#its gonna eventually be tide as lord death and mark as. wait for it. hold eberything. mifune
HIII HI HI MAC N CHEECE. u cannibal. I DO ACTUALLY HAVE. A QUESTION. omg. now that you've finished soul eater.... u can help me w/ the nebulous prime defenders soul eater au that's been bouncing around in my head for like a month now. u gotta help dude its dire. b/c like... my first thought is of course dakota weapon william meister. but dakota hates using weapons so i have no idea what he'd be! but it cant be the other way around for the same reason! & ghostknife also is literally kind of just soulmaka 2 me. but vyncent like pretty much already does meister stuff in canon!! & ashe & the trickster have some ragnarok shit going on of course... anyway i've been thinking ab this for literally a month with no resolution to who is what. so. dropping it at ur door expectantly like a cat with a dead mouse. <33
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OK THIS ISNT THE SAME THING BUT I NEED U TO KNOW I STARTED DRAWING THIS LIKE A WEEK AGO WHILE I WAS WATCHING . BC I COUKDNT STOP THINKING ABOUT SOUL EATER PRIME DEFENDERS. this is a nothing sketch rn but its gonna be like. halloween costumes dakota as black star vyncent as maka william as kid and ashe as crona hehehehehehee
ANYWAY. TO YOUR ACTUAL QUESTION. jonesy and i were actually talking abt something like this too and we ALSO thought ghostkicks weapon/meister duo. i had the thought of brass knuckles dakota. which i think is cool as hell. we also discussed the possibility of william as the weapon and narrowed it down to either. loke a firemans axe or a chainsaw (<< there are reasons for both of these but u cannot know them until you get to greyscale arc. teehee) . ALSO . DUDE. shaking u. literally everu time crona was on screen i was like. wow theyre just like ashe and the trickster. to me. so we're so same brain about that. i think a cool thing for vyncent would be like. basically just the sword he has in canon except its All Of The Greats somehow . so they can morph into different weapons like tsubaki can :]
aughaaguaghahhh !!!!!!!!! i love 2 combine interests its my favorite thing ever
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 156: Deku Potter and the Cursed Child
Previously on BnHA: Chronostasis was revealed to be holding Aizawa prisoner on some lower level of the Neverending Basement. He has sexy clock hair which he’s used to basically paralyze Aizawa for the next hour. Deku fought Overhaul for a little bit at 20% OFA and it basically did nothing. Meanwhile Mirio tried to drag Eri away to safety, but ended up collapsing due to blood loss. He told Eri to go and hide, but she wasn’t able to take the guilt of thinking she’s responsible for all this death and carnage, and she went back and told Overhaul she’d go with him if he stopped hurting everyone and fixed them all back up. Overhaul said some more bullshit things which got Deku all fired up again, and our little green hero stumbled to his feet and shouted that he’d save Eri no matter what. And then THANK FUCK, Ryuukyuu and my badass ladies Tsuyu, Ochako, and Hadou came busting in out of nowhere. I really need this girl power squad to turn the tide here because tbh, I’ve had just about enough of this.
Today on BnHA: We flash back to see how the badass lady squad battled Katsukame, the giant vitality-stealing bad guy who kept sucking energy from everyone and converting it into his own power. Just as they were finally wrapping things up, “Deku” appeared and told them that their assistance was needed in the Neverending Basement. “Deku” of course turned out to be Toga, but that doesn’t really matter since in the end she helped the heroes out. Back in the present, Deku asks Ochako to help Nighteye while he goes after Overhaul and Eri. Overhaul tries to escape through the new hole in the ceiling, and Deku leaps after him. Meanwhile we learn through more flashbacks that Eri is actually the granddaughter of the Comatose Boss, and that she was abandoned by her mother (the boss’s daughter) after her quirk manifested and she somehow vanished her father. Overhaul was assigned to look after her and eventually learned that her quirk is able to rewind time. Back in the present (again), Eri’s quirk begins to awaken, and she leaps toward Deku’s arms.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 185 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
everyone, I have an announcement. today, 1/13/19, is an auspicious day. today I am finally going to finish this arc after four long years. or maybe it’s only been a couple months. I lost track of time somewhere in the darkness. but anyways. I’m gonna do it. the binge starts... now
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come to think, we never did learn her actual quirk. obviously it’s something to do with destroying other people’s quirks, because that’s what they were weaponizing her DNA for. but what exactly is it that she does?
so we’re backtracking to “a short time ago”, and Ryuukyuu and her squad have successfully taken down the villain from all the way back in chapter 138
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you see how they did that with no casualties? that’s cuz they’re competent. and also because they didn’t split up like fools, although for the most part that was out of the others’ control. (but them leaving Tamaki was still stupid af)
so they’re hurrying to go help the others
but something is happening??
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oh shit the guy wasn’t fully knocked out
he’s using his quirk to sap their energy
aaaaand he’s getting bigger and breaking free of his bonds
he’s all amped up on quirkroids just like Irinaka was. fuck
so they were stuck dealing with him for another 20 minutes! during which time two whole months passed in the labyrinth of uninteresting chapters. ugh
it looks to me like the ladies ended up having to babysit the cops
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she should have kicked ass at the sports festival. I still don’t know why she never placed. maybe she just got disqualified for asking her opponent too many inappropriate personal questions
-- hey now what is this
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I’m preeeeeeetty sure it’s not!
which means it’s Toga oh my god
so what is she up to?
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it looks for all the world like she’s actually pointing them in the right direction so they can come bail the others out before they lose to Overhaul. total betrayal of the Precepts. yes please. I fucking love it omg
also, just to remind everyone, Horikoshi is terrible at math because if this really is Toga she should have only had enough blood to turn into Deku for like three seconds. I wonder if she’ll be in a rush to get back out of there before her cover is blown
(ETA: shoutout to @temperatezone who Did The Math and calculated that Toga probably has around 35 seconds’ worth of Deku blood, so this scene is indeed plausible, if just barely! and we’ll just have to wait and see if she actually used up all the blood she has with this stunt, or if we’ll be seeing not!Deku make any future appearances.)
fuck yes the girls are wrapping this up now! with coordinated team action!
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good LORD he got big
and they’re smashing through the ground and winding up in Overhaul’s spiky rock room as we saw earlier!
could you guys also smash just one more level down and save Aizawa too, please and thanks
also Deku is there -- the real Deku -- and Ochako is like
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-- oh my god fucking gross, Toga
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“plus chaos”?? is that their new thing?
do you guys secretly want to go to U.A. too. “we’re forming our own team. it’s called the... uh... revengers”
also is this the first time we’ve seen Compress with his missing arm? I forget if he was in the flashback chapter from before. and I’m not gonna go back and check right now because I have more important things to do, namely BINGGGGE
(ETA: kinda glad I didn’t check, because the Robot Arm came as such a pleasant surprise in chapter 160)
look at this elaborate plan they concocted
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was Compress being held hostage?? how much of this arc did I drift through in a boredom-induced haze omg
(ETA: okay so this was never actually clarified, but based on the information we have, it would seem that Tomura was planning on having his minions kidnap Eri when the opportunity arose, and that’s why Twice made a copy of Mr. Compress to save for a rainy day. Compress then used his quirk on himself?, and then simply sat around in one of their pockets waiting for the plan to go into effect.
but this all means that Toga and Twice were both somehow able to lie even under the influence of Nemoto’s quirk in chapter 149, though. so that’s weird. unless they somehow came up with this plan all on their own, in which case it technically wouldn’t have been Tomura’s plan, and so Nemoto’s wording of that particular question would have allowed them to say no. but that seems like a reach. then again, this all does, pretty much. so...)
and also, so we’re back to Twice making more than two copies of things, I presume? or did they do all this with only two sets of them
(ETA: @r5h helped me with this one back in 149; even though Twice can only make two copies of things, each of his clones has the same quirk, and so each of them can make two more copies, etc. etc. although this would mean Twice broke his self-imposed rule of not copying himself. but hey it was for a good cause)
anyway. so Twice is telling Compress that Eri is the core of the Precepts’ operation and that she’s just a little kid
omg. they want Compress to snatch her. like he did with Katsuki omg
listen guys. I’m somehow mostly on your side here. even when you abducted Kacchan, it led to my two favorite parts of the series, so yeah. but if you abduct any more children, particularly this one who has been through enough trauma for a lifetime, you’re going to lose some points again
although why do I feel like even Tomura would end up being way kinder to Eri than Overhaul ever was. I feel like they wouldn’t really hurt her, but they’d probably end up brainwashing and manipulating her much in the same way that AFO did to Tomura. that’s the more classy villain thing to do
(ETA: they’d give her lots of ginger ale)
wtf. apparently Compress is a copy? I’m so fucking confused. can anyone help me puzzle this out seeing as the anime won’t air this for another year. I’m tempted to go find the reddit discussion thread of this chapter and see if they got it sorted
(ETA: bah, the reddit discussion was just a bunch of speculation on what Eri’s quirk actually was and whether she was going to become Orihime 2.0. reddit needs to calm the fuck down sometimes lol)
anyway, so Compress is dropping in on everyone now and bitching about how mean Toga and Twice are to him
Deku’s shouting at Ochako to take care of Nighteye
float him out to safety, I guess? the dude’s already a goner Deku
and he’s running toward Eri
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son of a bitch
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I said how can we make it so he does not see the light of day, Deku!!
are you just standing there while he escapes on this jutting rock elevator like Scar singing “Be Prepared” in The Lion King
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oh for fuck’s sake he’s leaping after him and screaming “I won’t let you!”
right now you don’t have a very good track record for living up to those words, Deku
Overhaul’s all “give it up already”
once again, they’re not the ones dragging it out, you ass
and now, weirdly, he’s being interrupted by a giant rock wearing Mirio’s cape?
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I dub thee “Lemillirock”
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I’m sorry, are we really supposed to believe that a giant fucking rock wearing a billowing cape just somehow got “blown up” twenty feet in the air toward you all on its own?
and what, are they just stopping to admire it now?
Eri’s reaching out to grab the cape
the narration says she wasn’t even conscious of the fact that she was doing it
and she’s remembering Mirio’s whole “a hero’s cape is for safely bundling up scared little girls all snug and secure like warm lil burritos” speech
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is her quirk happening?!
what’s going on omg
Overhaul seems shocked by something
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ahhhhh so she’s the old boss’s granddaughter. that makes much more sense
the boss’s daughter apparently cut her ties with the family after a marriage dispute, and had a kid
and then...
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well that’s nice
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jesus christ. apparently Eri mutated a quirk that had nothing to do with the quirks on either side of her family lineage
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don’t mind me just making a note of this for future theorizing. please, continue
so apparently her quirk just straight up makes things disappear. just disappears ‘em
so the boss told Overhaul to look after her, and to also investigate just what her quirk was
so he did some experiments with rats and stuff
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wait so is this like that thing in Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator that de-aged people, and if you took too much you’d actually be de-aged into negative years??
does this mean that with more training she could master control of it and turn it into a time travel quirk??
(ETA: future number one hero here. for sure. unstoppable. Deku this is your successor. actually you’d better watch out because you and Katsuki will have like 10 years at the top at most before she graduates and arrives fresh on the hero scene to boot y’all from that podium.
fucking imagine. she can heal anyone. stop bad guys by removing their quirks and/or turning them into cute babies. alter the landscape during fights. turn a few chickens into fucking dinosaurs. and that’s just scratching the surface.
is she overpowered? fucking yes lmao. do I care? yeah that’s gonna be a no from me dawg. besides, like her equally overpowered Lemillibrother before her, she probably won’t gain full control of her abilities until she’s all grown up, so it’s all good.)
and apparently he started doing fucked up shit to her right away because she immediately tried to escape starting on that day
Eriiii ;_;
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I need Eri to be adopted by a loving family and pampered and showered with love and affection every day for the rest of her life and they take her to Disney World and she meets the princesses and they all tell her how brave she is for never giving up, and now she finally has her happily ever after
do you remember how these fuckers were actually trying to bribe her with toys. as if that would make everything okay. sorry you’re being held captive and never shown the slightest affection and you’re being constantly tortured and you’re so scared and tired all the time because no matter what you know you’ll never be safe and you’ve even been conditioned to think all of it is your own fault. but here’s some toys. [leaves and comes back to find them unopened] WHY DIDN’T YOU PLAY WITH THEM. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT DIDN’T MAGICALLY MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER
the narration is talking about how Mirio’s actions “shook her heart to the core”, and that she couldn’t bear to see people getting hurt trying to save her
and we’re back in real time and she’s saying “stop please, I don’t want you to die”
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like, so wait. WHERE DID OVERHAUL GO
but you know what. I can just CLICK TO THE NEXT CHAPTER AND FIND OUT. because like, that was the plan anyway :D
the last two omakes are just (1) Horikoshi announcing that the guy who draws Vigilantes drew him something to congratulate him on the new volume, and (2) the picture that said guy drew. which is Toga and Twice, but it’s not really anything special, aside from the fact that there’s a little caption saying “you know, I could ship this!” which, yeah buddy. I feel ya
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