#its hilarious how im drawing these conclusions from completely unrelated official arts just HEAR ME OUT
shakingparadigm · 1 month
I'm too tired to gather my thoughts cohesively on this but.
The Anakt Garden bears a lot of resemblance to the Garden of Eden, right? The landscape is an ideal nature paradise and the humans kept within it are expected to live in blissful ignorance and obedience. It's not far-fetched to say that a lot of religious inspiration was taken when making the Anakt Garden considering the prevalence of "gods" and worship in the series. What's more, there is apparently a whole subject in the Anakt Garden dedicated to religion.
Through this Garden it's almost as if the aliens are attempting to recreate or rewrite the genesis of mankind now that they have established themselves as beings of power. The aliens tend to "play god", creating artificial humans and modifying existing ones in order to suit their needs.
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In past official arts, Sua and Ivan (two top students of Anakt Garden who know more about the truth of the system than they let on) have been depicted with apples. The same fruit that symbolizes disobedience and forbidden knowledge.
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