#its disability wrath month and i am feeling extremely wrathful this year
itstheelvenjedi · 2 years
It's Disability Wrath month so here is my Wrath, fuckers
Long, ranty and angry post about disability rights below the cut. If you're too sensitive to listen to disabled people being angry about being treated like shit then move along because I will NOT coddle you. Have a nice day and don't let the door bitch slap you in the ass on your way out 🤡👋
Welcome to the UK, where if you claim to be disabled you have to be "uwu wittol bwabey who can't do anythwing for mwyself awww", if you can do anything else including bullshit like:
-be young and disabled. Cause the two things are mutually exclusive and there is absolutely positively NO WAY you can be born with a congenital (aka "from birth") incurable (aka no amount of medical treatment or "positive thinking uwu" is going to "fix" what is wrong with me and magically make me NOT disabled! But thinks like opioid pain meds that make it so i can grit my teeth through the pain ENOUGH to limp around with a mobility aid can give me SOME quality of life) condition. Don't you know that only happens to old people??
-stand up, even if you're in agony while doing so and need a mobility aid to move around for a distance greater than idk like 10 meters or whatever. The "meaasurements" are arbitrary and change whenever the powers that be feel like they're spending too much money on the cripples and r*****s ;)
-but you're not in real agony because if you WERE you'd be crying and screaming 24/7, but if you cry and scream and complain TOO much about being in pain you're "dramatic" and "faking it for attention" ( "you have no proof of that, its an exaggeration and the real world doesnt do tha-" ok Janice, we won't talk about the time I was admitted to a hospital, denied my regular pain meds because "I'm only 21 and I'm too young to be on opioids" and then HANDCUFFED TO A BED AND LOCKED IN A CLOSET because I was in so much pain that I HAD A MENTAL BREAKDOWN and was "making noise that was scawing other pweople uwu" cause none of y'all ableds are ready to have that conversation. Fact.)
-limp to the toilet to go potty, again despite being in utter agony the entire time, and sit/ stand even if you have to have BARS all over the bathroom that you can use to PHYSICALLY PULL yourself up or you COULDNT DO IT. but you can still wipe your own ass so it's not that bad and you're exaggerating just to get free money
-expect your prescriptions to be refilled in the time frame you were told they would be. What do you MEAN you want your meds because you've run out? Just don't think about the pain!! Take some OTC painkillers and wait an extra month till we feel like it! What do you mean you can't walk or eat without your regular medication to ensure your body doesn't literally stop you from doing basic human tasks??? LIES
-put food in your mouth. Even IF you drop it all over yourself and/or the floor 5+ times before it gets in there cause you got it there in the end so stop whining
-expect to live in peace in your own fucking home and not be attacked and assaulted by able-bodied men who had no business getting in your personal space cause you never said a bad word to them or cared what they were doing till you ALMOST GOT MURDERED IN YOUR OWN HOME. TWICE. just call the police!! It's what they're for!!
-but the police officers that get there care more about the able bodied men's rights to infringe on YOURS so stop being a snitch OK? Just mind your business. Don't exist in your own home cause that's asking to be assaulted cause you're there and vulnerable what do you expect???
-Additionally, What do you MEAN you close your curtains at 3pm in the afternoon because they stand outside filming you with their phones against your consent??? Open the window and take photographic evidence or it didn't happen and you're a neurotic, lying woman who just wants to give "good harmless men uwu" additions to their ALREADY EXTENSIVE CRIMINAL RECORDS
-take a shower on your own, but only if we provide the equipment and facilities which we TELL you we will do, to trap you into a lease, but then remind you that that shits too expensive and you'll just have to manage with a bathtub even if you can't: sit, stand, stretch your legs out, DON'T stretch your legs out, sneeze, walk, run, or breathe without dislocating your hip, you're overreacting it's just a little step it's not that bad 🤗
-have a rash because we'll only give you the bare minimum of care and therefore only allow you to bathe once a week because you physically can't do it on your own with the piss poor equipment we "generously" (read: cheaply and not at all adequately) provided you with. If you were less lazy and better at pacing yourself to do one little wash a day you could bathe on your own, don't be ungrateful
AND if any of the above is true, congrats!! You are officially "faking it and not really disabled" so your status as a disabled person MUST be rigorously questioned EVERY 2-3 YEARS to STOP FRAUD AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT who are "only trying to help you" and you should FEEL BAD for feeling suicidal after ALL the help we gave you. Ungrateful snowflake
(This last paragraph is blatant, fury-charged sarcasm BTW. Everything else, sadly, is NOT. These are all real things that have been said and done to me as a physically AND mentally disabled person in our GLORIOUS (/s) land of Gd Save the Qn)
Able-bodied people can reblog but if you act like a clown I will take your fucking kneecaps out with my cane. I'm done being nice about this.
Other disabled people are welcome to add on to this with their own stories, even if nothing else ever comes from this post except that you get to scream in frustration to someone who hears you and GETS IT. I'm here, my brothers and sisters and siblings of non-binary or other more complicated gender identities. I see you, I hear you, and I'm angry that you're being treated so badly too.
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