#its enemies to lovers vibes :3c
singeart · 8 months
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"I told you before Chakotay, you messed with the wrong woman."
AU where Worst Case Scenario is Real TM and it takes Janeway months (years?) to get her ship back
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magioffire · 3 years
Can we ask you who you'd look forward to see ships with?
well i dont wanna put anyone on the spot so im mostly gonna just include people who have discussed ships with me/have indicated they may be interested in shipping (also it doesnt have to be exclusively romantic shipping)
umm well first of all im extremely looking forward to the development of the relationship between aspel and vali with @aufhcker i have no idea how it will turn out between these two but boy is it fun to write about them...i live any kind of dynamic where characters start off as enemies / rivals :3c
also i have a ship in the works with @bornofbloodandwater which im real excited for. vali always wanted to meet a siren 🥺 what can i say he wants that siren tail....i love xio and vali's dynamic so far because xio is one of the few people that can fluster vali
@derobergeist and i have discussed the potential a kinda romantic friendship between thackery and valeriu. you know...the kinda friendship where you can hold your bro's hand and kiss him and its not weird.....i love the idea of thackery and valeriu being able to just openly be nerds around eachother, not have to worry about the other getting irritated or bored from infodumping like...we love to see it.
i basically have already thoroughly established a ship with @gossamerashes over our plotted rps on discord (because discord rp is rad) and i fucking love it already. i literally just love enemies/rivals to lovers/rivalmance SO much. and also im a sucker for fast sexual burn slow emotional burn like.....yeah. get all that desire out in the open right off the bat and then struggle with your emotions boys :)
@bleedinghearth and i have been discussing teddy and vali on discord too and just how nasty vali is and its a lot of fun. i want to test just how patient teddy is. i wanna test just how wild and crazy vali is. lets do it. go stupid go crazy you funky little fae
@charlotte-liddel and vali's dynamic so far is *chefs kiss* even though we have only just started interacting. i really just love that catbat/dokkalfar solidarity. i cant wait to see where it goes
@archaevist i mean less a ship that im looking forward to and more a ship that consumes my mind each and every day. i love jonvali. i literally am so gay for their entire sad existence. they deserve better but are we gonna give it to them...no....suffer....
@vcrtigoes idk man the opposites attract vibe mike and vali have is really great. i see them more as like a romantic friendship than a full on romantic relationship but you know. i just love the fact vali looked at mike crew and said "i cant breathe or think in this scary twinks presence" and then they became roommates i guess. fucked up roommate au.
@xaallo you know....their relationship would simultaneously be funny as hell but also kinda sad because like xaallo does not trust ANYTHING about vali inherently. hes just bad vibes central for xaallo as a mage a bug and a fae but is that gonna stop vali from attempting to befriend??? no way man...
@traevaler aether and vali flying boys club.....i dont know anything about your fandom but i love you bitch....*strums guitar* i am never gonna stop loving you bitch... they would be a real funny power couple like this bright ass sunshine star twink next to this dark fiery sorcerer type like....could it get any better...
@pride-of-azkets nijad and vali rivalmance when......when vali stops being denying his own desires and accepts Its Okay to be Slutty Actually. but uh yeah they actually have a lot of potential to be a gut wrenching ship. kill me just fucking do it.
@vampiric-bite no idea wtf rei and vali got going on but im in love with it. i like the vibe pixie rei and vali have and also the dynamic they have in their elder scrolls verse where vali is like "bro you make such bad choices but i vibe with you so" like....what better way to make friends right??
@thecreaturecrossroads caoimhe and vali bromance is actually my favorite thing in the world. vali needs more relationships with fae in general so he can understand that fae from outside his immediate species group arent all weirdos HJKDHJS i mean they are weirdos but like....some are weirdos in a GOOD way. but yeah vali will happily crash at caoimhe's place and maybe on her lap too.....
OK BEFORE THIS LIST GETS MUCH LONGER just wanna say i am a slut for ships and if youre interested in a ship with me most likely i will be 100 percent down to clown
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lambert/geralt/jaskier for the tropes game :3c
 oh boy this is gonna take some THOUGHT
 FMK but slow burn/fake dating/enemies to lovers:
Imma go with Lambert for the slow burn. Idk why? Maybe its the hair? Maybe it’s the snark potential? I just vibe with it.
Jaskier for the fake dating. That would be so much fun with him before I get to the whole ‘oh shit feelings’ part. Like he would go ALL OUT and the ridiculous ‘how did you get together’ stories he would make up would be magnificent. “She fell off a bolting horse right into my arms and stared into my eyes like we’d been lovers for years.” “I actually played a song so magnificent that she fainted. Yes! Really! She has forbidden me from playing it ever again. For her health.” “Punched me.” “Punched Geralt.” 
Geralt gets enemies to lovers bc we’re so similar I think we would hate each other. Stubborn? yes. Touch starved? yes. Fucking dumbasses who cannot ask people for help? oh yeah, baby. Has a hard time taking responsibility for fucking up one's own life? rude but true. Dumbasses who only wear black? I mean yeah... I realized today most of my clothes are black and I blame the restaurant industry. Secretly soft af with no idea how to not be angry even tho they want to be irl? heh... yeah that's true too. We would try to kill each other after like a day.
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compendiumhistoria · 4 years
Full Name: Caelia Marinos (though whether that’s her real name, is debatable) Gender and Sexuality: Cis? Lady-adjacent, bisexual? (HEAVY lean to ladies though) Pronouns: she/her, they/them  Ethnicity/Species: Cornelian sun elf Birthplace and Birthdate: (Liza, how specific could this get than--) Somewhere within Cornelia several decades ago  Guilty Pleasures: being the heathen atheist disappointment of her family, knowledge only her family has and all keep on lockdown considering Cornelia’s religious climate  Phobias: Fear whom’st fears being poor, powerless What They Would Be Famous For: in Cornelia? Maybe being what everyone thinks is a Fine Addition to her family name. Everywhere else? Being one of hte finest smugglers/transporters around Kevandir.  What They Would Get Arrested For: Treason.  OC You Ship Them With: ...listen. Listen. Caelia/Revelry enemies-to-lovers slowburn real.  OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I could jokingly say Revelry, but like. BIG Yikes if the Circle of Speakers or any of their followers find out about Caelia’s uhh actual business.  Favorite Movie/Book Genre: More interested in world history and biographies than you may think!  Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Not a big fan of religious tales or uhh necessarily hopeful stories.  Talents and/or Powers: A bit of a sly talker, eerily sneaky, very good with her blades.  Why Someone Might Love Them: Genuinely smart and beautiful, her honest smile is rare and breathtaking.  Why Someone Might Hate Them: greedy, smarmy capitalist.  How They Change: Goes from bored noble daughter to hypercompetent smuggler ship captain, which is sexy, but may actually grow a heart one day which is even Sexier.  Why You Love Them: [leans into the mic] I’m Big Gay. She’s got a lotta different vibes given her smuggler status, and I really like just. this traitor to the city-state she was born in not because Morality Demands It, no, she’s just capitalizing on the money and freedom it’d bring to see Cornelia cease its holy wars. 
Full Name: Revelry Kari  Gender and Sexuality: Nonbinary Bisexual  Pronouns: They/them  Ethnicity/Species: Abezi tiefling Birthplace and Birthdate: in Abeza about 24 years ago.  Guilty Pleasures: I really wanna say weird foods, can you imagine-- Phobias: Lil bit afraid of the dark, little bit afraid of drowning, very afraid of being hated.  What They Would Be Famous For: World’s! Greatest! Bard! The desert’s best dancer! ...at least, that’s what they’d like to be known for. What they would be famous for is still up for debate. Abeza’s jingliest bastard?  What They Would Get Arrested For: disrupting the peace, petty theft.  OC You Ship Them With: Caelia/Revelry REAL. If I tell myself that enough, I’ll make some fuckin content abt it  OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Why would anyone murder this ball of sunshine? Who hurt you? It probably wasn’t Revelry, if that thing they took from you was That important, you shoulda asked-- lbh maybe someone’s got Beef w/the Kari family somewhere and that could be a problem   Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Romance, as they’re a big ol’ softie. Also into arcane research and world history though. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Sustained love triangle. Like for a little bit? okay, fine, but not into it as a Big plot point.  Talents and/or Powers: A talented dancer and spellcaster, a bit sneaky like a cat who learned to hunt with a bell on their neck.  Why Someone Might Love Them: They’re very fun!! Genuinely just here for a good time!!! Very cute and WILL love you if you make the effort of befriending them!!!! Why Someone Might Hate Them: The jingles are many, and they are here for a laugh which could be Pranks and Shenanigans if you’re not careful.  How They Change: Could probably do a bit more growing up, and will as they genuinely think and study on their magic and why they perform.  Why You Love Them: THE K.R-CORE OF REVELRY. The bright colors! the Expertise! The technically practical yet ridiculous design of them! They’re doing their best to be joyous even when their life wasn’t always good!!!! 
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ketsuekki · 5 years
❣🌈🌩 ;3c
(Answering this on mobile, sorry if it looks funky!)
❣️  enemies to lovers // ABSOLUTELY. Whether they're teenage rivals or the hunter and the hunted, them going from trying to kill each other to kissing each other is so spicy... I love stronk, murderous women uniting...
🌈   friends since childhood // HELL YEAH!! Minami needs some non-horrifying moments in her life and Kasumi is so cute and well matched to Minami's chaotic gremlin vibe T__T... Let them throw bricks @ annoying kids and share snacks and go ice-skating...
🌩  friends from traumatic experiences // OH NO, OH YES. Listen. Being a child soldier is awful, the villages are awful, and none are perfect in any way... But Kirigakure is its own special brand of trauma. There are things that only a Kiri-nin can understand, and Kasumi and Minami would definitely have a strong sense of solidarity from it.
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