#its somthin alright
storm-cellar · 2 years
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that1geek06 · 1 month
Hi, how are you? Could you write Harry Hook and male reader? The reader is Audrey's brother and super shy, and he meets Harry when the group of VKs went to save Ben.
HOWDY THERE, I'm alright thank you for asking :D I hope your doing good as well, but I can DEFINITELY do this, I'm so happy that my descendents work has been liked by the fandom and its time for the FIRST ROMANTIC FIC YAYYY so I apologize if its not amazing, lmk if there's anything I can do betterr
Harry Hook x Male!Reader
Warnings: None (lmk if that's wrong)
Audrey Rose, the most popular and recognizable child of Aurora and Phillip. But not many people know or realize that she has a twin brother, Y/N.
He doesn't blame people for not knowing his lineage, he was the complete opposite of his sister. He preferred comfort over style, singularity instead of popularity, and quiet rather than loud. The only one Y/N really talked to was Ben, who would often hang out with the twin when he courted his sister. But even when the VK'S came and he got with Mal, Ben still showed his friendship and even introduced him to the darker group.
And Y/N loved the VK'S.
They just didn't care, and he admired that, without having to talk to much he became close to the small group. They almost took him under their wing and looked out for him. Basically, he never had any issues with Chad once the VK'S started hanging out with him.
So when he heard about Mal running back to the isle and the plan to get her back. He begged to go along. Ben disagreed at first but with some convincing Y/N was allowed to go with.
He had never been so excited for something before, as Evie dressed him and Ben up the clothes felt so nice, the darker tones of red and grey felt suiting, she even made his outfit to be incorporated as a hoodie which he loved.
And then finally they were off.
Ben was very nervous about being there, but with some guidance from Evie, Jay, and Carlos, they got the ways down quite quickly.
They finally made it to Mal's hideout, and Ben went up to talk to her. Y/N waiting for him to return at the bottom of the steps with the others. Though the stomping of his footsteps proved their conversation didn't go to well.
"She's not coming." Ben said annoyed and stomped off through the streets. The others paced and tried to get the attention of Mal. But Y/N ran off to catch up with Ben.
After a small jog he's back at his side, "T-try not to worry to much Ben. Mal's going through a lot, I'm sure she'll come around here soon." He said in a soft tone, trying to comfort the soon to be king.
But Ben just sighs and shakes his head, "I doubt she will, I pushed her to far.."
The two turn a corner, when suddenly they see 2 other shadows, with a low chuckle one spoke. "Well ain't this just perfect, Uma will be please with this catch. A king and a prince, aye now that's somthin' special."
They step into the light, the taller one had a kind smile on his face surprisingly, his eyes set on Ben. "I knew I recognized you Ben! My dad wishes yours would rot in the underworld by the way." Y/N was confused by the guys happiness, and turned to look at the one the spoke earlier, only to find his eyes already on him.
The boy in the red coat smirked, twirling the handheld hook in his hand. "That you did Lad. Now, lets get this crown an' beauty to Uma." And then everything went black. But Y/N wasn't scared, he only thought one thing.
Did that VK really recognize him?
Y/N slowly opens his eyes, the smell of salt water stinging his nose. He squinted and looked around, eyes adjusting to the light, he tries to move, but he finds himself tied up to a pole.
A light chuckle makes him look up, "Welcome back sleepin' beauty, sorry ya didn't geta kiss like your mum." The boy from earlier smirked, but instead of feeling threatened, Y/N's heart skipped a beat, cheeks turn a light shade of red.
"...w-who are you?" He asks in a small voice, earning a large smile from the other boy. "How rude of me, tha names Harry, and I'm sure this piece o' metal can help ya fill in the rest." He answers, twirling it around once again.
He just nods, putting together he was Captain Hooks son. "Your a quiet one aint ya. Never really talkin' much at those fancy meetings up there." Harry comments, a teasing smirk on his face as he looks him up and down.
Y/N's eyes widened at that, "You've.. noticed me? You know who I am?" He asks in such a quiet voice it was barely a whisper. And he watches as Harry's face falls for a second. He goes to answer when Ben starts to wake up. And that crazed facade comes back as he turns his attention onto the young king.
After a few minutes though the other boy who helped capture him who he learned to be Gil announced Mal and the groups arrival. They had actually brought the wand. But when she pretended to use it on dude, Y/N knew that something wasn't right.
But Uma believed it.
Harry cuts the ropes off of Ben and Y/N, complaining about how his fun was ruined, though it felt almost as if his touched lingered a little longer than normal when he cut the ropes off of Y/N.
Then Mal and Uma trade, and the two royals were back with their group.
Mal starts trying to rush Ben away as Uma attempts to use the wand, and like he suspected, it didn't work. And then a big fight breaks lose.
Y/N fights, but nothing to harm anyone, he couldn't do any such thing. Finally they get space between them and the pirates and are getting ready to make an escape, until-
"BEAUTY!!" Y/N hears Harry yell, he looks back and makes eye contact with him, the pirate smirks, still dripping wet from grabbing his hook out of the water, clothes clinging to his body.
"I always noticed ya!" He yells again, answering Y/N's question from before.
He felt is face flare up and his heart drop as he stare into the other boys eyes. Only for the contact to be broken by Jay pulling him to follow out.
In a daze Y/N followed, mind and heart hooked on the pirate that had noticed him..
YAYY I loved this sm I hope you do tooo, and anon I hope this makes your day dreams a little easier to imagine <3
-Also, if anyone's interested, I'd be willing to make this a part two?? Tell me if I shouldd-
Lmk if there's anything I can do to improve I welcome any and all help, also, PAUSE. RN. GET A SNACK. Reading is so fun on a full stomach, but anyways, HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT MY GOOBERS, happy readingg 👾
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May I humbly request yandere scout practicing how to kiss his s/o and s/o overhearing him and freaking out.
Tw: yandere, o mentions of sickness, feelings of anxiety.
He pressed his lips against the dummy again, trying desperately to get the right sensation. He opened its mouth, shut it, opened it again. Tilted it. Turned it upside down, delivered pecks to it.
But nothing felt right.
The threw the dummies head across the room groaning in frustration as he slid his hands down his face.
He felt like his movement were Stange and disjointed. Even with the added moisture he put in the dummy he couldn’t get the right feeling. He didn’t want to seem unpracticed when he decided to kiss you. He wanted it to feel good
He wanted the feelings to rise like the cart on a roller coaster, then explode and go higher.
He knew he’d have to get it right the first time or you’d want to run away. He couldn’t imagine how it would feel good for you.
He groaned as he picked the dummy back up to his lips.
“Maybe talking to it will make it feel real?” He asked himself, puzzled by the sheer idea of it.
As he started again, mumbling sweet nothings to himself as he did. He kissed the head at first, peppering little along the jaw before turning himself to the lips. There he went from short light kisses. To one’s that went a little deeper.
The noises by the time he got into it were abhorrent. Between disgusting compliments that were supposed to be aimed at you, and the groans of pleasure he emitted you almost sobbed.
You kept a hand clenched over your mouth and looked around the house for something to protect yourself with.
You settled on his bat.
Your feel electrified the metal stick, and it shook in your grasp as you backed against the wall in y’all’s bathroom.
You knew he was done by the gnawing creak of his your shared bedroom.
He was in the kitchen now, adjacent to where you were. And it was clear by the paced footsteps he expected you to be there.
Then came the silence.
“Hey babe! Where you at I wanna show you somthin’ I learned!” His voice was excited, something between a kid who found a new trick and a man on a mission. You prayed the lock on the door could hold him.
But then you remembered your landlord was an asshole.
He layed ‘shave and a haircut’ down on the shitty wood. When he spoke he was notedly concerned. “Hey gorgeous, you feeling alright in there?”
You didn’t want to speak, but as you made your way to the toilets general area you willed yourself to.
“Yeah.” It didn’t sound convincing. In fact it sounded like exactly the opposite. You sounded like you were on the verge of tears.
“No,” he laughed nervously, “babe I can tell. S’wrong? You sick? Do you need some pepto cause I can run and get some for you.”
You were shaking as he jostled the doorknob.
“Yeah; A pepto, maybe I can run by the store and grab us a tape to put in?”
You only hummed weakly before you heard his cooing on the outside of the door. He tapped twice,
“I’m headin’ out alright. When I’m gone lock the door behind me.” With that he raced out, footsteps heavy as he eagerly made his way out the house.
You once again slid down the wall. Cupping your hands in your head as you did, you sobbed softly into them going you could play this game long enough for him to get bored.
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velvetebabysitvibes · 5 months
hello my fellow caregiver. My baby Zeek has some trouble with his behavior so if he acts up at all, steals, bites, or hits then please don't hesitate to be strict with him or call for me to deal with him. I am sending this to all caregivers Zeek talks to.- Ellie
thats alright,obviously im not jsut gonna let him it me or somthin
i have a younger broter with behavioral issues because of his autism,and while its frustrating he has taught me alot about how to go about younger kiddos with behavioral problems
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pebbles-agere-blog · 1 month
urmmmm i’m tryna think of question to ask… what’s your favorite candle scent? good or silver? puppies or kittens? cotton candy or popcorn? yes or no to licorice?
ahh thank you fr the questions!! <3
um um probably like... vanila or anythin haloweeny
i think silvers prettyer espeshally when its glittery!!
kitties ALLLL the way i loooove cats :D
cotton candy, popcorns alright but not my favurite
um i like red licorish but NOT black licorish an i like red vines better than twizlers
how about you? an what licorish brand is where you live? red vine or twizler or somthin else?
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zaenight · 1 year
ch 5 of his down bitch , her cholo
Daisy helped the boys with saddling the horses.
"Alright , button up those shirts ,tuck em' in , and roll down those sleeves." J.t said to the boys.
"Órale chica mis nombres ernesto , aye mira que lindas , chiquita." Ernesto said to the horse.
(Orale girl my names Ernesto, oh look how pretty, little girl)
"Cute , his name is ranger." Daisy snickered as Ernesto looked at her , before looking down to see if he really was a boy.
"It's good talking to your horse , forms a critical bond , Like me and Seraphina." She stated as J.t came over.
"She's right , now mount up." J.t said.
"What you gonna make me button up too?" Ernesto questioned.
"That's right , Button up , tuck that shirt in , and roll down those sleeves." J.t said as Ernesto rolled his eyes , Daisy walked over to him helping.
"sabes nena ernesto le gustaria mas esto si me estuvieras quitando la ropa." Ernesto smirked as Daisy blushed a bit before scoffing out a laugh.
(you know babe Ernesto would like this more if you were taking off my clothes )
"Your a flirt." Daisy laughed as he kissed her hand.
"Watch it boy!" Colt yelled to him.
"Hold still damnit !" Booker exclaimed , yanking the horses harness.
"Booker , how'd you like if I put a metal bar in your mouth , Pulled it to the back of your teeth and started yanking it around." J.t said to the boy.
"Well the damn thing won't listen to me , what the hell am I supposed to do?" Booker questioned.
"Your a big man right , you demand respect? , well so does he , now step back here and show him some." J.t stated.
"Alright shorty." J.t said.
"Take this saddle and throw it on em' ." Shorty said.
After getting Keith on his horse , bareback , due to fact he didn't want to , they rode off , Daisy laughing as Ernesto said somthing to the Ranger .
When they got back , Daisy and Ernesto headed with shorty , to give calves their shots.
"You mexican , ain't you?" Shorty asked the sixteen year old boy , who was almost distracted when Daisy hopped the fence , a great view of her - Shorty wacked his head as Ernesto replied to his question.
"Oh Sí , sí . " Daisy heard Ernesto say , as she was petting the calves.
"Don't be a smart aleck boy , no intendo Español ." Shorty said to him as they reached the gate.
"Mexican vaqueros , they taught us old cowboys everything we know about horse backin' and how to work the cows." Shorty explained as Ernesto looked at Daisy.
"They have a holiday for it , call it Charro day , you ever hear of it?" Shorty said.
"No." Ernesto said.
"You didn't , well you ought to , it's in your blood , them cows there , their mexican." Shorty said to him.
"Corrientes , And we're gonna vaccinate them wuth four way." Daisy explaied grabbing Ernesto's hand , leading him over to the cows.
"Pay attention here and learn somthin." Shorty said whistling to the cows , using the Lasso.
"Come here and hold this rope." Shorty said to Ernesto as he put the calf on its side.
"Get that leg up like that and it can't go anywhere." Daisy said holding a shot.
"Daisy do tha' honors." Shorty sId as Daisy gave the calf a shot.
"Alright there you go." Shorty said handing Ernesto the empty shot from daisy's hand.
"Now then, Go on." Shorty said as Daisy released the calf from the lasso.
"Man , looks like it doesn't hurt him none." Ernesto said.
"Doesn't hurt em' att all , your turn." Daisy said.
"You know these ropes were given to us by the mexicans too , they call them la reata , thats where we got the name Lariat we just knocked off the a at the end." Shorty explained as he lassoed the other calf .
"Man shorty watch were your flingin' that thing." Daisy said as the two teens dodged the lasso.
"All yours." Shorty said to Ernesto.
"What- I ?" Ernesto stamered as be he went over to the calf , copying Shorty's actions.
"That's it get that leg , okay here we go." Daisy said passing him the shot.
And they released the calf , as Ernesto got up and cheered.
"Yeah if the homies could see me now!, Ernesto!" He exclaimed as Daisy laughed , Going over to him , pecking his cheek.
"That was a good job!" Shorty said , Although the boy was a blushing mess from the kiss Daisy gave him.
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dienamights · 3 years
Today’s book is about how Katsuki lays with you at night
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Hello im sleepy but im thinking of this so bare w me
Protagonists: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!reader
Cw: 18+, MDNI, fingering, cockwarming
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First of all, you know damn well this man is dragging you to bed the minute he lets out the first yawn, and he’d be damned if he falls asleep without you in his arms.
You’d be laying down, him behind you and just burying his face in your neck, relishing in your scent.
Eventually, you get bored, and you start squirming, a lot. Katsuki doesn’t like that.
“Stop squirming, or I’m givin’ you somthin to squirm about, alright?”
What could he possibly do, your naive little brain might wonder. And you -stupidly- voice it out to him.
First he doesn’t really do anything, and you get this momentary satisfaction from winning, poor dumb little you. So you scroll through your phone and prop it up to watch some videos until you feel drowsy.
You’re giggling about a bloopers reel from your favorite show when you feel it, its subtle, but you don’t miss it. His fingers ghosting your hips, dipping under your top to trace shapes on your tummy.
You hold you breath, preparing for him to grope you, pinch your nipples, anything. But, nothing. So with a frown, you relax again and distract yourself with the next episode.
The second time, not so subtle, because his fingers are dipping under your shorts and your panties before you even have time to breathe. When you try to close your legs, you realize that he propped his leg between them, forcing you to spread them open and eagerly stuffing three fingers in you.
“Hmm, tha’s what i could do ya lil slut.”
His fingers are pumping in and out of you, your head spinning from how good it feels to have him stuff you full so suddenly. The vicious circles he draws against your clit with his thumb are a whole different form of torture.
His fingers are scissoring inside your already gushing pussy and you’re panting at the stretch, moaning when he curves his fingers and presses them against that gummy spot he knows all too well would drive you insane.
“Look atchu, humping my fingers like some bitch in heat, wonder what’ll happen when I stuff ya full of this cock, hmm?”
In desperate attempts to rock your hips with his relentless motion, you start pressing your ass against his crotch. And the moan his lets out is heavenly. It’s all high and whiney from getting hard and you pressing that chunk of ass against his sensitive cock.
“Fuck,” you whine at the emptiness when he pulls his fingers from your cunt, feeling your walls clench at nothing from the loss of contact, but moan lewdly when he’s shoving those fingers in your mouth.
You make a show of sucking his fingers, hollowing your cheeks and dragging your tongue at the calloused and rough skin, god he loved the way you work that slutty tongue.
Too busy licking his fingers clean, you fail to notice him pulling his hard cock, tip red and leaking fat globs of cum, until you feel the stretch of his tip against your cunt.
“Fuckme, yer pussy still can’t take this fat cock hah?”
He’s so fucking big you’re thrashing the minute his tip pushes past your walls, and when you turn around to look at him, tell him how big he is, he takes his fingers out of your mouth to force you to face the front again.
“Watch yer fuckin show baby, gonna be here a while.”
With his cock buried deep in your pussy, katsuki leans over your body to press “next episode”, wickedly grinning at the way you squirm and whine whenever he moves the tiniest bit.
What could he possibly do. Poor dumb little you
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
Gone to voicemail | 5
Bakugou x fem!reader, angst, fluff, romance
Summary : Bakugou and Y/n go through hardships during their engagement, will they be able to wait for each other at the alter or will they find someone new to share their vows with?
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Bakugou scrolled down the webpage showing houses and apartments for sale, he wanted to find one soon. He wasn't looking for anything specific really, just something he can move into and think about decorating later.
The sun from his office windows were beaming through his blinds, shining onto his computer screen as he sips his coffee he got during his lunch break. He leans back on his chair as he writes down some notes on different rentals he is interested in. He clicks his pen in frustration as he can't decide on what to do
His phone rings from his desk drawer, Katsuki puts down his pen and opens the drawer to see who is calling him during work, people know not to annoy him at all– especially during work, only a brave soul would dare annoy The Katsuki Bakugou
Camie is calling...
"What does she need? The fuck, shouldn't she be in work or somthin'" katsuki asks out loud as he answers the phone and placing it to his ear
"Hello?" He asks
"Hi Katsu, what's up? Are you still on your break?" Camie asks as she chirps down the phone
"Yeah, I have some time before I gotta finish my paperwork before the interns arrive next term, why?" Katsuki doesn't know why shes calling, there isn't  a reason
"Just checking on you that's all, how have you been handling things with y/n? I heard she moved out"
Where did she find this out from?
"Yeah she did, moved into her brothers for a bit till her name is off the lease in a few weeks, I'm also looking for an apartment but rent is high in Tokyo, dunno what to do really, might move back in with the old hag for a while to sort shit out"
"I could move in if it helps work out rent? It will take the pressure off of you to walk paprika and to cook? I'm a good cook!"
"Nah its alright, your an alright cook but not better then me" Katsuki smiles as me compliments himself as he slowly spins on his chair in his office looking at the artwork on his walls, mainly of hero posters of himself and people he has collaborated with over the years
"You sure? Because I remember you enjoying my cooking way back when" Camie joked as she giggled over the phone remembering back on the find memory
"Not true! You burnt the dinner and I had to swoop in and show you how it's done! and then you took the credit!" Katsuki explains fondly as he remembers the look of disappointment when Camie showed Katsuki the burnt noodles as she sheepishly asks him to help her with the dinner she had planned to surprise him with for their 2 year anniversary
"Yeah yeah whatever, do you want me staying over it not?"
"No it's fine, I might have the idiots over later if you want to join, nothing special just having a small celebration for Dunce faces promotion" Katsuki asks as he rubs his face as the summer sun beats down on his face through the windows during the peak of the day, making him sweat a little
"Sure! I'll bring some goodies to enjoy~"
"Yeah be there on time alright! Don't mess around, they should be there around 7ish at my place"
"Don't worry I won't be, see yeah there. I'll text you if anything pops up with work, bye"
"See ya"
Katsuki ends the phone call and leans back on his chair as the leather sticks to his back with the sweat lining his clothing due to the heat, he should probably go shower in the locker rooms and change before he heads home, which won't be for a few more hours. He still has the meeting about new a  merchandise range involving perfumes and colognes, who would want to smell like him?
Weirdos that's who
He gets up off his desk chair and makes his way to his storage units in his office that holds his hero costume and his gym gear,
"May as well train if I'm already sweaty"
Katsuki makes his way down to the gym in the building, very practical really.
He thinks about new ways to get stronger against the villains...what a day to be a hero
You walk around your office as you try to gather everything you need to show Shinsou your new idea for his merch, you wanted to focus on his younger audience and to stay on the cheaper side so they are able to afford it since hero merch can be very pricey,
You look at the small box in your arms, it's a small Shinou action figure as he is in his casual clothes best part? You added little cat ears as a headpiece in the back for kids to wear, purple cat ears since his fans made their own and declared that be the signature merch peice to identify his fans
You walked around to collect anything you need before heading down to Shinous office which is a few minutes walk down the road, not to far. Good thing since it's very warm out, middle of summer heat in japan is not something you want to be in if your stressed due to you probably over heating
Shinsou : what's your coffee order?
"He only sent me a picture of his coffee run not even two hours ago...he needs some real sleep"
Y/n : (coffee drink/other preference) please! I'll be there in 10
You walk down your hallway with the toy in hand getting ready to show your favourite purple headed boy, as you got to the entrance door of your office block you can feel the summer heat pounding against your face. Your happy you can wear whatever you want in your workplace, you normally go fancy casual to stay professional but flexible since you move around alot.
Time passes and you made your way into the small meeting room in Shinsou's agency. The room is mainly used for small meetings between floors but it's okay for you to be here since you're partners with his agency so they are all familiar with you and your company
"Look who arrive safely" Shinsou says as he arrives just behind you as he keeps the door open for Kaminari since he is carrying the drinks
"Hey y/n! How's it been?" Kaminari gleams as he places the drinks onto the table and sits down across from where you are standing
"I'm doing better, hard times but you have to power through it during work since its home life ya know?"
"Yeah, sucks though really here's your drink. I wanted a hot chocolate but Tinky winky over here said it's too warm, so I got an iced coffee instead with extra caramel" Kaminari says triumphantly as he sips his drink and leans back on his chair
"Your either going to be bouncing off the walls with that drink or a heart attack" Shinosh says as he grabs his black coffee with extra espresso shots
"Thank you again, I'm sure you are on the path for a heart attack aswell with all that caffeine" you tease as you stir your drink
"Whatever" shinsou knows he won't win that argument again since you've been having it for years since he never goes asleep and relies on caffeine, better then those energy drinks Kaminari baught for him
"Soooo let's see what your creative little head came up with! I've been dying to see what you made!" Kaminari is excited to see what you have planned for the launch
You took out the toy and showed them, both of their eyes winded and grins appeared on their faces, much like the ones kids will have when they see the toy themselves
"Well, I started small and went with a basic casual outfit for tinky winky–"
"Not funny"
"Sorry, and I added a real branded version of those headbands your fans make at meet and greets, I was thinking of doing a collector's series of headbands, themed after different things? Maybe different cat species?" You suggests as you wait for their approval
"This is so cute...wow" was shinsous first reaction as he held the prototype in front of him as he looked at it closer
"He needs to be smaller, he ain't that tall, and a smile would he nice " Kaminari joked
"Real funny" shinsou deadpanned
The meeting progressed on longer as you talked about budgets, market sales, advertimes and the likes.
You wanted this to be a successful sale and to help boost your friends hero popularity as much as you can, it also helps take your mind of other lingering thoughts during the day and at night when your at home
Bakugou was long home by now, he finished cleaning the apartment as he gets ready for his friends to arrive. Man did he need to relax and have a drink, maybe he should act more like paprika– who was currently sniffing the snacks on the coffee table. She was trained not to eat off tables but unfortunately Kaminari likes to feed her when he is present why? Because apparently he is her duncle– dog uncle...katsuki jokes it's short for "dunce unkle"
Katsuki opens Netlfix to browse when his friends get here to play something for background noise as they all catch up and unwind after a long week of hero work
*knock* *knock*
"Your hussy's are here~"
How embarrassing can they be?! That was Kaminari's voice as katsuki could hear the giggles that followed
He opened the door and let them in, Kirishima high fives the blond as he shows him the beers he brought, kirishima goes to place a few of them in the fridge Sero following with more drinks
"Hey Katsu~" Camie chimes as she goes in for a hug with Katsuki, he diverts to a side hug as she keeps her arm holding the wine slightly away to make sure it doesn't fall
"Katsu?" Sero whispers to kirishima as they place the drinks to cool in the fridge, kirishima gives him a weirded look and shrugges
"Hey, tch ya'll know I don't do hugs"
"Yeah well, it's a special occasion"
"Go find somewhere to sit, since dunce face has probably taken up all the room"
"Not true! It's actually paprika who has!" Kaminari states in a matter of fact way
"Get her off, I just hovered for fucks sake..."
Time goes by and everyone his having fun, sharing jokes, sipping away on their respected drinks. Well– Kaminari has resorted to capri-suns not too long ago since he felt sick and Sero is the designated driver for the night
Camie is pretty tipsy, she has been giggling at Kirishima's horrible jokes for a while and they break their shit laughing as if it was the funniest joke in the world
"So Bakubro, will we see you and y/n anytime soon together? The hero gala is comin' up soon" Kaminari asks as he pets paprika as she sits across his lap
"Dunno *hiccup* I'm gonna give her some time to herself for a while *hiccup* before I try to mend our relationship"
Bakugou is slouched on the armchair as he cradles a beer, he had finished his whiskey long before, one you got him for his birthday.
His hangover tomorrow is gonna be rough
"You were cute together bro! I was stoked for the wedding...I baught a cute suit aswell" Kirishima begins to tear up at the fancy pair of crocs he baught, he was going to save them for the reception to dance in easier, they had sparkles too!
"Yeah, fucking love her to bits man...shame shit went south so quick...I had a feelin' it was comin' too *burp* whattcan ya do?"
Camie shifts in her seat as she hears Katsuki talk so fondly of you, her heart is aching knowing he won't ever speak of her that way again...not unless she acts quickly
"Katsu?" Camie asks
"Katsu~" Kaminari mocks, kirishima hits him the the gut as he electric boy is now holding his sore stomach
"What?" Katsuki doesn't look at Camie as he swirls his beer
"What are the chances of us trying again?"
The room is silent, the only noise is the show playing on the tv long forgotten about. Sero is the only sober one, the only one to remember this event in the morning, he takes out his phone and presses voice recording incase something happends and he can prove in the morning, he knows she will try and cover her tracks if she starts to talk shit like she has in the past during events to the group, sero was sick of her attitude towards you, you both good friends and he respected you a lot
"Not a chance girly, I'm sure your fan boys are waiting at your beck and call...ahaha..." Katsuki laughs at the thought of them getting together again
"You sure? I mean...we were perfect together...and I still love...you.." Camie starts to get emotional at the confession, deffiently the alcohol speaking,
"Well I don't love you idiot, your a dumbass for thinkin' I'd fuckin' love ya after all these years? *hiccup* honestly what did you expect I was about to get married for fucks sake" Kastuki began to tear up also at the thought of not being able to marry you anymore, it still crushes his sole knowing you can chose to walk away from him forever if you refuse the counselling
"Well...Y/n never seemed to get along with me, she never included me in shit–" camie stops to take a breath, Sero is trying to remain calm but oh will he have fun showing you this tomorrow
"She fucking took you away from me! She came out of know where– and just magically has you wrapped around her finger?!" Camie is a crying mess, Kaminari is shocked at seeing his friend break down crying, Kirishima looks over at Katsuki, who has an emotion painted on his face far to often, it's a face anyone could point out if you met the blond
"Out of nowhere where?! NOWHERE!? YOU FUCKIN' STOPPED CARING ABOUT ME AS SOON AS YOU GOT FOLLOWERS AND BRAND DEALS DURING MY FINAL YEAR!" katsuki is pissed that Camie tried to insinuate such things about you,
The truth is Camie stop talking to Katsuki over the span of a few weeks during the time when she started to get brand deals since she was the year above Katsuki and he felt left out and didn't feel like they were in love anymore...so he stopped the relationship before it got sour.
"She ruined all that we had! *sob* s-she always had everyone's attention since she over dressed and was a try hard!"
"How dare you say such shit about y/n! You must have big balls to say that to my face!"
Katsuki is beyond pissed
"For your information Camie, you were too busy posing with models then hanging out with us, you never where there for me during my stressful exams and you know who were? These shit heads" Katsuki points to the group that are speechless and have tried to stay out of the argument
"I think you should go...I'll call a taxi" Sero offers to help Camie stand and collect her things, she continued to cry all this time, make up ruined and is a mess.
Katsuki runs his hands through his hair, beer long gone. He gets up and heads to the kitchen to grab some water to try and sober up, paprika following suit thinking she will get a treat
"Come on, the taxi has been called...try and get some sleep alright?" Sero tells Camie as he helps her put on her shoes
"What the fuck just happened" Kirishima asks,
"No idea dude...we should probably go soon though"
"Yeah...I'll get my shoes"
@Camiexo : imagine st3aling another g8rls maaan brcau se yo,x ur crazyy
@Camiexo: bitcb
@Shinsou_ : got some plans lined up folks...stay tuned ;)
@hero-media : what is Camie thinking sending out that tweet??!! She must be under the influence she never says things like this! 😱😱 WHATS GOING ON!
@y/n_l/n : I love you <3
@Calamari_Kaminari : bread 🍞
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Thank you for reading! If you have any questions about the series my inbox is open to have a chat ;)
-> part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six
-> masterlist
Fairy tags : @jazzylove @dillybuggg @tsumusthighs @chibiiichann @suchichan @viiiolettt @roxxane123 @pluviophilefangirl @silentw-lkr @baku6o @lukepattersin @superblyspeedydragon @ahbeautifulexistence @enhakg @maroonmagic @alanisinstone @devilsbooksworld @aomi04
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You’ll do wonderful with anything you write! But to help jump start your writing (as I know very well), Angst 14 & Fluff 11!!! ❤️❤️ - @snippy-tano
Thank you so much @snippy-tano for the inspiration! Although... I got a little carried away so here you go! A whole fic for you! 
Stitched Together 
Kix x Reader
Warnings: Blood. Mentions of injury and the treatment of that injury. Mentions of death.
You can find the prompt list here.
“Can you shut up for once in your life?” and “I think I’m in love with you.”
 You were running. The sun beating down on you as you ran through the camp toward the med tent.
 The transmission had come in while you were on your break. You had just been about to settle down for your first sleep in days after it looked like the campaign had started to calm down when your communicator beeped. It was from Jesse.
 Kix was injured. We are bringing him back to camp now.
At that, you instantly jumped up and put your boots back on as fast as you could. Now, with the med tent in sight, you saw Jesse and Hardcase carrying Kix between them on a small stretcher.
 The armor on his left side was shattered from his leg all the way up to his shoulder. He was covered in the tan dust that was constantly surrounding you on the planet and you could see blood seeping from one of the cracks in the armor around his middle.
 You ran up to the entrance of the tent, holding open the flap for the two carrying Kix inside.
 “What happened?”
 Jesse grunted as he and Hardcase lifted Kix onto one of the raised beds. “Seppies got word of our location. Kix here was working on a shinie when a charge landed near them. He threw himself onto of the kid to protect him instead of—”
 “What did you expect me to do,” Kix said with a wince as his right arm went to grip at his side. “I wasn’t just gonna leave the kid there!”
 You started to carefully examine Kix’s midsection, making sure that you were clear to take off his armor without doing any more damage.
 “And that is very admirable,” you said, quickly continuing your search, “but you’re the best medic that we have and one of the only senior field medics. We can’t afford to lose you.”
 “I can’t afford to lose you,” you thought, something tightening in your chest just thinking about not having Kix by your side anymore.
 “Oh, quit it with that,” Kix breathed out, his jaw clenching at the effort. “You’re just as good of a medic as me. Besides, it’s only superficial. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”
 You rolled your eyes and smiled. Kix never was one to see the downside in anything.
 You heard Jesse start to laugh as he quipped something back at Kix, when your eyes landed on the piece of armor that was sticking into Kix’s side, blood still gushing from the wound.
 “Oh, kriff…” You meant to only say it to yourself, but your voice was just loud enough that the others could hear it.
 The tent went silent, all eyes turning to you.
 “What,” Hardcase asked. “What is it?”
 You leapt up, pointing at one of the junior medics that was awaiting your instruction. “Get me the surgery pack and the armor removal kit.”
 You rushed over to one of the storage bins and opened the drawer, grabbing a numbing agent, a sedative, and a blood cleanser.
 “Why,” Kix asked, his voice laced with pain and confusion.
 You walked back over to the bed, prepping the sedative as you looked at his face that was covered with pain. “A piece of your armor is stuck inside you and is still attached to the rest of your chest plate. Every time you breathe, it opens the wound more and you lose more blood.”
 Kix’s eyebrows shoot up in a mock laugh. “Oh, is that all,” he said sarcastically.
 “Shut up Kix! This isn’t a joke.” You stuck the sedative into his neck as the junior medic walked back into the room and handed you the armor removal kit. You then suck the numbing agent into his neck, telling the junior medic to prepare another one for his side once you get his armor off.
 He smirked, his head tilting toward you. “Oh, I don’t know. It’s kind of funny to be the patient and know everything that is going to happen.” He blinked his eyes a couple of times, the sedative starting to take effect. “First you are going to have to cut off the armor around the affected area. You’re supposed to give five inches of clearance on either side, but I usually make it bigger to give me more room.” His words start to slur as the numbing agent makes its way through his bloodstream and the crease in his brow starts to loosen. “Then you are going to scan to make sure the piece hasn’t pierced any organs, but that takes time and blood flows quickly.”
 You give him a hard look before you start cutting the armor around his midsection, being careful to avoid his small movements beneath the armor as he breathes. You can see the shard in his side open the wound a bit more, causing more blood to spill out.
 “Then,” he continues, his words all melding together, “you’re gonna have to get the piece out and stich up the wound and stop the bleeding.”
 You finish cutting the armor and carefully pull the piece from its place. “I know what I’m doing Kix. Trust me.”
 He keeps going, not paying attention to what you just said. “Course, I’ll probably be dead from blood loss at that point anyways.”
 You grab the second numbing agent from the medic, sticking it into the flesh a little ways away from the wound. “Don’t say that. You’ll be fine.”
 “S-just the truth,” he mumbles. “Most men with somthin’ like this don’t make it past the scanning.” You see his head loll toward Jesse out of the corner of your eye. “S-because the armor shard usually does too much damage on the inside.
 You grab the scanner, running it over the area slowly trying to keep your hands steady. “Damnit Kix! Can you just shut up for once in your life and listen to me! You’re going to be fine!”
 You see Kix look at you out of the corner of your eye, wishing that you could see his face.
 “You have to be,” you whisper.
 Taking a deep breath, you keep running the scanner over the area, worry creeping up your spine as you slowly see the results filling the screen. “Jesse,” you snap out harder than you intended.
 “Yeah,” he asks quietly, not knowing how to respond to everything he has just heard.
 “Get him talking about something else. Nothing that will make him too excited. I don’t need him moving. The sedative is going to take just a couple of more minutes to work.”
 Jesse steps forward, crouching down so that he is almost eye level with Kix. “What should I talk about?”
 “Anything, just get him off of this conversation.”
 “Alright,” he says, apprehension in his voice. “Hey Kix, remember that seedy diner we found last time we were on leave? The one a couple of levels below 79’s? The one that had those burgers you loved?”
 The scanner beeps in your hand. You look at the screen, holding your breath as you read the results.
 No internal injuries found. Organs intact and functioning at 100% efficiency.
 You breathe out a sigh of relief, hearing Kix reply.
 “Yeah!” He is talking slow, struggling to form coherent words as they all slur together. “I loved that place. And I loved those burgers.”
 You pick up the surgery tools from the kit, starting to take the piece of armor from his side. You motion to the junior medic whispering for him to be ready to hand you the stitching equipment.
 Right after you finally pull the huge, four-inch-long piece out of Kix’s side, you see him moving, his arm coming up to point at Jesse with a big dopey grin on his face. “And I love you guys so much. You guys are the best brothers a guy could have.”
 You look over at Jesse as you press gauze to Kix’s side, sopping up some of the blood before you start the stiches. “Keep him still Jesse.”
 Kix’s head moves to look at you at the sound of your voice, the grin still on his face as Jesse lightly holds his arm down at his side. “And you,” he slurred out. “I think I’m in love with you.”
 Your jaw drops open, your task at hand leaving your mind for a fraction of a second before you turn back to your work feeling a deep heat rising on your face.
 You see Kix turn back to Jesse out of the corner of your eye. “Y/N is really the best. I love them so much. They’re just so nice and -kriff- so gorgeous. I just wanna sweep’em of their feet and kiss’em like it’s the last thing I do.”
 His voice starts tapering off, the sedative finally overpowering his will to stay awake.
 “Jesse?” His voice is groggy and barely above a whisper.
 “Yeah, Kix?”
 “This’s gotta be our secret m’kay? You promise not to tell Y/N?”
 You look over at Jesse, his head looking between you and his brother before he settles on Kix, a soft smile gracing his face. “Yeah vod. I promise.”
 Kix hums. “Thanks, vod. You really are the best.”
 You take a deep breath, looking at the blood-soaked gauze in your hand as everything that just happened rushed through your head.
 You couldn’t think about that right now. You had a job to do and you were going to make sure that you could see Kix after this, regardless of what had just happened.
 You shook your head and took another breath before holding your hand out to the medic and taking the needle before pulling the gauze away from the wound and beginning your work.
It had been a couple of hours since you had finally finished with Kix. You were able to close his wound without any issue and his vitals had been stable ever since. And, according to your scans, the blood cleanser was working perfectly.
 You still hadn’t had a break since then, having to tend to the rest of the men who were injured when the rest of the group got back. There had been quite a few major traumas as well as the usual minor injuries.
 But now, after the last of the men had been taken care of, the tent was silent. It was strange to have so much peace in the atmosphere after such a long period of pure chaos but you were just glad that you could finally check on Kix again.
 All of the scans were the same as they were before. He was stable, and when you checked the stitches on his side, they were holding up beautifully.
 You gave a sigh of relief before turning to one of the screens across from Kix’s bed, your back turned to him. Once you had everything logged in your datapad, you turned to leave so that you could go sit by the entrance in case any late-night injuries came in.
 “You know,” you heard from behind you, “if you keep working without sleep, you’re going to kill yourself.”
 You whipped around, seeing Kix smirking at you from where he lay on the bed.
 “Kix!” You rushed over to him, quickly glancing at his vitals monitor again before looking at his face. “How are you feeling?”
 He groaned, bringing his right hand up to rub his face. “Like I was blown up and then drugged. Which I think have worn off.” He looked up at you with a mischievous smile. “How much would I have to bribe you for another stim?”
 You chuckled and sat down, reaching behind you to grab one that you had already set out for when he was due for another shot. “Don’t you know it’s against the rules to bribe medical staff for drugs,” you teased as you gently angled his head so that you could inject the medicine into his neck.
 He grunted slightly at the feeling, but quickly relaxed once you pulled away. “You won’t go ratting me out, will you?”
 You laughed. “I promise.”
 At your words, Kix’s eyes widened, his body tensing before he winced and forced himself to relax again. His eyes now found place on his hands in front of him, which were now fiddling with the edge of the blanket he was under. He cleared his throat. “So, um… Did I say anything? While I was going under? Or-or was that just all in my head?”
 Your eyes widened in realization and you felt your face begin to heat up as you remembered his admission. “You, you um… May have said some things while you were going under.”
 He looks up at you briefly, an embarrassed look on his face. “Did I say what I think I said?”
 “Uh… yeah,” you said sheepishly. “But I know that the meds can make people say things that they don’t mean, like when we had to put Echo under on the last campaign?” You chuckled at the memory, clearing your throat as you realized Kix was still listening. You got up and began slowly backing away from his bed. “But anyways… I-I’ll just go, and we can forget that it ever happened. I know that you didn’t mean it and I don’t want things to get awkward. “
 You turned around but immediately felt a hand around your wrist. “Y/N, wait!” You heard Kix groan in pain and turned around to see him hunched forward so that he could stop you.
 “Woah, woah, woah! Take it easy! You’re gonna tear your stitches if you do that!” You lightly pushed on his chest to get him to lie back onto the bed.
 “Y/N, I-“
 “Now hold on,” you said, your mind switching into doctor mode. “I need to make sure you didn’t tear your stitches.”
 You lift up his shirt, and carefully inspect his side, checking for any sign of damage. Your hands grace over the skin just around his wound as you work in silence.
 After what feels like an eternity, you pull away and turn around to grab a bacta patch. “The stitches look fine, but the area around them is looking a little more inflamed than it should. I’m going to put a bacta patch on it just to be safe.”
 You pull apart the package, and once again silently begin working. You concentrate on the wound, being as gentle as possible as you place the bacta on Kix’s warm skin.
 “It wasn’t just the drugs you know.”
 His voice pulls you from your thoughts as you finish securing the patch in place with medical tape.
 You look at him, eyes wide as he stares right back at you. “What?”
 “What I said. It wasn’t just the drugs.” He reaches to his side and pulls your hand from there up to his chest, tenderly rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell you for the longest time, but I just never knew how. I guess taking away my filter and thinking that I wasn’t going to see you again just… made my brain have to say it.”
 You don’t know what to say. Your skin was buzzing under his touch and you could feel your face getting hotter and hotter as your heart pounded in your chest.
 He continued. “I know you probably don’t feel the same way, but I just had to tell you. I needed you to know, even if just for a moment, that I love you.”
 “I do,” you blurt out.
 “I… I do feel the same way.” You start to smile as you see Kix’s eyes light up. “I never thought you would reciprocate, so I never said anything. But I do. I love you.”
 Kix smiled, bringing his hand that was not holding yours up to cup your face. His thumb ran over your cheek as he gazed at you with pure admiration. “Can I kiss you?”
 You sucked in a breath and smiled as you bit your bottom lip slightly between your teeth. You nodded and closed your eyes as Kix guided you forward.
 You felt your lips softly collide with his as your noses lightly bumped each other.
 As his lips moved against yours, it was tender and gentle and over far too soon.
 You both pulled back just enough so that you could look into each other’s eyes before bringing your foreheads together.
 “I love you, Y/N.”
 You smiled. “I love you too, Kix.”
 You then leaned forward and pressed another light kiss to his lips, feeling him smiling.
 “Well, I guess I don’t have to pretend to keep that secret anymore.”
 You whipped around, finding Jesse smugly standing in the doorway.
 “Shut up Jesse,” you said as you started getting up.
 You turned back to Kix, giving him a light peck on the lips and squeezing his hand. “I have to get back to work, but I promise that I will keep coming in to check on you.”
 He smiled at you squeezing your hand. “Don’t work too hard cyar'ika.”
 You smirked, picking up your datapad. “When have I ever taken it easy?”
 Kix chuckled and rolled his eyes. “I know. But just know that I am going to force you to take a three-day nap once I’m healed and can work again.”
 You laughed, feeling your eyes droop at the mention of sleep. “You have no idea how much I am looking forward to that.”
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awesamblr · 4 years
You asked for asks so I'm gonna thoughts dump bc apparently people like my writin or somthin weird like that idk-
Okay so like ghostbur ideas have been floating in my head for absolute days
And like??? I have so many many thoughts.
Okay so you know how Wil has seemed to lost his memory of Schlatt and everything he did as president?
Okay think about this idea:
Wilbur dies and everyone mourns.
For weeks, all Techno can do is travel and explore and busy himself with other tasks that he doesn't need to do but tells himself he needs to because if he stops moving, if he stops even for a moment, he'll have to think about his dead brother that he is partly to blame for.
For weeks, its all Tommy can do to keep a level head as he seeminly drifts from place to place. He doesn't remember half the time why he went to the places he does, but he most often finds himself in an abandoned pogtopia and in the quiet seclusion he cries for the brother he could not save.
For weeks, Tubbo puts on a brave face- he's President after all- and tells everyone he's doing alright. But every single day he visits Wilbur's grave and talks to him, telling him about New L'manburg as tears fall from his face with no end, and by the time he runs out of things to say he sobs his heart out on the cold stone.
For weeks, Phil has gone silent. He has nearly completely disappeared after having just arrived, but every once in a while Quackity or Fundy will catch sight of him in a field or in L'manburg, always staring up at the sky, always crying, and if they got close enough, always muttering near silent "I'm sorry's" to the wind.
But then one day as Niki is cleaning the rubble of a blown apart house in L'manburg, she hears a small "h-hello...?" Ghost-like and whispy, she recognizes the voice. Turning she finds its Wilbur.
Immediately she runs to get Phil and his sons.
As they come back they see him- it's Wilbur!! He looks different- skin and hair completely washed of all color- but it's him! It's their brother, Phil's son.
Tommy starts to laugh and cry and instantly tries to tackle him. He succeeds for a moment, but then phazes through him.
Techno also tried to immediately grab him into a hug, telling Wilbur "I'm sorry" over and over, trying to apologize for his unforgivable actions.
Tubbo is crying uncontrollably and trying to smile, but he's filled with so much unfiltered joy and relief that he can't. He just can't. He can hardly speak he's so happy.
Phil just stares as silent tears fall down his face. He can hardly believe it. Wilbur is there...in front of him...and as soon as his sons have their chance to talk and cry and yell joyfully at the ghost boy, Phil collapses in front of Wilbur on his knees and speaks "never again...I'm so sorry, Wil...I'm sorry I never- It never should have ended this way. I can't take it, Wil. I can't...You were the one if the brightest lights in my life, Wil...I'm so sorry..."
Wilbur hadn't been able to get a word out in all the commotion, but now that it was quiet, he finally spoke.
"You guys...you're all so kind...but I'm sorry-"
Phil looks up with teary and confused eyes. And his sons echo him as they listen to their dead brother.
"-but who are you?"
And it hits them all at once, crushing and unfeeling like the brutal cold of a frozen lake.
Wilbur doesn't remember them.
(If you want me to continue the story i will, otherwise I'll just leave it as is!)
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch. 5
a/n : happy easter or national grilled cheese sandwich day if you don’t celebrate easter :) 
p.s- sometimes if i describe an outfit harry or the reader is wearing, i’ll embed a link into the words so you can see a picture of it if you want to. also to note that if the photo had a model wearing the outfit, i’m only showing it for the clothes not the size or skin tone!
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Mitch went first, then Sarah, Adam, Harry and finally you.
The glasses helped considerably from the flashes of phones and the pink sweatshirt seem to draw all the attention to Harry and not you. 
But then, a girl in the crowd trying to get to Harry pushed you from behind and you stumbled slightly causing a few pairs of eyes to look at you. 
Soon enough, more people started directing their attention to you instead of the superstar. It was when you got cut off from the line of band members did you worry. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can’t get through!
People started calling out your name and you couldn’t see the back of Harry’s body anymore. It was like a wave went through the crowd, the bodies surged toward the hotel of a sudden, knocking you to the ground.
You caught yourself by the hand that wasn’t holding onto your backpack for dear life.
Call for him, right… now!
“Harry!” You shouted, hoping he heard you. Suddenly, a pair of tattooed hands grabbed hold of you by the shoulder and nudged through the crowd, left arm securely wrapped around you and the other using his elbow to create space between the bodies.
 “Hold on Y/N.” Was all you heard him said in a low voice.
After what felt like an eternity, you made it to the front door which opened the slightest bit to let you two sneeze inside before it slammed shut again. 
Harry held onto you until both of you were out of the crowd's eyesight, then looked at you with a worried expression, both hands holding you by the shoulders as he examined you. 
“Are yeh okay Y/N? ‘m so so sorry I lost you in the crowd, they were bloody brutal.” You took a shaky breath and looked up into the concerned green eyes.
 “T-thank you for coming back for me.” He scoffed, “ ‘f course I would.” 
In a flash, you pressed your body against his, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face into his chest. “That was so overwhelming,” You mumbled in between his pecks. 
You could feel the vibrations of his laughter and he gave you a squeeze. “Wouldn’t be fair of me to leave m’ best friend to be eaten by paparazzi piranhas now would ’t?”
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Everyone got their hotel keys, and to your astonishment, you had your own room too. What’d you think we were gonna do, make you sleep in the hallway? Jeff had said as he handed you the room key. 
After getting your luggage the crew had snuck in through a back door from the tour bus, you were all on the 7th floor. Everyone started scanning the door numbers looking for their assigned rooms. 
“What number you got?” Harry asked as pulled his suitcase adjunct to yours. “F16” you replied. “Sweet I got F17, we’re right across from each other!” You gave him a small wave as you both entered your rooms.
Once you closed the door, you put your suitcase on the rack and dug through it for something else to wear. You abandoned pieces of your current outfit on the ground. Instead of taking the clothes, you’d change into in the bathroom after you shower.
When you finished your lovely, warm, shower and skincare, you changed into black jeans and a white t-shirt. You opened the lavender curtain to see the beautiful view before you.
The river! Oh how gorgeous.
As you studied the view, a knock on your door interrupted you swooning of different angles you could capture the light reflections off the water. “Coming!” You called as you opened the door.
There stood the rockstar who made girls and boys melt at his feet.
He was stuck in the sweatshirt.
“What in the world happened?!” You laughed and you lead him into the room. His arms were bound by the sleeves over his head somehow, his undershirt riding up a bit from his struggles, showing the tips of the two ferns.
“Can I take a pictu—”
 “Don’t you dare!” 
“Okay fine, fine!” 
You circled him, looking for the easier way to unravel him. 
“How’d you even get to my room?” “Lots of prayers an’ bumpin’ t’ things,” He mumbled. “Come ‘ere,” you guided him closer to the bed so you could stand atop it. 
So damn tall.
“‘kay, here we go, one, two, three!” You pulled the sleeves up and to the right and out stumbled a dazed Mr. Styles. 
You very trying very hard to keep your laughter contained as he shook his hair and ran his ring clade fingers through it. 
“How did you even…” “It’s small for me okay?!” That’s when you burst out in laughter, you fell back on the bed, not trying to contain the giggles anymore.
 And soon enough, Harry was cracking up beside you. You caught your breath and turned over to mirror his position on the bed, one arm tucked underneath his head. “What’s the story for us?”
“Like, how are we best friends? What’s our origin story?”
 “Oh…” He thought for a moment before looking back into your eyes. “Where ya from?”  You moved to lean up against the head, propping up a knee and hugging it. 
“Moved from my hometown at 12 to New York, cause of my Dad’s job. He’s a graphic artist, does a lot of political mail and campaign design. Well, he had a small independent business but a colleague of his died that I think he knew really well from his 20s left him his whole business so Dad took over as the CEO and we moved to Larchmont so he could travel to Manhattan if he had a big meeting for the political season.” 
He didn’t say anything so you continued. “It’s pretty nice and I made some good friends from the book club I joined.” 
“How’d you meet Maggie?” 
“She was actually one of the first models I shot for a fashion line. It was her first time too so we basically bonded over feeling scared.” You cracked a smile at the thought of 16 year old you and Mags, working together for the first time.
 “I did online classes for high school through the community college nearby and was technically a junior when I transfer to NYU, these two classes are my last and then I’m done.”
 “That’s fantastic.” “Yeah, I happy about it.” You glanced down at the boy in front of you, he seemed to be deep in thought but then sat up and faced you. 
“What if you take pictures of me? For your assignment?” 
You shook your head, “Harry I couldn’t ask you to—“ “nonsense! We’re already becoming friends right?”
“And since Mags is gone, you’ll need a muse for some of your other pieces and look right here! Probably the best muse you could find!” 
“You really are a narcissist aren’t you?”
You both chuckled and smiled at each other. “If you’re sure, Harry…” 
The popstar nodded with a Cheshire cat grin on his face. 
“Oh also, I’m thinking that I met you in December 2014 cause you were out taking pictures and we chatted about our love for photography? Or somthin’ like that?” 
You perked up at the idea, “Yeah! And we exchanged numbers to send each other photos we thought the other would appreciate but didn’t get closer until recently when you asked from my thoughts on the album and its cover photo.”
 “Perfect, we got it down then.” A buzz came from Harry’s pocket and he immediately froze, “Shit, I need to be doing a face time interview in like 5 minutes.” 
He bounded up from the bed and raced to the door. “Keep the sweater, I bet it smells like me so it’s don’t pass out from the sexiness emitting from it if you put it on.”
 He gave you a conical smile that was on the verge of sexy— not that you were thinking of it that way.
Once the door closed you melted back down into the bed.
“Fuck me.”
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The show was about to start so you decided to hang out in the back of the pit for this performance. Before you left Harry handled you a crew pass that you put in the pocket of your jeans.
“If the fans get to be too much fo’ you, just show the security guard this badge an' hop the fence. You can walk up the makeshift aisle that goes down the middle o’ the pit an’ get backstage easily.” 
You nodded before making your way out into the crowd, squishing through excited fans to get to the more spacious back area of the floor.  
As you chilled, lean against the railing, waiting for the show to start, a girl in the corner of your eye caught your vision. She looked no older than 14 and kept looking in your direction, walking close by every few minutes before coming back.
When she turned to look at you again, you made eye contact with her and waved her over.
 “Hey,” you said in a calm voice, not wanting to scare her off.
 She seemed a bit nervous to approach you which confused you. “Do you— are you, um, ah—“ 
“Take a deep breath, I’m just a normal person you can talk to okay?” The girl gave you a small thumbs up and took a breath, then in one quick sentence, she said, “Are you Harry Styles’ best friend? Can I take a picture with you if that’s alright?”
“Why would you want a photo with me?” You asked, awed that she would even know her. 
She’s a dedicated fan of his, she recognized you from the photos online probably. 
The girl stuttered in front of you and then gave a laugh as if the answer was obvious.
“I’ve been a fan of Harry’s for a while now but I’ve never seen any pictures of you together—“ You tensed up a little, “That's only cause we—“ She cut you off, “No no, don’t worry! All I was gonna say if that since I’ve never seen pictures of you and him together, he must want to protect you from the media and all that icky stuff. So that must mean you’re a good person, and if he trusted you enough to share his songs with you, then I think so too. So, of course, I would want a picture with a good person, there aren’t that many left in the world ya know.”
Her answer was shunning, but it also made you feel incredibly guilty, this girl was basing you off of a complete lie you and the band had told to cover for the press. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and took the picture with her anyways, she gave a sweet thank you! Before disappearing into the crowd as the rubric cube light lit up the crowd.
After the show, you were back in the dressing room with the band but a bit quieter than usual. The girl’s words were still caught up in your mind and you didn’t realize Harry coming up to you till he tapped your shoulder.
You snapped out of it, “Huh? Oh, sorry, what’s up?”
“You just seem out o’ it, yeh good?” 
“Harry…” you swallowed and lean in to talk quietly, “ do you ever feel… bad that we’re lying to your fans?”
“What? Wha’ d’you mean?” He said, looking shocked at your question. 
“Like, your fans think we’re best friends but we basically just met! I don’t even know your favorite color.” 
You ran a hand through your hair, “There was this girl in the audience that said if I was your best friend that meant I was a good person, but how am I a good person if I’m lying?”
You both didn’t say anything for a moment, just listened to the chatter from others in the room and contemplated your thoughts.
“M’ favourite colour ’s blue.”
You glanced up and saw a small smile stretch across his face. 
“Mine is yellow.” You replied, starting to smile as well. He put his hand on your shoulder, “I consider you m’friend, so you’re not lyin’ love.” 
With that, the singer walked back to the group to give conjugations on another performance and you stood in the corner, watching his every move with a new found calm washing over your shoulders.
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As you closed the door to your hotel room, you let out a big sigh and kicked your shoes off. Slipping your jeans off, you put on a pair of black leggings and your favorite sweatshirt. You had just finished your skincare for the night and were snuggled into bed when a knock caught your attention.
Maybe it’s the guest next-door…
But then it came again, this time a little louder and you definitely tell it was from your door. 
A muffed voice came from it and you quickly padded over to look through the peephole.
It’s Harry!
You quickly opened the door, popping your head out to see if anyone else had heard him. 
“What are you doing? It’s 1am!”
 You said in a hushed voice, ushering him into your room. 
He was wearing black skinny jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger Down Jacket with a beanie on his head. He wore a sneaky grin on his face that made you worried.
“Wan’ ta sneak out?”
telephone hour #5
ch. 6
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wed-rings · 4 years
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Ask - Hawks’s Birthday! 28/12/2020
@txnatiuh​ said: "Hey Papa. I got ya somthin' for your birthday!! Lookie here!!" He shows him a poorly wrapped gift that resembles the shape of a mug. Well, that's because that's what it is. It's a red mug he painted blotchy chickens on.
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“Oh? You got me something, Phe? Alright, lemme take a look.” Keigo took the gift and spent no time at all unwrapping it, using his nails to make quick work of the paper. He took a moment to stare at the mug before tearing up and hugging his son tightly.
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“I love it! Did you paint this yourself? Its adorable! I’d buy this in a store!”
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Remember your past life - Prince! Harry Hook x Chosen Knight! Reader - part 8
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Ben called for a gathering in the front yard of the dorm castle. Uma, Harry, Gil, and (y/n) arrived to see Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Dude had already arrived.
“so wha’s all this” you turned to see Harriet and CJ walking up, CJ looking curious while Harriet looked bored.
“well,” Ben clapped his hands together, smiling at all of you. “every year the seniors take a trip to a selected kingdom for two weeks to explore it, and this year-”
“hold up” Uma interrupted “CJ ain't a senior” Ben shrugged “she would have stowed away in the car anyway, might as well avoid that” CJ grinned at that, puffing her chest.
continuing Ben said; “so we leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn” Mal's jaw dropped, she hated waking up early.
“Why so early” she whined, pouting at ben, ‘honestly, same’ you thought, dreading getting up that early. even though you did so regularly now.
“where are we even going?” Uma yelled out, Ben smiled.
you felt Harry stiffen next to you, Uma asking if he was okay. you...you had heard that name before.
and protect our land of Saorsa, from the dark one
a faint voice echoed in the back of your head, a man, the one you had been hearing for weeks now. ...king...king....the voice faded away, leaving you with another bout of deja vu. sighing you shrugged it off, focusing back on Ben, who was detailing the trip. but it was hard to pay attention, the only thing going through your mind was how familiar that kingdoms name was.
That name haunted you, making your insomnia rear its ugly head. Looking back at your clock, which read 3:04 am. Sighing you got up, careful not to wake up Jane.
Maybe a walk will help clear your head.
Walking around the gardens you spotted a figure sitting on a bench staring down at the pond. Walking closer, their head snapped up, whipping around to you. it was Harry, his ocean blue eyes staring right into yours.
"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, voice raspy with tiredness.
You nodded and carefully took a seat next to him. “meh too” he looked back at the pond, staring at his reflection in the water. “odd question but….did the name of that kingdom...Saorsa...seem” he hesitated, slightly curling in on himself, you leaned forward, staring at the side of his face. “familiar ta yeh?”
You nodded, looking up at the clear sky.
"So it ain't jus’ me?” Harry muttered, smiling slightly at the water.
You lifted an eyebrow at him. 'What about the name felt familiar to him?' you lifted your hands up, Harry glancing over as you did so.
why was it familiar to you? you signed, Harry shrugged.
“Ah dinnae ken,” Harry said, slipping into a thick Scottish tongue “it jus’ seemed so...I don’ know” Harry let his head fall between his shoulders.
“I really don’ know”
You understood what he was trying to say, oddly enough, that itch of familiarity at the back of your head, he must have had it too.
You felt compelled to tell Harry what had been happening to you. so you did.
"dreams-." You spoke softly, startling Harry. He looked up, surprise in his ocean orbs. he hadn't expected you to talk at that moment, but he urged you to go on.
you breathed deeply, hoping your voice would last long enough to get everything out. “i-i keep having...dreams...that seem like..m-mem-memories” you stuttered, willing yourself to continue, your throat was already becoming sore. “as if, I had lived them, and am only just now remembering them,” you muttered, looking at Harry, who was staring at you with wide eyes. “is...have you felt anything similar?” your voice died, out, but Harry heard every single word. he stared at you, silent.
you felt heat rush up your face, brushing a hair behind your ear. nevermind you signed, moving to stand and go back inside and sleep your embarrassment away its stupid
 “no!” Harry yelped, latching onto your arm as you went to walk away. you whipped back around, Ocean blue once more meeting with (e/c), Harry blushed, releasing your arm “i-i know wha’ yeh mean, I’ve been...experiencing that too” he bit his lip, glancing up at you through his lashes. “it-it happened when yeh were fighting with Lonnie, you-you were in this...armor, and you were really, really good at fighting, ending the battle within a minute”
you nodded slowly, letting Harry babble away about this...memory like dream “then...then my dad?” Harry made it sound like a question as if he wasn’t sure “came up and, and said” Harry paused, his eyes shining “that I could stand to be a little more like you, that you had accomplished so much more than me, that you were impressive, that I needed to be better” he spat out bitterly.
you sat down beside him once more, scooting closer and letting your side press into his. you slowly reached out, gripping his grey hoodie. Harry took a shaky breath, smiling slightly at you “thank yeh (y/n)”
You smiled, You're welcome you signed, letting Harry’s hand slide up and slowly intertwine with yours.
The two of you just sat in silence, looking at your reflections in the pond "Wha bout ya?" Harry asked softly after a long silence, turning to look at you, tilting his head. you took a deep breath, you had a couple of memories like dreams but...you felt most comfortable sharing this. releasing Harry's hand, you started to tell harry about what had happened a couple weeks ago.
okay so remember when you were going on about that frog? Harry nodded “aye, the hot-footed one?” you nodded, well, as you were talking all of a sudden I thought please don’t make me eat another frog Harry blinked, “wha’?”
I know you hurriedly signed, let me get to the good part, anyway, so you were looking at flowers and taking pictures of them, I think you were doing research or something, and then you found the frog...and tried to make me eat it Harry burst out laughing, leaning forward.
“oh my god really?! what the fuck!?” you tapped Harry’s shoulders, a grin blooming on your face wait, it gets better Harry, still giggling, wiped his eyes and gestured for you to continue.
then you offered to buy me gourmet meat...and I agreed to eat the damn frog Harry burst out laughing once more, leaning back as he did so.You let out a yelp of surprise as Harry lost his balance and fell back into the grass. looking down, you saw Harry still giggling, his face red.
“oh-oh my god, that’s fucking funny” you slid off the bench, landing on your knees next to Harry “so” Harry snickered, finally catching his breath, looking up into your eyes. “it seems we’re havin’ dreams about each other huh? think it means somthin’?”
you shrugged, looking down at your hands in your lap. “Hey (y/n)?” Harry whispered, you looked at him, he was looking at the stars in the night sky “do yeh think...because that kingdom's name was familiar ta both of us...do yeh think that the answers to what’s been happening to us will be there?”
You stayed silent, unsure to the answer “I don’t know” you finally whispered, voice still horse from under use “I really don’t know harry”
he nodded, slowly sitting up, turning to look at you “it’s fine, well… I’m gonna go ta bed, night”
“night” you watched as Harry walked away, soon blending with the shadows around the dorm building. sitting in silence, looking at the stars, you thought to yourself, about Harry, about the dreams, about the kingdom. and about how each day...Harry was becoming something more than a friend. you sighed, brushing away those thoughts. you stood and made your way back to your room, after all, the class was leaving for the kingdom at dawn.
morning came way to fucking quickly, you were packing the little travel bag you had, moving quickly as the bus was leaving in 15 minutes.
Jane started to push you out of the room, you huffed, spinning around her and going at your own pace. stepping out into the hall, you bumped into a tall figure, Harry steadied you, giving you a sleepy smile.
“tired lass?” he asked, giving you his arm and leading you outside to the bus, you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder “usually I don't wake up till 5” you muttered, your throat already getting used to talking slightly, you glanced at your watch which said 4:30 am
Harry snorted “well that’s half an hour isn’t it?” you shrugged, yawning as Harry led you out to the front yard, where a large limo bus was waiting. Ben had yet to arrive, along with everybody else, so you and Harry stood there for a little while, inching closer to the other for warmth on the chilly fall morning. moments later, Mal arrived being dragged by Evie. Jay, Carlos and Dude following soon after. Ben emerged a minute later, Fairy godmother trotting after him, speaking Frantically.
Ben smiled at you and Harry, nodding and mouthing ‘the bus will be heated’ you sagged into Harry in relief. Harriet and CJ came rushing out of the school, the usual grumpy look on the eldest Hook’s face. and finally. Jane, Audrey, Chad, and King Phillip, arrived, allowing Ben to official start the trip.
“Alright,” Ben said loudly, clapping his hands together to gather everyone's attention “now were gonna be on the bus for about an hour, once we get to the airport, we will be boarding the private jet, which we will be flying for 5 hours. okay?” you nodded, feeling Harry shift his shoulders as he shrugged, longer flight meant more sleep.
“Alright, everyone on board!” ben turned, hopping up the limo bus’ steps, mal going in right after him. soon enough, you all were packed in the bus, you and harry huddled in the back, two seconds away from falling asleep.
Fairy godmother stepped into the bus, talking with ben for a moment before doing a roll call. you sluggishly rose your hand as she called for you, flopping it back down onto Harry's torso. he let out a slight cough, side-eyeing you, you shrugged, burying deeper into his side.
Once everyone was accounted for, FG nodded at ben and the driver, leaving the bus and waving you all goodbye. Jane darling watched from the window, smiling.
a land of memories, waiting to be explored
---end of part 8---
thx @marichat4lyf​ for beta reading
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
Dirty Boy 2
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I sat on my bed reading my little recipe book when I heard a knock at my door “who is it?” I ask “it’s uhh its me y/n” I heard whitey say So I got up and opened my door “what do you want pervert?” I ask “I said I was sorry y/n” he says but I ignored him “look y/n bill asked if you’d mind tidyin up the office for us? The desks are a mess the cells are filthy and the floor has half a pound of dirt on it” he explained “alright, I’ll be over in a minute” I tell him “thanks y/n” he smiles giving my cheek a kiss before he returns to the office so I grabbed some cleaning stuff and tied my little apron around me to be honest I wasn’t mad at whitey anymore I calmed down like two minutes after it happened but I left him for the whole day yesterday it is fun to tease him like this everyday he gets to get a little closer to his orgasm but not yet a while I hugged my skirt up a little more and left hopping across to the office and going inside it was just whitey sat in his little chair “Hello Y/n” he smiles “Hi” I smile starting to sort out Bills desk I knew whitey was watching me his eyes checking me out as I cleaned and sorted the desk out the best I could "Can Ya forgive me y/n? for what I did?" He asks "Maybe I shrug and he got up from his chair "Could I... Clean your dress? to make up for it?" he asks "I've already cleaned it whitey, it's on my line to dry" I tell him "it is? I haven't seen it" He says "I put a line on the inside for my undergarments and such like" I answer "Ohh, I understand. I still want to make it up to ya, Please somthin" he begged "you could... maybe me some cookies next week?" I ask "Well... I would Y/n but ya know what I'm like I'd burn my bloody house down" He laughs "True" I smile as I finished with bills desk and starting to sweet up the floor putting the cell keys in my pockets "Well anythin' I can do for you? anythin'" he says coming close to me "Anything?" I ask and he nods "Kiss me like you did yesterday- "I smirk leaning my back on bills desk "Ohh yes my darlin'" He smirks putting his hands either side of me and kissing me softly I melted into his lusty but sweet kisses till I pulled away "What is it?" He asks bitng his bottom lip as he stared at my lips "Kiss me like you did yesterday after I'm done cleaning up" I finish "Ohh but I... Alright" he sighs sitting back in his chair and getting his little book he read it a little but he mostly was just sat watching me as I sweeped and cleaned all the cells in the office changing the beding on the little cell beds and running a cloth over the bars I noticed as I rubbed this little cloth up and down each bar inside and out of the cell I felt whitey's eyes burning into me as he watched me cleaning I noticed his little book was on his desk and his hand in the pocket of his pants "whitey?" I ask "Yes Y/n?" he asks "Why when your watching me... do you always put your hand in your pocket?" I ask "Why do ya ask?" He asks "Curious" I smile "Curious? now who's the little pervert" He smirks "I just want to know?  you think putting your hand in those tight pants will make the pocket strech and not reveal to me how hard your bonner is" I smirk "I already know how big it is jojen, I have seen it before on sunday when you where watching me, I saw it before and I felt it yesterday" I smirk "I'm not doing it to hide it from you" he smiles "You know, there is no point hiding it from you" He says "then why do you put your hand in your pocket?" I ask moving out to sweep around his desk "Ya really wanna know?" He asks and I nod putting down my broom and starting to sort the paperwork on his desk and organizing everything for him "There's a hole in my pocket" he smirks leaning back on his chair "So?" I shrug moving to the other side of his desk the same side he was at I coule almost feel his breath against me fixing up his desk "Hummm come on y/n, your a clever little girl" he smirks standing and wrapping his arms around me tightly "think though the information I gave ya" he smirks kissing down my neck "Hummm..." I smirk thinking when he watches me he gets hard as a rock and puts his hand in his pocket the pocket with a hole ohhh... "You dirty boy!" I smirk tugging his hair hard "Owww... that hurts, not as bad as a slap but it hurts" He complains "You rather have a slap?" I ask "No, I would rather ya... do somethin' else to me?" He smirks "Seems like you do that to yourself a little to much" I smirk "Can ya blame me? when your so very mean to me baby" He smirks so I turned and pushed him on his chair "Umm what are ya gonna do to me? can I finialy finish that kiss?" He asks "No" I tell him as I sat on his lap "whoa! Hello darlin'" he smirks grabbing my hips "Ummmm ya feel so good sat over me baby, I get to feel your sexy arse against my cock... so come on baby what are ya goin' do to me?" he smirks "Clean up" I smile "I have to tidy" I giggle "do it later... come on that snog yesterday got me close, how about ya finish me today?" he begs kissing down my neck "No" I laugh as I kept tidiying up the desk sorting all his little draws and things on this side of the desk and I smiles slowly moving my arse "Uhhhhh... Yes! my darlin'" He groans "Umm your really goin' to do this to me? grind on me until I cum?" he smirks "why? problem?" I ask   "No, uhhhh ummmm... Please....Please more" he begs "You get what you are given whitey, else you get nothing" I laugh "I'll be good, Please just a little more" he begs "Well... alright, take them off" I tell him getting up to get a drink "What?" eh asks "Pants... off I'm sure you understand that whitey" I laugh "I do" He smirked blushing a little as he stood undoing his gun belts putting each on the table till it got to his pants and I pushed him back on his chair I turned away again looking to the window looking out at the ladies often wondering past the office "There, go on baby" he smirks I laughed picking up the back of my dress and sitting on his lap again I insatly felt his hard cock that was stood tall out of his pants settle between my arse cheeks the only thing stopping the skin on skin was my undergarments I could feel his hard cock so close to my pussy so much it made me a little wet just to feel it there so close to me my tiny cotton undergraments the only thing stopping him from pushing inside me and I know he wants too I can feel it and I can hear it "Uhhh! ohh god! Yes Please please ummmm... you feel so perfect, I want you to sit like this forever" he groans rolling his head against his chair his hands slipped up from my hips towards my breasts but I slapped hims ahnds away "Dirty boy" I smirk "Ohh I love being your dirty boy baby" he groans "If this is what I get for it" He smirks so I laughed getting the little book he keeps reading having a flick though of the pages slowly rocking my hips "Uhh! UHHH! UHHHHH!" he moans "Y/N! I- I" He stuttered "Shhh!" I tell him hitting his arm "Don't want the whole town knowing" I laugh "I'm sorry y/n, I just uhh! Please" he begs "What? what else do you bloody well want?" I ask "Please... Just- just let me inside" He begs kissing up my back and around my neck his hands gropeing any bit of skin  he could get one on my arse another on my waist "Please" He begs "No" I tell him rocking my hips a little more and a little faster "UHHHHHHH! OHH GOD! PLEASE PLEASE!" he screams "Why not? I'm basicly fuckin' ya!" he complains "Please... I wont be long just let me... slip in" he begged holding my hips and thrusting up I could feel his hard cock pushing on the cotton of my underdress if it wasnt there he would have been isnide me now "Not even all of me... just- just a little" he begs "just one inch please I'm begging you y/n" he begs "No whitey" I laugh "Please!" he screams "No" I laugh "Dirty dirty boy today" I laugh "could I atleast kiss ya?" he asks "No whitey, I'm comfy" I laugh getting faster and he was putty in my hands he was moaning and screaming rolling his head against his chair unable to control himself his hand on my waist groping my skin the other on my thigh trying to keep me still or make me go faster not sure which not sure he knew he was close I know it, I can feel the tenseness of his cock so ready for its orgaum it often twitches when I go backward on him humm clearly he likes that when the door suddenly opened! revealing Bill and maggie I quickly stood and whitey rushed doing up his pants "Bill, maggie I was uhh" Whitey began trying to think given he was completely out of his head "We know, we could hear ya" maggie laughs "Well, I have cleaned up enough" I laugh getting my basket "No No, y/n don't go" whitey says grabbing my hand "Too late" I laugh giving his cheek a kiss before I went off back home.
I smiled watching the rain out the window of the La Belle bar watching the rain hit the mud the old bar man dropped off the bottle along with a glass of very watered down whiskey so he didnt have to bother walking back and forward to me in my little booth and keep chatting with the men at the bar most women where in there homes huddled in away from the rain cuddled up in the fire but I like being in the bar days like this I spotted the little bar doors open and close again as someone came in I noticed it was whitey he saw me and smirked coming and sitting beside me in my little booth he order a drink from the bar keep as he sat down "Hello y/n" he smirks"Hello Whitey" I smirk back going to have a drink but he took it out my hand and put it on the table "Excuse you?" I ask"Your not drinking today" he says "Aww sweet of you but this is my third so... that ship has sailed"  I laugh trying to take it but he moved it away form me more "No more, you'll get drunk" He says as the bar keep dropped off his drink and the bottle of the whiskey he was having clearly not watered down at all clearly by the colour mine was almost clear with a organge tint whitey's was a dark bright gold"So" I shrug "Would think you'd rather I be drunk?" i smirk"why would I rather ya be drunk?" he asks"I might be more... accomidating when I'm drunk?" I suggest "How watered down is this?" he asks glacing to my bottle"Very" I smile and he chuckles picking up my glass and downing it"Shit I think that is just water?" He laughs putting the glass down and sliding his over to me a much more serious colour then mine was so I picked up the glass and downed it it burnt but I kept still and composed putting the glass on the table "Ya more accomidating yet?" He asks "Nope Whitey" I smirk and he took the top off his bottle refilling both the glasses with it and sliding them to me putting the bottle back ont he table "are you trying to get me Drunk Mr Winn?" I laugh "Maybe" he shrugs"why?" I ask him"You said ya get more accomidating? I wanna see how accoidating I can get ya baby" he smirks"ohh how accomidating would you like me?" I ask sipping one glass intentioanly running my lips on the rim of the glass "Want me to get so accomidating I will get on my knees an suck your cock right here whitey?" I smirk"how much whiskey will that take?" he asks"You'll find out" i smirk putting my hand on his leg and he insantly looked flusttered "Alternatively you could make me drink the whole bottle and take me back to your place and have your way with me?" I suggest snuggling into his neck "That's always an option" I smirk"Be a waste of whiskey I could take ya home and have my way with you sober" He smirks "You think so?" I ask getting up and grabbing his hand "A gentlemen pays a ladies Bill" I smirk "and where is the lady goin'?" he asks"You'll see" i smirk grabbing his face and kissing him hard taking his breath away as I kissed him I pulled back leaving him wanting more and I ran out the bar into the rain within maybe a couple seconds he came running after me I ran though the mud and dirt out towards his little house I ran hiding around the corner close to where he keeps his horse he came around to his house and looked confused where I had gone I jumped almost tipping him over and kissing him as hard as in the bar he insantly kissed me back grabbing my waist hard pulling me so not an inch was between us "You going to let me in? or are we going to fuck out here in the rain?" I ask him"to- you mean you'll let me?" he asks and I nod "Ohh come here you sexy thing" He smirks kissing me and unlocking his door happily pushing me inside I smirked pulling him inside with me shutting and locking the door behind us we kept gently kissing as I got my little jacket off and he got his shoes and gun belts off  throwing them on his little dinning table his hand caressed my face between kisses I started tugging his jumper out from his tight pants "Okay okay I'm gettin' there slow down darlin'" he smirks between kisses "Pacients" he smirks"Like you yesterday?" I ask"Ohh... shut up y/n" he smirks kissing me tugging off his jumper and undoing his shirt and throwing them off somewhere else in his house the back of my thighs hit the wood of his bedframe so I pushed him away forcing him down on his bed he sat up on pushed up by his elbows looking at me as I tied up my hair and tugged on the little ties for my dress he smirked licking his lip at me his chest moving quickly with each of his lustful breaths "Take it off" he smirks "Please" he begs sounding very breathy so I smirked undoing the little ties and letting my outerdress drop he eyes looked over every inch of me stood only in my little cotton undergraments I undid my corset letting it drop too his eyes lingured on the tiny strapps keeping the whole thing up, on the curves of my body from years in my corset giving me the perfect curvasious figure, on the bottom hem of my underdress just above my knee this is more of my skin then he has ever seen any man has ever seen for that matter, his eyes seemed to stay for a while on ym chest near to bursting out the top of my cotton dress fixed where he ripped it the other day my nipples hard to the cold so they stuck out the cotton a little bit "Y-Y-your perfect" He told me taking my hand and dragging me to lay with him in his little bed hardly and inch between us I could feel his bare chest against my hard nipples and exposed skin on my breasts "Y/n?" He asks"Yeah?" i ask"Would it be okay...if we didnt go all the way tonight?" he asks "I thought you wanted to have your way with me?" I smirk kissing his bare skin causing his eyes to flutter shut "I do... Just not tonight, I'd disapoint ya" he says"why would you?" i ask a little confused"You've been teasing me since sunday y/n, I wouldn't be able to keep my compostiour long enough to pleasure you too" he says"Well...okay" i smile kissing him "You can sleep here with me? if ya like?" he suggests"No, I need to get back to my kitty cat" i smile going to get up "Whitey?" I ask"Yes my sexy girl?" he asks sitting up and kissing down my neck "I wanna do something" I smirk pushing him down flat on his bed and sitting on his thighs he smirked clearly enjoying me being laid over him in his bed "what? what do ya wanna do?" he asks"ask a few questions?" i smirk"Ohh? go on then" He sighs "ask away" He smirks"On sunday...when I was out doing my laundry? where you spying on me?" I ask"darlin' i would never spy on you, check our arse out though... I always do that" he smirks "Humm dirty boy" I smirk hitting his chest "On monday... was that the first time you touched a girl? in a intmate place?" I ask and he nods biting his lip "Umm dirty boy" I smirk hitting his chest harder"Ummm... baby? what are you up to?" he asks"On tuesday? did you want to fuck me?" i ask him"I did" he smirks "I would have fucked you right there in your garden if you'd let me" he smirks "Dirty boy" I smirk hitting him hard"Uhh! oww" He complains "On thursday... would you have fucked me?" I ask moving forward and grinding on him letting my dress sit normaly so it hung around my legs making the only fabric between us whitey's tight pants I kinda liked it feeling his growing erection starting to make it's self known and running the lips of my pussy around the budgle"I would have, if I had the streght to rip that fuckin' underdress off ya I would have been inside ya the second you told me to take my pants off" he groans"but now your baby want's your cock you wont let her have it?" i complain "Tomorrow if your so desperate" he smirks and I groan in annoyance "See I can be evil too baby" he smirks sitting up wrapping his arms around me tightly but I pushed him away sitting forward a little more so I felt his hard cock close to my entrence grinding on him like I was riding him I can tell he's getting desperate already so I smirked letting the straps of my underdress slipp down my arms a little putting my hands on the bottom of his stomach as I moved the rubbing on him starting to feel good I know he is likely going to have a little wet patch on his pants where I was grinding so hard every so often my clit catching making me groan "Uhhh Uhhh" i groan it's not really good enough to make me moan or scream but I wanted to piss him off "Uhhhh! Whitey!" I moan loudly throwing my head back as I move rocking myself a little faster running my hands though my hair and tugging my dress down a little almost exposing everything to him "Uhhhh! Uhhh! Whitey! Whitey... Uhh your so big" I scream "i want you inside me whitey" i beg"This isnt fair y/n" He complains "Who said i had to play fair" i smirk winking at him contieing with my little show exagerating every tiny bit of pleasure i got from grinding on hid cock "Ohhh whitey... come on, don't you want to spear your baby girl with your huge cock, let her ride on you till sunrise tomorrow, grope your babygirls tits and arse while she fucks you hard" I smirk "Come on whitey Please" I giggle "Uhh ohh fine!" He screams undoing his pants I felt his hard cock dripping with pre cum rub against my clit "If it's what my baby wants?" he smirks I sat up a little he stood his cock talllining it up with my pussy and I giggled pulling him closer and giving his lips a tiny kiss "See... I can be evil too whitey" I smirk getting up and slipping my dress back on "WHAT! NO NO NO!" He screamed doing his pants up trying to get up with a rageing ready to fuck erection as I grabbed my stuff and ran off home I know he was yelling for me but I ignored him.
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thatwritingho · 5 years
Momento Mori
Chapter 1
Charles Foster Offdensen was a man who was devoted to his work. His main job was to keep the members of Dethklok safe and healthy, which is why he had called this meeting today.
Yes, his job was to keep them safe and healthy, whether they liked it or not.
And he was sure they were not going to like this.
Taking a deep breath, he cast a glance to each member, all in various states of distraction, with little regard for whatever it was he had to say, as per usual. He cleared his throat and prepared himself for the push back he was going to get. But it was for the best, for their safety and prolonged health, so he would grit his teeth and argue his point until they agreed.
"Alright, gentleman, given the, ah, recent events," his eyes flashed over to Nathan, who had only recently recovered from his liver transplant, "I think it would be prudent to, ah, be more aware and prepared as far as each of your health is concerned."
"So you, uh.. want us to to like, get more checkups and stuff?"
"Well, yes, Nathan, but ah, I was thinking something a bit more drastic than that is necessary."
He took another deep breath, bracing himself for their complaints.
"It would be in all of your best interests if we were to have a, ah, doctor with you. At all times."
Five pair of eyes shot to him in disbelief, mouths dropping and brows furrowing in confusion and growing anger.
"A doctor! For fucksh shakesch"
"Followin us all deh time? Like a damn babysitter or somthin?"
"We donts needs that!"
"Ja, we donts needs no babysitters like some small tiny babies what's cant takes care of himselves!"
Charles closed his eyes, taking another breath.
"Look, I know you guys don't think its necessary, but what if something were to happen to one of you, like what happened to Nathan, and you were somewhere where you couldn't see a doctor immediately? What if one of you were to suffer serious bodily damage and end up unable to play? It's best for us to play on the safe side of things."
They were all giving him skeptical looks, and seemed ready to burst into more protests.
"I'll let you pick who it is, and you won't even know they're there. You'll be free to continue doing whatever you want, I'll make sure they just stay on the sidelines and monitor, only interfering if its absolute necessary. Can you all at least agree to try it for a while?"
He was met with various grunts and groans, until Nathan spoke up.
"Fine, but it can't be some regular jack off like our other doctors. Someone really badass. Like uh, what are those people called? The ones who cut open dead people? And like pull out all their organs and stuff?"
Charles sighed.
"You mean a mortician? You want someone who works on corpses to be your primary care doctor?"
"Yeh, that'd be preetty sweet" Pickles chimed in. "Someone that's not gonna be a douche bag aboot, ya know, drinking and drugs and stuff too. They gotta be cool."
"Ya, can we gets a pretties ladys doctor whats cans take cares of us?" Toki stared off dreamily at the thought.
"Yeah! If we have to have schomeone around all the time, it can at leascht be a hot babe!" Murderface exclaimed, and the rest of the group piped in their approval. "And schesch gotta have a good schensche of humor too!"
"Ja, someone whats cans makes us laughs and whos cans pals around withs us," Skwisgaar agreed, fingers never ceasing gliding over his guitar.
"Alright, let me get this straight," Charles couldn't let the conversation diverge any further into the land of ridiculous requests, "you want me to find a, ah, attractive, funny, cool, female mortician? One who is qualified and capable of taking care of all five of you and your medical needs at all times? You do realize how unlikely it is that a person like that exists?"
"Well, you heard us. That's, uh.. that's what we want. If you can't find us someone who meets our, uh, requirements, you can forget about this whole stupid thing."
Nathan's words were said with a sense of finality, and Charles knew there was no way around it. If this is what it took, he would do his damndest to make it happen, to make Dethklok happy.
"Very well. I'll look into it."
He'd find a way. He always did.
"Well I'll be damned."
Charles took a sip of his bourbon, eyes scanning the monitor in front of him, nearly in disbelief at his discovery. There actually did exist a person who met Dethklok's ridiculous qualifications for a personal doctor, at least on paper. She looked promising, very promising, and he read over her file once more.
Born as a twin to a Mexican mother and Korean father, the first few years of her life seemed to be normal, until tragedy had struck in the form of a terrible house fire, leaving only her and her sister as survivors. They spent the next two years bouncing around to different foster homes, and had eventually been adopted by the illustrious billionaire Alastair Axworthy, the very Alastair Axworthy who's breakthroughs in the field of robotic prosthetics and androids had made possible Dick Knubbler's eye replacements and Dr. Twinkletits' new arms.
Charles had never met the man, but had heard he was eccentric to a fault, and it was rumored he adopted only the most intelligent children he could find, almost as more of a collection than out of a sense of philanthropy. From the looks of the rest of her file, she was no exception. Winner of the World Junior Chess Championship at only 11 years old, perfect scores across the board on all standardized tests, valedictorian of her graduating class of which she was the youngest at only 16, fluent in Spanish, Korean, Japanese, French, and German, holder of a Mensa card.
She had attended Columbia University's Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and speed tracked her courses there, graduating with full honors in half the time of a typical student. After that, there was little information on her until she began working in the morgue at a rather unremarkable hospital in New York City. It was intriguing, that drop in ambition, and Charles hoped to capitalize on that, knowing anyone would jump at the chance to work for Dethklok, but especially if there was as sizable a pay difference as there would be for her.
Scrolling further down, he glanced over her criminal record; underage drinking, a couple DUIs, a marijuana charge. Normally these would turn him off to a potential employee, but in this case, it was a bonus. Hopefully this meant she could better handle the parties and excessive drug use and drinking episodes the band would no doubt drag her along on.
And lastly, her picture. She was young still, at least by doctor standards, at only 27 years old, and fairly pretty. Tan skin, round face, dark eyes, pouty lips, multiple piercings in her visible ear, and hair styled into a long, curly, pastel pink mohawk.
"Olive Axworthy..." Charles took another sip of his bourbon, "I can't wait to meet you."
I actually started and finished a chapter! Unbelievable, I know. Next one will probably(hopefully) be up tomorrow. Also uploading on AO3 and ff.net
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our-smooty · 6 years
Take Me to Church Chapter 12: Massage
Fandom: Gorillaz
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: 2doc
Tags: Car Accidents Angst Hurt/Comfort Drugs/Alcohol Implied/Referenced Suicide SuicideHealing Everything Hurts
Summary: The band is back together, but things are… weird to say the least. But when a crisis arises, can they pull it all together and be a family again?
Link to other Chapters on my Blog!
When Russel woke up the next morning he was stiff but happy. They should really replace that sofa with something better if they were going to be having campouts in the living room. With a groan he sat up and brushed pizza crumbs from the blankets, looking over at the armchair where 2D and Murdoc had been the night before.
And… they were both still there, crammed into the chair and wrapped around each other like two octopi. It was almost sweet if you could look past the discarded pizza crusts and drool. Murdoc was wrapped up on 2D’s arms, his face pressed firmly between the sofa and 2D’s shoulder. The singer was nearly horizontal on the chair, his arms around Murdoc and his legs dangling over the arms of the chair. He was also the main source of the drool. Russel smiled.
Those two idiots had been dancing around each other for years. Russel had watched the way 2D had pinned over the bassist when the band first got together all the way through Demon Dayz, and he’d watched Murdoc check out the singer constantly. He’d thought that something might have happened between them during Plastic Beach, but from what he’d been told Murdoc had been even worse than usual out there. After that, the bassist and the singer seemed to drift apart, and Russel thought that was that. Until a few days ago.
They must have thought he wasn’t home. Either that or they didn’t care, but he would have had to be deaf not to hear them going at it like rabbits. Well, it was more the two of them arguing in the hall outside his room and then going at it like rabbits, but either way, they weren't subtle. He’d waited until they stopped and left then went on a walk to give them the illusion that he hadn’t been home, but he had been.
It made the interactions between them even weirder if anything. 2D kept swinging between comforting and angry, friendly and hostile. Murdoc seemed more clingy with the singer, shadowing him and being almost nice at times. Russel wanted to stay out of it for the most part and let them sort it out for themselves, but he’d started noticing things that forced him to step in. Like 2D getting upset and shouting, and Murdoc freezing up again and again. Not to mention Murdoc’s obviously declining mental health.
Deciding to give them some privacy he got up quietly, made himself a quick breakfast, and headed upstairs. At least with them both asleep down there he'd get some peace and quiet for once.
2D was woken up by the feeling of something moving around on top of him. It felt a little like Katsu at first and he was going to try to push the cat off when he cracked an eye open and saw that it was actually Murdoc. The other man was curled up tightly in 2D’s arms, snoring away, his whistling breath making the most adorable little catching sounds at the end of each exhale. 2D raised a hand to smooth the other man’s fringe and lightly caress his brow. He was frowning in his sleep.
It wasn’t long before 2D’s petting woke the bassist up. He scrunched his nose in distaste for a moment before burrowing further into Stu’s shoulder. 2D thought it might have been the cutest thing he’d ever seen.
“G’morning Muds,” he murmured and Murdoc shook his head against his collarbone.
“S’too early to be good,” he mumbled. 2D laughed lightly and continued his petting. Murdoc purred. “That feels nice.”
They stayed like that for a little while, 2D running his hands through and against  Murdoc’s hair and Murdoc nuzzling against the singer's neck. Eventually though, one of them shifted enough that Murdoc had to prop himself up or crush poor 2D and they came face to face. 2D wanted to ask how he was feeling, maybe apologize again for shouting yesterday, but he didn’t. Instead, he leaned forward slightly and gently connected their lips.
It was a chaste kiss, no tongues or biting. It lasted no more than three seconds but to 2D if felt like an eternity. This was their first kiss without the intention of sex, the first kiss that he hadn’t wanted to lead to sex. And maybe it was because he was still a little groggy from sleep or because a migraine was coming on but 2D felt good about it.
“What was that for?” Murdoc asked quietly. 2D smirked and gave him another perk.
“No reason, jus’ felt like it I guess,” 2D said, and it was the truth. Murdoc chuckled.
“Poof,” the bassist said accusingly, sitting up to stretch. 2D now free of Murdoc’s weight did the same.
“Says the man who takes dick like he was born to.” Murdoc swatted at him playfully and 2D tried to dodge. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the most graceful and he overcorrected, throwing them both off the chair and onto the floor in a laughing and swearing.
“Ow, fuck D, I think I broke somthin’,” Murdoc complained as he extracted himself from their tangle of limbs. 2D didn’t bother moving until the other man was free, knowing he’d probably just muck things up more.
“Stop whinging Muds, you’re fine.” 2D stood as well and picked up the blankets that had fallen with them, setting them on the chair. “How’re you feelin’?”
“Like I jus’ slept in an armchair and then fell offa’ one,” Murdoc responded. 2D frowned and reached out, firmly grasping his arm.
“You know what I mean Muds,” he pushed. He fully expected Murdoc to balk like usual, to brush him off, but was pleasantly surprised when the other man made hesitant eye contact.
“I’m not gonna lie and say I feel amazing, but,” Murdoc put a hand over 2D’s and the singer's heart thumped a bit faster, “for now I think I’m alrigh’.”
A smile he couldn’t suppress stretched across his face. “Thanks for tellin’ me Murdoc.”
“Don’t mention it, really.” They were standing there, his hand on Murdoc’s arm, their fingers touching. 2D was about to step closer when he heard footsteps outside the doorway and the two sprung apart.
“Are you guys finally awake? Thought you might sleep the whole damn day,” Russel commented on his way to the kitchen.
“S’cause you kept us up all night with that damn Hell’s Kitchen special. No one needs to see that much Gordon Ramsay in one day Russ,” Murdoc griped, following him in. 2D went as well, the thought of a good cup of tea pulling him towards the kettle.
“What you don’t fancy old English men who’re as loid as you then?” he teased. Murdoc cast him a knowing glance and smirked.
“I prefer my men to have… more pleasant tones,” the bassist answered blithely and Russel snorted.
“That’s hella gay Murdoc, even for you,” the drummer quipped and Murdoc tossed a loose tea bag from the dining table at him.
“Oh fuck off, like you’re not bent yourself,” the bassist said, still looking at 2D. Stu felt something warm settle in his chest at the smile he received.
“Never said I wasn’t, Gorillaz is probably as queer as they come. D’you remember when Noodle had that crush on Natalie Portman?” Russel asked. It took a minute but 2D eventually remembered with a smile.
“Oh yeah! She was so hopelessly in love an’ kept denyin’ it,” he reminisced. That had been back during Demon Dayz, at Kong. 2D missed those times. He struggled to fill the kettle for a few moments.
“It was because of Star Wars, I think,” Murdoc chimed in, helping 2D with the kettle. Together they got 3 mugs ready and 2D jerked his head in Russel’s direction.
“You want some tea Russ?” he asked, pouring his and Murdoc’s. Russel shook his head, grabbing a can of pop from the fridge.
“Nah man, I’m goin’ out for a bit. Text me if you need me.”
“Seeya Russ,” Murdoc called over his shoulder as he fussed with the toaster. When the front door closed he commented. “He was in a bit of a rush wasn’t he?”
“And he’d been goin’ out a lot. Maybe he’d seein’ someone?” 2D said, pausing to imagine Russel dating anybody. “I don’t think I’ve seen him date anyone, like ever.”
Murdoc shrugged and they fell into a companionable silence. 2D fixed the tea and set it on the table while Murdoc buttered toast and did the same. They shared the toast and 2D showed Murdoc some memes on his phone. He didn’t think that Murdoc really understood them that well but they made him laugh so Stu didn’t mind. They even did the dishes when they were done, knowing that if they ruined Russel’s newly cleaned kitchen they’d be dead men.
“So what’d you wanna do today Muds? We never did get to work on that song,” 2D said, wiping his soapy hands on his shirt. He really hoped Murdoc wanted to work on the song, as much as he liked the sex he was starting to feel creative withdrawal.
“Sounds alright to me, jus’ let me take a shower and grab my bass yeah?”  They split up and 2D decided to get changed and clean up his room a little. Normally he wouldn’t give a shit about Murdoc seeing his room in its natural state, but he figured it couldn’t hurt.
About half an hour later Murdoc wandered in, hair dripping and bass in hand. As usual, he’d forgone a shirt and 2D tried not to ogle his bare chest too much.
“Alrigh' then Stu?” the bassist asked, sitting on the bed and resting the bass in his lap. 2D smiled and gestured to the end of the bed.
“There’s an amp under all that junk if you need it,” he said. Murdoc eyed the pile of clothes, keyboard parts, and wires.
"Cheers mate,” he drawled, frowning a little. It took a few minutes to free the amp but eventually they were settled and ready to play.
“OK so jus’ jump in whenever you feel like it,” 2D instructed. Over the last couple decades, they’d had so many practices and brainstorming sessions that he didn’t feel the need to tell Murdoc what to do. He knew the bassist was more than capable of joining in.
They jammed for a while, stopping and starting to work out the kinks and adjust lyrics here and there. It was almost like before Kong when they were writing their first album, just the two of them. Back then they’d work so well together, like actual mates and 2D felt a rush of happiness at the realization things were close to being like that again.
After a couple hours focusing on one song 2D sat back and stretched. “Thanks, Muds, I think it’s really coming together.”
Murdoc hummed. “You got anything else you’re working on?” 2D shook his head sadly.
“Not really, a lot of what I had went into The Fall so…”
“No worries, we’ve still got the stuff for Humanz in the works anyways,” Murdoc answered, laying El Diablo on the bed and laying back. “I hope Noodle’s out of the hospital and back to normal in time to release the album on time.”
2D felt a flash of annoyance. Was Murdoc really thinking about the album while Noodle was sick? But then he thought back to last night, how Murdoc had just broken down and he took a deep breath.
“Hopefully mate. Lookin’ forward to group practice again,” he said instead of getting angry. Murdoc sighed and closed his eyes.
“I’m sorry I ruined your visit yesterday,” he mumbled eventually. 2D got up and lay beside him on the bed, their feet bumping where they hung over the side.
“It’s ok Murdoc, I understand now. I’m sorry I got so mad.” He toyed with the hem of his shirt idly. “I wasn’t thinkin’ about how that was your first time seein’ her since, or how you felt about it.”
Murdoc shifted and their arms touched lightly. “I didn’t really know either until I was there.”
“But today is better, yeah?” 2D asked, hoping to keep their conversation positive. Murdoc turned his head to Stu and gave a sort of half smile, one tooth poking out. It made 2D want to make high-pitched squealing noises.
“Yeah mate, today’s been pretty good so far,” Murdoc smirked. 2D grinned back and rolled on his side, singing one arm over Murdoc’s waist.
“Wanna make it even better?” Sure he’d wanted to focus on music before, but they were done now and Murdoc was still shirtless, laying in his bed. Who could blame him for having less than pure thoughts?
“Mmmh, what’d you have in mind, Stu-Pot.” 2D was coming to love that nickname, though maybe just from Murdoc. He appreciated it more than ‘dullard’ at least. He thought for a bit before leaping up.
“Take your trousers off, get on the bed proper, an’ turnover,” he instructed, running to the bathroom to find what he was looking for. With a triumphant shout he hurried back to the bedroom to find Murdoc splayed out, his face buried in the pillows.
“What’ve you got in store for me then?” 2D got onto the bed and sat over Murdoc’s ass. The bassist wigged suggestively, but 2D ignore him.
“Jus’ relax Muds.” He took the little bottle of massage oil and poured some on his hands, warming it up. Slowly he lowered his hands to Murdoc’s shoulders and worked the oil over them and down his back. Murdoc shivered a little and looked over his shoulder.
“A massage?”  2D nodded and began to press against clusters of hard muscles, working them in firm concentric circles. “Oh mate… you’re good at this.”
2D felt a little bit of pride and he chuckled. “I’ve had a couple of birds ask me to do it before, so I’ve had lotsa practice.”
“I can tell,” Murdoc sighed, his eyes slipping closed. 2D continued to work the oil in, making sure to target any knots of kinks he felt. Murdoc was putty under his hands, slack and quiet save for the occasional groan. When he’d done what he could with his shoulders, 2D moved further down, pressing against his lower back and barely grazing his arse. The bassist’s hips twitched.
“You like that?” 2D asked, leaning down to whisper in Murdoc’s ear. His answer was a quiet whine and the gentle push of hips against hands. 2D indulged him and lowered his grasp to rub at the soft flesh. “You want more?”
“Yes please,” Murdoc murmured. The singer poured more oil into his hands and spread them liberally over each cheek. He allowed his fingers to dip a little between then, just barely grazing the tender skin between them in a teasing back and forward movement. Murdoc was getting worked up he could tell. He was breathing heavily, eyes screwed shut in pleasure.
“You’re gorgeous like this, you know that Murdoc?” 2D said, allowing his fingers to linger over the bassist's hole for just a moment. “Very handsome.”
“Sod off and fuck me you flatterer,” Murdoc groused, and Stu laughed.
“Who said I was gonna fuck you Muds?” he asked and Murdoc groaned.
“Well your fingers are gettin’ mighty friendly if you aren’t.” Sliding down to sit over Murdoc’s calves he nuzzled the other man’s firm arse, giving it a light bite. Another reason 2D liked giving massages, he’d bought oil that had a nice taste.
Murdoc began shifting again but 2D wasn’t having it. Using his hands to spread him, Stu leaned in a gave one long lick to Murdoc’s entrance. The effect was immediate.
“O-Oh fuck! Fuck yes Stu!” 2D grinned against the sensitive flesh and pressed on, snaking his tongue in and out of the bassist with little teasing flicks. Murdoc was coming absolutely undone under him, thrashing around and making the most debauched sounds. Taking pity on him 2D reached around and grasped the other’s prick, giving it gentle strokes in time with the movements of his tongue.
“Deeeeeeee,” Murdoc keened, his hips trying to both push back against the tongue inside him and the hand giving him rhythmic squeezes in front. The few times they’d fucked 2D had never seen Murdoc so breathless and out of control. It made him want to double down and make the bassist fall apart. In the end, he didn’t have to, because as soon as the thought passed through his mind, Murdoc was coming
“Well that was quick,” Stu teased, wiping his hand off on the comforter. Murdoc responded by raising his middle finger. “Aw don’t be like that.” He crawled up to lay down beside the bassist, a saucy grin on his face.
“Satan D,” he panted. “That felt bloody amazing.”
2D winked. “I do my best.” The other man took a few minutes to catch his breath before turning onto his side.
“D’you want me to…” Murdoc made a crude jerking off motion and 2D shook his head.
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” he replied, snaking his arms around the bassist and pulling him close. Murdoc didn’t resist, in fact he seemed glad to be pulled in. 2D would have never pinned the other for a cuddler, but here they were.
Things were quiet between them for a while. 2D was enjoying the feeling of Murdoc in his arms, of having someone to hold on to. It felt good, being like this. Maybe those TV shows had had the right idea about sex for stress relief or whatever. Murdoc seemed happier at least, so that was good.
“Hey, D?” Murdoc said gently. Stu made a questioning noise but otherwise waited for the bassist to speak up. He sounded a little worried, which made 2D uneasy. “What’s uh, what’s goin’ on with us. Between us, I mean.”
“Whaddaya mean? We’re mates.” A little bit of anxiety crept into his voice as he answered. Today had been good but Murdoc was acting different, more open maybe? And now he was asking weird questions.
“I mean yeah, we’re mates. Best mates! But uh,” Murdoc paused and leaned back a little so he could look at 2D’s face, “you know what nevermind.”
2D felt a sense of relief but also something close to disappointment. Still, he didn’t push for more answers and instead smirked. ‘What did I eat you out so good you can’t think?”
Murdoc’s face went red and he shoved 2D’s chest, hard. “In your dreams, kid. I do need another shower, thanks to you.”
2D laughed, God he’d been doing that a lot today, and rolled off the bed with his hand out. Murdoc took it and let himself be hauled out of the bed. “Alrigh’ I could use one too. Shall we?”
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