#its so off putting having your music cut every 0.5 seconds
willforeverbemine · 6 days
This app has become so unusable since ads made its way over 😒
0 notes
tanzani-coil · 7 years
who hogs the duvettanith. you’ll find her in the morning with it wrapped around her, however when she wakes up she’ll always rearrange it so its draping over ghastly too and he’ll wake up for a few seconds to see it and he’ll smile and cuddle her and fall back to sleep again with them both under the covers
who texts/rings to check how their day is goingghASTLY. WITHOUT A DOUBT. i feel as though his average day is a bit less action packed than taniths, so he always has the time to check up on her - and if he doesnt have the time, he MAKES the time (you’ll find tipstaff grumbling about it somewhere)who’s the most creative when it comes to giftsi feel as though ghastly isn’t really into presents much, i mean being 400+ years old i can imagine coming up with presents got a bit old after the first century. and tanith i think on her jobs and journeys comes across like, not ‘gifts’ as such but little knick knacks and thingymabobs that she’ll know ghastly would just LOVE who gets up first in the morningghastly I think has settled into an (unhealthy) routine of going to bed at silly o’clock in the morning after really getting into something he was sewing, but then waking up quite early to start another working day. tanith usually stays up with him, sitting in the back room of his shop with him, both listening to ghastly’s blues playlist while he works, and then both of them going up to bed together at the same time. you wont see her out of bed any time before 9am, though (ghastly always makes her tea in the morning, regardless of whether shes likely to fall back to sleep again and never drink it)who suggests new things in bedyou’d think tanith, being the younger, more experienced one would be bringing new things into the bedroom but my god ghastlys has way more kinks than given credit for and taniths not complaining eitherwho cries at moviesman………… i feel like generally tanith does and as much as she’ll try to hide it ghastly always knowswho gives unprompted massagesTANITH. she’ll come in to the back room of the shop from the kitchen, cup of tea in hand for ghastly, she’ll look at what he’s working on and smile, see that he’s clearly been hunched over it for hours and massage his shoulder muscles. completely unasked for, but ghastly appreciates it all the same. she’ll always peck him on the cheek before leaving toowho fusses over the other when they’re sickghASTLY IS SO OVER TANITH’S HERO COMPLEX. HE DOESNT CARE HOW LONG AND FIERCELY SHE DEFENDS THAT SHE ISNT SICK. HE’LL STILL WRAP HER UP IN BLANKETS AND GIVE HER TEA WITH HONEY IN IT AND MEDICINE AND “STOP BLOODY MOTHERING ME” DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO STOP IT. who gets jealous easiestaight, so like…. i’m gonna struggle to word this but bear with me. (also im really sorry) so like, in mortal coil when erskine is flirting with tanith we clearly see that ghastly got kinda down about it, but i dont think its jealousy?? its more of, whenever someone whos just that much better looking and that much better at everything than ghastly is comes along, ghastly sort of sinks into an instantly hopeless, acceptance and almost numb state and he just sort of gives up at whatever hes talking about, whatever hes doing. because thats just what hes been conditioned to do. 400+ years of constant rejection ALL THE TIME?? hes just learnt that the second someone better comes along, whatever chance he had is gone. the conversation he was having with someone is instantly cut short, and ghastly just doesnt exist anymore. completely invisible. every. time. so i think that rather than getting jealous about it he’s learnt to give up, and i think that it took tanith years to uncondition that response out of him because she’ll never, ever cut him off for someone else, and she’s sure as hell not going anywhere, so?? and everyone can see the transformation too. aight sorry i went on a tangent there but my point is, ghastly doesnt get jealous. tANITH. HOWEVER. MY GOD. when tanith gets jealous she doesnt just get jealous she gets jEALOUS. it takes tanith every ounce of will power not to get snappy defensive and the so, so unnecessary staring-downs. valkyrie never lets it slide and always finds it really, really funny (especially because its so bloody obvious that the jealousy is completely irrational because this is ghastly we’re on about)who has the most embarrassing taste in musicghastly has quite a solid, sensible mature playlist for when hes working or relaxing but tanith is like………….. look its tanith ok who collects something unusualtanith collects thingymabobs from where ever she’s at, but… she sort of leaves them all around the house. the conversations at this point aren’t even questionable anymore. “ghastly don’t suppose you’ve seen my demon-baby tooth anywhere?” “top shelf on the right, next to your brain muncher book.” “aight thanks.”who takes the longest to get readytanith, being brought up as a hidden blade, can be fully awake and ready to kill someone within 0.5 seconds of waking up. she can pull a tank top on, slip on trousers and boots and ready to go within two minutes. ghastly? god no getting ready is no joke he didnt make his own clothes only to look like an uninformed peasant with them on, no. he doesnt joke around when getting ready plzwho is the most tidy and organisedghastly. every bit of thread and fabric is organised by type and then category and then colour and then and then. he’s often found himself glancing up from whatever hes looking at to find tanith gazing at the walls of his shop, almost lost in the fabric - not that he’ll ever tell tanith thatwho gets most excited about the holidaystanith doesnt get batshit crazy but she’s gotten ghastly into celebrating christmas at least a tiny bit, even if it means just taking him out to a bar and taking shots its still fun y’know? better she figures than staying in and working.who is the big spoon/little spoonghastly is absolutely the big spoon, always wrapping his strong arms around tanith, keeping her warm. he tends to tuck his head into the crook of her neck, too. tanith doesnt even try to hide how much she loves itwho gets most competitive when playing games and/or sportstanith which i feel is p obvious we all know how she is when fighting. she has a secret love for board games and WILL NOT. LET. ANYONE. LEAVE WITHOUT FINISHING MONOPOLY. GODDAMN YOU’RE NOT HERE TO BE WEAK AND LEAVE HALF WAY THROUGH OK SHE’S HERE TO RIDE OUT THAT GAME TILL THE VERY ENDwho starts the most arguments….. um. oh man, ok. so like??? look tanith doesnt like authority and ghastly is stubborn as hell and arguments like… idk how to word it, i guess tanith can let an edge creep into her voice when she brings up the fact he is/was an elder and ghastly notices it every time and things get a bit tense and uncomfortable for a while but they let it go every time. i saw a post on here about how ghanith hardly argue and i 100% agree w that tbhwho suggests that they buy a petit was all valkyries fault. bringing back that gigantic german shepherd from america got tanith talking and now she wants a pet because shes fallen in love with this dog and she wants a pet but?? dogs are a lot of work and ghastly and tanith just dont have the lifestyle to take care of one, both of them being busy and flexible in when and how they work. thats when tanith sorta realises that a CAT, HOWEVER, (bECAUSE I’VE SEEN THAT POST SOMEONE DID ABOUT GHASTLY HAVING CATS AND!!!!!!!!!!! 10000% AGREE) would still be a pet of their own but independent enough to be ok with being on their own for periods of time and the cat will find its way into ghastlys work room and surprise him by either rubbing itself against his legs or actually jumping up onto his work space and then climb onto his hunched shoulders while he works. he grumbles about it and complains that theres cat hair everywhere but he wouldnt change it for the world. whenever tanith walks in the cat always greets her and she loves it.what couple traditions they havesteak is Their Thing™. ‘nuff said.what tv shows they watch togetherghastly kept going on about this tv show which tackles everything hes passionate about and it pin points exactly what goes on in work spaces which is pretty much fucking around 90% of the time and he has all of its seasons recorded on his tv recorder which he still hasnt gotten round to watching it all and finally tanith is curious enough to see what this amazing show really is like and she ended up falling in love with brooklyn nine nine really, really fast. and rosa diaz. big crush on rosa diaz from tanith.what other couple they hang out withvaldug naturallyhow they spend time together as a couplesee what I adore about their relationship is that it was p much built on the two of them just being so, so ridiculously comfortable in each others company and talking to each other for hours on end and just sort of being there for each other, and i think that (besides from hardcore sexy times obviously) they love to spend time doing their own things with /each other/. tanith’s found herself getting passionate about ghastlys work because she loves being with him while he does so, with him talking to her about his mother and the war and anything and everything.who made the first movetANITH W THE STEAK im gonna cry brbwho brings flowers homeghastly is a romantic shit but he’s never really had room for flowers amongst all of his delicate fabrics at home, but tanith will always find some from somewhere, even if they are just pretty weeds she picked from the field down the road, and take them home to put into a jug of water to sit on the kitchen window sill. who is the best cookghastly. tHE most domestic to ever domestic. he can cook and he can cook good. tanith can settle for pot noodles but shes thankful for his cooking nonetheless
TL;DR: i really, really need to get out more
42 notes · View notes
galucy-blog · 6 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The Pros
Good multitasking performance; Strong audio; Large 1080p screen; Colorful design
The Cons
Dim display; Relatively short battery life; Underside gets warm
The HP Chromebook 14 packs offers good multitasking performance and blasts a lot of volume, but competitors offer brighter displays and more battery life.
If you’ve been tempted to switch from a Windows 10 notebook to one that runs Google’s lightweight Chrome OS, you might have noticed there aren’t many big-screen Chromebooks available. Enter the 14-inch HP Chromebook 14, which packs an Intel Celeron processor and a 1080p display. This attractive, teal-and-white laptop provides strong audio and plenty of performance for multitasking, but competing Chromebooks have better battery life and more colorful screens.
At certain angles, the HP Chromebook 14’s white plastic lid gives off a slight glimmer that reminds me of Formica countertops. The rest of the chassis, including the deck, sides, bezel and bottom, are a light teal, which gives the laptop a Crest toothpaste aesthetic. The deck also has a neat matrix pattern.
The solid feel of the HP Chromebook 14 suggests a reliable build quality, and its soft keyboard deck felt comfortable against my wrists. If you’re looking for a more premium design, check out the Dell Chromebook 13, which has a soft-touch carbon-fiber finish and a sturdy magnesium-alloy design.
HP Chromebook 14 Size
3.48 pounds
13.54 x 9.45 x 0.7 inches
  Weighing 3.48 pounds, the 14-inch HP Chromebook 14 is heavier than the 13-inch Toshiba Chromebook 2 (2.97 pounds) and the Dell Chromebook 13 (3.23 pounds). Measuring 0.7 inches thin, the HP Chromebook is about as thick as the Dell (0.72 inches) and the Toshiba (0.76 inches).
Ports and Webcam
HP’s put a security lock slot, an HDMI port, a USB 3.0 port, a headphone jack and a microSD reader on the Chromebook 14’s left side, and a pair of USB 2.0 ports on its right side.
The HP Chromebook 14’s 0.9-megapixel webcam shot accurate but noisy selfies of me in our office. Its photos correctly captured the red of the Purch wall and my blue gingham shirt, but the images looked splotchy, as if a pointillist filter had been applied.
Battery Life
Unlike its competitors, the HP Chromebook 14 doesn’t have enough battery life to make it through a day. The Laptop Mag Battery Test needed only 6 hours and 42 minutes to drain the notebook of its charge, a time that the Dell (13:25) and the Toshiba (10:05) both beat.
Laptop Battery Life HP Chromebook 14 6:42 Category Average 8:23
The HP Chromebook 14’s 1080p screen may be sharp, but it’s on the dim side. When I watched the Star Wars: Rogue One trailer on the HP Chromebook 14, multiple scenes looked dark and muddied. The blue lasers were rendered green and the orange of rebel pilot jumpsuits failed to pop. I could see the scratches and other fine details of Forrest Whitaker’s armor, but the screen reproduced the Imperial Star Destroyer in a yellow hue that made it look like an old prop.
HP Chromebook 14 Display: Test Results Benchmark Score How it Compares Brightness 212 nits Weak Color Gamut (sRGB) 65 percent Below Average Color Accuracy (Delta e) 0.5 Above Average
  Based on our tests, the Chromebook 14 emits only 212 nits (a measurement of brightness). That’s lower than the Dell (270 nits) and the Toshiba (378 nits). Its viewing angles aren’t great, either, as its color darkened at 35 degrees to the left or right.
According to our colorimeter, the HP Chromebook 14 can produce only 65 percent of the sRGB spectrum. That’s less than the Dell Chromebook 13 (96 percent) and the Toshiba Chromebook 2 (110 percent).
The HP Chromebook 14’s panel fared better in the Delta-E color accuracy test, where it earned a 0.5 (closer to zero is better). That beats the Dell (1.4) and the Toshiba (0.9). This score is contrary to our experience, but if the notebook can produce only a limited range of color, its accuracy doesn’t mean as much.
Those who like their music loud and clear will appreciate the HP Chromebook 14. The notebook filled a large conference room with an accurate version of CFO$’s “The Rising Sun,” reproducing its strong bass guitar riffs, crisp drums and high synths.
Keyboard and Touchpad
The HP Chromebook 14’s keyboard isn’t perfect, but it makes for decent typing. I noticed its deck bounced a lot as I used the 10FastFingers typing test, where I clicked my way to 70 words per minute with 99 percent accuracy. That’s below my 80-wpm average. The keys have 1.3 millimeters of travel, while we prefer 1.5 mm.
The HP Chromebook 14’s 4.3 x 2.7-inch, buttonless touchpad accurately tracked my input as my fingers navigated around the Chrome browser, and there was a solid feel to each click. The notebook smoothly responded to my two-finger scrolling, and it correctly registered my three-finger navigation gestures.
Armed with a 1.8-GHz Intel Celeron N2940 CPU, 4GB of RAM and a 16GB eMMC drive, the HP Chromebook 14 provides enough power for multitasking. When I split my screen between a dozen tabs and a streaming YouTube video and opened Cut The Rope and Google Keep, the system stayed speedy, with no lag as I typed in a Google Doc and moved from tab to tab.
The HP Chromebook 14 did poorly on Google’s Octane 2.0 performance benchmark, which gave it a score of 7,869. The Celeron 3205U-powered Dell Chromebook 13 (14,453) and Celeron 3215U-powered Toshiba Chromebook 2 (17,044) earned better scores.
The Browser mark test for overall browser performance produced similar results, with the HP Chromebook 14 (2,300) getting bested by the Dell (4,199) and the Toshiba (4,576), again.
HP’s Chromebook 14 is also not as good at running JavaScript as its competitors, earning a 46.1 in the JetStream 1.1 test. That score is lower than those of the Dell (86.3) and the Toshiba (99.2).
I had no trouble playing casual games like Cut The Rope and streaming 1080p video from Netflix on the HP Chromebook 14, but again, synthetic test scores favor its competitors. This system earned a score of only 1,480 in the Oort Online test, which measures the browser’s ability to display simulated environments. That’s far below the Dell Chromebook 13 (5,050) and the Toshiba Chromebook 2 (5,060).
The HP Chromebook 14 also performed poorly in the Aquarium graphics simulation, which tests 3D rendering. The notebook mustered 47 frames per second with 250 and 500 fish in the tank, while the Dell and Toshiba both sped along at 60 fps with as many as 1,000 fish.
  MORE: Should I Buy a Chromebook? Buying Guide and Advice
Those who like their music loud and clear will appreciate the HP Chromebook 14. The notebook filled a large conference room with an accurate version of CFO$’s “The Rising Sun,” reproducing its strong bass guitar riffs, crisp drums and high synths.
The HP Chromebook 14 stays cool up top, but heats up down below. After we streamed 15 minutes of HD video on the notebook, our heat gun recorded a temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit on its underside, which exceeds our 95-degree comfort threshold. Its touchpad (75 degrees) and keyboard (83 degrees) did not get hot.
Chrome OS
Google’s Chrome OS is the light, minimalist alternative to Windows and OS X. After I logged in to the HP Chromebook 14 with my Google account, I was greeted with a desktop background of a trolley car at night and relatively few icons in the lower corners of the display.
In the bottom-left corner, there’s a magnifying-glass icon to open search (which pulls results from both the HP Chromebook 14 and Google itself), and icons for Chrome, Picasa and Gmail.
Those who like their music loud and clear will appreciate the HP Chromebook 14.
When I clicked on the magnifying glass, it brought up my most commonly used apps and Google Now cards about the weather and baseball.
Chrome OS also includes voice control, so if you have a Chrome tab or the launcher open, you can say, “OK, Google,” to bring up the voice assistant.
In the right corner, Chrome places its notification counter, the time, software update indicators, the volume, Wi-Fi connectivity, battery life, keyboard layout and your user account photo.
After you log in to the Chromebook using your Google account, the system automatically loads whatever apps you have previously used. In our case, that consisted of Google’s own productivity and Play apps, Word Online, games like Cut The Rope and Offline Solitaire and favorites such as Netflix and Spotify.
For more apps, you can check out the Chrome Web Store, which has tens of thousands of titles available. The Stress Relievers section has games like 2048 and a white-noise-producing add-on; apps for checking the local forecasts and getting rain alerts are filed under Weather & Outdoor; and image-editing programs can be found in Unleash Creativity. Other categories in the Chrome Web Store include Business Tools, Social and Communication, and Education.
When I poked around in the store, I found some of the apps I use every day, like Pocket, which I use to save articles to read later. LINE, a popular messaging app, is also in the store.
Google Docs and Slides users will find the ability to save files for offline use useful for those moments when they do not have a connection. You’ll need to make sure that that setting is enabled in Google Drive in advance. Offline access isn’t available for all apps in the Chrome Web Store, but some work when you’re not in the cloud.
The Chrome Web Store still has a ways to go if it intends to seriously compete with Windows and OS X. I found myself missing my favorite Twitter client, Tweetbot, and HipChat, which we use for inter-office communication. If you’re looking to play your favorite games, you will spend a while hunting for them, as that section of the store is filled with knockoffs like Fruits Slice and Bubble Shooter.
Configurations and Warranty
Our test unit of the HP Chromebook 14 is the ak060nr model, which costs $279.99 and packs a 1080p display, a 1.8GHz Intel Celeron processor, 4GB of RAM and a 16GB eMMC drive. HP also sells the ak010nr model, which costs $249.99 and includes a 2.16GHz Celeron N2840 processor, 2GB of memory, a 16GB eMMC drive and a 1366 x 768-pixel display.
The notebook ships with a one-year limited warranty. Check out more information about HP’s warranty in our overview.
HP Chromebook 14 Cost By Configuration Config Screen CPU RAM  Price Base 1366 x 768 Celeron N2840 2GB $249 Best 1920 x 1080 Celeron N2940 4GB $279
  Bottom Line
The $279.99 HP Chromebook 14 is a solid notebook for general activities. If you want a large screen for simultaneous document editing, internet browsing and video streaming, it packs enough punch to suit your needs. On the other hand, those who want to make it a whole day on a single charge or enjoy brighter and more colorful images may want to look elsewhere.
If you’re willing to get a 13-inch display, both the Dell Chromebook 13 and the Toshiba Chromebook 2 earned our Editor’s Choice awards for their long battery life and even faster performance. The $269 Toshiba Chromebook 2 CB35 is even less expensive than the HP, but you may want to pay more for the $429 Dell Chromebook 13’s fantastic design. But if you want a big notebook that runs Chrome OS and can kick out the jams, the HP Chromebook 14 is worth your consideration.
CPU 1.83GHz Intel Celeron N2940 Processor Operating System Google Chrome RAM 4GB RAM Upgradable to Hard Drive Size 16GB Hard Drive Speed Hard Drive Type eMMC Secondary Hard Drive Size Secondary Hard Drive Speed Secondary Hard Drive Type Display Size 14.1 Native Resolution 1920×1080 Optical Drive Optical Drive Speed Graphics Card Intel HD Graphics Video Memory Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Model Bluetooth Mobile Broadband Touchpad Size 4.3 x 2.7 inches Ports (excluding USB) USB 3.0 Ports (excluding USB) USB 2.0 Ports (excluding USB) HDMI Ports (excluding USB) Combo Headphone/Mic Jack USB Ports 3 Card Slots microSD Warranty/Support 1-year limited warranty Size 13.54 x 9.45 x 0.7 inches Weight 3.48 pounds Company Website http://www.hp.com
HP Chromebook 14
The Pros Good multitasking performance; Strong audio; Large 1080p screen; Colorful design The Cons Dim display; Relatively short battery life; Underside gets warm…
HP Chromebook 14 The Pros Good multitasking performance; Strong audio; Large 1080p screen; Colorful design The Cons Dim display; Relatively short battery life; Underside gets warm…
0 notes
koristore-blog · 6 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The Pros
Good multitasking performance; Strong audio; Large 1080p screen; Colorful design
The Cons
Dim display; Relatively short battery life; Underside gets warm
The HP Chromebook 14 packs offers good multitasking performance and blasts a lot of volume, but competitors offer brighter displays and more battery life.
If you’ve been tempted to switch from a Windows 10 notebook to one that runs Google’s lightweight Chrome OS, you might have noticed there aren’t many big-screen Chromebooks available. Enter the 14-inch HP Chromebook 14, which packs an Intel Celeron processor and a 1080p display. This attractive, teal-and-white laptop provides strong audio and plenty of performance for multitasking, but competing Chromebooks have better battery life and more colorful screens.
At certain angles, the HP Chromebook 14’s white plastic lid gives off a slight glimmer that reminds me of Formica countertops. The rest of the chassis, including the deck, sides, bezel and bottom, are a light teal, which gives the laptop a Crest toothpaste aesthetic. The deck also has a neat matrix pattern.
The solid feel of the HP Chromebook 14 suggests a reliable build quality, and its soft keyboard deck felt comfortable against my wrists. If you’re looking for a more premium design, check out the Dell Chromebook 13, which has a soft-touch carbon-fiber finish and a sturdy magnesium-alloy design.
HP Chromebook 14 Size
3.48 pounds
13.54 x 9.45 x 0.7 inches
  Weighing 3.48 pounds, the 14-inch HP Chromebook 14 is heavier than the 13-inch Toshiba Chromebook 2 (2.97 pounds) and the Dell Chromebook 13 (3.23 pounds). Measuring 0.7 inches thin, the HP Chromebook is about as thick as the Dell (0.72 inches) and the Toshiba (0.76 inches).
Ports and Webcam
HP’s put a security lock slot, an HDMI port, a USB 3.0 port, a headphone jack and a microSD reader on the Chromebook 14’s left side, and a pair of USB 2.0 ports on its right side.
The HP Chromebook 14’s 0.9-megapixel webcam shot accurate but noisy selfies of me in our office. Its photos correctly captured the red of the Purch wall and my blue gingham shirt, but the images looked splotchy, as if a pointillist filter had been applied.
Battery Life
Unlike its competitors, the HP Chromebook 14 doesn’t have enough battery life to make it through a day. The Laptop Mag Battery Test needed only 6 hours and 42 minutes to drain the notebook of its charge, a time that the Dell (13:25) and the Toshiba (10:05) both beat.
Laptop Battery Life HP Chromebook 14 6:42 Category Average 8:23
The HP Chromebook 14’s 1080p screen may be sharp, but it’s on the dim side. When I watched the Star Wars: Rogue One trailer on the HP Chromebook 14, multiple scenes looked dark and muddied. The blue lasers were rendered green and the orange of rebel pilot jumpsuits failed to pop. I could see the scratches and other fine details of Forrest Whitaker’s armor, but the screen reproduced the Imperial Star Destroyer in a yellow hue that made it look like an old prop.
HP Chromebook 14 Display: Test Results Benchmark Score How it Compares Brightness 212 nits Weak Color Gamut (sRGB) 65 percent Below Average Color Accuracy (Delta e) 0.5 Above Average
  Based on our tests, the Chromebook 14 emits only 212 nits (a measurement of brightness). That’s lower than the Dell (270 nits) and the Toshiba (378 nits). Its viewing angles aren’t great, either, as its color darkened at 35 degrees to the left or right.
According to our colorimeter, the HP Chromebook 14 can produce only 65 percent of the sRGB spectrum. That’s less than the Dell Chromebook 13 (96 percent) and the Toshiba Chromebook 2 (110 percent).
The HP Chromebook 14’s panel fared better in the Delta-E color accuracy test, where it earned a 0.5 (closer to zero is better). That beats the Dell (1.4) and the Toshiba (0.9). This score is contrary to our experience, but if the notebook can produce only a limited range of color, its accuracy doesn’t mean as much.
Those who like their music loud and clear will appreciate the HP Chromebook 14. The notebook filled a large conference room with an accurate version of CFO$’s “The Rising Sun,” reproducing its strong bass guitar riffs, crisp drums and high synths.
Keyboard and Touchpad
The HP Chromebook 14’s keyboard isn’t perfect, but it makes for decent typing. I noticed its deck bounced a lot as I used the 10FastFingers typing test, where I clicked my way to 70 words per minute with 99 percent accuracy. That’s below my 80-wpm average. The keys have 1.3 millimeters of travel, while we prefer 1.5 mm.
The HP Chromebook 14’s 4.3 x 2.7-inch, buttonless touchpad accurately tracked my input as my fingers navigated around the Chrome browser, and there was a solid feel to each click. The notebook smoothly responded to my two-finger scrolling, and it correctly registered my three-finger navigation gestures.
Armed with a 1.8-GHz Intel Celeron N2940 CPU, 4GB of RAM and a 16GB eMMC drive, the HP Chromebook 14 provides enough power for multitasking. When I split my screen between a dozen tabs and a streaming YouTube video and opened Cut The Rope and Google Keep, the system stayed speedy, with no lag as I typed in a Google Doc and moved from tab to tab.
The HP Chromebook 14 did poorly on Google’s Octane 2.0 performance benchmark, which gave it a score of 7,869. The Celeron 3205U-powered Dell Chromebook 13 (14,453) and Celeron 3215U-powered Toshiba Chromebook 2 (17,044) earned better scores.
The Browser mark test for overall browser performance produced similar results, with the HP Chromebook 14 (2,300) getting bested by the Dell (4,199) and the Toshiba (4,576), again.
HP’s Chromebook 14 is also not as good at running JavaScript as its competitors, earning a 46.1 in the JetStream 1.1 test. That score is lower than those of the Dell (86.3) and the Toshiba (99.2).
I had no trouble playing casual games like Cut The Rope and streaming 1080p video from Netflix on the HP Chromebook 14, but again, synthetic test scores favor its competitors. This system earned a score of only 1,480 in the Oort Online test, which measures the browser’s ability to display simulated environments. That’s far below the Dell Chromebook 13 (5,050) and the Toshiba Chromebook 2 (5,060).
The HP Chromebook 14 also performed poorly in the Aquarium graphics simulation, which tests 3D rendering. The notebook mustered 47 frames per second with 250 and 500 fish in the tank, while the Dell and Toshiba both sped along at 60 fps with as many as 1,000 fish.
  MORE: Should I Buy a Chromebook? Buying Guide and Advice
Those who like their music loud and clear will appreciate the HP Chromebook 14. The notebook filled a large conference room with an accurate version of CFO$’s “The Rising Sun,” reproducing its strong bass guitar riffs, crisp drums and high synths.
The HP Chromebook 14 stays cool up top, but heats up down below. After we streamed 15 minutes of HD video on the notebook, our heat gun recorded a temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit on its underside, which exceeds our 95-degree comfort threshold. Its touchpad (75 degrees) and keyboard (83 degrees) did not get hot.
Chrome OS
Google’s Chrome OS is the light, minimalist alternative to Windows and OS X. After I logged in to the HP Chromebook 14 with my Google account, I was greeted with a desktop background of a trolley car at night and relatively few icons in the lower corners of the display.
In the bottom-left corner, there’s a magnifying-glass icon to open search (which pulls results from both the HP Chromebook 14 and Google itself), and icons for Chrome, Picasa and Gmail.
Those who like their music loud and clear will appreciate the HP Chromebook 14.
When I clicked on the magnifying glass, it brought up my most commonly used apps and Google Now cards about the weather and baseball.
Chrome OS also includes voice control, so if you have a Chrome tab or the launcher open, you can say, “OK, Google,” to bring up the voice assistant.
In the right corner, Chrome places its notification counter, the time, software update indicators, the volume, Wi-Fi connectivity, battery life, keyboard layout and your user account photo.
After you log in to the Chromebook using your Google account, the system automatically loads whatever apps you have previously used. In our case, that consisted of Google’s own productivity and Play apps, Word Online, games like Cut The Rope and Offline Solitaire and favorites such as Netflix and Spotify.
For more apps, you can check out the Chrome Web Store, which has tens of thousands of titles available. The Stress Relievers section has games like 2048 and a white-noise-producing add-on; apps for checking the local forecasts and getting rain alerts are filed under Weather & Outdoor; and image-editing programs can be found in Unleash Creativity. Other categories in the Chrome Web Store include Business Tools, Social and Communication, and Education.
When I poked around in the store, I found some of the apps I use every day, like Pocket, which I use to save articles to read later. LINE, a popular messaging app, is also in the store.
Google Docs and Slides users will find the ability to save files for offline use useful for those moments when they do not have a connection. You’ll need to make sure that that setting is enabled in Google Drive in advance. Offline access isn’t available for all apps in the Chrome Web Store, but some work when you’re not in the cloud.
The Chrome Web Store still has a ways to go if it intends to seriously compete with Windows and OS X. I found myself missing my favorite Twitter client, Tweetbot, and HipChat, which we use for inter-office communication. If you’re looking to play your favorite games, you will spend a while hunting for them, as that section of the store is filled with knockoffs like Fruits Slice and Bubble Shooter.
Configurations and Warranty
Our test unit of the HP Chromebook 14 is the ak060nr model, which costs $279.99 and packs a 1080p display, a 1.8GHz Intel Celeron processor, 4GB of RAM and a 16GB eMMC drive. HP also sells the ak010nr model, which costs $249.99 and includes a 2.16GHz Celeron N2840 processor, 2GB of memory, a 16GB eMMC drive and a 1366 x 768-pixel display.
The notebook ships with a one-year limited warranty. Check out more information about HP’s warranty in our overview.
HP Chromebook 14 Cost By Configuration Config Screen CPU RAM  Price Base 1366 x 768 Celeron N2840 2GB $249 Best 1920 x 1080 Celeron N2940 4GB $279
  Bottom Line
The $279.99 HP Chromebook 14 is a solid notebook for general activities. If you want a large screen for simultaneous document editing, internet browsing and video streaming, it packs enough punch to suit your needs. On the other hand, those who want to make it a whole day on a single charge or enjoy brighter and more colorful images may want to look elsewhere.
If you’re willing to get a 13-inch display, both the Dell Chromebook 13 and the Toshiba Chromebook 2 earned our Editor’s Choice awards for their long battery life and even faster performance. The $269 Toshiba Chromebook 2 CB35 is even less expensive than the HP, but you may want to pay more for the $429 Dell Chromebook 13’s fantastic design. But if you want a big notebook that runs Chrome OS and can kick out the jams, the HP Chromebook 14 is worth your consideration.
CPU 1.83GHz Intel Celeron N2940 Processor Operating System Google Chrome RAM 4GB RAM Upgradable to Hard Drive Size 16GB Hard Drive Speed Hard Drive Type eMMC Secondary Hard Drive Size Secondary Hard Drive Speed Secondary Hard Drive Type Display Size 14.1 Native Resolution 1920×1080 Optical Drive Optical Drive Speed Graphics Card Intel HD Graphics Video Memory Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Model Bluetooth Mobile Broadband Touchpad Size 4.3 x 2.7 inches Ports (excluding USB) USB 3.0 Ports (excluding USB) USB 2.0 Ports (excluding USB) HDMI Ports (excluding USB) Combo Headphone/Mic Jack USB Ports 3 Card Slots microSD Warranty/Support 1-year limited warranty Size 13.54 x 9.45 x 0.7 inches Weight 3.48 pounds Company Website http://www.hp.com
HP Chromebook 14 The Pros Good multitasking performance; Strong audio; Large 1080p screen; Colorful design The Cons Dim display; Relatively short battery life; Underside gets warm…
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