#its that i know that and will still choose innocent until proven guilty first anyways
gibbearish · 10 months
i also just think in general if theres a single olive branch p much everyone should be extended its taking them at their word that a suicide attempt was legitimate until you have specific evidence otherwise
0 notes
ziracona · 3 years
Just blown away thinking about how /fundamental/ to Ritsuka’s survival, physically to some extent but way more like resilience and mental wellbeing and like, established personhood speaking, Shimosa coming right after Shinjuku was?
I mean Ritsuka is a tanky kid, long since proven, and that helps for sure—I mean they watch 80% of their group die in the prologue, and almost got killed by a bomb themself, an ally is murdered in front of them at the end of arc one, which is a city on fire and terrifying and full of monsters and dead people, and it only gets worse; every arc is rough in its own way, and obviously Temple of Time specifically left some lasting and deep wounds. But Shimosa?
Ritsuka is this fun, goofy, resilient kid full of trust and love and dedication and perseverance, and maybe most of all goodness, and basically no power at all on their own. They have been forced to depend on others not to be annihilated every step of the way, surrounded by impossible tasks and literally with the weight of the world on their shoulders, but they’re brave, and kind, and they’ve always stuck to it and tried their best and been kind to people even that they shouldn’t, and it’s always been enough, so far. They fight for survival and for those around them, and people choose to help. Their faith and goodness and determination and strength and sacrificial nature is rewarded or not left to fail for long because people see them and fight with them, and it’s an incredible strength and power kind of unmatched that has made them never truly powerless, in reality. Most of all they have always found a way to get. Back. Up. And fight, even when they have almost nothing left to offer. And Shimosa is the first time that just...isn’t enough.
Even with Musashi and Kotarou, the MC is almost completely alone—totally cut off from her usual support system and the people who they know and depend on. And so many people get killed. Over and over and over. It’s the first time innocent people are being slaughtered and screaming for help, and they’re forced to hide because they /can’t/ win, and they can’t try, because if they’re found the two kinds they’re looking after will be too, and they’ll doom all four of their group. Ritsuka tries and is forced not to. They leave behind a new ally to buy time full of faith he’ll make it back, and instead he gets killed and his body is turned into a monster that goes on to hunt them and their friends down and slaughter innocent people, and they have to put down while knowing it’s who was their friend and died for them. They believe in Danzo and the second that works and she decides to turn and fight for them, she’s forced to kill herself in front of them and /does/. It is just absolute ‘life is not fair’ hit after hit in Shimosa. And it takes a toll on Ritsuka absolutely—I think Shimosa is the arc they’re truly forced to grow up a lot—not like get better, like face a lot of brutal realities you’re not really totally forced to both accept and understand until an adult. But they survive it, and more importantly maybe, they come out the other side still the same person. And you know why?
I’m sure it’s a lot of reasons. It’s who they are, it’s who they choose to be. I think Danzo and Kotarou and Musashi and everyone who helped them in Shimosa were a part of it. I think Romani and Da Vinci and Mash and all their old friends were too. But I think a huge part of why is Shimosa happens /right/ after Shinjuku. And Shinjuku is also an arc like no other. It’s the arc where the long term ally betrays you, like several other arc, but this time, your time with them mattered and they feel guilty and more than that, they’re won over. It’s the arc where instead of a finale boss fight even harder than last arc, the antagonist throws the finale fight and it’s one of the easiest fights all arc. Because he doesn’t want to win. It’s the arc where a man in his mid sixties who has been a criminal his whole life and killed many people and never felt bad about it at all, who is dead and a spirit set in his saint graph and ways, famous /for/ being a villain, who has striven his whole life to prove his mathematical formula right and beat his rival, and finally, finally absolutely wins and gets both in the palm of his hand, lets go of his entire life’s purpose and desire and everything he’s ever been as a person, because who Ritsuka is and strives to be as a person, and how they treated him, mattered more. Because he didn’t want them to die, or to fail, and loved them. Just because of how they live and the choices they make.
It’s the arc where this villain to the core somehow isn’t one just this once for you because you loved and trusted him even knowing it was stupid and that mattered. The arc where he tells you as he vanishes to never be ashamed of who you are or think you’re wrong; that you’re incredible. The arc where life just isn’t fair, but it’s a good thing. It’s the arc where the only thing that saves the world is who Ritsuka is as a person, weak and trusting and good and determined and eternally hopeful and full of love, and just a little bit goofy.
And that’s the arc end right before Shimosa, where you keep getting knocked down and there’s no progress, no hope, and yet you make it. Because it might be possible and I think, because Ritsuka has this moment they just came from they can’t say was luck or someone else—that was them and all them and just them—that saved the world and means they might be able to again. Even if who they are is all they have to offer. And anyway this all makes me so happy & so sad but good sad.
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 16: Communion-ity
Keith meets a certain head chef and his tiny half-clone. Said tiny clone is very fond of cats and Lance.
First  Previous  Next
Keith’s tail twitches nervously. On the other side of this door is one of Lance’s oldest, dearest friends. Given Lance's reputation, Keith can only imagine what they might have gotten up to together. Most likely things that would have him trembling for the better part of the next decaphoeb. After that, probably only disgusted.
“Anyway, Hunk is one who runs the kitchens. He makes every single one of your meals himself. Because, y’know, all of our food apparently tastes disgusting to you.”
“It’s the ‘sweet’ thing. I don’t know what it’s supposed to taste like, but Galra can’t taste it. And apparently you freaks like nothing else.”
“Hey. If Pidge makes that implant for you I bet you’ll love sweet food.”
“Makes a what now?” Keith asks, but Lance throws open the doors, stepping inside with a flourish, bowing halfway amidst a chorus of greetings.
“Alright, everyone. I have my spouse here to see the kitchens, so please be kind to him.” Another chorus from cheery Alteans. Lance holds out his hand for Keith to take, tugs him into the kitchen. Keith stays close, watching Alteans scurry about, preparing to feed not only the royal family, but also the guards and a portion of Altean’s military, the ones garrisoned at the castle.
As Keith walked past, these Alteans stare at him, forgetting themselves for a moment before averting their gazes. It's better than gossip, in a way, but it causes a sort of ache. Loneliness?
“Kitty!” To Keith’s alarm, a very small creature comes running at him, toddling in its chubby legs. Keith grips Lance’s arm, managing not to extend his claws into his spouse’s arm as the child grabs him around the legs in a hug. “Hi, kitty!”
“Rosetta! Rosetta leave the kitty alone- Oh! Oh, gosh! Rosetta, come here!” A pair of very large hands reach down and pry the child from Keith’s legs. “I’m so sorry about that. She’s little.”
Keith looks up to see a very large person in a spotless apron and yellow headband holding the little child. “It’s… fine. It’s all fine. Um. What’s a kitty?”
“You ever seen Honerva carry a little animal around?” the man asks. Keith nods. “That’s Kova. Her cat, also known as a kitty.”
“I don’t look like that.”
“Tell that to a toddler. I’m Hunk, by the way. Nice to meet you.” Keith blinks, looks the towering Balmeran up and down.
“Nice to meet you too,” he mumbles. “Why do you have a child in the kitchens?”
“Oh. My wife is pregnant and needed a break. Toddlers, man. Tiny monsters, I’m telling you. Besides, it’s never too early to begin learning different spices. Isn’t that right?” Hunk bounces his daughter, beaming with delight. He's nothing like Keith had expected.
“You guys are so great,” Lance says, smiling from where he’s leaning against a table covered with produce. “Hunk and Shay are just the perfect little family. Also, they can make cave bugs taste amazing. You wouldn’t believe it.”
“Hey, I can’t take credit for that. My grandmother-in-law taught me that recipe. It’s one of Rosie’s favorites too, isn’t it Rosie?” The child nods, still watching Keith with interest. “So how have you two been getting on? You doing alright?”
“We’re getting on fine,” Lance answers, scowling at a message on his datapad. “Overworked and underappreciated, but fine.”
“I wish I were overworked,” Keith grumbles, ears pinning back against his head. “I mean, what exactly do they expect me to do? Pidge said that all of my devices are monitored until they can find a way to secure my connections and the guards took everything but my knife when I arrived. There’s not a whole lot of damage a lone Galra can do.”
“Hm.” Hunk passes Rosetta to a delighted Lance, who bounces the little one on his hip. “Remember when ‘innocent until proven guilty’ was a thing?”
“That’s only a thing if the commonwealth asks. The reality is that ‘anything to protect our people’ covers a lot of quiznakery.” Lance sighs, tosses his datapad aside in favor of a cluster of some orbed fruits. He takes one for himself, passes one to Rosetta.
“Thank you,” the child chirps.
“You’re welcome.” Lance beams indulgently at the child.
“Thank you, thank you.” Rosetta grins a wide grin at the prince.
“Well you are very welcome, sweetheart.”
Keith silently watches the exchange, watches as Lance expertly handles the child, bouncing her around and chatting with her while Hunk starts in on an enormous basket of some kind of tuber. The prince seems a natural, happy to engage with the child, setting her at a small table in the corner with a collection of toys, playing some game or another.
Something Keith hadn’t realized he’d been clenching unfurls watching his spouse interact with the child. He imagines that Lance won’t reject him when he inevitably must bear them a kit, and won’t reject their kit either. No. Lance will adore their kits, be a good sire, good father, good mate.
“He loves kids. Wants a small army.” Hunk chuckles. “We’ll see what he says after you guys have your first.”
“Hm.” Keith smiles. “Does he have children already? I know his reputation well, at this point.”
“No. He’s always been careful to prevent such a thing, and if any… prior liaison had a child within a given timeframe, he checked to see if they were his by some small chance. Said that he’d take responsibility, make sure they had that second parent.”
“An honorable cad.”
“I suppose. Oh, there’s a tray of samples for you in that coldbox over there. I’d intended it for lunch, but grab it now and let me know what you think. I haven’t had the opportunity to ask about your food.”
“Thank you.” Keith retrieves the tray, sits across from Hunk and his tubers. “And… thank you. For making me food.”
“It’s all good. Fun, actually. I’ve never experimented with Dabazaani cuisine, despite how close Daibazaal is. You guys have good food. I mean, pretty much everybody has good food, but that purple grass you guys use to make bread? Amazing. Rosie loves it, too. She likes it in her stew.”
Keith smiles. “We like to dip it in stew, too... Why do Alteans all eat off their own plates?”
“Most peoples do. Galra don’t?”
“No. Food is… communion. It’s something to be shared. We take from the same pot. We use a sort of flat, crispy bread-like thing to eat softer foods? It’s difficult to explain. We mostly eat with our hands… Sporks are annoying. I don’t use them if I can help it.” Hunk hums, delightedly interested. Keith takes a risk. “It’s why I didn’t eat with everyone for the first few quintants. I was trying to get better at using one.”
“Really? Lance thought you were just very shy. And maybe didn’t like him all that much." Hunk catches Keith’s eye only for the Galra to look away, folding his arms, hunching over slightly on his stool. He is shy. And seems pretty sweet. “Hey.” The Galra shifts, nervous. “Tell me more about what you like to eat.”
“I like spicy things. And… meat. Altean adults don’t seem to eat meat.”
“No, they don’t. Infants do, for a while. They go through a phase where they eat nothing but meat, actually. I’ll reach out to my contact in Daibazaal to see about adding some to my shipments. Have you been to the infirmary at all?”
“You should go and get checked for any deficiencies. I want to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition. Make sure Altea is agreeing with you and all that. It’s very different, isn’t it?”
“Yes. There are plants covering everything! They’re really pretty! And the animals here are cute and don’t bite a whole lot.” Keith's ears perk a bit, his tail sweeping over the floor in long strokes.
“The animals are very friendly -mostly-, and this planet has a lot of vegetation. My home planet is more like Daibazaal. Or maybe a mix of the two. Plenty of plants and animals, but not quite as many. Balmera grow crystals like spines along their nerves. During certain times of year, they will all resonate, and may create a brand new balmera.”
“What… Is Balmera alive?” Keith cocks his head, ears perked with curiosity. He's got wide eyes, Hunk notices, big and dark like the night, shining with curiosity. Lance is doomed.
“Balmera are mineral-based organisms the size of planets. Most are inhabited by entirely unique species. My people are found only on a single Balmera. We love her and care for her. We exist in a completely unique symbiosis.”
“That sounds nice.”
“It’s very nice. Making the sharing of food a part of your daily routine sounds nice too. Your people must have strong bonds with their friends.”
Keith smiles, strangely emotional. “Thank you. Others don’t say nice things about my people very often. Especially not here… They look at me like I’m a monster. They hate me.”
“Well I don’t hate you. Pidge, my best friend, doesn’t hate you. They seem to like you a lot, actually. As for the Alteans… xenophobia is an integral part of their culture. Lance is frothing at the mouth trying to find a way to take them all down a peg.
“At any rate, don’t pay them any mind. You are not a monster. You’re just a guy, who happens to be a Galra. Just like I happen to be Balmeran. Just like Lance happens to be Altean. Life is arbitrary, but community is not, right? We choose who we share our pot with. I think I’d share mine with you.”
The Balmeran smiles at Keith, and Keith smiles back, eyes suspiciously moist. Poor little buddy. Hunk would absolutely share his pot with him. He’d give Keith a hug, but suspects that he wouldn’t like it. He doesn’t know Hunk well enough. Instead, Hunk finishes preparing his last tuber to be sent to the garrison for the castle’s military, heads to the coldbox.
“I don’t have any pots going at the moment, but I’ve got some dough here for your bread. We can share some of that.”
“Can I help?” Keith asks, looking hopeful. “I can cook. I know how.”
“Of course. Food tastes better with more hands. Lance! Rosie! Come help make bread.”
Lance trots over with the toddler, setting her in a special chair. Keith settles in next to his spouse, teaching him how to knead the grainy dough and twist it into traditional patterns. Hunk and Lance carry most of the conversation, switching from common to Altean every now and then so Rosie doesn’t understand the less appropriate anecdotes and gossip.
Apparently, there’s one particular courtier named Seran who spends most of her time ruining her two children and harassing people for even the slightest perceived inconvenience. They both make good sport out of loudly recounting hyperbolic stories for Keith, complete with exaggerated voices for Seran and her evil, entitled children. Apparently, Seran's wife, Renli, is almost as bad.
It has Keith doubled over with laughter, eyes watering with mirth as Lance recounts the time Seran’s gardener trimmed her moss slightly too short and she’d chased him off down the street while swinging his own rake at him.
It’s not until he and Lance are returning to their room, sneaking loaves of Daibazaani bread back with them, that Keith realizes he’s still smiling. He bumps against Lance’s side, happily twists his tail around Lance’s ankle.
“Thank you. For today, I mean.”
“You are most welcome.”
“Thank you for everything else, too.”
“You’re welcome, Keith. Always.”
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TimKon or anything from the Tuna Melt-verse, which is fantastic, by the way.
Thank you!!! Here’s some unfinished Tuna Melt Fic. Maybe one day it’ll get done. It’s called “His Day in Court.” The Joker origin referenced is lifted from Batman: Streets of Gotham.
“Mister President.” 
Bartlet looks up from his desk and grins, before getting to his feet slowly. “Judge Walters.” 
As they shake hands, Jed marvels, not for the first time, at just how tall, and just how green Jennifer Walters is. She’s a beautiful woman. 
She’s just…
Well, she’s She-Hulk.
Well, she used to be She-Hulk.
Now she’s a United States federal judge.
Like Mendoza, getting Jenn appointed as a federal judge had been a nightmare. She’s green, she’s huge.
She’s hardcore leftwing.
“Please, have a seat,” he offers, gesturing towards the couches and chairs. 
Jenn nods, and does, settling into one of the chairs carefully,  always hyper-aware of her own body and its impact on the world around her. 
“I assume you know why I’ve asked you here,” he says, settling onto the couch next to her, clasping his hands in his lap. 
“I have a pretty good idea,” Jenn smirks, leaning back a little. “The Joker case?” 
Bartlet nods. “The Joker case. The prosecution is putting everything together, and I’ve been informed you’ve been chosen to preside.” 
Jenn doesn’t say anything for a long moment, watching the president carefully before speaking up. “Permission to speak my mind?” 
“Of course.” 
“This whole trial is bullshit,” she says. 
“It’s the law.” 
“It’s bull. Look, I believe in our justice system when it works the way it’s supposed to, but jesus, this isn’t a case of innocent until proven guilty, this is a case of the defendant boasting in a public forum about the very fact that he is guilty. He’s killed thousands of people. He’s maimed and mentally and emotionally scarred more. Why put the survivors and the families of the dead through this? And how the hell are we supposed to choose a grand jury? An enormous percentage of people in this country, and just about everybody on the East Coast has been affected, in some way, shape or form by the Joker.” 
“So you think we throw United States law out the window and just kill him?” Jed asks, lifting his eyebrows. “You don’t think that might look bad to the rest of the country? That they’ll start pointing fingers at whoever the hell, and asking why those people haven’t been offed too?” 
“I think the Joker is different,” Jenn says. “I think he’s this country’s modern day boogieman, and I don’t think he deserves a traditional trial. And anyways, it’s not out of the question that the Joker could die...other ways.” 
“Don’t you have the Red Hood on speed dial?” she asks, lifting an eyebrow. “Didn’t I hear that somewhere?” 
“Like that kid hasn’t been through enough,” Jed grumbles. “The last time somebody tried to take out the Joker because they thought it was the right thing, it ended in an office full of dead FBI agents and an attack on this White House. We do this the right way.” 
“The right way would have been lethal injection at Arkham twenty years ago,” she tells him. “Everything beyond that is just us cleaning up decades-old messes.”  
“Jennifer, are you saying we should find a different judge to preside over this case?” Jed asks, looking at her seriously. “Because what you’re telling me is that you cannot possibly be fair-” 
“I’m telling you there is no fair,” she interrupts him. “Mister President, the Joker has eschewed legal council. He’s defending himself, which means he will run around my courtroom like the damn lunatic he is before he gets bored and attempts to massacre everyone in it.” 
Bartlet closes his eyes and takes a breath before opening them again. “Jenn, all we can do is prepare for the worst. But we don’t have any other choice.” 
“It starts tomorrow, you know.” 
“The Joker trial,” Danny clarifies. 
Maggie nods as she steps past him and back into her cube. “And you’re pissed.” 
“A little.” 
“Because you’re not the one writing about it,” Maggie goes on. “Because there’s no way to be impartial when you thought he was gonna kill you.” 
“There’s not an impartial journalist in the world when it comes to this maniac,” Danny points out.
Maggie sits and looks up at him. “You can still go to the trial you know. Take a few days off. Head up to New York. You could even write an independent piece and farm it out to the Atlantic or whatever.” 
Danny shakes his head. “Not worth feeling that angry. How are you doing with all of this?” 
“I...have to be fine,” she says, blowing out a breath. “So I’m fine.” 
 “What are you working on? Anything good?” 
He frowns, tilting his head. “What?” 
“I...it’s just...how does somebody like the Joker, become the Joker?” Maggie asks. “What drives a person so far over off the deep end that they become...that?” 
“Does it matter?” 
“Doesn’t it?” 
“So you’re looking into who the Joker really is,” Danny surmises. 
“I have some leads,” she admits. “The problem is that he’s killed so many people, it’s hard to figure out what was personal and what was just...his version of a good time.” 
“But you’ve got a hunch.” 
Maggie nods, looking troubled. “I have a hunch.” 
She blows out a breath. “About five years ago, Joker cornered an aging Mob Boss named Guzzo.” 
“That guy was no joke,” Danny comments, pulling up a chair and taking a seat. “My mentor did a write-up about him back in the day. The stuff he did was almost as bad as the Joker. This was a few years ago, right?” 
“Right. So...Joker corners him on amusement mile and sics a pack of hungry hyenas on the guy,” Maggie says. “All that’s left are a few teeth, which is how they identified him. What’s confusing is that if you look at the interviews done of the for-hire goons back then, Joker and Guzzo didn’t know each other. And if you look at the way the city was split up before Guzzo died, Joker’s usual territory was as far away from Guzzo’s as he could get.” 
“Like he might have been avoiding the guy.” 
“You think there’s a connection?” Danny asks. “Joker kills Guzzo for revenge?”  
“I think Guzzo hurt a lot of people over multiple decades,” Maggie tells him. “What if one of the people he hurt was Joker, before he was Joker?” 
“So you think Joker’s got a sob story.” 
“I think he was once something resembling a person,” Maggie corrects him. “And if you wanna take down a monster, you show the world its weak spots.” 
“Maybe you should come home for a few days.” 
Jason closes his eyes as he listens to his older brother over the phone. 
“All anybody is gonna be talking about down there is the trial,” Dick goes on. “Or hey! We could take a roadtrip! Load up the car with snacks and sodas and get outta town for a while.” 
“I don’t want you to be alone,” Dick admits. 
“I’m not.” 
“Fine. I don’t want you to be so far away from me that I can’t be there for you,” Dick adds. “And neither does Bruce.” 
“Is he testifying?” Jason asks. 
“Yeah,” Dicik confirms. “He’s showing up in full bat-gear and he’s testifying.” 
“That’s nuts,” Jason points out. “This whole -” 
“I know.” 
“Fucking - why can’t I just kill him?” 
“Because it won’t help you,” Dick says sadly. “Little Wing, just because the monster is gone, doesn’t mean the nightmare never happened.” 
Jason goes quiet. “I wanna go to the trial.” 
“I wanna go. At least to the first one.” 
Dick sighs sadly. “The last thing I want is for this to be the thing that breaks you. You’ve been doing so well...the job, and the girlfriend...you looked so happy at that wedding we all went to. What if going to that trial just sets you back.” 
“What if he hurts somebody?” Jason asks. “What if he takes down an entire courthouse full of people?” 
“Then it won’t be your fault,” Dick says gently. 
“One of us should be there every day of that trial,” Jason argues. 
“Maybe. But it shouldn’t be you.” 
“The hell it shouldn’t!” 
“Jay,” Dick says firmly, but worriedly. “Look, with what he did to Babs...I have a good excuse to be at the trial every day. I’ll go. I promise. But you need to stay home.” 
“You don’t get to-” 
Jason goes silent, and Dick can hear deep, heavy breaths. 
“I’ll be there every day,” he says. “I promise you, Little Wing. I’ll go every day. Whatever happens, I’ll be there to help stop it.” 
“You’ve reached the office of Jason Todd, Wayne Technologies Liaison to the White House. I will be out of the office until the end of the month. You can reach my fill-in, Luke Fox at the following number…” 
“He took the entire month off?” Leo asks, staring at Luke Fox, utterly bewildered. 
“He did,” Luke nods. 
“To do what?” Leo snaps. 
“Not go crazy,” Luke says simply. “This Joker thing has him fifty shades of fucked up, Leo.” 
“The DoD hate you more than they hate him,” Leo points out, relaxing a little. 
Luke chuckles and shrugs. “I know it freaks those old farts  out to have to deal with a black man who is younger, smarter and more attractive. That’s what makes it fun for me.” 
Leo sighs but grins wryly. “It’s gonna be a helluva month.” 
“Oh it definitely is,” Luke smirks back. “You want lunch? My treat?” 
"It’s hard to say no to that.” 
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myheartbeatskids · 5 years
Remembering the conversation with Caramel about them being forced gays...
Today, I have one thing to say about being in love:
You can choose who you fall in love with, by force. Like Leah tries to do to me.
Or you can actually fall in love.
There's a major difference.
Lets look at my previous marriage.
I wasn't in love but i liked Michael. Initially i had a serious bad feeling about getting serious with him. He was really someone i should not trusted. I knew that.
But he wore that down by allowing me to trust him. Like feeding me, buying me stuff, things like that. Plus i could stay at his house and he was never home.
So i had peace and no adult worries.
I was barely 22 and he was already in his 40s.
Then one day all his bull shit shined its light. Like how he was still married and I couldn't get on his insurance until after the baby was born.
But by then i was pregnant. I ignored every single warning sign like an idiot. Because it was easier.
Plus i had alot of pain and sickness. I was sick with inflammation, infections, auto immune diseases and even seizures.
So my priority was taking care of my and my kid's body.
Now, I know it was so that some rich douche would just paid Michael off and put me in a healthier place in the world. Just like it happened again and is currently happening.
Im not just saying that cause I know a rich douche, but i know someone who's taken care of me like my whole life and knows all my health conditions that I didn't and still dont know about.
Like, how i had a brain surgery when i was 6. Because one night at the bar, i saw my mom then started having serious seizures after that. And they had to remove a small tumor that had Since grown back. But as an adult, surgery isn't recommended unless the tumor creates other problems. Since I rarely have seizures its actually a non-issue.
Yes in the 80s, kids could go to the bar. Still can today in a more casual atmosphere such as chili's or Applebees.
We would go see the bands play at night.
And so back to non-falling-in-love...
I was taking care of our bodies, mine and my kid's. And that was the focus, for me.
Apparently my ex didn't care either way since he was cheating on me and claiming i cheated on him at work because that's one place where he was cheating.
I was crazy angry and impatient with him, though. Like if I told him what to do and he totally wasn't fast enough or acknowledging, i got crazy pissed.
He was annoying. Not my anger at him. Now i find anger at people annoying. Which is why i wait to write about people being stupid and annoying until i know there's really no other choice. It may not seem that way to many readers, but i do put up with a lot without saying anything publicly. Which is why I'm so stubbornly hard about it. And why i don't back down.
I take more time than necessary to whip someone's ass.
Because for one im not going to second guess myself later. For two, once i do it, I am not going to take responsibility nor care if im wrong. And thirdly, because I need help. Or they need help and my only solution is violence.
And my ex and my mom are those reasons why my only solution is violence, because they are violent and selfish and extremely greedy. And those are the people i complain about in my writings.
I'm not selfish nor greedy. And in my old age i have realized some people don't really deserve to live. If someone's sole focus is harming as many people as possible for no real reason, then why should they be allowed to do that?
I see and know the justice system does not work and so the only alternative to remove those people from society is death. That's my only answer.
We are all innocent till proven guilty. And we don't have to go to court for that. Facts prove guilt. Lies hide facts.
So i knew not to love my ex because i felt i had to. I appreciated him and took care of him. Buying food, a house, cooking dinner, cleaning.
When i was unhappy in my marriage i tried to make it better. Like having sex, initiating it and conversations and etc.
But it began to prove that he was one of those go to work and lay in bed having his dick sucked and not caring about maintaining a relationship. He wanted it to be one sided. Where i did all the work.
Well first off. I quit liking him early on the relationship when I couldn't get a break from the baby to clean because just him touching her would make her scream.
Warning sign from Hell i didn't know how to handle or what exactly it was that gave me extreme anxiety.
He wouldn't even do anything fucked up.
But I didn't understand why... I didn't realize her insight, infinite wisdom was deeper than I could have imagined.
Now i understand.
Most intellect kills natural intelligence.
Ill skip over her abuse because I don't want to go there.
I have a friend who is unhappy in her marriage and all the time she tells me. I tell her, give an honest try and see if you can be happy. It doesn't matter what he feels, id he can't make you happy then he never will. Just be open to what your relationship really is. Like is he trying but you're not noticing?
I did that with my ex. And good thing i did. Because as soon as i announced I was getting a divorce all my single friends said i was a stupid bitch. My dad said he would not take care of me and my mom acted like cunt.
Everyone turned on me. I told my friends, you like him so much, ill divorce him and you can marry him. We can still be friends.
I told my mom to burn in Hell and shut up and I told my dad i didn't need him to take care of me.
I got my divorce.
I thought I got married for love, for family.
I did. But the person i married, didn't.
He wanted a perfect 22 year old wife and he got what he wanted. But he didn't deserve it.
He gave me his entire paychecks every time, rarely ASKED for his own money, except when he needed gas or for the football pool or lotto ticket pool.
I had every single dime he made.
And it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth him telling me my daughter whom had her own kitchen cabinet and set of dishes that she used an "adult" plate and left it and other random dishes under the couch.
Or how it was her fault that she put her sippy cup in the sink without rinsing cause he told her to put up in the sink (she had to throw it because she was so little) because he was too lazy to get up and rinse the cup.
Duh she would give it to him for a reason. Or how he would make 5 sippy cups of juice in one day instead of reusing the same cup.
Like it was all shit I could tolerate from a guest that was there like once a week at most.
Or if he just used adult sentences and explained with compassion instead of acting like a goof ball idiot that didn't care about shit.
It hurt to wash dishes. I did them everyday so they wouldn't pile up and we never used paper. Not even if we had dinner guests.
So fucking care. How hard is that?
You create a Hell of a lot more work when i have to scrape your nasty crust off a plate or have to soak and worry about a sippy cup having bacteria.
I can hear genuine in a voice.
And if you say sorry 40 times for the same thing, obviously you're not.
(I've never said sorry to you, Leah. Shut up, stupid bitch. Yeh, cool. Lie about it. Doesn't change FACTS)
And it wasn't just the dishes.
He was abusive to my kid.
He wasn't a good husband. Sure he put the dishes away the same day i told him, to. Sure he helped fold the laundry or just folded it himself.
But those are things he would had to do if he lived alone. I washed them. Switched them. One third was his. One third was mine and the other his kid's. So he was responsible for half his kids and his.
I even unloaded the top of the dishwasher when he started to become a lazy dick. And he was too scared not to unload the rest. Because I would use my adult words and explain I couldn't.
He didn't believe me but if the dishes piled up, I would refuse to wash them and so he would have to.
I did dishes everyday which was actually washing them by hand then putting them to sanitize in the dishwasher when it was full. Maybe 3 times a week.
I didn't care about his money. I cared about,the respect I got from him for my daughter and myself
And we got more money than respect, which we,got very little of.
How can someone not love themselves so much they would allow themselves not to be cared about in a proper manner?
That wasn't going to happen in my house and it wasn't going to happen to me or my kid.
I couldn't be forced into love.
Love exists between people. Or it doesn't.
There's a huge difference
Never sell yourself short.
I won't.
He rented my time but he never bought me.
I chose who not to love so I could fall in love
Not be pushed into it.
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jinjikook · 8 years
Guilty Pleasures | 1 | (M)
this has been revised; the plot has changed and jeongguk is no longer a part of it, will most likely be a two or three shot rather than a series unless i decide to extend it.
word count: 5k
genre: smut + fluff; high school AU + scholar/fuckboy!jimin
pairing(s): jimin/reader
warning(s)/kink(s): cam sex, dirty talk, slight school uniform kink
summary: you hated school and rebelled a little because of it, despite the fact that you always saved face by being an angel in classrooms. that’s why you like to go online to find some fun, where you stumble across a classmate and make a special arrangement.
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The first bell rang throughout the high school’s campus, signaling that the day was over for the students that roamed the courtyard and campus.
You currently attended a very prestigious private school, known for breeding geniuses and millionaires by the dozens. Your parents decided to have you attend there because of your blooming potential, being the brightest and most determined among your siblings. Your older brother had attended public school and graduated fine but he went on to become a man of military so it wasn’t really necessary for him to have such a fine education as yourself. After all, you’re the one who had already decided the routes of your life at an early age. It made your parents happy to see you so organized but truly you did most of it to keep them off your back. With the goody-two shoes image you had in their eyes along with your good grades, you were able to get away with a lot.
Parties were always booming at people’s houses on the weekends and with a few white lies, you never missed a single one; it’s still funny how your parents truly believe you’re always studying on the weekends with a friend but then again your grades haven’t proven that wrong so you decided to keep rolling with it. Don’t fix something if it isn’t broken, right?
You lived a little bit more rebelliously than your siblings, tired of always having to keep up with school and a good image for the student body. So what if you enjoyed having a little fun, as long as the next morning you got up a little earlier to clean yourself up and hide whatever evidence of the prior night’s events may have lingered on your body. You’ve gotten surprisingly good at concealing hickeys and treating hangovers over the years.
This led to you letting your sinful hands coast of your laptop keyboard, boredom overtaking everything about tonight. You use that as an excuse as to why you’re on an online live sex site. It’s supposed to be for people to have webcam sex on, apparently completely anonymous. You chuckled at the idea of masturbating to someone on the other side other world, wondering if the inventors of such genius technology were rolling over in their graves in that moment because of how their knowledge was applied.
You’d done this a few times before, nothing too wild. The first time was through a chat service where you could send photos. You’d sent a few choice nude pictures to someone with the handle kingwang which you assumed was supposed to allude to his nether regions. He had sent pictures back and left you feeling like you were being catfished, his body and physique in such top condition that you considered he was sending fakes. That is until he sent a voice clip of him moaning your name so pretty that you nearly creamed right then and there. His name was Jackson and you were sure to keep his username in the back of your mind for whenever you needed another wild time with an old friend.
The second time was through an actual video chatting website, much like the one you were on now. It had been more nerve-wracking, taking part in live video with a stranger. You really commended your luck however, getting yet another killer attractive guy with a body that made you drool the minute it flashed onto your screen. You halfway assumed he’d hit the shuffle button by the video feed, feeling like he was far too out of your league for his liking.
Surprisingly he smiled at you, bright and handsome and called you sweet names while stroking himself slowly. His name was Matthew, which wasn’t hard to figure from his username BigMatthewwww. He loved watching you strip slowly, relishing in the fleeting touches you’d give yourself. It was a thrill to put on a show for someone—it made you feel so bad after being good for so long. A relief was really what it was. Much like someone would play golf or eat ice cream, you’d resort to sex. Usually of the online video variety. You weren’t hurting anyone and more often than not you’d have some of the best orgasms in your entire life.
Today was no different, just arriving from a stressful day at school; choosing your usual go-to site and logging in straight away. You hadn’t even given yourself the opportunity to change out of your usual school uniform. It wasn’t like it was a deal breaker anyways, the damn thing was something straight out of a porno; plaid skirt, thigh high socks and everything. You pulled your hair out of the messy ponytail it’d been in all day, shaking the soreness of the strands. One last glimpse at your viewfinder and you deemed yourself hot enough to be broadcasted to some stranger for the two of you to get your rocks off.
It was early fall, school only being in for a few weeks now so you had the house to yourself until your family was due to start trickling in around an hour or so from now. You clicked on the blue shuffle button and waited as the circle spun around the black screen, loading some potential john to entertain you for a little bit. The screen finally loaded, revealing stone gray slacks and a crisp white dress shirt tucked into the waistband. The camera had clearly been angled towards his crotch, no doubt to hide his face. You bet he was older, probably married or something and needed to destress from work. Your cheeks burned at the sinful thought of being someone’s play toy, no doubt your school uniform was something he’d probably like.  His screen name flashed on in bright red letters: yourbusanbabe95.
You watched as he settled back into what looked like a desk chair, sleek and probably expensive by the looks of it. His hands made quick work of his belt, unzipping his zipper and taking no time to pull himself out of his dress pants. His hands were cute, if you had to admit. They looks soft and small and for the first time in one of these sessions you weren’t actively thinking about what’d they’d feel like inside you. Instead you wanted to hold them and giggle at how precious they were. But before those thoughts could continue, you were startled by his length. Whether it was because of the comparison between it and his hands or he really was that well-endowed, you weren’t sure. But his size was no joke, solid and it made you crave to have the simple pleasure of sitting on it. If only this was real and not some encounter over the internet, you’d have already had him inside you by now.
He groaned over the mic, his hand already coming around the leaking tip of his cock and beginning to tug down, spreading the slick across the skin of his rapidly hardening length. You leaned back a little, your face still not on the laptop’s camera as you spread your legs and let the man get a glimpse of your underwear clad core.  It was an instant reaction, his hips stuttering into his grip while a shuddered high-pitched breath erupted from your speakers. You grinned at his reaction, loving how much this uniform was doing for him. Pulling at the stupid tie that was a part of your uniform ensemble, the man on the other end began to speak.
“Do you always play dress up for these things baby?” He asked, his voice a few notches higher than you expected but still laced with a lusty husk that scratched at his throat and rasped along his words. It bordered on familiar, like you’d heard his voice before. You vaguely wondered if you were dealing with someone high and important, maybe a CEO or something? That’d be cool. You shook the thought from your mind however, realizing his voice wasn’t developed like that of a grown man, a still fresh youth-like timbre to it that rang along his syllables that told you he definitely wasn’t of age to be a CEO.
You giggled, trying to sound as innocent as you could. This entire situation made you feel like a sugar baby for a sexy business man so you played with the concept. “It’s my uniform for school, do you like it?”
“School?” His hand stopped abruptly on his length, no longer idly stroking. “How old are you exactly? Because I’m not trying to get off to the body of an underage girl.” His voice wasn’t as raspy anymore as he worried over your age. You commended him on his honesty especially since you had pegged he was an older pervert who didn’t care about this kind of stuff.
“Don’t worry, I’m legal. A senior in high school, can you believe it?” You teased as you gliding your digits over the hem of your skirt, a light trace over your torso to land right above your breasts. “You’d believe it if you saw these.” You pushed at the buttons that held the white uniform top closed, opening it far enough down to expose the cleft of your cleavage and the barest hint of your black bra taut against the mounds of your chest. His hand went back to work, bringing himself back into the game after clearing the elephant in the room.
You slid down the mattress a little, wanting to make yourself a little more comfortable and in turn exposed your face to the camera. You had little care for that since you were sure you wouldn’t be caught or anything. The last thing you were expecting was the hand on screen to stop again, followed with its owner’s voice,
“Y/N?” The sound of your name made you freeze, blood turning icy cold at the mere word. Your tongue weighed heavily in your mouth. Who was this and why did he know your name? Everything in you screamed either to abort and exit out as soon as possible or to hope it was someone you’d simply dealt with in the past; an old flame coming back to find you online in a string of coincidental events that fate had strung together. Your legs came back together in a snap, the haze of lust clearing up around your mind and being replaced with a chilling fear. You hadn’t even thought to cover up your now exposed chest, leaning forward to squint at the monitor.
A series of breathless laughs came from the other end and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Then the man ducked down while pulling up the camera, exposing his face and identity to the camera and yourself.
It was none other than the boy wonder, Park Jimin.
He was a resident pretty boy who came from a filthy rich family. He was known as quite the womanizer on campus, yet that never stopped troves of female students from flocking to him whenever he showed his face. So you were more than surprised to find him on something like this; he had plenty of sex and opportunities for it and yet he was resorting to camera sex with less than average strangers? Then again who were you to talk?
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Jimin chuckled as he took in the sight of your visage properly. He loved the shocked expression on your face, knowing you hadn’t expected to see someone like him on here. But neither was he. “Y/N, I thought you were a good little girl? I knew I recognized that uniform though, I haven’t changed out of mine either.” He gestured to the brick red blazer that was hung on the back of his desk chair. His mesmerizing smile beamed onto the bulk of your laptop screen, making your heart flutter for a moment before you caught up to the events at hand.
“And to what do I owe this displeasure? Here I thought you had enough pussy to last you a lifetime and yet you’re still looking online for more?” You tried to keep your voice from shaking, your initial fear still brimming at the surface. Apparently it was a futile effort because Jimin still laughed at your faux smugness.
“Don’t act like you totally weren’t into it. Which, by the way, I’m still hard so…” He trailed off, letting his gaze wander to his lower half where his length still stood at attention. You scoffed at his brazen words, not expecting anything less of the playboy. You weighed your options: you were going to do this one way or another and it wasn’t like Jimin could say anything about it because it’d expose him as an online voyeur anyways. It wasn’t like Jimin wasn’t good looking plus you were already here, clothes disheveled paired with the rapidly cooling dampness in your underwear. Who did it hurt for you to have a little fun?
As if he already knew the answer, Jimin smirked at the camera and pushed his hair back out of his face; his signature move. He leaned back and let the desk chair he was sitting on roll back a little, showing off the upper half of his cock once more. He bit at his plump lips, laving the plush pink with his sinful tongue.
You laughed in disbelief, shaking your head and wondering just how it came down to this. Succumbing to the burning desire that subsided to a gentle buzz under your skin, you leaned back against your mattress and watched as Jimin’s eyes trailed down your body. You let your shirt drift open further, giving him a good view before returning to roaming your hands across your lithe body. He let out a whimper, a sound you’d never thought you’d ever hear coming from the Park Jimin. The very noise made your fingers stutter on yourself, a sense of pride surging from inside that you were the one who made him sound like that.
“Enough teasing Y/N, I needed those panties off yesterday.” Jimin groaned, watching you spread your legs once more. You two were essentially back to where you started, except Jimin now had his rosy face in frame to match his pretty flushed cock. Sweat was starting to form along his hairline, making his faded orange hair stick to his forehead in strands. His white dress shirt was tight on his frame, his muscles on display as his arm continued to jerk up and down his length. You wanted to sink your teeth into the plush firmness you knew he had on his biceps. He caught you ogling him and chuckled darkly, his other hand coming up to loosen his tie.
You took a moment to slide your now soaked underwear down your legs, the sight alone making Jimin groan while he fisted his cock. He had to tighten his hold in hopes to not come just yet, he had barely seen you naked and he was aiming to get a lot further than this before he shot his load. Finally finishing off the buttons on your blouse, you tugged the material out from being tucked into your pleated plaid skirt.
If only someone could see you two right in this moment, it was a true picture of youthful sin. Two students in their prime, making dangerous decisions online just to feel some sort of relief; not even out of the uniforms the school had given them for the sole purpose of education, not as something to help fuel young fantasies and make rash and hasty choices that even the filthiest minds would shy away from.
You spared no time in caressing your folds, feeling just how slick they’d gotten in this whole ordeal. Jimin tugged open the top few buttons open on his shirt, feeling hot and restricted the closer he got to the edge. Dipping in your digits, you begin to thrust two fingers in your heat, on full display for Jimin to see.
“Oh fuck—baby that’s it,” Jimin wanted to throw his head back and come all over his hand already but he was being graced with the beauty of your slick and open core and he wasn’t about to pass this opportunity up. He’d seen you around school, knowing you weren’t easy like the other girls. The thought turned him on to no end and here you were, finally his to see and he wasn’t about to take that for granted. He watched you pump your fingers in and out of you, wanting nothing more than to be in your bedroom with you and on top of your writhing body. You moaned loudly at a brush of your digits against a particularly sensitive spot inside you, the sight of you fucking your fingers too much for Jimin to handle.
“God Y/N, you’re so fucking gorgeous. Can you take another finger, for me?” Jimin near begged, feeling his imminent release coursing through his veins. You couldn’t trust your mouth to form any coherent words so you just whimpered and nodded, taking action instead of trying to speak through your desires. Your third finger followed suit with the other two, stretching you so deliciously yet leaving you just shy of full. Watching Jimin stroke himself made you ache; yearn to have him inside you and pounding you just right into the mattress like you’ve heard he’s capable of.
But you two had to deal with yourselves, having to resort to your own hands for pleasure since physical touch was impossible in the moment. Jimin panted heavily, his balls feeling so heavy from holding back for so long. He need to come so badly but he didn’t know how to voice it without coming off as desperate. But before he could wrack his brain about it, you had already beaten him to the punch.
Hips bucking up as you grinded in circles on your fingers, you began to beg, “Jimin, please. I’m so close, I want to come. I-I can’t hold on any longer.” You accentuated each of your words with solid pumps of your hand, feeling your walls convulsing around you in anticipation. Jimin placed his other palm that wasn’t currently working himself flat against the desk, supporting himself as he began to stroke faster, his hand a blur on his cock.
“Fuck, baby do your fingers feel good? I wish I was there, I’d be making you feel good with my cock,” You whined at the mention of it, acknowledging how you felt the same way. “I’d make sure you couldn’t walk into class tomorrow, everyone would know you took a ride on Park Jimin.” You couldn’t hold back any longer, your orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks. Vaguely realizing it, you had moaned Jimin’s named loud, strung along with several curses that would make a nun blush.
The sight of your tightening walls around your fingers coupled with your melodious voice calling his name, Jimin twisted around the purple head of his cock as his own release came shooting out. He coated his hand and desk in his come, stringy pearlescent ropes beaded along his fingers. He wondered how you’d look with his come on you face or in your mouth, groaning at the image he brewed up in his mind.
As you two collected your breath, you suddenly heard a pair of heavy keys jingling down stairs, an indicator that your mother had just returned from work, no doubt with your younger siblings in tow. Afraid they’d barge into your room since it wasn’t uncommon for them to do so, you hastily tugged your skirt down and pulled your laptop closer to you on the bed, shielding the screen from the door. Just in time too, because in that moment your mother decided to open it without knocking first.
“Hi honey, oh did you just get home from school? It looks like you were changing.” Your mother pointed out your half-done buttons along with untucked shirt and low hung skirt. Jimin on the screen was watching wide-eyed, silent in this situation. His dick was still out, softening in his grip as he sat frozen in his chair.
“What?” You looked down at your state before laughing nervously, “Oh yeah, this? I was changing yeah but um… then I got a text from Jessi telling me to check my email for a project we’re working on! So I stopped mid-way to check. You know me, always so frazzled,” You tried to act as nonchalant as you could with your release still slick in-between your thighs and a fellow student half naked on your laptop screen. You suddenly spotted your underwear on the edge of your bed and your eyes widen at the offending fabric that hung off your mattress. Your mother followed your eyes and saw the piece of clothing there, but luckily chose not to ask any further questions. She excused herself and closed the on her way out.
You breathed out a sigh of relief you hadn’t known you’d been holding in as Jimin began to laugh on his end. He giggled a string of breathless laughs that were a lot cuter than you’d like to admit.
“And what’s so funny?” You asked sternly, watching Jimin wipe a tear from the corner of his eye.
“Nothing, just that your mom almost caught us having webcam sex. Don’t think that’d be easy to explain. Though, is my codename “Jessi” now?” He asked smugly, taking time to tuck himself back into his slacks.
You scoffed, roughly tugging off your shirt in frustration, “As if, this was a onetime thing that was completely and utterly coincidental. Also, if you tell anyone about this—and I mean anyone—I will literally cut your dick off in your sleep.” Jimin whimpered and cupped his crotch at the threat, pouting his bottom lip out in fear of his precious gem.
“Okay, okay, so… do you do this often?”
“What? We’re on video chat and I’m bored, might as well make some conversation.” He shrugged and watched as you slipped a loose t-shirt over your head and onto your torso, the loose fabric hanging off your limber frame. “I don’t do this often, but when I do it’s pretty fun. Switches things up, ya’ know?” Jimin continued to talk as you finished changing into a comfortable pair of cotton shorts.  “Come on Y/N, I’m trying here.”
“We never talk Jimin, you don’t even know I exist on campus. What’s different?” He laughed incredulously, in awe that you seriously thought he and his friends paid you no attention.
“Are you kidding me? We’ve been trying to get into your pants for months.”
“Yeah you know: me and the boys.” You knew of his little squadron of friends, a selective group of guys that all had the same interests: sex. “Taehyung has been drooling over you ever since you started wearing the thigh high socks. It was optional to wear the socks for the girls’ uniforms, usually a part of the winter style when it gets too cold to just wear the typical pleated skirt. But you had started to wear them more often, as they weren’t too heavy so it wasn’t too hot wearing them plus it let you not have to worry about shaving your legs as often. It got annoying to deal with the rapidly growing stubble every night in the shower so you just wore the socks more often than not.
“And you already know Jeonggukkie has been trying to get you into bed since you were born.”
“Ew, Jimin what the fuck?” You sneered at the camera which prompted Jimin to break out in a fit of giggles.
“I’m sorry, but you know you two grew up together since you’re neighbors and all. He’s been harboring the most serious crush on you since you two were skinny dipping in kiddie pools together.” “We never—“
“He’s shown me pictures Y/N, don’t try to worm your way out of it. I’m proud that puberty served you well though.”
While you were shocked, you still couldn’t hold back your own laughter at the conversation at hand. It was so… breezy. You never thought you’d be so compatible with Park Jimin yet here you were talking about your youth with Jeongguk and having good laughs together.
“I’d acknowledge this little ‘crush’ of his if he wasn’t such a cocky bastard. The minute he got to the 7th grade he thought he was hot shit because he got to second base with a girl before his friends.”
“Hey! I got there a week later, that shouldn’t count.” Jimin pouted and you cooed at him, praising him for being a pervert a week after Jeongguk.
“Whatever; point is that he’s an ass and I will never get with him. Childhood friends or not.” You settled back against your headboard and grabbed the edge of your black laptop, tugging it closer to you so you could see the screen better.
Jimin took this as an opportunity to change himself, tossing his shirt off to the side while he grabbed a sinfully loose tank top that literally hung off his frame. His collarbones were full display as well as his arms and pectorals as he moved around, the fabric swishing and revealing more of his body every second. He caught you staring and shot you a smirk and wink to which you responded with a roll of your eyes, though you couldn’t help the smile that stretched cheek to cheek on your face.
It continued for another hour or so, just simple conversation with Jimin. It wasn’t boring or high maintenance; the flow of conversation ebbed between the two of you very nicely. It was a chemistry you hadn’t had with someone in a long time, not since Jeongguk gave you up for other, more well endowed friends.
Taking a look at the time, you were surprised to find that you had effortlessly pissed away over an hour with Jimin, talking about topics ranging from school to how you two got into online sex.
“Jimin, I’m probably gonna regret saying this… but this was fun. Unfortunately, I actually have to eat something today and then I have Mr. Kwon’s homework to finish. You probably some other girl to talk to so—“
“What makes you think that? I had fun too, not just the talking if you know what I mean,” He wiggled his eyebrows and you were halfway tempted to shut your laptop right then and there. “No but seriously, I have homework to do too, so I think it’s best if we say good bye for now. But I wouldn’t mind doing this again… and again… and again… and—“
“Goodbye Jimin.” You flat lined, cursor hovering over the red X on the website’s chat window.
“Wait! At least give me your number so we can do this better next time. I have a Skype or we could just FaceTime.”
“What makes you think there’s gonna be a repeat performance?” You watched as his smile stretched wide, as if he knew you couldn’t deny just how amazing today was with him.
“Are you kidding me baby? We barely got started today, there’s a lot I wanna do with you…” He trailed off, imagination already getting the better of him as he thought of all the beautiful things he could have you do for him on camera.
Shaking your head, you quickly rattled off your phone number and he diligently took it down, not wanting to lose this golden opportunity you had so boldly given him.
“Goodbye Park Jimin, remember what I said: tell no one.” Jimin saluted you to signal he understood followed by a sharp yes ma’am! that made you giggle. He was awfully squishy and cute when he wasn’t being a smug asshole. It was a nice breath of fresh air and you were undeniably excited for the next time you’d talk.
Shutting down the chat service, you slumped back into your bed; a dumb smile plastered onto your expression. You didn’t have a crush on Park Jimin, really. There was no way you could fall for such a stuck up womanizer. But the guy you just talked to non-stop for an hour wasn’t the Park Jimin everyone else knew, the one that went to school with you. That was someone else, someone you wouldn’t mind having as your friend.
You wondered if Jimin felt the same way.
(Little did you know, Jimin had jumped around his bedroom in joy that he’d gotten your phone number. He’d always been attracted to you but Jeongguk put a serious ‘off limits’ sign on you, claiming it was bro code that he had to honor. But he didn’t care anymore. Jeongguk had his fair chance with you and effectively ruined it; it was his moment to shine now.)
The last hour with you was refreshing, plus the webcam sex was ridiculously hot. He never thought in a million years he’d catch you on a site like that—though he was already picturing it was you on the other side of the chat the minute he laid eyes on you, thinking you were some stranger. The uniform was a spitting image of the one for your school so he had no trouble getting hard at the sight. The minute he caught a glimpse of your face and recognized you, he knew he struck gold.
He excitedly grabbed his phone and shot you a text so you could save his number as well before clicking on a conversation with his closest and most trustworthy friend, Namjoon.
Sure, he was close with Taehyung but he knew he would fuck anything with a pulse and the last thing he wanted was for Tae to pounce on you too. It was hard enough competing with the tall and handsome Jeon Jeongguk, let alone the rugged and deep-voiced Kim Taehyung as well.
Namjoon, he could trust. He was a more committed man—still capable of sleeping around, but he had an honor code. Not a bro code, but a legitimate honor code that was beautiful when it came time for Jimin to need to get something off his chest.
He quickly let his small hands tap away at the screen of his phone, shooting Namjoon a message that he never thought he’d get the privilege to do:
Chim Chim [5:23 PM]: I got Y/N’s number!!!!!!!!!
Joonie [5:24 PM]: that’s my boy
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gyrlversion · 6 years
Smirking Jussie Smollett quits Chicago
A smirking Jussie Smollett quit Chicago Wednesday leaving behind a city at war over the decision to drop all charges against him. 
The FBI is now reviewing the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of all 16 criminal charges against the actor, with two law enforcement officials reportedly confirming the probe. 
The Empire actor was seen at O’Hare International Airport on the same day that recused Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx broke her silence to defend her office’s decision to drop the charges against the actor.
A spokesperson for the FBI’s Chicago office declined to comment on any pending investigation, ABC7 reports. 
But Foxx spoke out Wednesday amid increasing scrutiny for her handling of the Smollett case. 
In a series of interviews with local news outlets in Chicago on Wednesday, Foxx stood behind her assistant Joseph Magats’ decision to let Smollett go scot-free after completing community service and paying a $10,000 bond forfeiture, and said it was in keeping with the circumstances of the case. 
Smollett was first charged with one count of felony disorderly conduct by prosecutors then was hit with an additional 15 charges by a grand jury. 
Each carried a recommended sentence of between one and three years behind bars but Foxx said it was unlikely he would have actually been sentenced to prison time. 
‘Right now, there’s a lot of emotion. And I wholeheartedly believe that in our work we cannot be driven by emotions. We have to be driven by facts.
‘For people who are in the weeds of this, we recognize that the likelihood that someone would get a prison sentence for a Class 4 felony is slim. 
‘No two cases are the same…this is not what it looks like on Law & Order, right?’ she told local radio station WBEZ.  
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Jussie Smollett is seen at O’Hare International Airport on Wednesday leaving Chicago one day after all charges were dropped against him
Kim Foxx, the recused Cook County State’s Attorney who is facing scrutiny for her handling of the Jussie Smollett case, stood by her office’s decision on Wednesday and said Smollett got off because it was the lowest class of felony and he has no criminal background 
Why were the charges dropped if the State’s Attorney’s office says he is guilty?
First Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Magats said he decided to drop the charges because Smollett is not a violent threat to the community and because his office prioritizes violent crimes.
He admitted that he thinks Smollett is guilty and said the evidence stands up but claims because Smollett has no prior criminal background, justice has been served.
Few are satisfied with that answer and say the real reason is more nefarious.  
Why was the case sealed? 
On Tuesday, a judge granted Smollett’s attorney’s motion to seal the case but there is no written record of it and now it has been wiped from the court’s records.  
The judge did not ask a single question about why the case was suddenly dropped or how the decision had been reached.  
Smollett initially said he welcomed the trial and wanted cameras inside for the public to see the evidence. 
Now, critics are demanding to see it all and say that if he is innocent, he has nothing to hide. 
His lawyers have not said why they wanted the records sealed.  
Why did he do community service and pay $10,000 if he is innocent? 
Smollett’s attorneys insisted the outcome was not a plea deal but legal experts have unanimously described it as unusual for a defendant to complete community service and pay the city if he is innocent.  
The State’s Attorney’s office said on Tuesday that the charges would not have been dropped if he had not completed it.    
When did they reach a deal and why was it done in secret?
The State’s Attorney’s office will not give details about its interactions with Smollett in the days before the announcement. 
It remains unclear how long it has been discussing this outcome with his attorneys and what other options, if any, were discussed to reach this point.  
What really happened on the night of the attack if Smollett did not stage it? 
There is still no explanation for why brothers Abel and Ola Osundairo attacked Smollett, who they were friends with and trained with at the gym, if he did not ask them to. 
Smollett’s attorneys say the pair were ‘absolutely lying’ by saying that he asked them to do it to boost his profile but they do not know why else they did it. 
Prosecutors have not given any alternative scenario and they say the evidence, that Smollett orchestrated it, stands up. 
The brothers’ lawyer no longer represents them and they have not spoken. They previously said they felt ‘betrayed’ by Smollett.  
‘The fact that people pick and choose which cases are most important I think breaks my heart. 
‘This is not in anyway different that we’ve treated others,’ Foxx said. 
‘It was not unusual for me to talk to a victim in a case,’ she said. 
And CBS2 Chicago reports The Cook County State’s Attorney now is asking prosecutors to provide other examples where felony charges were dropped in a similar manner to Jussie’s case.  
An email sent out reads: ‘We are looking for examples of cases, felony preferable, where we, in exercising our discretion, have entered into verbal agreements with defense attorneys to dismiss charges against an offender if certain conditions were met, such as the payment of restitution, completion of community service, completion of class, etc.
‘Nobody is in trouble, we are just looking for further examples of how we, as prosecutors, use our discretion in a way that restores the victim, but causes minimal harm to the defendant in the long term.’ 
Smollett’s lawyer Patricia Holmes issued a statement condemning those who have ‘continued their campaign’ against her client. 
Holmes said in a statement he ‘is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law’, adding: ‘The case is closed. No public official has the right to violate Mr. Smollett’s due process rights.
‘We respectfully request all government agencies involved live up to the ethical tenets of their office … The case was dismissed. We should all allow Mr. Smollett to move on with his life as a free citizen.’ 
But law enforcement officials are now facing accusations that Smollett was given the star treatment from day one. He is said to never been handcuffed and held in a private jail cell. 
Official reports obtained by public-safety watchdog CWBChicago show he was ‘placed into an unmarked police vehicle, with tinted windows’.
‘While in route, [an officer] offered Smollett breakfast, coffee or something to drink, which Smollett declined’. the papers said. 
In an earlier interview with NBC, Foxx defended her interaction with one of his family members and boasted about recusing herself over it.  
‘At the time that I engaged with this family member, Mr. Smollett was considered a victim. 
‘What was of concern to me was that that contact could not, would not, be construed, the appearance of it, to impact how we handled this case. 
‘So I made the decision, in consultation with my chief ethics officer, a week before he was charged, to remove myself from the case.’ 
She also said that Smollett only paid $10,000 because that was the cap under the alternative prosecution scenario which played out. 
‘Mr Smollett was afforded the same opportunity that anyone in Cook County who had a non violent offense and the required background would be able to get,’ she said. 
Foxx also claimed that she had a ‘good’ relationship with the police bosses who eviscerated her office’s decision on Tuesday.
‘He recognizes that this disposition is not outside the realm of what we’ve seen before.
‘I know that he can attest that this case was not treated any differently,’ she said, adding that she ‘could not speak to’ how he felt about it.  
Actor Jussie Smollett talks to the media before leaving Cook County Court after his charges were dropped Tuesda
Meanwhile, the FBI will also continue investigating a threatening letter (pictured) that Smollett received at the studio in Chicago where Empire is filmed on January 22, just days before he was attacked
At a press conference on Tuesday, Superintendent Johnson joined Mayor Rahm Emanuel in describing it as a ‘whitewash of justice.’ 
He said justice had not been served, maintained that Smollett lied and abhorred him for not letting the evidence become public. 
Foxx maintains that even though her office ‘could’ have found him guilty, he may have been found innocent. 
She thinks that even if he had been convicted, he would not have been give jail time. 
Hello everyone, 
We are looking for examples of cases, felony preferable, where we, in excersing [sic] our discretion, have entered into verbal agreements with defense attorneys to dismiss charges against an offender if certain conditions were met, such as the payment of restitution, completion of community service, completion of class, etc., but the defendant was not placed in a formal diversion program.
Please ask your ASAs if they have examples of these types of dispositions and we will work with them further to figure out on what case it was done. 
Nobody is in trouble, we are just looking for further examples of how we, as prosecutors, use our discretion in a way that restores the victim, but causes minimal harm to the defendant in the long term. 
‘Jussie Smollett has not been found guilty by a court of law. We believe that the facts were sufficient to charge and try Mr. Smollett for the crimes.
‘He chose this alternative prosecution method. A court has not found him guilty. this office believed that they could prove him guilty.
‘We have, this is consistent with what we do in alternative prosecution, I don’t think people understand what that is.
‘We want to get to just outcomes. It is possible that if we did not offer a diversionary outlet for Mr. Smollett that he could have been taken to trial, he could have very well been found not guilty. 
‘What diversion allows is even for those who are guilty, to be able to get to the same outcome, if he was found guilty on a class 4, he was going to get some restitution, community service, not prison,’ she said.   
In February, Foxx’s office announced that she had decided to recuse herself because of the texts to Tina Tchen, a private attorney and Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff, and one of Smollett’s relatives. 
It was days before Smollett was charged and, at the time, she said she had taken the decision ‘out of an abundance of caution’. 
‘Out of an abundance of caution, the decision to recuse herself was made to address potential questions of impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses in the case ,’ her spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said. 
But on Wednesday, as she faced questions over why a special prosecutor was never put in place and why her office suddenly decided to drop the charges against Smollett, Foxx’s office confused the issue by saying she never actually recused herself.  
As such, she did nothing wrong by not appointing a special prosecutor, they said.
‘[Foxx] did not formally recuse herself or the [State’s Attorney] Office based on any actual conflict of interest.  
‘As a result, she did not have to seek the appointment of a special prosecutor… it was a colloquial use of the term rather than in its legal sense,’ Kiera Ellis, a different spokeswoman, said.  
These are the emails exchanged between Tina Tchen and Kim Foxx on February 1, days after the incident on January 29 when Smollett was still being considered the victim of a hate crime
Tchen put one of Smollett’s relatives in touch with Foxx. Their texts are shown
The texts continued until mid February then Foxx recused herself 
Fraternal Order of Police president Kevin Graham said: ‘There’s text messages going back-and-forth between Foxx and Smollett’s private attorney. 
‘That’s a real problem. 
‘We asked for an investigation before because something didn’t smell right. 
‘Now, a judge sealed the court records so you can’t even get a copy of the police investigation.’
The judge, Honorable Judge Stephen Gregory Watkins, did not ask Smollett’s team why they wanted the case sealed on Tuesday. 
Mayor Rahm Emanuel has decried the outcome.
‘This does not add up. They better get their story straight, this is making fools of us all,’ he said. 
‘He abused the city of Chicago, he committed a crime here. 
He lied about something,’ he went on, adding that it was not just the state but also a grand jury who thought Smollett was guilty. 
‘He said he wanted to get his name clear. Let’s get to the bottom of this, let’s find out what happened,’ Emanuel said. 
Kim Foxx, the Cook County State’s Attorney who recused herself over the Jussie Smollett probe, is pictured with Jesse Jackson on February 28. Jackson has revealed he contacted Smollett when he was ‘in crisis’ and offered him his ‘council’. On Saturday and Monday, Smollett spent two days at Jackson’s civil rights organization and it was that community service which led prosecutors to suddenly drop the charges against him 
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel joined Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson (left) on Tuesday at a press conference to condemn the outcome of the Smollett case. Emanuel said Wednesday that the case had made ‘fools of us all’ as he demanded to know why the star suddenly had all 16 charges dropped on Tuesday after making a secret deal with prosecutors
Rahm Emanuel is considering suing Smollett for $150,000 to recover the cost of the investigation into the incident, it has been reported.
On Tuesday, Smollett paid $10,000 in bond forfeiture to the city and had his record expunged. 
Emanuel said the amount ‘does not come close’ to the resources that were spent looking into the January 29 incident he reported to police with his friend. 
CBS reports that he is considering going after Smollett for the remaining $140,000. 
Police spent several weeks combing through surveillance camera footage to try to hone in on Smollett’s attackers. 
They also examined ride sharing records which led them to brothers Abel and Ola Osundairo.  
There are also abundant questions surrounding how Smollett was able to walk away from 16 felony charges with no criminal record, after paying just $10,000 and spending 16 hours performing community service at Rainbow PUSH, Jackson’s civil rights organization, after months of scrutiny over the case. 
He was seen with Foxx, who gave him an award at the C.F. Stradford Awards, weeks ago.
It was a week after Smollett’s arrested for allegedly staging a hoax hate crime and lying about it and Foxx had already recused herself from the case for exchanging text messages with a member of the star’s family which police unions are now calling ‘highly suspicious’ in light of her office’s about-turn on the charges.  
There were several award recipients that night who Foxx congratulated on Twitter. 
In her tribute to Reverend Jackson, she acknowledged his organization. 
‘The Rev Jackson needs no introduction. As founder & president of the RP Coalition, he has worked tirelessly to expand educational, business & employment opportunities for disadvantaged and people of color in Chicago. 
‘I’m so happy to honor him with this award tonight,’ she wrote in a tweet along with a photograph of the pair. 
-Two letters with homophobic and racist slurs inside envelopes containing white powder addressed to Smollett and sent to the set of Empire on January 22 . A month later, police state that Smollett wrote these letters, but the FBI refuses to confirm.
-Surveillance footage taken throughout the city during the early hours of January 29, which shows Nigerian brothers Olabinjo and Abimbola Osundair arriving to the area near Smollett’s apartment around the time of the attack and then leaving, getting in a car and being dropped of near their apartment in Chicago.
-Smollett’s subsequent interview with a detective on January 29 after his first statement to police early that morning after the attack. The actor said that he could not determine the race of his attackers when he first spoke to police, but then hours later stated that the men were white per court documents. 
-Two plane tickets to Nigeria for the brothers, who left the country the day of the incident. 
-The brothers are taken into custody on February 13, and over the next two days allege that Smollett paid them to stage an attack and sent the letters to himself on the set of Empire. They claim the attacks was an attempt by Smollett to get more money from Empire execs.
-Surveillance footage is released to the public on February 20 that shows the two brothers purchasing the rope and gloves police believe were used in the allegedly staged attack at a store ear their apartment on January 28. 
-A check for $3,5000 from Smollett to one of the brothers that police claim was for staging the attack but Smollett says was money for personal training. 
Smollett said in his statement that he would ‘not be his mother’s son’ if he was capable of ‘even a drop’ of what he had been accused of.
He promised to continue to ‘fight for the marginalized’ in society and said he had been truthful ‘on every single level since day one’. 
His lawyers refused to answer reporters’ questions about whether Smollett would sue the city and admitted that Smollett had agreed to forfeit his bond in order to ‘move on’. 
His lawyer, Patricia Brown Holmes, said that brothers Abel and Ola Osundairo were the ones who attacked Smollett but gave no explanation as to why they did it.  
The Fraternal Order of Police, which represents 8,000 cops, has already called for the Attorney General to investigate Foxx for her handling of the case because she tried to have it turned over to the FBI at the request of Smollett’s family in the days after the attack. 
She was contacted by Tchen, Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff, on February 1, on behalf of the Smollett family.
Tchen wanted her to convince Chicago PD to hand the investigation over to the FBI and Foxx agreed to try to.  
The case never went to the FBI and Chicago PD came down heavily on Smollett once he was arrested. 
Smollett was initially indicted by prosecutors with just one charge but a grand jury added another 15 on to it for every time he allegedly lied. 
The actor was accused of paying Abel and Ola to attack him on January 29 outside his apartment at around 2am as he walked home from a Subway. 
He claimed that he did not recognize the attackers but said they called him a ‘f****t’, n****r’ and shouted: ‘This is MAGA country!’  
There is no doubt that brothers Abel and Ola Osundairo attacked him but so far, no other motive other than that Smollett asked them to and paid them to do it has emerged
A former adviser to Barack Obama has slammed the ‘weird turn’ in the Jussie Smollett case, calling it a ‘total head-scratcher’ after all charges were dropped against the actor. 
David Axelrod, 64, said ‘someone wasn’t being truthful’ and Chicago had paid the price in a series of tweets condemning the decision Tuesday. 
The former president’s campaign mastermind labelled the decision ‘outrageous’ as he asked why the Empire actor, 36, was allowed ‘to get off for $10K and have his records expunged and case files sealed’. 
Axelrod tweeted: ‘Unless some better explanation surfaces, here’s the lesson of this weird turn in the Smollett case: 
‘You can contrive a hate crime, make it a national news, get caught and-if you are a well-connected celebrity-get off for $10K and have your record expunged and files sealed.’ 
For weeks, police insisted Smollett was still the victim but gradually, suspicion grew as details of the probe were leaked, including the fact that he had not agreed to hand over his phone for police to search. 
Eventually, on February 21, Smollett was arrested. 
In a blistering press conference, he was eviscerated by Chicago Police Superintendent Johnson who accused him of lying about the attack to leverage it to get a raise on Empire.
They even claimed he gave himself facial injuries to try to make the attack more believable. Smollett denied it angrily and posted bail but prosecutors were confident. 
They took the unusual step of publishing his full bond proffer which detailed all the evidence they said they had against him, including phone calls between him and the brothers before and after the attack. 
They also used a check he’d given them, purportedly for personal training, as apparent proof that he paid them for the attack. 
Smollett was excluded from the final two episodes of Empire as a result of the scandal. 
 20th Century Fox said it was ‘gratified’ that he had been cleared. 
‘Jussie Smollett has always maintained his innocence and we are gratified that all charges against him have been dismissed,’ a spokesman said.    
The brothers are who told police that he paid them to stage the attack, but police insisted vociferously to have other evidence that backed up their claim. 
Smollett had been facing up to 48 years behind bars on 16 felony counts of lying to police by claiming he was attacked on January 29 by two men he said he could not identify and who he said called him racial and homophobic slurs. 
The FBI will also continue investigating a threatening letter that Smollett received at the studio in Chicago where Empire is filmed on January 22, just days before he was attacked. 
Key moments since Jussie Smollett reported Chicago attack
‘Empire’ actor and R&B singer Jussie Smollett told Chicago police in January that two men attacked him and yelled racial and homophobic slurs. Here are some key moments in the story:
January 22
– Smollett receives a racist and homophobic threatening letter at the studio in Chicago where ‘Empire’ is filmed. Police later say that they believe Smollett sent the letter himself.
January 29
– Jussie Smollett tells police he was physically attacked by two men in downtown Chicago while out getting food from a Subway restaurant at 2am. The actor says the men used racial and homophobic slurs, wrapped a rope around his neck and poured an ‘unknown substance’ on him. Police say Smollett, who is black and gay, told detectives the attackers also yelled he was in ‘MAGA country,’ an apparent reference to President Donald Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ campaign slogan.
January 30
– Chicago police say they’ve reviewed hundreds of hours of surveillance camera footage, including of Smollett walking downtown, but none shows the attack. Police obtain and release images of two people they would like to question, calling them ‘persons of interest.’
– Reports of an assault on Smollett draw outrage and support for him on social media from politicians and celebrities.
January 31
– Trump tells reporters at the White House that he saw a story the night before about Smollett, saying, ‘It doesn’t get worse, as far as I’m concerned.’
– Smollett’s family issues a statement calling the attack a racial and homophobic hate crime. Smollett’s family says he ‘has told the police everything’ and ‘his story has never changed,’ disputing assertions leveled on social media that he had been less than cooperative and changed his story.
February 1
– Smollett issues a statement telling people he’s OK and thanking them for their support. He says he’s working with authorities and has been ‘100 percent factual and consistent on every level.’
February 2
– Smollett gives a concert in West Hollywood, California, opening with an emotional speech, saying he had to play the show because he couldn’t let his attackers win.
February 12
– Chicago police say Smollett turned over some, but not all, of the phone records detectives requested as part of their investigation. Police say the heavily redacted files aren’t sufficient. Smollett says he redacted information to protect the privacy of contacts and people not relevant to the attack.
February 13
– Chicago police pick up two men they identify as Nigerian brothers at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on their return from Nigeria after police learn at least one worked on ‘Empire.’ Police question the brothers and search the apartment where the men live.
February 14
– Chicago police say local media reports that the attack against Smollett was a hoax are unconfirmed.
– Producers of ‘Empire’ dispute media reports that Smollett’s character, Jamal Lyon, was being written off the show.
February 15
– Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielimi says the two ‘persons of interest’ are now considered suspects. He says the men – identified previously by police as two brothers from Nigeria – are in custody but have not been charged with a crime.
– Chicago police release the two men without charges after arresting them on suspicion of assaulting Smollett and holding them for nearly 48 hours. A police spokesman says the two are no longer considered suspects and that investigators have new evidence to consider as a result of questioning them.
February 16
– Police say the investigation has ‘shifted’ after detectives question the two brothers about the attack and release them without charges. Police say they’ve requested a follow-up interview with Smollett. Smollett’s lawyers say the actor feels ‘victimized’ by reports that he played a role in the assault.
– Smollett’s account of what happened is met with some skepticism on social media in the wake of the new developments.
February 17
– Chicago police say they’re still seeking a follow-up interview with Smollett after receiving new information that ‘shifted’ their investigation of a reported attack on the ‘Empire’ actor. Guglielimi says police reached out to Smollett’s attorney, but says an interview has not been conducted.
– Guglielimi declines to address reports that a grand jury may hear evidence in the case, saying: ‘We’re not confirming, denying or commenting on anything until we can talk to him and we can corroborate some information that we’ve gotten.’
February 19
– Chicago police investigate tip that on the night Smollett reported being attacked, he was in an elevator of his apartment building with the two Nigerian brothers. Police later dismiss the tip, saying it’s not credible based on video evidence.
– Chicago’s top prosecutor, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, recuses herself from the investigation. Her office says the decision was made ‘out of an abundance of caution… to address potential questions of impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses in the case.’ No details were provided. Foxx later says the reason for the recusal is that she had conversations with a Smollett family member after the incident was reported in late January.
February 20
– Chicago police say Smollett is officially suspected of filing a false police report when he said he was a victim of a racist, homophobic attack in downtown Chicago in January. Police also say that two brothers who were questioned about the attack were testifying before a grand jury and detectives were presenting evidence to the grand jury.
– Chicago police say the Cook County State’s Attorney has charged Smollett with disorderly conduct for filing a false police report that he was attacked by two masked men. Police detectives were contacting Smollett’s attorneys to arrange his surrender for arrest.
February 21
– Chicago police say Smollett turned himself in to face a felony charge of disorderly conduct, which could bring up to three years in prison.
– Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson says Smollett staged a racist and homophobic attack because he was unhappy with his salary and wanted publicity. Investigators say they have a $3,500 check that Smollett used to pay the two brothers to help him.
February 22
– Producers of ‘Empire’ say Jussie Smollett’s character will be removed from the final two episodes of this season.
March 7
– A Cook County grand jury returns a 16-count indictment charging Smollett with falsely reporting an offense.
March 26
– Attorneys for ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett say charges alleging he lied to police about attack have been dropped.
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