#its not even a boring historical political manifesto. im recommending you a fun sexy fiction book
caputvulpinum · 24 days
i did read the title and a basic synopsis, but
am i, personally, supposed to go fucking blow up a pipeline? or maybe 67-year-old disabled mother should get a gun and try to shoot up kamala's house? will that stop israel? will that keep trump out of the white house??
you are expecting way too much from people you don't know. we cannot physically do these things. but we can vote.
a more serious answer i might give is that revolution is not a matter of a single person personally doing something but rather a collective action of many like minded individuals banding together to provide their own skills and abilities to achieve ends greater than any one of them might accomplish.
a more honest answer i am giving you, specifically, is that if you are acting like me saying "read a fucking book" is too much effort to demand of your activism, then i'm gonna need at least 20 dollars hourly wage to tolerate trying to teach you the fucking preschool education of anarchism. if youre interested i can send you an invoice over paypal.
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