#its seeded rib stitch for anyone curious
milkweedman · 10 months
>knitting the second round of my first 2 round repeat
>get to the end of the round and realize it doesn't match up
>after some examination it looks like I started on the wrong stitch, (I don't mark the beginning of the round)
>well, it happens to the best of us
>tink back to the beginning of the round and restart round 2, this time for sure on the correct stitch
>make it to the end of round 2
>doesn't match up again !!!
>I must have just messed up somewhere during this round
>can't find the mistake but my eyes aren't that great and I can't count for shit
>I will just tink back until I find the mistake and then keep going again
>zone out while tinking back and don't realize until I hit the beginning of the round
>well at least I know im past the mistake, I'll just restart from here and try not to mess up this time
>get to the end of round 2 for the third time
>not again :(
>does not match up
>very annoyed by now, this is already an annoying round to do bc this is the round that establishes the pattern, so I have to pay attention the whole time (not that I am, evidently). Also, overall this is round 3 of the whole piece, so it's hard to read stitches bc there's so little there and it's all bunched up on my needles.
>determined to figure out how I messed up exactly so that I can fix it because I don't want to do that again
>can't figure it out
>ok I will just do this very painstakingly and slowly and check each stitch and make sure it's all going well
>*p3 k1* very slowly
>hang on
>halfway thru the round before this instead of k3 p1 I switched to k2 p1
>well that would do it
>I will just have to undo the stitch below, reknit it so that it's in pattern, then work the stitch above, until I'm back at the beginning of the round and out of this hell
>does so
>it takes a while but at least now I know im fixing it
>NO !!!!
>still doesn't match up. What now ?????
>has a sinking feeling I cast on the wrong number, too
>8 stitches too many (80 instead of 72)
>after all of that tinking (280 stitches ?) I still have to frog it
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