#its such a badass surname thats all
moonhuit · 2 years
can i request a prompt from the hurt/comfort list for j/7? <3
set vaguely around ranger!seven time: "there's nothing you could have done"
janeway did not need a medical tricorder to assess how terribly injured her ex-borg was. the bruises and the lacerations spoke for any speculations about what hell seven could have crawled out of. any remnant of consciousness in the blonde seemed to have been working towards homing her soul back to safety.
she’s alive. janeway thinks–almost persuading herself. she’s alive and incredibly stubborn. seven carried a weight unbearable and impossible to get rid of–the inability to forgive herself which always ends up in her repenting and bleeding on janeway’s doorstep. the older woman knows only seven could help herself–so she does the second best thing, care for her. only this time around, they had traded their 2 am philosophical debates for 4 am ‘i hope you are home because i am bleeding at your doorstep’ conversations.
either way, janeway’s door was always open to seven.
“if you’re going to tell me off, ” seven starts, when gentle fingers are done passing over her split lips and janeway is looking less angry at her predicament. “there’s nothing you could have done about it…”
i wasn’t going to let you resign your commission for my sake.
it was always a layered conversation between them. even when janeway is hyperfocused on tending to her wounds and all seven could do is feel. guilt and shame. she feels like time had pulled her back in voyager. conversations where she’d inadvertently fish for confirmation of her assumptions–that she’d disappointed janeway, broke janeway’s faith on her—that she had failed janeway.
“i know.” arguing with seven about the rangers had been a moot point–at least that’s how janeway looked at it given that seven is a straightforwardly stubborn individual. so she observes instead–keeps tabs on where seven could be, in official and at an unofficial capacity. because it’s convenient–it also helps janeway remember to refresh the stocks on the safehouses she’d shared in confidence with seven.
“promise me this, darling,” the healing hands stop hovering above her bruises—and her breath hitches. seven had come prepared with a whole argument and there was not going to be any. “don’t force my hand to drive another ship through a binary pulsar to get to you, okay?"
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hi again!
So, how would the Sinclair brothers, Brahms, and Billy Lenz react to s/o giving crow gifts like bottle caps and cool looking rocks? (they/them pronouns, please)
You can also use other slashers for this, too!
Hi again! Thanks for another request!!
They/them pronouns, sfw and Request open!
Slashers reacting to s/o giving them random gifts
Vincent! Sinclair
So precious🥺🥺
Will have special box to put all this stuff in!
Every time they bring something new, he studies is and tries to remember every detail
Also then hes upset or yall argue (every relationship has bad moments) he will go to this box and look at stuff to remember the good mokents and that they love him very much
Bo Sinclair
Tbh Sinclair is fucking badass surname
He will act like perent who just got the ugliest drawing from their kid and has to pretend he lieks it 'aw honey that's.. thats really nice of you thanks'
Man will put it in pocket to later store it on his night table but he forgors and it stays inside there. But its a good thing cuz then later when he works in garage or deals with some dumbasses(next wax figures) he puts hands in pocket and reminds himself how much they love him😊 and vice versa
Lester Sinclair
I once again forgor about his exsitence and I write him the last right before posting
He will hung those gifts up on his car!
Will show them off to any people that happen to be in his car, even his siblings!
Will fidget with it when stressed
Gets way too attached to it
Will give them huge bouquet of flowers in exchange
Brahms Heelshire
This litte guy
This dude
Has no clue what to do with all this stuff
Like yeah rocks are zamn pretty but bottle caps? Really? Bestie what I am suppose to do with this?
I mean he will collect it and keep it in some hyper secure place and he would protect it with his life prolly but??? Bottle caps really? That's your love language??
Brahms judges for no reason >:(
Billy Lenz
He will do the same thing???
Like he will give them the most random things ever??? Alive rats? Random peace of glass? Plushie he stole from some kid? Handfull of rocks in funny shapes? He got them all
So yall just sit on floor and exchange what yall found
Also when they sleep he puts rocks in them/ under their pillow. Imagine waking up with neck pain and realising that they have been sleeping on rocks (litteraly)
Billy dont bite bottle caps you might break ya teeth
Micheal myers
Side eye
No, dont take it back its his now
He gonna put it in his pocket and fidget with it when he's bored. Also when he stalks people too
Also he never takes the rocks out of his pockets so if they give him like 10rocks he will litteraly carry all of them and pls remember to take them out before washing his clothes. We dont like broken washingmachines
Pls Micheal but some on shelf or cabinet pls-
Love yall requests😊😊 it is 1am, have nice rest of day!
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etherealspacejelly · 11 months
i feel like infodumping so here is my opinion of every new who companion!!
Rose Tyler
shes the og, shes That Girl, she is the moment! (lol, get it?) Rose was one of the best companions fr. her love story with the doctor is so beautiful and so tragic and honestly, he Needed her. ninerose >>> tenrose i said what i said. 9/10
Jack Harkness
very fun character! they kinda ruined him in torchwood a little bit. some of the earliest explicit queer rep in mainstream media i ever saw, if not the first! i loved his dynamic with rose and nine. 8/10
Mickey Smith
my sweet boy, my babygirl. he deserved so much better fr. dont get me wrong, i love Rose, but the way she treated Mickey was so mean. also the doctor hated his ass for no reason other than he was competition for Rose's affection. plastic Mickey was iconic. 8/10
Martha Jones
ICON!!! QUEEN!!!! i Love Martha soooo much. she was the only companion to Get Out and i love that for her, she deserved it. she slayed fr. however i do kinda hate that most of her character was simping for ten like. girl. stand up. 9/10
Donna Noble
Oh My God, incredible. cant wait to get her back!!!! the adipose scene through the windows???? hilarious, i can quote every word!!! she gave the doctor a run for his money and i love that for her. she was exactly what he needed after Rose and Martha, just A Mate. 10/10
Amy Pond
my favourite companion!!! eleven was My Doctor tho so thats probably why. every episode of season 5 is a banger. i love that she and Rory and River became a family to the doctor. love her. little Amelia is so cute and grown up Amy is a total badass. fish custard/10 10/10
Rory Williams
my beloved <3 hes so boyfriend fr. raised my standards as a kid. he waited 2000 years for her ;-; 10/10
River Song
hello sweetie :)
i love that her story was told backwards, very interesting narrative choice! knowing that she was always doomed to the library was so tragic. learning all of her secrets over each series was very fun and satisfying!! 10/10
Clara Oswald
hmm. not one of my favourite companions. she's ok i guess? the impossible girl thing was kinda cool but i dont really like her as a character. 5/10
Bill Potts
YESSSS! i love lesbiabs. lessbiens. women. her ending was super sad tho :(
she was cool and fun and gay 9/10
Yasmin Khan
hrm. boring. didnt have much of a personality, not really her fault the writing was just so shit. she had potential!! thasmin 4 lyfe! 4/10
Ryan Sinclair
yea. no. dont like how they made his dyspraxia a fun quirky thing that he just. magically got over somehow??? its a literal disability. my brother has it. it could have been so interesting to see how that manifested over the course of his travels with the doctor but its almost like they just. forgot about it?? also he was boring as hell. 2/10
Graham O'Brien
i literally didnt even remember his surname, i had to look it up. he was just kinda. there. a little more interesting than Ryan i guess?? but. still. 2/10
Concluding remarks
looking forward to Donna coming back and meeting the new companions!!! i hope the writing is better in this season :/ chibbers was Not It. anyway. thanks for reading my silly little ramble!! special interest go brrrr
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dorkousloris · 4 years
//silly cypherverse thoughts//
so sammy, or i can call them, sam padilla is a filipino whose parents came from ph, moved to usa, ye? 
sammy’s parents befriend a filipino-american with chinese heritage named wendy lee, and at some point, one of sammy’s parents invited a fellow filipino from ph named antonio ramos.
if it wasn’t for sammy’s parents to introduce their friends to each other, anita wouldn’t existed at all! 
antonio. or most people call him anton or nio (he likes nio more mostly because he had a classmate named anton so ha!), is a quiet man who is quite tall but not too tall, he may look quiet but he’s quite soft, and does show by actions rather than words. oh and his power is object manipulation, but he’s not a superhero, never interested in the heroic sponsorship, its everywhere and he just had no interest in that. so he uses his power to just help mudane stuff instead. 
wendy is this spunky woman who dream of running a cafe, despite having a PhD in science and engineering. she understand science and thats because she got science manipulation. but like nio, wasn’t into hero stuff, but she used to do it during her college years which she refer it as her embarrassing years (which later on, anita looks at her and goes “mom, you were pretty badass!” “oh hush, dear, it was a little too dangerous afterward and i can’t risk it when i fall for nio!” “....dad?” “hmm, she was still a vigilante until after we got yo--” “NIO--”) 
these powers techincally fused together into technopathy and.
gestures anita was born. anitas powers didnt exactly awaken until they were a little old enough that they started to tinker stuff. 
also despite the fact nios last name is ramos, he rather want anita to have his wife’s surname solely for the fact nio is... not good terms with his own family ( “they tried to make me a hero, you know. that’s why i was afraid of doing the same to you... then you choose what i fear the most.” “dad i--” “no, i shouldn’t dwell in the past, you choose your own path and for that, i want to support you, and you know your mom will still have to scold you” “geez!” )
in short, anita and sammy met since they were babies, thanks to their parents! 
which meant imma cry having to figure out how to write tagalog because these two talk a lot in tagalog, and also sammy saying something in tagalog to neets and neets get flustered and julia having to figure it out because SOME words are similar to spanish but are very different and-- msdgmsdgm its fun!
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Shadowhunters ep4 review & spoilers! And general spoilers! (Later ships & Simon things)
Magnus & Alec met!! They really did that & it was really gay and i loved it. Alec's little smile & flustered ness around Magnus & "Pretty boy get your team ready" is iconic as fuck ok. Magnus was in the ep so much & I'm here for it. Also Magnus's little looks at Alec when he mentioned Michealangalo being good in bed!! Also we love a sassy badass bisexual- love how its so clear in the first ep he's in. Also the gayness from Alec is yesss. That taking Magnus's hand yess. And the Jace memory thingy- is Jace gonna bring that up?? Or is he just gonna ignore it forever?? Don't say btw lmao. "There's nothing to be ashamed of" yes Magnus a proud bi supporting a lil closeted boy. What else- sorry- im just squealing at the Malec in this ep- I'm gonna have to watch their introduction again bc Alec's smile. He's growing on me!! Ok- Magnus's magic I see you- holy shit when he moved the lair- incredible, beautiful & hot as fuck thank you. Simon, poor bby Simon is definitely a Vampire- like- the licking the blood thingy- noo bby. I feel bad for him with his unrequited love. Also yes to him for standing up for himself though! To "captain america" 😂😂. I thought it was some good acting when Simon was calling Clary and telling her he felt weird after the Vamp thing- and you could see his gaze linger on the picture as he was talking- or myb i just thought that lmao. What else hm- Valentine is just creepy as fuck. And Clary is getting on my nerves a lil- i know she wants to save her mum which is fair enough of course. I do appreciate her bravery though. The whatever it takes attitude- that hasn't extended into going off by herself yet which is good- probably bc of Jace though tbh. Reminds me a bit of the harry potter stance- 'ppl are dying bc of me let me do it all myself'. I liked Isabelle this ep- "its ok Alec" - supportive sister yess. Magnus & Isabelle is a total brotp & I can see isabelle being a big Malec shipper. Thats it for now! Hope theres more of Magnus in the Shadow team next episode & pls let Simon tell Clary sooner rather than later!! Also Camille- can Simon pls not get with her or even kiss her- shes creepy & repulsive. Again don't spoil if you know!! Um- thats it for now- sorry it's a bit all over the place. I'm still buzzing from the Malec & I've probably missed bits out but yeah. Thanks if you read & ep 5 here I come today or probably tomorrow! (Off I go to rewatch the Malec meeting!) (Not kidding)
~Lula X
Ps. Anyone know Simon's surname if its not a spoiler?
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tumblunni · 8 years
HEYO! oh man now my friend helped me get all inspired again for working on my Cathedral Tower Defense game so WOO lets have another long post of miscellaneous ideasies for storyness! may not be very coherant tho cos i am super tired and ill! but happy!! THANKS SUMMON-DAZE FOR BEING MY ULTRA BESTIE
* Okay now I am super sure that I’m gonna let you choose the gender of the protagonist! And I wanna keep it so that their name is Amity either way, cos that’s kinda stuck in my mind. Surname Amity, player gets to decide the first name, but people will still be calling you Amity a lot at first cos you start off all awkward and formal with everybody. You’re a newcomer to this cathedral town and nobody knows whether to trust you, from their perspective you’re this dangerous person theyre forced to accept just because they need you to help protect them, whether you’re good or bad. They’re all worried what price they might have to pay for this, trying to figure out how to minimize the damage if you turn on them... and its not like they’re bad people for being untrustworthy, they’re just scared people huddling in a church and trying to keep their families safe at any cost. So try and prove your worth to them, and help them learn to protect themselves too, and make this ramshackle settlement into a real home! ....anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, gender selection is a good! And it could be relatively easy to impliment too, cos of the situation. Doesnt even necessarily have to be a menu or anything, it could just be like sir amity/lady amity/master amity. Cos you’re this paladin knighto, itd make sense for them to ask for your title. And it could just be like a shot of protagonist’s badass silhouette in the gateway of the cathedral and then you get the dialogue choice to pick your identity, and its all Super Cool~!
* It also actually gives me more of an idea of what i could do for their design, like I dunno maybe they have some sort of face-concealing helm or headdress or something. I was just thinking of them being dressed like a generic nun or princess but maybe emphasize more on the knight aspect instead of the holy part? So like anyway, maybe they have a very all-concealing outfit and that could be the framing of the first scene instead, its like *pulls off the mask and you’re into the character selection screen* Orrrrrr maybe there doesnt need to be any magical setup for a gender selection and it can just be a menu before the first scene starts XD Or maybe you have a cool face-concealing helmet thing anyway, like all three gender options just have a different one, lol
* More random magical names i got via the cool name generator site summon-daze linked to me! Dunno if I’ll actually use any of these but im writing them down here so i dont forget. Berebath, Betnia, Amurziz, Jetre, Miemahl, Semdach, Batxahl, Sidefarch, Botolohn, Vausach, Thammoch, Droibhal, Lekonach, Zeidhal, Tieloch, Rabrohm, Maesur, Smoiroch, Baelbuhr, Axoth, Jige, Chushou, Hukru, Nejeget, Roucu,  Jinah, Aujus, Yekoth, Nugresah, Israfel, Jabriel, Tabris, Douma
* Also I’m remembering Jade Cocoon and how I liked that the different ‘families’ of monsters shared naming traits. Like how all those weird snake/slug cutiepies that i loved best were nushab, rashab, etc etc. And tamatoch and somethingtoch and so on. I think there was at least one where the modifier was a prefix too? I dunno why i’m talking about this, but there you go. I just think if i wanna do full original made up names for demon species then i wanna make em stuff that just... feels like that. I dont actually wanna make like five different elements of each one tho, i wanna have only one per element and then they have like two different higher level finalized forms. Like, the human characters can have two job classes each and the demons can have two specializations within an element. That helps me think about how to limit it down to four or five elements, if we can combine common fantasy elements together! And yeah I was thinking it’d be cool if the demon ‘job classes’ could have their own evolving appearances and new names!
* Thoughts for the ol elemental groupings! The only one I really have finalized is grass + poison = same thing. Florin, why u always the character that gets developed faster than everyone else XD And I’m thinking giving them their own made up names would make it easier! Like how in SMT you have spells being stuff like ‘media’ and ‘agi’ instead of cure and fire. But here (hopefully) it’d be easier to memorize cos its just the element names that’re fantasy words, and the attacks themselves would be a little more self explanatory. i just think it’d work cos like... the idea i had of rock and fire being one single demon type, you could just call that magma. But i mean, what can you call plant + poison? Except.. like.. plant. Cos poison is reasonably often a grass type skill anyway. And i mean, game creators dont often worry about making sense, what with how ‘grass’ is the common element name when thats just one plant in a million. I cant stop thinking about that now I’ve noticed it! I legit thought grass was a synonym for plant when i was a kid, i learned to read from pokemon yellow... ANYWAY IM GETTING OFFTOPIC AGAIN The other idea I had for groupings was fire + non-elemental together? I was just thinking like... aura. Non elemental/physical attack as a ‘magic’ could be fighting spirit! And thematically speaking it tends to be shown as fire effects in anime, i guess XD But then i couldnt put fire with rock and that means I’d have to redesign malachi again. his design ended up looking more firey than rocky :P Another idea is maybe darkness + non-elemental together? like, interpret non-elemental as ‘void’. Or light and dark could be together actually, that could be an interesting way to do it, instead of having them opposing. Like maybe the elements could be colours! Grey element, able to specialize into white or black but neither is any sort of ‘good and evil’. And then the rest could be like green or like.. instead of red maybe fire could be bronze and thats why it has rock skills too? or man, maybe rock and metal could be one element and fire could be grouped with something else. And would water and ice be too ordinary and boring? do they already kinda count as one element? should I throw in something else? GAHHHHHHH
* Ideas for the multiple religious groups aligned with each element! I’m thinking I want one of them to interpret the setting’s absent god as two deities. like, every perspective on this deity is a wildly different character, this one is just even more so! they’d see malahat (tentative name) as two people, but kinda more like a shared soul that can manifest as either a male or female form. But there’d be ambiguity and debates in the mythos over whether this is actually a genderfluid god, or if its ‘twins who were cursed to never exist at the same time’, or various other variations on the story. I wanna make it like real life, where even within (for example) catholocism, there’s different sects and different translations of the same text. And where there’s predjudice against minority groups and people like to twist their faith to ‘justify’ it, even when parts of the original tale could easily justify treating those people with kindness too. So there’d be some followers of the twins religion who are very openminded to LGBTQ people, and historically anyone trans was able to hold a unique position as a priest, being treated as someone blessed by god. But like in norse mythology, this wasnt necessarily a sign that society was 100% okay with LGBTQ people. Its kinda depressing to read about how trans women and gay men were considered the only people able to become a specific kind of witches, but also how you kinda HAD to take this one safety net in society to stop people from making you an outcast. It was like ‘make them fear me so they dont fuckin kill me’. You had to become a medicine person and at least claim to believe in these magic powers, you had to be blessed by the gods to prove you were like.. one of the good ones. Otherwise its like youre saying the gods made a mistake when they made you, or youre choosing to be a deviant against nature. i can only imagine how terrifying it must have been if you believed in that religion and had to like.. be forced to go against it and leave society, or be forced to lie about being chosen by a god for a higher purpose, while believing that any moment you might get struck down for lying. And then I read in other history books about how the concept of homosexuality was far different in that old society too, how male-on-male sex was accepted at sea as long as you were the dominant one and you were forcing something unwanted onto a lesser shipmate as punishment. Like ugh, rape being more socially accepted than consensual LGBTQ relationships! I guess the only solace is that we can never be 100% sure how much of historians’s theories are correct and what might have changed in retellings of history, but honestly I can believe the past is this fucked up when the present is already fucked up in different ways. BUT ANYWAY I wanna explore those themes in my story maybe. And I wanna do more research into the subject to make sure I’m doing it justice, even though its a very sad subject that might be quite stressful. Maaaaan, I remember how I used to obsess about researching norse myth as a kid, it was one of my first Special Interests and I really wanted to see all the different reinterpretations of Loki and write my own fanfic/adaptation/vaguely inspired original story about What If He Stayed A Good Guy. Man I had soooo much sympathy for the poor sod. I mean it depends on the retelling whether he was always evil or whether he was like a comedic neutral ally to the gods who just abruptly becomes evil and gets killed off without remorse in the final story. And gahhh he’s like the biggest LGBTQ bastion in the whole mythos, and how can I not feel sympathetic?? When we get all these stories about him being a literal genderfluid shapeshifter and giving birth to half of his children and just like seriously its like The Story Of the One Trans Man In Homophobic Transphobic Valhalla and he was probably meant to seem Bad and Funny and whatever but im gonna sit here and grumpily cling onto the idea that he was deliberately written as trans, or that if these gods actually do exist out there somewhere then Loki would support me. *pout* I just have a lot of good memories of how this was like the first sign of me realizing my own gender, back when I first learned about Loki in school and then devoured every damn history book about the dude. And got in a million internet pissing matches about how innacurate the marvel version was XD Also it sucks that we like to believe that modern times are always 100% more enlightened in every way, yet its modern adaptations that always censor out the bits about him shifting gender identities and getting pregnant once. ... man this has gone offtopic too much, im really tired but seriously its funny how teenage bunni had NO CLUE they were nonbinary, no clue why they got so obsessed researching gender-defying mythological figures and historians who created gender neutral pronouns in the 1800s. i was so supernaturally oblivious, holy shit...
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alpsss · 7 years
Lq - ROOT, my twin. we fight daily battles together, humans art monsters and life. we’ve literally achieved the highest version of telepathy, like it’s so totally normal. but it’s not- it’s the rarest thing! you’re always looking out for me and in this lifetime to have found one like you i PTL every day. ripple root is The Mission and we r only getting started. heres to art world domination. FYI fynn’s is a rr project
Mother ‘Momma Joys’ - You’re the most obsessive loving gorgeous mother ever. You smother me in the troughs your unceasing love. But I’m truly blessed, better because of it. You’re actually cool and I really respect you, you’re the ultimate power-woman you are fierce and strong and you teach me to be a badass, that my most challenging dreams are within reach and i should grab life by the balls. thank you for being so invested in every aspect of me, taking on roles like Fishtank gallerist and the director of RR’s finance division- you always go above and beyond.
My dad- D Fats short for Daddy Fats- you are the most jolly easy-going good fellow, you really balance out mom and you’re just about as chart-toppingly awesome. from the small gestures like buying bananas to even shopping for sanitary pads if you’re summoned to. you are one half of the superhero parental unit that God has bestowed upon me. your spirit is infectious and your heart for God and people so palpable i always look at you and know He is real, your life is a testimony to Him and what being a Christian is about. 
Uncle Trevor & Aunt Allison - For your openness and warmth, I’ve had so many good conversations with you 2. Thank you for seeing something in me and my art…Aunt Allison Matthew’s gentleness is from you. Matt’s the perfect blend of reason and naiveté. Thank you both for bringing the Happy Chappy with the strong moral values into this world so I now have a Husband. P.S. I wish I had the Phua family’s ridiculously high metabolism- they all somehow don’t put on weight ever- jokes aside, you guys are serious #marriagegoals. its the way you look at n treat each other thats so precious n inspiring.
Mama - Wo hen ai ni (let Matthew say it)
Yaya - for being the only YAYA that has ever walked this earth. You’re the one and only Queen. 25 years and counting, you practically are family and I will never, ever tire of eating your salmon fish head. thank you for taking care of me and for being official photographer for ripple root #heavenknows.
Amanda - for making it all the way down from London town- bffles forever. Thank you for always having the right words for me, and for seeing me thru so many friggin stages of my life. We started out being 15 and hating each others’ guts but 12 years later what we have is a sisterhood that is so authentic, i will always protect it.
the Devil Dea - antithesis of me, sculpting my patience since 1993. bcos we’re sisters by blood but other than our surnames we have nothing in common but i still love you. you’re special and true to yourself. and you’re also a phenomenal surgeon. how are we even related?
And everyone else - for making an impact on my life, big or small, you wouldn’t be here otherwise and im so grateful and honoured to share this with you. 
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