#its one of the brightest stars seen by the naked eye..
logorrhea5mip · 2 months
As you might know, the sky is due to get a new star any time now, in a few months at most.
What is happening? The recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis, by far the brightest one known, is a star* in the northern constellation Corona Borealis that, once every 80 years or so, increases in brightness from completely invisible by naked eye to among the ~100 brightest in the night sky. This increase is called a nova, from the Latin word for new, as it looks like a new star has appeared.
Where can i see it from? Basically all human inhabited latitudes, all except the far south. In the northern latitudes, however it is visible the entire night, while near and below the equator you will need to 'catch' it at the right time of night, which in August and September is just after sunset.
How will it look? Let's not get your hopes up too high. It will, at the brightest, reach a magnitude around 2 at most, so about as bright as the north star, relatively unremarkable and completely unnoticeable as unique to someone who doesn't know where to look. But still, it's the most visible sudden change to the relatively fixed pattern of the heavens any of us will live to see, so you should still go give it a look.
Where is it? Currently, the constellation is best visible about 1 or 2 hours after sunset. You will need to be relatively far away from light pollution, so at least a couple dozen stars are clearly visible. While learning the constellations, and finding the star by orienting via those is imho half the fun, you could use one of many sky map apps and websites to tell you the star's location. If it didn't happen yet, there should be nothing visible at that location. However, if there is, congrats! You just did an astronomy™ :3
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It will appear in the circle next to the star labeled ε
Why is this happening? Most stars spend most of their lives in a stable, hydrogen fusing state. However, when hydrogen in their cores begins to run out, they switch to helium fusion, which makes them swell up to enormous sizes, turn red due to lower surface temperature, and are thus called red giants. After this helium runs out, the star will (in most cases) throw off the inflated outer layers, while its hot, dense core shrinks and keeps on glowing due to how hot it is, while not actually doing any fusion and not producing any new energy. Those are called white dwarfs, and because they don't fuse, aren't technically stars at all, therefore the asterisk in the first sentence of this post. The T-CrBo system is a red giant and white dwarf binary, where the red giant has grown so big, that the parts of it closest to its partner aren't gravitationally bound to it anymore. Therefore, the gas falls and accumulates on the white dwarf's surface (which otherwise has no hydrogen on its own), untill a critical point is reached where the pressure of the gas causes it to all fuse at once, resulting in a huge thermonuclear explosion bright enough to be seen from over 2500 light years. The explosion however, isn't big enough to blow the dwarf apart, and it starts accumulating new matter from its partner right away. Because of this, it with re-explodes every 8 decades, and it is due to go any day now.
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@green-mountain-goose @brightgreendandelions
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mysticstronomy · 3 months
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Countless generations have looked up at the night sky to observe its twinkling stars and dancing lights. In dark and remote places, before the advent of today's modern metropolises, the shimmering night sky must have looked truly alive.
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Early days (and nights)
Indigenous cultures around the world have long performed astronomical observation with the naked eye, frequently spotting stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena.
These communities often used their knowledge of astronomy for:
Agricultural planning
Spiritual and religious practices
A closer look at the heavens
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Ancient astronomers from around the world made many early observations and predictions. Historical records include many star charts, which reveal clear efforts to map the night sky and learn more about the mechanics of our universe.
Some examples of early discoveries include:
Planets versus stars
Babylonian astronomers in the first and second millennia BCE tracked five points of light in the night sky that moved differently than the other stars did. They concluded that something fundamentally different existed: these five points of light were not stars at all. Historians and astronomers now believe the Babylonians were among the first to recognize the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which become visible to the naked eye at different times of the year.
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A spherical Earth
As early as the 6th century BCE, ancient Greek philosophers documented evidence that Earth was a sphere. They noted that the night sky looked different when seen from various locations on Earth, hinting at our planet's curved surface. They also observed the round shadow of Earth on the Moon during lunar eclipses. These philosophers were even able to calculate the circumference of Earth quite accurately. They did this by measuring the length of the shadow cast by an object at exactly the same time, in two different locations. Taking into account the distance between those two locations and the difference in the lengths of the shadows, they calculated that Earth's circumference was about 46,250 kilometres. That is very close to the real value of 40,075 kilometres!
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Bright supernovae
In the year 185, Chinese astronomers became the first to document a supernova. Several supernova explosions have been observed since then, including a particularly bright one in the year 1054, which (at its peak) was four times brighter than planet Venus, one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Some supernovae are even bright enough to be visible during the day!
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Cloudy galaxies
The notion that our own galaxy – the Milky Way – is but one of trillions of other galaxies in the universe only dates back about a century. Before then, nearby galaxies were thought to be cloudy regions of the Milky Way. The first documented observation of the neighbouring Andromeda Galaxy was in the year 964 by a Persian astronomer who described it as a "nebulous smear." For centuries, it was simply known in star charts as the "Little Cloud."
Originally published on www.asc-csa.gc.ca
(Saturday, June 29th, 2024)
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Arcturus Talon Abraxas
Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the sky: only Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri outshine this orange giant. It is a variable star in the last stages of its life.
Arcturus takes its name from its nearness to the sky Bears, Big and Little Bears, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. From Arktouros or Arctophilax, "the Bear Guard" and also called "the Bear Watcher". The "Herdsman", or "driver of oxen" are other titles. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes the Herdsman so it is also called Alpha Bootis. The pattern of stars in this constellation forms the shape of a kite or an ice cream cone; seeing a Herdsman driving the bears around the sky.
Arcturus is believed to be one of the first stars named by ancient observers. It is translated as "Guardian of the Bear" and is a name that was once used for the entire constellation of Bootes. It is easily found by noting that the curve of the handle of the Big Dipper is part of a circle - an arc - and we can just "follow the arc to Arcturus."
Arcturus is a giant with a diameter about 18 times our Sun's and four times as much mass. Its surface temperature is about 1500 degrees lower than Sun's but its much greater surface area results in an outpouring of energy at a rate making it 105 times as luminous as Sun.
Recent observations by the European Space Agency's Hipparcos Space Astrometry Mission have revised Arcturus's distance to 36.7 light years from us.
Arcturus has the largest "proper motion" -- motion across the sky -- of any of the bright stars except Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to our solar system. In 100 years Arcturus moves across the sky a distance equal to about half the width of your little finger held at arm's length.
At its distance of nearly 37 light years, this motion, when combined with its motion along our line of sight measured spectroscopically using the Doppler shift, yields a space velocity of about 76 miles per second with respect to our Sun. Most stars in our vicinity are moving relatively slowly with respect to Sol because of our common motion carrying us around the center of the Milky Way galaxy every 250 million years. Arcturus is in an elongated orbit around the Galaxy's center that carries it out into the Galaxy's halo.
It was formed in the halo of the Milky Way and is an interloper in our neighborhood. It has been visible to the naked eye for only about half a million years. It will be a little closer in a few thousand years, but then will recede from our view in another half million years as it continues its journey on a different orbital path.
Arcturus's great brilliance makes it possible to obtain very detailed spectra and to determine its chemical composition. Arcturus is deficient in elements such as silicon, aluminum, and iron which are formed in stars. It contains only about a fifth as much of these elements as Sun. These elements are formed inside stars, mixed into the interstellar medium as stars explode, and incorporated into subsequent generations of stars.
This chemical composition reinforces our identification of Arcturus as a member of the galactic halo. It was formed about 10 billion years ago, in a generation of star formation prior to that in which our Sun was formed, before the interstellar medium could be enriched in elements such as silicon and iron. Arcturus, about twice as old as Earth and the solar system, is the oldest thing most of us have ever seen, and is the oldest object easily visible to the naked eye.
The constellation Bootes has the shape of a kite with the bright star Arcturus at the point of the kite where the tail is attached.
Arcturus is a red supergiant star and the fourth brightest star in the whole sky.
It is visible from the northern hemisphere in the evening from about March early summer. Red-supergiant stars are precursors to super-novae, neutron stars, and black holes (so it is believed). It is approximately thirty-six light years from Earth.
According to E W Bullinger (The Witness of the Stars ), a biblical interpreter of the constellations, the ancient Egyptians called Bootes Smat, which means 'one who rules, subdues, and governs'. They also called him Bau , which means also 'the coming one'.
It was famous with the seamen of early days and as a calender sign regulated their annual festival by its movements in relation to the sun. But its influence always was dreaded, as is seen in Aratos writings. Its acronycal rising (the latest rising visible at sunset) fixed the date of the husbandmen's Lustratio frugum; and allusions were made to its character as unfavorably affecting the farmer's work; "When moist Arcturus clouds the sky". Other contemporary authors confirmed this stormy reputation, while all classical calendar's gave the dates of its risings and settings.
An Egyptian astronomical calendar of the 15th century BC, associates it with the star Antares in the immense sky figure Menat; and Lockyer claims it as one of the objects of worship in Nile temples, as it was in the temple of Venus at Ancona in Italy.
In India it was the 13th nakshatra, Svati, "the Good Goer", or perhaps "Sword", but figured as a Coral Bead, Gem, or Pearl; and known there also as Nishtya, "Outcast", possibly from its remote northern situation far outside of the zodiac, whence, from its brilliancy, it was taken to complete the series of Hindu asterisms.
The Arabs knew Arcturus as Al Simak al Ramih *, sometimes translated the "Leg of the Lance-bearer", and again, perhaps more correctly, the "Lofty Lance-bearer".
Another Arabic name; Al Haris al Sama, the "Keeper of Heaven," perhaps came from the star's early visibility in the twilight owing to its great northern declination, as though on the lookout for the safety and proper deportment of his lesser stellar companions, and so "Patriarch Mentor of the Train." This subsequently became Al Haris al Simak, "the Keeper of Simak", probably referring to Spica, "the Unarmed One".
From the Arabic title came various forms: Al Bamec, Aramec, Aremeah, Ascimec, Azimech, and Azimeth, Somech haramach, Aramakh, Kheturus.
Al Biruni mentioned Arcturus as the Second Calf of the Lion, the early Asad (Lion) in early Arabian astronomy; Spica being the First Calf.
The Greeks had a word meaning "Javelin-bearer", while Bayer had Gladius, Kolanza, and Pugio, all applied to Arcturus, which probably marked in some early drawing the "Sword", "Lance", or "Dagger" in the Hunter's (Orion) hand. Similarly it took the title Alkameluz of the whole constellation.�
It has been identified with the Chaldaeans' Papsukal, "the Guardian Messenger", the divinity of their 10th month Tibitu.
On the Euphrates it was the Shepherd of the Heavenly Flock, or the Shepherd of the Life of Heaven, undoubtedly the Sib-zi-anna of the inscriptions; the star eta (Mufrid) being often included in this, and thus making one of the several pairs of Euphratean Twin Stars.
Another title was Audiens, which seems unintelligible unless the word be a misprint for Audens, the "Bold One".
With others it was Arturig and Ariture, or the Carlwaynesterre from the early confusion in applying the title Arcturus to Charles' Wain as well as to Bootes and its lucida.
Bootes is the cultivator or Ploughman who drives the Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor around the Pole Star, Polaris. The bears, tied to the Polar Axis, are pulling a plough behind them, tilling the heavenly fields "in order that the rotations of the heavens should never cease".
Manilius 1st century AD writes "they will be kings under kings and ministers of state, and be charged with the guardianship of the people, custodianship of great houses and treasures, who confine their business to the care of another's home so that the wealth of monarchs and temple finances will be in their keeping".
Any type of occupation that requires planning is influenced by Bootes. These people are the driving force behind government and large corporations. They are the planners and designers, the movers and shakers, who "make the world go round". Bootes symbolizes the elder, the sage, the wise old man who is interested in principles and underlying causes, theories, ideologies, and how the past effects the future. (Conservative) politicians, economists, draftsmen, architects, designers of all kinds.
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✧。◟ᴇɴᴄʜᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ — chrome x reader [PGR] [Happy Activation Day Chrome!!]
please don't be in love with someone else
a.n. - sometimes chrome just raghhhhhh. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHROMEE!! I promise to finish that other fic for you LOL also thank you for being one of my resilient lil construct, my Lucia and Wanshi are happy to be with you <3 mwa mwa (IM SORRY AGAIN IM LATE)
pairing - chrome x f!commandant
words - 7,881 (it's why I took long TvT)
tags/warnings - none. fluff! alcohol is involved yet again! chrome x reader shenanigans. yall up to what happens in the end uwu. non-sexual naked cuddling. cute stuff for chrome because happy activation day!!
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The stars seemed to have blessed Babylonia tonight.
A crowded room. A brightly lit, dazzling chandelier. Wine and champagne glasses clinking together. Orchestral music filling the room — this is a sight that those who can afford luxury would generally see in their life. High society placed itself on top of the pedestal, overlooking its body that wore no gold.
Forget the war that raged outside; Babylonia beheld the grandeur of the rich folk for tonight, and the stars had rewarded their presence by granting the brightest evening for them.
Such sight is normal to a Smith. After all, they were always born with a silver spoon, to feed and to be fed by high society, for everyone to see.
But not for Chrome. He always thought this life was never fit for him.
There he is — champagne in hand, forcing laughter and faking smiles to those who are around him. Humanoid legs are already used to the wages of war, yet they trembled under the hours of talking to people that only blur in his M.I.N.D.
He is only here due to his father, Mr. Smith. “For you to be familiar with the people you will work with in the future,” he always said to Chrome, “be on your best attitude. Show them the makings of a true Smith.”
But they only bore him. He would rather be doing things that are mundane in the eyes of high society, such as lounging in the comforts of Strike Hawk's dormitory; dealing with Kamui's antics, helping Wanshi fix his sleeping pod, tasting Camu's dishes...or cleaning the corners of his room, or strolling the walkways of Babylonia, or playing chess with a certain someone...
A scene flashed in his memory — a warm hand reaching out to him, a sweet smile, a soft laugh, and the chessboard with scattered chess pieces in front of him. A scene that happened not too long ago, a memory so fresh that made him flush a light shade of pink. Was it the alcohol? No, usual alcohol would never make a construct drunk, unless...?
“How are you holding up, Chrome?” A familiar voice called out to him.
Mr. Smith. Holding an identical champagne glass in his hand, he looks up to Chrome with an expectant gaze. Chrome straightens, clearing his throat. “Mr. Smith, I am doing well. I have met the people you told me earlier.”
“Glad to know,” He nods, “it's beneficial as a Smith to meet your future prospects. You know that already, Chrome, don't you?”
“I do, Mr. Smith,” Chrome solemnly spoke.
“Other than that, have you seen the Commandants who are invited tonight?” Smith tsked, “they have commendable records. They seem to enjoy tonight's feast before they go back to war once more. Especially Gray Raven's Commandant, hm.”
Chrome's ears perked up. “Gray Raven's Commandant is here tonight?”
He knew the party was for high society, with some specially invited commandants. Yet, Gray Raven's Commandant? He overlooked that part, why didn't he know?
“Yes, it's understandable due to the glory they have brought to Babylonia countless times now.” Smith paused, moving his hand to make a circular motion with his glass, “I've seen them earlier. Now, they are nowhere to be found.”
“Ah,” Chrome slightly faltered, muttering, “a shame.”
“They also seem to blend well with us, I'd say.” Smith hums, taking a sip from his glass now, “they look well with us, even. We should try asking them to join when they retire.”
A particular thought crosses in Chrome's M.I.N.D. — a person wearing a simple dress amongst the crowd yet so vibrant, the same warm hand he saw as she held onto his arm, smiling fondly at him. The very thought that somehow made his heart crumble in a good way —
“Chrome?” Smith asked, causing Chrome to snap back to reality, “are you alright? You look red.”
“I do?” Chrome muttered, “I'm sorry. There must be something wrong with my cooling system after I got injured last battle. I am planning to get a maintenance check once more.”
“Alright then,” waving his hand, Smith nodded, “I'll leave you be. I need to meet with other people.”
“Thank you, Mr. Smith.” Chrome approaches the nearby table tp place his glass, “I will return soon.”
Finally, away from the party, Chrome found himself lingering outside. The garden outside of the hall seems to be the answer to his dilemma, the cool breeze and the artificial night decorated with the authentic stars sparkling above him. He breathes into this sight — once more, a thought that popped into his M.I.N.D.
“The sight may be beautiful in Babylonia,” your voice sent shivers down his spine, “but the ones here on Earth are prettier.”
Bright irises staring at him with a gentle gaze amongst the dark plains, a genuine smile on your lips, “don't you think so, Chrome?”
The memory shook Chrome, his heartbeat skipping. What was it with him lately? Thinking of a particular person that he holds with high regard? It seemed unlike him, the man who only thought of perfection. Battles and tactics are his expertise that makes up his thoughts, yet such stray memories and incredulous scenarios have distracted him since his recent rendezvous with that certain commandant...
His hands tremble. They seem lonely. A small part of him wishes those familiar hands would hold them right now.
Gray Raven's esteemed Commandant. The very thought of her makes Chrome weak. He who should maintain a professional, beneficial relationship with her. Yet, thoughts beyond that relationship seemed to have spawned in his M.I.N.D.
Chrome entertains that thought to no avail. After all, a small part of him wishes he should have seen or heard from you tonight.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star~”
Yes, something like a nursery rhyme that is sung by you. Sometimes, Chrome thinks you drove him insane to the point that he's having hallucinations of you.
“...how I wonder where you are~”
Wait. That voice seems closer and familiar. Surely, he wasn't dreaming. Chrome rushes to the source of the voice.
“up above the world so high,” the voice hiccupped, “like a diamond in the ska-ay~!”
Chrome thinks this sight is one of the best he's ever seen: sitting on the ledge of a fountain, gazing at the water beneath, your sky-blue dress nearly submerged yet you didn't look like she minded; in fact, in your hand was a glass of unfinished wine, and your face seemed too pleased with your antics, a contagious smile written on your face.
Gray Raven Commandant in the flesh. And drunk. (According to Chrome's readings anyway)
“Commandant!” Chrome's voice - shaking? - echoed throughout the garden, making you look, “Over here! What are you doing?”
You finally look at Chrome, your usual bright eyes laced with tiredness and mirth. Upon recognizing the figure that was approaching you, you cheerfully raised your glass to him.
“Hello stranger!!” your shoulders shake with visible joy, “you're hereeee, come on, come on! Join me in watching the fishies~”
Stranger? Perhaps the alcohol fogged your senses. “Fishies?” Curious, Chrome follows where your hand points, to the fountain...devoid of any fish, “I...see?”
Instead of fish, Chrome could recognize that the 'fish' the Commandant referred to are the coins that people must have thrown into the fountain. The reflection brought by the moonlight highlighted with the pattern underneath the fountain must have tricked you into thinking she was talking to fishes. Not wanting to break your delight, Chrome plays along.
“I named that lil' blue fish Lee, because he looks grumpy.” You giggle as you point to a blue-shaded coin, “then that pink one is Liv!”
“That's cute, Commandant,” Chrome chuckles, opting to sit at a considerable distance from you, “who else did you name?”
Lights over the garden seemed ethereal. Haloed with the gentle glow of the skies, the white noise of the party inside the hall, and the mellow laughter of the Commandant — Chrome could easily capture this memory for a lifetime, although you couldn't recognize him. He could try taking away the glass in hand and tell you that you're drunk, but he does not. Instead, he asks more about the 'fishes' you found. And somehow, you went silent.
“Commandant?” Chrome gently pokes the silent Commandant, “are you alright?”
“Mmm,” closing your eyes, you tapped your chin, “stranger, I can't see Chrome...”
The nickname seems to grow on him now. “Well,” he shrugged, “maybe he's sleeping.”
“Fishies never sleep!” opening your eyes just to stare at Chrome, “that's basic knowledge!”
Chrome could finally see you properly: the dress snugly fit you, the train already submerged in the water. Some strands of your hair framed your face perfectly. Alcohol flushed your cheeks in the shade of pink. Irises that still lit brightly amidst the dark, a sight Chrome could never forget. Blinking to come back to reality, Chrome reached out to brush away the strand that was on your lips.
“Some fishes sleep with their eyes open.” Chrome smiled, “but what you said is still, it's true, Commandant is always smart.”
A smug smirk flashed on your lips, arms crossed to assert her amusement, “hm! I told you!”
One of the sleeves fell to your arm as you moved. Flickering to that, Chrome spoke before reaching out to lift it, “Yes, of course. Commandant, are you not cold?”
“Nope!” Somehow filled with a new burst of energy, you drunkenly placed the glass in front of Chrome, making Chrome reel back, before struggling to stand up on the ledge with the heels on. Chrome acts quickly, aiding you by holding your legs for support. “I realized something!”
“Commandant! What are you doing, get down!”
“I need to find Chrome!” you spoke with such reverence, it could make Chrome cry, yet it only made him scared, “he could be drowning!”
Drowning? “Commandant, I know you're smart,” Chrome hesitates, before speaking, “but fishes don't dro-”
“-I know what I'm doing!” you grin at him, rotating your arm as if exercising and exhales, “that's why I'm going to save him from this ocean!”
At that moment, Chrome realizes where he went wrong. “Wait, Commandant, no!”
At least he tried to stop her.
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A shivering Commandant is wrapped in Chrome's coat for tonight.
“Are you alright, Commandant?” Chrome spoke as he ran through the streets, “do you still feel cold?”
After the stupid attempt at jumping head-first into the water, Chrome had to save you - even after trying to get away from his hold. Now, you were tightly wrapped in Chrome's coat, carried like a princess in his arms.
Sneezing, you shook your head furiously, “I'm fine, you stranger! Why did you stop me?”
“The waters in Babylonia in the evening get colder. I don't want you to suffer from hypothermia.”
You whine, before sneezing once more. “I was fine! Oh well, I managed to get Chrome though.”
“You managed to- what?”
Fishing out of his hold and the coat, you childishly held out a white and blue-tinted coin. Chrome could only sigh in disbelief.
“Also, put me down, you stranger!” Attempting to wiggle out, you whine more as Chrome tightens his hold on you, the familiar way illuminated by the lights already in sight, “my mama said not to trust strangers!”
“Right,” Chrome laughed, his heart skipping a beat, “don't worry, I'm taking you to Chrome right now.”
Halfway through the run, you drifted off to sleep (and it granted Chrome the opportunity to see you comfortable with your guard down). Finally, they arrived in front of the Smith Estate.
Carefully opening the door, Chrome is met with a comforting silence. Were the cleaning robots still around? He knew his father wouldn't be around until the next day, which meant the robots were the only company. Stepping inside, he finds the place deserted, the faint sound of the Commadant's breathing filling the room. Placing you (not minding the water dripping off of you) to his room on his bed, Chrome rushes to the kitchen.
Still no robots around. Easy to explain and less hassle to explain why a stranger was in his bed. He'll worry about that the next day. Quickly, he grabbed a few pieces of food from the fridge and concocted a hangover drink and water.
Upon returning to his room, Chrome finds you still asleep on his bed. Silently placing the items he brought for you, Chrome wistfully gazes at you.
“you're always taking care of me, Chrome,” you'd say if you were awake, your voice echoes in his M.I.N.D., “I want to return the favor.” (You are now corrupting his thoughts.)
A little stir from you made Chrome snap out of his daydream. Slowly opening your eyes, looking around your surroundings in a daze, Chrome leans down to check on you.
“Commandant,” he softly calls out to you, hand touching yours, “are you awake? Can you sit up?”
“Mmmhm,” rubbing your eyes as you sat up, Chrome aiding you, “where am I...?”
“You're in my room. I will take you back to Gray Raven's headquarters when you've freshened up and rested. Come on, drink some water.”
Your legs dangle on the side of Chrome's bed as you sat up. Your figure, although shivering from the stunt, still seems smaller than him. Chrome reached out to grab the glass of water and hold it out for you, but you only stare at him.
“Ch...” you whisper, slowly lifting your cold hands to cup Chrome's cheeks, “Chrome...”
His heart flutters at the call of his name. With a free hand, he caresses the hold on his cheeks. “Commandant?”
“Why are you...hot?”
Chrome's cheeks burn at your touch, he noticed. Was it really the cooling system, or that his growing fondness for the Commandant of another team making him like this?
“The cooling system,” he chose the first option, “I'm trying to get it checked, don't worry.”
“Mmh, Chrome...”
Your innocent, sleepy eyes were looking at him. And you were leaning closer to him. A human instinct, Chrome leans forward as well, until their foreheads touch.
“...Chrome. Why don't you call me by my name?”
It feels expensive. It feels surreal. He wanted to tell her, but the words die in his throat.
“I will only do so, if you wanted me to do it, Commandant.”
“Mmh.” Your breath fans Chrome's own lips, further intensifying the heat in both of your cheeks. “Then, Chrome...”
He closes his eyes. Closer, closer...until you pulled away so abruptly. And then, a warm liquid spilled across his chest.
Chrome's eyes opened. Sometimes, the timings are uncanny.
A bathtub full of bubbles, lavender dousing the room with its intoxicating smell. Near the bathtub, Chrome sweats nervously as he stares at the guilty figure sitting on the toilet.
“I'm sorry,” the Commandant, who was usually strong and courageous in the face of danger, shrunk in guilt, voice timid and remorse, “I didn't mean to puke in front of you.”
“It's alright, it's not your fault,” he dismisses it, smiling slightly, “I was planning to get you changed...”
He is already wearing a new set of clothing, compared to you. After that quick nap, you seem sober. But based on Chrome's readings, you are still far from being sober. At least, you recognize him now. Squeaking, you shook your head. “I can't just let it slide. Is there anything I can do for Chrome?”
Kneeling on one knee, Chrome awkwardly pats you. “It's okay, really. Um...”
A reddening blush was on Chrome's cheeks as the words died in his throat. He motions to your soiled clothes, clearing his throat in an attempt to gather his pride.
“Commandant, I am going to...” whispering, “...I'm going to take off your clothes so you can...um, take a bath.”
You stare at him. Blinking tired eyes at him, you slowly nodded. “Okay.”
You turn your back on him, presenting the zipper on your back. For you, it seemed normal (Liv and Lucia are always hands-on whenever you are invited to events like this, so they're seen what's behind those clothes). But Chrome, whose ventilation was now out of place from the possible outcomes running through his head, was shaking and turning into a blushing tomato.
“You can unzip me, Chrome,” you pipped, noticing Chrome's silence, “I can't reach the top.”
A shaky exhale from Chrome. He mutters something you couldn't hear, but could feel the small pressure from his hand holding your hair to the side before resting on your shoulder.
“I will...start unzipping you, Commandant.”
It feels...intimate. The way Chrome held onto the zipper with care, thoughts running wild in his M.I.N.D., dragging it down slowly. You notice it, despite the alcohol fogging your thoughts. The sound of Chrome's nervous breathing, the water dripping from the faucet, the bubbles on the tub — it almost makes you sober.
However, a question seemed to linger on your lips. But before you could ask, Chrome had already unzipped your dress, the sleeves finally down on your shoulders.
“I-I'm done, Commandant.”
You turned to Chrome, a smile on your lips, “Thank you! But...are you...okay...?”
You weren't that convinced. In front of you, Chrome's hands shook, and his face was in the deepest shade of red. You tilted your head to the side, before shimmying out of your clothes. Yes, still in front of the man who has been nothing but an angel to you.
“I'm done!” You excitedly quipped, standing up, causing the dress to fall to the floor. “where am I going next?”
Seemingly snapping out of his trance, Chrome looks down to pick up your clothes and dashes to the door. He stops by the door frame, his back facing you. “I need to put your clothes in the washer. They'll be ready after you take a bath.”
“Chrome, will-”
But he was already out of the door.
Chrome remembers every part of the laundry process, even without help from the robots. Yet, even though he has loaded up the washing machine (he knows it'll be done in at least 2 hours, clean and fragrant), his hands are still shaking, the memory in the bathroom turning his mind into a haze.
Even when he closed his eyes after he unzipped your dress, or when he heard it drop to the floor, he couldn't help but imagine — how your skin must feel under his touch, soft or smooth; the expanse of your back, would there be goosebumps like when you touch him; would there still be a smile on your face even when you would know about his feelings?
He accidentally slams the door of the washing machine too hard. It's all pointless, really; all he wanted was to show how eager his rapt attention, yet terrified that he may have crossed unwanted boundaries. Maybe he needed some rest. That's right - it has been a long week anyways. Sighing, he leaves to go back to the bathroom, in case you fell back to sleep...
— except, he called it too early.
“Chroooome,” you cried out as you whimpered in the tub, bubbles covering everywhere but your face, “I'm drowning!”
Suffice to say, he wasn't going to be relaxed tonight.
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The water was warm.
And so was the hand that you wish you held onto as you dangled your arm on the ledge of the tub, reaching out to Chrome, who sat on the floor. You wanted something - but the golden boy wouldn't budge.
“Join meee,” you pouted, “don't you see I am a lonely girl sitting here so lonely?”
The light of the bathroom casts a glow over Chrome's frame. The sound of the water splashing around, paired with his humming, sends your mind in a close lullaby, you fear you'll only fall asleep at this rate.
“I see you well, Commandant.” He shook his head, “however, I will stay here.”
“Mean.” Huffing, you sunk to the comforts of the bubbling water, feigning annoyance to him “At least I could wash your hair...you said you'd allow me to see you with your hair down...”
“Commandant,” it's a surprise how Chrome could still hold his composure, voice calm and cool, “you are drunk. You are also very dirty, so it's best you wash up now and get dressed in something warm.”
“I'm not drunk!” Exasperatedly raising your hands, you glared at Chrome, “and I can't wash my hair...”
You look at him expectantly, to which he stares back with curiosity. Pointing to your wet hair, you whispered. “I always wondered what it's like to have my hair washed.”
“Will you...wash my hair, please, Chrome?”
Crossing his arms, he thinks for a moment. “Will you promise not to do anything stupid?”
As he scoots closer to you, you reeled back. Chrome mistook it as something else, when he sees the look on your face.
“...don't tell me you are planning to wash my hair in that.”
“Strip!” you pouted, “I get fussy when someone isn't touching me.”
In an instant, you see Chrome's cheeks tint a shade of pink. “Commandant, that sounded...”
“Hurry up,” you yawned, scooting a little closer to the faucet on your legs, “I won't look.”
True to your word, you look elsewhere but wherever Chrome was. Raising your hands high to your face (look how pruned they are, the longer you stay), before the shuffling of clothes and the sound of cautiousness tiptoes its way into the water, beside you. From your peripheral vision, you see two hands reach out to hold your open hands — have these hands looked so lonely until Chrome came?
“Look at you,” he huffs, fingers caressing the pad of your pruned fingers, “you should have been faster.”
You find comfort in this cramped space — the warm water that you're doused in, a familiar body close to yours, a heat that you never realized you've been craving all this time. You crawl; on Chrome's legs, your scent intertwined with the smell of lavender, you hope it rubs on the man beside you. Unknowingly, you crawled further, until your back hits the sturdy structure of Chrome's physique, leaning back to curl up in his chest.
“Can we stay like this?” the words slipped past your mouth, faster than you could have noticed. Without a word, his hands drifted to the expanse of your shoulders, your arms, your clavicle.
His hands rest there, as your body relaxes in his embrace. The subtle, erratic beating of his heart is there, it's not a surprise when yours mirrored his. And you smell the hint of vanilla on his skin, forgetting that he's humanoid in these very small moments. Yet, you breathe into it, the smell lulling you to sleep faster.
“If you want to,” he mutters, “I thought you wanted to rest.”
“I do, but I feel comfortable when there's someone else.”
The quiet snap of the shampoo bottle opens. Along the way, he places his hands over your head, gently massaging the tips of your hair to make the shampoo bubble, to your scalp. Gentle, soft as he held you like this. The way he pours the water over your head, careful enough to not let it reach your eyes. You must smell like lavender now; the scent already sinking into your skin, like how Chrome's warmth was seeping onto your cold ones. His touch felt unreal, it makes you want the world to freeze for a moment and only behold this scenario for a long, long time.
“Commandant,” even his voice was a whisper, movements slowing to a stop, a telltale sign that he's done, and a little emotion was hanging on your chest - annoyance - “finish up washing now. Your hair is done.”
A dissatisfied grunt escaped your lips. Sitting up straight, you turned to him, hands outstretched. “Let me wash your hair too.”
Slightly looking down from your chest, his eyes shot up to meet yours, the blush that was on his cheeks already invading his ears. “N-No. This bath is only for you, Commandant.”
“Pleaseeee,” you dawdled, brushing away the bangs that covered his face, “I want to help you.”
Although hesitant, he lets you anyway; you, crawling to straddle his thighs, reaching out for the shampoo on your right. His eyes were carefully trailing your movement, which made you shrink under his grasp, but you never minded (after all, the both of you are naked in front of each other, what else was the difference?). You mimicked his movements: massaging the scalp, entirely focused on how you moved your hands on him.
“You're so pretty, Chrome...”
“I'm drunk but you're still pretty.” you giggled, booping his nose, “in the morning, when I'm sober, I know you'll be prettier.”
You thread your hands into his hair now, forgetting that bubbles should come out, but you're too focused on everything around you, drowsiness coming to catch you.
“Your hair,” you mumbled, aware of his hands placed on your waist, “...it feels really soft.”
“Does it?” He chuckled, eyes closing, “I'm glad you think so, Commandant.”
Commandant. A title you've always worn, but the way he called you that, a gnawing feeling crammed in your chest — with that pretty mouth of his, a stray thought made you think: what would it be like if he were to say your name?
“You never call me by my name.”
Turquoise irises locked with yours. Unable to pull away, mesmerized by the magnitude it beheld as you stared at each other — you wanted to speak, but Chrome beats you to it.
“I- I never thought I'm allowed to say it.” Looking away, the flush you've seen earlier came back and dusted his cheeks, “we never established it before.”
“Call me by my name then, Chrome.”
You wonder how your name would sound when it leaves his lips. You wonder, if the sound of your heartbeat reverberates if speaks, if he calls you in a name hidden behind your title — and for a moment, you've realized.
“[Y/N],” it is quiet, a soft tone calling for your name, “[Y/N],”
All you could do is close your eyes. Your mind is racing. The sound of two people, breathing in the silence, in the warmth of another's presence. The bubbles are now dissolving in your fingers and in his hair, you're certain the ones on your head are gone too. Were you still drunk, or had the intensity of your feelings reached its threshold? It made your mind spin, and your fingers tremble. What was going on?
“Did that sound weird?” You opened your eyes to find Chrome's worried gaze. Still realizing the situation you're both in - and yet you were both comfortable now - you opened your mouth, only to close it.
You realized you've always liked Chrome all this time.
And the way he said your name is far from what you've imagined. You breathe in once more at his appearance: disheveled hair coated in shampoo, flushed cheeks in contrast to his pale complexion, doe-eyed in the shade of the light. Of course, you had to fall for this man. And it made your heart ache - alcohol or the touches alone? Who knows.
“No.” You quietly spoke, looking away, hiding the blush on your cheeks, “I...want to get out now.”
Chrome doesn't say a word. Instead, he stood up and left you there - confused, in a daze. When he comes back, a pair of clothes were on his arms.
“Can you stand, co...I mean, [Y/N]?”
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“Thank you for the clothes.”
You spoke by the time you re-entered his room, the oversized shirt hanging loosely on your body. You looked at your appearance in the mirror twice before leaving the room, where you'd deemed it was good enough, however; judging by the way Chrome was staring at you intensely, head to toe, you couldn't help but wonder - is something wrong?
Chrome must have changed the sheets first, the shade of blue occupying the space on the bed. He now stood behind a smaller stool, a hair dryer in hand. You awkwardly stood, gesturing to the sight behind you: “I promise I'll repay you back when I get back.”
“The shirt,” He looks away for a moment, before clearing his throat, “it looks...good on you.”
You looked down — the oversized white shirt with the print fading away reaching down your thighs, just above your knees. At least, you were wearing something to combat the cold, yet your back catches the wetness of your hair, which made your temperature drop further. Noticing this, Chrome motions you to sit on the stool.
You are compliant with his wishes. He starts to turn the hair dryer on, before carefully handling your hair. In front of you was a tall mirror, which must have been Chrome's height. As he gently starts to dry your hair, you take in your surroundings - it's your first time in Chrome's room. As they say, the bedroom reflects its owner; tidy, neat, and everything in place. Various books with small print on the spine you couldn't make out on the shelves, the Queen-sized bed in the middle of the room. A perfectly neat study table with a few papers here and there near the dresser of the bed. It brings you to shame, how cleanly Chrome sets up his room which is far different from yours.
It reflects; your senses in a daze as you feel Chrome weaving through your locks, attentive to how his turquoise irises are on his masterpiece. Your eyes look up at his face once more.
“You also look good with your hair down.”
His attention flickers back to you. It's true - he looks more human this way, hair framing his face. Blinking slowly, he sheepishly laughs. “Ah, I always have my hair down after a shower. Do I look weird?”
“No.” You admit, “you look handsome still.”
Another wave of silence washes over. You realize you're more sober this way, the guilt of not talking too much gnawing on the back of your throat. But you are thankful, Chrome takes the opportunity.
“You are wearing my shirt that the F.O.S. gave,” humming, he brushes away the hair on your back, heat radiating off on your back, “they gave it shortly after graduation. I took it before father could notice.”
The hair dryer shuts off. He places it on the dresser, eyes still on your now-dried hair. You asked, “does your father not want you wearing these things?”
“He thinks it's useless. After all, medals and honor are the only valuable things the college would give to you.”
“But I see that it seems well-used,” you smell the cologne Chrome uses every day, “like you've always worn it.”
His hand is on your shoulder, tracing the outline. “Shortly after my Construct surgery, I always wore this. Anywhere as long as my father wouldn't see.”
A thought where Chrome wears the shirt comes to mind, in bed, clutching the fabric. Holding a handful and raising it to your nose, you spoke, “is there a reason?”
But he only sighs. “I am a Construct.” He looks up to meet your eyes in the mirror, “I am made for war. I threw away my humanity a long time ago.”
Those words tugged a hidden emotion in you. Spinning to meet his figure, you craned your neck just so you can properly look at him. Words are bubbling in your mouth, but it comes out dry.
Yet, you try anyway. “It's true that you're made for war, but you shouldn't be denied of these...”
“It's alright, co...[Y/N].” The call of your name sends your heart into somersaults, “I've learned it the hard way. There is no need for me to feel that way anymore.”
“Besides,” he added, as he got on one knee, smiling, “it's time for you to take a nap. It's past 2 am now. I wouldn't want my Commandant to be sleep deprived, yes?”
“I-” you looked at Chrome, you don't pretend you didn't mishear his words. Looking at his irises, you took a deep breath.
“The first time I saw Chrome,” you began, “I always thought you were attractive.”
That caught his attention. Tilting his head with an eyebrow raised, he curiously asked, “I'm sorry?”
“I wondered why a human like me was roaming around the city ruins that day.” You fidgeted with the hem of your clothes, “But then, I saw your inver-device.”
Ah, this memory. Chrome remembers it fondly. In the heat of dispute, where Lee had been injured badly, he doesn't remember if it was the situation at hand or the way the sunlight shone down on you that day - either way, he always thought it was something for that moment.
“It didn't change one bit of my impression of you.” You take a deep breath, “I think...it became something else.”
Your heart beats chaotically. You're sure it's the alcohol, but you're also aware that it's your feelings shaping at this very moment. Your hands tremble with want - to hold Chrome, to hold his hand.
“Something else?”
“I don't see you as a Construct, Chrome,” you whispered, reaching out to touch his chin, eyes trailing where your finger touched, “I see you more than that.”
You're aware; his gaze on you, as his own fingers shake as they touched yours. Such feelings have echoed in your mind, and you are afraid they wouldn't go away unless you tell them upfront. Are you scared to be rejected? Too bad, you're not; let the alcohol drain all your fears tonight.
“I don't want you to keep calling me 'Commandant'. I don't like it when you see me as someone from F.O.S., but I like it when you touch me, or when you're close to me-”
His hand is holding yours now. Firm, gentle. He's in front of you, and you swore you could see the future reflect in his irises. It's warm, the way he grasped your hand, fingertips touching his lips. His eyes are closed - a single kiss on every finger, mouth muttering some kind of prayer.
“[Y/N],” he whispers on your fingers, gazing at you with an expression you've never seen him make before.
Loving. Adoration. Something along those lines. It claws on your stomach, inching up to the top, that if you opened your mouth you would regret.
“When I saw you at that time, I didn't know what to think. I remember thinking: would you only be another soldier I will see on the battlefield, regardless if dead or alive?”
“Am I the former?”
“A part of me thought so. But...”
He pauses, before taking your hand to his chest, a strong vibration echoing there. Your heart feels the same, it wishes to free itself from the cages of your ribcage and into whatever was in the middle of the both of you.
“If I were to lose you, I...wouldn't know what I'll do.”
Heaviness weaves in your chest. You wrap your arms around his neck for support, blissfully unaware of the distance left between your lips. “Chrome,”
“[Y/N], I cannot...”
“I like you, Chrome.” It is a genuine confession. You never lied. “I like you too much, that I feel like my heart can't handle it if you disappear on me, too.”
A confession that brought tears to your eyes. “I want to run away with Chrome. I don't want to be away from you.”
“I'm not going away.” He took you by the waist, propping you on his thighs, “I'm here.”
“Meeting you...being here with you...it feels enchanting.” You closed your eyes, blindingly touching wherever your hands meet, “Please don't be in love with someone else...”
Chrome feels like it's the first time for him to recognize the ability to love. The passion for studying, living in the moment where examinations take place, keeping everything orderly — it has always been how he always lived. Yet, for the first time — someone was here in his room, in his touch, in this space. It makes him greedy; it makes him wild.
“[Y/N],” his hands cup your cheek, nuzzling your cheek, “I feel the same way. I like you - I adore you. Every glory I will bring to you, it will be all for you.”
That confession triggered something inside of you - to bridge the gap between the both of you. Leaning forward, the urge to slam your lips to him right there and then grows fervently. However, a hand stops your advances. Pulling back, you are met with a blushing Chrome, looking at you in awe.
“Comman- I mean, [Y/N], as much as I want to kiss you...I cannot. I can't kiss you when you are still drunk.”
“But I want to, let me show you how much I like you.”
His hand easily slips under your shirt, warm ones grasping your hips, rubbing circles around it, “In the morning. When you are sober, when you are about to make better judgement. I will let you do whatever you want.”
A mischievous smile graced your lips. “Anything?”
The blush on his face became a darker shade. Shyly nodding, “Yes, anything.”
He eases into his arms. Lifting you up and carrying you to bed, a thought crosses your mind — you, in a long white gown, and him, in a silver tuxedo. You see him in the lights of the room, illuminated in this dark evening, his smile sending ripples of your heart into motion. You see him this way, your hand carrying a bouquet of flowers that you both love, your fingers intertwined with a ring of promise. In your thoughts he carries you like this, and you swore it felt familiar; one day, you wish. You would have to tell him in the morning.
But for now, the alcohol hits you harder more than ever, drowsiness threatening to shut your eyes. As you felt yourself dip into the mattress - his bed - you wish you could stay with him, the lingering warmth on your skin now fading as you feel him pull away. But your mouth is a jumbled mess, only opting for the fatigue to succumb to you. So, you use your hand, grasping whatever you could reach - his shirt, his hand, his arm.
“Don't go.” You beg, voice laced with grogginess and want, “won't you stay here?”
“I will be sitting here next to you. Don't worry, I'm not going away.”
“No,” your voice sounds like you're pleading now, “don't go, stay beside me. I want you to be beside me when I wake up.”
“Stay with me, Chrome.”
With a sigh, you feel the space beside you dip. The shuffling of sheets, the smell of lavender invading your weary senses. At last, warm hands enclose yours, before placing them close to his lips, one last kiss before darkness consumed your senses.
“Goodnight, [Y/N],” you knew he'd tell you that, “I will see you in the morning.”
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Chrome doesn't see you in the morning.
When sunlight slipped through the windows, he woke up to an empty space beside him. Disappointment comes knocking on his door, calling out that he was only dreaming for something unreal, something that only humans would indulge in. Although the sheets prove that someone else was here with him last night, he doesn't dwell on that slipping hope. Instead, disappointment and frustration, paired with despondency, makes a home inside his chest and his M.I.N.D.
No longer interested in ruminating on the mattress, he drags himself out of bed. However, the robots that usually greet him aren't around still. But the floors and the walls on the rooms he passed are cleaner than what he saw last night.
Probably elsewhere. Probably at the garden.
But the glass door to the garden shows no signs of robots, at least where his sight can reach. No robots cutting grass or cleaning the pool. At times like these, they should've been around. Where were they?
A sound of an R5 cleaning robot chimes in nearby. Chrome follows the sound, and the sight isn't something he was expecting.
“You did well,” your voice feels like a cloud, floating amongst the sea of beeping robots, “thank you for your help.”
Your back faces Chrome. Crouching in front of a faceless R5 cleaning robot, you gently patted its "head", small giggles on your lips.
“You're a good robot, aren't you,” the sound of beeping seemingly mirroring an appreciative noise, “you're a very good robot.”
A sizzle comes out of the oven, to which you jump to your feet, scrambling to reach the stove. “Ah, it's getting burned!”
Chrome couldn't help but admire you; the way you move, your interactions with the robots although lifeless, and your cautiousness seemed to boost his adoration for you. It must have been his M.I.N.D., but the sunlight on your toes, his shirt that fits you perfectly despite being too big for you, and the smile as you tasted whatever you were cooking — it hits him harder. The want, the like, the adoration for someone he could never think he'd fall for. The feeling that his chest had earlier disappeared; only warmth began to repair its fractured roots.
“Chrome?” Your quiet voice called out, the beep of the robot chiming in, “you're awake.”
“And you're here.”
Is this what pining feels like? An unspoken feeling that settles deep between the distances of the two of you. He knows he shouldn't hope, when a night drowned in alcohol remembers nothing. Yet, the way your eyes seem to tell him something, he hopes to cling onto whatever was left in his pride.
“Good morning,” he spoke, aware of his morning voice now, “I apologize that you had to be the one to cook.”
“N-no, it's alright! The robots mostly did the work. I merely supported them.”
“Still,” he slowly approached you, timid footsteps leading to you, “the fact that you treat them as if they're human too speaks a lot.”
“It's even a surprise that they show no hostility to you. They are trained to fend off those who are unfamiliar in the household.”
“Commandant [Y/N] is welcomed.” the robot from earlier chirped, “helped us with housework.”
“Mr. Smith also invited me here once in a while to talk about politics.” You shrugged, opting to pat the robot once more, “I just did a favor for them.”
You nodded to it, to which it purrs in your touch. Satisfied, it happily trots away, probably deciding to work elsewhere.
Another silence. You've decided to go back and finish cooking the food, but the fire had long been doused (probably from the advancement of this stove?). Chrome wants to talk, yet no words could be formulated in his head. After the agonizing long silence, you took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.
“I remember what happened last night.”
Chrome freezes. He looks up to meet your guilty eyes looking elsewhere. “You do?”
“I...am regretful that I puked on you. That's why I decided to clean up here as an exchange.”
Ah, so you don't remember what happened afterwards. Chrome's heart sinks, before noticing you looking away, and a creeping blush on your cheeks.
“I...also remember that I asked you to take a bath with me.”
Memories of last night came crashing over his M.I.N.D. The garden, the bed, the bathtub, the hair dryer, and your skin — all a mixture of things that only makes him go haywire. His blush mirrors yours; that means one more thing.
“I also remember telling you how I feel.” You began, “and I...”
The sinker comes. And Chrome's heartbeat isn't sure now. But you - you approached him, eyes down, figure covered, but reaching out to him. With shallow breaths, you raised your hand to his chest, before looking up. And there - your eyes meet his. Same innocent, shimmering eyes looking at him with vigor, with enchantment; he forgets how to breathe.
“I like you, Chrome.”
You've said it once more. Sober, genuine, and true. And it breaks Chrome's heart into pieces, folded and mashed into dough, before it forms in the shape of a heart. You've set the oven now; his feelings are ready to be baked, ready to be eaten - and he wants you. No, he needs you to be the one to take it.
“I still like you, even when I'm drunk or sober. I want to be with you all the time. I want you, Chrome. I want you to be part of the future that I am building.”
Wordlessly, he captures your hips and pulls you close, him leaning down just so the proximity knows no bounds. He feels your breath ghost his lips, your heartbeat in his ribcage - it beats, and beats, and beats so loudly he forgets you're in the kitchen at daylight; in a house he's grown up with no love, but he's here now. Creating a love that no Smith can forge.
“A concrete object made of materials and information, whose borders are continuously constructed and reconstructed,” said the definition for 'Smith'. He could live in that definition forever, but what about Chrome?
“I am forging a new one.” He whispers, “I am...bridging the new future with you.”
Your eyes are shining, and there he knew-
“I like you, too, [Y/N].”
If only bodies were capable of seeing what's happening underneath, a cadenza ringing in Chrome's heart, beating furiously for you, only you. You smiled, a mischievous gaze written across your face.
“Does the offer about me doing anything I want when I'm sober still stand?”
He smiles back. “Of course.”
“I want to kiss you.”
Tiptoeing to reach Chrome's height, you craned your neck and tugged his shoulder. But Chrome is kind; he hoists you up by the hips, capturing your lips in an instant.
Sweet is a word to describe the first kiss Chrome shared with someone in his life. Forget the war, forget that you're on the kitchen island; it's only two lovers baring their adoration for one another, sharing a kiss blessed in daylight. It's warm, it's soft, it's needy - the way you both melt into each other, how you wrapped your arms around his neck, or how his hands are holding you up. Enchanted, Chrome's M.I.N.D. echoes, it's really enchanting.
Satiated, you both pull away, breathless, as your foreheads touch. He doesn't let you go, though. You (unfortunately) do, when the other kitchen door opens, a parade of little robots bursting through the door.
You cheer as the little robots go through the surprise: a small banner written "Happy Birthday!" hastily, and the cake you baked earlier with the robots. Chrome looks at you confused, before noticing what the parade had brought.
“Happy birthday, Chrome,” You beamed, hands cupping his cheeks, “you deserve the celebration.”
“Thank you.” He whispers on your chin, leaving little kisses there, “I really appreciate this...I appreciate you.”
“You should enjoy today.” You winked, “my birthday present to you is for later.”
You squeezed his arm. He blushes. “Yes, later.”
Chrome is thankful his heart doesn't need to somersault out of his chest now. At least, until later.
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HAPPY LATE ACTIVATION DAY CHROME!!!!!! please like, reblog, share, comment down on this post! don't copy and plagiarize my work!!
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apod · 10 months
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2023 December 2
Startrails over Beijing Ancient Observatory Image Credit & Copyright: Jeff Dai (TWAN)
Explanation: You can take a subway ride to visit this observatory in Beijing, China but you won't find any telescopes there. Starting in the 1400s astronomers erected devices at the Beijing Ancient Observatory site to enable them to accurately measure and track the positions of naked-eye stars and planets. Some of the large, ornate astronomical instruments are still standing. You can even see stars from the star observation platform today, but now only the very brightest celestial beacons are visible against the city lights. In this time series of exposures from a camera fixed to a tripod to record graceful arcing startrails, the brightest trail is actually the Moon. Its broad arc is seen behind the ancient observatory's brass armillary sphere. Compare this picture from the Beijing Ancient Observatory taken in September 2023 to one taken in 1895.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap231202.html
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ariel-seagull-wings · 6 months
@themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @thealmightyemprex @shelleythesapphic @allthegoodbobdylanlyricsaretaken @softlytowardthesun @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales @barbossas-wench @professorlehnsherr-almashy @tamisdava2
(Brazilian Folktale)
He was a widowed king. His daughter was more beautiful than precious stones and brightest stars in the sky. The king adored his daughter, but he was unhappy.
Never to have had a son who could, one day, inherit his domains and command his armies and the destinies of its people.
Even so, instead of getting married again and trying to have the desired, the king had made a decision: it would be his daughter, and no one else, the future queen and mistress of all she owned.
And the princess grew up, more and more beautiful, spoiled and difficult to dominate. She disdained dangers. She swam in the dark lagoons. She liked to take risks- along the roads, jumping over banks and fences with his sorrel horse.
One day, she looked for her father. She said she intended to go on a hunt. The king became worried.
He argued that a woman's place was at home, close to luxury, clothes, jewelry and perfumes.
The daughter smiled. She replied that she liked jewelry and perfumes, but also to travel, visit distant places and walk the roads facing the unexpected. The king, as always, ended up agreeing. Some time later, the princess left following a group of hunters.
She was elegant, wearing a velvet skirt and a pair of white gloves. The bush he became more and more closed and the girl became happier and happier. She went ahead of everyone mounted on her sorrel.
She walked so much, she did so much, she ran so much that, when she saw it, she was lost in the forest. That's not why she was worried.
As it was hot, she decided look for a river to quench her thirst. She ended up finding a fountain, drinking water and, to wait for the other hunters, she settled down on a rock and slept. She was in the most beautiful of dreams, when a prince appeared.
The youth, son of a neighboring king, he had never seen such a beautiful and delicate person before. He waited for the girl to wake up, but she, tired, continued sleeping. deep.
Night was coming. The prince thought it best to go get one carriage to take her. To mark her presence, he took one of her white gloves. girl and left. As soon as the boy left, the girl opened her eyes. Noticing dusk, she jumped on his horse and went in search of his companions.
Through the dark night without find anyone. She ended up arriving in a distant country. Afraid to reveal who she was and run the risk of being considered an impostor, she went to a store, bought very simple clothes and found a job as a maid in the king's palace.
The queen soon sympathized with the maiden, determining that she would keep company for the daughter, the princess, who, unfortunately, was mad.
The poor patient spent, from time to time, times, through incomprehensible moments of discouragement and sadness. At these times, She locked herself in her room, lay down on the bed and didn't want to eat or talk to anyone. nobody.
Furthermore, she suffered from delusions, sometimes she didn't know who she was, she heard voices, she danced without listening to music and, once, she even tore her own clothes and go out naked through the city streets.
The other princess, the one who had now become a servant, with pity, looking for treating the sick girl in the best way possible, decided to teach her how to play cards.
One afternoon, the sky turned dark and the lights in the castle and town went out.
Frightened, people ran, locking themselves in their homes. The created princess did different.
She sent the sick girl to wait in her room and went out to see if she discovered the reason for that unexpected lack of light. She walked and walked until she saw a flash in the middle of the bush.
As she got closer, she saw two huge, shaggy dogs standing in front of her. around a fire, walking on two legs and stirring a spoon, in a cauldron. Next to them, an evil-looking man recited:
"Turn that turns that while turning
The sweet princess can't think
Move as long as you stir
The sweet princess will go mad"
The young woman was not afraid. She came out from behind the bushes and, in front of the surprised characters, she said that the power in the palace had gone out. She asked for a fire to light a candle. She said more.
She revealed that, just now, she was in the middle of a lively game of letters with the princess.
She needed light to finish the match. Hearing this, the Evil-looking man widened his eyes.
"It's not possible!"
He said."
"Everyone knows the princess is crazy and she can't even think, let alone play cards!"
Pretending to be surprised, the girl laughed. She said the man was mistaken. She said that she had been the princess's maid for a long time and that the girl was very beautiful, smart and intelligent.
In the deck, then, she added, it was almost invincible.
Furious, the man started shouting:
"You mean you were deceiving me this whole time?"
And grabbing the dogs by the scruff of the neck, he threw them into the steaming cauldron. Meanwhile, the girl lit the candle, said goodbye and ran back to the palace. She found the lights on and the princess completely healed, as Her charm had come to an end.
The maid's fame spread around the world, reaching the ears of another king.
His daughter, poor one, unfortunately, was also sick. The poor thing couldn't speak.
Her father ordered the services of the maid, who immediately accepted the challenge. Arriving at the palace, she soon befriended the mute princess.
They both spent the day talking through gestures, making faces and laughing.
The maid, meanwhile, investigated, trying to find something she might be causing the girl's illness.
Without discovering anything, she asked permission to sleep in the molting room. The king agreed.
On the first night, as soon as the sick princess closed her eyes, the maid heard a noise. Pretending she was asleep, she kept peeking out of the corner of her eye.
A trapdoor opened on the floor of the room and out came a huge, dark, so-called dog, so ugly that, horrified, the girl was unable to continue with her eyes open.
In the next day, she looked for the trapdoor in the bedroom floor, but found nothing. At the second night, the same thing happened. The dog appeared and, again, the girl didn't have the strength to look.
On the third night, the created princess gathered courage and she took a deep breath. It was already past midnight. The palace seemed to be plunged into silence of death.
Once again, the trap door opened in the floor of the room, allowing the puppy. The animal walked on two legs, dragging its furry tail on the ground.
The maid just watched. The monster approached the mute princess, placed a golden ring on her finger and kissed her for a long time. Then he went back to the trapdoor and disappeared.
Quickly, the maid jumped up and ripped the ring off her finger, threw it out the window and went back to bed.
Before dawn, the dog came back and kissed the poor girl again. When he noticed that the ring was gone, he became very agitated. Searched the beds of the two girls, he spoke incomprehensible things, sniffed and crouched on the floor, examining the four corners of the room.
The day was dawning. Yelping desperately in the sun's rays, the dog jumped onto the trapdoor and disappeared.
The next day, the mute princess woke up talking.
The charm had worn off broken. And the girl called people by name. And she sang. And she screamed. And she danced.
Crying with happiness, the king organized a party, inviting the people and nobles of the Kingdom.
After a while, another request came from far away. Now there was a king who already didn't even sleep because I was so worried.
His son had met a girl one day at the middle of the forest. The youth fell madly in love but she had disappeared. The king was distressed.
His son, previously a giant of strength and health, had fallen ill and could not He no longer wanted to eat or know anything. For the young man, life no longer made sense apart from that maiden.
The princess who had once gotten lost in the forest felt that she must answer at the request of that desperate father and traveled. She found the poor prince lying in the bed, with eyes closed. The young man looked more dead than alive.
He held between hands a white glove. The maiden was surprised. It was exactly one of the gloves that she had lost one day in the forest.
"But I know that glove!"
She exclaimed. The youth remained motionless on the bed. The princess said that she owned that glove. The youth's voice came weak and hoarse:
"If that's true, you must have the other one."
"It's here in my hand!"
Replied the maiden. Only then did the prince open his eyes. When he saw the glove and then the girl, he gave a I jumped out of bed and, screaming, called my family.
He announced that he had found the person that he had been looking for so much and now he no longer felt like dying.
It was a day of enchantment and joy.
The princess revealed who she was and how she had gotten lost in the forest.
She cried. She said she missed her father. The prince asked the maiden to marry him. The princess's father was notified, and in less than a month, at the most beautiful party that ever happened, the wedding of the two young people was celebrated.
As bridesmaids came the princess who before could not speak and the other who, one day, was considered mad.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 months
Robbed of Her Life
Summary: Valtor is equally as mesmerized by Griffin as he is seething the first time they're face to face after her betrayal. By his side she became too bold a thief, to the point of daring to rob even him - of herself and their partnership. It was a mistake he plans to punish her for and correct at the same time. I had an excuse to think about Valtor's PoV on the flashback in chapter 1 of Fallen Love and things spiraled out of control. You get his insufferable internal monologue and a peek at his creation and how he perceives himself. Oh, and lots of possessiveness over Griffin! Wouldn't want too much self-reflection to make him a better person! CW for mentions of blood and murder fantasies Read on FFN | AO3
The purple of Griffin’s hair stood out like the brightest star on the night sky. In the busy ballroom, oversaturated with deep reds and greens, royal blue and shining gold, numerous indigo and eggplant shades came close to fooling the untrained eye but to Valtor were nothing more than pale imitations.
He’d recognize her anywhere, wasn’t misled by the striking shift in her that was as familiar to him as her golden eyes. He’d ran his hands through her long locks every night in bed, marveling at how they darkened from day to day without a touch of magic. So sensitive to the lack of daylight on the dark side of Melody’s biggest moon.
The near year they’d spent there harmonizing all their stolen magic to improve their control of it and expand their capacity for absorbing more hadn’t resulted in as drastic a change as Valtor was now witnessing. As if she hadn’t seen sunlight at all since she’d disappeared on him months ago.
She was bare, wearing her own face and not a trace of magic at her fingertips, anywhere on her body. As part of the official delegation of the Dimension’s leading political force, she wasn’t considered a thief, wasn’t considered a threat.
It wasn’t freedom.
She’d gotten her way with the hair – a couple of strands framed her face while the rest was pulled back in a loose updo with only a few mischievous locks spilling from it down her back. The rest of her, however, was stuffed in a heavy, ostentatious gown. The rigid bodice constricted her chest just so; it would be uncomfortable for dancing alone and would make battle completely impossible. Layers upon layers in her skirt dangerously hindered her mobility and the excess of fabric wrapping her arms and dragging down to the very floor was a liability in the full ballroom. It could be easily grabbed or even stepped on–like a chain keeping her at her masters’ side–to subdue her. As if she were an unruly dragon.
They’d designed a cage for her and then dressed it up as a symbol of protection. All the golden embroidery diminished her, overshadowed her pale skin and hid her from the eye as if the gown were worn by a ghost. She was dressed in their colors to make her one of them, a carbon copy of their incapacious beliefs about his nature.
Claiming him an abomination at least afforded Valtor some independence from them unlike the idea that he was just a fraction of their power–their birthright–to be reabsorbed, reclaimed. He was as unique as the Dragon Fire he was made from. The most versatile power in the universe that had changed, altered itself until it had become air and water, earth and living matter, and sparked, breathed in the core of every thing in existence. How were they its rightful owners when in their narrow-mindedness they could only see one path for it, one possibility that suited them best – that it was their exclusive possession?
It was his, too–it was him and vice versa–in ways they couldn’t dream. And so was Griffin.
That gown was sacrilege on her. He ought to rip it off her strip by strip of fabric until she was gloriously naked, gloriously herself again. Then he’d kill everyone else for looking at her and feed her their blood, bathe her in it. The red intensity of it on her skin would frame her like the beating heart of the universe, make any life impossible without her.
Instead, he’d kill her. He’d unleash upon her the demise she’d doomed herself to rather than free her from the yoke she’d willingly accepted – for herself and for him. Only the walls of Domino’s royal palace stood between him and victory and only they again separated Griffin from death at his hands.
His mothers weren’t like his own appetites. Them Valtor couldn’t resist.
That was the first sensation seared into his being. Not like a fire was burning–a natural form of existence–but how a person burned when they were suffocating, dying.
From inextinguishable Flame he’d become a creature, a living being. Breathing hadn’t been instinct yet. Amidst the flood of knowledge, of awareness he was gaining of himself as an entity, cut from the fabric of the universe but separate from it, he’d not yet realized how he was supposed to exist, to survive in this new form.
He’d been omnipotent before, endless, almighty. Then he’d been confined to a body that needed oxygen to live – like ordinary, unremarkable fire.
His creation had been agony. He’d resolved to never turn back, to live with his new form–with his forced servitude to the Witches–and all the possibilities it afforded him.
For a thousand years he’d built himself up – magically, politically, rising when empires fell and creating from their ashes, all of it leading him to his greatest opportunity – meeting her. Someone who shared his vision and wasn’t bound by his specific... circumstances.
Griffin was brilliant, her mind more cutting than a diamond, especially for her young age.
Too many schemes and countless forms of magic passing through his hands had long erased his initial years from his mind, from his body even. Decades, centuries of expertise in all manners of combat and courtly conduct had long become second nature, taken over his muscle memory to push out anything else. Seconds after he’d taken his first breath he’d had millions of lifetimes’ worth of knowledge at his disposal from his mothers’ observations of history and human nature.
Still, he'd lacked his own experience, hadn't had an example to follow when his mothers were shackled to their incorporeal existence, could only interact with the world through him or their followers, who were less than impressive. Somewhere deep in the back of his mind he could find traces of the exuberance of youth, the lack of caution when the whole world had been promised to you and was at your fingertips. The intoxication had been overpowering even to someone like him, who’d had the luxury of eternity to savor it, hadn’t been possessed by the mad, obsessive need to rush before he’d run out of time like a mortal would have been. Like Griffin would have been.
She'd proven herself above it all, cold calculation and flaming resolve, ruthlessness to match his and endless, hungering curiosity. She’d earned herself the glory of being his partner and she’d still taken her sweet time deciding if she’d wanted it. She didn’t do anything lightly, least of all something with such catastrophic consequences as leaving his side.
He wanted an explanation.
He wasn’t going to get it.
Not tonight or any other time. She chose and she chose wrong, betrayed his confidence in her for people that would burn her on a pyre if they deemed it a more useful strategy against him than exploiting her intimate familiarity with him for their own gain, never hers. She would never share in any victory they thought they could achieve, would be banished to Omega or another prison dimension for the rest of her days.
He'd never given her reason to fear for her life even if that wouldn't have been unjustified. Loyalty didn't guarantee the Ancestral Witches’ mercy; only usefulness did. Undeniable proof that she'd have always been safe.
Now he had to let her leave with his enemies, eat their food, sleep under their roof, humiliate herself for every next breath and still live on borrowed time.
The only proper retaliation for her carelessness with her own life would be to clutch her to him, as close as the restrictions of the physical plane would allow, and kiss her until the burning lack of oxygen set a panic inside her. Until every fiber of her body was ablaze with agonizing awareness of what she’d be losing if he didn’t let up, let go of her and she still chose to succumb to it if that were his will. Only then would he retreat just enough to let her gasp for breath and cling to him with all the might of the life rushing back into her.
A whisper of his magic steered the crowd out of his way and to separate Griffin from her company.
She didn’t startle when he grabbed her hand, clasped at him in turn instead. Without a moment’s hesitation she followed him, didn’t spare a glance at the couples spinning in a tight circle around them on the dance floor to close them in, form a barrier to keep out her guard dogs.
Her body swayed with the music but her focus was on him, her intense stare on his face, on his lips.
Valtor caught himself smiling, grinning almost as if he had a reason.
If her goal had been to punish them both for still being this enamored with him, he had to concede to her success. And a vindictiveness that suited him, suited a partner of his so perfectly that it only highlighted the space pushing to cut between them after she’d allowed the illusion that were possible.
Her eyes were still familiar, hadn’t changed like the rest of her in the months of her life she’d robbed him of. Whatever insanity had possessed her to leave him, had cleared up already – to no avail. He could wait centuries for the opening, the opportunity that would allow him the freedom of having her by his side again but she’d be dust by then.
"Was it you?"
He could barely hear her over the music despite how close he was clutching her to him – like a fucking omen for the fate she’d hurtled towards without a second thought.
Whatever she was asking, she couldn't put her whole heart into it. Then again, she shouldn't have to put her whole heart into anything that didn't involve him. It was his. She’d given it to him and he wouldn't allow her to take it back even if grasping at it tore it in half.
"It was."
She knocked the air out of him when she collided with his chest. The magic streaming from him masked the breath he sucked in just as well as it enveloped them in a world of their own, hiding them from prying eyes.
In their restored privacy he could enjoy the way she was pressed against him again. It only confirmed his earlier observation – she’d grown noticeably thinner and for that he couldn’t blame their enemies; it wasn’t their brand of cruelty. Every inch of her body–familiar or changed–seared into his brain every time his breath moved him against her.
He couldn't help himself, needed a taste of her. Only a fleeting one, a minute brush of his lips against her hair, the shell of her ear. All her fault, the absence building for months upon months had cut through him even more viciously as soon as he’d laid eyes on her. She'd weakened them both, turned their strength of unity into a crushing dependence that he couldn't shed. It was unforgivable.
“I am the architect of your nightmares, Griffin.” Her name tasted like blood, like wine. “Each and every one of them.”
Her magic bled from her form as if he'd pricked her all over. It clung to his skin like nails in it, solid, a tangible presence, yet still with the fluidity of water that would drown him.
His own power pulsed and prickled under Valtor’s skin as if it were a returning bloodstream he’d been deprived of, as if it were a cramped up limb that’d pained him to move all this time. The rush of it nearly swept him away with the dawning realization that she would be his downfall – in one way or another.
He had to find the piece of the puzzle that had been eluding him for ages – not just for his own freedom but for the sake of having her again, for the luxury of hating her to his heart’s content.
“Your suffering belongs to me.”
If that was the only thing she wanted to give him, he would take all of it.
Hints and clues for the course of events in Fallen Love are waiting to be found in here. :)
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‘Stellae’ Charm’ card descriptions 21 to 41 [Constellation Clash]
Orion: This card depicts the mighty hunter Orion, known for his strength and bravery. He is often shown holding a club and a shield, ready to defend himself against any threat. In the sky, Orion is represented by a group of stars forming a distinctive figure with a belt and a sword hanging from it.
Taurus: In this card, we see the constellation of Taurus, represented by a bull. This constellation is associated with the ancient Greek myth of the god Zeus, who transformed himself into a bull to carry Europa across the sea. Taurus is also known for its bright star, Aldebaran, which marks the eye of the bull.
Gemini: The constellation of Gemini is represented by two figures, the twins Castor and Pollux. In Greek mythology, they were the sons of Zeus and were known for their bravery and loyalty. The two bright stars that make up the heads of the twins, Castor and Pollux, are easily visible in the night sky.
Cancer: This card depicts the crab-shaped constellation of Cancer, which is associated with the Greek myth of the crab that was sent by the goddess Hera to distract the hero Hercules during his battle with the Hydra. The constellation is also known for its bright star cluster, the Beehive Cluster, which can be seen with the naked eye.
Leo: In this card, we see the majestic lion represented by the constellation of Leo. This constellation is associated with the Nemean lion, a ferocious creature that was eventually killed by the hero Hercules as one of his twelve labors. The brightest star in Leo, Regulus, is often referred to as the "heart of the lion."
Virgo: The constellation of Virgo is represented by a figure of a maiden holding a bundle of wheat, symbolizing fertility and harvest. In Greek mythology, Virgo is associated with the goddess Demeter, who was the goddess of agriculture. The brightest star in Virgo, Spica, is also known as the "ear of corn."
Libra: This card depicts the scales of justice, representing the constellation of Libra. In ancient times, the stars of Libra were seen as the claws of the scorpion in the neighboring constellation of Scorpius. Libra is associated with the goddess Themis, who was known for her wisdom and fairness.
Scorpio: In this card, we see the constellation of Scorpio, represented by a scorpion. In Greek mythology, Scorpio is associated with the giant scorpion that was sent by the goddess Hera to kill the hunter Orion. The bright red star, Antares, is the heart of the scorpion and can be seen in the night sky.
Sagittarius: The constellation of Sagittarius is represented by a centaur, a creature with the body of a horse and the upper body of a human. In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is associated with the centaur Chiron, known for his wisdom and healing abilities. The bright star, Nunki, marks the bow of the centaur.
Capricorn: This card shows the sea-goat constellation of Capricorn, which is associated with the Greek god Pan. In mythology, Pan was known for his wild and mischievous nature, and the constellation is said to depict him fleeing from the monster Typhon. The bright star, Deneb Algedi, marks the eye of the goat.
Aquarius: In this card, we see the constellation of Aquarius, represented by a figure pouring water from a vessel. In Greek mythology, Aquarius is associated with the god Ganymede, who was abducted by Zeus and made the cupbearer of the gods. The bright star, Sadalsuud, marks the shoulder of the water bearer.
Pisces: The constellation of Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, connected by a cord. In Greek mythology, Pisces is associated with the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros, who transformed into fish to escape the monster Typhon. The bright star, Alrescha, marks the knot where the fish are tied together.
Aries: This card depicts the constellation of Aries, represented by a ram. In Greek mythology, Aries is associated with the Golden Fleece that was sought after by Jason and the Argonauts. The bright star, Hamal, marks the head of the ram.
Cetus: The constellation of Cetus is represented by a sea monster, often depicted as a whale or a sea serpent. In Greek mythology, Cetus is associated with the sea monster sent by Poseidon to wreak havoc on the city of Aethiopia. The bright star, Menkar, marks the mouth of the monster.
Perseus: This card depicts the constellation of Perseus, represented by a hero holding the head of the Gorgon Medusa. In Greek mythology, Perseus is known for his bravery and his slaying of the monstrous Medusa. The bright star, Algol, marks the eye of Medusa.
Andromeda: In this card, we see the constellation of Andromeda, represented by a princess chained to a rock. In Greek mythology, Andromeda was saved from a sea monster by the hero Perseus. The bright star, Alpheratz, marks the head of Andromeda.
Pegasus: The constellation of Pegasus is represented by a winged horse, known for its speed and grace. In Greek mythology, Pegasus was born from the blood of the slain Gorgon Medusa. The bright star, Markab, marks the shoulder of Pegasus.
Cassiopeia: This card depicts the constellation of Cassiopeia, represented by a queen sitting on a throne. In Greek mythology, Cassiopeia was known for her arrogance and was punished by the gods by being forced to sit on a throne in the sky. The bright star, Schedar, marks the queen's throne.
Ursa Major: In this card, we see the constellation of Ursa Major, represented by the Great Bear. In Greek mythology, Ursa Major is associated with the story of Callisto, a nymph who was transformed into a bear by the goddess Hera. The bright stars, Dubhe and Merak, mark the front and back of the bear.
Ursa Minor: The constellation of Ursa Minor is represented by the Little Bear, also known as the Little Dipper. In Greek mythology, Ursa Minor is associated with the story of Arcas, the son of Callisto who was also transformed into a bear. The bright star, Polaris, marks the end of the handle of the Little Dipper.
Ursa Major - The Great Bear: This card depicts the constellation of Ursa Major, also known as the Great Bear. It is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky, and it is said to represent a mother bear and her cubs. The card shows the bear with its distinctive shape of seven bright stars, also known as the Big Dipper, against a dark blue background. It symbolizes strength, protection, and maternal instincts.
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If it flares, 'blaze star' T Corona Borealis will be clearly visible
Skywatchers may soon have a new phenomenon at which to look. Or not.
T Corona Borealis, commonly known as the "blaze star," may flare up and be visible to the naked eye on Earth for the first time in about 80 years. T Corona Borealis is in the constellation of Corona Borealis, known as the "Northern Crown."
To find it, locate the Big Dipper and follow the three stars of the dipper's handle to the bright star Arcturus. Near Arcturus is the small constellation of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, that looks like a half-circle of stars. T Corona Borealis is very close to the brightest star in Coronoa Borealis.
The blaze star is actually two bodies that appear from afar as one.
"We've got two stars orbiting one another," said Ed Murphy, a professor in the University of Virginia's astronomy department. "One is a white dwarf—the dead core of a star. The other one is a red giant star. The red giant has gotten big enough that its outer layers have gotten close enough to the white dwarf that they're being drawn down onto the white dwarf."
As the red giant sheds hydrogen onto the very dense white dwarf, the hydrogen gets hotter and hotter.
"Eventually it gets hot enough to undergo nuclear fusion and, when it undergoes nuclear fusion, all that hydrogen that's built up on the surface goes through a conflagration," Murphy said. "It all ignites at one time, and we get this tremendous burst in brightness that lasts typically a few days to a week before it starts fading away."
But while astronomers know "where," the issue of "when" is up in the air. The phenomenon was first recorded in 1866, when astronomers looking at Corona Borealis saw two bright stars instead of one. It was labeled a "nova," or a new star, but then it faded.
About a year before the 1946 flare-up, the combined light from the two stars dimmed. The star began to dim again in the spring of 2023, leading several astronomers to predict it would flare in 2024. But Murphy is skeptical.
"We've only ever seen that happen once in the lifetime of the star, and we don't know whether it's related to the star going nova," Murphy said. "No one's produced, in my opinion, a plausible mechanism that would explain why it would get dimmer before it would go nova. So, I'm not convinced that this is actually predicting an imminent nova."
The time frame is also unreliable.
"There's 80 years between those (previous) appearances, and so people were predicting that it would go off sometime around 2026," Murphy said. "I think this is highly suspect for a couple reasons. We've only seen it go off twice before and just because the interval was 80 years does not mean it's going to operate like a clock and go off every 80 years. It could be the kind of thing that sometimes it takes 70 years, sometimes it takes 100 years, but it averages around 80 years."
The distance compounds the uncertainty, because astronomers are not seeing it in real time. The blaze star is 2,500 to 3,000 light-years away, meaning they are now seeing what happened thousands of years ago.
"This is just an image that is now reaching us," Murphy said. "If it's 2,500 light years away, the definition of a light year is the distance that light travels in a year, so it takes 2,500 years to get to us, so this would have happened several times already, and the signals just haven't reached us.
"What we're about to see could have happened 30 or 40 more times, and all those signals are still racing toward us, and we won't see them until the light arrives here."
While an infrequent phenomenon, Murphy said the blaze star can still teach astronomers about the lives of the stars.
"They were two stars," Murphy said. "They were born together, and they lived out their lives together and, as stars do, the more massive star has a shorter life and that's the one that became the white dwarf. And now its companion is dying, puffed up into a red giant. It will someday become a white dwarf as well. But usually, it takes hundreds of millions to a billion years for the star to die."
IMAGE: A red giant is transferring hydrogen to an orbiting white dwarf star. When there is enough hydrogen, it ignites into a conflagration visible on Earth. Credit: NASA Illustration
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astrantiia · 1 year
What can be seen in the constellation Cassiopeia?
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Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern hemisphere of the sky, whose brightest stars form one of the most recognizable asterisms in the form of the letter "W".
With the help of this constellation, you can find where the Milky Way passes, since the "W" asterism lies directly in the Milky Way's band.
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Also, the three stars of Cassiopeia - Shedar, Caph and Tsih form an "arrow" that points to the Andromeda galaxy. The photo shows only the brightest central part of the galaxy - its core, but in fact on the celestial sphere it occupies a space of 6-7 disks of the Moon
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There are many open star clusters in the constellation Cassiopeia, one of which is M52 (NGC 7654).
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In the spring of 2021, a new star V1405 Cas appeared near this cluster, which was discovered by a Japanese amateur astronomer. In May, the star reached its maximum brightness and was visible to the naked eye.
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forsakensnakeskin · 2 years
Venus & Satan
Connection with Satan/Lucifer
In the Book of Isaiah, chapter 14, the king of Babylon is condemned in a prophetic vision by the prophet Isaiah and is called הֵילֵל בֶּן-שָׁחַר (Helel ben Shachar, Hebrew for "shining one, son of the morning"), who is addressed as הילל בן שחר (Hêlêl ben Šāḥar), The title "Hêlêl ben Šāḥar" refers to the planet Venus as the morning star, and that is how the Hebrew word is usually interpreted.
This passage was the origin of the later belief that Satan was a fallen angel, who could also be referred to as "Lucifer".
However, the translation of הֵילֵל as "Lucifer" has been abandoned in modern English translations of Isaiah 14:12.
An association of Isaiah 14:12–18 with a personification of evil, called the devil, developed outside of mainstream Rabbinic Judaism in pseudepigrapha and Christian writings, particularly with the apocalypses.
The metaphor of the morning star that Isaiah 14:12 applied to a king of Babylon gave rise to the general use of the Latin word for "morning star", capitalized, as the original name of the devil before his fall from grace, linking Isaiah 14:12 with Luke 10 ("I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven") and interpreting the passage in Isaiah as an allegory of Satan's fall from heaven.
Venus is the third-brightest object in the sky and the most prominent planet.
The third smallest planet in the Solar System, Venus is a terrestrial planet and is sometimes called Earth's "sister planet" because of their similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun, and bulk composition.
Venus is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from Earth in light.
Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere composed of 96.5% carbon dioxide, 3.5% nitrogen—both exist as supercritical fluids at the planet's surface—and traces of other gases including sulfur dioxide.
The ground shows evidence of extensive volcanism, and the sulfur in the atmosphere may indicate that there have been recent eruptions.
The absence of evidence of lava flow accompanying any of the visible calderas remains an enigma.
The planet is bright enough to be seen in broad daylight, but is more easily visible when the Sun is low on the horizon or setting. As an inferior planet, it always lies within about 47° of the Sun.
Venus "overtakes" Earth every 584 days as it orbits the Sun. As it does so, it changes from the "Evening Star", visible after sunset, to the "Morning Star", visible before sunrise.
As it orbits the Sun, Venus displays phases like those of the Moon in a telescopic view.
The pentagram of Venus is the path that Venus makes as observed from Earth.
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The pentagram of Venus. Earth is positioned at the centre of the diagram, and the curve represents the direction and distance of Venus as a function of time.
The pentagram of Venus is sometimes also referred to as the petals of Venus due to the path's visual similarity to a flower.
What color is Venus
To the naked eye, Venus appears as a white point of light brighter than any other planet or star (apart from the Sun).
If looking with human eyes, Venus is white and yellow with a reddish and brown surface. Scientists generally agree to describe Venus as white and yellow.
2022 Observation
Mornings: Jan 17-Aug 27
Evening: Dec 23-Dec 31
Faint or invisible: Jan 1-Jan 16; Aug 28-Dec 22
Domicile sign(s) Libra (diurnal) and Taurus (nocturnal)
Detriment sign(s) Aries (diurnal) and Scorpio (nocturnal)
Exaltation sign Pisces
Fall sign Virgo
Joy sign(s) Gemini, Cancer and Aquarius
Ruler of 2nd house
Rules over Friday
Associated with
The principles of harmony, beauty, refinement, affections, love,
the urge to sympathize and unite with others,
the desire for pleasure, comfort and ease
Governs romantic relations, sex (the origin of the words 'venery' and 'venereal'), marriage and business partnerships, the arts and fashion
To the world of antiquity, Venus/Copper stood as a personification of the divine feminine.
Venus/Copper was the planet/element that represented aspects of feminine beauty, love, lust, artistic creativity, affection, fertility, and balanced thinking.
In magic, Venus/Copper is used to promote love, sensuality, friendship, positive relationships, fruitful negations, and peace.
To the alchemist, Venus/Copper represents the love and compassion needed to become a well-rounded individual. It is the balanced psychological energy of Venus/Copper that allows the alchemist to evaluate experiences through one’s inner eye and bring those powerful insights into conscience awareness.
Dante Alighieri associated Venus with the liberal art of rhetoric.
The Venus symbol, ♀, consists of a circle with a small cross below it. It has been interpreted as a depiction of the hand-mirror of the goddess, which may also explain Venus's association with the planetary metal copper, as mirrors in antiquity were made of polished copper (alloy), though this is not certain.
In botany and biology, the symbol for Venus is used to represent the female sex, alongside the symbol for Mars representing the male sex, following a convention introduced by Linnaeus in the 1750s.
Arising from the biological convention, the symbol also came to be used in sociological contexts to represent women or femininity.
The discovery in the modern era that Venus was a distant world covered in impenetrable cloud cover gave science fiction writers free rein to speculate on conditions at its surface; all the more so when early observations showed that not only was it similar in size to Earth, it possessed a substantial atmosphere. Closer to the Sun than Earth, the planet was frequently depicted as warmer, but still habitable by humans. The genre reached its peak between the 1930s and 1950s, at a time when science had revealed some aspects of Venus, but not yet the harsh reality of its surface conditions.
Devotional Ideas
If you need or want to be subtle you can use Venusian aesthetic (images, models, color scheme) to represent Satan/Lucifer
Welcome the Morning/Evening Star when they become visible
Celebrate when the Morning Star switches to the Evening Star and vice versa
Learn more about Venus as a devotional act
Utilize planetary magic
Examine the interactions of Venus in your astrological birth chart
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Arcturus Talon Abraxas
Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the sky: only Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri outshine this orange giant. It is a variable star in the last stages of its life.
Arcturus takes its name from its nearness to the sky Bears, Big and Little Bears, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. From Arktouros or Arctophilax, "the Bear Guard" and also called "the Bear Watcher". The "Herdsman", or "driver of oxen" are other titles. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes the Herdsman so it is also called Alpha Bootis. The pattern of stars in this constellation forms the shape of a kite or an ice cream cone; seeing a Herdsman driving the bears around the sky.
Arcturus is believed to be one of the first stars named by ancient observers. It is translated as "Guardian of the Bear" and is a name that was once used for the entire constellation of Bootes. It is easily found by noting that the curve of the handle of the Big Dipper is part of a circle - an arc - and we can just "follow the arc to Arcturus."
Arcturus is a giant with a diameter about 18 times our Sun's and four times as much mass. Its surface temperature is about 1500 degrees lower than Sun's but its much greater surface area results in an outpouring of energy at a rate making it 105 times as luminous as Sun.
Recent observations by the European Space Agency's Hipparcos Space Astrometry Mission have revised Arcturus's distance to 36.7 light years from us.
Arcturus has the largest "proper motion" -- motion across the sky -- of any of the bright stars except Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to our solar system. In 100 years Arcturus moves across the sky a distance equal to about half the width of your little finger held at arm's length.
At its distance of nearly 37 light years, this motion, when combined with its motion along our line of sight measured spectroscopically using the Doppler shift, yields a space velocity of about 76 miles per second with respect to our Sun. Most stars in our vicinity are moving relatively slowly with respect to Sol because of our common motion carrying us around the center of the Milky Way galaxy every 250 million years. Arcturus is in an elongated orbit around the Galaxy's center that carries it out into the Galaxy's halo.
It was formed in the halo of the Milky Way and is an interloper in our neighborhood. It has been visible to the naked eye for only about half a million years. It will be a little closer in a few thousand years, but then will recede from our view in another half million years as it continues its journey on a different orbital path.
Arcturus's great brilliance makes it possible to obtain very detailed spectra and to determine its chemical composition. Arcturus is deficient in elements such as silicon, aluminum, and iron which are formed in stars. It contains only about a fifth as much of these elements as Sun. These elements are formed inside stars, mixed into the interstellar medium as stars explode, and incorporated into subsequent generations of stars.
This chemical composition reinforces our identification of Arcturus as a member of the galactic halo. It was formed about 10 billion years ago, in a generation of star formation prior to that in which our Sun was formed, before the interstellar medium could be enriched in elements such as silicon and iron. Arcturus, about twice as old as Earth and the solar system, is the oldest thing most of us have ever seen, and is the oldest object easily visible to the naked eye.
The constellation Bootes has the shape of a kite with the bright star Arcturus at the point of the kite where the tail is attached.
Arcturus is a red supergiant star and the fourth brightest star in the whole sky.
It is visible from the northern hemisphere in the evening from about March early summer. Red-supergiant stars are precursors to super-novae, neutron stars, and black holes (so it is believed). It is approximately thirty-six light years from Earth.
According to E W Bullinger (The Witness of the Stars ), a biblical interpreter of the constellations, the ancient Egyptians called Bootes Smat, which means 'one who rules, subdues, and governs'. They also called him Bau , which means also 'the coming one'.
It was famous with the seamen of early days and as a calender sign regulated their annual festival by its movements in relation to the sun. But its influence always was dreaded, as is seen in Aratos writings. Its acronycal rising (the latest rising visible at sunset) fixed the date of the husbandmen's Lustratio frugum; and allusions were made to its character as unfavorably affecting the farmer's work; "When moist Arcturus clouds the sky". Other contemporary authors confirmed this stormy reputation, while all classical calendar's gave the dates of its risings and settings.
An Egyptian astronomical calendar of the 15th century BC, associates it with the star Antares in the immense sky figure Menat; and Lockyer claims it as one of the objects of worship in Nile temples, as it was in the temple of Venus at Ancona in Italy.
In India it was the 13th nakshatra, Svati, "the Good Goer", or perhaps "Sword", but figured as a Coral Bead, Gem, or Pearl; and known there also as Nishtya, "Outcast", possibly from its remote northern situation far outside of the zodiac, whence, from its brilliancy, it was taken to complete the series of Hindu asterisms.
The Arabs knew Arcturus as Al Simak al Ramih *, sometimes translated the "Leg of the Lance-bearer", and again, perhaps more correctly, the "Lofty Lance-bearer".
Another Arabic name; Al Haris al Sama, the "Keeper of Heaven," perhaps came from the star's early visibility in the twilight owing to its great northern declination, as though on the lookout for the safety and proper deportment of his lesser stellar companions, and so "Patriarch Mentor of the Train." This subsequently became Al Haris al Simak, "the Keeper of Simak", probably referring to Spica, "the Unarmed One".
From the Arabic title came various forms: Al Bamec, Aramec, Aremeah, Ascimec, Azimech, and Azimeth, Somech haramach, Aramakh, Kheturus.
Al Biruni mentioned Arcturus as the Second Calf of the Lion, the early Asad (Lion) in early Arabian astronomy; Spica being the First Calf.
The Greeks had a word meaning "Javelin-bearer", while Bayer had Gladius, Kolanza, and Pugio, all applied to Arcturus, which probably marked in some early drawing the "Sword", "Lance", or "Dagger" in the Hunter's (Orion) hand. Similarly it took the title Alkameluz of the whole constellation.�
It has been identified with the Chaldaeans' Papsukal, "the Guardian Messenger", the divinity of their 10th month Tibitu.
On the Euphrates it was the Shepherd of the Heavenly Flock, or the Shepherd of the Life of Heaven, undoubtedly the Sib-zi-anna of the inscriptions; the star eta (Mufrid) being often included in this, and thus making one of the several pairs of Euphratean Twin Stars.
Another title was Audiens, which seems unintelligible unless the word be a misprint for Audens, the "Bold One".
With others it was Arturig and Ariture, or the Carlwaynesterre from the early confusion in applying the title Arcturus to Charles' Wain as well as to Bootes and its lucida.
Bootes is the cultivator or Ploughman who drives the Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor around the Pole Star, Polaris. The bears, tied to the Polar Axis, are pulling a plough behind them, tilling the heavenly fields "in order that the rotations of the heavens should never cease".
Manilius 1st century AD writes "they will be kings under kings and ministers of state, and be charged with the guardianship of the people, custodianship of great houses and treasures, who confine their business to the care of another's home so that the wealth of monarchs and temple finances will be in their keeping".
Any type of occupation that requires planning is influenced by Bootes. These people are the driving force behind government and large corporations. They are the planners and designers, the movers and shakers, who "make the world go round". Bootes symbolizes the elder, the sage, the wise old man who is interested in principles and underlying causes, theories, ideologies, and how the past effects the future. (Conservative) politicians, economists, draftsmen, architects, designers of all kinds.
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monstersohmy · 2 years
Cryptids and Human Sexuality: A Study by Dr. Nina Ferris (or Nina’s Monster Diaries)
Chapter One: The Beach
Pairing: various humanoid sea creatures x f! OC (pic at the end)
Rating: 18+ only (minors dni!)
Warnings: dubcon-ish, p in v, it's monster smut soooo . . .
A/N: About the dubcon. Nina is doing research and fully expects to get fucked by so many monsters. Sometimes she'll wake up sore with no memory. Sometimes she'll come to in the middle. Nina is into all of that.
The light of the moon and stars were bright enough that Nina could see the pages of the slender book with no other light. So, she lay on the beach, notebook and pen nearby,  and read until sleep took over. It didn’t take long; the book was a profoundly boring study written by a colleague who hadn't done new research in years.
Nina woke stomach down in the sand with shorts around her knees and an aching cunt. Immediately, she grabbed the notebook and began documenting. She hadn’t expected it to happen the first night. 
There were stories about this beach, and she’d come to investigate them for the book that was being written: an extensive study of cryptid legends and their origins. Specifically those of a more . . . scandalous nature. 
Tales of this particular beach told of all manner of people – to their horror or ecstasy - ravished by creatures from the sea. Sometimes being dragged beyond the waves to be used by others who could not come ashore, never to be seen again.
Curious, Nina returned to the beach the next night and settled in with her tedious colleague’s equally tedious book that would take her away to sleep. At some point in the night, she partially woke and, in that half-dream state, felt something cool and moist coiled around her legs, holding them open. Roughly textured hands pinned her wrists to the shore. A nimble appendage stroked her clit while another explored her ass. Still others coiled around her breasts, tips teasing the nipples. 
And at her apex: a distinctly humanoid torso leading up to a charmingly pale blue face with a devious smile. Wide black eyes. Short tentacles swept back from his head like thick cords of hair. Plunging a throbbing cock into her pussy. 
Whimpers and whines filled the air while this dream creature’s tentacles squeezed tighter and pushed its prey’s limbs further apart. Tendrils of pleasure sprouted Nina’s core, creeping further with every thrust until they bloomed, releasing an orgasm so deep and long and rolling that it could ruin a person. The dream creature soon followed, slamming hard, spilling cold into her heat..
It was the weirdest, most tantalising dream – possibly a dream? – Nina had ever had.
In the morning, she woke to find her shorts and tank ripped open to leave her totally exposed to the sun, sand, and waves. Red circles decorated her body. Again, that ache. 
It seemed the tales may be true. 
The next night Nina lay on the beach naked, notebook nearby, and waited.
When the silvery light was brightest, he arrived. Scaled and taloned, he slowly emerged from the lapping waves, pulling his body away from the sea. Nina sat up, alert. 
This was no dream. 
She rose and went to the breakline, notebook in hand and started taking notes and sketching. Iridescent scales glittering in shades of teal and gold. Delicate, blue-veined fins cascaded along his head; they must look beautiful rippling in the currents. Well-muscled arms and torso transitioned to the lower body of a fish with a wide and powerful fin at the end. 
A merman. 
This merman wasn’t struggling; just waiting calmly as the tide receded. Once the break had stopped lapping at his fin, the fish tail began to separate and form legs. 
Nina reeled away and fell back against the sand, notebook flung aside as he stood on two legs and walked toward her. She should run, knowing that was the right response. But, she was held still. Not by trance or concern for the study. He was beautiful and she wanted him. Hoped he wanted her. 
“So, you’re the curious little human who has brought such pleasure to the deeps these last days.” His voice crashed like the waves behind him. “I wonder if you would also entertain me.”
Nina opened her legs and he fell to his knees between them. Taloned hands feathered her nipples until they pebbled. She brought her hands to his scaled shoulders and slid them down along his chest and sides, gasping at each new inch of him under her fingers until they found what he had for her: long and thick and ridged. 
Gently, talons skated up her arms, pinning her wrists to the shore above her head. His mouth went to her ear as she breathed hard.
“Do you want this?” 
“Yes,” Nina whimpered. “Please, yes.”
The merman slowly pushed in, paying attention to her sounds and making every effort not to hurt her. Nina gasped at the feel of his cock stretching her walls further than ever. Once he bottomed out, he waited until she nodded before pushing in again. She looked at him differently. Not with fear or feral lust. WIth wonder and a sweet smile. 
She brought her lips to his cheek, brushing them against the scales. He pressed his forehead to hers and increased the pace, listening to her song, noting the way she moved. 
Nina clutched his shoulder and shoved hard, guiding this merman to lay on his back in the sand while she straddled him. He was fascinated by the control she took. Taloned hands grasped her breasts as she frantically bounced on his cock, chasing that release and finding it loudly, head thrown back as her cries filled the night. 
The merman’s hands fell to this unexpected woman’s hips and held her still while he thrusted up, relentlessly seeking his own climax until, growling, he came ice cold and salty inside her.  
She fell forward, panting against his chest and he extended the usual offer.
“Would you like to come with me? To the sea?”
Nina shot up, pushing her hands against his chest, eyes wild with panic.
“Can I come back?” she asked. The question was barely a whisper.
“If you desire,” he rippled. “Most don’t.”
“Are they– do–,” Nina faltered. “Do they drown?”
“No, they don’t drown. We have ways of ensuring that doesn’t happen,”  he laughed. “They simply feel there’s no reason to come back. With the stories they’ve told us, why would anyone want to return to the shore?” 
Nina wanted to go. Truly wanted to follow this golden merman who shimmered like the moon on the sea to his home beneath it. But, there was so much work to be done for the book. The offer was extremely enticing. Just not now.
“Not yet,” she said with a glimmer in her eye. “There are quite a number of stories and legends that need investigation.”
“I’m sure there are,” the merman chuckled like waves lapping against rocks, intrigued by this fearless woman. “Should you change your mind, come back on a full moon and wait for the tide. I’ll look for you.”
Meet Dr. Nina Ferris:
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@preferredbird replied to your post “I was born on a certain day The stars are always with us, and we have never forgotten that one of them is named Sirius. There...”
frank this is beautiful
Thank you for saying this.
One of the stories I grew up hearing in the midwest is that there is a great and secret star shining in the sky. Its light is so bright that you can only see its light when all the other stars are completely gone and there is only the full moon. ("You can see it as a circle, when all the stars are out," I was told, "because the sky is like that.") It is called "Luna" because the moon has the same name as the full moon, because people have often seen the star as part of the moon and thought to themselves "this looks like a moon." (I knew that I could never see it with the naked eye, but I was like "I could see it with glasses," and I assumed that would have the same effect.)
The light of the great star was said to fill the night sky, and in the summertime it was bright enough to read by. And yet I was told, it was not the brightest star in the sky; the brightest star in the sky was a long way off, up in the northern sky. ("It is not in the northern sky," was the reply. "They are far away.")
Sometimes people will ask me about the great star and I have to tell them that they should not look at the sky, and instead look at the moon. For if they look at the moon, that is where the great star is. (This was not said with great certainty, just with great respect, as though the two were the same. People had their doubts, and they wanted to be sure.) But the great star is not the brightest star in the sky, but is the brightest star in the southern sky, which makes sense because the southern sky is where you would see the moon if you were to look up in the night sky.
I was never allowed to use the word "southern" because we were told that this was because my uncle owned a farm and all the farmers knew that the best place to look at the moon was in the northern sky (with the exception of people living near the poles, I am guessing). In any case, there is a great star, shining in the southern sky.
("And this is the moon," my uncle had told me, in an aside about the moon as well as the great star.)
And I am sure that, one day, someone will find out about this great star and that someone will point out that it is in fact a southern star.
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kuiperkat · 9 months
January’s Night Sky Notes: Connecting the ‘Dots’ with Asterisms
by Kat Troche of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
In our December Night Sky Notes, we mentioned that the Orion constellation has a distinct hourglass shape that makes it easy to spot in the night sky. But what if we told you that this is not the complete constellation, but rather, an asterism?
An asterism is a pattern of stars in the night sky, forming shapes that make picking out constellations easy. Cultures throughout history have created these patterns as part of storytelling, honoring ancestors, and timekeeping. Orion’s hourglass is just one of many examples of this, but did you know Orion’s brightest knee is part of another asterism that spans six constellations, weaving together the Winter night sky? Many asterisms feature bright stars that are easily visible to the naked eye. Identify these key stars, and then connect the dots to reveal the shape.
Asterisms Through the Seasons
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Stars that make up the Winter Circle, as seen on January 1, 2024
Sky Safari
Try looking for these asterisms this season and beyond:
Winter Circle – this asterism, also known as the Winter Hexagon, makes up a large portion of the Winter sky using stars Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Procyon, and Sirius as its points. Similarly, the Winter Triangle can be found using Procyon, Sirius, and Betelgeuse as points. Orion’s Belt is also considered an asterism.
Diamond of Virgo – this springtime asterism consists of the following stars: Arcturus, in the constellation Boötes; Cor Caroli, in Canes Venatici; Denebola in Leo, and Spica in Virgo. Sparkling at the center of this diamond is the bright cluster Coma Berenices, or Bernice's Hair – an ancient asterism turned constellation!
Summer Triangle – as the nights warm up, the Summer Triangle dominates the heavens. Comprising the bright stars Vega in Lyra, Deneb in Cygnus, and Altair in Aquila, this prominent asterism is the inspiration behind the cultural festival Tanabata. Also found is Cygnus the Swan, which makes up the Northern Cross asterism.
Great Square of Pegasus – by Autumn, the Great Square of Pegasus can be seen. This square-shaped asterism takes up a large portion of the sky, and consists of the stars: Scheat, Alpheratz, Markab and Algenib.
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This image shows the region around the Hyades star cluster, the nearest open cluster to us. The Hyades cluster is very well-studied due to its location, but previous searches for planets have produced only one. A new study led by Jay Farihi of the University of Cambridge, UK, has now found the atmospheres of two burnt-out stars in this cluster — known as white dwarfs — to be “polluted” by rocky debris circling the star. Inset, the locations of these white dwarf stars are indicated — stars known as WD 0421+162, and WD 0431+126.
NASA, ESA, STScI, and Z. Levay (STScI)
Tracing these outlines can guide you to objects like galaxies and star clusters. The Hyades, for example, is an open star cluster in the Taurus constellation with evidence of rocky planetary debris. In 2013, Hubble Space Telescope’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph was responsible for breaking down light into individual components. This observation detected low levels of carbon and silicon – a major chemical for planetary bodies. The Hyades can be found just outside the Winter Circle and is a favorite of both amateur and professional astronomers alike.
How to Spot Asterisms
Use Star Maps and Star Apps – Using star maps or stargazing apps can help familiarize yourself with the constellations and asterisms of the night sky.
Get Familiar with Constellations – Learning the major constellations and their broader shapes visible each season will make spotting asterisms easier.
Use Celestial Landmarks –Orient yourself by using bright stars, or recognizable constellations. This will help you navigate the night sky and pinpoint specific asterisms. Vega in the Lyra constellation is a great example of this.
Learn more about how to stay warm while observing this Winter with our upcoming mid-month article on the Night Sky Network page through NASA's website!
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jcmarchi · 9 months
January’s Night Sky Notes: Connecting the ‘Dots’ with Asterisms - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/januarys-night-sky-notes-connecting-the-dots-with-asterisms-technology-org/
January’s Night Sky Notes: Connecting the ‘Dots’ with Asterisms - Technology Org
In NASA’s December Night Sky Notes, authors mentioned that the Orion constellation has a distinct hourglass shape that makes it easy to spot in the night sky. But what if we told you that this is not the complete constellation, but rather, an asterism?
Stars that make up the Winter Circle, as seen on January 1, 2024, Sky Safari
An asterism is a pattern of stars in the night sky, forming shapes that make picking out constellations easy. Throughout history, cultures have created these patterns as part of storytelling, honoring ancestors, and timekeeping.
Orion’s hourglass is just one of many examples of this, but did you know Orion’s brightest knee is part of another asterism that spans six constellations, weaving together the Winter night sky? Many asterisms feature bright stars that are easily visible to the naked eye. Identify these key stars, and then connect the dots to reveal the shape.
This image shows the region around the Hyades star cluster, the nearest open cluster to us. The Hyades cluster is very well-studied due to its location, but previous searches for planets have produced only one. A new study led by Jay Farihi of the University of Cambridge, UK, has now found the atmospheres of two burnt-out stars in this cluster — known as white dwarfs — to be “polluted” by rocky debris circling the star. Inset, the locations of these white dwarf stars are indicated — stars known as WD 0421+162, and WD 0431+126. Image credit: NASA, ESA, STScI, and Z. Levay (STScI)
Try looking for these asterisms this season and beyond:
Winter Circle – this asterism, also known as the Winter Hexagon, makes up a large portion of the Winter sky using stars Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Procyon, and Sirius as its points. Similarly, the Winter Triangle can be found using Procyon, Sirius, and Betelgeuse as points. Orion’s Belt is also considered an asterism.
Diamond of Virgo – this springtime asterism consists of the following stars: Arcturus, in the constellation Boötes; Cor Caroli, in Canes Venatici; Denebola in Leo, and Spica in Virgo. Sparkling at the center of this diamond is the bright cluster Coma Berenices, or Bernice’s Hair – an ancient asterism turned constellation!
Summer Triangle – as the nights warm up, the Summer Triangle dominates the heavens. Comprising the bright stars Vega in Lyra, Deneb in Cygnus, and Altair in Aquila, this prominent asterism is the inspiration behind the cultural festival Tanabata. Also found is Cygnus the Swan, which makes up the Northern Cross asterism.
Great Square of Pegasus – by Autumn, the Great Square of Pegasus can be seen. This square-shaped asterism takes up a large portion of the sky, and consists of the stars: Scheat, Alpheratz, Markab and Algenib.
Tracing these outlines can guide you to objects like galaxies and star clusters. The Hyades, for example, is an open star cluster in the Taurus constellation with evidence of rocky planetary debris. In 2013, Hubble Space Telescope’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph broke down light into individual components. This observation detected low levels of carbon and silicon – a major chemical for planetary bodies. The Hyades can be found just outside the Winter Circle and is a favorite of both amateur and professional astronomers alike.
Use Star Maps and Star Apps – Using star maps or stargazing apps can help familiarize yourself with the constellations and asterisms of the night sky.
Get Familiar with Constellations – Learning the major constellations and their broader shapes visible each season will make spotting asterisms easier.
Use Celestial Landmarks –Orient yourself by using bright stars, or recognizable constellations. This will help you navigate the night sky and pinpoint specific asterisms. Vega in the Lyra constellation is a great example of this.
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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