#its kuroko's birthday tomorrow!
crimsonheartstuff · 4 years
Sakuno Ryuzaki X Seijuro Akashi
Prince of tennis/Kuroko no basket
Untitled story.
A/N: I don't own anything. This is my first time writing a Fanfic. I've been looking for this ship but can't find any so I make one...
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The winter cup just ended when Akashi saw for the first time
Seijūrō Akashi still can't believe he lost. His teammates already left. He is alone, sitting at one of the benches outside the staduim. He is looking at the cloudy dark sky.
"Um... h-hi" Seijuri look at the owner of the voice. A girl with two long braided hair, holding a white handkerchief. He blink several times, wondering what she's doing. "I- I saw t-the game" Seijuro almost cringe, but he is too amuse with this girl's blushing face "I.. also lost several games, when I'm.. just starting to play tennis" after hearning the said sport, he notice the tennis bag behind the she is carrying "I... actually still lost.. especially with my nii-sans.." Seijuro watch the girl take a deep breath "w-what I..am saying is, its normal to lose.. and cry... here its all yours" the girl put the handkerchief at his hand, he watch the girl run away. It takes a several moments when he realize, that he is crying. But now, his heart fells so light. He looks at the white handkerchief. Its just a plain white handkerchief with a big S at the corner. Akashi Seijuro smiles again.
The second time Akashi Seijuro saw her is on Tetsuya's birthday.
The Generation of Miracles + Momoi and Kuroro decided to spent kuroro's birthday playing basketball at one of the street court. He enjoys playing basketball after the winter cup. And he enjoys it more now he is playing with his friends like oldtimes. He saw Momoi sitting and watching them, he talks with the rest they decided to let Momoi play with them, she is also part of the team. Akashi decided to sit on the betch and watch his friends play, the boys are letting Momoi score every basket, and when Momoi missed, they all laugh. They continue playing when Kise stumble, all of them run towards Kise.
"I'm guys.. I just fell" Kise cheerfully said. Aomine notice a yellow-green tennis ball beside Kise.
"I think this is the reason, but how this ball end up here?" Aomine ask no one in particular. "Well I think we should take a break" everyone agreed, they walked to the bench, to take some break. When they heard a childrens laughter not far from them.
Mindorima picks the tennis ball "may be, this tennis ball is theirs. I give this back to them" but everyone wants to come, so they all follow the laughters. They didn't have to walk that far, just few steps they are already at the public tennis court.
Seijuro's eyes went wide. She is there, wearing a tennis attire with her hair in two buns. She is teaching 10 kids, how to play tennis. Seijuro didn't notice his friends are already walking towards the group of tennis player, he is busy watching her smiles at the kids succesful shoots.
"Ne, Aka-chin, don't you want to come?"
Seijuro blink several times and nod. The girl saw them waking and smile at them. His throat are too dry to greet her.
"Ryuzaki-san" the group look at koroko with confused face, "this is yours?" Then Kuroko show her the tennis ball, Seijuro watches her expression change, from confuse to happy to relieve.
"Hai! Kuroko-san" again the girl smile, but this time for Kuroko only, and he is not happy about it "though I wonder why you have it"
"Maybe one of the kids hit the ball to much, it end ups at basketball court" kuroko said.
"Ah.. Go-Gomen" the girl, who is Kuroko called Ryuzaki bow at them. Her voice, is more beautiful than he remembers.
"Ne, ne.. don't worry, no ones hurt" Kise said, too cheerfully for his liking "b-buttt how fo you know kurokocchi?"
Seijuro is waiting for the voice again but Kuroko answered the question "I apologize for my behavior, let me introduce her, -" once again the girl smiles at them, "This is Ryuzaki, Sakuno, she is the vice captain and one of the founder of girls tennis team. She is also my classmate. Ryuzaki, they are my teammates at middle school. Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine, Akashi and Momoi-"
"Girlfriend, I'm Tetsu-kun's girlfriend" all of them sighed except for kuroko who doesn't show any expersion. The girl, Ryu-Sakuno just smile
"Oh, I know, Kagami told me"
"WHAT!" Kise and Aomine shout, the kids just look at them then continue playing tennis. Seijuro release his breath that he didn't know that he is holding.
Momoi just blush "Kagami likes to tease kuroko about his girlfriend, so the whole school knows about your relationship." Sakuno bow at them "It nice to meet you"
"I-its nice to meet you too" damn.. did he stutter. He hopes that no one notice.
Momoi finally recover and grin at Sakuno, "yeah, its nice to meet my boyfriend's friend"
"Ryuzaki, we don't want to distract you with you tennis lesson, we're going back to the basketball.. see you tomorrow" Sakuno just smile at them and wave. Wait is Sakuno looking at him?
"Ne, Tetsu we don't know you have other friends aside from your teammates." Aomine ask.
"Ah..." Kuroko answered.
"Ne..ne kurokocchi I'm curious hows your life at school, tells us about" Kise beg, Momoi has a hope in her eyes, and he also wants to know about Sakuno.
"Come on, tetsu-kun, we are also on break"
Kuroko just sighed and started telling the story, Seijuro listen carefully and take every information about Sakuno. Sadly, Kuroko didn't said anything about Sakuno or her personal life. Kuroko just said that they are a big group of first year, from different club, they become close because of Sakuno, and they all spent their sunday together, either playing different sports or having an advance study. They usually hang out at Kagami's house, 'cause he lives alone or at Sakuno's 'cause her parents are nice. And tomorrow is another celebration of Kuroko's birthday with the whole 1st year group, since kuroko's day is already full, with them this morning and this afternoon with basketball team which was organize by firsr year basketball member.
The group decided to joined the party this afternoon.
The third time he saw her is at the National Championship of Tennis (Girls divition).
Akashi is forever thankful for Momoi's unending source of information, they are now sitting and supporting the Seirin girls tennis team, which is compose of 7 first year with other Seirin first year. The first year group promise to support each others match, and that is the reason why Sakuno is at the wintercup even though she is a tennis player.
"Satsuki why you even drag me here" Aomine complained. Which is followede by yeah from Midorima and Muraskibara. Satsuki just rolled her eyes, and gave Murasakibara new sets of candy.
"Shh, Dai-chan shut up, we are supporting Tetsu-kun's friends" Momoi said, but she is not watching the game, she is looking at kuroko who is sitting beside her. Kise is shouting so loud cheering.
"Shut up Ahomine, some people are trying to much" Kagami said, while wathing at the game, singles 3, Seirin lost at Doubles 1, but won on doubles 2.
"Why you even watch this, this game is so boring"
The group heard someone cleared their throat. All of them up, at the seats behind them, they saw a group of men, glaring at them, the men are scary, specially the guy with oval glasses.
They continue to watch the game, the Seirin won the singles 3, the singles 2 will start soon when he heard the men at the back talking.
"Eh? The captain will play the singles 2? Why not the Saku-chan, she is the vice captain right" after hearing the word Saku-chan the other first year of seirin look at the source of the voice.
"We all know that Sakuno is a better tennis player, but we also know that she doesn't what to be the captain" the man with eyes closed said.
"They don't have a coach nya"
One of the first year has a guts to ask the group at the back. "Excuse me, do you know Ryuzaki-chan?"
"Nya,.. yes we know her and Mera-chan the captain, they are our kohai way back in middle school nya" a man cat answered. "Now, now start watching the next game, Mera-chan is an amazing player"
And they went back watching the game, its true, she is an amazing player but she is againts a third year, Seijuro look back at Sakuno and watch her, she watch the match calmly like the another match, (yes he's been watching her since the first match,) after several minutes, Seirin won, Sakuno offers a towel, he watch them talk and look at the opponent.
Sakuno walks to the court, and face them, she wave at their area and everyone shout and cheer.
"I still can't believe Echizen break up with her" one of the man behind them said.
Seijuro recognize the name, Echizen, a Pro-tennis player. She is Echizen's ex-girlfriend. She likes a tennis player. Yes they are already broke up, but what if she still loves him. Different scenario played at his mind, but this end instantly when he heard the umpire.
Seijuro watch her play. He can't believe it, she plays so gracefully.
He watch every moves. Every shoot. Every jump.
How can she dives in ground so gracefully?
Her smile. God he loves her smile.
He loves her dance at the court.
He loves her shoots.
He loves her determined yet face face.
God He loves her.
Oh God he loves her.
Damn. He loves her.
She won the game.
She won his heart with out doing anything.
Seijuro bid goodbye with his friendd, he doesn't know what to do. He can't face her now.
He walks aroud without destination, he ends up at a flowershop. Saw a flower on a small poy that reminds him of Sakuno, didn't think twice to buy the flower.
Now he has a flower, but don't know what to do. Pathetic.
The fourth time he saw her is at the interhigh, Rakuzan High vs. Too High,
He is sick, but he needs to play.
They are losing, he doesn't have enough energy, he is sick.
The ball went out the court, Seijuro decided to pick the ball, and he saw her.
She is at the entrance, she is holding the ball, she walks toward him and give the ball.
"There are still time, to win this game" she said to him. Only him. Looking at his eyes and smiling at him.
Seijuro nod and smirk "watch me win this game?" She nod and smile.
The game end, they won, he won. He look at sakuno who is smiling, then start walking out. Seijuro didn't wait for his teammates, he picks his bag and start running.
Seijuro saw her at bench sitting, looking at the starry sky. He sits beside her. Still watching her face.
"Congrats on winning" then sakuno look at him "I don't know you well, but I know you will win that game" she said smiling.
"T-Thank y-you"
"You're sick right?" They sakuno puts her hands at his forehead "and you didn't take a bath..." Sakuni said with a cute pout.
"Sorry, if I smell" Seijuro said with a slight blush.
"Its okay, but you need to rest"
"I will... um can I get your number?" Sakuno nod, and that is his best night.
After a months of texting and calling, they will finally meet, and hang out, just the two of them. And this is the day that he will ask her to be his girlfriend.
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Akafuri + Sleeping Beauty au
The castle is asleep; that’s what Furihata registers as he makes his way up the winding stairs, long arduous trek up the tower, side stepping the vines that have cracked through the stones, the spiders that have made their homes, undisturbed, but for him, only for him, only now, after god-only-knows how many years. 
He is careful, cautious, maybe even paranoid about the wretched, quelling silence of the castle; it is breathing around him, in and out, in and out, like a slumbering giant, and he feels like an ant, scrambling its way and trying not to get noticed. 
And that’s when he steps into the room at the top of the tower and freezes. 
The dragon is beautiful.
Red and red and glorious, fiery, burning red with flaming gold scales that seem so hot, so warm, so tempting, so alluring to touch and admire. Its sleeping, in and out, in and out, it breathes and Furihata feels the castle affected by it. 
He shivers, and tries to unfreeze himself and run back down the winding stairs, run back to safety but he can’t. He can’t and he is stuck and he needs to walk further into the room. He fights the pull. He fights and fights and fights and steps into the room, right in the center of it, right next to the dragon that is asleep, the dragon that is pulling him, the core that is wrenching his body, compelling him forward, forward-
As if summoned, the dragon awakes. 
The castle shivers, thuds and rattles as the dragon brings itself to its full height and regards him like the bait that he is, the fucking banquet that he made himself out to be and Furihata is this close to crying-
“What are you?”
Its soft, almost a curious question that is not meant to be voiced, but the velvety-honey voice carries through and Furihata shakes so bad that his knees rattle. 
If dragons could raise unimpressed eyebrows and fix him with a look dripping with disdain then this dragon would have won the contest. “Yes……I get that. Thank you for stating the obvious.” It waves a hand imperiously, “I meant, what is a puny thing like you doing in a place like this?”
There is a joke there somewhere but Furihata is too frazzled to make the connection between cheesy pick-up lines and imperious dragons insulting him, albeit correctly, to his face. “I don’t-I don’t-I don’t know!” He stammers, his voice weakening with his resolve - of which there wasn’t much there anyway, his pessimism pipes up, quite helpfully - and he gulps, “I am just a wizard healer! I just wanted-I just…..I just…”
“You wanted the life-giving flowers and suddenly, you find yourself here,” the dragon finishes for him. It sounds exasperated and Furihata wonders if this has happened before and more importantly, much more important because this is starting to make him sweat, what exactly happened to those who had come before him. 
The dragon sighs, exhaling a puff of air full of steam and exhaustion, as it makes itself comfortable on the cracked marble floor, looking for all intents and purposes as if it had dismissed him and decided to take a nap. Its eyes are no longer trained on Furihata, tracking his every movement, but Furihata does not move, he does not even think he can breathe without the dragon allowing it and he does not want to test that theory just yet. “There are no flowers. There have never been any flowers.” 
Furihata gapes and flounders, “Bu-But!”
“That is a cultivated ruse for people to wander in here for famed flowers to become my food.” The dragon fixes him with a beady eye, sounding mildly amused, “As you can clearly see, I can’t exactly go shopping for food, now, can I?”
Furihata doesn’t know if he should laugh for being polite or whether he should run because, the gods, the gods that he doesn’t even remember having, have saved him from becoming dragon food and this is the strangest conversation ever and he has had a veritable history of strange conversations, no thanks to one decidedly mysterious Kuroko Tetsuya.
“So, run along now, puny human.” The dragon closes its eyes and shifts to get more comfortable, “Unless you can take me shopping for my own food, I have no use for you.” And when Furihata makes no move, frozen as he is, it sends a mild threat, “Or I suppose, you could stay and become my breakfast for tomorrow, how about that?”
Furihata hurtles down the stairs and what sounds suspiciously like laughter, follows him before he stops at the gates and looks back up the tower. The castle looms, dark and foreboding against the purples and pinks of the skies and that’s when it strikes him. 
The tale. 
The old wives tale about the princess cursed to sleep forever on her birthday. 
The castle is awake under his fingertips, Furihata feels its anticipation as he stands there, trailing his fingers over the rusted iron of the gates and connecting the dots. Fates have forgotten how cruel they had been, but old wives with their wizened wrinkles and crackly voices have revived the tale more than once to a willing ear. And the castle has waited so long, so so long, in vain for someone, for anyone to come. To rescue. To tell the tale. To break it free.  
There was no princess. 
There was no kingdom that reveled in the joyous return of the lost princess. 
But there was a curse.
And there was, Furihata fisted his hands and made his way back up the stairs, one at a time, a wizard healer who was just clever enough to reverse it. 
The castle thrummed with excitement, windows opening up and vines slithering away to gently push him forward as he ran up the stairs, purpose thumping with every footstep. 
“You again,” The dragon drawled, but Furihata knew it was curious, “Decided to become my next meal?”
Furihata moved to stand in front of the majestic, all too powerful dragon, and breathed deeply, in and out, in and out, and said, a resounding, firm, “No.”
“No?” The dragon cocked its magnificent head, its eyes burning with curiousity and Furihata felt a pang for the years that have gone by, the years and years wasted, and spent alone, all alone, “Go on, what is it that you are here for?”
Furihata felt the castle hush around him, practically bursting with glee as he spoke, carefully, cautiously, the words the dragon was never meant to hear, the curse that was never meant to be lifted, “Akashi Seijuro, Crown Prince of Rakuzan, I, Furihata Kouki of Seirin, have come to take you home.”
The last thing Furihata remembers as the castle happily, so happily, explodes with light, bright, bright light that seers his eyes, is the shocked expression on the dragon’s face. 
“Kouki. Kouki, wake up.” 
“Uggggggh.” Furihata holds his head up with both hands and he doesn’t know why but it sure doesn’t help. There is still ringing in his ears like he had run too fast and if he is not mistaken, the marbled floor that he currently trying to disappear into, was supposed to be broken, but it’s not. And not to mention there is something really warm, really soft, and really soothing next to him, crooning to him words his mother would say. 
“Kouki, please.” 
Furihata tries and fails and tries again as he sits up with the help of the really warm thing and he is parched and this close to fainting when he looks up.
To brilliant, bright and fiery red eyes and a smile that makes him warm all over. 
He sits there, stiff and gawking as the Prince of Rakuzan, the previously cursed, the mentally immobilised human, puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder and gazes at him with gratitude and a little something else that leaves a tingling all over.
It doesn’t stop there. Oh no. The handsome, downright, criminally handsome man with a velvety-honey voice that should be made illegal, says, and the castle takes that moment to explode into song and flowers and joy, so much joy, “Take me home, Kouki.”
Furihata faints. 
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idiocydoesnotkill · 7 years
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @puraiuddo (congrats on the date)
Name: Ana Sofia
Nickname:  pequenina (means small girl in portuguese)
Gender: Fem
Star Sign: Aquarius
Birthday: Jan 27
Height: 1,53 meters (Im small ok)
Age: 20
Sexual Orientation: bissexual
Relationship Status: single
Hogwarts House: Slitherin 
Favorite Color: navy blue
Time Right Now: 21:58
What Are You Reading:  Organização do espaço (its a book in portuguese about architecture)
Last Movie You Watched: The bodyguard and the assassin
Average Hours of Sleep: probably 7/8h
Lucky Number: 7
Last thing You Googled: paladins champions of the realm (i like to play it and know more thins about it)
Favorite Fictional Characters: i dont really know... right now its probably deku (bnhaa) or pip (from paladins cotr) 
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: only sheets (its not that hot here in portugal)
Favorite Singer/Band: dont have one
Dream Trip: Italy, Florence
Dream Job: To be an architect (well i am studing for that)
Current Job: i dont really have much time but i help my parents in their factory
When This Blog Was Created: i dont have a clue
Current Number of Followers: 29
What Do You Post: i just reblog things that i think are funny, cute or necessary
Who Are Your Most Active Followers: i only have one follower that actualy reblogs stuff (also its the person reading this)
When Did Your Blog Reach Its Peak: never
What Made You Decide to Get a Tumblr: fan art of anime (kuroko no basket)
Why Did You Choose Your URL: it was a random thing that poped into my head (also it was the only available)
Do You Run Any Other Blogs: nope
What Are You Doing Tomorrow: working on a scale model of a building for class
edit: sorry about not talking more about myself, i am pretty shy and not really confident on my english
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agirlinjapan · 7 years
Red Data Girl: My Longest Day of School (Week 2)
Red Data Girl: My Longest Day of School By Noriko Ogiwara A Translation
Miss the last piece? Read it here!
Check out the RDG Translation twitter!
Yay! It’s the July 4th weekend and I’m home for most of the week! Things are going well. I graduate from graduate school in less than a month, my birthday’s in about two weeks, and I’m sitting on some big (good) news that I can’t wait to share. I was hoping to have already been able to share it but I have to wait until it’s official.
RDG’s a little short this week and it ends a bit abruptly. Sorry. I couldn’t find a good stop point. Things are definitely beginning to progress though! We’ve made it to the start of the festival!
Notes on this week’s translation:
Tabi socks have come up a bunch of times in RDG before. The tabi Izumiko and the others are wearing with their kuroko costumes are intended to be worn as shoes, not just socks. As you can see in this picture, there’s a thick sole on them.
I’m honestly a little stumped by Manatsu’s reference to Izumiko’s buns as “China girl” hair. Is it a hairstyle? I googled it and I did get the buns but I got a bunch of other hairstyles too.... The term was written in katakana (Japanese English) so it’s a direct translation and a reference to something. Does anyone know? Edit: Readers have reminded me Chun-Li from Street Fighter and Mei Lin from Cardcaptor Sakura both wear buns like Izumiko’s. The style is at least refered to as “China girl” buns in Street Fighter.
Red Data Girl: My Longest Day of School By Noriko Ogiwara Chapter 1: Groundwork Part 1 (2 of 3)
The morning of the first day—
The kuroko outfits were so easy to put on that it was laughable.
After changing into the costume in one of the lounge’s side rooms with Mayura, Izumiko was so comfortable in it that she wanted to dance. The other student government members who had been dreading the experience of wearing unfamiliar period clothing felt more or less the same as she did. It didn’t take them long to get used to wearing the kuroko.
The black pants that made up the lower portion of the costume were not much different from loose fitting sweatpants. The upper portion consisted of a black shirt held tight with a thin cloth belt. There were also black gloves, black arm gaiters, and a hooded hat with a gauzy piece of black fabric that covered their faces. Once they had put all this on, their costumes were complete. The only other thing left was their footwear which were easy to walk in, stiff-soled tabi socks.
Gazing at her reflection in the side room’s mirror, Izumiko abruptly thought of something.
“Hey, these kuroko costumes make us look like ninjas, don’t they?” she said to Mayura who was standing beside her.
“The ones you see in the movies, sure,” Mayura responded wryly. Her family was descended from real ninjas. “But spying in the dark of night and dressing in black clothing is just what everyone expects ninjas to do. We’re grateful for that stereotype because the truth is completely different.”
“It’s different?”
“Real ninjas wouldn’t have such low level skills in the art of escape. If they were seen in the middle of a bright afternoon, black clothes would make them stand out even more.”
“You’re right… That would make them stand out,” Izumiko repeated, realizing this for the first time.
Mayura continued speaking.
“President Kisaragi chose kuroko as a special privilege for all the students overseeing the festival. The rule of kuroko is even though you notice the people wearing them, you’re supposed to pretend you don’t. While that might be the case, it doesn’t mean lots of people won’t be watching us.”
…I see…
When they returned to the lecture hall, Izumiko immediately saw that Mayura’s words had been true. Every black clad member of the student government stood out in the open space. This was mostly due to the fact that the other student volunteers were still working in their gym uniforms.
Once the stage they were building in the lecture hall was mostly complete, the festival committee students began to change into their Warring States era clothing as well. When the student government members were the only ones left gathered in the room, their all-black outfits made them look a bit like a band of robbers. Glancing around at themselves, a peal of laughter bubbled up from everyone.
Izumiko gazed at Mayura, President Jean Hodoka Kisaragi, and the other girls in the student government. She could understand a little better why the festival committee president had said it was a waste for the student government members to be dressed all in black. The only thing showy about their outfits was the fabric hiding their faces. She began to wish she was wearing a more colorful costume.
On the other hand though, the kuroko costumes were so unusual that they were impressive. Manatsu Souda and Miyuki Sagara looked so good in their outfits that even Izumiko surreptitiously glanced their way. Unfortunately for them, they looked even better in kuroko than they did in their school uniforms.
This didn’t have to do with the fact that Manatsu was the descendent of a family of ninjas and Miyuki was the descendent of ascetic monks. Izumiko knew that things like that weren’t easily ascertained through outward appearances anymore.—Manatsu’s father, as well as Miyuki’s father, were the type of people who did not look anything like what they actually were. All the same, the decision to wear the black outfits somehow seemed reflect Manatsu and Miyuki’s place as their sons.
The girls in the student government unabashedly let them know how very cool they looked. This in itself was normal—the two of them had fan clubs. However, when Izumiko thought about how the boys’ popularity had risen during the festival, her stomach clenched uneasily.
Mayura did say that a lot of couples get together during the festival…
The second year boys, Hoshino and Okouchi had been assigned to work with the specialists who had come in for the festival instead of with the rest of the students. Even so, they too were looking sharp in their kuroko. Overall, the outfit probably looked good on any boy.
Honoka stopped smiling and looked around at the student government.
“We’ve made it to the day of the festival. Today, our role is to think about the two military forces that will be in play tomorrow. I want you to keep an eye on where our two home bases will be. Get an idea of how the two teams will move around during the whole school event. Make sure that anything that could become a problem doesn’t. Also, it’s been clearly stated in the visitor pamphlets that anyone with questions should talk to students in kuroko. So be polite when you’re taking care of people. I’m sure you’re all interested in how your own classes are doing but keep a neutral attitude.”
When everyone nodded, Honoka told them that the president of the festival committee, Hayakawa, was standing by in the school building’s second floor broadcasting room.
“If anything bad happens, he’ll make announcements with information from there. Hayakawa will also be in charge announcing the team breakdown for the all school event. Now, we’ll be having student government meetings here at 11:30, 2, and at the end of the day.”
The student government members took the individual time schedules that Okouchi had put together. Once they were stowed inside their shirts, they left the room.
Izumiko was glad to see that she had escaped first patrol. She wanted to visit Class 1-C’s food stand first.
She knew she had to stay neutral but she couldn’t help but be curious about which class’s attraction would win the popularity vote. As a member of the cooking group, she had put a lot of energy into the stand up until today.
Seeing as Manatsu’s patrol hadn’t begun either, they walked together to their classroom.
Manatsu glanced towards Izumiko and said with a laugh, “I didn’t recognized you for a second without your braids. They’re definitely your trademark.”
Izumiko gave a strained smile.
“People have always said that. They only notice my braids.”
“That’s not what I meant. But what did you do with your hair today?”
Izumiko touched the edge of the fabric covering her head. “It’s still in braids but I started them higher up than usual and wound them into buns,” she explained to Manatsu. “Mayura helped me.”
“Like a China girl?”
“That’s what Mayura said too. She said it looked more Chinese than something from the Warring States era.”
“I want to see the buns! Show me!”
Manatsu looked at her expectantly but Izumiko shook her head.
“No. They don’t match the festival theme. I can’t take the hood off until the end of the day.”
It was embarrassing that she couldn’t stop wearing her braids on a day when everyone was in costume but she had to keep her hair bound. They had to lessen the danger of the goddess appearing, even if it was just by a little. Until she knew for sure that her mother’s recommendation to keep her hair braided was no longer valid at all, she didn’t have the courage to stop.
All the same, it was a huge change for her to not have the two braids brushing against the top of her shoulders. That difference was a decent disguise in itself. As soon as she saw the other students passing by in Warring States era costumes, excitement began to grow inside of her.
Anyone who saw the classroom building would know that its atmosphere was completely different from normal.
The walls and windows were covered in traditional looking posters and signs. Here and there, a Warring States era banner was visible as well. The day’s schedule was posted everywhere and students dressed in military uniforms and traveler’s outfits stood around, holding boards advertising the day’s events. The reception table had been set up to look like a tent in a war encampment.
“This is great! Everyone worked so hard!” Manatsu exclaimed.
“The people who come are going to love it,” Izumiko said excitedly but then her expression clouded and she looked at Manatsu. She had just remembered that many of the people who would be in attendance today were involved with the trouble at the school.
It was obvious that a group of diviners had put together a special barrier on the campus. However, the Souda siblings hadn’t definitively said how they were planning to oppose Takayanagi.
“What’s going to happen today? Manatsu, can you feel the effects of the diviners’ barrier now?”
“I don’t really know what’s going to happen but something will. Probably.”
He didn’t deny that he could feel the barrier but he didn’t look worried either.
“With that said though, it’s better not to think something’s going to happen before it does. Let’s have lots of fun at the school festival while we can. At festivals, the people who have the most fun are the ones who win.”
“…I guess you could say that.”
Miyuki would never have said such an easy going thing. Even Manatsu’s sister, Mayura probably wouldn’t have either. Still, Manatsu’s carefree mood was infectious and Izumiko quickly felt herself relaxing.
Before they even arrived in the classroom, it was clear that Class 1-C was fighting hard to win the popularity vote. Izumiko and Manatsu, who hadn’t helped in the classroom the day before, gave a cheer when they saw the fancy sign outside the door.
The giant, two sided board read, “The winds of change are quickly approaching,” and “Peasant uprising.”
The design and color usage had been created to look like a fishing boat with a large haul. After seeing all the austere, traditionally Japanese colors used around the rest of the festival, anyone who saw this sign would think its art was far too blinding with its use of primary colors.
“It’s amazing,” Manatsu said.
When they walked through the door it was as if they were outside. The room had been decorated with theater props, creating a forest of pine trees and bamboo. During the festival planning time, the class had found scenery and props they could rent in a catalogue. It appeared that they had been able to choose what they wanted from there.
No one had bothered to research historical accuracy while building the “winds of change cotton candy” and “coup d’état yakisoba” stands but the torii depicting the entrance to a shrine in one corner of the classroom was unique. The concept had been to make the room look like a shrine festival. The class had constructed a small shrine in the middle of the room, complete with fox statues that faced each other on either side of the entrance. It was an Inari shrine.
Keep reading!
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shipthepuppy · 7 years
Title: Piyo Problems
Synopsis: The first time Furihata (properly) met Akashi Seijuurou’s Guardian Piyo, it was on the basketball court at the Winter Cup.
AU: Guardian Piyo AU
Pairing: Akashi/Furihata
Word Count: 1,600+
Note: Just a little something for AkaFuri day. Posting a bit early, because I’m gonna be busy tomorrow. A simple, sweet meet-cute-and-a-bit-more that takes place in a world where everyone has a little Piyo that follows them around.
Can be read under the cut.
Furihata had a problem. It wasn’t his grades, or basketball, or even that Mika-san had finally rejected him even after Seirin’s victory at the Winter Cup. (That had actually been a shocking relief. Really, he should have known they wouldn’t mesh well in the first place. Their Piyo hadn’t gotten along at all.)
No. His problem revolved around the Guardian Piyo belonging to Akashi Seijuurou, and its extreme crush on his own.
It began innocently enough. In their first meeting, the red Piyo had merely glared at him and Furi-piyo from Akashi’s shoulder, mimicking his human. That, Furihata had expected.
But then came the second encounter, at the Winter Cup. During a game, Piyo always sat on the bench to avoid accidents on the court. Their little chirps of encouragement had always perked Furihata up. It wasn’t uncommon for him to have all the Piyo of his teammates hopping over his arms and hair while he cheered with them on the bench. Furi-Piyo usually sat in his hair, even outside of games, leaving him with a constant state of bed-head.
When he was called in to play against Rakuzan, he’d forgotten to take his Piyo from his head in his nervousness. Combining that with the sudden surprise of hearing Furi-piyo’s little chirp atop his head, he tripped in front of Akashi. His face flush with embarrassment, but worried for his Piyo, he raised himself up. And paused.
Akashi’s Piyo stood directly in front of him. His intimidating stare roamed Furihata’s face. A concerned chirp atop his head broke him from his shock, and he lifted Furi-piyo from his hair to cradle him in his hands.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
His Piyo nodded, fluttering his wings, and nuzzled his thumb. Furi-piyo squawked when he was suddenly joined by Akashi’s Piyo. The Piyo leaned close to Furi-piyo, checking him over. Then, as Furi-piyo’s shivering ceased, he sat decisively in Furihata’s palm, pressed to the other Piyo’s side.
Furihata looked up, and the tiny smile on his lips became strained with nerves. Akashi, arms crossed, stared down at the red Piyo in his hands.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He directed his question at the Piyo.
Aka-piyo cast a haughty gaze over his shoulder at his human.
“You’re supposed to be on the bench,” he said. Akashi bent, and held out a hand for him to hop onto. “Come on.”
But Aka-piyo didn’t move. Instead, he adopted a bored expression, and inched closer to Furi-piyo. Akashi’s eyebrows shot up. He sighed.
“Seeing as he doesn’t want to come with me,” he finally turned his attention to Furihata, “would it be alright if he joined your Piyo on the bench for the remainder of the game?”
Furihata replied on automatic. “That’s fine.”
Akashi nodded. “Thank you.” He pointed at Aka-piyo. “Don’t cause trouble.”
Aka-piyo huffed. Furihata quickly shuffled to his feet and walked to the bench, setting the Piyo down side-by-side on the bench with the other Piyo. He pat Furi-piyo’s head. “Wish me luck.”
Furi-Piyo chirped and pressed back into his fingers happily. Furihata gave a concerned glance at the oddly calm Aka-piyo, and then left. With a heavy swallow, he took up position on the court.
Against all odds, Seirin won. They won, by one point, and every time he thought about that he remembered the single basket he’d made and felt pride swell in his chest. Even after he’d been taken out of the game, and was frustrated with his own abilities, he still held a spark of new confidence. The Piyo of his teammates that sat in his lap, along his shoulders, and cradled in his arms helped to keep him a little positive.
His own Piyo had taken his usual station in Furihata’s hair, joined by a quiet Aka-piyo. The moment Furi-piyo flew atop Furihata’s head, the red Piyo followed after and nestled in like it was only natural. Aka-piyo didn’t chirp along with the others, but he seemed content enough. At one point, Furihata was sure he was even grooming him.
After the game, Akashi retrieved his Piyo. It went with him gracefully enough, but not before giving a full nuzzle to Furi-piyo.
“I, um, think they like each other,” Furihata said. He rubbed the back of his head self-consciously.
“It would seem so.” Akashi smiled, and was it him, or did the other seem a little more approachable now? “Perhaps they’ll see each other again.”
Furihata returned a quivering smile. “Maybe,” he said, but didn’t quite believe it.
That next time came quicker than Furihata anticipated, with the arrival of Kuroko’s birthday. He didn’t expect Kuroko to show up with the entire Generation of Miracles at his heels, but on some level, he should have expected it.
He froze in the doorway, having come face to face to Akashi.
“Hello,” Akashi said genially, “you’re Furihata-kun, correct?”
“Um.” He found trouble forming words. Luckily, he was saved from having to by a small trill. Aka-piyo poked his head out of the scarf wrapped around Akashi’s neck, and then squirmed free. He took flight and hovered in front of Furihata’s face.
“H-hi,” he stuttered. Aka-piyo must have been satisfied with this, because he then landed atop Furihata’s head alongside Furi-piyo, who chirped a hesitant greeting.
“It seems he missed you,” Akashi noted.
Furihata blushed. “Ah, yeah.” He shuffled out of the way. “You should all come in.”
The Generation of Miracles entered, Kuroko casting him a curious look. Akashi paused at his side after removing his jacket. “You don’t mind him being there, do you? I can call him off if he’s a nuisance.”
Furihata waved his hand dismissively. “He’s fine, not causing any trouble.”
“Hmm.” He shot his Piyo a look. “If you say so.”
Furihata spent the rest of the evening nervously chatting with various members of the GOM, the two Piyo in his hair chirping at one another in some sort of conversation. Occasionally Akashi checked up on Aka-piyo, and he made small talk with Furihata as he did so.
Akashi wasn’t quite as scary as Furihata’d first thought, maybe. If anything, he was an utmost gentleman. There was something overwhelming about him, true, but it seemed to be a natural byproduct of his own confidence now, rather than knee-trembling intimidation.
Plus, their Piyo were getting along extremely well. As the night went on, Furi-piyo grew more comfortable with Aka-piyo. Now, his normally shy Piyo would enthusiastically chirp at the other, and had no problem bouncing around in Furihata’s hair or initiating some sort of contact. If their Piyo liked each other so much, Akashi couldn’t be all that bad.
The party ended with good spirits all around. The majority of Seirin would be spending the night at Kagami’s, and the other guests had accommodations elsewhere. After shrugging on his coat, Akashi approached Furihata.
“Thank you for looking after him, Furihata-san.”
“It’s no problem.” He scratched the back of his neck. “I’ve handled far more rambunctious Piyo. Kagami’s has a habit of tying my hair into knots.”
“I’m glad mine handles himself better, then.” Akashi held his hand out. “Come along, Aka-piyo.”
Aka-piyo puffed his feathers. Furi-piyo nuzzled against the reluctant creature, and he relaxed. The two chirped a few goodbyes before Aka-piyo took off. He butted his head against Furihata’s chin before returning to Akashi’s palm.
“Bye bye.” Furihata waved his fingers.
Aka-piyo trilled, settling regally in Akashi’s scarf. Akashi raised a brow before shaking his head. “What a proud creature.”
“He probably gets it from you,” Furihata said. His eyes shot wide and he slapped a hand over his mouth, muffling his rushed apologies. “Not that that’s a bad thing or anything I mean you obviously deserve to be proud I’msosorryohmygod—”
Furihata stopped when Akashi laughed, an utterly foreign sound. His eyes crinkled at the corners, knuckles pressed against his mouth as though to restrain himself. Some of the tension eased from Furihata’s shoulders. In a way, knowing that Akashi could laugh like a normal person, if a little bit withheld, was reassuring.
(And it didn’t help that it somehow made Akashi more attractive. Objectively, Furihata’d known that Akashi was good looking in a very pretty-boy way that turned into a strong handsome on the basketball court, but he hadn’t really thought about it until that moment. Now that he had, he wasn’t sure he could stop.)
“I suppose I deserved that,” Akashi said as his chuckles died down. “Pride is one of my stronger vices.”
“Mine’s cowardice.” Furihata bit the inside of his cheek, mentally berating himself for his inability to not babble.
“Really?” Akashi tilted his head. “I don’t know if I agree with that entirely.”
Furihata’s face warmed. Before he could respond and assure him that nope, he was definitely a coward, Akashi waved and turned away.
“I’ll see you around, Furihata-san.”
“Y-yeah,” he said, “you too.”
After Akashi left, Furi-piyo chirped atop his head. It was a slightly embarrassed sound.
Furihata swallowed. “Me too, Furi-piyo. Me too.”
Several months, a few mishaps, and an accidental Piyo kidnapping later, Furihata found himself sitting on the edge of a fountain holding hands with Akashi Seijuurou as their Piyo played in the water.
“You know,” he mused, “I probably should have seen this coming.”
“Oh?” Akashi glanced at him askance before turning his attention back to the Piyo. “Why’s that?”
“I mean, it’s pretty commonly known that how well your Guardian Piyo get along is a sign of how good your relationship with someone can be, and ours have gotten along well since the beginning.”
Akashi hummed. The Piyo temporarily ceased their splashing as Aka-piyo cuddled up to Furi-piyo, their energized chirps dropping into affectionate warbles. “True, though I don’t think we should compare all aspects of our relationship to them.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because,” he answered drily. The Piyo nuzzled their faces and stared deeply into each other’s eyes, “if we were going at their pace, you and I would be married by now.”
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Happy birthday, Moriyama-senpai!! (。’▽’。)♡
Kuroko no Basuke: Moriyama Yoshitaka x Reader
“I’m already not looking forward to tomorrow,” you state with a sigh, leaning back in your seat to stretch your arms before readjusting your position. Taking off the lid of your bento, you pick up a piece of sausage to eat, happily chewing on it when you notice the curious gazes of your friends. “What?”
“You don’t like Valentine’s Day, (l/n)?” Kobori asks you, taking out his own bento to eat.
You shake your head, “Nope. I don’t see the point of it. Why do you need a certain day to give guys chocolates and to confess to them?”
“It’s supposed to be more special on Valentine’s Day,” Kasamatsu says, voicing his own opinion. “You’re not planning on giving anyone chocolates then?”
Again, you shake your head. “Why? You guys want my chocolates?”
Despite the casual tone to your voice, a blush still forms on Kasamatsu’s cheeks from hearing your offer and he coughs while you giggle at his reaction. He frowns at you but it’s hard for you to find him threatening when he’s blushing like that. “Where’s Moriyama anyways?” Kasamatsu asks, trying to change the topic.
“Right here.” The aforementioned shooting guard walks toward the three of you, pulling up a chair to sit beside Kobori before opening the bag of melon bread he had bought. “What were you guys talking about?”
“Valentine’s Day,” you inform him, scooping up some rice into your mouth.
Moriyama’s eyes seem to sparkle at hearing that. “Are you going to give out chocolates this year, (l/n)-chan?”
“Of course not,” you inform him, taking note of how disappointed he seems at your response. You raise an eyebrow at him. “Why?”
“Is that not what everyone does? You give out giri chocolate to your friends and relatives, and honmei chocolates to someone important to you.”
“Not interested,” you reply curtly. “I don’t see the point. Valentine’s Day is just a way for stores to make more money off of suckers that buy into the whole thing.”
“And you’re not one of them,” Kobori comments to which you nod at.
“Anyway,” you begin, trying to change the topic, “Good luck tomorrow, Kasamatsu-kun. You’re probably going to have your hands full with Kise-kun and his fangirls.”
A groan escapes him. “Don’t remind me.”
You merely laugh, going back to eating the rest of your lunch. The conversation switches topics every so often until lunch ends and Kasamatsu and Kobori return to their own classrooms while Moriyama moves towards his seat diagonally in front of you. Once the teacher enters the room, you focus your attention towards the board and the notes being written on it, not paying attention to anything else. If you had looked away from the board for a few seconds, you would’ve noticed Moriyama occasionally glancing over his shoulder at you.
“How was practice today, Moriyama-kun?” you question the shooting guard, picking up your pace so that you’re walking besides him.
“It would’ve been better if you had been there, (l/n)-chan,” he replies swiftly, turning to flash you a smile.
You roll your eyes at his answer and gently punch his shoulder. “Sorry I have things to do. It’s not like I’m your guys’ manager anyways. And I rather not spend any more time around your underclassmen than I have to.”
“They’re not that bad,” Moriyama tries to convince you but you merely shake your head. He knows better than to try to change your mind when you’ve decided on something so instead of pressing on further, he brings up a different topic. “Are you sure you’re not going to give out chocolates tomorrow?”
“Are we on that topic again? I’m one hundred percent sure about that, Moriyama-kun.”
But why, (l/n)-chan?”
You pause and turn to face him, looking rather irked. “I’ve said it a few times today already. I don’t care for Valentine’s Day and its traditions.” Moriyama looks rather crestfallen at that. “Why are you so hung up about this anyway? Are you already jealous of the chocolates Kise-kun’s going to get?”
“No, that’s not it.”
“Then what?”
“I just want your chocolates!” he blurts out.
“But why?” you stress out, shifting your bag so that you can put both your hands on your hips.
He shyly averts his gaze before looking back at you, holding contact with your eyes. “It’s Valentine’s Day. I want chocolates from the person I like.”
The impromptu confession comes as a surprise and your eyes widen slightly in response. Silence fills the air as you keep your mouth shut and instead, you dig through your bag.
“You should’ve just told me that in the first place, Moriyama-kun,” you finally reply, straightening up to look him directly in the eye. “Here.”
Your hand pulls out a rectangular box from your bag and you hand it over to him. Moriyama glances quizzically at you and after seeing you nod, he proceeds to unwrap it. Pictures of heart shaped chocolates greets his eyes and to say he’s surprised would be an understatement. His mouth falls open into an o shape and he’s left gaping at the box.
“They’re not for Valentine’s Day, by the way,” you add with a smile, staring at his expression so that you’ll be able to remember it for years to come. “I was planning on giving them to you later when we got to your house but since you kept bringing up chocolates, I’ll give them to you now. Happy birthday, Moriyama-kun.”
“T-Thank you, (l/n)-chan!” Moriyama exclaims, engulfing you in a hug.
“You’re welcome. And also, Moriyama-kun?” you begin, pulling back from the hug so that you can look him in the face. “I like you too.”
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