#its exactly like all those fakes applying for the guion miller payout that started a lot of those family myths. trying to steal money
bucephaly · 4 months
I know I've said this before but what do we have to do to get people to stop believing their grannies when they tell them that their great grandmother's were fullblood cherokee Indians that ran away from the trail of tears. I'm so tired of all the 'I'm 1/8 - 1/16 cherokee can I get benefits?' bullshit from people who have never even mentioned it except as a novelty or when it might benefit them. People who swear they know for sure that their great granny was traded to a white family for a keg of whiskey and yet don't know her name. Family stories aren't proof of anything pleeeease stop taking them at face value.
You can find out so easily with an ancestry.com free trial or on wikitree or smth. Find the ancestors names who were alive around 1900, see if they lived in OK and then search the dawes rolls, or search the guion Miller rolls. It's that easy. Those rolls are publicly available. But everyone has an excuse for why Their ancestors aren't documented and They're actually More cherokee than anyone who is documented somehow blah blah blah and we're all so sick of it
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