#its not a bad job. if i could make myself sleep earlier and had comfier shoes id really like it
wall-e-gorl · 2 years
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Hi Ally! Can I request a seb x reader with an age gap where the reader is sick all the time and he's always taking cara of her doing everything in his power to make her feel better? Only if you're up for it. Thank youuu
Hellooo lovely! Thank you sm for the request, I appreciate it! Sick fics make me so soft, I have no idea why. I hope you like it!🥰
Doctor Stan
You had the worse immune system ever. You were healthy but when it came to your body defending yourself from a fever or the flu, your immune system was out the door. Literally everyone who knows you knew you were bound to get sick at any moment. Whether it was catching a fever, some sniffles, or a sore throat, you were going to catch something. Knowing that you could easily catch a cold, your friends and family were very protective and caring towards you. Especially your other half, Sebastian.
Even since you guys started dating, Sebastian was always there to take care of you. From staying over at your house to helping you go to the bathroom, he did everything in his power to make you feel better.
It started off as a sniffle. Did you think it would get worse? No, but knowing you, you should have. Earlier that day you and Sebastian decided to have breakfast at a cafe near your apartment and ended up going to Central Park for a nice stroll and some sightseeing. The weather was nice so instead of wearing a jacket you pulled on a light cardigan. When you guys got back home you decided to take a nap, tired from your guys’ morning outing.
You woke up with a pounding headache. You moved to stretch your body out but stopped when you felt your limbs aching. Turning over to check the time on your phone, you felt a cold shiver run down your spine as the covers slid down your back. Groaning, you realized that the sheets were moist with your sweat. Feeling disgusted with yourself, you moved to sit up so you can change into something more comfier.
“Baby, you’re up! I was thinking that we should go out for dinner tonight since the weather is—,” Sebastian stopped talking as soon as he saw you slouching on the bed rubbing your temples.
“Oh, honey. I told you to wear a jacket instead of that cardigan.” He softly scolded as he approached the bed to kneel in front of you. Looking up at you he could see a pout on your lips and your nose was scrunched up. He found your disheveled state adorable even if you were sick and had bed head.
“I know, but I thought my body could’ve taken it.” You grumbled as you wrapped your arms around you to stop the shivering. Sebastian immediately noticed and began to run his hands on your arms to generate some heat.
“Were you going to change?” He asked as he continued his motions. You nodded and moved to get up but was gently pushed back onto the bed by him.
“Stay here. I’ll get you some of my clothes and a rag to wipe you down.” He explained before pressing a kiss to your warm temple. Sebastian was already used to you getting sick and knew there was a routine. For comfort, one of the things you always wanted were his clothes. An oversized shirt and one of his sweatpants did the job with a pair of fluffy socks. He also wiped your body down with a rag to keep you warm and clean you up. The rag thing was something his mother used to do when he was sick and he remembered that he would somewhat feel a bit better after it. He also remembers your mom mentioning it when he asked her about ways he can help you when you were sick.
After he got some of his clothes out and a wet rag from the bathroom he found you cuddling his pillow and sleeping again. A small smile makes it way onto his lips but then he remembers the task at hand. He didn’t want to wake you up so he carefully wiped your forehead with the rag. He continues to remove your clothes, being careful to not expose your skin to the air so much. He moves quickly and soon you’re dressed in his clothes.
“We should tie your hair up.” He hums to himself as he goes through the nightstand for a hair tie. He grabs a comb and gently brushes your hair away from your face, gathering it together in a low pony. The action caused you to stir in your sleep.
“Sebby.” You whined nuzzling your cheek against his palm. Sebastian lovingly smiles down at you and runs his thumb across your cheek.
“Don’t worry înger, I got you.” He assured you as he strokes circles onto your back. His actions causing you to doze back to sleep.
“Thank you, Seb. I’m sorry I have a bad immune system.” He hears you mumble. Sebastian hates to see you sick, he doesn’t like that fact that you’re in pain and he can’t do anything but just try to mitigate your sickness. Though, he enjoys taking care of you and kind of babying you. He’s noticed that whenever you’re sick, you’re more needy towards him. For example, wanting to be held or just having him near you.
At first you weren’t comfortable cuddling him when you were sick because you didn’t want him to catch anything but he kept on insisting that he wants to cuddle.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart. I’ll do this for you any day.” He pressed a kiss to your palm, you hand had lazily made its way to run through his hair and rest on his cheek.
Sebastian then picked you up bridal style and carried you out the room. You two ended up in the living room. Before you can settle down, he sat you on the couch and went to the closet. He pulled out a big and fluffy blanket and two pillows. He laid the pillows against the arm of the couch while you moved to settle against them.
“Comfy?” He asked before throwing the blanket over you. You wiggled a bit to make yourself comfortable against the pillows.
“Comfy.” You confirm with a slight nod. Sebastian proceeds to pull the blanket on top of you and makes sure to tuck you in like a burrito.
“I’m going to make some soup. Here’s the remote, turn some Netflix on or whatever, and just relax.” He hands you the remote and kisses your head. He makes his way to the kitchen and begins to prepare some soup for you. He got the recipe from your mother during one of your worse fevers. He was panicking most of the time and ended up calling your mom for help. She suggested making the soup and sent him the recipe. Till this day, the recipe was still in his notes on his phone. He’s memorized it but still referenced back to it every now and then to make sure he made it correctly.
While the soup was cooking he decided to throw the dirty sheets from the bed into the washer. He then replaced them with fresh sheets from the closet. He made the bed and walked back out to see you were watching Harry Potter.
“Is that Prisoner of Azkaban?” He asked as he leaned over the couch.
“Yup, want me to pause it so you can catch up?” You ask groggily.
“Mm, sure. The soup should be ready.” He says as he walks into the kitchen.
“Wait! Sebba can you get my phone? I think I left it in the bedroom?” Knowing you were going to ask for your phone, he fishes it out of the pocket of his sweatpants. “Here ya go.”
You thank him before he leaves the room. He turns the heat off the stove and gets a bowl for the soup. He gets a tray to put the bowl of soup on. Along with the soup he has a pack of crackers and a Gatorade. Since you get sick so often, you guys always had a stock of Gatorade in the fridge.
Sebastian returns with the tray and sets it on the coffee table. He helps you sit up properly, adjusting the pillows and blanket so they wouldn’t bother you. You press play on the remote resuming the movie. Sebastian sits on the edge of the couch beside your legs. He gets the soup and scoops some of it on the spoon.
“Seb, I can feed myself, you’ve done enough for me already.” You protest.
“No, I refuse to let you feed yourself. Plus the bowl might slip and I know we both don’t want a repeat of last time.” He reminded you. Last time you tried to feed yourself while you were sick, the bowl slipped from your hands causing the soup to spill all over you and the couch. You suffered from another headache and burning thighs, making your fever worse.
“Here comes the airplane.” He teases a cheeky grin on his face as he holds the spoon up to your face. You stifle a giggle and open your mouth. He had the bowl beneath your mouth to avoid any liquids falling onto you.
“Wow, you’ve really got that recipe down.” You complimented him after you took a sip of the soup.
“I had lots of practice. Thank your mom because if she never had sent me that recipe you’d be eating packaged soup.” He cringed as he continued to feed you.
“You know, she’d be proud that you’ve mastered the recipe.” You start. “Wanna know a fun fact about it?”
“The soup?” He asked, you hummed in response. He motioned for you to continue.
“The recipe’s been passed down for generations in my family. You’re the only person who isn’t blood related to us that knows it.” She stated. Sebastian settled the spoon in the bowl and looked at you.
“Really?” He asked a surprised look on his face. You nodded.
“Well, I’m honored to be part of something so important to your family. Thank you, iubirea mea. It really means a lot.” He confesses as he gazes into your eyes. You lovingly smile at him as he goes back to feeding you soup, though a smile was permanently on his lips the entire night.
The day ended in cuddles on the couch. After you ate and fully digested your food, Seb helped you to the bathroom. You guys settled on the couch for the night, Sebastian’s head on your chest as he wrapped his arms around your torso, limbs tangled with each other. You guys took turns sleeping as the movie played.
It was during Order of The Phoenix when you realized that Sebastian was your person. His head resting on your stomach as he softly snored against it. Your hands were tangled in his hair while you admired the relaxed state he was in. Sebastian did so much for you, not just when you were sick but in general. Whether it be something simple or something grand, he did it with his whole heart and because he genuinely cared. You knew he’d move mountains for you and you’d do the same for him. And when the time comes you’d be ready to take care of him just as much as he took care of you.
Înger ~ angel
Iubirea mea ~ my love
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