#its the najma moment all over again
anbaisai · 1 month
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He's not beating the allegations
(A continuation of the Tibetan foxmil discovery from my previous post)
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writingfool001 · 2 years
Hiyah! Could I request headcanons for Leona and Trey and Jamil (seperately ofc) with a female s/o who is great at making Japanese food and snacks and shares them with everyone including their families?
Fem! S/O makes Japanese food and sweets
Author's Note: Everyone can be in the kitchen, not only women. If you think women only belong in the kitchen, then go away!
Pairing: Leona, Trey, & Jamil x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Female Reader
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At first, he would be napping then get woken up by you to try something you made.
He would say that he's losing sleep because of you, but we know the truth.
One day while at Savanaclaw, you borrowed the kitchen and Leona was napping in his room. You were cooking up a storm as Jack came back from his workout and you offered to cook something since he was curious about your cooking.
Leona woke up to a savory aroma and followed it all the way to the kitchen to see Jack eating your food as you listened to what he had say about it.
The audacity of your friend/his underclassmen
He strolled over and rested his chin on your shoulder then opened his mouth, indicating to feed him.
You gave him some, but after that, Leona would hang around you more if you cooked and would buy you some ingredients or cookbooks you wanted.
He would taste test your food and tell you if anything was wrong with it.
Teases you that if he dies, it's on your hands.
He took you home and found you spending your time in the library as well as kitchen, experimenting or researching new flavors to use in your craft.
Its safe to say that Cheka enjoyed your food to the point he would always ask Leona if you made anymore yummy food whenever he sees him either when at the palace or visiting Leona at NRC.
The Cooking Duo
Trey would probably ask for your help when he tries to make Japanese sweets.
Totally just for the assistance, not to spend time with you.
Anyway, you two would spend time together in the kitchen, even fi you're cooking food while he makes sweet.
He would taste test in the exchange of you doing the same of his sweets.
Will give you detailed analysis about everything but will also give you simple feedback just to spite you.
You both do this to each other.
During break, he took some of your food home and within the week, he texted that your invited over during break if you weren't busy which you weren't.
when you asked him what suddenly brought this, he told you that his family ate the containers full of your food and were wanting to meet you.
You showed up to the house and was welcomed by a bunch of Trey's younger siblings. His parents told you that they wanted to sell your sweets as a holidays time treat in exchange that they'd pay you.
Agreeing, you help around the bakery and get to hear about how Trye was when he was younger from both parents and customers who've been around for a while.
Trey and you hardly had a moment by yourself without his family spying on you two.
Covered in flour at times? Yes.
When you leave, his siblings are holding onto you, not wanting you to leave.
Another one where you two would probably have cooking dates.
Would be straight forward with you if you ask him to taste test your food.
You both you exchange lunches with each other for the other to have a taste of what you both made.
Safe to say, Kalim and Najma were fans of your cooking if you sent any home with him. He has to hide it from Najma, espcially if he brings some home.
Would suggest different flavors to use in your recipes.
Just don't give him anything date flavored.
Enjoys when you make curry and rice for him to eat.
I could see him refusing to share if someone asked to try your food from the lunch you made him.
When the Training camp is over, he is immediately happy when he realizes he can eat your food again without Vil breathing down his neck.
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The event was so weird.
I guess we were expecting something akin to Glorious Masquerade with a more extensive story, more meaningful character interactions and more impactful situations. From the way they framed it, that’s kinda what it looked like?
I wasn’t expecting it to be like GM at all, but like you said, it just feels like it was supposed to be much bigger than it actually was but they had to reduce/take out a lot of stuff from the event for unknown reasons. Like we’ve been hearing about Falena all this time and when we get an event that is centered around Leona and his homeland we don’t even get to meet him? We get a random Zazu-inspired character instead? We get crumbs of family drama and it’s not even the brothers directly interacting? They imply the fight is gonna be this huge thing, we’ll see the importance and strength of the lioness beastwomen with them implying Cheka’s guards are gonna fight?? And then???
And then Catch the Tail wasn’t even…. A cathartic moment. No hype. Nothing exciting or meaningful. This event was basically tourism. As interesting it as it is to hear about Sunset Savanna’s culture and culinary, I feel like the entire event was just that and it got a bit boring for me. Not even many fun interactions between characters, most of the time they are talking about souvenirs and food – we got that in Jamil and Kalim’s event and it wasn’t even boring then. We also got that in Glorious Masquerade but there was so much more to it than that.
Honestly this event was a let down :/ at least we got to see Leona look in his card. Maybe they couldn’t do both this event and the chapter 7 part 2 release, who knows.
[Referencing this post!]
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While I’m disappointed with how little the Sunset Savanna event did, I’m not too surprised because I understand that this is ultimately the same as other hometown events. The bulk of the story will inevitably be dedicated to learning about this new location and its traditions, tasting local delicacies, and souvenir shopping. This was also somewhat true of Glorious Masquerade, but that was on an entirely different scale (basically the same as the Halloween events) so it was allowed to have a grander story and bigger stakes.
I would say the degree of “fun” to the interactions is a really subjective thing? Some people won’t like certain character combinations over others. For example, this event was a lot of bickering due to Leona not getting along with like… anyone, whether that’s his classmates or those from his homeland. (I actually really liked those interactions 😂 but I get why someone would think they’re annoying or even repetitive after a while.)
I feel like the Scalding Sands event was only “fun” to me in that it was novel (it was the first of the hometown events). I was pretty bored with it outside of seeing the food and Najma; it was a lot of Jamil being saddled with more work which… just made me feel bad for him, not entertained (especially knowing his history with being overworked). The character interactions from that particular event weren’t for me, and it didn’t help that nothing of much significance happened?? The only notable conflicts were that Malleus vanished for five seconds and a monkey stole a flash drive, both of which were resolved in like a few chapters altogether. At least Scalding Sands didn’t make any big promises that it failed to deliver on?? Which is sort of the opposite of the Sunset Savanna event…
I think if TWST wanted to make this event bigger than it actually was, they should have saved it for a special occasion. The last part of it was so short (like 4 parts???? And only one part was for Leona showing up and winning) ;u; so it seemed like there was definitely more space in even the current version to expand on the ideas. Again, it really feels incomplete or like… not fully realized due to all the missed opportunities and unfulfilled hype surrounding the tournament (which feels weird given that the event was apparently in the works for 2 years??).
It is what it is though, we’ll have to accept it and move on. There’s still the Groovies to come on the 27th, along with the next part of episode 7 and Lilia’s Dorm Uniform card!
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bokettochild · 3 years
Master of the Wind
As requested by my lovely children @arsonisticscholar and @telemna-hyelle, as well as my wonderful sibling @i-am-1142, I have written the Wind and Revali prompt they tagged me in.
I hope you all enjoy! (Apologies that it's not longer...)
Ordinarily, Wind was a very patient person.
After all, sailing wasn’t exactly always adventure and excitement, and there were many days where he and the King of Red Lions had sailed endlessly with nothing in sight save the waves and the sky. It got boring fast when you only had an old boat to talk to, and the once restless tweenager had learned how to hold still and wait quietly for what he wanted. That wasn’t to say of course that Wind wasn’t impatient sometimes, but when it counted, he could hold his tongue and keep calm when things didn’t go his way.
Well, most of the time...
Right now is not one of those times.
They’d come to what at first had looked like it might be Wild’s Hyrule, what with the fields and guardians and various other things that the Champion could recognize as his own. Except the first Guardian they ran into completely ignored them and the road they stumbled ono a short while later was actually paved and maintained. That should have been clue enough, but it was when they’d finished crossing Hyrule field, fully soaked and misted over, that they’d found themselves in the midst of a bustling Castle Town that was, apparently, nothing like Wild’s own if the shock on the Champion’s face was saying anything.
They’d been spotted relatively quickly, several townsfolk staring after their group and Wild in particular, and before they quite knew what was happening there was a tall Gerudo woman stalking towards them with a tired look on her face and heavy cloak over her shoulders.
“Link, najmi qalilan, what are you doing here? The princess will not be pleased that you’ve abandoned your duties again.”
Cornflower blue stared up at the woman, in utter and complete shock that had Twilight laying a hand on his protégé's shoulder, eyes soft as Wild started tearing up. “Urbosa?”
The woman arched a crimson brow, eyes flickering with confusion for the briefest of moments before she was looking over their group and then back to Wild, eyes dark and searching as she stepped closer, one manicured hand reaching out to trace the lines of the scars across their champion’s face, to thread through his long hair as she gazed down into his eyes. “You are not of this world, are you, najma? You’re the other one, the hero they all talked about.” Wild didn’t respond, but it didn’t seem that the woman expected it, instead pulling the young knight into her arms with the soft jingle of her jewelry and an audible sniffle from the boy. “We heard of your struggles, Little One, we are proud.” As she pulled back, she ran a thumb over Wild’s cheek tenderly. “I’m sorry we couldn’t last to fight with you in that world.”
“I don’t-” Wild shook his head, confusion in his face and fingers clinging tightly to the dark arm resting on his shoulder. “How?”
Urbosa, if that’s what her name was, smiled. “One of Zelda’s creations brought your friends to this time to stop the Calamity in its steps, far before it could destroy the kingdom. Riju told me of your struggles and battles to regain the world, we’re all proud little one.” A mischievous smile pulled at the woman’s painted lips. “Even Revali.”
It was like a switch had flipped and Wild’s eyes were blowing wide as a nervous little giggle escaped him, building up and bubbling out of his throat in an ever-growing laugh as the champion wrapped his arms around himself and bent over with the force of his laughter. “Revali! Revali admitted he’s proud of me?”
The heroes exchanged looks of confusion as Wild and Urbosa laughed, Twilight’s hearty chuckles joining in as he thumped the kid’s back. “Guess birdbrain does have it in ‘im.” The rancher smirked, earning a curious look from the Gerudo before her eyes widened in recognition, blue lips pulling into another smile as she motioned to the rest of them. “I see why you did not accompany our allies; you are on a journey through time of your own it would seem, and I assume these are the other heroes of the past?” At the champion’s nod, she nodded knowingly. “I thought as much. Come, the Queen will be delighted to see all of you.”
An she was. Queen Zelda Winifred Hylia had spent several hours asking them questions and pouring over their armor and items while her knight, a nearly identical copy of Wild with only shorter hair and less scars to tell the two of them apart, stood back with a faint smile on his face, hand resting on the hilt of the master sword and light dancing in his eyes as he’d watched the queen. Wild himself had taken a moment to come to terms with his alternate self, but on the queen’s urging the two had stepped to the side of the room to talk and Wind could already see the light of mischief sparking in glimmering cornflower hues. This new Link’s eyes weren’t as bright; they lacked the ethereal glimmer in Wild’s gaze, but they were still the same shimmering color and the same soul sparked behind, making Time and Twilight smile knowingly while the two chattered at each other with more energy that, apparently, anyone had ever heard them talk to anyone before, or so the Champion’s claimed.
That was about the point that the queen had pulled Time aide to speak with him about their quest into her world, Sky being dragged after by the queen who wanted to get to know her ancestor. That left the other six of their number with the four champions.
Urbosa was on Twilight in an instant, eyes shining in a knowing manner as she spoke, Twilight flushing under her gaze in a way that had Warriors laughing and whispering ‘advice’ in the rancher’s ear before moving on to speak with this times Impa, who was already locked in conversation with their vet, chattering and snarking at the heroes with a fire that made Legend grin like a mad-man while Impa’s own smirk continued to grow, their verbal sparring getting more and more intense as Warriors would throw out the occasion jab to fuel them both further. Mipha had swept up to Hyrule with a kind smile and the two were already sitting cross-legged on the floor of the castle’s hall, chatting quietly as soft giggles escaped the two of them, both apparently switching healing methods and stories of their respective teams’ mishaps and stupidity. Wind smirked at that, it was only fitting, and when he glanced over to Four, it was to find him inspecting Daruk’s giant blade-like-thing with an intense stare, the Goron gently explaining the smithing process and, yeah, that made a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, that left Wind with the only Rito in the group.
Initially he’d been delighted, after all, he was the only one other than Wild to have Rito and it always made him happy to talk with Medli’s people, no matter what time they were in. But then Revali started talking.
There was nothing that made Wind more bored than people talking about themselves. Sure, his brothers telling the rest of them about their adventures or sharing little details about themselves was nice, but at least they had something of substance to be talking about; Revali just talked, about absolutely nothing at all, until Wind finally rolled his eyes and walked away.
The bird snorted. “Ah well, how could a child understand the thoughts of the master of winds? Go on, little Hylian, go join your little friends and talk with the insipid Champion of your own people, or that bothersome Goron.”
And well, that had been his plan, but no one insults his brothers, even if this new Link wasn’t one that he even knew yet. But the Hero of Light was essentially Wild’s twin, so that made him family, and thus someone who Wind wouldn’t stand to hear insulted, especially not by someone who claimed to be Light’s friend or team-mate.
“Their conversation would be more interesting,” he mused aloud, strolling casually away from the Rito. “After all, Wild and Light don’t spend all their time preening and fussing about themselves like a lossless cucco.”
And didn’t that make Revali’s feathers ruffle in irritation! He didn’t even bother biting back his smirk at the outraged look in the Rito Champion’s eyes as the warrior stiffened and stared down at him. “I am the Master of the Winds, child, I call them to my aid and stand alone among my people as the finest and best of all warriors! I am-”
“Full of yourself.” Wind cut him off with a roll of his eyes. “Honestly, I’d be embarressed to have to go back to the Sages and tell Medli that her descendants are so pompus, it would bring her shame like nothing ever would, especially to hear how you stir up discord about the hero. Ah well, I’ll save her the bother, it’s not like-”
“The sages would have no shame in seeing my prowess, you incorrigible-”
“Kick his ass, Wind!” Legend shouted, and when the duo looked over it was to see Wars and the vet both smirking, pride shining in their eyes while Impa cackled beside them.
Revali’s feathers ruffled further as he cocked ne bushy brow at their group. “No wonder the Hylian boy feels so comfortable among your number, you are as unrefined and churlish as he is.”
Wind scoffed, hands coming to rest on his hips. “Legend is a prince, I’ll have you know, and Wars here is Wild’s actual dad, and a noble-”
“This one as well.” Urbosa called out, firmly thumping Twilight on the back, eyes bright as she smiled over at them. “I’d watch your tongue, Revali, you don’t now who you might be speaking with.”
“He’s a common Hylian child.” The Rito warrior huffed.
“Hes the Master of the Winds.” Wild called over, eyes glimmering with mischief while his look-alike -doppelganger? Blow it all, Wind’s calling them twins now! - stared at him in confusion. The Rito seemed to take full offence at the words though, drawing himself up and staring down his beak at Wind. “Do you honestly expect me to believe this impudent child is a master of the winds? Tch, such a feat is one that requires years of mastery! Only I have achieved such a feat in all of the years of this kingdom and-”
A twitchy of Wind’s baton and the Rito was stumbling under the force of a strong gale that had blown out of nowhere and disappeared as it had never been there, leaving Revali gasping and staring over a Wind in shock.
He bowed low, full pirate swagger on display as he let the light breeze he’d summoned into the hall play about his hair and make his tunic flap softly (if he was going to be dramatic about it, he was pulling out all the stops, he was raised by drama kings after all). “Link, Hero and Master of Winds,” He introduced himself with a flourish and another light breeze to tease the Rito’s feathers further. “It is your honor, oh Rito churl.”
Revali huffed and Legend collapsed into the captain’s arms, wheezing with laughter.
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tellytantra · 5 years
NOTE:          Najma = Kabir's elder sister          Firoz = Najma's husband          Imran = Kabir's younger brother          Heena = Zara's elder sister and Imran's wife          They all live with their nani and mami OS: "Finally Together Forever" Kabir woke up and remembered how he confessed his love to Zara last night, but at the same moment he thought how Zara hadn't replied.  He looked at the other side of the bed, but Zara wasn't there.  He then looked in the room and saw Zara packing her stuff.  Kabir stood up from the bed.  Kabir: Zara where are you going???????? Zara apidn't reply to him. Zara answer me dammit where are you going, he yells.  To my house, she yells back.  What? He said shocked.  Zara: yes Mr. Kabir Ahmad I am going back to my house and let me remind you the contract is almost over and there is no reason for me to be staying at your house anymore.  Kabir: but''this is your house Zara. Kabir: Zara you can't leave me just forget about the damn contract.  You know I can't live without you and you know how much I love you.  Zara: enough Kabir let me go I can't stay here anymore.  Kabir: let's see if you can get out of this room. Zara: what????? Kabir: yeah let's see if you can''' Zara walks to the door and tries to open it, but Kabir grabs Zara's hand and picks her up and takes her to their bed.  He pins her down on the bed and cages her in between his arms. Zara tries to get out of his hold, but Kabir tightens his hold on her arms.  Kabir: you can't leave me Mrs. Zara Kabir Ahmad because Kabir Ahmad never loses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And there is no chance that I will lose the most important person in my life. Zara: no Kabir I let you win once when I lost my heart to you, but not this time.  Kabir had enough of her nonsense so he smacked his lips down on hers.  Zara was shocked from his sudden attack.  She apidn't respond to his kiss, but remained still. Kabir kept kissing her to get a response, but she apidn't so he bit her on her lip'.. a small moan escaped from Zara's mouth, Kabir took this chance and stuck his tongue into her mouth and kissed her widely to which Zara finally started to respond to his kiss Zara had lost her senses and her hands were now in Kabir's hair.  Kabir moved from her lips to her neck.  He placed wet kisses along her neck and when he reached the crook of her neck he bit her hard, to which Zara moaned Kabir's name really loud'. Kabir blew on the place where he had just bit her and sucked on the spot to sooth her pain.  She was breathing really heavily and Kabir thought she looked beautiful.  He was going back towards her lips to capture them, but before he apid that'.he said''. Kabir: I love you Zara I really do and I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you.  And with that he sealed his lips with hers again.  Zara was responaping to the kiss and when Kabir stopped for air, Zara moaned'.. Zara: I love you Kabir, I love you a lot'. Kabir was very happy to hear this so he kissed her again. His hands were roaming at the back of her sari blouse and he unhooked her blouse. Zara came back to her senses and pushed Kabir off her with all the force she had. She fixed her blouse and got off the bed. She thought to herself'. "I can't fall weak in front of him now I have to leave before things between Kabir and api get worse. I will not let him choose between us. I know he would leave everyone for me, but if he picks me then he will lose everyone else and I know he cannot stay without api. So, I must leave even though I love him." Zara: this is wrong Kabir, this is wrong' Kabir: wrong!!!!! What's wrong huh???? I am your husband Zara and there is nothing wrong. Plus, you just said you love me. Zara couldn't think how to answer him back. Kabir: ohhh'so now you don't have an answer. Why are you so adamant on leaving??? He asked. Zara: '.didn 't answer. Kabir: answer me dammit!!!! Why?????? Zara couldn't control herself any longer. Zara: because I don't want you to pick between me and najma api. I don't want to be the reason for your relationship to break. She screamed. I have to leave, its better I leave! She said. Kabir: Zara he said shocked' api is just not in her senses. She is just saying things, but does not mean it. she is just in a state of shock. Zara: no Kabir, I have to leave because if api leaves there won't be anyone to take care of her so it's better I leave. Kabir: she is not going anywhere if you stay here Zara. She is just blabbering silly things which she doesn't mean. Kabir tried to explain. Zara: no Kabir, I am leaving and that is final! She screamed. Kabir had had it now'. Kabir: fine dammit leave!!!!! But get one thing straight'I am going with you.do you get it? and that's final'screamed Kabir. Zara: but you cannot'who will take care of api? She said. Kabir: there are a lot of people in this house Zara, but I have you as my responsibility too, plus I love you a lot Zara and there is nothing that will change that. Pack my bag with yours. We are leaving to the Ahmad guest house tomorrow morning and now no arguments, not a word. He shouted in anger. Zara apidn't say a word after that and apid what she was told'she had never seen him that angry so she apidn't go against his words or else who knew what the great laad governor was capable of doing next. Next morning, Kabir announces that he and Zara are leaving until api brings them back herself. Nani: Kabir you cannot leave. Who is gonna be with Najma then??? Kabir: nani please let us go and you all are here to be with api but there is no one with Zara except me and nani think about Zara if I will stay here so she will be alone and I don't want the two important persons of my life to be alone. Nani: but Kabir Kabir: nani please I don't want to talk about this now. Me and Zara are leaving and we are gonna stay at the Ahmad guest house and that is final. Kabir and Zara leave the Ahmad mansion and 30 minutes later reach the Ahmad guest house. Zara unpacks her and Kabirs' stuff. Kabir: Zara' Zara: I don't wanna hear why apid you leave api? So I don't wanna talk to you Kabir. Kabir: oh so that is the matter. Mrs. Ahmad does not wanna talk to me. So mrs. Ahmad you really don't wanna talk to me, huh??? Zara: I said no..no'no'.Kabir. Kabir: okay' now I get it. He picks her up and puts her down on the bed. He turns off the light and gets on top of her. He starts kissing her neck. Zara: stop Kabir!! Stop!!! She yells and tries to push him off of her. Kabir: why Zara??? He asks while kissing her on the base of her throat. Zara: because I said so. She screams. Kabir: oh really!!! He smirks. Zara: please Kabir stop!!!! Kabir smirks and bit her on her neck really hard and a loud moan escapes from her mouth. Zara: kaaabbiiir stttoooppp''.. Kabir didn't stop. He turned her over on her back. He unhooked her sari blouse and started kissing her bare back. Kabir: Zara I love you' he says in his husky voice. Zara: I love you too Kabir'. Zara was not in her senses. Kabir pulls her close to him and kisses and licks the area of her breast and then he bit her really hard on her nipple. Zara comes back to her senses and pushes him away'.picks up her blouse and leaves the room. Zara was crying not because of the fact that Kabir had touched her, but instead she was crying because she could not allow him to touch her because this marriage was a contract and would end; so she does not want to hurt herself. She wants to give herself to Kabir but cannot allow herself to knowing her marriage was a deal/ contract. Kabir came out to the living room and saw Zara crying. He felt bad to see her cry'yet he did not regret a single thing he just did. Kabir: Zara please stop crying sweetheart. Please and it's not like we did anything wrong, you are my wife Zara and I am your husband and it's normal' I have all the rights. He said. Zara: RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!! What rights huh??????The rights that will end in about 2 months and then you will leave me like a piece of trash. You are forgetting that this marriage is a contract Kabir.. Kabir: to hell with the contract. He yelled. That does not matter Zara'I love you, don't you get it? I was going to confess to you on the day of imran and Heena's wedding but then what I saw on the terrace broke me. I have realized that I was a fool to even suspect you to be having an affair with firoz jiju and you know I lose my temper when it is about api. I am trying to fix my mistakes. This marriage is not a contract for me anymore, it's something special and I want to work on it. I need you forever Zara. I just want another chance please Zara just one last chance? He said all broken down. Zara couldn't see the tears in Kabir's eyes. After all she loved him a lot'no matter what. Zara: fine I will give you another chance and this will be your only chance. Kabir: thank you sooo much Za'. Zara: wait, I am not done yet'I have some conditions. Kabir: anything Zara. I promise. Zara: condition 1- aapko humse pyaar se baat karni padegi at least 80% of the time. Kabir: sirf 80% kyun? Zara: kyunki hum jaante hai ki hundred percent aapke liye possible nahi hai. Condition 2- aapko humaare saath time spend karna padega and condition 3- aapko humaare saath phir se shaadi karni padegi aur who bhi in everyone's presence and until we get married again you cannot touch me. She said. Kabir: who sab toh theek hai, but the part where I cannot touch you might not work out. He smirked. Zara: fine'hum aap se baat nahi karenge.she said. Kabir: I promise Zara, I was just joking. I can't say I won't touch you but I will stay in my limits as in haath to pakad sakta hoon aur hug bhi kar sakta hoon. Ab khush? Zara: haan khush. She smiled. Ahmad Mansion'. Next day. Najma comes downstairs with her suitcase and announces that she is leaving the house to go to firoz. Nani: Najma bitiya, aisa kya hui gawa jo aapke man ma aisan khyal aaya? Najma: nani s ghar mein humare shohar ki koi izzat nahi hai us ghar mein bhala hum kaise reh sakte hain. Hum unke bina nahi reh payenge, isliye humne faisla kar liya hai ki hum iss gha mein nahi rahenge. Aur vaise bhi iss ghar mein ab humara koi nahi hai. Hum bilkul akele hain. Mami: Najma please don't go'. Najma:humein mat rokiye maami, ab humara is ghar mein koi nahi hai. Nani: nahin Najma aisa kuch nahi hai hum sab hain tumhare saath. Najma walks out of the house in anger. She takes an auto to firoz's office. She reaches his office and goes into his cabin. Najma: firoz  aap kaise hain? Firoz: hum to theek hai bhayi, aapke pinjre ki kaid se jo aazaad ho gaye hai. He thought. Najma: aapko pata hai hum ghar chod kar aa gaye hain. Aur abse hum aapke saath aapke paas hi rahenge. Firoz: arre tumhara dimak kharab ho gaya hai itni mushkil se humein tumse chutkara mila hai aur tum ho ki phirse firoz firoz ki mala jupta hue humare office tak pahaunch gayi. Dekho ab hum keh dete hai ki hum tumse pyaar nahi karte hain. Humara pehla aur aakhiri pyaar sirf aur sirf Zara  hain. Aur haan Zara  humse pyaar nahi bhi kare toh humara pyaar unke liye kum thode hi ho jayega. Par haan Zara  agar humari nahi ho sakti to tumhare bhai ki bhi nahi ho sakti isliye aur issiliye humne Zara ko maarne ki bhi koshish ki lekin kyunki tumhare bhai ko toh humare har kaam mein taaang adaane ki aadat hai aur issi wajah se Zara  bach gayi. Najma: par humari shaadi, she says while tears come out of her eyes. Firoz: ufff Najma pehle toh sirf humein shuk tha k tum paagal ho lekin ab toh yakeen ho gaya hai ki haan tum paagal ho. Humne tumse shaadi sirf tumhare bhai k paison  ke liye kit thi na ki pyaar ki waja se kyunki who tho humne aapse kabhi kiya hi nahi.  Humne Kabir ko kidnap karwaya taki use maar kar uski hare k cheez hamari ho jaye aur Zara bhi.  Are humne tho tumhe marne ki koshish kit hi tumhari car ki brakes fail kar kay per tum phir bhi bach gayin, he screamed.  Najma: per hamara bachaa? Firoz:  are tum hamara dimak kyun chat rahi ho yeh keh kar hamara yeh hamara voh, are ek bachaa hi tho hai na, koi badi baat tho hai nahi, GIRA DO BACHAA!!!  Najma was in a state of shock after hearing those words from firoz.  Najma:  KYA! GIRA DEIN!!!  Aapne soch bhi kaise liya ki hum humara bachaa gira dein ge.  Are hamari donon kay pyaar aur shaadi ki nishani hai.  Firoz:  are kaisa pyaar aur kaisi shaadi!!! Dekho Najma humne tumse kabhi pyaar nahi kiya, aur shaadi karne ka maksad hum tumhe pehle hi bata chuke hain.  Aur haan chali jao yahan se aur akela chod do hume.  Najma looks at firoz in anger and SLAPS him.  Najma leaves his cabin and walks to the stairs.  Firoz saw Najma standing by the stairs.  He comes out of his cabin and pushes Najma from her back and she rolls down the stairs.  She screams in pain and firoz come down the stairs.  Firoz:  are Najma tumhe isi baat ki chintaa thi na ki iss bache ka kya hoga lo yeh chinta bhi door ho gayi.  He said with an evil smile on his face.  Najma: Tum kitne gire huye ho! Firoz:  gire huye hum nahi tumhara bhai hain, jisne humari sachai jaanne kay baad tumhari zindagi bachane ke liye Zara se zabardasti contract marriage karva li.  Aur Zara bhi uske saath isi liye hain kyunki woh bhi sirf tumhare zindagi bachana chahti hain, samjhe tum.  Najma faints after hearing this and  firoz quickly goes back to his cabin. '''''''.  It was now lunch time in firozs office so when people started to walk out of their cabins, they saw Najma lying on the floor so they called for an ambulance. '''''.  Najma was now in the hospital and the Ahmad family was informed when they found a contact number in najma's purse.  Imran, Heena, Nani, and Mami were all waiting outside for Najma to gain consciousness.  One hour later she was awake.  Everyone rushed in and Najma was broken by the fact that her husband was a fraud and that her child was dead, and most of all that she did not trust her Kabir and her bhabi Zara.   Nani:  Yeh sab kaise huwa Najma bitiya? Najma:  she narrates everything that happened in firoz's cabin, even the fact about Kabir and Zara's contract marriage.  Everyone was shocked to hear all this and they felt bad that Zara had to go through sooo much because of them.  Najma:  shayad Allah ne hume Zara  kay saatha asa bartaav karne ki sazza di hai joh humara bachaa humse cheen liya, per abb hum iss galti ko sudharenge .  hum Zara  aur kabir ko ghar lekar ayenge.  Imran:  main bhai ko phone karta hoon api.  Najma:  nahi, hum khud un ko lekar ayenge, humare apischarge hone ke baad.  Imran:  theek hain api.  Firoz was now in jail because after Najma had narrated the story imran had called the police and they had checked the cameras in the office firoz worked at and they saw how firoz had pushed Najma from the stairs.  He was arrested and put in jail with a case filed against him by Najma.  '''''..  two days later Najma was discharge and she got ready to go to Ahmad Guest House.  AHMAD GUEST HOUSE Zara was making breakfast for Kabir and Kabir sneaks up behind Zara and hugs her from her waist.  Kabir:  good morning sweetheart  Zara:  good morning Kabir Kabir slid his hands inside her sari onto her bare waist and kissed her on her cheek and he rested his head on her shoulder.  He kept moving his hands on her bare waist.  Zara moved his hands off her waist.  Zara:  I told you that you cannot touch me until we get married the right way.  (she said while blushing)  Kabir turned a blushing Zara around to face him.  Kabir:  I love it when you blush, he said in her ear.  I know about your condition, but it is your fault that you are wearing a sari, which reveals a lot of skin to me and I am not able to control myself.  Aur waise bhi abhi toh maine asa kuch kiya hi nahi hai.  Zara was breathing really hard and Kabir was having fun teasing his wife.  He went close to Zara's pink lips and blew on her lips and she opened her eyes.  Kabir:  kyun ab nahi roke gi hume?  He asked Zara was too shy to reply.  Kabir slowly brushed his lips on hers when the doorbell rang.  Kabir:  looks like you just got saved by the bell.  Kabir went to go open the door and Zara controlled her breath and followed Kabir to the door.  Kabir opened the door and saw Najma api.  Kabir:  API! APP YAHA!!!  Is there any problem?  Everything is fine right?  Najma walks in and Kabir closes the door.  Najma:  hum Zara  ko ghar vapas lejaane aaye hai.  Zara:  api app ne hume maaf kardiya!!!! I am so happy api! Najma:  who am I to forgive you, I'm the one who should apologize.  Najma narrated her confrontation with firoz and how he is in jail now.  She started to cry and asked for forgiveness.  Zara:  bade choto se maafi nahi mangte api''hum appse bohot pyaar karte hai api.  '..sab kuch theek hogaya hai api abb sab acha hi hoga.  (Zara said while hugging api)  Najma: go get your things Zara , hum abhi ghar jayenge.  Kabir:  haan api, I'll just go and pack everything.  Najma:  you are not coming Kabir!  Kabir: WHAT THE!!!  WHY??????????  Najma: kyunki tum Zara  se pyaar nahi karte, she stated.  Kabir:  main Zara se pyaar nahi karta!!!!!!!!! MAIN!!!! Have you lost it!!!! She's my WIFE, and I love her a lot.  SLAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Najma slapped Kabir really hard and Zara was shocked.  Kabir: Api????????  Najma:  you don't love her Kabir because if you did then you wouldn't have forced her to marry you, aur Zara , why did you agree when you knew he was wrong.  Zara:  api who'' Kabir:  I blackmailed her api'''.i said I won't let imran marry Heena if she didn't marry me.  Najma:  tum itna kaise gir sakte ho Kabir?  Kabir:  api who sab maine gusse mein kiya tha, but even then I loved her and now as well.    I have already apologized to her api and I have promised to keep her happy and to fulfill all her dreams, I even promised to get married to her again in the proper way api.  '''''''    please api I want to go home as well with Zara''''.i can't stay without her, he begged.  Najma was shocked to see how Kabir was literally begging to be with Zara.  THE KABIR AHMAD WAS BEGGING!!!  Najma was happy to see her little Kabir sooo changed.  Najma:  fine you can come, but I have a condition'. Kabir:  anything api.  Najma:  shaadi kal shaam ko hogi aur sangeet aur mehnapi aaj shaam ko.  Kabir:  you are the BEST APIII, he screamed while picking Najma up and twirling her.  After packing the three of them left for Ahmad Mansion.  After reaching everyone was angry at Kabir for what he had done with Zara, however, after a lot of explaining and convincing everything was okay now.  It was five o clock and the mehendi and sangeet ceremony started.  Najma and Heena were singing and dancing while the mehendi was being applied on Zara's hands and feet.  Two hours later the mehendi was completed and Zara was now really enjoying this.  After some time she went to her room when Kabir comes into the room.  Kabir: won't you show me your mehendi?????? He said while walking towards her.  Zara: Kabir it's still wet, she said walking backwards.  Zara hits the wall and she has nowhere to go.  Zara: Kabir please let me go we are not supposed to see each other until the wedding.  Kabir: sorry I couldn't resist and besides you can't do anything because your mehendi is still wet so you can't even push me away, he smirked.  Zara: please let me go Kabir'' someone will come, she pleaded.  Kabir came forward and his lips were only an inch away from hers.  Zara:  ''Kabi...''.., Kabir captured her lips for a minute and then let go.  Zara: ka...Kabir'..  Kabir was about to kiss her again when api interrupted.  Najma: Kabir what are you doing??? I told you, you can't meet her until the wedding and plus you both have tomorrow to carry on with your romance, she teased.  Kabir let go Zara and she ran away instantly.  The mehendi and sangeet had ended around ten at night and everyone went to sleep after preparing for the haldi ceremony in the morning and wedding at five in the evening.   Next morning- wedding day'. Zara woke up and washed her hands and feet.  The color came out dark red/orange it was almost black.  Najma and Heena walk in to take her down for the haldii.  They saw her hands and teased her saying Kabir loves her a lot and that she won't be speared tonight.  Zara's family had also arrived a few hours later both Kabir and Zara's haldi was done.  The wedding was taking place in a wedding hall.  Heena and Najma both made Zara get ready and then took her to the hall.    Kabir was staring at her while she came down and he didn't even blink.  Zara began to get nervous because Kabir was looking at her from head to toe.  She was wearing his favorite color'..RED''the red and gold lehanga looked great on her and he thought about how difficult it will be for him control his desires until the wedding was over.  The Nikkah was read and both said qubool hai when asked by the qazi.  It was Zara's bidaai and she was crying a lot.  Kabir promises her family to always keep her happy and take care of her.  An hour later'.. They reached Ahmad mansion. Najma tells Kabir and zara to go to the living room where they had to play the kheer chatai game.  40 minutes later Najma and Heena took Zara to Kabir's room which was decorated fully with candles and red roses.  They made her sit in the center of the bed and told her to wait for Kabir.  Najma saw Kabir coming so both Heena and Najma closed the door and asked Kabir for money he gave them both blank checks and said'.. Kabir: now can I go in???????? Heena gave back the check to Kabir and said'''. Heena: all I want from you is to take care of my sister and keep her happy and that's enough for me'. Najma: I don't need the check either Kabir.  I just want you to never break her heart again.  Kabir gives them both a hug after promising to always keep Zara happy and they both leave to their room.  Kabir enters the room and sees Zara sitting on the bed.   He sits next to her and looks at her very carefully.  Kabir: Zara you are looking so beautiful, he says in his husky voice and smirks.  Zara blushes so deeply.  Kabir turns her and takes off her jewelry.  He first takes off her earrings and kisses her earlobes softly.  Then he takes off her nose ring and kisses the tip of her nose.  And then he takes off her necklace. He places the jewelry on the side table and places a wet kiss on her neck.  He slowly lies her down and leans down onto her.  Kabir moves to her face and kisses her forehead.  He goes down and kisses near her lips.  He blew some air on her face and she opens her eyes.  Zara: yeh aap kya kar rahe hai????? Kabir: kyun jab kal mujhe sataya that tab kyun nai problem hui??????????? Zara didn't  reply and turned her head the other way.  Kabir brushes his lips on Zara's and gives her a light peck on her lips, yet he does not kiss her fully Zara was getting impatient so she tried to capture Kabir's lip, but failed as he moved back.  He was having fun torturing her.  Zara got angry and turned her face, Kabir turn her face towards him and kisses her cheeks and kisses her slowly on her lips.  The kiss was soft and gentle.  Zara's hands slowly make their way up into Kabir's hair and starts ruffling them.  This turns Kabir on some more and he loses his control and bit Zara's lower lip and a soft moan escapes from her mouth.  Kabir sucks on her lower lip to sooth away her pain.  He then moves to her neck.  He places several wet kisses everywhere on her neck while Zara kept ruffling her hair.  Kabir stops for a while and takes off his sherwani.  He was now shirtless and Zara turns her head because of shyness.  Kabir: oh come on Zara''''.you have to get use to this I am your husband and I think you should get used to seeing me like this because I don't plan on wearing a shirt while we sleep.  He whispered in her ear.   Zara shyly hugs Kabir and hid herself in his chest.  Kabir pulls back and starts sucking on the crook of her neck and bites her really hard, and Zara dug her nails into Kabir's back, this made Kabir suck on that spot even harder and a loud moan escaped Zara's mouth' Zara:  aa'aah' ka 'Kabir' Kabir stopped at once and looked down at her neck and saw that he had left a dark red love bite.  She was in a state of complete surrender and Kabir loved it. '''''..Kabir turned her over on her stomach so now her back was facing him.  He pulled the sleeve of her blouse slightly off her shoulders.  He was about to open the dori of her blouse when he stopped.  Kabir:  Zara are you sure about this? Zara turned around and kissed his forehead and hid herself in his chest.  '''''.Kabir took that as a yes and continued''   he turned her over once again and slowly unhooked her blouse, which sent shivers down her spine.   He then turned her again kissed and licked her cleavage which sent more shivers down her spine.  Zara hugged Kabir and Kabir hugged her back passionately.  He then moved his hands to her bra straps and the next moment Zara wasn't wearing anything except the bottom of her lengha and bottoms.  She got really nervous and covered herself with her hands and turned around.  Kabir softly touched her back and then kissed her down her spine.  Zara arched her back and let out a soft moan. He turned her around again, but Zara was still covering herself with her hands.  He moved her hands and pinned them above her head and gave her a small pack on the lips.  He moved down and touched her soft breasts and pinched her nipples.  And they became really hard.  He moved his lips down and kissed her nipples softly.   He placed wet kisses all over her breasts and then started to suck on her nipples.  Zara moved her hand to his back and started to massage him all over his back.  He then started to suck on her breasts even harder when Zara moaned.  This made his desires rise even more and he bit her really hard on her nipples, and Zara screamed' Zara:  AAH!!  Kabir!!!  Kabir:  Shhh'''' He saw that she was in a little pain, but at the same time she felt good.  Kabir started to squeeze her breasts and moved his hands down to the bottom of her lengha and slid his hands into it and started to move his hands up her legs, he reached her thighs and started to massage them.  He pulls his hands back out and pulls down the skirt of her lengha and throws it to the side and goes back up and kisses her lips passionately.  While he kissed her his hardness was rubbing against Zara's femininity.  Kabir couldn't control anymore so he moved his hands down and roughly pulled off Zara's underwear.  Then he got rid of the pajami of his sherwani and his boxers.  Now there are no barriers between them.  Kabir kissed down to her navel and bit her which left a big red mark.  He moved his hand down to spread her legs, but she squeezed her legs tightly together so he won't be able to spread them.  Kabir:  whats wrong sweet heart?  He asked a bit concerned.  She had her eyes tightly shut''''' Kabir:  open your eyes and look at me please'''''    Zara was nervous and slightly scared so she shut her eyes even tighter.  Kabir:  I love you Zara, please open your eyes.  Zara slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him.  Kabir:  tell me what wrong? Zara:  I'''''. I'.. I'm '''..ner'..vous and sc'scared''it's going to h'.hurt, she stuttered.  Kabir looked down at his innocent wife and gave her a light peck on her lips.  Kabir:  it will hurt a little sweetheart, but I will try not to hurt you'' you trust me right?  Zara:  y''.yes, she whispered.  Kabir gave one last kiss on her lips and then went down and gently spread her legs apart.  He slowly starts to rub his manhood on her femininity.  Zara was starting to get wet and Kabir continued his torture.  '''''..  Zara was starting to get unknown feelings inside her and began to shudder and her heartbeat started to increase.  She kept saying Kabir's name over and over.  Zara was on the verge of screaming from his sweet torture, when he entered her with a lot of force.  She was about to scream, but he sealed her lips with his.  '''''''''  Zara was in pain at first, but after a while it turned into pleasure.  She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and he thrust into her opening faster and faster.  She screamed his name louder and louder''''. Zara:  Ah'. Aah'.kab'.Kabir'I 'I 'lo'I love you Kabir, she moaned loudly.  Kabir:  I love you too Mrs. Zara Kabir Ahmad he said and smiled down at her''''''..  he withdrew from her and lie down right next to her while hugging her waist and she put her head on his chest and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.  Zara was now truly Mrs. Kabir Ahmad and that too forever.  Two years passed and Zara was in the delivery room.  She was in a lot of pain, but Kabir's presence made things easier for her.  She wanted to do this for him, after all their twins were the symbol of their love.  After eight long hours of labor pains she finally delivered two lovely angels. '. A boy who they named Zayn and a girl they named humeira.  Kabir:  thank you soo much Zara for this wonderful gift'..I LOVE YOU''' and he placed a kiss on her forehead. Zara:  I love you too Kabir! Now they were FINALLY TOGETHER FOREVER, a complete family and they lived "bickeringly" ever after'''. The end Writer : Illa8
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