#its prob gonna be like how i feel about my autism. I dont care about it until i have a breakdown and then suddenly →
bugwolfsstuff · 2 months
So I think its now clear im Aromantic
Yay? I guess?
I dont know what to feel about it. Is it bad I wish I could feel romantic attraction?
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volfoss · 2 years
For the bingo: franky, kiku and buggy? 👀
HI um this is gonna be long :) so under the cut
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HES EVERYTHING TO ME... the guy ever... like literally prob in my top 3 fave strawhats!! i dont think about him like. a ton but hes so so good and how he is w like. literally EVERYONE is so good. i wish oda didnt try to make him seem perverted like?? idk there was um no reason for that. his backstory makes me sniffle and sob and hes the only guy ever. if u r not a franky fan u are not a one piece fan. or something idk. hes everything to me!!!
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um does my 30+ page kiku analysis doc say antyhing about the autism tm square here. because i think it should. shes so so good and like i feel no one rly appreciates her bc theyre so focused on her being trans that either theyre transphobic (ie redditors lmao) or just to not even like. focus on any of her other character traits. like shes so kind and sure she did kind of kill 6 men in one fell swoop but that was hot girl behavior and she never did anything wrong 2 me. shes like um. well. im love her.... shes literally 2 me like the prettiest one piece woman and by god i am going to be very gay over her constantly (as if i have not been since i first saw her). shes like um quite literally my fave one piece character ever and ever and shes everything like... shes the whole wide world to me. i will go on essays about her she makes me insane and like. shes so so underappreciated. she should kill even more people for sillies and also be so so happy. i wish so fucking bad that oda did more for her at the end of wano than just one little panel but um its the lifeof a minor character enjoyer bc shes everything to me and i could overanalyze every panel of her ever. shes everything to me etc
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CHARACTERS I WISH I WASNT INVESTED IN!!! <- joking but i love him like.... hes so silly and i have so much autism towards him in the way that i will be the only guy to take him seriously and the only one to understand him. please consider that the buggy tag on here is so fucking scary and frightening and terrifying to me. i think buggy has done everything wrong but hes so pitiful that i would say hes done nothing wrong in his life. basically. sorry to find the clown hot etc. sorry to be insane about him in the way that i overthink stuff and have to think about his character soooo hard. like hes so interesting to me bc i rly just love his little buggy-isms (silly stuff he says) and also how he shows he cares in such a weird and awkward and offputting way (ie letting nami fire the cannon to kill luffy as an initiation thing bc he really did see that as smth nice). hes really pathetic and im a huge fan of when he sucks so bad and is sooooo pathetic (has been LOVING the recent buggy content lmao) hes so silly to me. forever thinking abt how he literally used his devil fruit power to look tall. it wasnt enough for him to be 6 ft 3 but he rly needed to be like ummmm makes myself SUPER tall lol!! hes so sillay!!
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asterlark · 7 years
heyy long time no personal post. ive been thinking a lot lately and i think i might be autistic and the more i think about it the more it makes sense? theres certain things i do that arent explained by my anxiety or depression that really make sense if i think about autism like
i have extreme food anxiety bc i have such bad sensory issues when it comes to food so i only eat things i know i like and i get super anxious at the prospect of eating new food especially when it’s in a place with other people
im a stickler for routine and i like to do things the same way, going outside of this makes me feel weird/anxious and i feel super panicky if i dont have a plan when im going somewhere or doing something
i cant stand ambiguity like i cant do like “yeah maybe we’ll do this thing maybe we wont” i need to know if it’s going to happen or not, i need to know whats going on so i can plan accordingly
i have a really hard time focusing on some things and it makes me so overwhelmed i cant do anything
i always need to either be eating something, chewing gum, or doing something with my hands/body i literally cant be sitting still and quiet
im literally never not thinking which is why i have insomnia bc i cant fall asleep without thinking over 2343253 things; i talk a lot around people im comfortable with but i still feel like 99% of my thoughts are internal bc im just constantly processing
work is hard bc i never know if im acting ‘normally’ if that makes sense? & like this is partially the anxiety too but i have a script for what i say to customers and if something happens to where i have to stray from the script i get super flustered and it takes me a second to readjust
idk thats just some things, theres more stuff i cant really articulate here but i basically just dont know what to do bc.. i really dont care about a professional diagnosis lol like i just dont care. i know they’d look at my other illnesses & be like you already have these things, you just think you’re autistic shut up go home. and i 100% dont wanna talk to my family either bc my brother’s autistic & very different from me so they’d prob look at him & me and say no way could i be autistic. which sucks bc autism diagnoses are super skewed towards boys and it makes me question what im feeling even more and idk
i guess what im looking for is like, if anyone who follows me is autistic wants to offer advice or resources? i’ve been looking at resources online for women with autism (even tho i dont necessarily id as a woman thats the closest i got lol) and so much of it really, really resonates with me so i feel like im not just being ridiculous here? but i wanna have some other perspectives from folks themselves and maybe if you self diagnosed like how you came to that conclusion and how you knew and stuff like that. idk its not like im gonna use this info to go to therapy or get meds or anything bc like i said i do not care about a ‘professional’ opinion i guess i just wanna know for myself? so yeah. idk. help would be very much appreciated and thank u in advance <3
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