#its up to y’all to follow or break em as u please :3
impish-happenings · 5 years
haha yeah guess your right Clancy! tho i think it'd be better for ya to get more used to us anons before i ask any of them! don't wanna make ya uncomfortable now would we?
Clancy sighed, nodding. It was a little strange to just have otherworldly travelers show up in his shop. Perhaps taking it slow would work nicely.
“I suppose you’re right,” he admitted. “All I ask is that you all don’t sneak up on me.” He paused. Despite trying to keep his gaze on the anon, it flickered to his scarred wing. It twitched self consciously.
“... Or give me any questions about my... wing.”
He cleared his throat.
“Hopefully there won’t be any need for further requests.”
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