#its fucked up i hate boss sm and boss is my own character KHREJKG
lunaoritur · 1 year
Luna ( and everyone else in the mafia, including Sam, but I'm gonna focus on Luna here, ) is microchipped -- by not by humans. She has several microchips in her body, namely the back of her neck, all down her spine, in her arms, and in her legs. They aren't trackers, they're used to regulate her behavior and control her.
Boss injected these chips into everyone who was in the mafia -- it was claimed they were " a part of training, " but in reality, it was Boss' fucked up way of keeping control over the group.
Only a few triggers can set them off, including a certain name, if Luna or someone else is attempting to learn/give out information about Boss, if Luna tries to defy/refuse an order, and from a remote that only Boss has access to.
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When activated, the chips send electric shock throughout Luna's body, inducing seizures, irregular heartbeat, the typical stuff that comes with being shocked. It's not enough to kill her, but it's gotten pretty close.
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