#its used all the time as a religious example of attacking the rich and greedy
bouquetofrosys · 1 year
so when jesus detroys a holy place of worship and drives businessmen out hes making a meaningful statement about religious corruption and greed, but when i do it its an attack on christianity in america? just say you hate women & move on...
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golbatgender · 7 years
You have to emotionally combat bigotry. All the reason in the world isn't going to calm or convince someone who's Angry and Scared and has a Target to be angry and scared about. Best case, if you try pure reason, they won't listen. Worst case, you sound cold and dismissive about their feelings (yes, fuck their feelings, but that's not the point), and they'll feel like they have even more reason to disagree with you, and might even spread this perception and their bigot-funk to bystanders. You have to argue on an emotional as well as a factual level to get anything done.
There are several strategies to do this—simply getting angry in return and directly attacking never works!
Redirect emotions with a combination of loaded words and real facts. Someone thinks immigrants are taking jobs? Direct that hatred towards big businesses and CEOs that try to buy and corrupt government (though, with that particular example, you have to be very careful not to reinforce antisemitic tropes—for example, avoid mentioning bankers or any names that sound Jewish as the corrupt, resource-hogging enemy). To do this successfully, you have to know what words have what emotional freight to your target—that means getting a basic familiarity with opposition rhetoric, and remaining aware that it is trying to manipulate you the exact same way, only generally without the benefit of any basis in fact. This is the only strategy that seeks to change the mind of the actual bigot as well as any bystanders. If you manage to calm them down or redirect their hurt in a more favorable direction, they will be much more receptive to ordinary reasoning and may eventually develop a true framework of reasoning and not need to be emotionally manipulated to get them to do or think beneficial things.
Aim to convince bystanders on the subject of the original topic, using the same combination of facts and loaded words to give emotional weight to the truth. Here, you do not need to redirect much of anything; you need to give the immediate subject and your position a particular emotional connotation.
Attempt to convince the bystanders (and any fringe/lightly invested members of the group) that the group itself to which your opponent belongs is so awful that no one should want to be associated with them, again using the same combination of loaded words and facts. This approach can veer into ad hominem, but in many cases group affiliation can be relevant—for example, if someone is a member of a hate group, trashing the hate group's rep is a good thing on its own, and membership in the group is also a good reason to doubt a person's political beliefs. (It would be just plain old ad hominem if, for example, one brings up that one's opponent is a furry. Also really sex negative and likely homophobic, which is bad.) Again, this is to convince bystanders that they do not want to be associated with your opponent, and to convince fringe members of your opponent's group that the group isn't cool. This is not about convincing your opponent, unless they are also a fringe member. And whatever you say about the group MUST be true to the very best of your knowledge, or you are, in fact, yourself turning into a bigot.
What are loaded words? Loaded words are words that have strong associations with most people. Words can be loaded as positive or negative, but also with secondary, less immediately obvious concepts such as class, education level, and religious or political affiliation. In general, shorter words are more emotionally loaded.
"Late-capitalist trends in per capita purchasing power allocation are increasing the net gap between socio-economic strata."
This is a sentence that has little primary loading and a moderate amount of secondary loading. Few if any of the words in this sentence have emotional weight. As a whole, the sentence seems cool, emotionally detached, and intellectual. Most bigots are anti-intellectual. (The few that aren't are usually "new atheists" and/or "scientific" eugenicists, or some varieties of anti-Israel antisemites. Many of these talk about facts and logic, but they actually just like the emotional idea of facts and logic and use psychological tactics just like all the rest.) While this sentence might be very useful to economic experts and its specificity can serve a specific purpose, it is not going to convince a layman or senator (same thing, for most purposes), as effectively as:
"Dirty CEOs are strangling the economy and stealing wages from hard-working taxpayers!"
"Six rich bastards have more money than half of all Americans!"
"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This can't go on."
"Your boss does almost no work and gets paid twice as much as you. His boss does half as much as your boss and gets paid four times as much. How's that fair?"
"Trickle-down economics is a scam!"
"So-and-so died because he couldn't afford insulin. Greedy pharma and insurance companies just want to make money off sick people and leave them to die if they're too poor to be useful. Fucking boardrooms are literal death panels—'kill these people so we can charge more for the same thing.' They'd still be alive and right here now if we had healthcare like [other country]!"
"[Other company] is Union and they get paid more and don't got to go as fast. I hear they get rubber mats to stand on too."
Notice how all those sentences made you feel a lot more emotion? That's what I'm talking about. Notice how the one about insurance and pharma companies appropriates a right-wing buzzword and changes its referent. Notice how the last example sentence uses both positive emotions and envy (and working class dialect) to make the case that unions are a good thing. Notice also how all these things are in fact true.
Some words will have different loading to different audiences. For example, "capitalism" will be negative to some left-wing people and neutral-to-positive with most other Americans. "The 1%" will signal "ally" to leftists and "mortal enemy" to a (right-)libertarian or Republican, in reference to the speaker, and the 1% itself when so named will be negative to the former and average out to neutral with the latter.
Bigots work by using emotion with just enough factoids to seem plausible. If we use the same level of emotion with real facts, we can win against them—but we have to be willing to do it. Remember, never lie, but influence emotional perception of your argument. Flip the script.
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lordshadrach · 8 years
Dealing With A Science Enthusiast on Facebook.
I am sure that whoever reads my tumblr would know that based on a few posts here and there, I identify as a religious person. I will admit I do not live like it from time to time but I do TRY my best to live a Godly life. In fact, let it be known that I have friends, and had friends over the years, who were gay, bisexual, atheist, Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox, Hindu, Wiccan and even straight up Agnostic. I loved every single one of them and they all meant the world to me.  But that is not the point I am making of this post. Rather, it was my recent conversation I had with A Science Enthusiast on facebook. What started this was the fact A Science Enthusiast was publishing posts that seemed to bash Christianity. I find it interesting how most atheists I have dealt with, save for a few, seem to take antagonistic views to Christians and their belief in Jesus. (Wow, how funny that Jesus even said this would be a fact more than two thousand years after his Earthly life. I will post the verses later.)
Anyway, moving to the meat of this post. All the chats will be in bold italics. 
I sent the following message to A Science Enthusiast. 
LordShadrach: Why the hate towards religious people? I am a religious guy myself who loves science so what gives?
Okay, an honest question. I am religious yes, but since when did religious people hate science? Sure there are some who believe in Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Theistic Evolution or a combination of Old Earth Creationism and Theistic Evolution (which is what I am by the way. I will clarify my position later.) Still, there are Programmers, Biologists, Chemists, Psychologists, Botanists, and so forth and so on. Which goes to show just because someone rejects the science of evolution does NOT mean they reject all science. 
In fact, every post this guy made seems to have a seething hatred of religious people.  
I then receive this reply: 
A Science Enthusiast: Please show me where I directed any hate whatsoever towards religious people.
A fair and reasonable reply right? Seems like anyone could have said that, given an Atheist could have replied. “No, I do not hate religious people. I do not agree with their views. But religious people are okay.” and that would have been it. No more dialogue. No more discussion. Just a simple understanding. However, the posts say otherwise. Here is what I said in reply: LS: Its just some of your posts seem to be attacking religious people. One example is the lady thanking god she had enough milk making a mix. Now I know you didn’t make the meme personally, its just that it seems you bash religious people.
I then provided the links of his posts to prove my point.
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1500736593288114/?type=3&theater 
EXHIBIT A: This one makes it look as though who believe in ID are people who cannot breath. Even if I am a Theistic Evolutionist, I don’t like seeing IDs getting bashed for their beliefs. 
The picture was of a wolf being the product of evolution and the image of a pug being seen as the product of intelligent design. This image implied that all creationists/intelligent design supporters are stupid. (Which they are not, they just have a flawed outlook on the origin of the world. Again this is from an Old Earth Creationist/Theistic Evolutionist). But this really did not add any evidence to the table as to why Creationists/Intelligent Design Supporters were wrong. More rather it was to attack them as a people.
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1499474206747686/?type=3&theater 
EXHIBIT B: If a person is thanking God for having enough left over to make a cake, why bash them. I understand the reasoning as to what you want to say about kids starving in third world nations, but to bash this person for a small thing is just questionable.
You know, some Christians, or religious people in general, are perhaps too humble to ask whatever higher power they worship for much as said believers do not want to seem greedy. Also, you may not know the full story as to this person’s struggles. For all we could know, this person might not have enough money to buy the basic necessities in life. I am well aware of starving people in Third World Countries, but to bash a religious person giving thanks in having enough to spare is just too much. Look at it like this: Just because we live in a rich nation, does not mean everyone has enough to eat. Starving people are not found in some Third World nation, just go down to the poor side of your hometown and look at all the people struggling with what little they earn. In fact, these people are the most thankful people you will ever meet because they know how hard it is to survive. 
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1498123620216078/?type=3&theater
EXHIBIT C: Even if you find religion to be fake, it has given people a new outlook on life and something meaningful and purposeful with themselves. Sure, call them weak, but imagine what they were before they found God...without direction. At least with religion, people have some kind of meaning in their lives.
Regardless how you may feel about there being a God, at least people who have found religion have some how found freedom from drugs, alcohol, porn, smoking, and various other negative vices. There are even people who have hit rock bottom and only found solace in religion because it was all these people had left in this world. Call it whatever you want, but these people are trying to live their lives as best as they can with a higher power. And if you might have the nerve to call such people weak, tell me how it is possible to rise out of your negative addictions, lifestyles, and other forms of self destruction by your will power alone. I hate to say this but not many people can make that boast. Not even you. 
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1474365165925257/?type=3&theater
From what I get, its as though religious people are at fault for the illnesses at the children’s hospital. Again, I understand where its coming from, but religious people have said its because of man's rebellion against God.  And while i do believe in prayer, I do believe God also wants us to use medication too.
I think I made this one clear. Many times religious people have stated it was because of man’s rebellion against God. Yes, you may have heard it more times than not and I won’t repeat it again. But I am sure anyone, religious or not, would be upset at a children’s ward. I know I would! 
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1496224777072629/?type=3&theater
EXHIBIT E: To begin with, George Michael was rich and famous. Not to put down his work or anything but this sort of thing while it does happen, does not happen at the level that the late George Michael did. I am sure there are religious people with the means who donated as much but wished to remain anonymous.
I think I said enough right here. But to expand on it. What this implies is ONE PERSON who recently died. Where was the praise for such things when the man lived!? Where? I wish to know as I would stand corrected. Again, there are people of various faiths doing this very thing as I speak who have the means to do so. However, these same people won’t receive this type of praise because they aren’t George Michael or any other celebrity living or dead. 
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1493618273999946/?type=3&theater
EXHIBIT F: According to doctors, the foreskin provides a good environment to allow bacteria to grow and develop causing issues with the penis. Those who are circumcised usually do not have these problems among other good benefits. -Easier hygiene. Circumcision makes it simpler to wash the penis. 
-Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. 
-Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. 
-Prevention of penile problems. 
-Decreased risk of penile cancer.
This post had a picture of Dawkins bashing religious people who have their penises circumcised. Not only was this an attack on religious people, but also those who have their penis circumcised because of a health reason. And the benefits were not something I pulled out of the air either. I would tell people to do a google search themselves, but to save them the trouble, I posted a few links here to help out. http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/basics/why-its-done/prc-20013585
What more to say on the topic?
LS: https://www.facebook.com/WeBelieveInNihilism/photos/a.240445896296648.1073741827.240440672963837/389177558090147/?type=3&theater
EXHIBIT G: This is mocking what Jesus said about living by his example. What he meant by that was showing love to your neighbors, never judging, and helping others.
Can anyone tell me what is so wrong about living your life...
-Forgiving Others.
These right here are a list of some Christ-Like attributes which Christ himself displayed. Jesus also said to love your enemies as yourself and to pray for those who hurt you. In fact, here was a guy who was asking God to FORGIVE the very people who were crucifying him! Most normal people would have been cursing their executioners. Christ on the other hand was showing love and compassion to the very people who hated him. 
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1492630554098718/?type=3&theater
EXHIBIT H: This one speaks for itself, but again I see some bashing of the title of Jesus as the Great Physician. Again, I must state while I am religious and while I do believe in prayer, i also believe in medication so there.
I forgot to mention in this post that several years ago, some doctors were surveyed and it was discovered that 73% of physicians believe in miracles. In fact, there are medical stories with eyewitness accounts by doctors, nurses, and patients alike which state they had witness miracles. However, back to the post at hand, this was literally insulting Christ if not the Christians who believe in miracles.
Now, do i believe in Faith Healing? Let us just say the jury is still out. In other words, until i witness it for myself onto myself where I am cured of my vision problems and no longer need glasses, then I will believe. Until then, I will visit a doctor or dentist should I need my body to be taken care of when I am sick. That and the occasional medications. 
LS: https://www.facebook.com/aScienceEnthusiast/photos/a.475346705827113.120684.475335342494916/1486528421375598/?type=3&theater
Not to sound like I am bashing gays, but the second part makes it seem that children who go to church are forced to do so. Some go there to meet new people or to be with their parents or to have fun. Then the talk about eating certain foods? That was done away with in the New Testament. (Acts 10:1-11) As for touching one's self? God only struck down ONE person because Onan knew he would not be the true parent of the child and thus deprived his sibling of a child (This relates to old marriage laws of the Old Testament that are no longer followed. I will ask a Rabbi for more information about this if you want.)
First of all, a personal anecdote about myself as a Christian. From when I was around eight to when I was twenty four, I was never a regular church goer. Maybe in that sixteen year period did I set foot in a church maybe less than five times. Did I have faith? Yes. Did I read my bible? Occasionally? Did I get a sermon from another source? Televangelists...do they count?  Did I look up articles to help with my walk online? Oh you better believe it! 
Also, for the duration for the time when I did go to church from ages six to eight, I went willingly! In fact, i am quite certain there are children who go to church or whatever house of worship they attend willingly because of the new, exciting things they see, being able to take part in the rituals, the mystery of religion, and so forth and so on. But to claim that children are being forced to attend against their will is a wrongful generalization. 
As for the part about the meats being clean and unclean. The verses I posted from Acts shows that no longer did God care what a person ate. God from here on out only cares about our hearts, actions, and thoughts. The rules about clean and unclean meats were for the Exodus Jews. The problem with the Law of Moses was it brought condemnation. When Jesus got on the scene, he brought forth mercy and love. No longer did little things like which food to eat for example matter anymore to God. Now it was more important issues like the salvation of the soul.
Now, in relation to Onan, it had nothing to do with masturbation. His sin was refusing to give his sister-in-law a child. 
(I am not here to talk about Marriage Customs in the book of Exodus, so I will post links here to help you understand. Just so every knows for the record even i find it screwed up.)
Moving onward, I then posted this message to A Science Enthusiast. 
LS: In closing, it seems every one of these posts has it in for religious people mainly those who are Christian. And its upsetting.
Now do not get me wrong, I love science and I love learning its just the bashing of religion by atheists is going too far.
Back several years ago, when the youtube religious debates were new, I cannot tell you the times many people who had faith in Christ were bashed, insulted, harassed, mocked, bullied, and many other negative actions. All because they professed a belief in Christ. In fact, I witnessed some myself! Even long after the debates were over, the bashing of Christians, if not religious people in general, continues to endure. And every post seems to have an Anti-Christian rhetoric to them. 
After making the post, I receive this reply:
A Science Enthusiast: Okay, I don't see any people who are religious being insulted though. I see religion being insulted. But I don't see people being insulted. Maybe Jesus. If he even existed.
Really? Did it occur to you at any time that anyone who read these posts could have taken offense to them? Did that not occur to you once at anytime?! What you do not realize is even if you make a post bashing religion, it does offend those who are religious. Does that make any sense?
Yet, what gets me considering that Hindsight is 20/20, is when you said “if he existed”. Are you somehow a closeted believer or agnostic? I do not want to sound like I am jumping to conclusions but I have to wonder. 
Hoping to get a clearer answer, I posted this: 
LS: Its just I felt that way about it. How do you feel about religious people? I am only pondering the unknown to have a better understanding. Please help me understand better
What was so wrong about asking these things for a better understanding!? One thing I have always pondered about Atheists is WHY they are Atheist. I am not content with the statement with their default answer as to there not being a God, but more rather along the lines of... WHAT lead you to Atheism?
WHERE did this happen?
WHEN was it?
WHO did you speak to or WHO did you read?
HOW did this change your views on religion?
WHY did it change your view point on religion?
My statement in regard to A Science Enthusiast were to have a better clarification of his views. Was he providing LOGICAL reasons for his position or was he merely BAD MOUTHING those who are religious? 
Here is how the conversation went afterward:
A Science Enthusiast: Why would someone's belief in a myth make me dislike them?
LS: Its just from the looks of things. With the images and posts it seems like religious people are mocked for their faith. Like I said, I am trying to get a better understanding
A Science Enthusiast: You said I'm insulting people. I'm not. Ideologies aren't people.
LS: But what I am getting at is the people who hold such ideologies. They consider their religion as an extension of themselves. Well, at least give me credit for using reason to understand your views. I am sure its a refreshing change from those who get all pissy.
A Science Enthusiast: If they consider an ideology as part of their identity, that's not my fucking problem.
LS: I am more curious. 
I want everyone to read this clearly. Notice that NEVER ONCE did A Science Enthusiast answer my question. I wanted a better understanding of his views. What i got was how he goes on to say something unrelated about ideologies and how they are not people.  
In fact, the ONE sentence that gets to me is when he said, “If they consider an ideology as part of their identity, its not my fucking problem.” Funny how this guy makes that statement when Atheism, Liberalism, and a belief in Science makes up his identity. 
The rest of the conversation went as follows...
A Science Enthusiast: Ideas aren't people. Period.
LS: Yeah, people do have a right to their opinion.
A Science Enthusiast: And I have a right to mine. Only I'm not the one here telling someone what to say or think, am I?
LS: But still be careful as you might have idiots who get upset. Me, I was just wanting to know what was up. 
A Science Enthusiast: This is what religion does. It controls people. It demands that it not be questioned or criticized.
The first three posts right here would have been an easy end to this. I felt as though we had come to a conclusion of our discussion. However, the fact ASE said to me, “Only I’m not the one here telling someone what to say or think, am I?” Leads me to conclude he was wanting to make a quick jab at religion. I could be right. I could be wrong. 
Regardless, what did making the statement “This is what religion does. It controls people. it demands that it not be questioned or criticized.” have to do with people having opinions?! I take that as an attack on religion. Religious people and spiritual leaders over the centuries have questioned Religion and its motives nonstop. Yet, we see this guy here making the generalization that all religious people are told to shut up and blindly obey. 
Allow me to provide verses which the Bible has where people OPENLY QUESTIONED God:
Psalm 10:1-18
Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor; let them be caught in the schemes that they have devised. For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain curses and renounces the Lord. In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, “There is no God.” His ways prosper at all times; your judgments are on high, out of his sight; as for all his foes, he puffs at them. 
Habakkuk 1:2
O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you “Violence!” and you will not save?
Isaiah 45:9-12
“Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ or ‘Your work has no handles’? Woe to him who says to a father, ‘What are you begetting?’ or to a woman, ‘With what are you in labor?’” Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and the one who formed him: “Ask me of things to come; will you command me concerning my children and the work of my hands? I made the earth and created man on it; it was my hands that stretched out the heavens, and I commanded all their host.
James 1:5-6
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
Psalm 74:1-23
A Maskil of Asaph. O God, why do you cast us off forever? Why does your anger smoke against the sheep of your pasture? Remember your congregation, which you have purchased of old, which you have redeemed to be the tribe of your heritage! Remember Mount Zion, where you have dwelt. Direct your steps to the perpetual ruins; the enemy has destroyed everything in the sanctuary! Your foes have roared in the midst of your meeting place; they set up their own signs for signs. They were like those who swing axes in a forest of trees. ...
Psalm 73:2-5
But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For they have no pangs until death; their bodies are fat and sleek. They are not in trouble as others are; they are not stricken like the rest of mankind.
Jeremiah 10:2-4
Thus says the Lord: “Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are vanity. A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move.
Matthew 11:2-3
Now when John heard in prison about the deeds of the Christ, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?”
Deuteronomy 4:32
“For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether such a great thing as this has ever happened or was ever heard of.
John 2:18
So the Jews said to him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?”
Jeremiah 8:4-6
“You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord: When men fall, do they not rise again? If one turns away, does he not return? Why then has this people turned away in perpetual backsliding? They hold fast to deceit; they refuse to return. I have paid attention and listened, but they have not spoken rightly; no man relents of his evil, saying, ‘What have I done?’ Everyone turns to his own course, like a horse plunging headlong into battle.
Jeremiah 2:6-8
They did not say, ‘Where is the Lord who brought us up from the land of Egypt, who led us in the wilderness, in a land of deserts and pits, in a land of drought and deep darkness, in a land that none passes through, where no man dwells?’ And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination. The priests did not say, ‘Where is the Lord?’ Those who handle the law did not know me; the shepherds transgressed against me; the prophets prophesied by Baal and went after things that do not profit.
I guess its okay to question God after all? Right? Moving onward: 
LS; I stand corrected.
A Science Enthusiast: Fuck you.
LS: Hey.
A Science Enthusiast: I'm going to post what I want.
LS: No need to get all rude. And I support your right.
A Science Enthusiast: You're being rude as fuck.
LS: I’m sorry.
A Science Enthusiast: Telling me to be careful and what I can and can't say. Fuck you. Fuck your religion.
LS: Well, it was because of people who would have taken it the wrong way. Because you have Muslims that flip out. That is what I meant. I was trying to get some clarification. That is what I meant, because some people flip their shit and get all pissy over a misunderstanding. What made me different was trying to better understand you. As for what I said about being careful, it was about the Muslims. You and I both know those fuckers are sick!
A Science Enthusiast: I don't need you to give me guidance or advice. And fuck you for implying Muslims are dangerous. You are an asshole.
LS: Maybe I am wrong. Hasty Generalization on my part.
A Science Enthusiast: So, I reiterate, fuck you.
Alright A Science Enthusiast. The gloves are off.
How DARE YOU call me an asshole when you resorted to such vitriolic name calling. And how dare you attack me for showing concern. Oh Mr. I-Am-A-Big-Name-On-Facebook who is all high and mighty because of your facebook page which is only popular because you bash religion!! Pardon the FUCK out of me for giving you a heads up about the religious loonies out there who would have lost their shit over your posts! 
My dialogue with you was one of reason and logic! Never once did I lose my shit nor get all mad at what you posted. Did you not read the parts where I even stated MY SUPPORT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO POST WHATEVER YOU WANTED!? Did you not see that?! Or were you too busy attacking a religious person because of what your “Atheist Ideology” teaches you. 
How ironic you call me rude when you said, “fuck you” to me? I find that hypocritical of you to say such to me. Was I censoring you!? No! I was never out to censor you IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM WHATSOEVER!!! Did you not read the parts where I said I supported your right to your opinion!? What lead you to believe I was trying to censor you!? Seriously, what is it with you Atheists who moan and cry when someone criticizes your beliefs or lack therefore as “censorship”? I would LOVE to know! 
As for the mentioning of the Muslims, again, did you not read the part where I corrected myself in saying I may have hastily generalized all Muslims?! I am sure there are Muslims who are good people like me and you (I say that part sarcastically) who live their lives as NORMAL PEOPLE. However, there are some Muslims and Christians for that matter who flip their shit when they see ANY POSTS bad mouthing their Faith. 
But from the looks of things you see no problem sucking up to Muslims but are openly out to bash Christians. Every post I found of yours (and I am sure I could find a lot more) had some Anti-Christian Message. The ONLY Anti-Muslim message I found was a post which had cats. Fitting you like cats which is the ONLY redeeming quality I find in you. 
Another thing I find ironic about you is nothing you posted showed anything displaying your love of science. Rather it was how bad Christians are, how Global Warming deniers are stupid (which is something even I agree with you on), and how bad Trump is as a person! Never once did I see anything about how great science is and its wonders. Wow. 
As for implying that SOME Muslims were dangerous, perhaps you should ask your fellow Atheist Molly Norris, the woman who started the Draw Muhammad Day craze. Are you not aware that Muslims took such great offence to her drawing of Muhammad that a Fatwa was placed on her!? Did you not know this!? Or were you too busy bashing Christians while sucking up to Muslims, an irony itself. When you get a chance, be sure to send a message to Molly Norris about how things are going in Witness Protection.
Why not ask Dutch Film Maker and Atheist Theo Van Gogh about how everything is working out for him? Oh that is right! He is dead! And who murdered him? A Muslim man of all people! Not a Buddhist, not a Hindu, not a Christian, not a Jew, not a Wiccan, not a Pagan, not a Sikh, Not a Jain, not an Odinist nor a Shinto! Theo Van Gogh was murdered by a Muslim for making films that bashed Islam and his only reward for it all was to be shot dead. 
Then you have another Dutchman named Geert Wilders who faces backlash for his anti-Islamic statements. Funny how Geert Wilders is Agnostic (which I am aware is not the same as Atheism but that is beside the point), yet manages to stand for Dutch Christians. I guess when Agnostics and Christians can see how Muslims act up 
And then we have Atheists in Britain being persecuted for being Atheist! And you still want to suck up to them!? It has gotten so bad that former Muslims live in fear because of the backlash they face! 
Or how about what your hero, Richard Dawkins once said, and I quote: 
“There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings,” Dawkins said. “I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death. I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse,”
Need I say more? I regret trying to reason with you, A Science Enthusiast. You only proved my assumption that Atheists only attack Christianity and suck up to Muslims. 
Now, do not get me wrong, i am sure there are good Muslims out there who want to live a normal life. However, these people have to deal with the violent idiots that would kill them for simply questioning their own religion. I guess your liberal atheistic ideology cannot reconcile the fact that any religion that forbids questioning is Islam and not Christianity which you so openly despise. But make no mistake, believe it or not, I love Muslims. I just do not like the ones which are causing the problems out in the world. 
I admit in the beginning I may have hastily generalized all Muslims, but that was because you would not allow me to clarify my position as you have failed to clarify yours. Only to then attack me for simply saying be careful about certain people who would have taken offense to your words. I do not wish to see you meet a similar fate of the Atheists I have mentioned and then-some by some ravaging Muslim or Christian. 
If anyone who bothers to read this and wishes to have a CIVIL discussion with me is more than welcome. 
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