#its the karkat cancer frog panels
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selamat-linting · 2 years
last night was a blast! read through the last legs of act 5 oart 2 and started plowing through everything so now im... somewhere after act 6 intermission 1. as usual some thoughts :
-cascade. holy fucking shit CASCADE. i thought the doc scratch panels bit was cool so this blew my fucking tits off (alas it grew back) but i have no idea what the fcuk is going on. i do not have the fandom to help me speculatE. ARGGHHHHH. even everymanhybrid is more digestible than homestuck and thats saying something!!!
but i'll try to parse things. one at a time.
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okay okay so. the plan is,
1) john to retrieve the tumor which would blow up the sun
2) so dave would pilot the course and sent it to the green sun and blow it up. this is the plan rose cooked up after consulted doc scratch and the horrorterrors. wait why would they do that? If they want to kill jack they could just use the scratch right?
4) oh wait i remember. The scratch is to reset the universe. The tumor is to act as a homing beacon for the kids to meet up and plan whats next. also jack was kind of omnipotent so the scratch might not even be enough.
5) meanwhile the tumor was prepared, the scratch, found in dave's lava planet, is meant to be scratched by either john or dave using rose's knitting needles
6) meanwhile jade is doing genesis frog breeding, and she consulted with her denizen after a discussion with kanaya. and she found out something that could have been a reason why their universe is so messed up. jade was also given a tip from her denizen echidna of a way to leave the scratched universe and stay alive, but on the condition that her and her planets are brought along.
7) after this is revealed, karkat wails in regret after realizing that he unknowingly gave cancer to the universe. gamzee who have somehow become corrupted claims that it was his doing that sabotaged karkat and kanaya's frog breeding to a dave in the past
8) while jade is juggling the responsibility of trying to do frog breeding even as the end of the world is approaching + trying to save the denizens and their people + keeping bec noir under control, she gets murdered by one of the exiles john sent to give the tumor over a misunderstanding
9) while all of that is happening, the great terezi and vriska showdown happens, and karkat singlehandedly pacified a rampaging gamzee by pats and kisses like its an episode of gumball and darwin. they are now moirails that are off the rails. a knocked out sollux is too busy talking with aradia over the dream bubbles. because a gemini's special Like That™ (GEMINIS REPRESENT)
10) current surviving troll count : terezi, karkat, gamzee, kanaya, sollux, aradia. sollux dies to pilot their hideout to the green sun so theyd get a head start to go to the new session
11) anyway, back to the beta kids. jade is dying. an angry bec noir flies her over so she could die in her quest bed. using the time capsule, an angry bec traveled to the exile's future timeline and killed everyone. he also uses his omnipotence as a first guardian to spread the cancer on the universe, the red miles, causing its destruction. he donuted my boy WV. and so to avenge everyone and defend herself, PM becomes the new white queen and she gets bec noir's powers too.
12) while jade is taking her time dying from the stab wound, the derse kids got the tumor and is trying to pilot it to the green sun on a suicide mission. dave was supposed to do it, but rose knocked him out so she could do it alone. yet he still followed her, and they both end up on the same ship and found their quest bed, and the realization of their imminent death finally sinks in.
13) as the universe is imploding on itself, they found out a strange machine. The machine shows two universes, the left out remains of alternia and earth. apparently it all has been a trick all along from doc scratch. The tumor, piloted to a course between universes because its heading to the green sun, caused the destruction of the two universes and subsequently, the death of rose and dave. But it does not destroy the sun. So, the trolls arrived at a not exploding sun, and both the derse kids went god tier.
14) meanwhile, before dave and rose's epic showdown, jade went god mode too, fuses with her sprite, and found out a way to escape the doomed universe to the new session. her new powers of omnipotence made her capable of saving all of the planets and its denizens and brought them along with her on the ride to the new session. she brought john along as well, after he fully completes the scratch
15) so. the gang, they finally met up. sort of. theyre heading to the new session and it would took them three years to arrive. dead sollux decides to go back to his dead friends in the dream bubble. aradia, as the maid of time, has some shit to do so she had to leave as well. wv is dying but there might be a way to save him (THANK GOD) rose and kanaya continued making heart eyes at each other but this time its even worse since they do it in person. karkat suffers out of his own hubris and wishes he was dead.
16) with the universe reset and destroyed, it brings the arrival of lord english from doc scratch's corpse. so, there is no guarantee this new universe is safe since a demon presides in it. The gang plans to arrive in the new session and defeat lord english in person.
Is that it? Is that all? There was a lot of information and it was pretty hard to follow. If im not distracted by the art im distracted by the music. For real the music is very very good. Its crazy that homestuck starts out from silly chiptune music and evolves into epic bangers like cascade. And the art, my god. they all look so anime. the faces are beautifully expressive. i love how everyone's clothes design gets an upgrade and even more details in that style. its appropriate for the gravity of the situation. also shout out for the backgrounds. i always loved the hyperrealistic images but the strategic lighting on this one is great.
and i understand why the fandom are insane about them. like, my current type nowadays is old and weird looking guys but i just knew teen me would have realized he's bisexual much earlier if she sees anime karkat and kanaya's cascade design at the tender age of thirteen.
-ANYWAY. Holy fucking shit! can we talk about jade? I dont care. WE'LL TALK ABOUT JADE. i knew she had the potential man. i knew it. she literally kickstarted the rescue mission of the citizens and save john and helped diagnose the problem of their universe and- SHE'S AWESOME. SHE'S THE BEST!!! she's so op and amazing and im taking her to those super expensive haagen daz ice cream because she's powerful and she cares about the citizens on the planets just as she cares for her friends and she stays positive despite the trolls badgering. i hope she had a great three years befriending everyone and catching up on stuff with davesprite and john :) she's the coolest
-also, wow. must have been weird being davesprite. you spent three months with your half sister trying to do the impossible, went back in time to see everything kickstarted to fruition while you get sidelined after doing the epic duel of all time with your brother against an omnipotent assasin. you saw him die, and then youre just kinda there chilling and giving tips for alpha dave and occasionally consoling jadesprite. and then she disappears, and you see her save everyone's ass while youre just sitting there and now you didnt get to die. you are going to spend three years becoming well acquainted to approximately a million people + jade and john. also your alt self went god mode but somehow you didnt fuse with him.
-and speaking of doc scratch. jeez. the reveal that the virus from the troll pov chapters is the one that bring lord english in is fuckin insane. we already know he and his lackey doc scratch was subtly manipulating all of the trolls from either direct manipulation of subconcious dream fuckuppery. the reveal that a karkat suffers gag was actually a doc scratch plot and the transformation of his dead body. FUCK.
yknow, his thing with little girls. i really thought it was one of those fucked up shit that are glossed over that hussie does, like the slurs. there is this phenomenon in media of chivalrous pervert whose sexual harrasment are played off as gags or not too important to his standing as a person because in the end they actually respects woman in a way that matters or do a lot of good. i see this a lot in ecchi anime and modern edgy sf lit. and personally i find it fucking stupid and unrealistic. why is every single black and grey morality hard sf stories had to make their token evil teammate a sexual abuser like COME THE FUCK ON. there are better crimes to use that will lead your fandom to less discourse and less out and proud misogynists. so i guess it suprises me that doc scratch's weird thing with little girls arent played as just a joke and his "helpful tips" are actually his way to manipulate the kids while toying with them. its a pleasant surprise i suppose?
i do feel bad for aradia's ancestors though. her life must be rough. did she really die getting murdered by feferi's ancestor? or is she somewhere else right now? the trolls ancestors are reallly fucking me up. but mostly karkat. he really is troll jesus! He's the father, son, and the holy spirit all at once. what the fuck-
-and now, lets go to the new session. jake, roxy, dirk, and jane. we're off to a great start with this au. okay maybe i should stop here and continue on another post. LOL.
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