#its just i get to finally Compile all my hcs in one place hUEHEUEHe
sapphirescales · 7 years
[ this is the silliest thing and you might have talked about it before or decreed it unimportant details and I would not blame you for ignoring this, but do you have any thoughts on the clothing Mystique transforms for herself - like that gifset you just posted shows her transformation into a soldier wearing a uniform and a hat. Is the hat part of her body? Would it hurt if you shot just the hat? Is it a flesh hat??? ]
give me excuses not to be resting in bed after meds by asking meta stuff—— ( status: always accepting excuses to procrastinate! )
ok i know u didnt Technically ask this but im gonna throw this here anyway dflksdjlfksajdf
okay! as per according to the mystique comics ( her solo run ) the idea is that she is, actually, always naked – she doesn’t really wear clothes at all, and just shifts on what’s convenient. and, for the most part, this seems to be true for raven in certain bits and pieces throughout xmfc.
scenes where she’s Always Naked ( which i quantify by the fact that she shapeshifts into someone else ):
the opening scene with a tiny baby ravne – where she’d never been taught she shouldn’t always be naked
the scene at the c.i.a. compound where the first class kids are all showing off to each other and raven shapeshifts into sean – which kills my lil heart because! she came by Prepared to show off and be blue and in her natural form n i cry!
cuba, where she shifted into shaw – where she anticipated needing to use her abilities to actually fight
scenes where she wears Actual Clothes:
the scene where she gives herself heterochromia at the bar in oxford ( a partial shift, only of the eyes but! )
the weightlifting scene where she loses control of her shift bc erik drops the weights on her, but she doesn’t shift out of her clothes
the scene where she’s in erik’s bed ( she asks for her robe, rather than just shifting it on )
the scene where she’s walking around the compound the night after she fights with charles and they find the x-geek uniforms that hank made
so! my Conclusion tbh is that raven does wear clothes Occasionally. if you were to catch her at westchester, she’s probably lounging around in her own skin and like, actual non-shifted clothes. if she’s Out And About? she’s definitely naked, and shifted clothes on, just because of Convenience / Paranoia reasons – she always needs to be Ready to shift into someone else to lose a tail, or whatever!
with regards to her shifting non-body materials e.g. clothes, glasses, even a test tube in the comics, i’ve discussed it briefly in a private chat with @krovidym​ a while back and we basically came to these conclusions:
only bodily things that she shifts on, for e.g. if she were to copy azazel’s tail, or logan’s claws like in the first xmen movie, remain connected to her nerve endings. so a hat, for example, can be taken off & removed, and so it can’t be attached in such a way that it would hurt if it got shot. tails or ears or extra limbs though, would absolutely hurt like a motherf#cker
the clothes etc that raven shifts are not Physically part of her – so it’s really highly unlikely that anything hit there would actually hurt. so, for example, if she was to shapeshift a test tube, and it’s removed from her person etc, it literally stops becoming part of her, so it couldn’t be reabsorbed. ( funnily enough, this might not be true for e.g. in the case of glasses; she could shift them on and Keep Them a physical part of her so that when she shifts back, the glasses go bye-bye as well, but she could also create a perfectly good pair of glasses and just throw them away after. )
tl;dr: yes, the hat was flesh, but now its just an innocent hat dont discriminate wtf
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