#its hawthorn berry tea. what if it grows differently with different teas.
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birdyverdie · 1 year ago
The desire to buy a microscope
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mollymauk-teafleak · 6 years ago
the one who blooms in the bitter snow (chapter 2)
Chapter 1 | ko-fi
Caduceus has found a new friend in the widower father Caleb and he watches him grow happier, more comfortable in himself. He dares to hope that he's finally healing from the death of his husband.
He dares to hope for too much.
It was one of those days when he felt like he was utterly alone in the world.
Caduceus looked up from the flowerbeds he was kneeling in front of and stretched out his back until he felt a series of dull pops, groaning in relief and raising his eyes to the sky. Still slate grey, still scattering fat raindrops down in erratic sheets.
He smiled.
He took the trowel from the loose grip of his tail and set back to repotting the seedlings in front of him. Days like this were perfect for them, nourishing and encouraging, the Wildmother welcoming them to the garden.
That was why days like this didn’t drive him inside, the way it seemed to do for the rest of the world. The cemetery around him was completely deserted, fog clustering around the stones and the bases of the taller trees, the only true colour aside from greyish green being the dull stars of the flower heads, muted but beautiful still.
Caduceus thought it incredibly beautiful. Though he could see why people thought his little corner of the city was sort of eerie on days like this.
The seedlings safe in their dark black soil, thick and healthful with the rain, Caduceus stood, shaking crumbs from his sodden knees, not caring really seeing as the rest of him was already sodden. His trusty straw hat kept the rain out of his eyes but nowhere else.
There were other odd jobs to be done in the many thick gouts of plant life that sprung up all through the place. Weeding, pruning, scattering used coffee grounds from the café, telling off those who were being greedy with space, encouraging those who were flagging.
It was the kind of work Caduceus loved more than anything, the kind that was familiar, the kind he knew he could do well. He let his mind wander as he walked between the beds, the taller plants boughed by the weight of the rain, letting it drip down perfectly for their shorter cousins below. He would often sing or hum while he worked, something he worried contributed to people’s belief that the Blooming Grove was mildly haunted, when they would hear his lowing voice on misty days.
But not today. It was past time he sent a letter to his mama back home, she worried if he didn’t send at least one a month. Well, she’d worry about him anyway but at least the letters served to reassure her that he hadn’t been hit by a bus.
Mama had always worried about him, being the youngest and smallest of her gaggle of children. And when he’d announced he was leaving the clan- something firbolgs rarely did- to  move to the city- something firbolgs even more rarely did- she’d been close to locking his bedroom door so he couldn’t go.
Caduceus smiled fondly as he knelt by a family of sweet peas whose trellis had gone lopsided. He’d always struggle to explain it to his mama, he knew that. Wanderlust was something that was supposed to be completely alien, something other. As such, there really weren’t words Caduceus could find to help his family understand why he’d decided to see some of the wider world and push the boundaries of their tiny corner where things were still allowed to grow wild.
Caduceus set his jaw, feeling a raindrop run down the back of his short despite his hat.
There were a lot of things he didn’t have words to explain, a lot of feelings and compulsions held inside him that he couldn’t categorise and sort, couldn’t make plain. Some he was less proud of.
But his mama loved him. She understood that his life was his own. And if a letter every week or so would help her feel better, Caduceus would gladly write it.
He used his teeth to bite off a length of twine from the roll in his pocket and began retying the bamboo sticks that held his sweet peas up out of the shade and thought about what he might write.
He could tell her he’d joined a yoga class and how it wasn’t as fun as doing it in the dappled sunlight of the family grove with Clara trying to trip him at every available opportunity but it would suffice. He could tell her how he’d started making little scent bags out of his leftover lavender and vanilla pods to sell at the café and Caleb had said it was the first thing he’d ever found to actually help him sleep. He could tell her about how he’d made her recipe for mushroom risotto and took the leftovers to Caleb and how he’d said it was delicious. He could tell her how Caleb texted him sometimes when he needed someone to talk to. He could tell her how he was falling for Caleb.
The slick, rain soaked wood slipped suddenly in his hands and Caduceus hissed, drawing his hand sharply back to see a large splinter embedded in his thumb, blood beading around it like yew berries.
He groaned and swept his head from side to side, irritated with himself for more than not looking where his hands were going.
He couldn’t be having those thoughts. They shouldn’t be in his mind at all, let alone in his letter to mama.
Caduceus sat back in the wet grass, not caring as rain soaked into his trousers, worrying at the splinter with his teeth and trying to draw it out.
He didn’t understand emotion as well as other people, that much he knew. His social skills would be considered stunted by most standards. But even he understood that thinking those things about someone who’d so recently been widowed, who clearly wasn’t healing well from it, who was vulnerable and anxious and broken inside, was a bad idea for everyone involved.
There was absolutely no purpose at all to longing after something that could only end in pain. Sometimes the briars were just too high, trying to clear them in the hopes that something good would be on the other side would earn yourself bleeding palms and little else.
The splinter came free with a bite of pain. Caduceus tossed it into the grass and sucked at the blood that immediately welled up in the wound. He could take a hint.
He took the long way back to the café, winding his way through the clusters of headstones. There was no neat grid system to the Blooming Grove, things were patchworked together, no size or shape uniform. Caduceus had inherited the dilapidated cemetery like that, time and disinterest having warped it into something far from neat. But even after all the care and attention he’d poured into it he’d kept it without regular squares, clear paths, any kind of uniformity. He liked it like that, he admired the way it had grown free like a wild oak tree twisting and curving erratically towards the sun of its own free will.  
That was how it had chosen to be and he wouldn’t dare tell it any different.
Lugging his bag of gardening tools over his shoulder, he rounded the next corner, finally allowing himself to imagine the honey cake he’d reward himself with when he got back inside.
And saw Caleb standing in the middle of the uncovered pathway, under the arch of hawthorn trees.
He was turned away from Caduceus so he thankfully didn’t see him freeze in ungainly surprise or his fur puff up and send rainwater flying. But, unfortunately he couldn’t miss the loud shout of shock that also leapt out of him and startled several birds from the trees above.
Caleb turned, eyes wide and fearful at first but they softened as soon as he recognised his very wet, very embarrassed firbolg friend.
“Hi there,” he called once he was close enough to be heard over the pounding rain. He looked, rather unfortunately, like a drowned rat even more than Caduceus did. Water ran in rivulets down his face, his many layers were dark and dripping and his hair was plastered to him. By the looks of things he’d long ago given up on moving it out of his eyes.
Who went out in the rain without a good hat on their head?
“Hello, Mr Caleb,” he smiled, “What are you doing out here?”
Caleb gave a wan smile, “What does anyone ever do here?” He inclined his head back towards where he’d been standing in front of one of the graves. His husband’s, Caduceus realised. He’d never looked for it before but he could see now it was one of the newest ones. In amongst some very old ones, strangely, he wondered why that was.
“Of course,” Caduceus smiled back, “I more meant everyone else seems to be hiding from the weather, not going out in it.”
Caleb looked abashed, once of the many expressions that looked unfairly adorable on him, “I know…I didn’t have any clothes right for the weather but Trinket’s at playgroup and the apartment was so quiet, I…I didn’t want to be alone…”
There was a long, stiff moment where the two of them realised how wet they were getting and how there was no sensible way to navigate themselves out of this conversation.
Eventually Caduceus just sighed and smiled a little, “Caleb?”
The human looked up, of course he always had to look up to meet the firbolg’s eyes. Rain slid down his face, looking like tears.
“It’s really good to see you,” Caduceus murmured.
The café was dark, a little naked without the music and the smells of sugar and coffee, the people at the tables. But it was calm, it was dry and it had tea. That was all Caleb needed right now.
He’d started sniffling before they’d taken five steps, his breathing wheezy and ragged by the time they reached the door. Caduceus’ fur kept him good and insulated but after one look at Caleb he’d known he had a nasty chill on the way.
Fortunately, he kept a tin of the perfect remedy for that down behind the counter, hand tied bags of muslin he would often press on customers who came in with runny eyes, sniffles and coughs.
While Caduceus poured, Caleb gingerly stripped down to his shirt, darkened with rain on the shoulders and chest but it was as dry as he could get. Still, it clung to his body in ways that Caduceus caught when his eyes flickered up from the mugs and held in his mind greedily until the guilt twisted again and made him drop them.
“So how is Trinket finding preschool now? Settling in?” he asked, a little more loudly than really necessary to cover his own thoughts.
Caleb looked up from pulling his boots off, distracted immediately by the mention of his son, leaving him with one large black boot on and one stripey orange sock with a hole in the toe.
“He was so excited to go today,” he sighed, sounding proud and sad as only a parent who’d only recently sent their only child off to school could be, “He didn’t cry at all, he let go of my hand straight away and ran through the gates. He only just remembered to wave to me.”
Caduceus smiled fondly, bringing their cups over already redolent with the smells of cinnamon and lemon, a puddle of deep golden honey right at the bottom, “He was always going to take to it like a duck to water. I’m positive he’ll be there tonight with a huge hug, ready to tell you how he missed you like crazy.”
Caleb looked so open heartedly grateful for those words that Caduceus almost couldn’t bear it. The trust it showed, coming from a man who’d spent the last four years stitching himself back together with shaking hands and was terrified of letting anyone else find loose threads.
He was especially vulnerable right now, with Trinket starting preschool- nursery school to his Zemnian father. There was a time when Caleb would rather have lost his own hands between the hours of 9am and 3pm, three times a week, rather than his son.
The fact that he was bearing it so well, still functioning through his anxiety over the loss of control when before it would have bent him double and froze him, was a testament to how far he’d come. Caduceus felt so proud of him for that, for eventually wading tentatively into bereavement therapy, for getting back into a more regular work schedule, for making so many incremental but incredibly important steps since they’d first met in this café.
Caduceus hoped he’d helped Caleb get there, in some small way.
Caleb took a deep drink from the mug though as soon as he swallowed, he began to cough, a deep wheezing cough as thick and dark as the clouds that had caused it.
Caduceus winced, “We need to get you dry and warm.”
“I’m kind of down to my last clothes here?” Caleb said, raspy voiced, plucking at his damp shirt.
“But all of the tea in the world won’t help if we don’t fix that,” Caduceus turned towards his back room, “I must have a clean blanket around here somewhere.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did have all of the tea in the world here,” Caleb went for a smile but it was interrupted by a hacking cough, one that left him shivering, “Fuck, I can’t get sick, Trinket will get it…”
“Well…that’s a possibility,” Caduceus allowed, coming back in with the softest blanket he’d been able to find, a fairly easy task seeing as he rarely bought any for the café that weren’t thick and soft as fleece, “But also you’d be sick. And that’s bad in itself.”
Caleb looked up, the thought obviously not having registered until Caduceus said it, “Well…yeah, I guess.”
Caduceus frowned, turning his back delicately while Caleb stripped off his shirt and pants that were clinging to him like a second skin, though his large ears twitched at every whisper of fabric against skin. He sighed and grabbed hold of the loose trail of hair, wringing the rain out of it sharply, hoping those thoughts would wash out as easily.
“Caleb…you know it’s okay to worry about yourself every now and again…” his distracting annoyance at himself made his tongue more daring.
“You told me to worry less,” came the slightly pointed reply, “And you can turn around now.”
There was a moment then, after Caduceus’ eyes slid down Caleb’s makeshift red tartan toga, before he sharply brought them back up again, when it seemed to occur to both men that Caleb was essentially naked in front of his friend. His friend who was quickly finding himself falling more and more for him, as much as he tried to deny it. Though Caleb wasn’t to know that, at least Caduceus desperately hoped he didn’t.
“I know I did,” the firbolg sighed, deciding even that emotionally testing conversation would be better than going any further down that trail of thought, “But you’re allowed to have a bit of…concern, let’s call it, for yourself. It doesn’t always need to be about you protecting Trinket or anyone else.”
Caleb idly flicked one of the tassels on the blanket, feet shifting awkwardly, “It is though. That’s…that’s all I’ve got left, looking after Trinket. Keeping him safe.” He flinched, face colouring red, “Sorry. That was too much. Sometimes I say things and I don’t think about whose in the room…”
“No,” Caduceus’ voice was soft, his hand even softer as he reached out and pressed Caleb’s shoulder, “You don’t have to say sorry. I’m glad you said it.”
“But it’s a horrible thing to think, isn’t it?” Caleb gripped the blanket tighter, voice taut like a drawn bow, “He’s my whole world, my Mollymauk gave everything to bring him here, I love him so much…but gods, every time I look at him…”
Caduceus sensed his words running out, wanting him to know someone was still listening. He got the heart breaking impression that Caleb had been missing exactly that for a very long time.
Caleb shook his head, voice now clearly splintering like ice, “I just want to feel something other than grief. I just want to put it down for a little while, that’s all…”
The rain beat on the windows, marbling and warping what little light there was outside, casting it in waves across the two of them. Caleb looked up, following the ebb of it, meeting Caduceus’ eyes. The helplessness in them was worse than the sight of blood caught in his own fur.
“Please tell me I’m not wrong to want that?” Caleb murmured, his voice less than a whisper.
Caduceus was so rarely still, his ears and tail nearly always twitching as the world went by around him. But he was still now, nothing else in the world mattered to him but Caleb In front of him.
“No,” he said softly, “You’re not wrong.”
With the look in his eyes, he shouldn’t have been surprised when Caleb kissed him. But it was so sweet, so soft, so vulnerable, the kiss of a drowning man, he couldn’t help but give a brief gasp of shock.
Caleb drew back at that, pale everywhere but the tips of his ears which were bright red. The blanket slipped a little, showing a thin chest covered in rust coloured hair.
“I’m sorry…” he started, but Caduceus stopped him with one large hand, coming up to cup his face tenderly.
“You don’t have to say sorry.”
This time, Caduceus kissed him. So he could never say he was entirely blameless.
When he imagined kissing Caleb, Caduceus had always imagined himself bent slightly, compensating for their height difference. But instead, Caleb came to him by rising on the balls of his feet, practically climbing him, to bring their lips together so hard it almost hurt. Hands roved, never settling in one place. Caleb was the far less shy of the two, immediately pulling at the laces of Caduceus’ pants, letting them fall to just above his knees. His linen shirt covered him still but now the shape of his erection was even more prominent.
When they broke apart, they were both panting, lungs burning, neither of them having realised they were prioritising kissing over oxygen.
“Fuck me,” Caleb panted, pupils blown wide like a cat in the dark, “Cad, please.”
Caduceus’ heart fluttered at the nickname and he felt like a teenager again in the blush of realising what wanting truly was. The doubts he’d always nursed about Caleb not finding him physically attractive dissipated.
And fresh doubts about everything else they were doing surged up stronger than before, a tide he wasn’t going to be able to outrun.
No matter how much he wanted to.
Caduceus took a step backwards, in his mind and in the space, “Caleb, listen…”
“What?” the blanket was around his waist now, slipping open just enough that Caduceus could see…
“We can’t do this, Caleb, not right now,” he shook his head regretfully, “Not like this.”
“But…I want to?” fear had begun to creep into his eyes, an uncertainty.
“You’re upset and that’s completely understandable but…it would be too much like taking advantage. I won’t do that to you.”
“I want this, I promise,” Caleb insisted, hands shaking, “I do, I miss it. I miss you so much Mol-…”
He stopped. Caduceus stopped. Everything stopped. But it was too late.
Caduceus took another step back, pulling his trousers back up, lacing them tighter than before. Caleb, sickeningly pale, hands at his mouth as if he could stuff the words back in and have them never be said, looked like he wanted to say something.
Eventually the words came, like blood from a wound, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry Caduceus.”
Caduceus nodded, “I think your clothes will be dry now. Here’s a box of the tea but if you keep coughing, go see a doctor, okay?”
He turned and quickly busied himself behind the counter, moving around jars of coffee beans that didn’t need rearranging, resolutely not lifting his eyes.
“Caduceus, please…”
“It was good to see you, Caleb. Come by any time.”
More sifting of fabric, and a muffled sob before the rain grew momentarily louder, buoying the sound of the bell ringing out as the door opened and closed. Caduceus finally felt safe then to look up, seeing his blanket puddled on the chair, still in the vague shape of Caleb’s body, two cooling mugs on the table.
With a deep sigh, Caduceus sat by them, taking his and drinking for something to do with his hands. The rain was falling as strong as ever, so implacable and constant he wondered if it would ever stop.
And once again he felt alone in the world.
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nareshguptaa · 5 years ago
Sonus Complete
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Safe, All Natural Therapeutic Treatment for Tinnitus?
Sonus Complete is formulated to deal with the cause of tinnitus and the creators behind the brain health supplement believe that there's a natural solution to ringing in the ears with the use of their balanced herbal formula. Based on what a brain scan covered to be the real root cause of tinnitus, Sonus Complete helps address the primary reason for tinnitus and claims to have a safe, effective solution for reducing ringing in the ears using all natural ingredients.
Let's review Sonus Complete and see how this natural tinnitus supplement works to see if there is any legit merit it to actually helping shut off that cringing sound in your ears.
What is Sonus Complete?
Tinnitus is a condition that creates ringing in the ears, and it impacts nearly 50 million people in the United States alone, albeit with varying degrees of severity. While 20 million of those sufferers deal with chronic tinnitus, approximately two million consider their tinnitus to be extreme and even debilitating. Most people experience this condition with no idea how they will ever find the relief that they need. However, the creators behind Sonus Complete believe that there is a solution. The tinnitus supplement creators also speak to the fact they believe members of MENSA, IQ society and even government officials are ridding the ringing in their ears and supercharging their brains based on this formula they uncovered.
Typically, doctors will recommend a wealth of different products to help them achieve the relief they desire, but these solutions leave consumers wanting more. Hearing aids simply mask the ringing, while medications calm the anxiety without ending the ringing. There are also herbal remedies that offer this calming effect, but Sonus Complete targets the ringing directly, as the creators state that it targets the condition at its source, the auditory complex in the brain. But how?
The Sonus Complete Story
The Sonus Complete story revolves around Gregory Peters, a medical librarian located in near Stanford, California who visited a top-rated ear specialist who conducted a hearing test and audiogram to figure out what was wrong with him. This is when Greg (who is a pen name), was told tinnitus is not an ear disease or bacterial infection, but a symptom of a hidden condition. After resorting to all kinds of hopeful alternatives like hearing aids, anti-depression medication and sleep drugs, even sound therapies, there was one solution that seemed to really help his tinnitus condition. After hours, days and weeks of research, Mr. Peters finally found Dr. Steven Campbell, who he calms is an actual certified-genius and MENSA member.
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This Dr. Campbell would introduce what he referred to as an ultra-secret protocol that involved five different steps.  Here is how Sonus Complete's formulators described the process of restoring clear hearing:
Step 1 – repair brain networks and calm nervous system using hibiscus and hawthorn berry
Step 2 – quiet your mind while strengthening your brain networks with olive leaves
Step 3 – enhance memory and repair damaged brain cells using niacin (vitamin B3) with garlic
Step 4 – supercharge your brain with natural steroids from Vitamins B12, B6 + Buchu leaves
Step 5 – brain training to overcome cognitive disorders with green tea, juniper berry, uva ursi and vitamin C
This formula is said to be an exact recreation of the ultra secret formula used by MENSA to overcome ringing in the ears. Once ‘Greg' got the intel on the brain healing ingredients, the birth of Sonus Complete happened. Let's look inside the capsules to find out what all is included.
What Ingredients are in Sonus Complete?
As with any supplement, the key to truly being successful is the use of the right blend of ingredients. Sonus Complete claims to be made in small-batches that take up to 3 months to deliver. The ingredients found in Sonus Complete include:
Hawthorn berry
Olive leaves
Niacin (or vitamin B3)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Buchu leaves
Green tea
Juniper berry
Uva ursi
Vitamin C
Through these ingredients, the Sonus Complete treatment starts to calm the nervous system and repair certain connections in the brain (hibiscus and hawthorn berry). Then, the calmness in the brain is rekindled while the networks in the brain grow in strength (olive leaves). Throughout the reparative process, consumers will start to notice that their memory retention is getting better (niacin and garlic), which could even help fight off dementia in the process.
At the fourth step of nourishment, the website proclaims that consumers will feel “supercharged” in their brain as cell regeneration ramps up (vitamins B12, B6, and buchu leaves). In the final step of support, the formula will help consumers to protect their brain against tinnitus recurrence, as it maintains brain health (green tea, juniper berry, uva ursi, and vitamin C).
Frequently Asked Questions About Sonus Complete
Here are some of the most-asked questions about Sonus Complete.
Q: What does Sonus Complete do?
A: Sonus Complete soothes anxiety and promotes calmness as it repairs circuits in the brain. These functions should help the user eradicate their struggle with tinnitus.
Q: How long does Sonus Complete take to provide lasting relief?
A: This treatment should eradicate tinnitus in users within less than three weeks. However, results may vary.
Q: How should Sonus Complete be taken?
A: Take two capsules daily.
Q: Why has this natural treatment been hidden from the public?
A: The industry that controls memory loss and tinnitus drugs is worth $25 billion a year, and anyone involved in it wants to continue to make that money. Profits are found in treating a condition, not curing it, though Sonus Complete focuses on both.
Q: Who should use Sonus Complete?
A: Sonus Complete can be used by adults of all ages. There’s no prescription required, though consumers with an allergy to one of the aforementioned ingredients may not want to use it.
Purchasing Sonus Complete
To purchase the Sonus Complete formula, consumers have the choice of several different quantities. The treatment can only be purchased on the official website right now, which offers multiple package options with varying quantities, and by ordering more products at once, the cost per bottle goes down. Choose from:
One bottle for $69
Three bottles for $177 ($59 each)
Six bottles for $294 ($49 each)
If the user finds that this product doesn’t work for their needs, they have up to 60 days to return it for a full refund.
Review of Sonus Complete Summary
Sonus Complete offers relief for a condition that most people don’t believe has a solution. The formula is easy to integrate into a daily routine, and there is no need to even get a prescription to reap the benefits. Using vitamins and botanicals, consumers will find a therapeutic sense of calmness as the brain gets when it needs to repair itself.
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fetusdumpling-blog · 6 years ago
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But first, I would like you to answer an easy question.
So why do you would like a larger cock?
The main reason I asked you that's because nearly all males have truly absurd reasons why they would like a larger schlong.
Could it be since you think less manly?
Could it be since you are embarrassed getting naked in front of a female in fear that she may laugh at you?
Or is it since you think females only date males with cocks bigger than eight inches?
In reality virtually all females choose men with standard sized dicks.
A few are more extreme compared to others, while a few are more effective compared to others, therefore I am going to cover all of them below.
A good number of males nowadays are choosing penis enlargement surgery. Nevertheless, there are issues related to this particular route.
For starters, these methods haven't been found to be secure, and consequently, pose severe health problems. Secondly, they don't guarantee precise and immediate results as expected.
For instance, you can wind up with a lumpy lifeless dick, if the therapy does not react well together with your little fella.
A number of studies which have been conducted in the past few years regarding medical procedures and they are not encouraging either. The European Urology analysis examined forty two males that had treatments to lengthen the penises of theirs by taking out the suspensory ligament.
Out of the number, only twenty five % had been happy with the outcomes. Once again, over 50 % needed to go back for more surgery. Other than the connected risk, this particular situation shows how ineffective this process could be.
The best part is that there's a multitude of non-surgical penis enlargement methods that you might use, and reach your desired results.
Foremost and first, nutrition needs to be an important component of your penis enlargement plan. The same as every other part of the body of yours, such as the muscles, the manhood of yours too, requires particular nutrition to nourish it.
These specific foods are able to help you accomplish the extra length, girth, and then sizing you have been craving for.
Unlike otc drugs, penis enlargement food items are fairly less expensive, safe and healthy.
Naturally, nutrients could be consumed in many types, either through dietary supplements, teas, pills, herbs or as foods that are whole.
Nutrients regularly enhance penile growth by boosting vasodilation and blood circulation, triggering the development factor and also the stress hormones, boosting the testosterone levels of yours, repairing mental condition and also supporting the general health of yours.
Here is a handful of herbs which have been noted to help improve development and blood circulation to the penis:
Entengo herb
Catuaba bark extract
Deer antler
Ginkgo biloba
Hawthorn berry
At this particular moment in time, you can find a lot of pills on the marketplace and you must actually do the research of yours before picking out the best one.
It's obvious you have to completely consider the organization in addition to its manufacturing processes before purchasing anything.
Regarding penis oils & lotions, these items have proved their effectiveness and efficiency, with the components directly absorbed into the bloodstream of yours, offering immediate results.
It's also important to be aware that the parts contained in male enhancement lotions, oils and gels are produced from organic ingredients and secure for the consumption of yours.
Nevertheless, you need to realize that what works for you personally might not do the job for somebody else person, mainly since the bodies of ours (and penises) respond differently.
These specific devices function by producing a vacuum around the penis of yours.
Because of the suppleness of the tissues within the penile area, there's always room for development. This can lead to an amazing rise in both the length and the girth of the penis of yours, and you will really feel as difficult as a rock!
The sole downside is the results are not long lasting.
The concept behind vacuum products is, obviously, very similar to exercises. Both methods are centered on growing and extending the erectile tissue therefore the penis can normally accommodate more blood.
Despite the effectiveness of theirs, there will always be injury risks connected with the normal utilization of penis pumps. Why?
As an outcome, the penile tissues steadily starve of oxygen.
This might result in long term nerve as well as tissue damage, instead of the expected penile development. Once again, most males make the error of applying unnecessary pressure or maybe pump for lengthy periods to accelerate the benefits. This could likely lead to harm to the penile cells.
You will find a few of penis vacuum available that're FDA sanctioned medical devices. Actually, several professionals have touted them actually to treat instances of erectile dysfunction.
Generally, there's no concrete motive to disregard penis pumps as inadequate with regards to improving the penis size.
As reported by a few extensive scientific studies, the non invasive method, particularly the usage of penile traction products shows plenty of promise.
The concept about exactly how these units function is straightforward; they steadily extend your penis by way of applied stress. There are lots of physiological processes required, but, the foremost one will be the influence on the penile ligaments, discovered at the foundation of the manhood of yours.
These ligaments, referred to as fundiform and also suspensory, anchor the penis to the body of yours. Additionally, they create the penis to attach upwards on the pubic bone.
Although this information is encouraging, it's suggested that before choosing this particular therapy, one should always look for guidance from a specialised physician.
When done properly, penile exercises are able to make sure some very amazing outcomes, regardless of the poor press workouts have.
These workouts are broadly divided into 2 groups, namely; Girth and Length exercises.
Once again, they tear on the penile muscle tissue fibers, and at sleep, these fibers will probably grow larger if not stronger. Lastly, exercise boosts the circulation into the penis, resulting in an increased size.
Measurements EXERCISES
There are several workouts, that will likely enable you to increase the length of the penis of yours. By probably, I suggest that although they've been verified to work in several instances, a great deal of males
Let us look at a number of them
Some males often over do it when yanking and pulling their plonker.
This's a great method for gaining length. It's crucial to be aware that before doing any penis enlargement workout, you should do a good warm up.
You are able to use a warm cloth or just perform this particular exercise straight from the shower. This's crucial since it will make the skin much more adaptable as well as boosts the blood circulation to the penile tissues.You'll need to stay within the below steps strictly:
Withdraw the foreskin of yours and hold the phallus of yours with an O' hold behind its mind firmly, almost one inch up and below.
In case you're holding with the left hand of yours, begin the circle of yours on the right and also continue clockwise.
If stretching downwards, make sure your hand is close to the body of yours. An individual rotation should last for 30 seconds.
You might switch your hands after finishing the rotation of yours as required.
Take time that is enough and go by way of a a cool down session also.
If any discomfort is experienced by you, you do not proceed with the physical exercise.
This's one more workout, ideal for boosting the length of the penis of yours. Take a look at the process below:
As always, allocate adequate time just for the warm up session.
Let us look at the damp jelqing method.
Get a proper erection level.
Making use of the right hand, keep the foundation of the penis of yours between the list finger and the thumb of yours.
And so as to reduce unequal gains, set your grip closer to the pubic bone of yours.
Hold firmly and realise a pain-free trap of blood in the shaft of yours.
Gently slide the hand of yours up the glans, putting on plenty of pressure.
You need to stop sliding the hand of yours before it reaches the glans of yours since you will have accomplished one jelq.
While keeping your one hands below the glans, do the other hand to support the foundation of the penis of yours, with an A-OK' hold.
Launch the first hand that is holding right before the glans of yours.
Repeat the process until you get to the desired goal.
In case you're searching for solutions to increase both the girth and the length of the manhood of yours, you've a lot of choices to select from.
The above described methods are already found to be helpful in a number of studies, and perhaps you will not fail giving any of them a shot. Nevertheless, you must always seek advice from a professional doctor before choosing a specific technique.
Since that time, there have been huge improvements done in the area, however outcomes are relatively mixed.
If you're not familiar with this penis enlargement medical procedures, I am going to go through every option offered to you, which means you are able to see whether this path is best for you.
Oral treatments do not usually work for everybody. Nearly all males might be prescribed drugs that go directly, through injection, directly into the penis.
The injection is able to use using a single or maybe a blend of medications. It's essential to be aware that penis injections must just be administered by a skilled urologist.
Injection treatments usually involve the immediate injection of medicine to the foundation of the penis of yours, which refers to the component of the shaft furthest from top of your penis.
Apart from the potential side effects of the administered medication, there are also small side effects which could happen during penile injection. You can encounter mild bruising at the website of injection, penile discomfort and also possibly swelling (temporary lumps are) that is common, particularly if several of the medicine is discharged under the skin of yours.
The penis might be thickened and lengthened through extra fat transfer penis enlargement treatment. This kind of treatment is often known as fat grafting and also penile fat transfer. It requires 2 medical treatments, which you are able to finish in one hospital visit.
During the essential process, the weight is liposuctioned from the thighs of yours or maybe the abdomen. Afterward, similar fat is filtered, in an effort to isolate the cells along with other unwanted materials.
Since extra fat transfer cells come from the body of yours, the possible risks of allergic reactions are extremely minimal.
After the very first process, you are able to look to see a significant rise in penis girth. Obviously, the very first size is always increased through swelling, though gentle.
Perhaps one main drawback of this specific treatment is the fact that the believed survival rate of the body fat tissue transferred is a place around fifty % after several months.
Again, the following surgery for fat transfer is required to keep the desired outcomes. So it is not a permanent option as some people might make you think.
Penile surgery including the usage of grafts tremendously increases the girth or the circumference of the penis. Presently, there are 2 main procedures offered in the usage of grafts.
One) Dermal extra fat graft augmentation
This's a more sophisticated technique and that is extremely effective.
Since the grafted epidermis limits the underlying body fat layers from simply being reabsorbed, this particular strategy will cause far more steady and permanent results.
Nevertheless, the primary limitation of this method is the fact that significant incisions are usually made so as to get the grafts; every one aproximatelly 2 inches wide as well as an inch in length. Once again, it is difficult to determine just how these incisions heal.
Two) The Alloderm grafts
To be much more accurate, an Alloderm is usually a cadaver skin; skin from the dead people (yes, freaky I know), that's dealt with and freeze dried to clear away some diseases. Just love skin grafts, it's layered close to your penis to produce the desired girth.
The method results in significant and visible results, that is akin to the skin fat grafts, although, they include an additional advantage: The noticeable scarring is stayed away from. Nevertheless, the therapy is extremely pricey and some whacky.
A with everyman, component of the penis isn't visible and tends to lengthen inside the entire body. This hidden part is attached to the pubic bone with the so-called suspensory ligaments.
It's crucial to note the anticipated penile length is located in the wake on the penis being outside of the body of yours, particularly when in the flaccid status.
Nevertheless, you might stop this situation by implementing a penis extending machine. Again, cases of scarring are unavoidable, particularly in the spot addressed and also at the medical access points.
IMPORTANT: Based on the level of skill of the surgeon, the severity and the extent of the marks could be avoided. The other typical problem with penis lengthening will be the decrease in the penis perspective in an erection.
In reality, as additional ligaments are cut, the greater the penis will have a tendency to point on the floor during erection, an element which could allow it to be challenging keep your pecker up and also have sex properly.
In the recent past, the usage of penile implant products has received many worldwide recognition, not completely for the development of the penis of yours, but much more so a solution for erectile dysfunction.
With these sorts of implants, the penis is frequently semi rigid, thicker and longer as well as just requires being lifted into the erect place to begin intercourse.
The inflatable penile prosthesis includes 2 cylinders; a reservoir and a pump, which are put surgically in the body of yours. These plastic bottles are invest the penis of yours and linked by tubing to a standalone supply of fluid.
A pump likewise connects on the program and rests under the scrotal sac' epidermis, usually between the testicles of yours.
This means that in case you choose to eliminate them, you may never be in a position to have all natural erections once again that is pretty damn frightening.
If the penis size of yours is an enormous concern, and really feel as you wish to improve its length and also the girth, you've a great deal of medical treatments to consider.
We've carefully describe every single process, and you are able to now choose wisely, dependent on the preference of yours, the effectiveness along with the associated risks associated with every process.
Indeed, you are able to enlarge the dimensions of your respective penis permanently. You will find numerous techniques to boost the length and both girth of the penis of yours, erection quality, and then libido.
Corpus covernosum is the component that really makes your penis more during an erection.
And so almost as it might be possible to completely improve the size of the penis of yours, some time is taken by it, patience and obviously the correct solutions. It is usually a lot easier to boost the quality of libido and erection than it's to completely increase penis size however.
This's rather a standard worry a great deal of men have. Well, we have all heard the old saying that size does not matter; it is just how you utilize it and in a number of instances that is real.
Aside from individuals that are way below and above the regular penis size. However, what's the standard size?
The corresponding typical girth dimensions are 3.66 when flaccid as well as 4.59 when erect.
Technology within the medical world is constantly progressing. Nowadays, you will find numerous methods that men are able to use to enhance the manhood of theirs.
Nevertheless, stay without the sensational devices and pills which may up the misery than pleasure to the sex life of yours.
But carrying out daily stretches using your weights or hand, stretches the tissue and also encourages new growth. Though it needs a good deal of dedication to accomplish any substantial increase in size.
There are some risks concerned though, these such as burst blood vessels, shredding of the cells, so on. This's whether you go insane with the workouts.
Your penis grows in girth and length during puberty. This's also time your body undergoes significant changes that change you starting from a boy to a male.
Puberty is at times that are different for everybody, but it usually falls between the ages of thirteen and eighteen.
What is Probably THE SAFEST Method to ENLARGE MY PENIS?
Anything that does not require surgery will be considered the safest choice. In case you are consuming pills, and then as long as you are making sure they've secure ingredients then you ought to be good taking them.
It is suggested you speak with the doctor of yours before trying some sort of growth technique, be that non-surgical or surgical.
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biophytopharm · 6 years ago
Phytotherapy: How to use Plants or Parts of Plants?
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Phytotherapy: How to use Plants or Parts of Plants?
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Phytotherapy: How to use Plants or Parts of Plants? Although there are currently many plants extracts in the form of food supplements that have the triple advantage of being easy to take, of not requiring any preparation effort, and often of offering a controlled content in Active ingredients, it can be a lot of fun to prepare your own herbal remedies (Phytotherapy). It is also in the interest of being able to use any of plants, provided that you have it at your fingertips. Not all plants are found in the form of food supplements. Take the simple example of the fragrant Woodruff: This small white flower that grows in the spring in the undergrowth and which is deliciously scented by drying... It is difficult to get it in capsules or in a tea bag. On the other hand, you only need a walk in the forest and a single harvest to enjoy it all year round! Harvesting plants or parts of plants What are you going to reap? Choose plants that you know well and that you are not likely to confuse. Some plants are poisonous. Nature is not always merciful with the picker... Just a few leaves of Laurel-Rose, a little hemlock, datura or digital to do you a lot of harm! The identification of plants is therefore paramount. The ideal, to learn, is to walk with a person keen in botany. There are also many structures, often associative, that offer hikes or even internships to discover the flora and its benefits. When you have filled your basket with leaves and flowers, what are you going to do with your harvest? First of all, check well, one last time, that you have correctly identified the plants. If necessary, look on a guide to the Flora or, in this book, and carefully compare the descriptions; But, again, there is nothing like doing his pickings accompanied by a connoisseur, at least the first few times. Depending on the time of flowering, maturity and the parts of plants concerned, harvest times vary. In spring and summer, it is mainly planted, whose active ingredients are concentrated in the leaves, and especially the flowers that are interesting. Choose a dry and sunny day avoiding the stormy atmosphere. Make your harvest preferably in the morning, when the dew is completely evaporated, or failing in the evening, but before the moisture has fallen. Plants or parts of plants must not be wet, otherwise, they may ferment and rot, and lose all their qualities. The Necessary Equipment Sharp scissors and knives are imperative for cutting the rods sharply. To prevent the plants from spoiling, be careful not to crush them: a basket is the best container to deposit your pick. It is strongly advisable not to mix the different parts of plants during the harvest. You can take several baskets, otherwise, you only collect one plant during your walk. And most importantly, do not let your crop piled up in the basket when you get home: When you return, take care of your plants. Where to pick? The more the place of your picking will be from the urban areas and the crops, the better your harvest will be. Nothing beats a place a little wild. Pay close attention to the plant environment: if there are a few fields in the vicinity that are regularly planted with fertilizers and pesticides, there is no need to linger. Do not pick contaminated plants. Avoid also dust-covered plants that grow along roadsides and roads. We never wash the parts of plants that we collect, so they must be clean when picking. The Basic Rules When picking up or cutting plants, dispose of small wastes (other plants, debris, etc.) before putting them in your basket. This is much easier to do at harvest time than later on. be strict on quality, because the plant must be perfect: wilts, discolorations, leaves nibbled and stains are all faults to be taken into account. Especially since defects are often contagious and you may "condemn" your entire crop. Dry and Keep To dry the roots, flowers, bulbs, berries, and fruits, hang them or spread them without overweight on racks or crates, usually in the shade in an airy place (e.g. in the attic). If the roots are fleshy, it is better to cut them into slices. The stems and leaves can be dried in the sun. Once your plants are dried, distribute them, without mixing them, in paper bags, envelopes of letters or cardboard boxes. Avoid plastic and metal... and shoe boxes, even new ones (to prevent the plants from absorbing bad odors). If you Grow your Own Plants Aromatic and medicinal plants (parts of plants) are generally quite undemanding, often those that grow wild in wastelands. They won't make any trouble to invade your garden! Preferably put them in a place sheltered from the wind. If you don't want to ask questions, sow and replant in sterile soil. If you are a perfectionist, you should know that garlic, rosemary, alchemilla, marjoram, mint, hyssop, sage, oregano, juniper, laurel, hazel, lime, campaniles, poppy, Blueberry, and bus prefer a slightly alkaline soil: spread once or twice a year from Ashes of wood and limestone. In addition, Citronella, borage, knapweed, chamomile, thyme, fennel, lavender, and bulbous or tuber plants prefer more sandy land. Therefore, separate these two broad categories. Planting They sow as soon as March under a greenhouse or in the House near a window exposed to the south and, after the frosts, in the shelter, until July. Seedlings are usually carried out on potting soil, spacing the seeds, and then lightly filling them with the dish of the hand. Most aromatic plants germinate at 15-21 °c within a few days. You will transplant 4 to 6 weeks later. If you have late sowing, you will leave it in place by spacing the seedlings. Follow the instructions on the pouch to see how much water to sprinkle or what is the best germination temperature. In summer (June, July), you can make a seedling directly in place (without subculturing). The Division Every 2 or 3 years, divide the woody plants (thyme, rosemary, Lavender...) or bushy (sage, Queen of the Meadows, chamomile, St. John's Wort, Mint...): It is enough to clear the Earth on one side, to separate the roots by hand, to replant and to water. Cuttings It's pretty hard to succeed, but it's worth a try when you have no seeds or roots: cut it in a neat, slanted way, about ten centimeters above the hard part of the stem. Remove the leaves on one-third of the stem. Plunge the cutting into the water, wait for it to produce roots, and then replant it in a pot with potting soil. Before fall, replant in the middle of the earth. Potted culture Most medicinal plants (basil, lavender, rosemary, serpolet, hyssop, mint, parsley, queen-of-Meadows, St. John's Wort...) can be grown in pots. The larger and deeper the container, the more the plants will spread. If you grow your plants inside, make sure, on the one hand, that the room temperature does not exceed 18 to 19 ° and, on the other hand, that the plant has natural light at least 8 hours per day. Herbal remedies generally do not appreciate draughts, think about it when you decide on the place you reserve them in the house. Herbal Teas What if I told you that nothing would ever replace a good herbal tea? It's true, it's a little time, you have to heat water, wait until it boils or it infuses, but frankly, it's worth it! Because while you're "caring", you drink! Good water loaded with active ingredients. Moreover, even if, a few years ago, the herbal teas were relegated in the "Grandma" ray with slight contempt, they are again in the stern. You can choose a single plant or mix them, depending on the tastes or effects you are looking for. Apart from some recipes coming from famous herbalists, I took the party, in this Bible, to propose simple herbal teas according to the indications: Linden Flowers against the flu, Hawthorn in case of palpitations, dandelion roots for the liver ... But each time, many plants can be useful and it is quite possible to mix them. To do this, you have to choose plants or parts of plants that can be prepared together: if you put roots that must be boiled to extract the active ingredients with flowers that only support the simmering water, this will not be appropriate Not. For example, queen-of-meadow flowers should not be boiled with burdock root: The Queen of the Meadows would lose many of its active ingredients during the boil. In case of rheumatism, for example, you can mix the leaves of blackcurrants and flowers of queen-of-meadows equally and drink 3 cups of herbal tea a day (1 tablespoon of the mixture infused 10 minutes in a cup of boiling water). If you have skin problems, boil 40 g of a burdock root mixture and wild thought for 10 minutes and then infuse 5 minutes before filtering. Drink the mixture in the daytime. If you are preparing enough herbal tea for 1 or 2 days, keep it cool and, depending on your taste, make it more or less warm when you drink it. What you Need for your Preparations Carefully choose your equipment by preferring enameled pots and wooden spoons. The fewer plants are in contact with metal or plastic, the better. Avoid aluminum utensils and containers that can be toxic and that the plants absorb. To preserve your herbal teas, prefer cardboard boxes or glass stoppers that you store in the shelter of light. Depending on the plants and especially the parts of plants used to make their herbal tea, the method of preparation is different. Infusion is well suited to flowers and leaves in general, the most fragile parts of plants. The decoction is mainly used for roots, stems, and barks. The water used must be as pure as possible and weakly mineralized, such as spring water or, better still, osmosis water. Avoid tap water. We often have the habit of drinking herbal teas in the evenings, but they can accompany the days. Why not take the habit of drinking 1 liter of herbal tea between meals, for example? By varying the mixes according to your tastes and the effects you expect. The Brew It consists of pouring boiling water on plants at the precise moment when the water boils. You then put the plants in the water, stir lightly and cover the pan. Then allow the necessary time (from a few minutes to 1 hour depending on the plants) to brew. You can beat with a tea whip (bamboo) or a wooden spoon to speed up the diffusion of active ingredients. When the brewing time is enough, filter and drink. You can eventually sweeten with honey, but the ideal is still the "pure" herbal tea unless you have a sore throat. In this case, honey will be ideal. Prefer bulk plants rather than tea bags that often contain "crumbs" or even plant dust. The Decoction In this case, it is a matter of putting plants in cold water and then heating up the water to the boil. The boiling time can range from 2 minutes to ½ hour depending on the selected plant (or plants) and the hardness of the plant parts used. Then you leave or not brew, always holding a lid on the pan. And of course, we filter before we drink. The Maceration The plants are left to soak in a liquid: water, alcohol, oil, honey, wine, vinegar, etc., for a period of at least 15 days. The preparations obtained are a little more complicated but keep longer. So we can always have it on hand. Other Preparations, to Buy or to do at Home The juice You have to reduce the plant to puree. It is better to do it with fresh plants, but sometimes – when the plant is too thick or gives little juice – it is necessary to cook it in a little water. Once the pulp purée is obtained, filter and drink the juice diluted in a little water or use it in a compress. This method is rarely used because the "product" obtained is often very bitter and does not retain. Compresses and Poultices Compresses and poultices are mainly used in cases of skin problems, sprains, fractures, and muscle or joint pain. Use only perfectly healthy plants. You can associate them with vegetable oil (olive oil, for example) or clay or honey according to the different recipes to follow scrupulously. Avoid compresses and poultices on the belly. Proceed in steps: Leave in place for 20 minutes. Start again 2 hours later with a new compress and leave 30 minutes, etc. Never reuse a compress or poultice. Throw them absolutely. • Compress: A compressor a clean cloth is soaked with a concentrated infusion or a plant decoction, then applied to the skin and maintained by a bandage. • Poultice: The plant can be applied directly to the skin when the leaves or flowers are fine. Otherwise, they can be heated in water or lightly crushed to the rolling pin so that the active ingredients penetrate faster. Hold with a cloth or a strip. Medicinal wines It is a matter of making macerate the plant fresh or dried in wine (white or red, but preferably organic) for a few days to several weeks according to the "Recipes" before filtering by expressing well the saps of the plant. These wines can be kept for several months at the expense. In general, a small glass of medicinal wine is drunk before or after each meal, as an aperitif or as a digestive. Syrups Infusions or decoctions with added honey or unrefined sugar allow making syrups that can be preserved for up to 1 year. Just mix a ½ liter of brew or decoction to 500 g of honey or sugar and heat on a low heat stirring until you get a syrup. Then it is consumed as a commercial syrup, diluting it to 1 tablespoon in a glass of water or, better, in a herbal tea. With some fruits and vegetables, you can also make cold syrups. This is the case, for example, of the numerous Antiall syrups based on black radish, turnip, carrot, onion... A few slices of the vegetable in a plate with a little powdered sugar and the juice is formed naturally. Medicinal Essential oils Applied in friction on the skin, plant oils are most often used to relieve rheumatism or improve circulation, or even to soothe burns, itching... It is used, depending on the case, the dry or fresh plant, in pieces, which is put to macerate in olive oil. To improve the extraction, the oil must heat up, without reaching a temperature too high. So we use Bain-marie or just solar energy. Wines, oils, and syrups should be placed in tinted glass bottles and kept free of light in a cool place. Mother Tinctures These alcoholic plant extracts, very concentrated, are often very practical to use (a few drops in a glass of water morning and evening). Until recently, pharmacies were readily available, but they seem to be getting more and more scarce, hence the importance of learning how to prepare them. After all, you are never better served than by yourself! To make a mother tincture, the dried or freshly chopped plant must be macerate in strong alcohol (brandy, rum, vodka) as pure as possible in a jar. You can also use a mortar and a pestle to first crush your plant carefully. You then put the plant and its juices in the bottom of a jar and you cover with alcohol. Leave Macerate 2 to 3 weeks, shaking the jar well firm every day. Then filter the maceration, finally, by pressing strongly to recover all the juices. Then pour in small tinted vials on which you paste a nice label with the Latin name of the plant and the date. The dye is preserved for several years. Homeopathic remedies Once you have the mother tincture, you can create your own homeopathic remedies: you put 1 drop of mother tincture in a vial. In another vial, you mix 10 cl of strong alcohol (whiskey, cognac, vodka, brandy...) and 50 cl of pure water (type Mount Rocous or osmosis). At the drop of mother tincture, you add 99 drops of the water-alcohol mixture. You seal the bottle and you shake. Count at least 100 shakes: you get 1 ch dilution. Take 1 drop of this dilution, add 99 drops of the water-alcohol mixture, you get a 2-ch dilution, and so on until the selected dilution. The glycerinated macers These are plant bud extracts. The plant is macerate for about 3 weeks in a mixture composed of one-third of alcohol, one-third of glycerine and one-third of pure water, shaking the vial every day, then filtered and stored in a dark place, in a vial of tinted glass, if possible. The floral elixirs close to homeopathy, the therapy by the floral elixirs is intended to rebalance our emotional system. This method uses remedies developed from mother tinctures of plants strongly diluted in alcohol. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Dr. Edward Bach created 39 remedies, mostly stemming from flowers or the expression ≪ flowers by Bach ≫. Other researchers have since developed other remedies from other flowers, which is why the expression floral elixirs are now used. You can also make them yourself, by preparing a mother essence, to dilute according to the needs. To prepare an elixir, you have to choose your season, which will necessarily be sunny. In a bowl, pour 2 liters of water and cover the surface with fresh flowers of the chosen plant, Évitan to touch them too much. Leave this bowl exposed in the sun for a morning or afternoon of great sunshine, then filter and pour enough liquid in a vial to fill it half, then complete with cognac (bio, if possible!). You can sacrifice the rest of the maceration. To make your elixir, pour 30 ml of cognac in a small vial of tinted glass and add 2 drops of your initial mixture of maceration and cognac (to be kept in the shade and cool). Essential Oils Essential oils are oily, volatile and fragrant products, secreted by aromatic plants. They are extracted by water vapor distillation or simple cold expression so that the active principles are perfectly preserved. An extraction requires a specific material and therefore difficult to do at home. On the other hand, the use of essential oils, powerful concentrates of plants, is relatively easy, provided never to exceed the recommended doses. For this, I invite you to refer to the numerous works of Danièle Festy, specialist of the subject. Essential oils are used internally: 1 to 3 drops in 1 teaspoon of honey. But they are mainly used by external means: Massage (in combination with vegetable oil and Essential Oil), inhalation, dispersion, bath, etc. Essential oils are bought in pharmacies, para-pharmacies, and natural products stores. Choose from organic farming, with the AB label. Food supplements There are also many "ready-made" products marketed in pharmacies, para-pharmacies, natural products stores or mail order sales. Again, when you have a choice, prefer the brands that have the AB label (organic farming). You will find capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, pure or mixed plants. Remember to always accompany their intake of a lot of water. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gardensnurs0b-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "herbal"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Grocery"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "a1818c9f3bb675d9f4d806f8fb9933b1"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "16310101"; Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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soul-vintage · 6 years ago
Herbs that help with Migraines
To stop complications when marketing or even using natural herbs:
Be particular you have the proper plant.Use simples.Understand that different prep work of the same weed can work differently.Use nourishing, tonifying, promoting, as well as likely poisonous weeds wisely.BE CERTAIN YOU HAVE THE CORRECT PLANT One of the easiest ways to enter into problem with an cannabis is actually to use the "inappropriate"one. Just how could that occur?
Common labels for cannabis overlap, leading to complication in order to the proper identity. Cannabis that are actually identified appropriately might have extraneous product coming from an additional, much more harmful, natural herb.
Cannabis might be actually picked at the inappropriate stage of development or even dealt with improperly after harvesting, triggering all of them to cultivate destructive qualities.Protect your own self and your customers along with these straightforward actions: Buy herbs only coming from trusted suppliers.Only buy natural herbs that are classified along with their organic name. Botanical labels specify, but the exact same popular titles can refer to numerous different plants.
"Marigold "can be Calendula officinalis, a medical natural herb, or even Tagetes, an annual used as a bed linen plant.If you grow the herbs you sell, be actually precise concerning maintaining different plants separate when you harvesting and dry out all of them, and also obsessive about labeling.USE SIMPLES An easy is one cannabis.
For maximum safety, I ready, buy, offer, educate approximately and also use natural simples, that is: prep work consisting of just one natural herb. (Occasionally I will certainly incorporate some mint to flavor a solution. )The additional natural herbs there remain in a formula, the additional likelihood there is actually of unnecessary side-effects. Not surprisingly, the public seeks combos, hoping to get more for a lot less.
And also many mistakenly feel that cannabis have to be actually used together to become efficient( perhaps because possibly toxic herbs are frequently mixed with protective herbs to reduce the damage they cause ). But integrating herbs with the very same properties, such as goldenseal and echinacea, is actually counter-productive and also most likely to rock the boat than a basic.
An easy tincture of echinacea is actually extra reliable than any sort of mix as well as a lot safer.Different people have different reactions to elements, whether medicines, meals, or even herbs. When herbs are blended together in a formula and someone taking it has traumatic negative effects, there is no way to calculate which weed is the source. With simples, it is actually effortless to inform which herb is performing what.
If there is actually an unpleasant reaction, other cannabis along with comparable properties may be tried. Restricting the lot of natural herbs used in any sort of one day (to no greater than four )delivers added protection.
Side impacts from natural herbs are actually much less usual than negative effects coming from medicines and also normally much less serious. If a natural herb disrupts the digestion, it may be actually that the physical body is actually knowing to refine it. Offer it a handful of more makes an effort before surrendering. Stop taking any sort of natural herb that triggers nausea, vertigo, sharp belly pains
, looseness of the bowels, problem, or even blurred sight.(These impacts will normally happen quite promptly. )Treacherous elm is an excellent antidote to any type of sort of poison.If you are allergic to any sort of foods or medications, it is specifically essential to consult information that provide the adverse effects of cannabis before you use them.UNDERSTAND THAT DIFFERENT PREPARATIONS OF THE SAME HERB CAN WORK DIFFERENTLY The safety and security of any kind of herbal remedy depends on the way it is ready as well as used.Tinctures as well as essences consist of the alkaloids, or
poisonous, parts of vegetations as well as need to be used with treatment and also knowledge. Tinctures are as risk-free as the natural herb involved (see warns listed below for tonifying, promoting, sedating, or potentially poisonous cannabis). Best used/sold as simples, not combinations, specifically when powerful cannabis are being actually used.Dried cannabis made into teas or even infusions have the nourishing parts of the plants and also are actually generally pretty secure, particularly when nourishing or even tonifying cannabis are used.Dried cannabis in pills are actually generally the minimum helpful way to use cannabis.
They are improperly absorbed, improperly used, commonly worn-out or even inadequate, as well as fairly expensive.Infused natural oils are actually on call as is actually, or even thickened into lotions. They are much more secure than crucial oils, which are actually extremely concentrated and can be lethal if taken internally.
Herbal vinegars are not just attractive but mineral-rich also. A really good medium for nourishing as well as tonifying natural herbs; not as sturdy as tinctures for stimulants/sedatives.
Plant based glycerins are actually accessible for those that prefer to prevent booze but are generally weaker in action than tinctures.USE NOURISHING, TONIFYING, STIMULATING, & POTENTIALLY
POISONOUS HERBS WISELY Herbs comprise a team of numerous 1000 vegetations along with extensively varying actions. Some are actually nourishers, some tonifiers, some energizers and barbiturates, and also some are actually potential toxins.
To use all of them sensibly and also effectively, our team need to understand each classification, its uses, best fashion of prep work, and common dose range.Nourishing natural herbs are the best of all weeds; side effects are unusual.
Supporting cannabis are actually taken in any quantity for any sort of span of your time. They are actually used as foods, much like spinach and also cabbage.
Nourishing herbs offer high amounts of proteins, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, carotenes
, and also important fatty acids.Examples of beneficial weeds are: alfalfa, amaranth, astragalus, calendula flowers, chickweed, comfrey leaves, dandelion, fenugreek, flax seeds, honeysuckle blossoms, sheep's one-fourth, marshmallow, nettles, oatstraw, plantain( leaves/seeds ), purslane, red clover blossoms
 algae, Siberian ginseng, unsteady elm, violet leaves, and crazy mushrooms.Tonifying weeds behave little by little in the physical body and also have a cumulative, instead of prompt, impact. They develop the useful capability of a body organ(like the liver )or even a device(like the body immune system). Tonifying herbs are actually most advantageous when they are actually used in little quantities for prolongedtime periods.
The more harsh the tonic tastes, the much less you need to take. Bland tonics may be used wholesale, like beneficial herbs.Side impacts sometimes attend restoratives, but are typically pretty short-term. Many much older herbalists erroneously related stimulating weeds with tonifying weeds, causing wide-spread misusage of many cannabis, and also severe side effects.Examples of tonifying natural herbs
are actually: barberry skin, burdock root/seeds, chaste tree, crone( mug) wort, dandelion root, echinacea, elecampane, fennel, garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, ground ivy, hawthorn berries, horsetail, lady's mantle, lemon balm, dairy thistle seeds, motherwort, mullein, pau d'arco, raspberry leaves behind, schisandra berries, St. Joan's wort, turmeric root, usnea, untamed yam, and also yellowish dock.Sedating and also activating cannabis create an assortment of rapid responses,
a number of which may be undesirable. Some aspect of the individual may be actually pressured in order to help various other components. Sturdy sedatives and energizers, whether natural herbs or medicines, push our team outside our regular stables of task and might lead to powerful negative effects. If our company count on them and after that try to perform without them, our team end up a lot more upset (or even depressed)than before our experts began. Habitual use of strong sedatives as well as energizers- whether opium, rhubarb origin, cayenne, or even coffee- results in reduction of tone, problems of operating, as well as also physical reliance. The more powerful the weed, the extra moderate the dose needs to have to become, as well as the much shorter the timeframe of
its use.Herbs that tonify and also support while sedating/stimulating are several of my beloved herbs. I use them openly, as they do not result in dependency. Sedating/stimulating cannabis that also tonify or even support: boneset, catnip, citrus peeling, cleavers, ginger, jumps, lavender, marjoram, motherwort, oatstraw, enthusiasm flower, pepper mint, rosemary oil, sage, skullcap.Strongly sedating/stimulating weeds consist of: angelica, dark pepper, honored thistle root, cayenne pepper, sugar-cinnamon, cloves, coffee, licorice, opium poppy, osha root, shepherd's purse, wonderful woodruff, chicken rhubarb origin, uva ursu leaves, valerian root, outrageous lettuce drain, willow skin, and wintergreen leaves.Potentially dangerous weeds are extreme, effective medicines that are actually absorbed little quantities as well as merely for as
lengthy as needed. Side effects are common.Examples of likely dangerous cannabis are: belladonna, blood-root, celandine, chaparral, foxglove, goldenseal, henbane, iris root, Jimson weed, lobelia, May apple( American mandrake ), mistletoe, stab origin, toxin hemlock, stillingia root, chicken corn origin, outrageous cucumber root.In addition, take into consideration these notions on using natural herbs safely: Respect the electrical power of vegetations to transform the body and sense in dramatic ways.Increase trust in the recuperation performance of vegetations by trying remedies for slight or even outside complications before, or while, partnering with major and also inner problems.Develop recurring connections along with educated healers-in person or in manuals
-that are interested in natural medicine.Honor the individuality of every plant, everyone, every situation.Remember that each person ends up being entire as well as cured in their very own special way, at their
very own rate. People, plants, and pets can help within this procedure. But it is the body/spirit that performs the healing. Do not assume vegetations to become treatment alls of.
click to read more on What herbs can you smoke
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quintinefowler-blog · 6 years ago
Home Medicine: Foods, Herbs, Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure is often called the “silent killer”. “Silent” because it does not produce any significant recognizable symptoms and “killer” because even slightly high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease significantly.
Hypertension is, in most cases, a lifestyle disease caused by unhealthy eating habits, smoking and alcohol abuse. A single cigarette can increase blood pressure for about 30 minutes. A fat rich diet and lack of exercise can lead to high cholesterol, which ultimately causes fatty deposits in blood vessels to narrow them.
When blood vessels narrow the heart has to work much harder in order to maintain blood pressure to supply the requisite amount of blood to different organs in the body. Chronic high blood pressure can therefore lead to a heart attack, stroke and other potentially fatal cardiovascular disorders.
High blood pressure medication, like other conventional medicines, can cause side effects that need to be treated separately. More medication many times means more side effects that will need to be carefully managed.
Natural remedies for high blood pressure are considered to be equally effective in treating hypertension. A large number of people have been able to combat hypertension with modifications to lifestyle alone. This includes important factors such as a regular exercise regime, diet changes, giving up smoking and cutting down on alcohol.
When most people hear the phrase “High Blood Pressure”, they automatically associate it with elderly people. However, that’s not the case. Any person, at any age can have High Blood pressure.
As a matter of fact, the American Heart Association states that nearly one out of three people have blood pressure problems. Nearly one-third of those people don’t even know they have problems with their blood pressure.
Today many people take medications to lower or fix their blood pressure problems. However, what we heard from our grandmothers or parents about herbs for hypertension was something that most doctors would turn their noses up at. That’s not the case anymore, as most doctors now recommend those same herbs for high blood pressure.
Herbs for High Blood Pressure
In addition to lifestyle changes, herbs can play a significant role in the overall treatment of high blood pressure. Herbs can also help in preventing the development and onset of high blood pressure. Some of the herbs that can assist in lowering or maintaining blood pressure levels include:
Garlic (allium sativum)
Arjuna (terminalia arjuna)
Gotu kola (hydrocotyle asiatica)
Cayenne pepper
Ashwagandha (withania somnifera)
Hawthorn (crataegus oxycanthus)
Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)
Nutmeg (myristica fragrans)
Valerian (valeriana)
Ginger (zingiber officinale)
Cardamom (elettaria cardamomum)
Kelp (fucus visiculosis)
Black cohosh
Stinging nettle
Unlike conventional medicines that contain a single compound, herbs for hypertension contain multiple compounds that have the potential to provide multiple benefits for overall balance and health. Garlic, the single most significant herb for blood pressure, reduces fat levels, breaks up cholesterol, and cleans plaque in blood vessels while boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure.
Many herbs for high blood pressure stimulate the circulatory system to regulate blood flow to the farthest organs. Others reduce blood pressure by removing mucus from bronchial arteries and calm the nervous system to remove stress and anxiety, one of the major causes behind primary hypertension.
Herbs are rich in calcium and minerals. Calcium-rich herbs help in maintaining blood vessels and heart functions. Magnesium, on the other hand helps in relaxing muscles in the walls of blood vessels thus maintaining their elasticity. Magnesium also helps in regulating the levels of two other essential mineral particles in the blood: sodium and potassium.
Herbs for hypertension are an alternative therapy. They can efficiently manage blood pressure fluctuations. However, hypertension can prove to be a serious condition if it is left unattended. If blood pressure ranges above the danger marks, self medication of herbs should be discontinued and a physician consulted immediately.
Don't Forget the Vitamin C
Growing up we heard that we need to drink our orange juice to get our vitamin c so we won’t get sick. This particular home remedy for high blood pressure turned out to be true, (see, our parents did know what they were talking about). Researchers found out that if a person can take in its recommended dosage of the vitamin c, then it can greatly reduce the risk of their getting hypertension.
These are just a few herbs and supplements to lower blood pressure. Know this, using herbs alone should not be the only way a person should attack this situation. Always check with your physician to see if medication is required and that the herbs you use will not conflict with your blood pressure medication.
And for gosh sakes don't forget to exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes every day. A brisk walk can work wonders for your mind, body and spirit.
If you will incorporate the things mentioned in this article to your everyday life, you will have a much better chance at defeating high blood pressure, giving you the freedom to concentrate on your loved ones and friends.
Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure
Aromatherapy can have a profound effect on blood pressure, although it is essential that dietary and lifestyle changes are also made to help lower high blood pressure. Essential oils which encourage deep relaxation and stress reduction are particularly invaluable.
Aromatherapy Baths
Daily baths with essential oils added are highly therapeutic for high blood pressure. Particularly useful essential oils include Chamomile, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Neroli, Rose and Ylang Ylang.
Use one of the combinations below:
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Marjoram
2 drops Ylang Ylang
2 drops Clary Sage
2 drops Frankincense
2 drops Marjoram
2 drops Roman Chamomile
2 drops Geranium
2 drops Rose
Aroma massage
Aroma massage once a week is invaluable for reducing high blood pressure. If massage is performed at regular intervals the effects are quite remarkable and blood pressure may be lowered for several days after a treatment. The massage should be gentle and soothing, always in the direction of the heart.
Use one of the suggested formulas:
1 drop Clary Sage
1 drop Frankincense
1 drop Lavender
Diluted in 10 ml of Massage Oil
1 drop Marjoram
1 drop Neroli
1 drop Ylang Ylang
Diluted in 10 ml of Massage Oil
Get your dried, organic herbs, organic essential oils, bulk spices, loose leaf organic teas and aromatherapy supplies at the place where we shop – StarWest Botanicals!
Cautions: Marjoram should be avoided in pregnancy, although an adverse reaction is highly unlikely. Avoid strong sunlight after the application of Lemon.
Foods & Diet for High Blood Pressure
The diet should be low in salt, sugar and saturated fats as the effects of these substances on blood pressure are well documented. As the public has become aware of the dangers of salt, purchases of table salt have decreased but it is also important to look for hidden salt in processed and prepared foods.
Sugar is also hidden in many foods. Increasing dietary linoleic acid as found in vegetable oils in Mediterranean countries, where the incidence of high blood pressure is lower, has an enormous hypotensive action. Fatty red meat can also cause blood pressure to rise.
A wholefood diet emphasizing fruit and vegetables and garlic is recommended for those with high blood pressure, with plenty of dietary fiber, particularly oat fiber.
The link between obesity and hypertension is well researched, and weight reduction will cause a substantial reduction in blood pressure. Weight reduction is probably more effective than taking anti-hypertensive drugs in combating high blood pressure..
Caffeine, alcohol and smoking should also be eliminated fro the diet as far as possible. Evidence reveals that 200 mg of caffeine (approximately three cups of black coffee) produces temporary rise in blood pressure. Too much alcohol produces a significant rise in blood pressure in some individuals. It is well documented that smoking contributes to high blood pressure.
Garlic has excellent hypotensive qualities. You should consume several cloves (preferably raw) daily. Cayenne pepper is also anti-hypertensive. Use one teaspoon a day in your cooking if you do not suffer from stomach ulcers. High levels of lead in water have also been linked with hypertension-buy a good water filter.
Supplements which have been found to be useful include:
Calcium – 1 g per day
Magnesium – 500 mg per day
Vitamin C – 1 g per day
Vitamin E – 200 iu daily
Garlic capsules – although raw garlic is preferable
Stress reduction is vital and deep breathing exercises and regular aromatherapy treatments will help to alleviate anxiety enormously. Regular exercise also helps to reduce states of hypertension. Only undertake an exercise program with the permission of your doctor.
The herbs Hawthorn Berry and mistletoe have a regulating effect on blood pressure but they should be used only under the guidance of a qualified medical herbalist.
Keep Your Heart Healthy!
Cardio Support contains ingredients that affect different aspects of cardiovascular health, including arterial integrity, blood health, heart muscle strength and better blood flow.
Additionally, the ingredients in Cardio Support overlap their abilities, to enhance one another’s effects, increasing long-term heart health and protection against degenerative disease.
Cardio Support is the only natural supplement that we are aware of which utilizes enteric coating technology to safely release the active ingredients in the stomach.
This delivery method not only protects the enzymes such as Nattokinase but also greatly enhances the efficacy of other ingredients present such as Resveratrol and L-Glutathione.
No other formula covers so many ‘angles’ to manage and protect your cardiovascular system, and yet Cardio Support is still natural with no known side effects.
Learn more about Cardio Support now. Why do we promote this?
EO recipe source: “Teach Yourself Aromatherapy” by Denise Whichello Brown.
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supplementhoundblog · 8 years ago
10 Best Hawthorn Supplements – Reviewed & Ranked for 2017
Last Updated: Tuesday, April 25, 2017
If you’re looking for the best hawthorn supplements to buy this year, then you’ve come to the right place. 
You can also get more info by jumping to our Hawthorn Supplements Guide.
Top 10 Hawthorn Supplements
#1 Swanson Premium Hawthorn Berries More Info #2 Nature’s Way Hawthorn Berries More Info #3 Gaia Herbs Hawthorn Supreme Liquid Phyto-Capsules More Info #4 Oregon’s Wild Harvest Hawthorn More Info #5 Jarrow Formulas Hawthorn More Info #6 Now Foods Hawthorn Extract More Info #7 Herbal Secrets 100% Pure Hawthorn Berries More Info #8 Puritan’s Pride Hawthorn Berries More Info #9 Solaray Hawthorn Special Formula More Info #10 Nutrigold Hawthorn Gold More Info
Hawthorn Supplements Guide
Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata are two of the species) is a shrub native to North America, Europe, and China. Belonging to the rose family, it bears flowers and edible fruit (berries). Canned hawthorn fruits, sometimes referred to as haws, are found in drinks, candy, and jams. The ripe fruits are usually red but may also be black.
About 300 different species of hawthorn shrubs are found throughout the world. The shrub can grow in nearly any temperate region. Some of the common names of hawthorn species include English hawthorn, Chinese hawthorn, hedgethorn, maybush, maythorn, shen zha, and whitethorn. The fruit is the main part used in TCM.
What is a Hawthorn Supplement?
Hawthorn has been used as an ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and in various Native American herbal medicine traditions. The flowers, leaves, and fruit of the shrub can all be used as ingredients in supplements. Historical uses of hawthorn supplements have included its use for heart disease, kidney problems, bladder problems, digestive problems, respiratory complaints, sleep disorders, and anxiety. It was also used to improve blood circulation and stimulate the appetite.
In modern times, hawthorn supplements have been used as complementary medicine in the treatment of conditions that include:
Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
Heart failure
High blood pressure
High LDL (“bad”) cholesterol
Irregular heartbeat
Post-stroke syndrome
Water retention
Benefits of Hawthorn Supplements
Hawthorn supplements are used to decrease the symptoms of heart failure, a condition that can be caused by high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. In this condition, the heart fails to pump blood throughout the body efficiently. Patients with heart failure experience shortness of breath and fatigue, and some studies have shown that hawthorn supplements help lessen the severity of these symptoms, although research is still ongoing. Evidence also suggests it may be easier to exercise with congestive heart failure while taking hawthorn supplements. It should be noted that the patients who used hawthorn supplements to reduce the symptoms of heart failure used it as a complement to conventional medical treatments.
Angina, or chest pain caused by insufficient blood flow in the area of the heart and its surrounding blood vessels, has also been shown to be effected by taking hawthorn herbal supplements. One group of patients who took 180 mg of hawthorn per day reported improved blood flow and decreased symptoms of angina compared to those who took a placebo. However, further research is needed to confirm the finding of this study.
Hawthorn is also one of a class of herbs and dietary supplements, including dandelion, parsley, ginger, and juniper, that some evidence shows works as a diuretic. Diuretics decrease water retention in the body by causing increased urination. Because water retention can be caused by a number of different conditions, including serious kidney diseases, individuals who are experiencing this symptom should consult with a health care provider to determine the reason for water retention and its best possible treatment before self-medicating with hawthorn supplements.
Some evidence shows that hawthorn supplements may be effective in lowering total cholesterol, LDL or “bad” cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood. Studies have also shown that hawthorn supplements lower the amount of fats stored by the liver and in the aorta, the body’s largest blood vessel which is located near the heart.
For those who have type 2 diabetes, at least one study has suggested that hawthorn supplements may be effective in helping to regulate high blood pressure. A group of patients with type 2 diabetes who took 1,600 mg of hawthorn over a 16-week trial period had lower blood pressure than similar patients who took a placebo. Again, further studies are needed to confirm this effect.
Hawthorn supplements are also known to contain antioxidants, specifically anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins. Antioxidants are important in the human diet because they help protect cells from free radicals, substances that can cause mutations in the body that sometimes turn into cancers. Free radicals also play a role in heart disease and other diseases. Antioxidants are present to some extent in the fruit, but in greater quantities in the leaves and flowers. For this reason, many supplements include extracts from the berries, leaves, and flowers in combination.
Less is known about the use of hawthorn supplements for other uses. For the other uses, evidence is still anecdotal and has not been studied rigorously using the scientific method.
Are There any Side Effects?
The risk of serious side effects from using hawthorn supplements is considered low, and the plant is considered clinically non-toxic. However, a number of side effects have been reported with hawthorn supplement use. The most commonly reported side effect is dizziness. Other side effects can include:
Difficulty breathing
Digestive problems
Heart palpitations (“racing” heart)
Increased heart rate
Increased sweating
Skin outbreaks
Hawthorn supplements can affect the way certain medications, including blood pressure medications, medicines that dilate the blood vessels (including nitrates, medicines for erectile dysfunction, and allergy medicines that contain phenylephrine), medicines that regulate how the heart muscles contract (including digoxin, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers), and cholesterol-lowering medications.
People who are pregnant or breast feeding should not use hawthorn supplements, since not enough research has been done to demonstrate that this is safe. Not enough is known about the effects of hawthorn supplements on children, so caregivers of children should talk to a health care provider before giving a child hawthorn supplements.
How to Take Hawthorn Supplements
Hawthorn supplements come in capsule, liquid, tea, and tablet form. The herbal tea, which contains the berries and flowers as well as the leaves, is said to have a mildly bitter flavor. Because hawthorn supplements are known to have interactions with a number of different medications, it’s important that individuals who plan to use hawthorn supplements consult with a health care provider before taking this supplement.
Lotions containing hawthorn can be applied topically to the skin. This is used as a treatment for skin boils, frostbite, itching, sores, and ulcers. However, data is not available on whether hawthorn supplements used topically on the skin are effective for these conditions.
What to Look for in a Good Hawthorn Supplements
Supplements are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and no optimal doses have been established. Some of the scientific studies that looked at the effects of hawthorn supplements used dosages of between 500 and 1,500 mg per day. Dosages of up to 1,800 mg per day are considered safe. One may have to take hawthorn supplements for 6-12 weeks before noticing any effect.
To help make sure one gets enough of the antioxidants in the hawthorn supplement to have a benefit, one can look for supplements that contain at least 2% flavenoids and/or 18-20% oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs, the same antioxidants that are found in grapes). The specific oligomeric procyanidins found in hawthorn supplements are called catechin and epicatechin polymers.
Those who are watching their intake of sugar may want to look for supplements that do not contain added sugars. Drinks, candies, and other processed foods containing hawthorn extracts may be high in sugar, excessive sodium, and other ingredients that may counteract some of the health benefits of the plant.
Since the use of hawthorn supplements is well-established in TCM, individuals interested in using hawthorn might choose to consult a TCM practitioner. In the United States, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) is the body that accredits TCM doctoral programs. Those who wish to be assured that their TCM provider completed an accredited program can ask whether the provider attended an NCCAOM-accredited college or university.
http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/hawthorn-uses-and-risks#1 http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-527-hawthorn.aspx?activeingredientid=527 http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/expert-answers/water-retention/faq-20058063 http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/multimedia/antioxidants/sls-20076428 https://nccih.nih.gov/health/hawthorn https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3249900/ http://www.itmonline.org/arts/crataegus.htm https://www.drweil.com/vitamins-supplements-herbs/herbs/hawthorn/ http://www.nccaom.org/ http://www.umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/hawthorn
The post 10 Best Hawthorn Supplements – Reviewed & Ranked for 2017 appeared first on Supplement Hound - Supplement Reviews for 2016.
from Supplement Hound – Supplement Reviews for 2016 http://supplementhound.com/best-hawthorn-supplements/
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heilpraktiker-hannover · 8 years ago
5 Hawthorn Berry Health Benefits
5 Hawthorn Berry Health Benefits draxe.com | April 15, 2017 01:00 AM Hawthorn is often called “the heart herb” for its various cardio-protective abilities. Prized for its ability to uplift and strengthen the heart both emotionally and physically ,  the hawthorn berry has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for all kinds of serious heart concerns. These include angina, high blood pressure , hardening of the arteries, irregular heart beat and even congestive heart failure. In fact, hawthorn has been used to treat heart disease all the way back to the first century! Fast forward to the early 1800s and doctors in the United States were using this medicinal herb for respiratory and circulatory health disorders as well. ( 1 ) Hawthorn fruit, leaves and flowers are all used medicinally today. Hawthorn fruit comes in the form of little red berries. Native American tribes enjoyed eating them and they also used hawthorn to treat heart troubles, as well as gastrointestinal complaints. ( 2 ) What makes hawthorn berries so medicinal? It appears to be their numerous flavonoids for starters. Flavonoids are potent antioxidants known to effectively decrease inflammation while boosting immune function. Eating a diet high in flavonoid-rich foods, beverages and herbs  has been linked to prevention of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases as well as cancer. ( 3 ) Let’s look closer at exactly how a tiny little hawthorn berry can actually make huge improvements in many people’s health. Hawthorn Berry Plant Origin and Chemical Components The hawthorn bush, also called thornapple or May-tree, is a deciduous plant. It is a member of the rose family (Rosaceae) belonging to the genus  Crataegus . Hawthorn can come in the form of a thorny hawthorn bush or a hawthorn tree. Most of the time, you can find hawthorn growing along the sides of sunny wooded hills. There are various species of hawthorn, many of which are found in North America. ( 4 ) A hawthorn plant has berries as well as flowers that bloom in May. Hawthorn flowers are red, pink or white. The petite hawthorn berries appear after the flowers have bloomed. When the hawthorn berries fully ripen, they are typically red in color, but sometimes they are black. These berries are edible. How do they taste? Most people describe hawthorn berries as a mix of sweet and sour. Here are just some of the many chemical compounds and nutrients found in hawthorn: ( 7 ) Flavonoids, including hyperoside Quercetin Vitexin Rutin Pentacyclic triterpenes Acantolic acid Neotegolic acid Choline Acetylcholine Chlorogenic acid Caffeic acid Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin C Calcium Iron Phosphorus 5 Hawthorn Berry Health Benefits 1. Major Heart Concerns Hawthorn berry is best known for its helpful toning effects on the heart. As a “cardiotonic herb,” hawthorn has shown itself to be impressively helpful for all kinds of serious heart concerns. These include heart failure, heart disease, angina pectoris, changes in cardiac rhythm, and atherosclerosis. † According to a 2016 study published in the journal Current Medicinal Chemistry , hawthorn’s powerful heart benefits come from its high polyphenolic content. ( 8 ) To date, research has shown that hawthorn can even have a helpful effect on congestive heart failure (CHF). Multiple studies have shown that hawthorn supplementation has resulted in improved in cardiac function based on a number of parameters. These parameters include blood pressure , heart rate, cardiac output and exercise tolerance. One trial in particular gave 78 patients with NYHA Class II heart failure a commercial preparation of hawthorn leaves and flowers. After two months, the patients receiving 200 milligrams of hawthorn three times per day had an increased working heart capacity, as well as a reduction in symptoms. The hawthorn group also showed a decrease in systolic blood pressure during physical activity. Another German study also showed that a hawthorn extract (LI132 Faros®) worked nearly as well as a prescription heart failure drug (captopril). And, the hawthorn extract had fewer side effects. ( 9 ) Another cohort study of 952 patients with heart failure (NYHA II) had subjects take a hawthorn ( Crataegus ) special extract either alone or as an add-on to conventional treatment. After two years, fatigue, stress dyspnoea and palpitations (the three main symptoms of heart failure) were all significantly decreased in the group who took the hawthorn compared to the group who did not take hawthorn. ( 10 ) 2. Blood Pressure Many herbal practitioners recommend hawthorn berries, flowers and leaves as natural blood pressure reducers. † A scientific study published in The British Journal of General Practice had 79 type 2 diabetic patients either take 1200 milligrams of hawthorn extract daily or a placebo for a total of 16 weeks. Hypotensive drugs were also taken by 71 percent of the study participants. What did they find? The hawthorn group experienced greater reductions in diastolic blood pressure. But, there was no group differences in systolic blood pressure reduction. ( 11 ) Hopefully more studies to back up hawthorn’s usage in lowering blood pressure are coming soon. 3. Chest Pain (Angina) and Heart Disease Decreased blood flow to the heart causes chest pain known as angina. Sometimes it is confused with indigestion. But, true angina can be a symptom of coronary heart disease . So far, research is showing that hawthorn may be an effective natural remedy for avoiding and treating angina. † According to a scientific article published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology , hawthorn’s bioflavonoids help to dilate both peripheral and coronary blood vessels. This can improve blood flow to the heart, making hawthorn very useful for angina. Hawthorn’s proanthocyanidins are also believed to reduce tension of the blood vessel walls. Again, this is very helpful to discourage angina. ( 12 ) In one study, 80 subjects (aged 45 to 65 years) with stable angina pectoris were randomly divided into four groups. The first group was the aerobic exercise group. The second group took a hawthorn extract. The third group did aerobic exercise, plus they took a hawthorn extract. Finally, the fourth group was the control group. After 12 weeks, the researchers found that the combination of aerobic exercise and hawthorn supplementation were “an effective complementary strategy to significantly lower the risk of atherosclerosis and heart problems.” ( 13 ) 4. High Cholesterol Animal studies have shown that hawthorn berry extract may be a helpful natural remedy for the reduction of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol from the body. In China, hawthorn is called “Shan-Zha.” A study using animal subjects showed some really impressive health results from an ethanol extract of Zhongtian hawthorn, a cultivar of wild Shan-Zha, which has larger hawthorn fruit. This 2016 study revealed that the hawthorn berry extract not only reduced overall high cholesterol levels, it also notably decreased LDL cholesterol, liver cholesterol and triglycerides as well as body weight. ( 14 ) 5. Overall Health Improver Scientific research conducted in 2008 revealed that hawthorn berry extract is excellent at decreasing inflammation. This is huge for health since we know that inflammation is at the root of most diseases. The research also shows that the extract of hawthorn berry is a free radical scavenger. This is extremely beneficial to human health since free radicals can cause cellular damage (including DNA damage) by stealing electrons through a process called oxidation. The 2008 animal study also demonstrated how hawthorn berry extract has protective effects for the gastrointestinal system and it appears to successfully kill off various types of unwanted bacteria. ( 15 ) History & Interesting Facts Hawthorn’s berries, leaves and flowers are all used medicinally. Crataegus species like hawthorn are native to temperate regions of North American and Europe. Hawthorn has flowers that grow in small white, red or pink clusters. When Jesus was crucified, the crown of thorns on his head is believed to have been made from the hawthorn tree. ( 16 ) Early records indicate that the hawthorn tree was a symbol of love. The sweet and tangy red berries of the hawthorn plant are used to make jams, jellies, wines and cordials. Many species of hawthorn are used to make bonsai trees. ( 17 ) How to Select and Use Hawthorn Berry How can you incorporate hawthorn berries into your life? There are a few options. You can opt for hawthorn berry tea, either prepackaged or loose. Loose hawthorn berries can often be purchased in the bulk section of many health food stores. You can also pick up a hawthorn supplement in the form of a capsule or a hawthorn extract in liquid tincture form. So far, safe hawthorn doses appear to be between 160 to 1,800 milligrams per day for a three to 24 week time period. Noticeable improvement in symptoms may take six to 12 weeks. ( 18 ) Possible Side Effects and Interactions You should not take hawthorn if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Do not give hawthorn products to children. Supplementing with hawthorn is recommended for short-term use by adults. If any symptoms get worse when taking hawthorn, you should discontinue use and seek emergency medical care. For some users, hawthorn can cause nausea, upset stomach, fatigue, sweating, headache, dizziness, palpitations, nosebleeds, insomnia , agitation and other side effects. While hawthorn is known for being excellent for the heart, it can interact with prescription medications taken for heart disease. Medications for other heart concerns, high blood pressure and male sexual dysfunction are also known to interact with hawthorn. Some specific medications known to possibly interact with hawthorn include digoxin, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers (CCBs), nitrates, phenylephrine and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. If you have heart disease or any other health condition or are currently taking medication(s), check with your doctor before taking a hawthorn berry product or any other hawthorn supplement. ( 19 , 20 ) It is also important to note that heart failure is a very serious health condition. It’s best not to self-treat with hawthorn supplements if you suffer from this condition. Final Thoughts Hawthorn is best known as a cardiotonic herb. This basically means that it can do wonderful things for the heart. Studies show that the small but mighty hawthorn berry is loaded with health boosting properties. These properties can help a range of chronic health problems from high cholesterol to angina. One of my favorite ways to start adding a moderate amount of hawthorn to a healthy lifestyle is having a cup of hawthorn berry tea. Of course, you should not take heart problems lightly. And, you should definitely speak to your doctor before incorporating hawthorn into your treatment plan. †These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read Next: How Leeks Can Protect You from Cancer & Heart Disease Original Page: https://draxe.com/hawthorn-berry/ Shared from Pocket
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