#its just phobos and havve dancing
captainsaltypear · 7 years
Groovin’ Crusaders
Here’s my first TWRP fic, I hope you enjoy!
It’s about the boys™ dancing :D
Phobos sighed in relief as he sunk into the couch before him, feeling a sense of security when he felt the soft cushions surround him.
The Doctor and Meouch had gone out of their shared living space to investigate this new human eatery called something along the lines of “Tacky Bella” while Phobos was gardening. With Hogan still in his room upstairs re-charging, this left Phobos with the house all to himself.
Sitting alone in the living room, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
Finally, some peace and quiet.
Too quiet.
Phobos thought to himself immediately, being surrounded by silence instead of the usual chatter of Sung or the background noises of a reality television show playing make him feel uncomfortable.
Instinctively, the alien reached out to turn on the radio on the side table next to him to fill out the white noise.
A soft tune filled the silence, moments later a gentle accented voice from the radio sang,
There were beggars and kings
In a magical sky
There were wings in the air and I learnt how to fly
Phobos smiled under his visor as rested his head on the palm on his hand and laid on the couch on an attempt to get some rest.
There was me, there was you
In a world made of two
Then you were gone~
In came a soothing drumbeat and a bass, along with synth instrumental. Phobos look up from his sleeping position, listening to the now more upbeat version of the song. In came the gentle vocals again,
Moonlight lady,
Come along with me
To the bright city lights,
It’s all right because tonight’s on me
Phobos quietly bobbed his head to the song, as the song progressed, he soon found himself swaying to the rhythm of the beat.
This song reminded him of his childhood where he used to dance with his brothers and sisters as a group of musicians played a slow and calming melody. His parents would watch them with a small smile upon their thin lips, eyes full of pride.
Phobos felt a warm sensation filled his upper body, around his heart.
He couldn’t resist. He jumped up from the couch and began to dance just like he did when he was a young alien.
His traditional dance was similar to what humans would call “ballroom dancing”, but this was slightly different. This dance could be done with two people, but that is not necessarily important as we can see from Phobos’ case right now.
Not only that, this type of dancing is more fluid and relaxed, much like a flowing river, involving frequently movements of the arms, a bit like ballet.
Phobos swayed his hips to the bass line of the song as he moved his wrists in a circular motion. He began to move around, following the timing of the drums, shifting the weight of his foot to the other, dancing around the living room as he cautiously avoided hazards like the chairs of the dining table or the sharp edges of the coffee table.
Taking a deep breath, he began using more lively actions, with his left arm curved in front of his chest and right arm at the side, with his right foot sticking out pointed, applying all of his weight onto his foot. He started moving in a square shape, right foot, connect the feet together, step to the left, connect, step back, connect. As he moved to the beat, his arms changed positions quickly but smoothly with his feet.
He was having the time of his life, just him alone dancing to a beautiful jazz song, letting out a soft sigh. He spun in a circle, keeping his eyes focused on the clock on the wall as he twirled,
before accidentally slamming into a black wall.
The walls their house were painted a light beige, why was there a bla-
If Phobos hadn’t been mute, he would be giving the most unholy scream to be heard on the planet. Regaining his posture, he looked at the cyborg standing before him, before quickly signing an apology.
I was dancing, Havve.
Remembering how the Sung would dance on stage with no shame as the crowd screamed and cheered made Phobos cringe under the helmet. After thinking for a few seconds, he responded,
Technically it is, but it’s not as idiotic, it’s more…graceful, and fluid.
Havve tilted his head as he stared back at Phobos with his cold LED eyes, much like a confused puppy, but scarier.
I can’t really give you the correct definitions of “dancing” but- just come here, I’ll show you.
With that, he dragged the cyborg by his wrists into the new dance area that was once known as the living room, a squeak came from the robot’s translator, showing his surprise at this sudden action.
All right this is how I would dance when I was back on my planet, it may be different from the normal human dances you see on the television, but just follow for now.
As he held Hogan’s hand, one of the only human parts of the cyborg’s body left, Phobos gracefully pointed his right foot outwards, motioning for Havve to follow. He did the same, but due to his mechanical parts, the movement came out a bit more stiff. Phobos shifted his left foot and connected it to his right, moving a step forward. Havve followed suit.
Now we move in a squarish formation, move your left foot to the left side and take a step, your right leg follows. And after that we move backwards, left foot first and then the right again.
Phobos showed the robot the steps with the music in the background, and looked back at the Havve, hoping he wasn’t being too confusing. Havve, following Phobos’ instructions, did the same thing without hesitation, earning him an applause from the very elated alien.
This is good! Pretty good considering it’s your first time doing this!
But since you barely get a chance to dance, even with following my instructions, you did really nicely, although it might be a little jerky, but we can work on that. Oh listen! Here comes the chorus again.
After signing the last few words, Phobos took Havve’s hand and stretched it towards the side, interlacing with his own. He placed his other hand on Havve’s shoulder blade so that they were facing each other,and started swaying gentle to the beat. Havve was confused and asked with his monotone robotic voice,
Well, since you can dance as one person so easily, we might as well try to dance with two people, it’s more fun this way anyways.
Phobos nodded, looking down at their feet so he could slowly show him the steps.
I’ll lead so it’ll be easier for you, do the same as we did before.
Phobos took a step backwards with his left leg, his hand pointing at Havve’s foot to move along as well. For the rest of the song, Havve mimicked Phobos’ steps as they gradually began to speed up. Phobos even tried to make a daring move by twirling the cyborg, it was easy considering the fact that they were nearly the same height.
Seems it never rains in Southern California
To the bright city lights,
It’s all right because tonight’s on me.
It’s never rains in California
But girl don’t they warn you
To the bright city lights
It’s all right because tonight’s on me.
As the song slowly faded away, Havve noticed that Phobos was shaking. He took his hand off his shoulder and stepped back to give Phobos some space.
Havve could clearly see Phobos’ eyes through his visor, seeing a layer of water on his eyes.
Phobos looked at Havve, his red eyes glowing not as brightly and for the first time the robot almost looked, sympathetic? Phobos brushed him off and wiped a tear off his face from under his helmet as he sat on the couch to rest for a while, sinking in between two cushions.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been this happy on Earth, it’s nice to know that I now have someone who can I share my traditions with.
Havve remained silent, but he sat next to him, reaching out for Phobos hand, patting his shoulder awkwardly. Just then, the doorbell rang and Doctor Sung and the Commander barged into the house carrying a bag of takeover as Sung yelled,
“Hey guys we’re back with some food I bought some iced sweet tea for you folks!”
Phobos looked at his band mates who have just burst through the door, and back to Havve, and back to Sung and Meouch once again. There was an awkward five-second silence between the four best friends which felt like a century. Just as Sung was about to point out Phobos’ watery eyes, a loud energetic voice boomed from the radio.
“Heeeerreeee’s Jennifer playing you the greatest hits from the early 2000s, next up we have Digital Love from Daft Punk. I hope you’re having a great day and to those on the road, drive safely!”
A familiar song started to play on the radio. When Meouch heard the first chords, his ears perked up. He basically threw the bag of food onto the kitchen counter as he ignored Sung’s protests, screaming something along the lines of HOLY SHIT GUYS THIS IS MY JAM, and started to make his way to the living room grooving his body shamelessly to the song like nobody was watching. Unfortunately for Sung, Phobos and Havve’s case, they were. With a chuckle, Sung joined the lion on the dance floor and began shuffling and moving his feet to the beat. The atmosphere in that room felt like a dance party, Phobos tapped his fingers on his knee pad with the drum beat as he bobbed his head to the song.
As Phobos watched his dorky friends dance and groove to the music, Havve stood up. Stretching his hand out, he looked at Phobos.
He paused for a moment. With a large grin on his face, he reached out and grabbed the robot’s hand firmly, pulling himself off the chair.
Let’s dance.
Constructive criticism is encouraged! Reblogs too!
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bdluejay · 5 years
TWRP + The Protomen Concert
So I just wanna infodump about the TWRP concert tonight before I forget everything (walls upon walls of text under the cut, youve been warned)
So it was a 1hr 45min drive up to Richmond and it was a fairly nice drive aside from the inevitable traffic. I listened to TWRP’s discography minus TTT because time. About 30 minutes into the drive I’m singing along, dancing a little, and then I realize. I forgot. My fucking. Tickets. Left em right at home. Fuck. So it takes me 20 minutes to overcome the shock and try to figure out what to do. I didn’t have enough time to turn around and drive back, but the interstate was too narrow and going too fast for me to pull over and figure out what to do so I kept driving and hoping that I was gonna figure it out when I got there. So the rest of the drive goes smoothly, not too much traffic, and I didn’t get lost after I exited the interstate! I got a spot on the lot right next to the venue so I didn’t have to walk at all which was awesome. So I get down to the end of the line and say, “Is this where the cool people are? Haha!” y’know, like a nerd, and I start talking to the people in line with me. And I shit you not, before I even get to say much, the person in front of me goes, “Hey, do you need an extra ticket?” Like, holy shit, really? How fucking lucky was I! I get in line right behind a person who has an extra ticket and they offer it before I even say anything. What a godsend. So I relax finally and enjoy talkin to the folks in line and try not to piss myself because I’ve had half a bottle of water and a smoothie in the past 2 hours.
So it turns 6 and the doors open and we come flooding in, I get to use the bathroom and the head over to the stage to secure a spot. I get about 3 or 4 people between me and the stage and I’m pretty content because it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to the stage at a concert before.  Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and this guys says hi and gestures to my shirt (I was wearing the shirt for NSP’s Tour de Force tour) and asked which show I went to. Apparently we both went to the one at silver spring which was sick and we started talking about our mutual love of TWRP and a bunch of other stuff. He (collin was his name, im pretty sure?) was super sweet and nice and easy to talk to and we both went hoarse because we talked for the whole hour we were waiting for the show to start lol. He actually had some cough drops bc he was overcoming a cold and gave me one which was super nice.
SO the lights dim and the boys come out one by one, Havve, Meouch, Phobos, then Sung on his stupid hoverboard that I love. And they start playing Back in Town and I’m like o FUCK and they play generous dimensions and im like fuck yeah and they do their dumb schtick that never gets old “that was song #5, and next is song #11, and song #11 goes out to all the ladies out here tonight” and like a sucker i laugh and cheer every time. the setlist is super fuzzy for me but they played life party and i kinda almost cried cause god i really love that song a lot. and they played this like, holy shit amazing medley of a bunch of their songs all the way from 2nite to TTT and i totally wasnt expecting it at all but it was really amazing, i wish i had recorded the whole thing (fingers crossed that someone else has) but they played parts of pale blue dot which is my fave TWRP song and thats all i wanted and needed. ladyworld was awesome, and ending it with all night forever was absolutely perfect, kinda tying the whole set together with the beginning and end of return to wherever. TWRPs whole set was phenomenal and i had so much fun dancing and singing along. i didnt wanna blink the whole time because i wanted to see everything i could and they were just great and i gotta stop talkin about them cause im just gonna end up in a loop saying how much i love TWRP and how amazing they were tonight. 
but then. the protomen come out. and they play phantom racer. and just. holy. fucking. shit. twrp has such a chill vibe and their energy is good but the second the protomen came out the energy went from 100 to a MILLION. twrp and protomens performance of phantom racer was just. amazing. no, amazing is an understatement, but theres really no words to describe just how fucking fantastic they both were together. i wish i could relive that song over and over again forever. the feeling of absolute joy and excitement and happiness i felt during that performance is something i wish i could bottle and experience forever.
so onto the protomen. i had never listened to any of their music before the concert other than phantom racer. but holy SHIT. they fucking rocked it. i was blown away by how talented everyone was. the two lead singers were powerful and amazing, the music was just, *italian finger kiss* MWAH that good shit, like, tomorrow i gotta listen to all their music because every single song they played i immediately loved. and i cant neglect to mention their stage presence. these guys were so cool and intense and their whole vibe was so fuckin rockin. i mean, the metallic gray facepaint and bandanas and sunglasses and masks and helments and robot gun arms????? fuck YEAH!!!!! like i had hopeful expectations for the protomen but they blew me outta the fucking water holy shit. seriously i regret that i didnt listen to them beforehand or i woulda been headbanging so hard. also at the end one of the guys stage dove and i almost got to touch him but i was scared to get under him cause im not very strong and i didnt wanna drop a whole man onto myself. but yeah they were sick.
oh and speaking of headbanging there were a few dudes in front me who were SO energetic and pumped for the protomen like, it was infectious. they danced so hard and they like did this little dance with a couple other people that kinda reminded me of a ska dance?? like yknow the one where you just kinda kick your legs?? idk but they seemed to be having a lot of fun and it made me smile. they also had a 4 person mosh pit and i got knocked around a few times (its okay, i know how it is getting really excited and a lil too rowdy, i was fine) but like those dude were so fun and their excitement was so infectious i couldnt help but smile and have more fun. i got to talk with them some while we were in line for merch and since i was there for TWRP and they were there for the protomen we both gushed about how much we loved each band with all our hearts. they were also super sweet and walked me to my car because i was anxious to walk alone in a city that id never been to before.
so yeah!! tonght was an amazing experience that i hope to never forget. i met some super nice people and talked myself hoarse and had such an amazing time and im so glad that everything turned out how it did. thank you to twrp, the protomen, the broadberry staff, that one person in line, collin, and those two rockin protomen fans for making tonight a wonderful and perfect night.
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gamblegroomps · 7 years
Houes of Blues Ninja Sex Party Concert Recap
Okay now that I’ve had a bit of rest, I’m going to talk about my experience at the concert. Again I super wish that I was able to take pictures but my phone died and wouldn’t charge for some dumb reason. I am going to reblog the hell out of other people’s pics and videos though and I did buy a poster (that ripped a bit in my purse, but the signatures are still intact) and a TWRP shirt. Everything else is under readmore in case I spoiled something (also probably not in order, I typed some of this as a draft last night):
MC Chris- good replacement for StarBomb. He was actually pretty good rapper, although his voice I thought was an effect at first. No his voice is really that high pitched. I recognized his Candy song because I used to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force at one point and heard that song, liked it. I also liked that he was a pretty funny and good hype man too, he did do some good nerdy raps. He’s not someone I’d listen to for a long while, but he’s pretty good for the show itself.
TWRP - SO good live and Dr.Sung is fit as fuck holy shit. The gag of them just skipping numbers in the set was pretty funny and I didn’t expect their songs to sound so great live, with them having a lot of synths. But Commander Meowuch and Lord Phobos really can shred on their respective instruments and Havve Hogan’s eyes and drumming were so cool. Like I said Dr. Sung was fit as hell, he was twirling nunchucks and kicking and he looks like he really works out, I was able to see his bubble butt :3 Atomic Karate was my fave because I didn’t know how they would do Arin’s part of the song, but they nailed it and their whole performance.
Danny is as cute and handsome in person as he is on YouTube videos. Like holy hell, seeing him in the flesh and being close enough to the stage to see him smiling and so full of energy and having a great time (and his cute/sexy little hip shakes that kind make me weak at the knees) was so wonderful. He’s really gotten into doing rock-out performances and his singing was incredible as always.
Brian was awesome and super hilarious. He did little dances in some of the songs and he even had his own little moment of performance on stage (which I’ll discuss later). Flipping the bird at him never felt so awesome, and he even got the audience to do a ROCK FUCK chant with half the room saying ROCK and the other saying FUCK (I was in the ROCK half).
Concerto in P Minor was amazing. This was Brian’s little solo performance (along with TWRP for back up) and it sounded so beautiful and very opera. I recognize it from one of the 30-second Seductions, I’m impressed it was made into a whole orchestrated song with Brian playing classical piano. Then it led into him and TWRP playing the Mortal Kombat theme which was so awesome and pumped the room even more, during which Brian cut his hand while playing and it bled out onto the keyboard, we thought it was pretty metal and he threw up devil horns.
New animation video was pretty cool, I remember gorilla-prutt’s art for it on the NSP tag earlier. It was pretty funny and it was about when they first met. Not going to spoil too much because I don’t think it was supposed to be recorded, but here’s a hint: Danny tells his version of the story (involving aliens) and then Brian “tells” his version. You figure which one is more truthful.
New music video shown was pretty great, but may not be for everyone. I don’t want to say what song it’s for because the audience took the NSP pledge (namely that if someone is recording something that they shouldn’t, don’t punch them in the nuts just graze them, which lead to audience chanting GRAZE THE NUTS) and it’s supposed to be a secret.
Played You Spin Me Round from the new cover album, Danny certainly sounded much better than Pete Burns. Also TWRP’s rendition of the song makes it sound so awesome on stage, lots of rock guitar really helps that song.
Played Danny Don’t You Know, it was so beautiful that Danny and Brian made that song. So glad that Danny is where he is now that he’s happier about life in general and made that song.
Played slow and somber Dinosaur Laser Fight with just Danny and Brian on stage, so poetic and lots of cell phone lights swaying in the crowd. Felt like it was so magical just hearing that song in a whole new light.
Hilariously a lot of the stuff NSP played were a whole bunch of new material, the only songs they played off of their older albums was Dinosaur Lazer Fight (played slowly), NSP theme song (their intro), and Unicorn Wizard (which again with TWRP helping with the instrumentation sounded incredible)
Lots of fucking with Danny moments, courtesy of Brian. Before they played Unicorn Wizard, Brian did the bloopy reggae jam bit and Danny just look (fake) peeved. It escalated further with TWRP joining in and they actually made a little song out of the bloopy reggae jams about buttsex and buttstuff, that was pretty hilarious.
Lots of bras being thrown(definitely not as many as Orlando but quite a few), along with pants and a hat. One of the bras did hit Danny on the face and almost hit Dr. Sung when Danny’s back was turned. Strangely I actually found the bra throwing him hilarious when seen in person, but yeah it is still pretty bad to do that when they told the crowd to stop and it kept happening. Hopefully this was the last show that this happens.
Brian wearing someone’s jorts that got thrown on stage. This needed its own section because I didn’t expect Brian to fit the jorts and he stuffed all of the bras in it on stage. Then when The No-Pants Dance was playing, he did like a strip-show kind of thing where he pulled out the bras one by one and then the jorts themselves, I died laughing.
So much love for Dan and Brian in equal measure. I find this important because lots of people were cheering for Danny, but also a lot of the people were hyped for Brian and chanted his name and love for him. Also Avi got some cheers too when Danny mentioned him, Avi asks about the number of bras they get in each show haha.
The loving speech thing Danny did was really sweet, the one where he talks about shit going bad in the world and how we need to love and forgive everyone and ourselves. A little idyllic for my tastes, but it feels kind of warranted, there is too much hate going on in the world right now and we need more positivity. Danny is just such a sweet guy and him wanting to spread a positive message on the tour is so admirable.
Being near the speakers was so worth it just to be able to see the stage. At times I had to cover my ears but the music still was pretty amazing and the crowd was very energetic. Next time I’m buying earplugs though if I ever stand that close again.
They ended the concert with playing The Hit and again, it truly shows how well NSP and TWRP mix together, and hearing it again live made it so much better :D
TL; dr: 50/10 Such a magical and amazing night, and if they ever have a concert near me again I’m definitely going, with a camera this time.
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sadkidsbop · 7 years
TWRP Concert
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