#its funny cause obi and ani’s roles are swapped here
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chokemeanakin · 5 years ago
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Headcanons- Anakin Skywalker x gn Reader
This wasn’t requested, but in honor of my second attempt at passing my drivers test in a couple of weeks, I had a fun little thing bouncing around my brain that I wanted to put out. have fun 😝✨
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You never needed to know how to drive an airspeeder because you came from a more rural planet where transportation mostly consisted of walking, riding on the backs of various indigenous wildlife, or occasionally coming across a run-down speeder bike.
When you got to Coruscant, you always relied on taking the busy streets or the bus to get places you needed to go. Anakin insisted you take an airspeeder instead— it was safer, faster, and much cleaner than slumming it around down in the crowded alleyways.
You had to tell him it wasn’t really a possibility for you... although you knew the basics of piloting starfighters, that knowledge did not carry over to airspeeders.
Anakin offered to teach you.
He picked you up on your balcony, seated in a slick-looking, boujee yellow airspeeder.
“Where’d you even get this?” You asked him, taking the hand he offered to help you get into the drivers seat as he slid over to the passenger side.
“Oh, just some senator.”
“They’re letting us use it?”
“They’re letting us borrow it...” from the look on his face, they were not. He shrugged and said, “Look, what they don’t know can’t hurt them.”
You looked at the shiny exterior of the car. It was one of the more expensive ones, no doubt. Anakin truly had an eye for picking the finer things in life.
“If I crash this...” you warned.
“I know how to cover our tracks. It wasn’t us.”
You laughed at this, and then turned toward the controls. There were handles, buttons, levers, flashing lights. You thought a good place to start was by grabbing onto the levers.
“Alright, so these handles are to steer— turn left to go left, right to go right— the pedals by your feet are break and accelerate, this lever puts you in reverse, this one puts you in drive, there’s your headlight, that’s your turn signal—“ and on and on and on.
Your brain was whirring with all this information, sometimes Anakin’s brain moved too fast and he didn’t realize he’d left you in the dust. But it really was something you could handle— not that much different from a star fighter, after all.
So when he asked, “Got it?” You nodded your head and pressed the lever by your feet.
You didn’t move
You pressed again and again and again, jamming your foot down harder each time. You checked the dash to see if you were in drive. You were. You looked at Anakin, confused.
He leaned over and peered down at the levers by your feet. “That’s the break,” he laughed, and then stopped suddenly. “... I hope you’re not planning on driving with your left foot.”
“A foot for each peddle right? Left goes on break, right goes on go?”
After squabbling over the senselessness of that rule, he got you to practice going between break and accelerate with your right foot only before actually beginning for real this time.
“Okay, step on accelerate, gently now—“
You pushed the pedal down and went shooting into the sky, narrowly avoiding another speeder as you yanked the steering wheel to straighten yourself out.
“Force! I said gentle!”
You lifted your foot off go and slammed it on break instead, causing you both to pitch forward and almost smack your heads into the dashboard.
“Y/n you have to go! You’re in the middle of the airway!”
“What?? What do you mean?!” You yelled in panic, desperately yanking at the levers to reverse, go forward, anything. There were speeders coming at you from both ways, and you were t-ed up across multiple lanes.
Anakin reached across you and set the settings straight. He ordered you to press go and took hold of the steering, maneuvering you safely away from the airway.
Once you were in the clear, he dropped back into his seat and let out a big breath.
“Okay, bad idea to start you out up there.”
“I SUCK!!!” You cried.
“No no no! That was my mistake! You’re doing great!”
You let out another sound of despair and then tapped on accelerate gently. The speeder smoothly flew forward a couple inches, so you pressed down harder until you got to a good speed.
“See? You’ve got this,” Anakin encouraged, reaching for the safety handle by his side. “Now you’re approaching a building, so turn the levers slowly...”
It was very jerky, but you avoided crashing into the building so it was a win in your book.
You decided you needed to smooth out your turns, so you kept the lever all the way to the left and made donuts in the open air. Then you practiced going the other way.
“Now make figure 8’s around the skylights,” Anakin suggested, so you went around and around these lights in circles until you were dizzy and your turns were perfect. When you wanted to stop, you let up on accelerate and abruptly jammed on break again.
“Oof— geez,” Anakin braced a hand on the dashboard. “You don’t have to slam on the pedals. Just be slow and gentle, it’ll make it a much smoother ride.”
After experimenting a bit more in the free space, you said you were ready to go on the streets again.
“Are you sure?” Anakin asked nervously. You nodded. “Alright, head for the airway but stop before going on. You have to look both ways to make sure no one’s coming at you from either direction.”
You did as told, trusting his instincts more than yours to tell you when to go. When he gave the signal, you burst across the lane and began driving. You didn’t know why Anakin was freaking out again.
“You’re in the wrong lane!” Anakin grabbed for the steering wheel to get you to turn around, but you slapped his hands away.
“I can’t learn when you’re trying to drive for me!”
“You can’t learn if we’re both dead!”
You managed to inch your way into the other lane just as another speeder went whizzing by. Anakin thanked the force this backstreet wasn’t as busy as the usual highways in the main streets of Coruscant, otherwise you’d be toast by now.
“Alright,” Anakin took another calming breath. “There’s a stoplight coming up. You know what the signals are right?”
“Yes sir.”
“Okay, so just go straight after the light.”
You peered around the area, waiting for the light to turn green. You ended up spotting your favorite cafe place and nudged Anakin with your elbow. “You wanna get some drinks?”
“Sure, but we can circle back around if you just go straight.”
“But it’s right there. Why can’t I just take a left?”
Anakin has faith in you, but he saw his life flash before his eyes. “Fine.. take a left.”
He instructed you to put your turn signal on, then explained how you��re supposed to wait for oncoming traffic to go before you and then watch for more oncoming speeders so that you could take the left turn.
The light turned green, and for some reason your jumpy brain had you slam on the gas pedal and skirt through the intersection, bypassing all speeders and causing them to stomp on their breaks to avoid hitting you.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!” You screamed as you sped along, swirving this way and that to get the speeder under control. Multiple honks followed after you, and it wounded your feelings more than you ever imagined it would.
“Hey... they’re honking at me...” you said sadly, peering behind you at the angry cars.
Anakin straightened the levers as you started to swerve. “Just— just focus on parking. Look. A pull-through spot up ahead.”
You were actually phenomenal at parking. If phenomenal meant being crooked across the lines and taking up at least 3 spaces.
When you turned the engine off, you looked at Anakin hesitantly. He was staring straight a head, blinking the disbelieving look out of his eyes.
“I’m never stepping foot in a speeder ever again,” you decided, confidence plummeting.
This snapped Anakin out of it, and he took your hands in his. “Don’t say that! It’s your first day. Driving in a speeder is much different than a star fighter, there’s many more obstacles and rules and regulations. As far as first days go, you’re doing better than even I did!”
You weren’t, but he lied because he loves you.
You both went in to get your drinks and then Anakin insisted he drive the way back home.
You wanted to focus on your drink anyway so you let him. Honestly, you were done testing your luck today and were just happy you didn’t crash the damn thing.
Anakin dropped you off back on your balcony again and promised to come over later after he returned the speeder. He also promised he’d take you out driving again— “This weekend, when the streets aren’t so busy...”
With lessons from the best pilot in the galaxy, you think you’ll be driving your own speeder in no time 🥴
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