is pierre in the queen y/n's likes?? -user11 i bet he forgot to switch accounts and liked without thinking --user12 ariana what are u doing here
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yourusername 📍tulum, mexico
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liked by sydney_sweeney, landonorris and 32017295 others yourusername thank u for the restuarant reccomendation, we loved it xx view comments
user13 mother is mothering
user14 she's so fit -user15 that scene in oppenheimer changed me as a person
user16 THERES A BOY -user17 omg omg omg this is not a drill
sydney_sweeney y/n... -yourusername ill call u later and fill u in babe
user18 first pierre, now lando -user19 the entire grid is simping for y/n and tbh i don't blame them
user20 the soft launch is beginning -user21 im so ready to analyse every screenshot to try and work this out first
user22 i need that dress
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alex_albon replied to your story:
alex_albon ur fans are going wild on twt rn
yourusername really?? i haven't checked
alex_albon mhmm like they havent stopped speculating for hours im sure i saw someone ship u with fucking lando
yourusername he is kinda cute...
alex_albon oy
yourusername im kidding we still going out for dinner tonight??
alex_albon yup its me and you, george and carmen and lando lol
yourusername all good
alex_albon pick u up at 8?
yourusername counting down the minutes baby love u x
alex_albon love u more x
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 4103549 others landonorris my fave couples (im so alone) view comments
user23 umm
user24 lando babe i dont feel like u were supposed to post this
georgerussell63 he's passed out and i dont know his password idk what to do -user25 george are y/n and alex dating??? --georgerussell63 no lando was just feeling a bit silly
user26 george trying to defend alex and y/n when we obv know they're dating
alex_albon i let him take one photo and ofc he does this -yourusername at least we look cute --alex_albon we always look cute baby
user27 i wasnt sure about alex but look they're so wholesome
user28 im j wondering how tf alexander albon pulled the y/n -user29 me too --user30 like nothing against him but y/n is... well y/n
landonorris wait i thought this was my private
landonorris so so sorry -yourusername ur buying me a drink when we next go out --landonorris done and done ---alex_albon my girl has expensive taste lando u have completely shot urself in the foot
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tagged: alex_albon liked by zendaya, pierregasly and 51294856 othersyourusername lando ruined my softlaunch(🖕🖕) but anyway i kinda love him so be nice xx view comments
user31 no bc theyre acc cute
user32 i hate to have to share my wife but it would be with him
landonorris ive apologised 1000 times idk what more to do -alex_albon she had the entire thing all planned out but no lando norris had to intervene --yourusername honestly im heartbroken i might need another bottle of champagne... ---landonorris fuck off y/n the last bottle was like £1000
alex_albon leng -yourusername appreciate it bro
alex_albon the last photo❤️❤️❤️-yourusername love u big man
user33 omg i hope we get to see her at a grand prix soon -yourusername im def coming to spa and we'll see after that
williamsracing already saving a seat for u -yourusername i cant wait xx
user34 dont know whether i want to be alex or her
user35 bi awakening -user36 fr
user37 sleeping on the highway tonight -landonorris ill be joining u --user38 landos so real for that
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dangopango00 · 5 months
Abyss Razor x gn reader
Prompt: yall r madly in love he has a crush on youuu (boyfail situationship hcs more like tbh)
A/N: sorry if this is rambly i cant live like this i keep rereading the same 4 or 5 posts over and over again ive been waiting for like a year and im getting teased with the tip PLEASEEE WRITE HIM 😭😭🤞 i cant ever escape the ‘nobodys fave but mine’ curse help
Ily losermen
Ily high ponytail men
Ily abyss razor
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more utc
- Im gonna jump he is so kewt. Idek what to say im just ill
- You’d probably often compliment his eyes and you have this image that hes so calm and collected— which he is! But! Not with you! So every conversation with you is him just fighting for his life trying to look cool and not implode at the same time
- ^^^ THIS is one thing. But what really gets him falling for you is when you get a bit closer and have a talk with him, telling him in no uncertain terms that he’ll always have someone to return to if others are cruel because you won’t be leaving him
- Gives you things VERY often, usually little things because hed die if he had to directly give you a gift and then have to explain why, so he shows his affection in little ways like letting you have his best pencils and pens if you need it (lets you keep it too)
- oh he absolutely loses it if he sees you continue to use his pen hes so touched that you’re taking good care of what he gives you it shows that it means a lot to you and that he means a lot to you
- The only actual gift he gives you during this stage are things he has an excuse for like origami (idk why but i feel like he makes cool ass origami) he can just say he made too many so hes giving them away yet you and maybe Abel are the only ones who received some…
- He wants so badly to be useful to you he gets so flustered and happy just hearing you say thanks when he answers your question about the assignment or when he lends you his materials
- Immediately stiffens when you make any sort of contact. Dont stop though, he can count the times hes been hugged on one hand
- Speaking of his touch starvation, he’d let you play with his hair and looks forward to it tbh he’d just rather not initiate anything it’s too much for his heart
- If you have him take down his hair and play with it (like braid it or try different hairstyles) he’d feel so content; ofc he’s nervous but at the same time he just feels so at peace as if it’s only you two in the world and all the people who have ever wronged him never existed in the first place
- He’s a little bit delulu, i fear
- He gets so nervous texting and calling you bc what if you tell him ily. No that could never happen. Wait but what if it did— do you see his dilemma?
- He’s a chronic overthinker and in a way its a bit sweet because he used to worry about you randomly saying you didn’t want to be friends with him but now he wouldn’t even consider that possibility; it just no longer enters his mind
- He’d also find himself drifting off, losing himself in thought and end up daydreaming about if you two were in a relationship
- It’s very innocent, it’s just you two being cute and going places together while holding hands and such until it drifts even further to imagining you two kissing
- His face is on fire and he has to stop thinking NOW but hes in too deep hes imagining kissing ice cream off the side of your mouth and other cliches like that it’s so over
- Abel wondering wth is wrong with his right hand; all he said was that he was going to make mother happy by doing his homework today meanwhile Abyss can no longer be normal
- The kissing is just his guilty pleasure but Abyss constantly imagines holding hands with you like if you walk too close to him his hands will get clammy and his fingertips will get cold because he wants to hold your hand but is scared to initiate it
- God forbid you actually hold his hand even for a second while he’s having his entire internal monologue. He will die. You killed him. How could you?
- He won’t let go though like. Ever . Handholding is his favorite thing 5ever and as soon as he gets a taste he’s hooked
- He likes handholding so much that if you held his hand enough times then one time he’d accidentally grab your hand and initiate for once (immediately gets flustered after but it counts)
- Really really REALLY likes when u trace over his magic lines. Ruins his life everytime and he just melts in your touch; subconsciously leans in and his face softens and EVERYTHING
- Ok i wasn’t gonna say it bc itd probably involve sm sneaking but: Sleepovers. IM JUST SAYING 🤞🤞🤞 I feel like this is where most of the softer moments happen tbh like your roommate being out and you two have a sleepover
- I think this is where the playing with his hair and tracing the lines on his face would happen if not this then when you’re bored in class
- Not a fan of PDA even if ur not dating so he does play with your hair but usually during the sleepovers if you’ll allow him (not quite trying new hairstyles like you do but letting it fall through his fingers, running his hands through it or just rubbing the ends with his fingers to feel how soft it is)
- If you are bald he would slightly hold the back of your head and rub your temples with his thumb to help you relax
- Idk ik i just went on about how hes a loser but I feel like when it comes to affection relating to hair or like anything not affectionate in a cliche sense he doesn’t really pay attention and does it without thinking; only realizes its too affectionate if you point it out (please do not, he feels very comfortable right now. He will stop and never do it again if you point it out)
- You have a lot of deep talks and give him encouraging words during sleepovers tbh it just gives you both time to just… enjoy each other uninterrupted
- Sometimes instinctually distances himself from you because you make his heart do somersaults and his head feels like it’ll explode around you though he doesn’t last long, he needs you with him everyday atp 😭
- Although the above is true, sometimes he gets clingy ish (just by your side all the time) and protective over you even knowing you aren’t his
A/N: a ridonkulous amount of these r based on things ive done erm. Ok. Ig next thing i should write is him with an equally loser gf i def fit the bill LOL
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talk420 · 3 months
bitter orange — okkotsu yūta [1/3]
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pairings. okkotsu yūta + f! reader/original character (main); past!orimito rika + f!reader; past!okkotsu yūta + orimito rika warnings/themes. mentions of death, jealousy, hints of obsession and possession. just a lil dark romance practice (which is barely any dark romance tbh who am i kidding) sprinkled with food motifs but i dont know what im doing im just here for the vibes :P mostly sfw with nsfw themes but nothing sexual bc im too scared to go down that dark path (also no use of y/n bc i started writing with an original name and it unfortunately stuck lawl... can be treated as either or it doesnt matter tbh i cant write anything outside of 2nd person anwyay) word count. 2.8k words nothing too crazy xd playlist. knuckle velvet by ethel cain; velvet ring by big thief; pure by cigarettes after sex; only in the dreams by the marias; be my mistake by the 1975; mary by alex g next
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it’s been a long time since i have seen my beloved. the moss has grown on that abetachibana tree
PART ONE: ichigo daifuku
Gojō Satoru tells you that love is the most twisted curse of them all.
He had said it in passing after your first solo mission, right as you were entering the car back to Jujutsu Tech before talking your ear off with his lame jokes. The mission had consisted of exorcizing a curse that had persistently haunted an abandoned apartment complex in Omotesandō, assigned to you by the higher-ups in accordance with your newly promoted rank as a Grade 2 sorcerer, having decided that a Grade 1 was doable enough for someone of your caliber. The curse itself wasn’t anything special, though, only repeating gargled confessions of its love to some ‘Chiyo-chan’—whoever she was—the whole time you were dodging its attacks, which was incredibly annoying. You liked your battles in silence, quick and succinct, but curses make that difficult to achieve.
Gojō muses it could have been a past lover, this Chiyo-chan—its love for her having cursed itself. You didn’t really care. If you keep up the good work, complete your required missions and get another recommendation, you could be ranked a Semi-Grade 1 by your second year, then a Grade 1 by your third and nothing else after that because unless you were someone like Gojō Satoru, then you are capped forever at Grade 1.
“So anyway—snacks you like?” said sorcerer asks, finally done with his previous tale. Something about an old coworker. “Mochi, senbei, or taiyaki? Personally, I'm a mochi ice cream type of guy!”
You look at him.
“Why are you here again?”
“... Is your memory that small, Ume? I was proctoring you,” he tuts, mouth turned downwards. “Congrats on the promotion, by the way.”
You shrug. “Ichigo daifuku is good, I guess.”
He smiles, wryly.
“You’re joking, right?”
The building facing your childhood home had been home to Orimito Rika, an unsuspecting property with a decent front yard and the occasional street cat or two often shooed away by her irate grandmother. “Mean granny,” you’d often call her, the insult drowned out by your hushed giggles as you played with your dolls. Rika wouldn’t say anything about it, wouldn’t dare verbally agree with you, but she would always nod her head down, the corners of her lips turned up too high.
You didn’t particularly hate the old woman, but there was a certain kind of satisfaction to saying it behind her back after all the times you’ve caught her looking at her granddaughter in unbridled scorn, your own little form of revenge. You could never understand how her only remaining family could look at her like that, not when Rika was so beautiful and kind; like the cherry blossoms during spring, falling gently along with the wind. Sure, she could be a little cunning at times, and none of the other kids at school liked her because “something’s odd about her, can’t you just hang out with us instead?”—but that’s what makes her interesting, right?
Rika isn’t weird, she’s pretty, and you’re the bee drawn to her. She’s only older than you by a year, ten instead of nine, but she always played with you, taught you how to make flower crowns at the park, and when you walked home from school she’d always hold your hand. Her smile is blindingly bright, the sound of her voice a song you couldn’t stop listening to. Selfishly, you wish it would always be the two of you together; playing with your dolls, walking home with your hands intertwined.
But when she came back from the hospital, so did Okkotsu Yūta.
You could never see what she saw in him; he was short and just a little bit pathetic, always trailing after her like a lost puppy at first. You could push him off the swing and he'd move on with a sniffle, the kind to give up the plastic shovel even though he desperately needed it to finish his sand castle because he didn’t want to fight a girl. He smiled shyly and hid his hands behind his back, looking at you like he was looking for your approval. Of course, you never gave him the time of day, because it felt like he had stolen Rika—your Rika. It was supposed to be just you and her, but that wasn’t the case anymore. Now there was Okkotsu Yūta, who held Rika’s other hand after school, who took away her attention from you so easily.
“He’s so cute, isn’t he?” she asks often, a light blush dusting her face.
“I guess,” is your reply.
“Ne,” she calls, presenting to you a small, black box. You look at it in apprehension, wincing when she eventually opens it. “What do you think of this ring? It was my mom’s. I’m gonna give this to Yūta-kun, do you think he’ll like it?”
The ring was immensely simple, a silver-colored band with a small diamond in front, glinting under the light. Nevermind the fact that it was too big for a child’s fingers to fit in, Rika presented it to you as if it held all the answers to the world. Although her parents were dead, and she had definitely stolen it from her grandmother’s dresser, the ring spoke full of promise. When she takes it out of the box and lets you inspect it, it feels heavy.
“... You really like him, don’t you, Rika-chan?” you ask, quietly.
Rika looks at the stupid piece of jewelry, painfully smitten.
“Mhm,” she affirms. “I really like Yūta-kun. I want to be with him forever! Of course, I like you too, Ume-chan. You and Yūta-kun are my favorite people in the world!”
You close the box, handing it back to her. When Rika looks at you expectantly, you realize then that you could never bring yourself to take that happiness away from her.
The koinobori flies.
“It’s so pretty!” Rika exclaims, eyes wide and staring up at the sky where the huge, windsock carp moves around. It’s bathed in all sorts of colors—from red to blue to white to green—dancing along the azure expanse in commemoration of Children’s Day. The weather is just right, not too hot nor too cold, and the wind caresses your skin gently, the sun not too harsh. It makes the color of Rika’s hair shine in all the right ways, adds more sparkle in her already bright eyes. She’s wearing a yellow sundress, a nice change from her usual blue one. The cream-colored hat you let her borrow covers her face with the shade, but her smile remains bright and blinding. She looks pretty.
She gives you all of her ichigo daifuku, and shares Yūta’s snacks. She doesn’t even like chimaki.
“Are you sure, Rika-chan?” you ask, looking at the two sweets in your hands.
She beams. “You like them, don’t you?”
You keep them with you until the end of the event.
The day passes by incredibly fast, your little trio having exhausted yourselves from running around the park alongside the other children. Yūta chases Rika around the park, and you watch them squeal and laugh at each other and hold hands. You watch them take a nap under the shade, their pinkies intertwined, and you watch as the ugly color of green blinds your eyesight. You leave them be.
Sometimes, you wish you’re the colorful koinobori flying in the sky. You’d let Rika hold on to you, let her fly and hear her amused laugh as the wind tickles her skin. Sometimes, you wish Yūta slapped the ring away from her hands when she handed it to him. Wish he stomped it on the ground and at the same time stomped on her heart. Wish he didn’t take it with a huge smile and agree that he’d marry her when they get older; he’s not the one who’d wait long lines just to get her the best ichigo daifuku, not the one who’d jump at the other kids when they so much as think of insulting her, and he won’t be the one who’d choose to stay with her when she’s all gray and old cause he’s a boy, and boys would never do that.
Sometimes, you wish he never liked her at all—because he never deserved her in the first place.
Okkotsu Yūta could never love Orimito Rika like you.
He sits beside you at lunch.
Rika’s been bedridden for the whole week, which subsequently ruins your week. Yūta doesn’t seem to mind her absence all that much since he doesn’t see her a lot during classes anyway, but they’re supposed to be engaged. He should always be thinking of her, should be acting as miserable as you even at the unripe age of nine. He looks too okay with her absence when he shouldn’t be.
“What’s this?” you ask, pointing at the small bag of snacks he had placed on the cover of your bento.
“Hm?” he looks up. “Oh, it’s norimaki senbei.”
“... And?” you prod.
He tilts his head. “You don’t want it?”
“... I don’t want it.”
He looks at you thoughtfully.
“But you like them, don’t you?” he asks though he’s acting like he already knows, like you’ll take it regardless of what you say. It’s annoying.
You look at the seaweed-wrapped rice crackers—the stupid norimaki senbei—in mild contempt. “Why are you giving it to me?”
Yūta’s smile is small, knowing. “Because you don’t like sweets.”
You frown.
She’s a sweet girl.
You think of Orimoto Rika like that because it’s true—she smiles sweetly, she speaks sweetly, and she likes sweet things. She tells you that her favorite snack is ichigo daifuku, the very same confection you always begged your parents to buy for you just so you could share them with her. It pays off all the time because then she’d look as sweet as the daifuku itself, her cheeks as red as the fruit within it. She also likes hanami dango, but she doesn’t like the green part because she doesn’t really like the subtle taste of yomogi, so you eat the rest for her because she doesn’t want to waste it. She likes cold tea instead of hot, sweet instead of savory, like yuzu iced tea or bubbly ramune in comparison to the nutty taste of hōjicha. When you go to the store, she always gets the kompeitō with some random anime character on the packaging because those were the “cutest kind of kompeitō,” and Rika likes cute things.
She also likes the color pink, but when you ask her what her favorite color is she’d say it’s blue. It’s blue not because she wears that blue dress all the time, but blue because it’s the color of Okkotsu Yūta’s eyes, bright and round and always looking at her. Rika likes it that way—she likes how Okkotsu Yūta is always looking at her with his blue eyes, unwavering and full of adoration for her and her only.
You think Orimito Rika is a sweet girl, but sometimes she’s more than that. Sometimes, when the other kids get brave enough to drag you away from her, tell you to stop hanging out with her, they say it’s because Rika doesn’t like anyone else but Okkotsu Yūta.
Sometimes, when they tell you that, you wonder if Rika liked you at all, way before Okkotsu Yūta came into the picture.
But most of the time, you don’t really care. Even if Rika didn’t like you, you’d still like her. Even if she’d only have her eyes set on Okkotsu Yūta with his stupid blue eyes and his stupid norimaki senbei and stupid chimaki that he shared with her on the fifth of May, you’d still like her because she’s Rika—beautiful, kind, and wonderful Rika.
She has things she doesn’t like, too, such as other people but never Yūta-kun or Ume-chan! She likes it when people compliment her and praise her looks and give her free stuff like ramune or ichigo daifuku or Sailor Moon-themed kompeitō from the store, but sometimes she tells you that she dislikes this certain group of girls from Yūta’s class, dislikes the boy assigned as your seatmate, her homeroom teacher, the “weird” guy who works at the konbini a street over, and dislikes it even more when her grandmother looks at her and tells her she killed her own father without even saying anything at all.
You know all those things because you know Orimito Rika. You like her even if she holds intense dislike for the people outside her circle, people who tick her off just a little for you to see her smile crack at the edges and go stiff, the little twitch of her brown eyes, and most importantly, you still like her when all she wants in the world is the attention of the boy who wears her deceased mother’s ring.
You’ll always want sweet girls like her.
“Where’s Rika-chan?”
“Her grandma won’t let her go out today,” Yūta says, sitting next to you on the bench. “So it’s just you and me.”
He says it dejectedly, but it’s not enough for you. If he was really sad, then he’d be as sad as you are, so you start packing your belongings. “I’m leaving, then.”
He startles, standing up. “Huh? W–wait! Don’t leave just yet!”
“But Rika-chan’s not here,” you frown. “There’s no point in hanging out today.”
He falters, looking down at the ground.
“Even if she isn’t here, we can still play together…” he offers, looking up at you timidly. “We’re friends, too, aren’t we?”
The green-eyed monster stares at the silver chain wrapped around his neck, the ring acting as its pendant tucked underneath his shirt—like an unattainable treasure trapped inside a chest with the key thrown away somewhere you cannot find it. We’re not friends, the monster says with a snarl, stay away from me.
If there is one thing you know, then it’s that you have never wanted to be friends with Okkotsu Yūta, not after he took everything from you. He can butter you up by sticking to you during class and sitting next to you at lunch and even offering you some of his not-ichigo daifuku, not-yuzu iced tea, and not-colorful anime-themed kompeitō but you will and have never liked him for the green-eyed monster will always sit on your shoulder so long as he wears that ring on his person, a physical manifestation of his promise with Rika. Your Rika, even if that’s not really the case.
You will never like Okkotsu Yūta, because—because he—
“... What’re we even gonna do?” you ask, slowly.
He immediately brightens up.
“… Wanna get ice cream?” he offers. “There’s a new flavor I wanna try!”
His suggestion does not entice you at all, but when he stands there with an outstretched hand waiting for you to take it, like it’ll matter if you reject him, you find yourself at a crossroads. But you make your decision soon enough. Like it’ll matter, like the green-eyed monster isn’t there, staring.
“Okay,” you say, moving past him to start walking. He blinks incredulously at the blatant rejection before gathering himself and following after you, a prep to his step regardless of your actions.
You try to ignore the warmth of his body next to yours.
He’s too close.
“Yūta-kun’s birthday is in a few days,” Rika announces, lying on your spare futon. “Did you get him anything?”
You didn’t. “... Yeah.”
“Really? What is it?” she cranes her neck to face you. “What’d you get him?”
She doesn’t want your gift being better than hers, it checks out. “Um… just a toy. A garbage truck.”
“Oh, okay,” she turns back to face the ceiling. “I made him a scrapbook with photos of us. I worked really hard on it… do you think he’ll like it?”
“He’ll like anything you give him.”
She’s already given him a ring—what else could compare to that?
Rika smiles. “I guess… you’re right.”
Soon enough, she goes to sleep, breathing softly beside you as your fan fills the silence of the night. You continue staring at the ceiling, making out the little dents despite the lack of light. You squeeze the hand that holds your under the cover, before closing your eyes.
You hear her softly breathe on a steady beat alongside the fan whirring in the corner, and you close your eyes, squeezing her hand tighter underneath the covers of your too-close futon.
You’ll have to ask your parents for some money tomorrow.
“Rika-chan isn’t here again,” Yūta says dejectedly. “Her granny’s too strict.”
“She hates her,” you say quietly.
Yūta looks at you, confused. “What’d you say?”
“Nothing. Your birthday’s coming up soon, what are you doing that day?”
“Uwah—you remember?”
“Rika-chan told me.”
“Oh, well,” he smiles sheepishly, “we have school that day, but after that I’ll be celebrating at my house. I’m thinking of just inviting Rika-chan and you over… um, so, will you come?”
“I’ll go if Rika-chan is going.”
He blinks, before a smile blooms on his face. “Okay! I’ll see you, then.”
It happens when you aren't there.
It never should have happened at all.
Orimito Rika is pronounced dead at the age of eleven, her body unrecognizable under the heavy weight of a blue truck.
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kenlvry · 1 year
how stan kyle and kenny would act when you suddenly ignore them as a prank!
note:its my first time doing this so i hope its okay! if theres any misspellings im sorry!!
kenny mccormick
•tbh at first he was so confused, you didn't greet him at the bus didn't even made eye contact, you talked to the other guys but just him you ignored
•he would try to get your attention, calling your name multiple times and even "accidentally" fell infront of you. in his defense he was desperate!
• he'd ask kyle and stan for help, they would say that maybe you're in a bad mood. cartman then interrupted saying "maybe she finally found someone else" "shut the fuck up fatass"
•he was so frustrated and you were enjoying this so much, when he got home he immediately went out pick flowers from some garden and went ro your house
•your mom called you downstairs because someone was there to see you but when you saw kenny holding flowers in his hand looking so nervous you bursted out laughing.
•he didnt know what was going on and you had to reassure him that it was a prank and apologize for ignoring him, he didn't know how to react so he just laughed, then later would sulk and get slightly mad
•you apologized by cuddling and watching a movie tgt with him <3
stan marsh
•when you first ignored him on the bus he didn't even notice it, bc usually your the one who says hi to him first. he thought you maybe forgot
• but when you sat down next to kyle instead of him he was confused af, "look stan your girlfriend likes kyle better"
•he just stared at you two the entire ride to school, glaring at his bestfriend but at the same time questioning why you would sit down next to him when he has a completely free spot right next to him!!
•at school was worst, he thought that he was just overthinking it. but when ms garrison asked all of you to go in pairs of two and you picked kyle instead of him, oh he was angry
•you looked at him and almost burst out laughing when you see him just staring at you two, before he realised it he was paired up with wendy bc kenny paired up with cartman! oh could this day get any worse he thought
•wendy was annoying him so bad and you were silently laughing to yourself bc of how annoyed he looked, he didnt even try to hide it
•it didnt last long though bc at the end of school you saw wendy getting real close with stan, why was she feeling up your man!?!?
•you marched right up there and confronted that bitch, she scoffed and backed up. you awkardly looked at stan who was now glaring at you
• "oh? i thought you were ignoring me, almost felt like i was a ghost" he said while rolling his eyes, you laughed so hard and apologize multiple times
•he forgave you but he would sulk for a couple of days just so he can get your attention :)
kyle broflovski
• at first, when you didnt wave back at him on the bus he was a little annoyed but he thought you didnt see him bc you were wearing headphones
• but then you had the nerve to sit down next to cartman!! you couldve sat down next to kenny or next to stan, even better next to him, but you choose cartman????
•like stan he would glare you so hard, if you were sitting behind him he would full on turn his body and peeked over to your row and just stare at you two.
•cartman was also like wtf, while kyle was staring at you two he made hand gestures signaling he had no idea why you sat down next to him .
• class was ok, you didnt really do anything to make him overthink as much but he still thought about the incident, lunch came and it was the bus situation all over again!
•next to kyle was an empty seat but alsoo next to cartman was another empty seat, you wanted to see how kyle would react so you decided to sit down next to cartman
•oh he was livid, his eyes were wide open and he almost looked like he was gonna fight cartman right then and there, cartman saw the killer glare he was getting real nervous ong, "bro, dude, bro i dont know why she sat down next to me, calm down ok calm down" "shut.the.fuck.up fatass"
•you were enjoying it tbh, you wanted to continue the challenge but when school ended, it was just too hard for you to keep doing it, kyle had approached you looking angry and said "i dont know why your ignoring me and if i did anything wrong im sorry but if ur gonna break up with me for cartman, then im gonna loose my shit"
•you couldnt handle it anymore and laughed, the fact he thought you were gonna break up with him was so funny, kyle looked at you still angry but confused, you told him it was a prank and apologized for it. he couldn't be more dumbfounded
•like stan he would sulk for a while but after taking him to several mcdonalds date he was back to his original self <33
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ganondoodle · 7 months
you know what i just saw some more of that weird ass reward for getting all shrines in totk, and tbh im still so
what is that?? there are no dog like sentient species in this version of hyrule?? the most is the sonau themselves but they got no tails??? i dont think anything in this hyrule has a tail like that? and sonau legs are pretty normalish human too areant they? they dont even have proper claws, just veguely longer fingernails- i guess there are the statues in the underground that kinda look like it (they dont got tails either tho do they??) but like ,,, theres nothing you can learn about them right? its never mentioned or even hinted at despite there being so goddamm much of the sonau still just up and functioning- their lil "material deposits" in the depths arent even withered beyond some plants growing on them, all their 'tech' (isnt it just .. magic tho? where the mechanism actually? its usually just some stone animated by green swirlies ... but ill mention that in another post) just runs perfectly like it was made yesterday
where does that thing come from?? and its supposed to the the HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? huh????? and its decked out in sonau clothing head to toe with clear gerudo refs too?? that so weird bc youd feel like there would have been some mention of this, especially considering that that thing is on the tapestry and impa(was it her? or purah?) RECOGNIZES ITS THE HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? like, CASUALLY even?? like a well known fact ?? did i miss some big lore part somewhere that talked about that dog gerudo sonau thing?? and if its on the tapestry that means it wasnt that long ago really (i mean ... all the sonau shit is still pretty much fully intact so arguing that they came and went in the time between totks past and botws past isnt that plausible either imo ..??) o how come you never see anything from that and yet its somehow completely known for them, and you cannot tell me she saw the abstract version of the hero and then looked at that armor and went thats the same bc two colors veguely matched or what?!! also given that its fully clothed in sonau stuff .. like the arms are literally raurus bracelets .. thingies, but then the sonau where supposedly a complete and unknown mystery until it suddendly came all raining from the sky and revealing its been there and EVERYWHERE the whole time apparently? with the most we knew was some flimsyly made stereotypical barbaric armor set in faron in botw? which i guess is also fully undone by totk since it shares absolutely zero in desing to the 'actual' sonau stuff we got in totk
and if it where some sort of descendant from the mix of kids rauru and sonai kinda .. must have had (unless they did away with zeldas bloodline stuff too .. which .. why even call it zelda anymore at this point lol) then again, where did those features come from (like the tail and red hair, the strange googly eyes? is there a mix of goron in there too??) and how was it then not documented or seen anywhere else?? youd imagine the mutant kids of the first tragically dead king and queen of this hyrule would be known in some way .. that is assuming it was that, but given the weird features no other species has still is ... it just doesnt add up
(i had the awful thoguht for a second that it might supposed to mean the gerudo came from that but .. the gerudo are already there LITERALLY the 1:1 same as in the present, just like all the other species ... which is also disappointing as hell, like seriously? not even different feather colors for the rito? literally the same clothing for the gerudo as in botw but white with golden stuff instead?? some vaguely different zora features? idk ? anything? also the hero would never be gerudo, we know only evil comes from that *explodes*)
if its supposed to be a mystery then they absolutely failed in making it any interesting or intriguing but still something that feels like its part of the world, like botw was very good at giving you mysteries you wanted to talk and theorize about that still felt organic, harmonic with the world, but in totk its all either boring answers or just ... completely out of nowhere and just kinda stumps you (in a bad way)
*sighs* yet antoher ramble rant, this game could have had it all, it was right there on the plate in front of them all they needed to do is grasp at it, why wouldnt you ..
totk will never not frustrate me huh ಠ_ಠ
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4-linz · 6 months
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Pairing: wooyoung x y/n
Genre: fluff, chaotic fluff lol
Warnings: some cursing(I gotta stay minimal with it tho bc I write these on my school comp 😭) , wooyoung is kinda panicking lol, wooyoung is called an attention whore but in a good way pls dont hate me 😭 ,reader is called ning like 3 times , grammar might not be correct I'm tired lol, I think that's it
Summary: wooyoung is confused on how you got into his heart, he never told anyone about his mental list he made, not even san so that should say something, so how did you do it? Was its on purpose to mess with him? Or on accident
Wc. 1.69k
A/n I wanted to write and I had just reread @yuyusuyu princess chronicles and I wanted to do something similar with wooyoung :) pls I'm dieing I h8 using ppls ideas but I'm in writers block and I need to write rn 😭 so creds to @yuyusuyu for the idea lol I hope this is good cuz I luv her work and I don't wanna ruin her reputation lol I also have a feeling this is gonna be a short fic bc again I'm in writers block and that's all i can take rn lolz
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Wooyoung never thought he could find a relationship that was near the thing he and san had going on (even san doesnt know whats happening tbh), but here we are, you slowly winning over his heart. How? He doesn't know. He has a very very very very very- i can keep going but what i mean is he has a very secret procedure that even san doesnt know about, but it's a way you can take over his love life, so you somehow slowly completing the 5 steps was very concerning.
Step 1. Treat him like royalty
Well you don't have to bow down and worship him but you just have to treat him him like the mona lisa, praise him- and maybe worship him, he likes to be praised and feel noticed-attention whore is his middle name after all- so when you walk into the room with him and everyone else and you notice him first and COMPLIMENT HIM AND ONLY HIM?!?! He was feeling a little lightheaded, “ oh hi woo! I like your hair, it looks different! In a good way of course-” you said slightly rambling at the end “ oh- um yea… i um-” he stumbled out “ i uh WASHED IT, yea, yea i washed it." He said trying to redeem himself and act cool because seonghwa was looking at him weird. “ for once you washed it” san said scoffing, without him knowing- or did he? San had saved him from an awkward situation “HEY i do wash my hair thank you very much” he said huffing, pouting but quickly opening his eyes when he heard you laugh.
Step 2. Find him funny
(or just try to laugh at his ridiculous jokes)
The sound of your laughter filled his dorm, san had left to go out with Seonghwa, leaving him alone and so of course he invited you just so he could hang out with his now crush for a movie night!! Why else would he invite you over…?He found himself in a trance listening to your laughs, they sounded like music to his ears, literally he was listening to the rhythm in your laughs and thought they sounded so much like you, the beat matched your personality. ‘ wooyoung stop that's weird, and nothing like you.’ he said when he came out of his little bubble when ever he heard your voice tinted with worry as your friend was looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face and was very silent, which was very concerning given its wooyoung. The look of worry on your face made his heart flutter, where you really worried for him…? ‘ shit im fucked’ he thought
Stept 3. Worry/care for him
“ wooyoung? Are you in there?” your voice sounding small compared to the yelp wooyoung let out upon hearing your voice in his dorm.” OW SHIT, ning is that you?!” he yelped, he had hurt his leg and couldn't attend practice, him not being there worried you given he had always been there, so you went to his dorm. “Woo what were you thinking laying on the edge of the couch,be careful you could hurt yourself more if you do that?!” You said scolding him lightly,the worry in your face very clear,” you didn't hurt yourself more did you?, here let me get you some food so you don't have to walk.” wooyoung hoped you didn't notice the slight blush on his face when you lifted his chin forcefully checking to see if he hurt his face during the fall. “ Goddammit, step 3 , 2 more to go and I'm done for..” he mumbled “ did you say something?” you said, peaking your head out of the other room. “ OH-UM-NO '' he quickly said, hoping you don't suspect anything and hoping you truly had not heard anything he said.
Step 4. Being rough with him.
(do i really ahve to explain?)
Wooyoung's heart fluttered when you cupped his face and moved it left to right to see if he had hurt his face, he had fallen trying to learn how to skate. He had failed horribly but that's not what mattered right now, what mattered was you were holding his face. “ Wooyoung, I told you, you have to be more careful” you said with a slight pout, worried about your best friend. You had to put your whole body strength into helping him up because he was so zoned out all his body weight was on the floor. But the words that snapped him out of his little trance were enough to heal him right then and there “ when we get home do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?”
Step 5. Physical affection.
“Ninggg hurry up and bring the popcorn” wooyoung shouted, he had been alone in his and sans dorn because apparently san couldn't deal with wooyoung's ramblings about you so he left with seonghwa, of well at least that means he can invite you over more right? Wrong, this is the first time in weeks he's invited you over because he couldn't muster up the courage to ask you.” I'm right here..?” you said laughing when he turned around and saw you, his eyes widened in amazement on how you could find that much popcorn in his house, where it came from? No idea he's been trying to find popcorn for a month and has found none so how did you find some? No clue, but he didn't really care as his heart picked up when you sat very close to him. Very close.and his heart picked up even more realizing you two were watching a scary movie. He could be your knight in shining armor and hold you close when you got scared. Well you ended up holding him like he's a baby but that didn't matter to him even though he's going to be very embarrassed later. What mattered right now to him was trying to calm his heart, from the jumpscares and the fact that you two were there cuddling?! Mostly the first option , but hey those things were scary, don't judge>:(
Another time he found himself in this situation was on his birthday, wooyoung and you tangled up in each other limbs, the others where getting the place ready so of course you offered to keep him busy while the others fixed up the dorm for him, so you invited him over, which he couldn't say no to you. He was laying on you the couch and you were running your hands through his hair, which in hindsight helped him alot with what he was going to ask you. You had single handedly finished all 5 steps without knowing? Or maybe you did know? He doesn't know but he needs to ask you about it. It's been eating him alive for the past week. He knows he shouldn't ask on his birthday because what if you say no? But he couldn't wait because, what if you say yes? No birthday present could top that. Here he goes, his heart racing he manages to strangle out a “ hey ning…? “ ew he thought, why did it sound like that, he was cringing until he heard you say back “ yes? Did you need something?” you smiling down at him calmed him down a lot more than he thought “ can i ask you something?” he took a deep breath “ of course, anything woo” you laid your phone down to put all attention on him, still playing with his hair. “ i um- do you um “ he stuttered “ dammit” he said sitting up “ is there something wrong wooyoung?” concern filling your face “ i like you. Like I ‘like like’ you.” he said getting it out there, but before you could say anything he continued “ and i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime…?” he couldn't look you in the face because he felt like he would explode. For real he was holding his breath for so long he felt like he was going to burst. “ woo i-” you giggled and he turned around ready to be faced with rejection. “ of course i will” you cupped his face and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He looked like a lost puppy, eyes wide and frozen in shock “ wait you- you like me to?” ugh he sounded like a 2nd grader finding out their crush likes them back. “ Of course I do woo, who wouldn't love you?” you giggled at the end. Just as wooyoung went to speak he got interrupted by your phone going off saying it was time to bring him back to the dorm for his surprise.
Hwa: hey were done over here if you wanna bring him back
You: okay! But warn san if he's coming back to stay with wooyoung lol
Hwa: oh good lord
Smiling at yourself you took him by the hand and told him you two where going back to his dorm for something.Lets just say he went back to the dorm holding your hand and he was the happiest birthday boy in the world. But wooyoung had one more question before he went back to the dorm "wait so did you know about the list or not?" He questioned you "what list?" You questioned back "wait so your telling me you completed a whole goddammit list without knowing it ever even existed?!" He squealed out "Oops" you shrugged and laughed
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jovenshires · 6 months
You’ve probably been asked this before but what’s like your fanfic writing process?? Like how do you end up writing your fanfictions?
i actually haven't but i'd be happy to talk about it!! i'm actually writing fic right now, so here's what i've done in the past like. hour. im gonna put it under the cut bc its EXTREMELY long but if you ever wanted 'katie's guide to fic writing,' here it is!
i'm pretty easily distracted, so i've gotta make sure i'm in like. The Right Conditions. that means phone face down or away if i can (rn i've got to be on call in case my boss needs smth but you get the gist) bc i WILL just open tiktok or play a mobile game. even just now writing this answer i have picked up my phone and opened pinterest. i cannot be stopped so i try to stay off it and put it down when i catch myself!!
more and more often i cant even listen to music while i write - partly bc i tend to read my work aloud to myself to make sure it sounds right and partly bc my brain will be like "you know this song omg the words are in your brain" or "you should go look at what song this is bc you kinda like it". cannot trust myself even with sound. if i AM listening to music while i write, it's either the specific playlist for that fic, playlists with the right vibes (ex: rivals-to-lovers for iwks), OR anime openings bc. less likely to get distracted when it's not in english tbh.
(huge on all of the senses so i also usually have a candle lit. im super sensitive to smells so if there's an unpleasant smell somewhere around me i will be unable to focus <3)
all that being said about distractions, i think it's important to take breaks - dont just FORCE yourself to write. that's why i'm huge on setting goals for myself - deadlines, word count goals, timed breaks. like "okay im gonna sprint write for 10 minutes and then after that ill watch some of this danny gonzalez video" or "i'll write until 3:30 and then i should go take a break and read a book." im not always faithful to my goals but i try my best!!
as for the actual writing itself, i typically just go for it. i can usually see an image in my mind and i try my best to write that out/describe it as best i can. and then if it sounds wrong i just reword it again and again until i've got it. this is kind of where my reading aloud bit comes in - if it sounds right when you say it out loud, that generally means it sounds right in the text.
sometimes i'll just have a certain scene or just scraps of dialogue and i'll write that out and be like "okay how did they get here." i never embraced writing out of order until recently, but now that i have. no going back tbh i highly recommend it. rwylm and iwks especially had scenes WAY later down the line that i wrote first. just write what comes naturally and go from there.
occasionally i do outlines, but not super often, and when i do they're vague as hell. i think a lot of my iwks outline was just "game" and then "another game but tommy is there this time." i think outlines that go too in-depth kind of take away from the freedom of writing so. if it's for you then slay but its usually not for me
i try not to worry too hard about. the style/grammar/little things as i go. of course im guilty of this and i'll stop and edit my own works along the way sometimes but i've found it's best if you keep writing and then go back later!!
sometimes when i'm writing a new smosh cast member i'll go back and watch videos/compilations of them just to reorient my brain. i've done this a lot with chanse recently!! but i also think. it really isn't that deep too NSDKFNKNK like these are fictionalized versions of fictionalized selves and so on and so forth so don't worry about 'voice' too much im trying to kick that habit myself
EDIT: oh i've talked about this before but. as for ideas/where my fic ideas come from?? i truly try to grab from my every day life. oh i went to the grocery store today? what if smosh member a and smosh member b went to the grocery store. i watched a horror movie and you know who else could do that. otherwise i pull from music/movies/tv shows/other media and be like 'this but for smosh.' i really just be pulling from my life and repackaging it thats all. start small (haircut fic) and work your way up (homoerotic soccer epic)!
and i think that's it?? i'd like to think im pretty chill about the whole thing. (read: i am not chill in any way at all but im trying my best.) anyway, it's something i'm always happy to talk about - thank you for asking!!
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ok so, dominant gortash, right? its great, but so is sub gort, there's so many different ways u could look at this guy man,.
cont. below. warning long & a bit nsfw
i think it could be reasonably argued that he's a switch. im not very knowledgeable with every single note revolving around 'im but he slept around for a lil bit of moola and power right? i think that if need be he'd serve as either or. getting stepped on by Lady Jannath, givin' it to Franc, but again, it's all transactional, leverage on his climb from arms dealer to archduke and used as a stepping stone, a means to an end?
with Bane's and his own thing about power and being in control as a means to be "safe" (ill maybe get into that another day bc that fucks me up big time) i think maybe he's toeing a dangerous line between "giving up" that control - because lets be real with sleeping his way up i dont think he'd really be in a non-dominant position regardless of Who he's with (even if the idea of him being forced into a position he's most uncomfortable and unmatched with is appealing, maybe with someone far more imposing than himself?) - and keeping up appearances, because shit spreads fast in those circles if you're not careful. BUT. then you factor in durge. again i think their dynamic could go either way- gortash really is dom in streets dom in sheets, or .. not? theres so many facets to this, but in particular, consider- he'd definitely top from the bottom, but he'd be submissive for -durge-, like as close to actually submissive he'd be for someone other than himself. it's not just about a power exchange, it's maybe not completely superficial, it's not necessary to their alliance (or maybe it is, if u wanna look at it that way, smth smth manipulation?), its enjoyment, its carnal/mutual attraction w/e, and it also fits the bill for being a little defiant shit even if the god he's defying is Kinda Why he's even there in the first place.
so thats why im thinking that durge would have to earn his submission, perhaps a power struggle ensues, they REALLY gotta work for it tooth n nail, because to gortash nothing is really given, it's all earned. doubly so for something as precious as his trust, however flimsy it might be but he's letting durge tie him up so? it's neither here nor there but it's -actual- submission he'd be a total pain in the ass tbh but still worlds more workable than if he had the reigns entirely. he'd still delude himself that he's in control of their situation, of course, but in reality it's the opposite. i dont think the term "brat" would quite fit him but he'd 100% be bossy as fuck par for the course, everything's gotta go HIS way, gotta call him this gotta call him that do it that way etc etc., but its totally just a coincidence that it's also what durge wants to do.
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youremyheaven · 1 month
"(Mercurials are unfairly critical of others, have you noticed?) and she frequently took digs at me and was one of those people who make jokes at the expense of others."
on at least 5 separate occasions throughout the years i, with the help of another friend, have had to sit down and explain to my mercurial friend that she has to think before she speaks and how you can't just constantly insult people 💀 she's genuinely one of the most critical people i know, some examples include her walking around every inch of my island in animal crossing and tearing apart everything she saw for like an HOUR. yes it was in a video game, and yes im still salty!! she also would ask to read my creative writing or essays and then annotate it with her criticisms WITHOUT ME ASKING HER TO 😭😭 i remember the first time she graded my short story i wrote for fun an F and i was just staring in utter disbelief
she also would constantly make fun of peoples looks in a joking way (myself included) and when i told her to stop she'd play innocent like it was just a harmless joke, begrudgingly apologize, and do it again like a week later. i've observed this sort of underhanded behaviour in two mercury women so i think they might have a habit of it? i get complimented a lot and yes i'm tooting my own horn here but i am very good looking however she had an OBSESSION with getting unflattering photos of me and then sending them to our friends "as a joke" and then would play the victim when i got mad. like sorry i don't want our whole social circle thinking i look like albino shrek omg
the biggest reason why i cant stand Mercurial women is how theyre sooo deeply insecure that they'll tear apart others just to feel better about themselves
yearsss ago I got a really cute bag for really cheap and i was talking about it with my Mercurial friend and she said "it looks ugly thats why it was cheap" and she was carrying around a tattered, worn out, faded ass bag lmaooo
another mercurial girl who was average looking criticized practically everybody we knew for being ugly. she wore the shittiest clothes and criticized other people's sense of style
an Ashlesha Moon girl i knew never said one nice thing about me but often praised our other friends for no reason and made them sound like the second coming of Cleopatra,, i called her out on it and she told me "i thought you heard enough from others, i didnt know you were desperate for validation from me as well" 💀💀
THE BACKHANDED COMMENTS u mentioned??? bestieee we're all victims here 😭😭
so between 8th and 10th grade, i was in an extremely abusive homoerotic friendship with an Ashlesha Moon,,, she was always putting me down for no reason. i kinda sing,, i am not a brilliant singer but i have won prizes in school for singing so i know i dont suck as a singer. one time she asked me to sing for her on call and then she was silent and said "its not exactly brilliant but its not horrible i guess" 10 yrs later, i wish i couldve reached out through the phone to smack her face,,, i was in my poet era back then and tbh my poetry was pretty good if i say so myself and this girl??? always accused me of plagiarism,, i took it in my stride bc i was like "ok if u think im THAT good then what do i do" lol.
i could go on but ill stop here ,,, i hope i never meet another mercurial again amen
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cicad4s · 12 days
toma headcanons because im crazy (cw for stuff on his route + some nsfw):
he smoked in highschool:
in his concept art, he's shown with a cigarette in his mouth (in fact thats one of the only things that was changed from his final design lol). i headcanon that while he was in highschool and very emotionally silly over the heroine / his feelings towards her, he'd kind of avoid her and hang around the "wrong crowds", eventually getting into smoking. he used it as stress relief but its also had the opposite effect bc heroine would KILL him if he ever smoked.. so ? he just kind of sat there feeling guilty and depressed (as toma tends to do).
anyways he quit cold turkey at one point because he got caught by shin. shin was PISSED. he made toma swear that he'd quit immediately otherwise he'd tell the heroine what he was doing (tbh the only threat that would actually work; especially when hes still a teenager and less hateful towards shin). i think he lectured him sooo hard and called him an idiot 5 morbillion times
i feel like i need to clarify that toma was probably the lamest rebellious kid out there. like yeah he smoked but he was doing it bc it was a group expectation, not because he really wanted to.
not entirely inexperienced:
going back to toma in highschool; its canon that he dated a bunch of girls who asked him out, though i don't think he ever got really far with them. i think he's kissed like one girl out of obligation / because he felt like he needed to keep up the act or at least Try to get over the heroine; though i think he probably broke up with that girl soon after. i doubt that any girl he ever dated wouldnt notice his goo goo eyes for the heroine LOL so maybe they knew what they were getting into.
soo i dont think heroine is his first kiss (tho i do think she's his first in other aspects)
sexuality in general:
i think toma is honest to god super repressed in terms of his own sexuality and that's where most of his issues come from. this man does not see ANY (LITERALLY ANY. even nonsexual) of his desires as being normal. that's why he really was so okay with just being onii-chan... it was a safe space for him where he could live in his "wholesome ideals" of a relationship. i feel like most of his talk abt "im a man!!! im a man i could take advantage of you!!" was out of legitimate fear that his sexual side was some beast that he had to keep caged (haha) and that he might hurt the very person he cares abt most in the world. so w that in mind i really can't see this guy being super overtly horny LOL. cage ending aside while i think hes a freak in the sheets or whatever he would be so shy and demure about it all... ahhh heroine... u can't just look at me like that... kyaaa... hes the kind of guy to freeze like a deer in headlights when anything romantic or sexual happens (i like it... but i shouldn't... but i should pull away.. but i don't want to....)
i think hes a soft dom w service top tendencies tee be aich... though id love to go down on him (Who said that ?! )
he totally has a maid fetish imo. it's basically canon so like... that being said it's funny as fuck that he's like Tch... I don't want you to be a maid for other people... you'll just be a maid for me 😈 (in his bad end). like cmon man.
- i like to imagine that toma learned how to drive purely because he wanted to be able to help shin and the heroine out ... he is the reliable older brother chauffeur of your dreams. I also like to think that he really sucked ass at first though and he got pulled over for running a stop sign once.
- this is just me but i hc him with Poland syndrome 👍👍
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herorkgk · 11 months
Now I'm curious. What's YOUR favorite OW2 skin??
i'll do you one better, here's my fave skins (that i own) for all the heroes
i opened up my game for this, if anyone reads through this good luck im sorry.
d.va - shin-ryeong
i can't even begin to describe why i love this skin so much but my fave part of it is the candles on her cannons
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doomfist - saitama
fun fact i became the very thing i hate for this skin (doomfist player)
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junkerqueen - zeus
i literally do not care this is her best skin and nothing that could come out for her will EVER be as good as this
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orisa - reindeer
another case of they can never make something for her as good as this
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ramattra - poseidon
honestly again. ik he doesn't have many but its just. how can they top this? i'm very into greek mythology so this event was really awesome for me tbh
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reinhardt - cardboard i've wanted this skin ever since ow1 btdubs bc my fave spray for him was always him as a kid trick or treating with cardboard armour and i wanted him to have a cardboard skin so bad. when they came out with it i caved... it was just everything i ever wanted
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roadhog - pachimari
i do not play roadhog.
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sigma - maestro
i like scuba too bc of his rock hard abs but this one is just so unique
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winston - werewolf
i also do not play winston but i love werewolves and i got this in a lootbox once
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wrecking ball - horizon
i don't play this stupid thing but i like lore skins
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zarya - totally 80's
DONT CAREEEEE best zarya skin
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ashe - little red
this has been the staple ashe skin for me. ashe has a lot. a LOT of really good s tier skins and i think she has the most best skins out of other characters aside from like. tracer and genji.
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bastion - coffin
bird is a freaking skeleton. best skin
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cassidy - riverboat
i've been wearing blackwatch lately and i keep losing so i think its a skin issue. going back to tried n true
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echo - kkachi
she's actually the cutest
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genji - genos
i really like one punch man....
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hanzo - casual
i remember the controversy over this skin back in the day it was so funny how grandpa they made him look. i think i like this one the most on hanzo bc i just like him as a character. i also like how this skin is him finally just being himself and in a subtle way showing how he's grown into himself as a person. means a lot to me
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junkrat - dr. junkenstein
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mei - jiangshi
best mei skin ik melon exists but be serious
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pharah - orbital
pharah has a bunch of good ones too but i can't help loving her being bald
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reaper - lü bu
best reaper skin. do not care
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sojourn - cyber detective
people who pretend sojourn has no good skins are delusional this is peak
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soldier 76 - grillmaster
do i need to say more. i will this was the first skin i ever worked really hard for in ow1. when i started playing again i grinded for days to get enough coins to get the full set golf swing pose, highlight intro and skin. i prayed i would get it in lootboxes but i never did so i worked really hard for this. corny but it means a lot to me, that was probably the most fun i ever had playing this stupid game
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sombra - face changer
i wear bride a lot too but nothing can beat face changer. imo this is one of the top 10 skins in the game if i was rating them. i love the mythology, i love the colour palette, i love the animations as the face changes, i love that you can see which face she is currently wearing on her gun in real time. its a really impressive skin
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symmetra - oasis
best sym skin its so elegant and pretty and cunty
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torbjorn - cybjorn
kraft mac n cheese.....
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tracer - comic book
i loveeeeee this one the panels from london calling.... eats this skin
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widowmaker - ange de la mort
as a widow main this skin makes me hot
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ana - night owl
goth bird. best skin
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baptiste - funky
dude i will never not love this skin the custom music when you select it and the gun colours. groovy
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i've hit my pic limit unfortunately i will need to rb and finish the rest
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lo-sulci · 1 year
just finished getting thru the gundam 0079 arc with all the amphibious mobile suits, so now i'm gonna comment on zeon mobile suit designs because why not im bored
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the very first one! definitely has some cool elements- the torso design makes me think of, like, ancient roman battle armor, specifically the, like, armor skirts that i just now learned googling are called pteruges. anyways, it's neat, but also, it's hard to say that it's not overshadowed somewhat by some of the ones that follow it, which is okay!! it serves its function well
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this is no zaku!! the blue is a fun color, and the electric whip is a pretty cool weapon. as much as it is no zaku, it does follow the same kind of design path as one, and really does just kinda end up being, like, "zaku but slightly more." name kicks ass tho, love da goof
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speaking of names lmao. i kinda really like the dom, tbh? admittedly, part of that is personal bias- purple is my favorite color, so a purple MS is cool to me. but also, i really love the camera set-up here! it almost looks like this single red eye in this dark cloak hood or smth, it brings to mind imagery of, like, fantasy assassins to me. how they move is also pretty neat, i like watching them glide around and stuff. dunno what the little badge thing is about, but i'll pretend it's a little award for having a cool design :)
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our first amphibious MS!! like the zaku, it's the kind of basic one that subsequent ones iterate on. that said, look at those claws!! in general this is such a chunky MS, it's great. i also like the little thrusters/propellers it has on the bottom of its feet, those made me laugh the first time i saw them. does anyone else feel like it looks like its wearing, like, a wrestling championship belt or smth??
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HELL YEAH!!!! genuinely love the z'gok. first: phenomenal color scheme, imo. the periwinkle and dark teal works *so* well, i could not be happier with how that looks and fuck char for painting it all red. aside from that, there's something so pleasing to me about the general way it's shaped. the proportions work surprisingly well for smth that is really close to being a torso with no head. and, speaking of the head: I love the little torpedo launchers on top! idk, I can't tell you exactly why, I just think the z'gok kicks ass, and is one of my favorite MS designs so far
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THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!! the zock looks so ridiculous in the best possible way, I'm utterly obsessed. almost looks like it was designed to be a mobile armor like the bigro or smth, but then was changed to be a MS instead at the last minute. i dont care at all tho, bc it is just. perfection. look at that camera set up!!!! why is it a star!!!! it's so impractical it kicks so much ass!!!! and my god, the SHAPE on this lad!! and those claws!!!! and just, everything!!!! perfection has a name and it is zock
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acguy is. a lot. he head too big for he gotdamn body!! it's a bit disappointing to go back to a gogg-adjacent color scheme, i won't lie. also anything coming right after the zock was bound to be a bit disappointing because, like, what could compare? that said! the crab-like head is cool, and i like the range of motion the camera has. also, the retractable fingers are incredible, and seeing these things spider-maning around in a cave was hilarious. more than any other MS, the acguy is just, like, a sopping wet beast to me
bonus that i haven't seen in action but saw a picture of: juaggu
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what the sneef? i'm snorfin here!!
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spoilers for the bear in my response btw !! mentioning it just in case
I had the viewing pleasure of watching JAW’s ck campaign video and I died once again but that's ok. I think the outdoor city shoot would be amazing tbh. I would also love to see little promo videos of carmy and bradley and the other people participating in the collab mentioning their fave denims, fun facts abt their collections n such, make it a lil more personal.
i cant remember the monologue u r mentioning :,) but im rewatching the bear so i hope i can catch it this time and dude him going on a tangent solely about vintage denim >>>> he’s so real for that. ALSO! when you say golden boy you mean he wants to be liked or be noticed n such?? gen question!
i def agree with your point too about the hectic environments he cant control as well. i think this kind of hectic (being on set) would be particularly eh as well bc its foreign?? like when he was stuck in the fridge, even if he wasnt in control he kinda knew what could be going on?? but on a photoshoot set with multiple outfit changes and makeup and the heat of the lights (those lights are so hot, i had to do a uni project on a tv set once and it was hell) i think it would exacerbate some sort of antsy-ness.
why do you think bradley followed carmy on his smoke breaks? i think thats a very interesting idea bc bradley being an athlete and not smoking and all i wonder what prompted him to go after carm. dont get me wrong i would go after him too but like 👀 OH AND AND pedalling on bradley wanting to go to the bear and all, can you imagine bradley taking the reader there for a date?? imagine bradley calls carm for a favor so its only the two of them in the restaurant after hours or smth.
dude i love this dynamic. i didnt even know i needed this but apparently i do SOB funnily enough i also came up with a plausible romance "storyline" (more so like a hc for the levis collab au helo) for carmy that goes along the of a celeb au too
It’s that long monologue at Al-Anon on the season 1 finale!
Ohh and the thing that would throw carmy off is how many people are fussing over him. Touching up his makeup, making sure his hair is tousled just the right way, fixing his outfit… it’s a lot. And he’s such a golden boy in the way that he likes being the best one, the most masterful one in the room, and the fact that he doesn’t have the slightest grasp of this set is stressful to him.
I think bradley would notice that carmy doesn’t look all that comfortable in that element, and he’s trying to be nice and friendly at first. And carmy initially just steered clear of bradley bc he’s so in his element and just so jet-set (like he thinks bradley would be a dick haha). but turns out they’re both pretty chill!
and OHHHH bradley taking reader to the bear would be amazing! richie would lowkey be fangirling (remember him singing Love Story in the car?) and it’s an exciting affair all round. I can see bradley booking the whole place while he and reader are in town for her show—it’s a big dinner with her friends and her team. and it’s also really good PR for the restaurant too 🔥
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