#its probably anxiety and my break is over so well just silently monitor my ability to swallow
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zombiesama · 2 months ago
Hmmmmm I might very fucked up but I'm not sure yet 🤔
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tradgicworks · 4 years ago
Heartfelt 1 - 1 Heart of the Matter
Anna wakes up in a hidden facility and is told the dark secrets of what she had just witnessed.
Anna’s vision slowly stained back to life. She found herself submerged in a mountain of violet flesh, unable to move. The sound of a distant roar droned in her ears. In the far distance she could see Gwyneth and Eva illuminated by a pale purple light, their backs turned towards her. Anna called out to them, but she had no voice. The roar grew louder. The violet flesh began to wriggle as if it was laughing at her. A massive Sorrow charged at them. It dragged itself across the floor, its bulky body speeding out of control. Black smoke billowed out of its gaping maw. The roar grew to ear shattering volumes. Anna screamed in vain as the Sorrow crashed against Gwyneth and Eva, swallowing them whole. Tears ran down Anna's face in silent anguish.
"Take a deep breath," A gentle voice called out to her. “You know this is just a nightmare.”
Anna looked up to see the thin silhouette of man. His body shone a calm sky blue that completely hid all of his features. He looked frail but, for some reason, familiar.
"It's time to wake up, your friend is waiting for you," The man said.
Anna’s breath steadied. She closed her eyes. The darkness that surrounded her hummed to a warm sunlight. . . .
Anna sat up quickly as she broke out of her nightmare. She found herself in a small hospital room. Her tattered uniform had been replaced with a simple medical gown. The bed she laid on took the majority of the room. Sunlight peered through a window beside her. An IV bag hung from a tall rack and connected into her arm. A mirror hung on the far corner of the room.
"Anna!" Gwyneth greeted her with a tight hug.
She was sitting beside her on a small chair. Dark circles clung to the bottom of her eyes. She wore a Warden’s uniform that was slightly too big.
"Gwyneth! Are you okay?" Anna said as she returned the hug.
"I’m okay," Gwyneth choked up slightly. “What about you? You got hurt the most by that Sorrow.”
"I think I’m okay, most of my injuries look like they are healed..." Anna struggled to say as Gwyneth squeezed her hard. “Gwyneth, you’re crushing me.”
Gwyneth gasped before quickly letting go of Anna. “I’m sorry, let me go get a nurse!”
“Wait,” Anna grabbed her arm before she got up. “What about Eva?”
Gwyneth’s face shifted to a mix of hatred and disinterest. “She’s fine.”
“Oh, that’s good,” Anna sat up straight. “What happened? I thought you two escaped.”
Gwyneth sat back down, her face softening. “We did, kind of. We got to the surface and there were Wardens already there waiting for us. I saw Coraline go in, apparently after you. I don’t really remember what happened next. When I woke up, I was already here.”
"Where is ‘here’ exactly..?” Anna asked.
"Uh, okay," Gwyneth sat back in her chair and got comfortable. “There is a lot I have to explain to you. First off, you were knocked unconscious for a whole week.”
Anna’s eyes widened. “A-A whole week?”
“Yeah, and well, a lot happened in that time. I guess I'll answer your question first. We’re currently in the Capital City’s Central Station for Sorrow Affairs, or just Central Station. It’s, uh, literally under the academy.” Gwyneth explained, gauging Anna’s face on whether or not she believed her.
“So, that abandoned bunker we were lost in…”Anna said as she tried to piece her situation together.
"...was once part of the Central Station. It had to be abandoned. When it was, the Sorrow came in and formed its nest there," Gwyneth finished for Anna.
"The 'Sorrow'?" Anna frowned in confusion.
"That is what that 'creature' we found down there is called," Gwyneth gave a complicated expression. "They can’t be hurt by anything except energy, like fire. Even then they will keep regenerating as long as their core- uh, that black orb you saw- is not destroyed."
"Can they all morph their body?" Anna straightened herself.
"No, each Sorrow has a unique ability. The one we encountered was able to shapeshift by molding it's body using it's tendrils," Gwyneth explained.
"Then why didn't it shapeshift into a human to crawl through the air ducts? It literally mangled itself trying to force its way through," Anna's voice shuddered slightly as she remembered it's centaur form.
"They are literally animals, Anna. The Sorrows hunt, make nests, and protect their territory based on their predatory instincts. It shapeshifted to deceive us because that is the way that Sorrow hunted, once we ran away it had no reason to keep up its disguise. I know it sounds cruel, but you can’t think of them as people," Gwyneth’s face softened.
"Oh," Anna murmured as she remembered the Sorrow pleading for help. "How do you know all of this?"
"I’ve been working with Beatriz for a few days now as part of her Surveillance Branch," Gwyneth said with a bit of pride.
"Beatriz?" Anna asked.
"She’s the chief of the East Station, she’d probably want to meet you," Gwyneth stood up and grabbed a radio from her pant’s waist. “Ms. Beatriz, Anna has woken up.”
“That is splendid news, Gwyneth. Call a nurse to prepare for her dismissal and bring her to the observation deck whenever you can.” Beatriz’s voice replied, she had a slight French accent.
"Will do," Gwyneth responded before turning to Anna. “I’ll get a nurse, there’s a lot more stuff that you need to know about but I honestly think it would be better for you to see it first hand.”
“Okay,” Anna said as Gwyneth walked out of the door.
Anna glanced at her surroundings unsure of what to do. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. The scar glanced back at her. She covered it with her bangs as the nurse came in with a change of clothes.
. . .
Anna walked out of her hospital room wearing an identical uniform to Gwyneth that fit her surprisingly well. She looked over at Gwyneth who stood beside the receptionist desk, a bouquet of daisies in her hands.
“Anna, over here,” Gwyneth gestured. “How are the clothes?”
“Great actually, I like the boots.”
“That’s good, um, I’m going to make a little detour before I take you to the observation deck. Is that cool?” Gwyneth asked with slight meekness.
“Sure, we’re in no rush right?” Anna replied.
“Yeah, okay, uh- The detour’s a bit morbid,” Gwyneth began walking and Anna followed after her.
They walked for a while before eventually reaching a set of double doors labeled “Intensive Care Unit”. Anna tensed slightly as she read the name. Gwyneth opened the door and walked up to room 309 and opened it. Sophie laid neatly on a bed. Medical equipment surrounded her, monitoring her condition constantly. She wore an oxygen mask and was connected to an IV. Dark purple veins stained her body. They wriggled ever so slightly with each breath that she took. Gwyneth put the bouquet in a small vase on a nightstand that stood besides Sophie.
“This is what happens to the victims of the Sorrow…” Gwyneth took Sophie’s hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “They enter a coma. None of the doctors know why or even how to wake them up.”
Gwyneth looked at Sophie for a few moments before turning towards Anna. “Let’s get going.” She said quietly.
“Sure,” Anna stared at Sophie’s unconscious body before following Gwyneth.
Gwyneth led her to an elevator and the two stepped inside before the elevator sped upwards. When the doors opened, they found themselves in a large control room. Rows and rows of Wardens sitting behind highly advanced computers took the majority of the space. A small set of stairs led up to a deck where a massive monitor made the entirety of the wall. A woman stood in front of it, her scarf fluttering slightly from the pouring air coming from the vents. Anna stood in awe at how advanced the set up was. Gwyneth made her way to the woman.
“Ms. Beatriz, I brought Anna like you asked,” Gwyneth said with slight stiffness.
“Thank you, Gwyneth,” Beatriz gave a warm smile. “Did you enjoy your lunch break?”
“I went to visit Anna first, I haven’t eaten,” Gwyneth sheepishly admitted.
“Oh, that is not good,” Beatriz pulled out a small pocket watch from her pocket and read the time. “There is still a little more time before we begin our mission. Go to the mess hall and fetch yourself some breakfast, bring a serving for Anna too.”
“T-Thank you, Ms. Beatriz,” Gwyneth blurted before heading towards the mess hall. “Go on, she’s really nice.”
Anna walked up the steps.
“Ah, you must be Anna,” Beatriz said with a hint of excitement. “How are you this fine morning?”
“I’m okay, mostly. I’m still trying to grasp the situation I’m in,” Anna replied.
“Of course, it is a lot of information for one to take in at a time. Unfortunately, your burden will not lessen anytime soon.” Beatriz’s smile weakened.
“What do you mean?” Anna asked with a bit of anxiety.
Beatriz took a deep breath. “I assume Gwyneth has told you about the Sorrows, correct?”
“Yeah, they’re basically dangerous giant mutant animals, right?” Anna bluntly stated.
“Something like that,” Beatriz turned towards the monitor. “Their qualities make them incredibly dangerous, even one Sorrow is capable of destroying an entire city if left unregulated.”
“Then how come people don’t know about them?” Anna asked.
“That is largely part to our efforts, Anna. The Wardens do not just act as security staff for your school. They are also in charge of monitoring the Sorrow and keeping them a secret from society. We do this as the Sorrow Affairs Department- an official branch of the government. We do this to prevent a country wide scare. When our efforts fail, we send the Hearts.”
“Hearts?” Anna asked.
“Think of them as the S.A.D’s soldiers,” Beatriz explained as the monitor blinked to life.
The image of Eva standing in front of a barn shone into Anna’s eyes.
“Eva?” Anna muttered.
“Anna!” Gwyneth yelped in a rushed tone from behind her, she held a warm cinnamon bun by a napkin. “Here, I have to get to work.”
Gwyneth quickly handed her the bun and made her way to one of the empty computers. She booted it back up and logged in.
“E-Enabling audio interface,” Gwyneth cleared her voice. “Stand clear.”
A sharp static sound rang out for a single second before breaking into the sound of crickets chirping in overgrown grass.
“Eva, do you copy?” Beatriz tapped her ear.
“Yeah, I can hear you,” Eva grunted.
“Excellent, you have permission to proceed with the raid,” Beatriz tapped her ear again.
“Finally,” Eva rolled her shoulders. “Waiting for so long was starting to piss me off.”
Eva huffed before following suit.
“Switching to bodycam footage,” One of the Warden’s said as the monitor flicked to an image of the inside of the barn.
The wood that made up the barn was breaking apart and waterlogged. Clumps of wet and filthy hay splattered all over the walls. The bare dirt floor was overgrown with waist high grass. The gnawed remains of deer bones laid scattered throughout the grass. A rickety ladder hugged the far corner of the barn. Eva slowly trudged through the grass and towards the ladder. She climbed up the ladder carefully. The attic was a clutter of tree branches and torn sheet metal. She pulled herself onto the rotting wood floor. She surveyed the attic only to find nothing of value.
“Attic’s clear, I’m gonna climb onto the roof-” Eva said before suddenly screaming in pain.
The screech of something huge howled through the speakers as the bodycam footage turned to black.
“Eva!” Anna exclaimed.
“Switching to drone footage,” A different Warden said.
The image of Eva pinned down by a harpy like Sorrow blipped onto the screen. Its boney violet frame gave it the impression of a mummified corpse. Its legs were slender with long talons adorning the bottom. Two gigantic wings took the place of its arms, its pitch-black feathers glowed a bright purple at the tips. Its neck was elongated and curved downward. Rows of jagged teeth took the place of its mouth. The rest of its face was a cancerous growth of spiny feathers that consumed all of its facial features. The Harpy screeched and flapped its wings. It lifted Eva a few feet up before slamming her back onto the ground.
“The Sorrow is going to kill her!” Anna exclaimed to Beatriz.
“She won’t die,” Coraline’s voice called out from behind them. “Hearts aren’t exactly delicate, miss Anna.”
Coraline gestured towards Beatriz who took out her earpiece and handed it to her. Coraline put it on and cleared her throat with a curt cough.
“Eva, you were tasked with eliminating the Sorrow. Do not embarrass me,” Coraline stated coldly.
“Easy for you to say,” Eva grit her teeth and grabbed its talons. “This thing ain’t exactly making it easy.”
“Just get it done,” Coraline glared.
“Sure,” Eva clenched her grip until she heard the Harpy’s talons snap. “Whatever you say, chief.”
The Harpy shrieked in pain before being thrown off of Eva. Its talons quickly snapped back into place, completely healed. Eva stood back up. The back of her uniform was torn slightly but there were no signs of injuries. She put a hand over the center of her chest. A heart-shaped light glowed a bright orange before disappearing. Eva swiped her hand away from her. A streak of orange light traced her fingers and formed a handle. She gripped the handle tightly with both hands. An axe head formed at the end of it. Eva steeled herself as the axe solidified, the axe head still glowing an ethereal orange.
Anna stared in awe.
“Sorrow’s cannot be hurt by anything except for energy, they are faster, stronger and bigger than us. So the question remains, how the hell do we even stand a chance against them?” Coraline looked at Anna in the eyes. “That’s what makes Hearts so special. We are women blessed with superhuman strength and speed...”
Eva charged forward. The Harpy swung its wings at Eva. She narrowly dodged them, snippets of her bangs getting cut by the razor sharp tips. She swung her axe upwards. It wedged itself in between the Harpy’s chest.
“...We can make weapons made of pure energy through sheer will alone. We can fight against the Sorrow, we can kill the Sorrow…” Coraline continued.
The Harpy screeched at Eva’s face only to be met with a swift punch that nearly broke all of its teeth. The force of the blow was enough to break the Harpy free. It began to flee in a mad panic. Eva shifted her weight and pulled her axe back.
“...We, the Hearts, stand as humanity’s sole defense against the hordes of vile men turned beasts and we do it all without them even knowing. Those ungrateful wretches.” Coraline’s glare hardened, Beatriz frowned in annoyance.
Eva threw her axe at the Harpy. It cleaved deep into the flesh between its collarbones. The Harpy crashed back onto the earth. Eva walked up and held the Sorrow down with her boots. She pulled out the axe, exposing the core, and raised it high above her head. She swung down with brutal force. The sound of glass shattering echoed through the speakers. The Harpy’s body disintegrated into a thick black smog, leaving only the cut core behind.
“Sorrow exterminated,” Eva radioed as she crushed the remains of the core with her boot.
“Why are you telling me this?” Anna asked suddenly.
“Because whether you like it or not, you’re a liability now. You know of the secret world of Hearts and Sorrow, a secret that we cannot afford for you to spread. As such you have two options,” Coraline raised a finger. “You return to your life and pretend that you know nothing. Of course you’d be under strict supervision. Everywhere you go, everything you do, and everyone you will ever interact with will be monitored by us-”
“Or, you can work for us,” Beatriz butt into the conversation. “Either as a Warden or a Heart. You can help us protect the innocent and stop the Sorrow from doing more harm.”
“...either way my way of life now depends on the S.A.D,” Anna said quietly.
Coraline scoffed. “You’re smart.”
Anna looked at Eva and then at Gwyneth. She thought to herself for a few moments before taking a deep breath.
“I want to be a Heart,” Anna turned towards Coraline and Beatriz with a determined stare.
Coraline and Beatriz both reacted with slight surprise.
“You sure about that, miss Anna?” Coraline stepped closer. “Becoming a Heart isn’t easy, you have to be in top physical, mental, and emotional condition. Getting there is akin to a death march.”
“I’m sure, I don’t want what happened to Sophie to happen to anyone else.” Anna’s gaze remained unbroken.
“Oh… I hope for your sake your confidence isn’t just for show, because this is going to be hell on Earth for you,” Coraline gave a sadistic smirk as Beatriz frowned.
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fireladybuckley · 8 years ago
Not Like This (Part 1)
Read: Part 2: Here Part 3: Here Part 4: Here Part 5: Here Fandom: Star Trek AOS (Soulmate AU) Pairing: Reader x Bones Word Count: 1,873 Prompt: A prompt from @bkwrm523​ a while back: “ So, academy era.  Soulmate Au where you can hear each other’s thoughts.  You and Leonard kinda chat sometimes, but haven’t met yet.  Leonard’s figured out that you’re both at the academy.  In the middle of one of his classes, he realizes from your thoughts that you were just in some sorta shuttle accident and badly hurt.  He leaves class immediately, gets you to tell him WHERE you are so he can call help.  Then, while rushing over, he coaches you through patching yourself up while waiting for help to arrive, all through thoughts.”  Warnings: Nothing much for this chapter, just scary scenes and a bit of blood Tag list: @outside-the-government @feelmyroarrrr Others who have asked to be tagged for this fic/expressed interest: @bkwrm523  @yourtropegirl @littlecarowrites @auduna-druitt @mccoymostly @nymphadora-blurryface  Author’s note:  This was turning into a really long one shot so I’ve decided to break it up into three (potentially four) parts.  I hope you like it!
               It happened on your first day at the Academy.  As though the enormity of starting your new life as a cadet wasn’t exciting enough, it was also the day you’d first sensed the thoughts of your soulmate.  You’d heard the stories of the few in your hometown who were fortunate enough to have been born within telepathic range of their soulmates, but you’d never expected that you’d be one of the lucky ones.  You’d dreamed of all the things that Starfleet Academy would bring you as you traveled south from your home, but you’d never imagined or really, even considered, that there was a chance of finding your soulmate.
                 It felt mostly like white noise, at first, and you’d thought that maybe your brain was just feeling fuzzy from all the excitement.  You’d pushed it away without really thinking about it, though later that day, actual words came through more than once, and you’d realized what it must mean.  You were so tired that night that you’d fallen asleep before you could really work it out, but for the next few weeks you tried harder to understand the jumble whenever you sensed it.  You remembered one of your friends from back home telling you that the thoughts are generally hard to decipher when the other person isn’t intentionally projecting them, or if they’re not feeling any particularly strong emotion.  You started to wonder if your soulmate was perhaps a bit emotionally unstable, considering the white noise was regularly punctuated with a few very clear sentences suggesting agitation, amusement or frustration.  You learned to how to handle these little outbursts of thought (they were quite startling at first), and start to wonder if your soulmate can hear you, too, though you’ve felt too shy to try and directly think at them.  
                  One night you are getting ready for bed after a particularly long day, when a very distinct thought about some kind of textbook bounces into your mind.  You get the idea that your soulmate has misplaced their xenoanatomy textbook the night before their lab, right when they need to look something up, and you chuckle to yourself as you lie down, listening to their frustration and hoping they can find it.  You listen to the white noise of their thoughts as the emotion fades, occasionally catching the odd word here and there, wondering, once again, if they can hear you.  You realize suddenly that you must have projected the thought without meaning to, because the white noise subsides and you receive your first intentional thought from your soulmate barely a second later.
               I can hear you.  Your heart stops for a second before it starts racing, and you stare wide-eyed at the ceiling as you wonder what to think back.
               Oh, you think, cringing as the thoughts leave you without your permission.  Hi. I… I guess I’m your soulmate?  You can’t hear them laugh, of course, but their thoughts have an amused tone when they reply.
               Oh, good, I thought I was just going crazy. You laugh nervously to yourself at their thought, chewing on your lower lip.  
               So… did you lose your anatomy textbook?  You ask them tentatively, not sure what else to say now that you’d made a connection.
               Xenoanatomy and Physiology, yeah. I swear I left the damn thing here in my room, but I can’t find it now.  Bet my roommate swiped it and didn’t tell me. Their thoughts have grown annoyed and frustrated, and you get the impression that they argue with their roommate a lot.
                 Which text is it?  I have the text for Xenoanatomy 1.0 right now, maybe I can help? You want to help if you can, though you have no idea if they’re in the same year as you.  You wait, absently playing with your hair, staring at the bottom of the top bunk above you.
                   I need version 4.0, so no, but thank you – I appreciate the offer.   You ponder the meaning of what they said – version 4.0 meant that they’re in their fourth year of training, the final year.  Older than you.  You feel a little flicker of excitement: you’ve always liked older guys.
                 I heard that.  Their thoughts are amused again.  Who says I’m an older guy?  Maybe I’m a younger, genius woman…  You flush with embarrassment despite being alone in the room;  you hadn’t meant to project that last thought, and now you feel incredibly flustered.   He senses your embarrassment and thinks: It’s okay, I’m just teasing.  I’m a guy. Don’t know if I’m older, though I probably am.
                 The two of you chat for a minute or two, mostly just about things happening at Starfleet, before you start fading, your exhausting day taking its toll on you.  
                 Goodnight, sleep tight, he thinks at you before you can even tell him you need to turn in, and you smile sleepily into the darkness.
                 Thanks.  Good luck in your lab tomorrow.  You barely manage to think the last word before you drift off into dreams and then a deep sleep.
                   It’s been eight months since you joined Starfleet.  You’re close to finishing your first year and will soon start your second.  You’re feeling a lot more confident in your abilities and more comfortable with the Academy in general.  You still haven’t actually met your soulmate yet; every time either of you suggests a time to meet, something has come up, and your schedules are at complete odds with each other.  When you’re free during the day, he is in class.  When he is free in the evening, you’re on other duties or studying furiously. You’ve lamented not being able to meet him, but you know the day will come. It’s almost time for a brief summer break, and you’ve planned a tentative first date.  You’re nervous as hell but also excited: you can’t believe you’ll actually get to meet your soulmate!
               Currently you’re on a shuttle back to the mainland after being aboard one of the starships docked in orbit for a few days, learning the ropes in the science labs.  The passengers seated around you are mostly other cadets, but there are a few civilians on board as well, mostly family members of the crew that are stationed on the orbiting ship that are unable to return to Earth for the time being.   You stare avidly out of your window as the shuttle makes its way back through the atmosphere, marvelling at the feeling of being in space and seeing the earth in all its glory.  You can’t wait until you actually get to go on a real mission, to entirely different planets, and your excitement at these thoughts bubbles over to the point that your soulmate picks up on them.
               Space is horrible, I wouldn’t recommend it. His thoughts are amused but you sense a genuine distaste for space – not something new to you, as you’ve come across this attitude from him a few times in the months you’ve been talking.  You chuckle quietly to yourself and watch as the earth creeps nearer.
                 Come on, why are you even in Starfleet if you hate space? You ask him, your tone teasing.  You can practically hear him sigh, and grin to yourself.
               I’ll tell you later.  Have a final exam in a few.  
               Okay. Good luck!
                 You doze a bit as his thoughts go quiet.  The shuttle descends to the height at which airplanes generally fly and continues on towards San Francisco, gliding nearly silently through the air.  You wake a while later as it begins its descent into the city, and you yawn, smiling at a young girl seated across the row from you with her mother, who peers at you for a moment before going back to her book.  They’d been visiting the girl’s father, who was the first officer and unable to take leave as his presence was needed on the ship. The girl, who couldn’t be more than eight, looks disappointed to be getting back to Earth, and you’re not sure if it’s because she misses her father or because she enjoys space as much as you do.
                   Your musings are interrupted as the shuttle lurches unnaturally and you look around, somewhat alarmed.  You haven’t been on too many shuttle rides yet, but from your experiences and what you’ve heard from others, they were usually very smooth.  Many of the cadets around you are looking a bit nervous as well, but you trust the pilot to keep everyone safe and assume it must be a fluke – some particularly strong air current, perhaps.
                 A few minutes later, as you’re nearing the heart of the city and close enough to see the Academy in the distance, the shuttle lurches again, more violently this time.  There are murmurs of anxiety spreading through the cabin and you look around, your heart quickening.  There are no monitoring devices or any equipment in the passenger area of this shuttle, so you have no idea what, if anything, is wrong.  The single crewman assigned to watch over the passenger area is looking startled himself, and unbuckles his seatbelt.  He heads towards the cockpit just as the shuttle tilts at a steep angle and begins to plummet towards the ground, prompting gasps of alarm and shrieks of fear all around you.  
                 The crewman stumbles and pitches forward, crashing into the cockpit door as the shuttle careens violently from side to side as it drops.  You want to help him but the gravitational force of the fall is pinning you heavily to your seat.  Terror washes over you and you can’t help but scream along with many of the others, clutching your seat handles so hard your knuckles are bright white.  You can see the ocean getting larger alarmingly fast and can feel the shuttle wildly fishtailing back and forth.  You can tell the pilot is attempting to direct the shuttle as close to the landing pad as he can, but you really don’t think you’ll make it that far. You can see the sand of the beaches now, and realize you’re only seconds away from crashing.  Your final thoughts of terror and regret are projected loud and clear to your soulmate without you realizing, but before he can even respond, the shuttle has smashed into the ground. 
                 The initial impact is so great that you feel like you’ve been hit by a car directly in the chest, and you gasp for breath as the shuttle skids along the uneven ground, snags on some rocks and flips.  People’s bags and other things burst out of the overhead compartments and become projectile missiles, injuring anyone they crash into as the shuttle continues to flip and slide.  Up to this point, you feel like you’ve been thrown into a clothes dryer and tumbled around, but just as you’re thinking that maybe you’ll manage to get through this mostly uninjured, a stray first aid kit sails across the passenger area and strikes you on the side of the head.  A large gash opens up in your skin from the sharp edge of the kit and you are instantly knocked out, going limp in your seat, your restraints holding you in place as blood drips down your face.
Read chapter 2 here
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