#its noooot really good but its better than what they gave us :(
galatariel · 1 year
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LINK HERE hybe being the biggest enemy known to mankind didn’t upload a 4k version of bite me mv so i roughly upscaled one (its still not perfect as a bugs file) but the file quality increased from 41mb to 360mb and its smoother! i think w a bit of vs processing it might be good <33333
u can see the difference from the hybe version at the top and the upscaled at the bottom (same sharpening!)
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ts-agere-stuff · 3 years
Agere 4
Tw- I don’t think any apply, but let me know if there are some!
summary- Janus wakes up and takes Remus from a call, then Roman and Logan have a 1 on 1 chat.
Chapters- 1, 2, 3, 4
Janus woke up two hours later and gasped, quickly disconnecting.
‘Hey?’ Virgil asked in DMs.
They rubbed at their face, then tried to sit up, not having the energy to really.
‘You okay?’
‘I’m gonna shower.’ Janus typed, still curled up in a ball.
‘That’s good. Are you big now?’
‘You saw me sleep, didn’t you?’
‘That doesn’t answer the question, Dee.’
‘Janus*.’ Janus corrected.
‘You’re still avoiding the question.’
‘I’m old enough to shower.’
Virgil sighed and nodded to himself, ‘fine, just be careful.’
Janus finished that conversation and went to Patton’s about 20 DMs of him finding the character limit and using it to send the most amount of “I love you”s or heart emojis that he could. Janus sent a single heart back and Patton sent a blushing emoji, making them smile. 
Janus finally went to shower and dealt with everything, washing their face too. They got dressed in the most comfortable outfit they could and went back to bed, flopping back on. They grabbed their computer and hopped onto the group world with Roman and Logan still playing. Janus joined VC with them and hummed a greeting.
Logan and Roman said their usual hellos, now more quiet than usual. 
Janus laughed gently, “I’m not like that anymore. I’m fine.”
“We know.” Logan still said in a soft voice.
“Remus is though.” Roman shrugged.
“Oh.” Janus mumbled, trying not to make too much noise with their keyboard. Janus checked Roman’s pronouns again quickly, then hummed, “is he okay?”
“Oh yeah.” Roman shrugged, “he’s just watching me play.”
“Hiiii, Dee!” Remus laughed, “good deedee?”
“Mhm.” Janus hummed something. 
Remus nodded and rubbed at his own eyes, “summer sucks!”
Logan hummed, “yes, its much too humid.”
“Pollen can go bye bye.”
“No, Remus, it can’t. Nothing can re-”
“Bye! Bye!”
Roman started laughing, “chiiiill! Give me a minute to enjoy being the older brother.”
“You’re noooot!”
“Now I am, though.”
“Noooo-” Remus held back laughter.
Logan hummed, “I mean, mentally, he is the older brother.”
Janus faked a gasp, “Oh, dear, It seems you no longer have that point in your favor.”
“That’s stupid!” Remus whined, moving in a way that would make Roman’s character fall off a cliff, knocking him down to half health.
“Remus!” Roman jumped and gently nudged Remus, “cut it out.”
Janus hummed, “Remus, do you want some extra attention as the little brother?”
“Uh-huh!” Remus started clapping. 
“Can you join on your phone so we don’t have to deal with these, hm, how should I say it?”
“That’s the word,” Janus agreed.
“Hey!” Roman and Logan both said at once. 
Janus laughed and called Remus on discord, which Remus answered and went to another room. 
Roman went to the AFK spot by the mob spawner while he rubbed his own face, humming a bit. Logan and him weren’t the best at keeping up a conversation together, but just sitting here on call was enough for him.
“So you regress too?” 
Apparently it wasn’t enough for Logan, though. 
“Shush.” Roman rolled his eyes, messing with his own fingers. 
“Roman, I think almost everyone regresses in the server, you don’t have to worry about it.”
“Everyone except you? That’s a bit hard to believe.” Roman snapped back.
“You’re either suggesting someone is faking it or that I am hiding it?” Logan continued chopping down the trees they needed for wood, seemingly bored.
Roman took a moment, then started clicking his bracelet against the desk, “No. I’m… It’s different, you know.”
“How?” Logan gave a dry laugh, “Because you’re annoying?” He teased, knowing Roman didn’t mind.
“Because I’m the server manager and- Logan, you’ve already heard how intimidating I apparently am.”
“Which only confuses me more, you don’t want to be imposing, but you don’t want to show your softer side?”
“Exactly!” Roman nodded to himself, “I have to be soft enough for the princess to let me save them, but not too much that they fall in love with me, you know. That isn’t safe, you know.”
Logan sighed, “What if I help?”
“Help what?”
“Help you take care of yourself while you regress.”
Roman hesitated for a moment, “Logan-”
“Well, I am close enough that I could just go over there if you need that.”
Roman ran a hand through his own hair, “you aren’t driving over here to deal with that of all things.”
“I’m sure Remus would happily pay for the gas.” “Loooooo-” Roman whined, “Come oooooon-”
Logan tilted his head, “What?” 
“You’d get here at like 5 am.”
“You say that like you won’t be up after that.”
That got a smile and chuckle from Logan. “No, unless you have any actually sincere things to say against it, I will be coming over. Now, what things do you need?”
Roman ran his fingers over his own bracelets, “I’m probably going to- you know- before you get here.”
“That’ll be okay. I can stay on call with you if you wish. I don’t want you to have to regress alone.”
Roman nodded, then got out of the afk area. “You sure?”
Logan logged off and started grabbing things to stay for the weekend, “Roman, you haven’t been doing well. If you need someone there in order to be better, then I’ll happily help. Humans need social interaction, you can’t be completely independent. Understood?”
“Mhm.” Roman pet himself, “got it.”
Logan nodded, “I’m probably going to be silent most of the way, just fair warning.”
“Don’t care.” Roman started working on his farm, focusing on that.
“I’m on my way.” Logan sighed, and made sure everything was ready, then went to his car, getting in, connecting it to the car, “What shall we do when I get there?”
Roman hummed happily and tapped on his keyboard more, “I have coloring books.”
“What of, dear?” Logan asked softly, making Roman giggle and hum, then start ranting about all of the things they would do. 
Hey! If you want to see my new writing for MCYT agere, its over on @dsmp-agere-stuff  Its just started so there’s not much there, but I will try to post on it as often as I can, along with this story on this blog.
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theshapeshifter100 · 3 years
Wolf and Raven Chapter 4
(A/N) This is when the insomnia kicks in
Wolf awoke abruptly the next day, thrown from sleep. Her nostrils flared as she breathed heavily, glancing around. She was alone in her camp; Raven had gone back to her own hours ago. Fingers of dawn were clawing their way over the mountains; she would have to check on the Warriors soon.
A whine escaped the back of her throat and she curled up, clutching her head. Half remembered images swam in her mind from the dream.
Her screaming, her staff held just out of reach, Nevar’s laughter, the scream of a raven, falling snow, spreading rot. Little insinuations, no words. Nevar never spoke truly, but he always managed to get his meaning across.
Don’t you miss it? He was asking. Don’t you miss the power you had? Do you really think they trust you? The rot is spreading anyway, you can’t win. Raven will never trust you.
Wolf’s snarl echoed in the small clearing. No! She wasn’t doing this again! Nevar only ever dealt in anger and lies. She was stronger now!
With short, angry movements Wolf packed up her camp, shoving everything into bags to be collected later. With a few deep, calming breaths, she went to greet the Warriors in this new day.
Raven and Wolf briefly met around midday, and Raven handed her a handful of something.
“I am sorry, what have you handed to me?” Wolf asked.
“Feathers, as you had asked,” Raven tilted her head. “Are you well, Wolf?”
“Perfectly!” Wolf forced a smile. “My apologies, my mind is not as sharp as it should be this day. I must return to the Warriors, thank you for these.”
Later in the day when reporting to the Giants, they asked something unexpected.
“Yoooouuu aaaaare troooubllled?”
Wolf paused, breath catching in her throat. “I am.”
“Weeee caaaanooot heeeeelp yooooouuu wiiiith yoooouuur deeemooons,” the Giant informed. “Yoooou muuuust reeeemaaain stroooong. Yooooou aaaaare caaapaable.”
“Thank you,” Wolf inclined her head, not feeling particularly grateful, but knew better than to push.
“Yoooooouuu knoooow theee ruuuuuunes oooooof prooootectiiiioon. Uuuuuse theeeeem.”
“I will.”
Wolf did not see Raven that night, the nightmare still running around her head. She also didn’t sleep, finishing the cloak just as the sun came up the next morning.
She coped the next day, watching the Warriors. They’d been here a week now and were working their way through the challenges. Everything seemed fine.
Wolf’s head shot up from where it had lolled and looked around for where the shout had come from. A howl went up, and the Hawks were running from a black cloaked demon.
“No!” Wolf leapt from her tree and stepped between the Warriors and the demon. “Keep going Warriors!”
The demon stared right at her, and her limbs froze in the snow. Humming and faint screaming echoed in the back of her mind, and the whole world narrowed.
A loud scream pierced through roaring in her ears and Wolf startled back. The demon was much closer than it had been a moment ago.
She swiftly scrawled a rune in the snow and turned on her heel back to the Warriors.
In time to see a second demon touch one of them and have them burst into dust.
Horror froze Wolf for a second before she was running.
“GO!” she screamed, grabbing a pinecone and throwing it at the demon to get its attention. “OVER HERE!”
The one behind her burst into ash, but the shouting worked. The second demon turned to face Wolf, who was already scrawling a rune with her boot. The demon shambled closer, moving painfully slowly.
She needed it to come towards her, even as she glanced towards the fleeing Warriors. She could not check on them, not yet. She needed to wait. Even if the approaching demon made her skin crawl and her throat close up.
It got closer to the rune and she stepped back. She matched every step it took, until it was on top of her rune. It burst into smoke upon touching it.
Wolf took a moment to catch her breath before running after the remaining Hawks. The group was shaken but together, minus one.
“My apologies Warriors, for reacting as slowly as I did,” Wolf said. The Warriors did not respond. Wolf fished in her pouch for a rune and grabbed five seeds. The seeds she scattered on the ground and the rune tossed in the air, trying to bring back the lost Warrior.
The rune thudded to ground.
Wolf stared at it. Blinking.
“I am sorry, allow me to…” Wolf picked it back up again and tried to cast it again. Once again, it thudded onto the snowy ground.
Wolf stared at it before slowly picking it back up.
“I, I am sorry. I do not think I am able to revive your teammate. They are lost to the demons.”
The Warriors looked at each other, steeling themselves.
“I will check on the Bears and confer with Raven, but I will make no promises. I will need to make extra protection runes around your camps tonight. Howl if you need me,” Wolf shifted and ran off to check on the Bears.
She ran around the camps, making sure they were sufficiently protected, before running to check in with Raven.
Raven’s expression was neutral, but her fingers were tight on the staff.
“Demons,” they both said at the same time.
“I lost a Warrior to one,” Wolf swallowed. “A Hawk.”
“A Lynx,” Raven swallowed. “I could not revive them.”
“I could not either. I had hoped-”
“As had I. I am not sure why my powers could not bring them back here. Although I have said before that this land does not like me reviving Warriors.”
“I was using the Giant’s runes to bring them back, and it did not work. I do not think it works on demons.”
“That is unfortunate,” Raven took a deep breath. “We will need to watch our Warriors more carefully.”
“That we will,” Wolf agreed. “However,” Wolf pulled out the black cloak, “on a brighter note, I finished this.”
“That is indeed a brighter note,” Raven took the cloak and swung it over herself. It was a heavy cloak; it was supposed to be to keep the wearer warm. The raven, starling and falcon feathers that lined the outside shone in the setting sun, while dark mink, martin, rabbit and silver fox fur lay on the inside, insulating the wearer.
“Are you warmer?”
“Yes. I do believe I am, thank you for this gift Wolf,” Raven adjusted it, since it was heavier to what she was used to. “The Warriors will recover from their loss. It will not be their last.”
“I hope it will be their last,” Wolf admitted.
“You can always hope,” Raven tilted her head. “Is your sleep improving?”
“…No, is it not,” Wolf decided not to lie now. “I will set up stronger runes tonight. That should help.”
“Why do you need runes, are you being attacked in the night?”
“No. I fear that Nevar’s presence here is triggering some memories,” Wolf brought a hand to her temple, remembering the humming and the sound of metal screeching against metal. The mere thought of the laughter made her stomach tie itself into knots.
“You will still be able to continue?”
“Of course,” Wolf waved off. “You need not concern yourself with me.”
“If you are certain,” Raven tilted her head. “Is that why you avoided me last night?”
“Yes. I apologise, I was not in a good state of mind last night. I worked on the cloak that evening to take my mind off sleep.”
“I see,” Raven did not look too convinced, but did not press. “Do you need to report to the Giants?”
“Aye, I do. I will see you tomorrow most likely,” Wolf nodded and raised a hand in farewell before shifting and leaving.
Raven watched her leave, fiddling with her new cloak. “I worry for her,” she muttered to herself. “I worry that she still may not be telling the full truth.”
The Staff flashed purple and she looked at it for a moment, before summoning Raven of Old.
“Tell me, how do the Warriors fare?” he asked his usual question.
“We lost two today to the hands of demons. We will be watching them more closely.”
Raven of Old nodded. “I will continue to keep watch from my realm. It appears the Lynx team may have to take a different route tomorrow, their current one is guarded.”
“Thank you for your warning.”
Raven of Old gave a small smile. “You have a new cloak,” he noted.
“Yes. This climate warranted warmer clothing.”
He nodded again, with some mild approval. “You wear it well. Now tell me, have you been keeping an eye on Wolf?”
“I have. Other than trouble sleeping, she has not been acting suspicious, and appears to the have the Warriors best interests at heart.”
“Hmm. Perhaps people can change with time. Or perhaps it is a ruse. It has happened before on one of these quests. I trusted the wrong ally, although at the time he was playing both sides, masterfully at that.”
“Are you certain she was working with Nevar?” Raven remembered Wolf’s story.
“It did not look good,” Raven of Old said. “Working with him or not, her actions caused the death of an entire camp, and possibly more.”
“I do not deny that, and I don’t think she does either.”
Raven of Old sighed and shook his head. “It is possible she is not the woman I knew. It is possible she is not the woman I thought I knew. Use your own judgement in this matter.”
Raven nodded, “Have you been able to watch her through the talisman?”
“I have not attempted it, but perhaps I shall. I shall see what she up to when she thinks that no one is watching.”
“Thank you Wise One.”
Raven of Old nodded and disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.
Wolf reported to the Giants about the failure to resurrect.
“Theeee deeemooons aaaarre noooot oooof heeeere. Theeee ruuuuunes wiiiill nooot alwaaaays uuuundooo theeeeir wooooork.”
“I see. What would you advise?”
“Caaaauttiiiion Liiiitlleee Woooooolf. Prooooteeeect thheeee Waaaarriiiooors aaaas beeeeest yooooou caaaan. Taaaaaake heeeeeaaaart, aaaaall iiiiiiss nooooot loooooost.”
“Thank you,” Wolf held her tongue. The Giant slowly lowered her back to the ground, and with great cracking and rumbling, the Giant returned to their slumber, appearing to be a mountain once more.
“I would assume I continue on as I have been,” Wolf added bitterly, rubbing her eyes. “The advice ‘take heart’ is not especially useful.”
She shifted to a wolf and went to her camp, unaware of Raven of Old watching her from another realm.
The only issue I ever really had with new Raven is the fact that she does not have her own cloak. It's probably to differentiate her from James Mackenzie's Raven, but still! Cloaks are cool! This had to be rectified!
Also, anyone spot the reference to Ervan?
Finally, I will say that if the show had pulled that, not bring back a Warrior seemingly randomly, that would have been not particularly great or sporting, but this is a fanfic so whatever!
Giant Speech
“You are troubled?”
“We cannot help you with your demons,” the Giant informed. “You must remain strong. You are capable.”
“You know the runes of protection. Use them.”
“The demons are not of here. The runes will not always undo their work.”
“Caution Little Wolf. Protect the Warriors as best you can. Take heart, all is not lost.”
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genderbattles · 7 years
a diary entry/word vomit
my mind is so full rn im finding it hard to focus (so this paragraph is definitely just gonna be sentences of random thoughts strung together apologies in adv), weirdly enough its not purely on the sad stuff like usual, im starting to celebrate the little things like new sunglasses or not crashing the car in driving lessons and having a good day at work lmao. idk today was a good day but Raz got sad and id be lying if I said it didn't kill me inside. she's genuinely my heart and soul and seeing her sad kills me more bc im like PLEASE DONT BE SAD BC IM SAD AND I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE SAD AND ITS GODDAMN HORRIBLE! fam keep telling her she's a failure which is weird bc she's doing better than me and they usually tell me im the failure? I gave her a huge ass pep talk bc she is a gr8 human and I said she's got a lifetime ahead of her and she said she only wanted to live into her 20s and it scares me incase she's not taking the piss??? I just want her to be okay and know her worth in this hell hole of a world. other stuff thats one my mind rn is gender KMS..........I want to transition BUT I know I can never come out bc fam are shite and ive already been through it once with being gay but it would be 3000 times worse coming out as NB and wanting to transition and go on hormones, surgery etc. acceptance will never come and knowing this makes me die a little every day. suicidal tendencies grow each and everyday I find myself asking ‘how much do you want to die rn karla?’ as a serious question and the answer is always a lot, whats worse is when I picture the future I have none and when I picture how Ill die its by my own hand....?theres also the constant reminder when someone uses the wrong pronouns that im not male passing and its the worst bc you tell yourself constantly that you're a boy and that you look so masculine etc then someone calls you she/her or any remotely female pronoun and you're back to square 1 and dysphoria hits you like a double decker bus. 
this para took a sudden turn for the worst which was noooot the aim at all so im gonna stop bc im not gonna ruin a really good day fuckkk:)))))
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doublebubbletea · 7 years
*legitimate question*
so, people are angry about the death note remake because it deters so much from the original (which from the trailer i can see some differences, not that we can tell much about the movie as it is only a trailer) but
if you want the original series, it still exists. you can watch it, right now. i genuinely think netflix wanted to make a film that intrigued western audiences and maybe they could push people into looking into the original if they liked the live-action. also, there’s already a live-action death note film from japan (which i admittedly havent seen but from previews it looks like the anime), so i think they wanted to rehash it from another perspective, which is kind of interesting to think about. what if someone who wasn't as meticulous as light got the death note? how would they use it? for good? for worse? 
as for the whitewashing controversies, i always think there’s room in literally every piece of media for more diversity, and while netflix was not perfect by any means, i think it’s a step in the right direction. like, these aren’t non-asian actors with japanese names, their names have been changed to fit the setting they decided to put the characters in. i don’t even think the netflix movie is set in japan because, i mean, it’s made for western audiences. ghost in the shell (as a popular example) got this horribly wrong when they casted a white woman, gave her a japanese name, and made some weird excuse as to, you know, why she was white but her name was asian and, like, possibly just made it worse LOL?
i mean, is it missing a lot of the original meaning of the manga and anime? well, yeah, quite possibly, but we don’t know considering it’s literally not out yet. could it totally suck? yeah, it might. is a remake reeeeaaaallly neccesarry? noooot really, but i can respect that they’re trying to do something different with it, and it’s a lot better than just redoing what the anime and another live-action film already did. could there have been more asians casted? ALWAYS.
i’m open to more discussion about this from other peoples perspectives (: as of now i don’t have an opinion on whether its going to be good or bad, i just wanna stay as open-minded as possible until it comes out~
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