#its legit a disturbing movie that spookyrice covers
inkyquince · 2 years
since Inky managed to finish an old request and the last of the QKS, they would quietly like to talk about their ocs for an evening, and then never again, pinky promise
Quill The Art Teacher
Youngish face, despite frown lines around his eyes. Platinum blonde hair, usually falling around just below his chin, but almost always kept up in a messy bun. Cold grey eyes. Around medium height but swims quite a lot so has a strong physique.
He grew up in foster care after his father left his mother and she had a bad break down and proved too unstable. Mother never told the father where Quill had ended up so he was never taken out of foster care, where he was with an abusive family that messed him up for life. Mother lost all contact rights and Quill ran away from the family but was picked up again shortly after. Dumped at the orphanage, a couple years before Bailey starts running it.
Becomes an art teacher at the school. Not because he believes in supporting local artists and shit, but because it means he can be judgmental and ignore his students while they scribble.
Can be found in the cafe on Sunday afternoons if it rains, and on the far end of the beach if not. Is not going to be happy to see you UNLESS, you have high hand skill, didn't snark against him and only flirted once in a while, which means he tolerates you. Won't admit to liking you, just tolerates, even if he does like you.
If you ever try to initiate a consensual encounter, his love for you shall drop quite a bit and he tells you to piss off.
Is a hermaphrodite with a defiant streak, but mainly a pleasure switch. Oral fixation, ex-orphan of Avery, and truly, the most cold hearted of my ocs.
Jacek The Convict
Wolfish looks, is a wolfboy that hides his ears and tail. Honey blond hair with pale hazel eyes, and the tallest of the ocs. Hair kept shaggy with an undercut and has faint stubble. Muscular and lean, quite intimidating.
His mother used to drink and smoke while she was pregnant with him and their living conditions was far from healthy. CPS got called on his mother after 11 year old Jacek was drug tested and it turned out that his mother would put her medicine in his food to make him calm down. Damaged his brain somewhat.
The last to arrive at the orphanage, kicked to the one in town after 6 years of being booted home to home. Makes friends with the other three out of pure determination and is immediately out when the clock hits midnight on his 18th birthday.
If you somehow manage to get yourself sent to prison within the first 50 days of the game, well done! Legit, how did you do this.
But, if you managed to get sent to prison, meet Jacek! Constantly in solitary confinement, rough and rude but will immediately take to the player character. Calls them lamb shank, Brisket, and only if your love is high, Pup.
Will openly adore you and is a stellar fuck if that's what you're looking for in the prison.
However, at high love you also learn that he's escaping. Won't tell you the specifics but promises you to take you with if you manage to sneak to his cell after hours.
Day 50? He's gone babey, and its a bad day in prison.
If you don't meet him in prison, then you're meeting him in a dark alley, after 10pm. Will grab you, start an nonconsensual encounter that's pretty hard to escape from. Will finish and playfully slap your ass as thanks, before taking around £200 of any money/valuables you have on you. If you fought back and ended up making him pissed, he calms down strangely fast after, and offers a sheepish apology and to walk you to wherever you're going to.
At the end of the encounter, you can vaguely recall the abandoned storefront that he yanked you into and can return to officially meet him as a love interest. Yes you get the police on him and he will be sent back to prison but oof. Watch your back. Your art lessons and brothel changing room shall become more hostile.
He has a meter like Avery's, but his rage is channeled into some cruel violence, but its pretty hard to raise. Is generally quite nice, if wolfish, and will openly coddle the player.
Absolutely fat dick, dominant top and reluctant to bottom, but shall enjoy is quite a bit if you manage it. Defiant, sadist, and has procured a bat with nails sticking out of it, so who knows.
Rosa the Sex Worker
Stunning, gorgeous, we love her. Thick, curly red hair that's quite long. Light brown eyes with freckles and a cow tf. Absolute whoppers of boobs. Awooga.
Rosa has been at the orphanage the longest when she meets the other three, as her family died in a car crash when she was still quite young.
You shall meet her at the brothel, and probably is the only one with a genuinely good opinion on people like Briar and Remy. Big surprise, she's quite submissive. You would meet her in the changing rooms more often than not, trying to squish herself into whatever skimpy costume.
Will worry over the player over time, given that they're barely 18 and especially if they start out with low dancing skill. Earn enough of her love, and she gives you some tips for dancing but will become too flustered to give you tips on having sex with the clients.
When you become star of the show, she's genuinely excited for you but you will find her less and less in the changing room.
Unless you check in and successfully manage to cheer her up to keep going, will be gone from the brothel. Instead, you'll find her at the temple. You find out she used to be an initiate but when she was assaulted, the punishment the temple gave her was worse than anything she endured in nonconsensual encounters and never went back. Rosa isn't looking to join it, she just sits and prays.
After a full year in game, she will disappear from the game.
Another pleasure switch, but more on the submissive side. Is a hermaphrodite, and yknow, spent some time at Remy's so, she'll be gentle with you. Will immediately stop at the first plead/scream action and be apologetic.
Loralei The Solitary
Lean and mean. She has messy dark brown hair that falls around her face in a way that's intentional in hiding her eyes. Darkly tanned with gorgeous dark brown eyes that nearly blend in with her pupils. Shortest of the bunch and she's not a fan of that.
Grew up poor and her father placed her in the system but stayed close, just so he wouldn't loose her fully to cps. To this day, her father lives on Domus street and will ask you to clear his gutters.
Well, let's head on over to the asylum. Meet your bestie <3
Loralei had a public mental break down that ended up with her being shipped to the asylum. Her official release date is day 80 in game.
Like, Jacek, spends a bunch of time in solitary and in her own cell, but runs frequent laps in the grounds and does quietly appreciate the company. She also loves gardening.
While you can never help her escape, she will quietly help you if your skullduggery is F and you need to snatch the keycard. Loralei is naturally standoffish and rude but horrifically loyal and after she is released, she lives on the edge of the woods and will warn you off of going any further in. Shows extreme fear of the woods despite living so close. If your love is high, then she will come in to rescue you if you're not beyond the lake, like Gwylan, but her trauma levels with rocket and she will struggle to talk to you and has a chance of being sent back to the asylum. Has a gun under her bed in her home. Wonder who that is for.
She's more likely to bottom, prefers to be used. Defiant as hell and worries about a submissive pc. Fun fact, Eden might end up getting grazed with a bullet if you make them wait too long for you and comes to town to find you. Isn't hurt but in a bad mood.
In my actual game:
Quill had Avery and then Whitney as his primary love interests, has harpy tf, defiant, and canonly best at school and keeping his popularity up. Prefers feminine skirts and dresses but likes their combat boots. Thief AND model, what cha know.
Jacek had Alex as his love interest, was kidnapped by Black Wolf and became the alpha. Yeah, Eden didn't succeed in taming him, ran away. Defiant, sucks at school but has beaten the shit out of Whitney a whole bunch. Remy hates him and Wren adores him. Famous scrapper, beloved in prison, will never forget Rebecca <3.
Rosa has Sydney as her love interest and Kylar keeps sniffing around her, like boy if you don't back the fuck up. Cow tf, and okay at school but insanely popular. Spent time with Remy, and my god, I'm not kidding, lost her first fucking kiss to him without cheats. WAS SAVING THAT FOR SYDNEY U CUCK. Also a favorite of Ivory Wraith. Known flaunter and famous for prostitution.
Loralei was my cheat pc, just because I was more interested in the asylum. Primary love interest is Eden and my god, he snatched his girl. High trauma for most of the game, only had the cat tf for a bit, but it was a nice time. Legit went to about... Three days of school. Known well for her rape but even more for being a scrapper.
mini fun fact: Quill's actual name is Tadhg but its an irish name in england, so about 5% actually pronounced it right and most just called him Ty. Then the nickname Quill caught on because he was a prickly little shit. Every time a teacher calls him Quill, he loses a bit of humanity
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